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Asian J Androl 2006; 8 (2): 131–142 DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-7262.2006.00127.x .Review . The effect of epigenetic sperm abnormalities on early embryo- genesis Benjamin R. Emery1, 2, Douglas T. Carrell1, 2, 3 1Andrology & IVF Laboratories, 2Department of Physiology, 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108, USA Abstract Sperm are a highly specialized cell type derived to deliver the paternal haploid genome to the oocyte. The epigenetic, or gene regulatory, properties and mechanisms of the sperm assist in preparation of the paternal genome to contribute to embryogenesis and the genome of the zygote. Many recent studies have addressed the issue of altered epigenetic processes in the sperm. This review evaluates the current understanding of DNA damage, chromosome aneuploidy, reduced telomere length, malformations of the centrosome, genomic imprinting errors, altered mRNA profiles, and abnormal nuclear packaging in the sperm prior to fertilization and the observed effects on embryogenesis. Attention has also been given to understanding the underlying etiology of sperm with altered epigenetic mechanisms in humans. (Asian J Androl 2006 Mar; 8: 131–142) Keywords: embryogenesis; DNA damage; imprinting; aneuploidy; telomere; centrosome; nuclear packaging; male infertility 1 Introduction damage, chromosome aneuploidy, reduced telomere length, malformations of the centrosome, genomic im- Genetic contributions from sperm are vitally impor- printing errors, an altered mRNA profile, and abnormal tant to embryogenesis. In addition to contributing a high nuclear packaging. fidelity DNA codon sequence, epigenetic control, defined as regulation of DNA transcription, translation, or chro- 2 DNA damage mosome function, are required. Recent studies indicate that sperm with damaged DNA or abnormal DNA regu- Nuclear DNA damage in mature sperm includes single lation retain the ability to fertilize an oocyte, but that the strand nicks or double strand breaks [1]. DNA damage embryos created might be negatively affected. likely occurs during spermatogenesis in distinct pathways. This review evaluates several mechanisms by which Abnormal spermatocytes might undergo caspase depen- genetic and epigenetic sperm abnormalities might con- dent apoptosis, possibly induced by associated Sertoli tribute to poor embryogenesis. Included are sperm DNA cells [2–5]. If caspase activity is initiated, the affected sperm are removed via phagocytosis of the supporting Correspondence to: Dr Douglas T. Carrell, IVF & Andrology Sertoli cells [4]. DNA damaged sperm are also found in Laboratories, University of Utah, 675 Arapeen Drive, Suite 205, testicular biopsy samples, but this damage is reported to Salt Lake City, Utah 84108, USA. be independent of the classical caspase-activated apop- Tel: +801-879-9022; Fax: +801-581-6127 tosis pathway [2, 3, 5]. Therefore, the damage identi- E-mail: [email protected] Received 2005-11-28 Accepted 2005-12-21 fied in mature sperm is likely to result from one or a © 2006, Asian Journal of Andrology, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. .131. Sperm epigenetics and embryogenesis combination of three sources: oxidative stress [6–9], er- repair. Therefore, a mechanism that provides for DNA rors in chromatin rearrangement during spermatid elon- damage repair in the male pronucleus has been shown to gation [10], or caspase independent apoptosis [11–13]. be present. Indeed, later investigations show that during Mature sperm DNA damage is assayed by several pronuclear decondensation sperm protamine replacement different methods. The susceptibility to DNA damage by histones inherently causes DNA breaks [26, 27]. The can be measured by the sperm chromatin integrity test, discovery that zygotes show an increase in DNA synthe- which is based on the acridine orange stain measuring sis and excision repair in the male pronucleus when fer- DNA nicks and breaks. Whereas the TUNEL assay also tilized with sperm that have artificially induced DNA dam- measures both nicks and breaks, the COMET assay mea- age followed soon after Pederson’s work [28, 29]. The sures only breaks. upregulation of these repair mechanisms in the presence It is noteworthy that detection of DNA damage by of sperm with increased DNA damage indicates it is likely any of these methods correlate to one another [14], all that there is a response mechanism to male pronuclear indicating that increased levels of sperm DNA damage DNA damage in the fertilized oocyte. during in vitro fertilization (IVF) correlated with decreased Investigations by Harrouk et al. [30] suggest that embryo morphology at early cleavage stages [15], de- embryos created from sperm with cyclophosphamide creased pregnancy rates [9, 16, 17], increased sponta- treatment show a limited increase in DNA repair protein neous abortions [18], and failure to progress to the blas- expression by the one-cell stage, which continues to in- tocyst stage in culture [19, 20]. Interestingly, in a study crease after activation of the embryonic genome. Rec- by Virant-Klun et al. [15], extra embryos derived from ognizing that the embryo is still trying to repair DNA semen samples with high DNA fragmentation are shown damage at this later stage might indicate that the increase to arrest at the six- to eight-cell stage, which coincides in repair proteins might not be sufficient to compensate with full activation of the embryonic genome. It is also for the amount of damage induced, at least in the study notable that in a population of 24 couples with recurrent by Harrouk et al. [30]. spontaneous abortion, DNA fragmentation in the These studies have led to elegant investigations of husband’s semen sample was significantly higher than cell cycle regulators and DNA repair mechanisms in the the rate seen in control populations [18]. zygote [30, 31]. Investigation of the role p53 has in the Although these studies indicate a strong association developing embryo indicates damaged DNA in the male between sperm DNA damage and embryogenesis, cau- pronucleus signals activation of p53-responsive reporter sation has not been demonstrated. DNA damage might genes [31]. Therefore, the embryo might tolerate some be secondary to other early spermatogenic abnormalities, amount of DNA damage in the fertilizing sperm by as would be expected in sperm undergoing caspase in- upregulation of DNA repair mechanisms and cell cycle dependent apoptosis. DNA damage is also not likely to delay. In fact, Shimura et al.[31] reports a delay to S- be the sole effect of errors in chromatin rearrangement phase in embryos created from X-irradiated sperm. This or environmental stress. is not to say that cell cycle delay is beneficial to embryo- The use of sperm with increased DNA fragmenta- genesis, but that this might be an explanation for the ob- tion highlights the question of whether the zygote or served phenomenon. embryo carries the capacity to compensate or correct It is clear that DNA damage in the fertilizing sperm is for sperm DNA damage following fertilization. It was a factor in how an embryo develops and that the oocyte determined in the early 1970s that mature sperm show will try to compensate for DNA damaged sperm. an increased incorporation of labeled nucleotides into the Conversely, it is not clear how much damage in an indi- nucleus following mutagenic exposure [21–23]. This vidual sperm is enough to result in compromised em- implies that some level of DNA damage repair in the bryo growth. Further investigation is needed to quantify sperm nucleus is possible, even after the process of DNA how much DNA damage is in individual sperm. It is condensation has been initiated [24]. possible that current fluorescence-based assays used in In addition to nucleotide incorporation, which sug- sperm DNA damage detection could be adapted to allow gests a DNA repair mechanism in sperm, Pederson and this type of quantitative analysis. This development would Brandriff [25] show that mammalian pronuclear embryos be complemented by studies detailing the amount of DNA express DNA excision proteins active in DNA damage damage that the one-cell embryo can effectively com- .132. Asian J Androl 2006; 8 (2): 131–142 pensate for. Therefore, a threshold value for DNA dam- bryos are transfered. Marquez et al. [49] finds that aneu- age in individual sperm that will allow normal embryo- ploidy is most common in the most morphologically nor- genesis would be identified. This work would ultimately mal embryos after review of FISH analysis of 1255 dis- culminate in the creation of preventative care for the re- carded human embryos. Also, Burrello et al. [50] indi- duction on sperm DNA damage and a sperm selection cates that an increase in sperm aneuploidy correlated with technique that allows for separation of sperm with toler- decreased pregnancy in IVF patients. Escudero et al. able levels of DNA damage. [51] further validate these studies by combing preim- plantation genetic diagnosis with sperm FISH to deter- 3 Chromosome aneuploidy mine that, in cases of paternal Robertsonian trans- locations, the percentage of abnormal sperm present can During metaphase I or II of meiosis, nondisjunction predict the number of affected embryos by the equation: can occur, resulting in sperm with an abnormal comple- A = –55 + (1.9 B), where A is the percentage of abnor- ment of chromosomes. Fluorescent in situ hybridiza- mal embryos and B is the percentage of abnormal tion (FISH) in interphase sperm cells affords convenient sperm. Such studies emphasize the possibility that evaluation of sperm chromosome ploidy [32] and has aneuploid sperm are capable of initiating embryo revealed that aneuploidy occurs in humans at a much growth but seem to carry a decreased potential for higher rate than in other organisms [33–37]. In fact, live birth. classes of subfertile men have been shown to have in- It is still unknown to what extent increased aneup- creased sperm aneuploidy rates [38–44]. Men with loidies in sperm contribute to adverse outcomes in as- azoospermia, severe oligospermia or teratospermia are sisted reproduction and natural conception. The risk fac- most likely to be affected in this manner. Normally, tors include the chance of spontaneous abortion or de- when using probes for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and livery of a child with a congenital abnormality. Screen- Y, the rates of aneuploidy in sperm are at relatively low ing men with severe morphological defects and se- percentages of the total sperm population, ranging from vere oligospermia undergoing assisted reproduction, 1.2% in fertile donors to 4.0% in men with severely in combination with an investigation of the chromo- decreased sperm parameters [45]. Although these sperm somal status of embryos, will help clarify the likeli- aneuploidies are reported at a relatively low frequency, hood of paternal transmission of aneuploidies and its any increase in sperm aneuploidy is potentially important effect on embryogenesis. because chromosomal abnormalities are a leading cause of miscarriage [46]. 4 Reduced telomere length Some studies have examined the potential of trans- mitting paternal aneuploidies to the developing embryo. The chromosome telomere is a series of 5'-TTAGGG-3' Marchetti et al. [47] was able to determine that there is repeats found at the terminal region of a chromosome. no selection against aneuploid sperm during fertilization The repeat sequence plays a vital role in DNA replication, or embryo development to the first cell division. He used the protection of the chromosome by inhibiting chromo- male mice containing a Robertsonian translocation, re- somal fusions, and chromosomal localization in the sulting in high levels of chromosome 16 aneuploidy. nucleus [52–54]. The length of the telomere varies be- Mating these males resulted in two-cell embryos with tween chromosomes and is shortened with every cell chromosome 16 hyperhaploidies at a rate almost identi- division by 50 to 200 base pairs [55, 56]. Telomere length cal to that of the sperm (20% vs. 21.8%) [47]. This in cells is maintained by telomerase, a complex of mRNA provides strong evidence that the transmission of aneup- and proteins [57]. Abnormal telomere shortening is im- loidies from the sperm to the embryo is possible and that plicated in many disease states [58], including male fac- there is likely no measurable effect on the formation of a tor infertility [59], but how the sperm telomere relates to two-cell embryo in mice. Correlative studies in the hu- embryogenesis in a mammalian model has only recently man also suggest the same. For example, Carrell et al. come to attention. [48] reports an increase in the incidence of sperm aneu- The investigation of telomere length in the sperm was ploidy in the partners of women experiencing recurrent started by reports of knockout mice lacking telomerase miscarriage in IVF cycles where the best possible em- expression [60]. Initially, normal telomere lengths pro- .133. Sperm epigenetics and embryogenesis tected animals from loss of fertility. By the third genera- functional as a result of short telomeres in mature sperm. tion of offspring both telomere length and fertility is Unfortunately, the adverse effects of short telomeres in et al. [61] re- the supporting testicular cells and accessory glands con- g rea tly re d u ce d . In te re stin g ly , H e m a n n port that these third generation telomerase null mice do fuse this conclusion. not exhibit chromosomal fusions in mature sperm, a com- Assessing the telomere length of mature sperm rather mon pathology seen in other affected cell types. Instead, than just spermatocytes from telomerase null mice would there is a large increase in germ cell apoptosis early in allow for a direct measure of the telomerase effect. If spermatogenesis. telomeres were reduced in mature sperm, this would The study by Hemann et al. [61] implies a mecha- strengthen the argument for direct effects of reduced nism for removal of spermatocytes with short or absent telomeres in sperm on embryogenesis. The investiga- telomeres from the pool of developing sperm. Presu- tion of sperm telomere length would also greatly benefit mably, only sperm with a sufficient telomere progress from a germ cell-specific knockout. This would remove through spermatogenesis. In fact, there is a severely the effect of degeneration on the rest of the reproductive reduced sperm concentration reported in these mice by tract. the third generation. This targeted degradation of abnor- To date, there are a few reports addressing the issue mal sperm might be acting as a checkpoint of sperma- of abnormal telomeres in human infertility. In one such togenesis. It is possible that loss of fertility in these mice report no difference in telomerase activity was seen be- is not a result of sperm with shortened telomeres but tween oligospermic, non-obstructive azospermic, and another unresolved, yet related, mechanism that is re- obstructive azospermic men; unless there were no germ sulting in poorly developed sperm and decreased sperm cells present [63]. This is not to say that there is no concentration. association of reduced or dysfunctional telomeres and The proposal that the reduced fecundity seen in these human infertility. There are, as of yet, many unexplored animals is not a direct result of shortened telomeres is areas of possible study in the human. The telomere plays supported by earlier work, indicating a severe atrophy a major role in chromosomal localization within the sperm of the testis and reproductive accessory glands in these nucleus [64]. It is possible that abnormal localization mice [60]. This atrophy indicates that the supporting cells could cause meiotic errors resulting in sperm borne of the reproductive tract are also affected by telomere aneuploidies, because nuclear localization and telomere- shortening. Therefore, the coordination of the reproduc- driven pairing of homologues have both been shown to tive tract in spermatogenesis might be compromised. be important factors in recombination [65]. Abnormal In contrast to the conclusion set forth by Hemann pronuclear apposition and syngamy in the zygote might et al. [61], Liu et al. [62] report that spermatocytes at also be related to telomeres in the fertilizing sperm. Te- prophase I of meiosis produced from these mice do carry lomeres are associated with microtubule motors during shortened telomeres with abnormal localization, and likely meiosis in other model systems [66, 67], implying that contribute to the pool of mature sperm. In fact, when the movement of the male pronucleus, via the sperm aster, wild-type oocytes were inseminated with sperm from is likely related to telomere binding [59]. The delineation these telomerase null mice the result was decreased of these molecular pathways and identification of human fertilization, increased embryo fragmentation, decreased pathologies is still required to substantiate these proposed formation of blastocysts and an increase in apoptotic cells mechanisms. in the resultant embryos. Taken together, the reports by Liu et al. [62], Hemann 5 Malformations of the centrosome et al. [61] and others suggest that although mammalian germ cells with shortened telomeres are targeted for de- The sperm centrosome is a highly modified organelle struction early in development, some sperm complete that has been adapted to function in both the mature sperm maturation. This suggests that the presumed telomere and during fertilization in non-rodent mammals [68, 69]. checkpoint is leaky in spermatocytes. Additionally, fer- At the onset of spermiogenesis, the sperm centrosome is tilization with telomerase null sperm causes severe de- identical to the somatic counterpart, containing two cen- fects in the resultant embryos. The observations sum- trioles and a thick network of pericentriolar proteins. marized here might indicate that these sperm are dys- During sperm maturation, the distal centriole degenerates, .134. Asian J Androl 2006; 8 (2): 131–142 and much of the pericentriolar material is reduced to a shown to have an increase of chromosomal mosaicism. It small fibrous sheath and the outer black box surround- is interesting that the observed mosaic aneuploidies were ing the proximal centriole in the midpiece [68]. more than double the mosaicisms in control embryos In the developing human embryo, fertilization, pro- (26.5% vs. 53%), and mosaicims likely occur at the first nuclear apposition, chromosomal segregation and cell embryonic division where chromosomal segregation is division are all dependent on the contribution of a func- under control of the sperm-derived centrosome [71]. It tional sperm centrosome [69–71]. During the first of is possible that incomplete maturation of the sperm cen- these processes, fertilization, the sperm centrosome gives trosome seen in testicular stage sperm results in poor rise to the sperm aster, which will provide for proper chromosomal segregation in some cases [69, 76–78]. microtubule organization in the embryo. Thereafter, the Although the sperm centrosome appears to be needed sperm aster will coordinate pronuclear apposition and for chromosome segregation, two studies have shown the first mitotic division during which the sperm aster that the oocyte might be able to compensate to some gives rise to the somatic centrosome. degree. Although freeze-drying sperm likely affects pro- Electron microscopy of mature sperm is currently tein function, including the centrosome. Liu et al. [79] the gold standard for determining if the centrosome is obtained a live birth using intracytoplasmic sperm injec- properly formed, as outlined above, to function in tion (ICSI) with freeze-dried rabbit sperm. Another study fertilization. The shortcoming is that this is only a mor- reports a piglet obtained after intracytoplasmic sperm head phological assessment, and the ability to form a sperm injection [80]. During ICSI of this type, the sperm tail, aster is not assayed, and morphology and function have containing the centrosome, is dissected away. If the not been correlated. A new technique is emerging to removal of the tail portion of the sperm is complete, then evaluate the functional characteristics of the sperm cen- there is obviously no paternal centrosomal contribution. trosome [72, 73]. The technique involves injection of On a related note, there is also no contribution of the human sperm into mammalian oocytes with subsequent paternal centrosome in nuclear transfer techniques [81]. observation of sperm aster formation via fluorescent In any nuclear transfer study to date, the nucleus is re- immunohistochemistry. This diagnostic technique has moved with a very small amount of cytoplasm, if any at indicated that the sperm aster size predicts IVF outcome all. Procedures using somatic cells for fertilization do via comparison of embryo cleavage and sperm aster for- not attempt to include the donor centrosome during trans- mation [73]. This assay might become an invaluable fer and if the donor cell is another oocyte, the maternal tool in diagnosing male infertility as a result of centro- centrosome has been degenerated. The issue of how somal dysfunction. However, further validation of this embryogenesis continues without a centrosome in the technique, including a proposal of standardized criteria above cases is currently unresolved, but it is possible for assessment of sperm asters and a comparison of re- that the maternal centrosome components are able to sults with ultrastructural examination of semen samples, compensate in rare circumstances that lead to viable is needed. embryo growth. The fact that they do work opens ex- Embryos resulting from sperm with poorly deve- citing avenues of investigation where a centrosome might loped, damaged or absent centrosomes might express be assembled from either remnants of the maternal cen- varying levels of disorganization. This correlation has trosome or de novo in the oocyte by upregulation of been reported by Rawe et al. [74] in a case study of a centrosomal protein synthesis pathways. Further inves- patient who demonstrated poor centrosomal morphol- tigation into these protein levels will aid in elucidation of ogy and a reduction in ability to form sperm asters. The possible mechanisms of centrosomal function and first attempt at IVF resulted in no progression of zygotes redundancy. past the pronuclear stage of development. The second attempt using more stringent sperm selection, choosing 6 Genomic imprinting errors the most morphologically normal sperm, resulted in a pregnancy, but later spontaneously aborted. Genomic imprinting, a key form of epigenetic regula- Just as poor sperm centrosome formation affected tion, refers to the variable expression of a paternal or embryogenesis in the case study reported by Rawe et al. maternal gene. Imprinting occurs mainly through DNA [75], embryos created with testicular sperm have been methylation, but by definition never involves DNA se- .135. Sperm epigenetics and embryogenesis quence alterations [82]. DNA methylation is catalyzed viability, motility, DNA integrity or morphology, were by DNA methyltransferase and involves the addition of not reported in study and control groups. In addition, methyl units at the 5' position of cytosine residues in there was no quantification of demethylation in mature CpG dinucleotides. Cytosine residues can also be ac- sperm. Although the study by Doerksen and Trasler [96] tively or passively demethylated. Active demethylation has obvious limitations in establishing reduced methyla- is a rapid process facilitated by enzymatic action, whereas tion as the sole cause of the reported embryo quality, it passive demethylation results from a loss of methyltrans- establishes a link between disruption of methylation in ferase activity. Passive demethylation is usually associ- sperm and embryogenesis. ated with DNA replication [83]. Benchaib et al. [97] report the use of 5-methyl-cy- Imprinting patterns in sperm are modified during tosine immunostaining as an indicator of genome-wide, epididymal transit where global sperm DNA methylation or global, methylation in sperm. Recently, this method is greatly reduced in preparation for fertilization via pas- has been used in his laboratory to determine that decreased sive demethylation [84]. This reduction leaves the sperm global methylation in semen samples from normospermic hypermethylated compared to the oocyte [85]. After men is related to a poor pregnancy outcome during IVF protamine removal, at fertilization, paternal gene copies but not to fertilization rate or embryo quality at the eight are further modified by active demethylation [86, 87]. to ten cell stage [98]. It is interesting that decreased Subsequently, paternal and maternal genes undergo fur- global methylation was observed in men with normal ther passive demethylation through the morula stage [88]. semen parameters. This supports the evidence from Methyl transferase is then directed from the cytoplasm Doerksen and Trasler [96] that global methylation status into the nucleus of the cells in the blastocyst inner cell independently affects embryogenesis. mass where a new embryonic methylation pattern is es- These data indicate either experimentally induced or tablished [89]. naturally occurring paternal genome imprinting errors Imprinting errors in the developing fetus have been relate to abnormal embryogenesis and pregnancy failure. identified and shown to cause severe pathologies. Some Indeed, two researchers independently identified little studies also suggest that imprinting diseases might be effect on fertilization rates but decreases in either em- increased in assisted reproduction [90–92]. For example, bryo morphology or pregnancy when evaluating sperm Marques et al. [93] determine that sperm from oligo- with altered genome-wide methylation status [96–98]. spermic men show an increase in abnormal methylation It is also important to mention that many steps of of the H19 gene, which is associated with Beckwith– genomic imprinting during spermatogenesis are well de- Wiedemann syndrome and early childhood cancers [94]. scribed [93, 99, 100], and show a correlation between Although it is the methylation of the maternal allele that is sperm methylation prior to fertilization and normal altered in Beckwith–Wiedemann disease, there is still de- embryogenesis. It is not known if paternal gene expres- bate as to how the sperm might contribute to this altered sion in the early embryo is regulated by methylation. The state in assisted reproduction. The study by Marques next step in understanding the effect of paternal imprint- et al. [93] implicates a pathway for paternal involvement ing on preimplantation embryogenesis is to identify if of a methylation error that is reported to be increased in methylation of specific paternal gene copies are required babies from assisted reproduction [94, 95]. during preimplantation embryogenesis, and, if so, which In addition to disruption of methylation patterns caus- genes they might be. In addition, it is important to deter- ing known syndromes, a decreased genome-wide me- mine if the global reduction in methylation seen in some thylation in sperm has been identified with poor embryo patients during IVF treatment is a causative factor for quality in rats [96] and decreased IVF pregnancy rates in poor embryogenesis or a sign of poor spermatogenesis, humans [97]. In 1996, Doerksen and Trasler [96] inhib- not having any direct effect on the embryogenesis. ited normal germ cell methylation in male rats by giving doses of 5-azacytidine, resulting in a normal level of fer- 7 Altered mRNA profiles tilization from natural mating but severe embryo frag- mentation after the first division. Although the study by The mature, ejaculated sperm contains mRNA tran- Doerksen and Trasler [96] reports reduced sperm con- scripts that have traditionally been classified as residual centration, other sperm quality parameters, such as mRNA from spermatogenesis [101, 102] yet, during .136. Asian J Androl 2006; 8 (2): 131–142 fertilization, this paternal mRNA is deposited into the scripts were retained [109, 110]. These studies indicate oocyte [103]. More recent data suggests that the trans- that there is selective and temporal reduction of sperm fer of these paternal mRNA transcripts during fertiliza- mRNA in the oocyte, which might play a role in pre- tion might have a significant role in embryogenesis [104, serving normal embryogenesis. This provides additional 105]. evidence that some paternal mRNA transcripts are ben- Ostermeier et al. [104] establish the profile of mRNA eficial to the developing embryo and are, therefore, pre- transcripts in mature sperm by comparing pooled sperm served [111]. cDNA and individual ejaculate cDNA by microarray analy- An important step in strengthening the correlation sis of 27 016 unique expressed sequence tags. This com- between the presence of sperm mRNA and embryoge- parison of cDNA isolated from individuals, compared to nesis, is to verify if sperm transmitting aberrant mRNA a pooled sample of nine men, indicated distinct mRNA profiles yield embryos with decreased developmental fingerprints in individual men. Therefore, Ostermeier is potential. Such work has been initiated in a study exam- suggesting that variation in fertility might be associated ining the level of specific mRNA transcripts in sperm with the mRNA fingerprint. This observation will be fractions from density gradient preparation and IVF out- strengthened when fertile and infertile men are compared. comes [106]. Once the suggested correlation has been Indeed, others have shown that specific transcripts iden- well established, the transmitted mRNA, either coding or tified in men correlate to sperm quality [106]. It remains interfering, will need to be shown to have activity in the to be identified whether the variation in sperm mRNA embryo. content seen is directly affecting the mature sperm or is an indication of aberrant spermatogenesis. 8 Sperm nuclear packaging Ostermeier et al. [105] report data in support of sperm mRNA influencing embryo growth. Interestingly, the Nuclear organization in both somatic and germ cells mature sperm contains mRNA that code proteins required is considered to be a method of epigenetic gene regulation. for early embryogenesis but are absent in the metaphase The sperm chromatin is compacted and largely quiesced II oocyte. This infers that the newly fertilized oocyte by the sperm specific nuclear proteins protamine 1 (P1) could draw upon these transcripts for the initial phase of and protamine 2 (P2). Protamines replace nuclear his- embryo growth. In a subsequent report another subset tones during maturation, organizing the chromatin into of paternally-derived mRNA that might participate in tightly packed toroid structures aiding in transcriptional embryogenesis has been reported [107]. Small noncoding inactivation and protection of the DNA [112]. The addi- RNA that play an established role in somatic cell and oo- tion of P1 and P2 in a species specific ratio (P1 : P2) is cyte epigenetic control were also found to be transferred emerging as a significant factor in male fertility [113]. to the oocyte. Specifically, a set of 68 sequences were The P1 : P2 ratio in human donors of known fertility lies identified that might have a significant role in gene si- close to 0.9 [114], ranging from 0.8 to 1.2 [115]. Per- lencing through RNA interference (RNAi) in the ferti- turbation of this ratio in either direction is implicated in lized oocyte. The preliminary analysis of these 68 se- the manifestation of poor semen parameters and a gen- quences showed several potential oocytic mRNA targets. eral decrease of fertility [39, 115, 116]. These include dickkopf 2 (DKK2), a protein in the wing- Studies are emerging that not only address the prota- less-type signaling pathway, which is active in embry- mine-related decrease in semen parameters, but investi- onic development. Work from this group shows that gate the specific role of sperm DNA compaction via prota- transfer of paternal mRNA is variable between men and mines in embryogenesis [114, 115, 117–119]. As an that paternal mRNA transcripts might be required for illustration, P2 haploinsufficiency in the mouse resulted embryogenesis. in increased sperm apoptosis and early embryonic arrest In addition to the possible positive effect sperm after ICSI [118]. It is interesting that Rhim et al. [117] mRNA might play, the presence of paternal transcripts report the use of a transgenic mouse model in which deleterious to embryo growth has also been validated native P2 was replaced with the rooster protamine, termed [108, 109]. Potentially harmful protamine transcripts galline. This replacement induced a decrease in chroma- were selectively eliminated from oocytes fertilized with tin compaction but did not affect mouse fertility in natu- round spermatids whereas other sperm derived tran- ral matings. Moreover, IVF patients with a complete .137. Sperm epigenetics and embryogenesis absence of P2 suffered a striking reduction in natural largely prevailing obstacles that overlap into all of the fertilizing capacity, but when ICSI was used, fertilization, areas of sperm function discussed herein. embryogenesis and pregnancy ensued normally [114]. First, the creation of a population of fully functional Also, in humans, increases in the P1 : P2 ratio are asso- sperm free of defects seems to have been selected against ciated with a decrease in fertilization capacity; but no in many classes within the chordate phylum. The re- change in embryo quality, whereas a drop in the ratio duction in sperm quality has given way to production of below 0.8 correlates with decreased fertilization and poor large numbers of sperm to compete for fertilization [122]. preimplantation stage embryo morphology [115]. Most This gives a heterogeneous population of sperm cells in recently, Mitchell et al. [120] show that when men un- the ejaculate. Some sperm are capable of providing all dergoing testicular sperm extraction (TESE) for ICSI the requirements for fertilization and embryogenesis, have decreased P1 transcripts present in developing whereas other sperm are capable of fertilization but re- spermatocytes, the pregnancy rates are decreased com- sult in abnormal embryos and still others are completely pared to men with a higher amount of P1 transcript. dysfunctional. The analysis of an entire ejaculate will, The above research shows that epigenetic regulation therefore, yield a composite picture of all of these sperm. of DNA via nuclear packaging in the sperm is related to Therefore, one might argue that single cell analysis would the function of the mature sperm. This is expressed in a rectify the issue of a heterogeneous population, but analy- wide gamut of phenotypes depending on the experimen- sis of this type is then biased by the selection of a single tal model, ranging from abnormal nuclear condensation cell. Increasing the number of single cells evaluated will during spermatogesesis [117] to loss of fertilization po- account for this bias, but analysis of enough cells is of- tential and a severe decrease in embryogenesis [115, 118]. ten impossible with the current techniques available. These studies raise many interesting questions. Second, the cellular pathways and organelles The studies listed examine protamine expression as a within the sperm function as a whole. The effects of function of the whole ejaculate. It is possible that some a testicular insult in either an acute or chronic fashion sperm from a man with an abnormal P1 : P2 ratio might might affect a particular spermatogenic factor, but have normal sperm cells present and those sperm are that factor will likely have a role in another pathway. selected during reproductive therapy, which causes a bias For instance, the development of a varicocele leads in some reports. The classification of protamine levels to increased accumulation of heavy metals binding to in individual sperm is currently underway and a prelimi- spermatocyte DNA [123]. The increased DNA dam- nary report shows that heterogeneity is common [121]. age and changes in DNA accessibility will likely cause The mouse model causing P2 haploinsufficency iden- interference in protein synthesis capitulating effects in tifies that loss of P2 in the mouse is detrimental to many areas of sperm maturation. Although this scenario embryogenesis, but it does not adequately represent what is possible, the reality is that there are usually several is seen in humans. The predominant pathology seen in environmental or epigenetic and genetic factors at play humans is an elevated P1 : P2 ratio [115]. This could be at the same time; some are beneficial to sperm produc- better modeled in the mouse by perturbation of the prota- tion and others are detrimental. mine expression using RNA interference technology in a Both the highly complex nature of sperm produc- mouse model where P1 or P2 expression is not fully tion and the delicate balance of epigenetic and genetic ablated but reduced. Evaluating the fertility of such a factors of sperm maturation come together to form a model might help in mimicking the pathology seen in mature sperm with the ability to fertilize an oocyte humans. and contribute to the developing embryo. When any of these functions fall short, the result might be sim- 9 Conclusions and future directions ply defined as a known syndrome of male infertility or might be more complex in nature. The latter of Although much work has been done, our knowledge these is likely the case in the majority of instances, of genetic and epigenetic sperm factors contributing to considering most men that are diagnosed with some poor embryogenesis is limited. The correlative studies type of sperm abnormality have no known cause to reviewed here are important starting points but fall short attribute to the condition to [124–126]. This pursuit of causation in many instances. There seems to be two of a defined syndrome in subfertile men is complicated .138. Asian J Androl 2006; 8 (2): 131–142 by the fact that many of these sperm abnormalities seem Reprod 2002; 66: 1061–7. to posses a multi-allelic genotypic pattern with variable 14 Evenson DP, Wixon R. Clinical aspects of sperm DNA frag- mentation detection and male infertility. Theriogenology 2005; penetrance [127, 128]. 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Correspondence to: Dr Douglas T. Carrell, IVF & Andrology. Laboratories .. the supporting testicular cells and accessory glands con- fuse this 72 Navara CS, First NL, Schatten G. Phenotypic variations among paternal
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