Mem.S.A.It.Vol.1,1 (cid:13)c SAIt 2013 Memoriedella ff The e ect of intermediate mass close binaries on the chemical evolution of Globular Clusters NickiMennekens, DanyVanbeverenandJean-PierreDeGreve 3 1 0 AstrophysicalInstitute,VrijeUniversiteitBrussel,Pleinlaan2,1050Brussels,Belgium 2 e-mail:[email protected] n a J Abstract. ThechemicalprocessesduringtheAsymptoticGiantBranch(AGB)evolution ofintermediatemasssinglestarspredictmostoftheobservationsofthedifferentpopula- 1 tionsinGlobularClustersalthoughsomeimportantissuesstillneedtobefurtherclarified. 1 In particular, to reproduce the observed anticorrelations of Na-O and Al-Mg, chemically enrichedgaslost duringtheAGBphase ofintermediatemasssinglestarsmust bemixed ] A withmatterwithapristinechemicalcomposition.Thesourceofthismatterisstillamatter of debate. Furthermore, observations reveal that a significant fraction of the intermediate G massandmassivestarsarebornascomponents ofclosebinaries.Wewillinvestigatethe . effectsofbinariesonthechemicalevolutionofGlobularClustersandontheoriginofmat- h ter with a pristine chemical composition that is needed for the single star AGB scenario p towork. Weuse apopulation synthesis code that accounts for binary physics inorderto - o estimatetheamountandthecompositionofthematterreturnedtotheinterstellarmedium r ofapopulationofbinaries.Wedemonstratethatthemasslostbyasignificantpopulationof t s intermediatemassclosebinariesincombinationwiththesinglestarAGBpollutionscenario a mayhelptoexplainthechemicalpropertiesofthedifferentpopulationsofstarsinGlobular [ Clusters. 1 Keywords.Binaries:close-Galaxies:clusters:general v 3 2 4 1. Introduction that is still observed today. In Vanbeveren et 2 al.(2012)itwasshownthatintermediatemass 1. SeveralGlobularCluster(GC)self-enrichment close binaries (IMCBs) can help to achieve 0 scenarios have recently been proposed, such this.Thepresentpaperisasummaryofthelat- 3 as the AGB-scenario (D’Ercole et al. 2010), terwork. 1 the winds of fast rotating massive stars sce- v: nario (Decressin et al. 2007) and the massive 2. IMCBevolution i close binary scenario (de Mink et al. 2009). X The mainchallengein allthese is thatthe en- IMCBs are those with an initial primary (the r richedmaterialliberatedbythefirstgeneration initiallymostmassivestar)massbetween3and a ofstarsneedstobemixedwithpristinematter, 10M ,andaninitialorbitalperiodbetween1 ⊙ also present in the vicinity, before the forma- dayand10years,thelatterbeingthemaximum tionofasecondgeneration.Thelatterthenalso for most binaries to be interacting. There are needstobesufficientlylarge,i.e.asleastasnu- nowadaysmanyindicationsthatthebinarystar merous as the fraction of the first generation frequency f is very high (close to 100%) in b 2 Mennekensetal.:TheeffectofIMCBsonthechemicalevolutionofGCs normalfieldstarsinthismassrange.Thisisnot mergingiftoomuchangularmomentum(AM) only observed directly, but also inferred indi- is lost. Otherwise, eventuallya double WD is rectly,e.g.bythefactthatintheoreticaltypeIa obtained,whichmaystillresultinaSNIabut supernova(SN Ia)studiessuchasMennekens notinasourceofslowwinds.Wewillinvesti- et al. (2010), a very high f needs to be as- gatetheamountandcompositionofmassthat b sumed in order to match the observed rate of is lost naturally in a slow way through these suchevents.Thecurrentlyobserved f in(old) RLOFandCEprocesses. b GCs,however,seemstobemuchlower.There For this, a population number synthesis are two reasons though why the IMCB fre- (PNS) code including the results of detailed quency in young GCs may have been much binary evolution is used. This code is exten- higher. Firstly, the IMCB frequencymay well sively described in De Donder & Vanbeveren be higher than the low mass close binary fre- (2004). Both the RLOF and CE process are quency,withthelatterrelevantfortheGCscur- in PNS codes subject to a number of param- rently seen. Secondly, many of the low mass eterizations. Not only the function and val- singlestarsseeninoldGCstodaymayhavein ues of these parameterswill be discussed, but fact originally been part of a binary, that has later also their influence on the results of this howeverbeendestroyedthroughtheGyrsasa study. In the case of stable RLOF, a first pa- resultofdynamicalinteractions. rameteristheMT efficiencyβ, thefractionof WhenevertheprimaryinanIMCBfillsits matter lost by the donor that is actually ac- Roche lobe, this will initiate a mass transfer creted by the gainer. If β < 1, mass is lost (MT)event.Dependingonwhenthishappens, into the interstellar medium (ISM) and an as- its naturewillbedifferent.We distinguishbe- sumption needs to be made about how much tweencaseA (duringcoreHburning),caseB AM this mass carries away from the system. (duringshellHburning)andcaseC(aftercore This is done by a parameter η, proportional He burning). Case A or early case B (named to the AM loss caused by a fixed amount of Br,i.e.atatimewhenthedonor’souterlayers massloss.MostPNScodesassumethatmassis are still radiative) will result in the expansion lostwiththespecificorbitalAMofthegainer, ofthestarbeingslowedandgiverisetoastable but this is only true in the case of a process streamofmatterfromdonortogainer,termed thatremovesmasssymmetricallywithrespect Roche lobe overflow (RLOF). For larger or- to the equatorialplaneof this star. Asthere is bital periods however, the donor’s outer lay- limited observational evidence for significant ers are already deeply convective by the time masslossinsucha wayinintermediatemass, MT (case Bc or C) starts, and thus mass loss non-degeneratestars,ourstandardassumption willleadtothisstarexpandingevenfurther.It is that mass is lost into a circumbinary disk will eventually engulf the otherstar, resulting after passing through the second Lagrangian in two stellar cores rotating within one com- point. It thus removes a much larger specific mon envelope(CE). Some time afterthis first orbital AM, which will lead to more systems MT event, when the primary has already be- merging. When an unstable CE phase is en- comeawhitedwarf(WD),alsothesecondary countered,therotationalenergyofthetworo- will fill its Roche lobe, initiating a MT event tating stellar cores needs to be converted into intheoppositedirection.Here,alsocaseA,B kinetic energy used to expel the envelope in andCcanbedistinguished.However,because time,beforethesystemmerges.Intheformal- the gainer is now a WD with a small surface ism by Webbink (1984), this conversion effi- area and the mass ratio in such systems is of- ciencyisproportionaltotheparameterα,with ten verylarge,itis assumedthatthis MTwill largervaluesthusreducingthechanceofmerg- alwaysbecomeunstableandthusresultinaCE ing. phase. The only exceptionare SN Ia progeni- Itisobviousfromthenon-conservativeex- tors,whicharenotconsideredinthisstudyas ample in Fig. 1 that the initial orbital period theydonotproduceslowwinds.Duringevery critically determines the types of MT phases, RLOForCEphase,thesystemhasachanceof andthustheamountoflostmass.Toillustrate, Mennekensetal.:TheeffectofIMCBsonthechemicalevolutionofGCs 3 Fig.1. Different types of MT en- counteredasafunctionofinitialor- bitalperiodfora6.0+5.4M binary ⊙ and a non-conservative assumption (β = 0.5). The first line at the top indicatesthenature of thefirstMT phase, the second line (if any) that of the second MT phase. Those in grayitalicsmergeduringthepartic- ular MT episode. In the plot itself, blacklinesshowtheamountofmass lossduringthefirstMTphase,gray linesduringthesecond.Thisisdone for the total mass loss (solid), He massloss(dashed)andTP-AGBen- richedmassloss(dotted). fortherangeinvolvingastablefirstMTphase centrated at the time of the first peak, and the (logP<1.9),somemassislostduringthisfirst secondpeakdisappears. phase,andsomeduringthesecond.Ifthecon- servative assumptionwere used instead, obvi- Table1showstheobtainedresultsapplied ously no mass would be lost during the first to the context relevant for GCs, for four dif- MT phase, but also not during the second, as ferentsets of parameters:the conservativeas- thegainerwouldthenbecomesufficientlymas- sumption,thesamebutwithlowCE-efficiency, sivetoexplodeasaSNII.Withaslightlylower thenon-conservativeassumption,andagainthe masscompanion(3.6M )andthusmassratio, same but with the specific gainer orbital AM ⊙ the totalamountof mass loss is similar in the loss,resultinginan(onaverage)muchsmaller conservativeandnon-conservativeassumption. value of the AM loss parameter η. The table While in the latter case it is divided between showsthefraction∆Moftheinitialmasscon- the first and second MT phase, in the former tainedinIMCBsthatisreturnedtotheISMin itisconcentratedduringthesecondMTphase, a slow way throughRLOF and CE processes. asthesecondarybecomesmuchmoremassive Thisfractionisbetween20and50%.Asignif- there. icant part ∆Mpris of this mass is still pristine, i.e.hasnotbeenaffectedbyanynuclearreac- tioninthesestars.Asecondfraction∆Mpris+He is enriched only in He, while a third frac- 3. Results tion ∆M is also enriched by early AGB EAGB Figure2showsthatmasslosscausedbyRLOF processes. Only a minorfraction ∆M of TPAGB and CE processes terminates within 1 Gyr, about 10% has been enriched in TP-AGB el- confirming the previous assertion that this is ements, i.e. those produced by Hot Bottom beforedynamicalinteractionshavethechance Burning.TheHeabundanceafterthefirstgen- to destroy many binaries. It is obvious that erationis typically ∼ 0.3,havingstarted from thetwoMTphasesshowtwopeakswhichare Y = 0.24. Extrapolating, after a second gen- population-wisestilldistinctintime.Thegen- eration Y ∼ 0.36 will be obtained, which is eral shape of the distribution is not affected in line with what is neededobservationally.It when the CE-efficiency parameter α is set to is important to note that of the matter that is 0.1 instead of 1.0, a value that according to not ejected during RLOF and CE processes, recent observations is more realistic. If one the majority will eventually still be returned considerstheextremelynon-conservativecase totheISM.Onlyaminorfractionwillremain wherethegainerdoesnotaccreteanymaterial locked in forever as remnant masses and an (β = 0), then the mass loss is obviously con- even smaller fraction will be ejected by SNe 4 Mennekensetal.:TheeffectofIMCBsonthechemicalevolutionofGCs Fig.2.Amountsofmasslossforan entire population of IMCBs under the conservative assumption (β = 1), as a function of time after star- burst. The figure shows the total mass loss (solid), He mass loss (dashed)andTP-AGBaffectedmass loss (dotted), again separated for first (black) and second (gray) MT phase. Name β η α ∆M ∆Mpris ∆Mpris+He ∆MEAGB ∆MTPAGB Y Mergers ∆M ∆M ∆M ∆M conservative 1.0 2.3 1.0 40% 23% 22% 47% 8% 0.30 76% lowCE-efficiency 1.0 2.3 0.1 20% 14% 11% 62% 14% 0.31 83% non-conservative 0.5 2.3 1.0 34% 43% 7% 40% 9% 0.28 86% lowAM-loss 0.5 0.038* 1.0 53% 35% 18% 41% 6% 0.29 70% Table 1. Results obtained with the PNS code for a population of 100% IMCBs. See text for definitionofsymbols.Asteriskdenotesweightedaverage. (andthusnottakenintoaccounthere).Therea- material needs to be mixed before the forma- sonisthattheabsolutemajorityofIMCBswill tionofasecondgenerationofstars. at some point in their evolution merge (as is alsoindicatedinthetable).Fromthispointon, References nomoreRLOForCEcanoccur,butmattercan still beejectedinnormalsinglestarprocesses D’Ercole, A., D’Antona, F., Ventura, P., (although not with standard single star abun- Vesperini, E., & McMillan, S. 2010, dances). Some of these mergers consist of a MNRAS,407,854 WDmergingwithanon-degeneratestar,which De Donder, E. & Vanbeveren, D. 2004, mayleadtoveryinterestingevents. NewAR,48,861 deMink,S.,Pols,O.,Langer,N.,&Izzard,R. 2009,A&A,507,L1 4. Conclusions Decressin, T., Meynet, G., Charbonnel, C., Prantzos, N., & Ekstro¨m, S. 2007, A&A, Intermediatemassclosebinariescanejectfrom 464,1029 20upto50%oftheirowninitialmassinaslow Mennekens, N., Vanbeveren, D., De Greve, way through naturally occurring Roche lobe J.P.,&DeDonder,E.2010,A&A,515,A89 overflow and common envelope processes. A Vanbeveren,D.,Mennekens,N.,& De Greve, largepart(20-40%)ofthismassisstillpristine, J.P.2012,A&A,543,A4 asecondpartisenrichedonlyinHeandCNO- Webbink,R.1984,ApJ,277,355 elements, while only a third fraction of about 10% shows the TP-AGB enrichment typical for the second generationof stars in Globular Clusters.Thisway,intermediatemassclosebi- nariesarenotonlyabletoprovideasourcefor theHeandTP-AGBenrichedmaterial,butalso forthepristinematterwithwhichthisenriched