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The World’s Largest Open Access Agricultural & Applied Economics Digital Library This document is discoverable and free to researchers across the globe due to the work of AgEcon Search. Help ensure our sustainability. Give to AgE con Search AgEcon Search http://ageconsearch.umn.edu [email protected] Papers downloaded from AgEcon Search may be used for non-commercial purposes and personal study only. No other use, including posting to another Internet site, is permitted without permission from the copyright owner (not AgEcon Search), or as allowed under the provisions of Fair Use, U.S. Copyright Act, Title 17 U.S.C. The education and training of artisans for the informal sector in Tanzania - Education Research Paper No. 18, 1996, 143 p. Table of Contents EDUCATION RESEARCH A study funded by the Overseas Development Administration (Education Division) David W Kent Centre for Science and mathematics Education School of Education University of Leeds Paul S D Mushi Department of Curriculum and Teaching Faculty of Education University of Dar es Salaam October 1995 Serial No. 18 ISBN: 0 902500 74 0 Overseas Development Administration Table of Contents Overseas development administration - Education papers The abstract 1. Introduction 1.1 The problem 1.2 The focus and aims of the study 1.3 Definition of terms 1.4 Methodology 1.5 The structure of the report 2. Development in post independence Tanzania 2.1 The early years 1961 - 1967 2.1.1 The first five year development plan (1964 - 69) 2.2 Socialism and education for self-reliance 2.2.1 The second five-year development plan (1970 - 74) 2.2.2 The third five-year development plan (1975 - 80) 2.3 The problems of a burgeoning bureaucracy 2.4 Structural reforms and the return to a free-market economy 2.4.1 Political abjuration 2.4.2 Early measures to arrest economic decline 2.4.3 International assistance to alleviate economic decline 3. Education training and the problems of youth 3.1 Educational provision 3.2 Primary education 3.2.1 Enrolment 3.2.2 Supply-demand side problems Buildings Staffing Resourcing Class size The curriculum New initiatives The administration and management of schools 3.3 Secondary education 3.3.1 Enrolment 3.3.2 Diversified provision 3.3.3 The academic curriculum 3.3.4 The promotion of science and technology 3.4 Pathways to employment 3.5 Training provision 3.5.1 Characteristics of provision 3.6 The problems of youth 3.6.1 Gender issues 3.6.2 Employment and unemployment 3.7 A survey of youth aspirations, expectations and opinions 3.7.1 Primary pupils Primary education Aspirations and reality Employment 3.7.2 Street youth Reasons for migrating Education Aspirations vs. reality Sources of capital Training Working conditions Future needs 3.8 Issues raised from the survey results 4. Mapping the provision of vocational training & assistance to the youth 4.1 Governmental provision 4.2 Non-governmental organisations (NGO's) 5. The informal sector in Tanzania 5.1 Ideological repression 5.2 The wind of change 5.3 Informal sector enterprises 5.3.1 DSM the Gerezani area Dar es Salaam small industries co- operative (DASICO) Marketing Working practices Training policy and practices Recurrent training Observations 5.3.2 Union of motor vehicle mechanics - Gerezani (UMAGE) Marketing Working practices Training policy and practices Observations 5.3.3 Mawenzi auto electric centre (Temeke) Marketing Working practices Training policy and practices Observations 5.3.4 Kisokwe metal workers (Mpwapwa) Marketing Working practices Training policy and practices Observations 5.4 Nguvu Kazi groups 5.4.1 Arusha Nguvu kazi groups Vijana metal group (VIMEGRO) Marketing Working practices Training policy and practices Observations 5.4.2 Pamoja Nguvu - Unga Ltd Marketing Working practices Training policy and practices Observations 5.4.3 Moshi municipal council Marketing Working practices Training policy and practices Recurrent training Observations 5.5 Other Nguvu kazi areas visited 5.6 General conclusions and issues raised by the case studies 6. Training: policies and practices 6.1 National vocational training centres (NVTC's) 6.1.1 Funding 6.1.2 Resourcing 6.1.3 Enrolment 6.1.4 Curriculum and pedagogy 6.1.5 Links with employers 6.1.6 Self-reliant activities 6.1.7 Qualifications 6.1.8 Employment 6.1.9 Conclusions and issues 6.2 Folk development colleges (FDC's) 6.2.1 Funding 6.2.2 Resourcing 6.2.3 Enrolment 6.2.4 Curriculum and pedagogy 6.2.5 Links with employers 6.2.6 Self-reliant activities 6.2.7 Qualifications 6.2.8 Employment 6.2.9 Conclusions and issues 6.3 Post primary technical centres (PPTC's) 6.3.1 Funding 6.3.2 Resourcing 6.3.3 Enrolment 6.3.4 Curriculum and pedagogy 6.3.5 Links with employers 6.3.6 Self-reliant activities 6.3.7 Qualifications 6.3.8 Employment 6.3.9 Conclusions and issues 6.4 Denominational vocational training centres 6.4.1 Funding 6.4.2 Resourcing 6.4.3 Enrolment 6.4.4 Curriculum and pedagogy 6.4.5 Links with employers 6.4.6 Self-reliant activities 6.4.7 Qualifications 6.4.8 Employment 6.4.9 Conclusions and issues 6.5 Private vocational training centres 6.5.1 Funding 6.5.2 Resourcing 6.5.3 Enrolment 6.5.4 Curriculum and pedagogy 6.5.5 Links with employers 6.5.6 Self-reliant activities 6.5.7 Qualifications 6.5.8 Employment 6.5.9 Conclusions and issues 7. Conclusions 7.1 Policies and issues 7.2 Education 7.3 The problems of the youth 7.3.1 The problems of co-ordination 7.3.2 Nguvu kazi groups 7.3.3 Gender 7.4 Vocational education and training 7.4.1 Vocational training centres (VTC's) 7.4.2 Folk development colleges (FDC's) 7.4.3 Post primary technical centres (PPTC's) 7.4.4 Private vocational training centres 7.5 The informal sector Bibliography Appendices Appendix 1: List of abbreviations Appendix 2: Location and types of institutions visited during the study Appendix 3: Ministries and NGO's semi-structured interview schedule Appendix 4: VTC semi-structured interview-observation schedule Appendix 5: IS activities semi-structured interview-observation schedule Appendix 6: Primary school pupils questionnaire Appendix 7: Street youth questionnaire Acknowledgements The education and training of artisans for the informal sector in Tanzania - Education Research Paper No. 18, 1996, 143 p. [Table of Contents] [Next Page] Overseas development administration - Education papers This is one of a series of Education Papers issued from time to time by the Education Division of the Overseas Development Administration. Each paper represents a study or piece of commissioned research on some aspect of education and training in developing countries. Most of the studies were undertaken in order to provide informed judgements from which policy decisions could be drawn, but in each case it has become apparent that the material produced would be of interest to a wider audience, particularly but not exclusively those whose work focuses on developing countries. Each paper is numbered serially, and further copies can be obtained through the ODA's Education Division, 94 Victoria Street, London SW1E 5JL, subject to availability. A full list appears overleaf. Although these papers are issued by the ODA, the views expressed in them are entirely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the ODA's own policies or views. Any discussion of their content should therefore be addressed to the authors and not to the ODA. LIST OF OTHER ODA EDUCATION PAPERS AVAILABLE Serial No. Pennycuick, David. 'SCHOOLS EFFECTIVENESS IN DEVELOPING 1 COUNTRIES: A SUMMARY OF THE RESEARCH EVIDENCE' ISBN: 0 902500 61 9 Serial No. Hough, J.R. 'EDUCATIONAL COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS' ISBN: 0 2 902500 62 7 Serial No. Gray, Lynton et al (Staff College) 'REDUCING THE COST OF 3 TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION' ISBN: 0 902500 63 5 Serial No. Williams, E. 1993 'REPORT ON READING ENGLISH IN PRIMARY 4 SCHOOLS IN MALAWI' ISBN: 0 902500 64 3 Serial No. Williams, E. 1993 'REPORT ON READING ENGLISH IN PRIMARY 5 SCHOOLS IN ZAMBIA' ISBN: 0 902500 65 1

A study funded by the Overseas Development Administration (Education. Division) . 1993 'PLANNING AND FINANCING: SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES' ISBN: 0 902500 68. 6 Secondary education was considered to be the key to future wage-employment in the.
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