The Edge of Darkness An Introduction to Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Dark Heresy Design and Writing: Alan Bligh Thanks to: John French Editing: Mike Mason Black Industries Manager: Mike Mason Graphic Design and Layout: Adrian Wood Head of BL Publishing: Marc Gascoigne Cartography: Mark Raynor If youhaveanyquestions,thoughtsorundyingpraiseforTheEdgeof Darkness, whynotvisitwww.blackindustries.comtogetintouch? ABlackIndustriesPublication First published in 2007 by Black Industries, an imprint of BL Publishing BL Publishing GamesWorkshop.Ltd WillowRoad Nottingham NG72WS UK Allrightsreserved.Nopartof thispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorby anymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutthepriorpermissionof thecopyrightowners. ThisPDFisfreefordownload.Pleasedonothostitonyourownsite,norlinkdirectlytothissite,butdirectpeopleto www.blackindustries.comsothattheycandownloaditforthemselves.BLPublishingcannotacceptanyliabilityforanydamage causedbytheuseormis-useof thisfile.Anydownloadisstrictlyattheriskof theuser. Copyright©GamesWorkshopLtd2007.Allrightsreserved.GamesWorkshop,Warhammer,Warhammer40,000,DarkHeresy, theDarkHeresylogo,BlackIndustries,theBlackIndustrieslogo,BLPublishing,theBLPublishinglogoandallassociatedraces andraceinsignia,marks,names,characters,illustrationsandimagesfromtheWarhammer40,000universeareeither©,™ and/or©GamesWorkshopLtd2000-2007,variablyregisteredintheUKandothercountriesaroundtheworld. 1 The Edge of Darkness It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die. Yet in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battle fleets cross the Daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor’s will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio- engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the Tech-Priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name but a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants—and worse. To be a man is such times is to be one amongst untold billons. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of the thirsting gods. “The greatest resource our Holy Imperium possesses is the fathomless multitudes of humanity itself. No power is mightier and no force more dreadful when turned to a single purpose. By human hands alone we have remade stars in our image. By this token the wise know that true power lies in the mastery of blood and bone, in the very meat of mankind.” —Quastor General, Brantus Hurst, Departmento Munitorium Penitential Command. 2 Introduction recommended, as each will have more s Using the Edge of thanafairchancetoshineastheadven- Darkness s ture progresses. The Edge of Darkness is an investigation- In order to help out novice GMs a far e based introductory adventure for use with amount of advice on running the adven- This adventure is intended n Dark Heresy. It is intended for a group of tureandusingtheruleshasbeenincluded as a prelude to Dark two to four players and will probably take inthetext. Heresy—Black Industries’ k threeorsixeveningsessionsofplaytocom- forthcoming role playing r plete.Theadventurestartswithamysterious Adventure gameofintrigue,adventure death connected to a forlorn district of the and horror in the 41st Mil- a Background vasthivecityof Scintilla.Thecircumstances lennium. This adventure D surrounding this death have piqued the focuses the Acolytes being interest of the Inquisition and the player- Heresy and evil takes root most readily and “undercover”agents.Edgeof Acolytes will be called upon to act covertly most easily in forlorn and forgotten places, Darkness is a self contained to explore the matterfurther. If you’re plan- be they on distant worlds, in isolated com- adventure intended for f ningtoplayanAcolyteinthisinvestigation, munities or, as here, in a place that has AcolytesfreshtotheInqui- o you should read no further—as you’ll spoil become the victim of disaster, economic sition’s service and can be the mystery! However, if you are going be starvation and slow neglect. In the shadows usedasatasterforsomeof the Game Master (GM), then read on. of the mighty spires of Hive Sibellus on the the themes and stories that e the game focuses on, as worldof Scintilla,inarundownanddecay- g GMs Briefing ing district called the Coscarla Division, a wellas,animmersiveintro- duction to the whole d The Edge of Darkness is a mystery criminal and heretical conspiracy has taken Warhammer40,000universe. adventure and has much in common hold. Using the destitute and fearful popu- E The adventure also with a detective story, with the first lous as a shield and a ready supply of makes an excellent prelude “clue” being the discovery of the body “material”whenneeded,anindividualgoing of a hab-worker named Saul Arbest. by the name of “the Churgeon” and her to a start of an ongoing e series of adventures if you From here the PCs are presented with a lackeyshavesetupahiddenmedicalfacility h already have the Dark to conduct horrific and forbidden experi- number of different leads to follow, ments. In order to mask their activities, the Heresy Core Rulebook T whichinturnwillgeneratefurtherclues in your hands; in which techculthasinfiltratedandsecretlyusurped andinformation,leadingthemultimately case just ignore the Quick control of both a local Alms House and the to the uncovering of a conspiracy of StartRuleslistedhere. area’s enforcers to further their ends, and is heretical science which, if not stopped For obvious reasons, the supplying chemical serums to criminal bytheAcolytes,couldleadtothedeaths fullextentofDarkHeresy’s narco-gangs in order to induce their com- of a great many more people. rulesandsystemscannotbe plicity in the cult’s dark plans. As with many such investigation and repeated here, however a The Churgeon is a renegade tech-adept interactionbasedadventures,thereisno sampling of basic game intheemployof thehereticalcultknownas exact “right” or “wrong” path in Edgeof mechanics can be found in the Logicians. She is a bio-sculptor whose Darkness. Although some approaches theQuick Start Rules on particular area of interest is the creation of and pursuing certain leads will be more page 25 (we suggest that (illegal) alchemical serums and artificial effectivethanothers.Indeed,thewrong GMs print off these rules organs to augment human biology. She question in the wrong ear, or the overt pages for their players to requires live human subjects for experimen- display of force too early in the adven- use as handy reference). tation and the downtrodden people of ture will have very unpleasant Additional rules and GMs Coscarla have proved a ready source of vic- consequencesasthevillainsofthepiece tips have been strategically tims. She has no care for the lives of her willbecomeawareofthePCsinvestiga- dotted around the sce- servants or for those her macabre experi- tion and consequently come “gunning” nario—do make sure to ments kill or mutilate, and already her for the Acolytes with possibly fatal read through these rules servantshave“vanished”scoresofCoscarla’s results. Open adventures (like this one), carefully. Six introductory people. One such abducted experimental reward clever, imaginative and involved Acolyte Player Characters subject, a man named Saul Arbest, managed players, and unravelling secret plots, (PCs) have also been cre- to escape before dying on the transit rail. It pursuing the truth behind strange ated for your use and these is his body, once discovered, that sparks the events and uncovering dark conspira- can be downloaded from Inquisition’s interest in the matter and the cies in this fashion are some of the core the Black Industries web- involvement of the Acolytes. themes that Dark Heresy deals with. site. Other than this Once the Churgeon’s current round of This is not to say that adventures such adventure,you’llneedsome testsareconcluded,sheintendstocoverher as this lack action, or indeed horror, far ten-sideddice(d10)ideally tracks by releasing a biological agent to from it, as in this case the villains two per player, and of mimic the effects of a plague outbreak, behindtheplotaremonstrousindividu- course some willing play- killing perhaps tens of thousands of people als guilty of gruesome crimes who will ers! intheprocess.Shehasdoneitbefore,andif have to be stopped by force. In addi- not stopped, shall do it again. tion, the setting itself is a dangerous one, where violence threatens at any moment. As a result a mixture of com- bative and more cerebral characters are 3 T From Shattered Synopsis of the Adventure of the Churgeon’s alchem-lab are revealed— one way or the other. The results of this h Hope to the exposure may well force the enemy into the Theadventureisdividedintothreedistinctparts, Edge open and the Acolytes will find themselves e thefirstisanarratedintroductorysectionwhere fighting for their lives with no escape readily theAcolytesarebroughttogetherbytheInquisi- available. If this comes to pass, the Acolytes Dark Heresy’s first pub- E tion and briefed on the matter at hand. In the willhavetobesmarttosurviveandovercome lished demo adventure secondpart,theAcolytesarelefttotheirownini- theChurgeonandherminions,perhapsenlist- d Shattered Hope was an tiative to explore and investigate the dead man ing help from some unexpected sources to do action-oriented adventure and the Coscarla Division district where the g thatdealtwitheventsatthe so.TriumphingovertheevilsoftheChurgeon adventure’sactionisset.Dependingonthefruits will be difficult but rewarding, and ultimately Gorgonid Mine on the e oftheirprogress(orindeedasaconsequenceof willsaveagreatmanylives,aswellasproving world of Sepheris Secun- theirblundering,)thethirdpartoftheadventure, the Acolytes’ worth as new agents for the dus. This adventure, wheretheuncoveredconspiracymustbefought o HolyOrdos. however, assumes no need and defeated, can kick in at any point, proving for that demo to have been f theadventure’sconclusioninafast-pacedkillor played first and starts with bekilledconflict. Dramatis Personae a group of newly recruited D Acolytesforconvenienceof Part I: Among the Missing play. You can of course Here are several important Non Player Char- TheInquisition’sattentionhasbeenstirredby a carry on one adventure acters (NPCs) involved in the adventure, thediscoveryofabodyontheSibellustransit from the other (in either detailing their personalities and motivations. r rail. This is not in itself an uncommon occur- order). If you wish to fol- Owing to the adventure’s set up and freeform rence; however the body, under forensic k low on from ShatteredHope, structure, there are quite a few characters examination,showedextensivesignsof surgi- then it is reasonable to involved,notallof thesecharactersmayactu- n cal tampering and illegal organ-grafting assume that sufficient time ally come into play as their roles in the indicativeof hereticalscience.TheInquisition has passed for wounds to e has kept the body and the incident under adventure are dependent upon the Acolytes heal, during which the andhowyourplayersapproachthings. s Acolytes will have been wraps, and has determined it to be that of a missinghab-workercalledSaulArbest.Arbest s thoroughly questioned and Interrogator Sand: A senior agent of the wasreportedmissingoveramonthagobyhis testedforcontamination. Inquisition, scholar and medicae. He comes sister, from his home in the dilapidated Both this adventure and acrossasasuperiorandsomewhatjadedman. Coscarla Division area of Hive Sibellus. The Shattered Hope make for Sand is the one who charges the Acolytes to Inquisitionisinterestedinjusthowthishereti- excellentpreludestoIllumi- undertaketheinvestigationintoSaulArbest. cal biocraft wound up in the body of this nations—the larger starting otherwise unremarkable citizen and will brief adventure contained within Saul Arbest (Deceased): Saul’s fate is the theAcolytesastowhatisknownanddispatch the Dark Heresy rule- rootofthisinvestigation;thismissingworker’s themtocovertlyinvestigatematters. book. corpse and, in particular, its hidden modifica- tions are the reason for the Acolyte’s Part II: The Twilight City involvement. In life Arbest was a man on the HeretheAcolytestraveltothe CoscarlaDivi- slide, laid-off from his indenture, without siontoinvestigatethedeadmanandgatheras work and without a future, he drank too manycluesastheycan.Theywillfindanarea much, used his mouth too freely and paid a of the city dying from slow urban decay and veryheavyprice. heldhostagetoanamelessfear,andifsuccess- ful,theywilluncoverevidencethatsomething LiliArbest:Saul’ssister,Liliisayoungwoman truly evil is coiling at the heart of things. grownoldwithworrybeforehertime.Sheisa Thereareopportunitiesfornumerousencoun- skilledworkerwhofearstoleaveCoscarlabefore ters here, including interaction with local the mystery of her missing brother goes NPCsbothfairandfoul,andalthoughcombat unsolved. However, when the Acolytes first is by no means guaranteed, the Acolytes may encounterher,shewillbeinfearofherlifeand end up in a violent confrontation with local abouttoflee. criminal gangs, corrupt enforcers, murderous dregsorevenabarroombrawl.IftheAcolytes WardenLocan:Asimpering,middle-agedman, are circumspect and successful, they will be Locanisthecorruptenforcerofficernominallyin drawn to what goes on behind the public charge of maintaining order in the Coscarla. façade of the Tantalus Alms House for their Abandoned to this “graveyard posting” by his answers.Iftheyhavearousedthesuspicionsof superiorsintheMagistratum,Locanisanobscura their unseen enemies, they might find them- addict,ashadowofhisformerselfandlongsince selves dragged to the Alms House as the compromised by the local narco-gangs. He is Churgeon’slatestvictims. now under the direct control of the Logicians and his troopers replaced with their own. Torn Part III: The Chamber of Horrors between his addiction and his terror, he will The true face of what lurks behind the fear makeapoorshowofthepretenceofnormalityif 4 gripping Coscarla is exposed and the horrors encountered. s Advice to Novice GMs: of what’s going on in your head and s respond to whatever plans and ideas your On Running Edge of player’smightcomeup.Thekeythingsare e Darkness to be firm but fair; don’t be afraid to have n NPCsactorreactadverselyandviolentlyif The Edge of Darkness is an adventure based the Acolytes’ actions make this the logical k on an ongoing situation into which the outcome,andofcourserewardquickthink- r Acolytes are drawn and as such, the events ingandgoodideasontheplayers’partwith andcharactersinvolvedintheconspiracyin additional clues, information and assistance a Coscarla have their own motivations with as warranted. Also, even more than with D whichtheAcolytes,asoutsiders,interact. morelinearadventures,itisimportanttobe Once inside Coscarla’s environs the familiar with the details of the adventure Acolytes have a free hand about how to itself,notsimplysoyouknowwhoiswhere proceedandwhatleadsandcluestofollow, and doing what, but also how the signifi- f and it is up to you, as the GM, to respond cantNPCswillreacttotheunexpected,and o to their actions as you feel appropriate. so you can add to things as you go along When GMing a “non-linear” adventure like withoutriskof messingupyourownplot! this one, you should always feel free to Althoughitmaysoundobvious,ahandy e embellish the details, come up with new notebook to record names and the like as g encountersandhaveeventsandindividuals you go along, or to record what the react to the Acolytes’ actions as this will Acolyteshavelearnedsofar,isheartilyrec- d always make for a tighter story, a sense of ommended! If this all sounds like a fair E empowermentforyourplayersand,accord- amountof workfortheGM,that’sbecause ingly,abettergameallround. it is. But at the same time, if you’re some- Adventures like this one can demand a thing of a storyteller at heart, it can be a e little more from the GM and you’ll be veryrewardinggameexperienceindeed. h requiredtothinkonyourfeet,keepanidea T Evard Zed: Another victim of the district’s “Chord” Luntz: A hatchet-man for the economic woes, Zed was one of Saul Arbest’s narco-gang syndicates, Luntz is here to take drinking cronies. He was with Saul on the the syndicate’s due from the Churgeon and night that he vanished and holds some of the has a dozen stubjacks and gang blades at his secrets of Saul’s disappearance. He is laying beckandcall.Privatelyhehasisownreserva- lowspendinghistimeinthetemplum,helping tions and fears about the Churgeon’s other outandhopingtogounnoticed. activities (and worsening death toll), and is taking out his anger on the patrons of the Preacher Fayban: Wine-soaked, dishevelled Third Worker’s Union Hall, where he and his and thoroughly useless religious minister of gangershavetakenupresidence. the Imperial Creed. He rarely leaves his small templum and conducts faltering services for Director Sybas Moran: The director of the thefaithful.Sorrowful,maudlinandbrokenin TantalusAlmsHouse,Moranpresentshimselfas spirit, he is wilfully ignorant of the extent of acoldbutefficientadept,administeringadwin- thesufferingandfeararoundhim. dlingsupplyofalmsandassistanceforthegood oftheworkersonanever-decreasingbudget.In Sikes the Reclaimator: An itinerant scav- truthheisapracticeddeceiverandruthlesskiller, engerandtech-reclaimator,Sikeshassetupan butoneonwhothemaskof charityiswearing impromptubusinessinaburnedoutstoresell- thin. An senior agent of the Logicians, Moran ingandbarteringoddsandendsofscrapwith wouldratherseetheChurgeon’sworkdoneand theimpoverishedlocals.Sikesisanoutsiderto theCoscarlachokingonitsowndead,sohecan the district, making his living parasitically moveontogreenerpastures. fromitstroubles,however,thereisagooddeal moretohimthanmeetstheeye. The Churgeon: The woman known as the Churgeon is more machine than human and Hosteller Maxus Drayelok: Proprietor of quiteinsane.Arenegadetech-adeptsheishidden the district’s only hostel, Drayelok is a gaunt, behindthescenesoftheAlmsHousewhereshe tattered figure and his establishment sinister worksherprofitablealchemistrytowinoverthe and dilapidated. A psychotic obscura addict, compliance of the narco-gangs so that she may barely in control of his cold sweats and continue her murderous experiments uncon- twitches,Drayelokhastheunpleasanthabitof tested.Thespateofdisappearancesinthedistrict using down-hiver dregs to murder his guests arelargelydowntoherneedforfreshtestsub- in the night so he can rob them to fund his jects,andherappetitefornewstockisbeginning vice. toprovehardforherlackeystohide. 5 T Part I: Among anuniqueopportunitytogofarandseemuch, GM Advice: or as the first step on the path to fame, glory h Know Your the Missing andpower,orsimplyasawaytosurvive),isa Acolytes! matterfortheirplayertodecide.Regardless,it e can be assumed, that with some measure of Theadventurebeginswiththesummoningof trepidation, they each answer the call at the This slightly tense journey E the Acolytes to service for the first time as appointed time, taking with them any gear downtheelevatorshaftand operatives of the Inquisition, and their brief- they possess and saying farewell, perhaps for d walk down the grey corri- ing into the mysterious circumstances the last time, to their temporary and anony- dor might be passed in surroundingadeath. g stony silence, alternately mouslodgings. If you haven’t played before, ensure that this might be a good place If your players have any last minute ques- e yourplayerseachhaveanAcolytecharacterto fortheplayerstohavetheir tions about their Acolytes, the rules, the playandhavefamiliarisedthemselveswiththe Acolyte’s converse with Inquisition or Scintilla, now’s the time to Quick Start Rules. Tell them that they are all o each other for the first answerthemthebestyoucan,inparticularthe fresh recruits to the service of the Imperial time—suggest that your Black Industries website holds a lot of infor- f player’s describe their Inquisitionandthattheyhavebeenchosento mation you can add to what’s presented here serve it as Acolytes—agents, experts and spe- Acolyte’s physical descrip- cialists.Theyaretobecomefrontlinesoldiers D tionanddemeanourtoeach Once your players have sorted themselves in the Imperium’s shadowy war against the other.Thisisalwaysagood out and have a handle on the import of what forces of corruption within and the horrors a thing to do with a new is happening, read or paraphrase the follow- without that wish to subvert and overthrow group of characters as it ing: r the rule of the Golden Throne of Terra. Hav- helps everybody (the GM ingundergoneinitiationandtestingtheyhave k included) set the scene in At the appointed hour, you have made been left waiting, concealed in plain sight theirownimagination. your way through the bustling faceless n among the teeming billions of Hive Sibellus masses of the Administratum quarter to ontheworldofScintilla,capitoloftheCalixis an unmarked service elevator platform e Sector,awaitingtheirnewmasters’summons. set in the rear of a vast and imposing s building covered in bas-reliefs of skulls, The Tradesman’s s half draped urns and other symbols of Entrance death,crownedbyanimmensestatueof a weeping saint. It appears that you are Readaloudorparaphrasethefollowing: expected; the wizened face of the plat- form’s inbuilt servitor studies you and After being singled out and inducted pronounces “Pass” as you climb on intotheserviceoftheInquisition,things board.Asthenoteimplied,youwerenot have not quite gone as you had imag- theonlypersoncalled,andyoumakefor inedthem.Removedfromyourpastlife, an uncomfortable and diverse looking you have been tested and measured, group standing in tense silence as the questioned and interrogated. But aside crowds throng by. The servitor control from a few lectures given in darkened chimes active as the last one of you chambersthatleftyousicktoyourstom- boards the platform and the elevator ach and a seemingly endless stream of descends as the hatchway closes above codes and ciphers given you to memo- you all with a thunderous boom. The rize and destroy, you have been left platform continues downward for some largely to your own devices. Lodging minutes through maintenance levels, under a false name in an anonymous deepintothebowelsof thegovernment hab-block in Hive Sibellus, on Scintilla, district. the capitol planet of the Calixis Sector, you have bided your time for weeks Attheendoftheelevator’sslowdecentthe waiting for the call from your masters, Acolyteswillbedepositedattheendofawide andperhaps,theirverdict. grey corridor, lit by pale lumen globes in the At last that call has come and a shape of cherubs holding torches. Only the blank-eyed courier has delivered to you firstpartofthecorridorislitandtheresttrails a note featuring the cipher of the Holy offintodarkness.Astheystepofftheplatform Ordos. The message within was simple more globes will illuminate to show them and perfunctory, containing a time, a their path and, as they walk forward, more date and a location. The instruction to will flicker into life before them, while those come prepared and expect company is behindthemwillextinguish.Thereisbutone signed off with a single epithet—“The path, the corridor is featureless and smells EmperorProtects” faintlyof chemicaldisinfectant. After about five minutes, the corridor ends Just what each Acolyte thinks of the sum- inanarmouredmetaldoor,whichunsealsand mons,(whethertheyseeitasachancetoprove unlocks with as hiss of pressurised air and 6 themselves, a chance to fight the good fight, opens with a loud grinding of heavy gears. s For the GM: should impose a modifier to their Tested score in + or – s incrementsof 10,toamaximummodifierof +30or–30to Tests and Difficulty theTestednumber(thisisthenumberyouneedtorollequal e toorunder,notthedicerollitself). n Not all activities are equally difficult and certain things It’s always up to the GM to determine whether a Test that would in the normal course of events be considered is appropriate and how difficult it should be, and you k quite easy, suddenly become a lot more difficult with bul- shouldneverbeafraidof simplystatingthatwithperhaps lets ricocheting around you! The GMs principle task in a little time and effort a character simply succeeds, or on r adjudicating a character’s Tests is by setting a Difficulty the other hand can’t even hope to try—whichever seems a rating for them. The baseline for Difficulty assumed in appropriate to you. From this point on in the adventure, D DarkHeresyisChallenging (+0)foraTestthatpossesa where a Test is suggested the text will list what Charac- reasonable challenge to a competent character’s level of teristic or Skill should be Tested and a suggested ability. Difficulty level for that Test. This is of course all subject f Dependingonwhatacharacteristryingtodoandthecir- to the GMs own good sense of what’s actually going on cumstancesinwhichtheyaretryingtoaccomplishit,theGM their adventure! o The room inside has a jumble of dusty metal to the drama of things. For more information e crates (branded with unintelligible symbols) onTestsandrollingdiceseepage 25. g stackedagainstonewall,whileahospitalgur- If your players are novices to role playing d neycompletewithrestraintstrapshasbeenleft games,youmaywishtohelpthemoutbysug- toppled over on one side against the other. gestingthefollowingTeststhattheycanmake E Theroom’smoststrikingfeatureisawidemir- or they may volunteer their desire to know ror which fills the upper half of the opposite morethemselves.Thefollowingareallappro- wallfromtheentrance.Themirrorwillslowly priate Tests in this situation and all will tell e cleartotransparencytorevealaglitteringsteel themalittlemoreaboutthemysteriousfigure h chamber beyond. Inside the chamber looking behindtheglass: out is a tall, thin-faced figure wearing white T medicae robes with (rather incongruously) a APerceptionTestatRoutine(+20)—if red leather coat draped over his shoulders. successful will reveal that the man’s leather Behind him, covered by a mottled grey sheet, coatconcealsarmouredpanelsinitsconstruc- is what looks like a body on some sort of tionandthatthebulgeunderhisarmcanonly frame raised upright for inspection. While beagunof somesort. above them in the air, a pair of white enam- elled skulls, encrusted with a variety of brass A Common Lore (Tech) Test at Ordi- instruments and long hypo needles, hover nary (+10) —if successful will identify the expectantly. hovering skulls to be medicae servo-skulls of the highest quality; machine-spirit controlled Sizing up the Situation drones,fashionedfrompreservedhumanskulls and fitted with sophisticated medical systems (and an introduction to whose secrets are restricted to the highest Tests) ordersof theAdeptusMechanicus. Given the unusual and somewhat sinister A Common Lore (Imperium) Test at nature of the unfolding situation, it is likely Challenging (+0) —if successful will your players will want to know more about recognisethesmall,stylisedravenandscroll what’sgoingonandseeiftheycannoticeany insignia on his robes as belonging to the pertinentdetailsbeyondtheobvious.Thisisa Hetaireia Lexis, a distinguished and famous good point to introduce the game system for order of scholars. Tests.Testsarethemostbasicandwidelyused set of rules in Dark Heresy, in essence they The Body in Question are dice rolls made on the character’s abilities toachievesomethingtangible,likeperforming a physical activity, solving a puzzle or recall- The figure in the chamber will beckon the ing some particular information or, as in this Acolytes up to the glass with a gloved hand case, spot fine details not noticed by a causal and after a static rattle, his voice will issue observer. fromasmallgrillsetintotheceiling: Tests aren’t needed for every single action andideathattheAcolyteshave,farfromit,but “Greetings Acolytes, I am Medicae- rather should be used when what they are InterrogatorSandandyouarethenewblood, attempting is important, difficult, has impor- are you not? Worthy additions to our holy tant consequences if it is botched or excelled war? Well we shall see, far be it from me to atorwhentheTest’ssuccessorfailurewilladd doubtmybetters’judgement,eh? 7 T “Welltothematterathand.Irepresentthe “Thesurgerywasexpert,butbythelesions Holy Ordos of the Imperial Inquisition that andtissuestresses,Idoubtanycarewasgiven h weallserve.Ourmastershavecalledyouhere to whether or not it was painless. In fact, by toassistusintheinvestigationof amatterof the damage to his vocal cords, my guess was e interest that has recently and unexpectedly that he probably screamed as long as he was cometolight. ableto. E “Oh,yes,foryourinformation,youarenow “Butthislittlemonsteriswhatconcernsus. inthedepthsof theTemplumMori,thehouse Oh, you don’t need to know the gene-lore or d of thedeadwheretheLordsPrefectaMortem the Omnissian edict, just that this is not only g hold court and the fallen and the lost of the illegal,itisforbidden,itisheresy.Merelytam- greatcityarenamedandcounted.Itwillnot peringwiththiskindofdarktechisenoughto e surpriseyouthentoknowyouareheretoview warrantadeathsentencefromtheHolyOrdos, acorpse,Idoubtitwillbeyourfirst,butitis, theArbitesortheMechanicus. o shallwesay,quitesingular!” “AndI’msurethatyou,aswellasI,amwon- deringhowsucharareandvilethingendedup f Sand will causally brush aside any questions wrapped round the spine of some anonymous and carry on with his lecture, pulling aside the hab-prolefromthedustyendofthestacks. D greysheettorevealthedissectedandeviscerated Well, the Inquisition would like you to bodyofanadulthuman.Ashecontinuestotalk, findout. a theservo-skullswilldipandboboutofsightto “The man has no prior criminal record, he reappear with messy looking organic specimens wasrenderedinvalidbyindenture—laidoff if r inteststubesandjars,clutchedintheirdextrous you will, some sixty days ago now and was k brass callipers, displaying them in turn for the reportedmissingthirty-twodaysagobyhissister, Acolytes’edification: one Lili Arbest, resident of the same hab-stack. n More than enough time to get himself into all “Nowif youwillkindlyattendandpayheed, sorts of trouble, I’m sure you’ll agree. These e Iwilltakequestionsafterward. graftsarenomorethaneightortendaysoldat s “Thebodyhasbeenpositivelyidentifiedas most.Wehavenothingelseonhim. s thatofoneSaulArbest,male,23yearsofage, “This is to be a shadow investigation, no hiveworker,unskilledlabourercertified.For- openofficialinvolvementandnonotification merly of the Tantalus Indenture, registered of thelocalauthorities,andnooneknowshe’s habitation: chamber 6/23 stack 7-17# here either. Coscarla’s down hive, so a covert Coscarla Division, southern zone, Hive approach will draw far less attention than a Sibelius. bootthroughthedoor,andbefarlesslikelyto “Subjectfounddeadonthemid-hivetran- killanyleadstoourheretic. sitrailthreedaysagoasthecarreturnedtothe “Findoutwhyandwhereifyoucan,better main depot. Preliminary examination at the yet,findouthow.Bestof all,findoutwhois scene suggested death by drug overdose. Post responsible. Go with the grace of the God- mortem performed by the biologis forensic, Emperor,ohandadditionalsampleswouldbe howeverrevealedcertainanomiesthatnecessi- ablessingif youcanprocurethem. tatedourinvolvement. “Thecauseof deathwasinfacttotalsys- At this point the players (or at least the temicfailurebroughtonbytissuerejectionof Acolytes at any rate) will no doubt have a animplantedsyntheticgraftorgan.Saidorgan number of further questions and Sand will destroyed his central nervous system while happily answer anything reasonably put to attemptingtoovercometheimmuneresponse. him. He has looked up what little the Ordo “Inshortthis…” has on the Coscarla Division and has a brief forthem(seeAppendix III onpage 34)and The servo skull displays a sample jar con- knows much of its sorry recent history. How- taining a ten centimetre long whitish cord of ever,hisinformationisallfactsandfigures,he waving glassy tendrils, still in motion, still knowsnothingoftherealityonthegroundor alive. thecorruptionandterrorreigningthere.What hewantsisfortheAcolytestodoissomeold “…crushedthelifeoutofhimfromtheinside. fashioned ground work, trace down the leads “What’sitfor?Unknown,butmyopinion that may remain as to Arbest’s fate and get a would be, in a word, ‘control’—neural and feelforwhatmighthavehappenedand,ifpos- synapticoverride,perhapsworse. sible, uncover the facts of any conspiracy “There were other grafts and surgery of a involved. The head of the heretic on a platter lesssingularkindalso;onelungreplacedbya would be a considerable bonus but not some- concealedstoragecavity,possiblyforhisuseas thingheisexpectingasalikelyoutcome. acourier.Also,oneopticnerveremoved,skin Sandhasprocuredforthema“kit”ofaddi- flayedfromhisstomach,I’venoideawhy.His tional equipment but won’t acquiesce to any system’s awash with alchemic traces, clotting demands for further arms or manpower as he 8 agents,panimmuneandthelike. believes the Acolytes well armed enough to defend themselves, and that they should be some equipment fortheiruse, whichhe will s talented enough to adapt and overcome if talk through with them. s needs be. Added to which, he feels that any flashy displays of high quality gear will only Coscarla Pass Tokens: (One per Acolyte) e get them noticed more easily and be counter- These coded devices, each about the size of a n productivetotheinvestigation. smallthickcoin,willallowthemlegalclearance Any request to confirm Sand’s authority to fortheCoscarlaDivisionandfreepassageonthe k beabletosendthemonthismission,ortosee transitrailaroundthemid-hivearea. r hisbonefides,hewillmeetpolitelyandwith- out irony or scorn. His credentials are all in Coblast Assay Cognomen: (One per a order and he is operating under the seal of a Acolyte) These encrypted metal punch cards D legate investigator of the Holy Ordos. He has are identity markers, there is one tailored for every right and title to send them where he each of the Acolytes and they include an wants,andanastuteAcolytemightnotice,the enforcercodetagallowingthemtocarryarms right to pass judgement on them too if they forselfdefence.TheysignifythattheAcolytes f proveunworthy. are “bonded agents for the Coblast Assay”, a o Ifanyofthemcomplainthattheyareofinsuf- Sibellan mercantile operation of somewhat ficientskillorabilitytoaccomplishthetask,need dubious repute but not inconsiderable power, more weapons, or go so far as to ask if their specialising in tech salvage and “manpower e Inquisitorwillaccompanythem,orperhapshold services”. Note that these are not “false” iden- g forth with other uncertainties, feel free to read tity cards, the Coblast has actually been a outorparaphrasethefollowing: secretInquisitionorganisationforsometime. d E “Yes,wellI’mafraidthegreatchaptersof the Hand Vox: (One per Acolyte) These are Astartes and the Blessed Choirs of the Saints cheap and battered looking personal commu- Militantareallbusyrightnow,soyou’llhave nication devices that use a private encrypted e todo... channel, and are good for a range of a few h “ButIambeingchurlish.Letmeinsteadask kilometres in the hive. Sand will happily youaquestion:WhatdoyouimaginetheInqui- explain that thanks to signal interference in T sitionseeksforinitsagents?Areyoutobeslavish theareasofthehivewheretheyaregoing,vox lackeys?Simperingtorchbearerstotrailaround traffic is almost impossible over any real dis- yourmaster,fawningandmutteringhispraises? tanceorbetweenlevels,exceptbywirestation, Of coursenot.Suchcreaturesarecommonplace, butthesehandvoxwillletthemkeepintouch turn over any rock in the Administratum or, witheachotheratleast. Emperorsaveus,theEcclesiarchy,andyou’llfind ascoreof suchworthlessinvertebrateswriggling Low Hiver’s Overcoats:(OneperAcolyte) out.No,ourwarsarebestwagedwithagentsto Thesevoluminousandsomewhattatteredpatch- whom action and intent are things bred in the workleatherandcanvashigh-collaredovercoats bone—we need initiative and will, cunning, arecommonlow-hivergarbinSibellusandwill savvy,courageandpurpose.No,anAcolytethat easilyfitoveranythingtheAcolytesarewearing. cannot act on their own to help overcome Theyarealsoquitetoughandwillprovidethem mankind’smanyfoeshadbetterdiequicklylest with1ArmourPoint(seetheCombatRuleson theykillotherswiththeirshamefulinadequacies! page26). “Well, enough of that talk, I’m sure this matter will be a simple one, a mere skirmish Chem Lamps: (One per Acolyte) These withthefoeatbest.Allweareaskingof you smallportablelampsuseachemicalreactionto is that you carry out a basic investigation, provide light and operate continuously while something that should be well within your their shutters are open. Such lamps will illu- capabilities, dig out a few facts, question, minate an area of about a three metre radius probe,charmanddissemble.Seewhatyoucan arounditorprovideasixmetredirectedbeam find out about our dead man here without of whitishlight. makingtoomuchofamess.It’sachancetosee howyouperforminthefieldaswell,consider Coded Data-Slate: This worn-looking this a test of your quality, because in many brass cased data-slate carries basic copies of ways,that’sjustwhatitis.” the information found in their briefing, a seriesofmapsanddataabouttheCoscarlaand Outfitting for a Trip Down (largely empty) files on the Arbasts, including Hive picturesof themandaddressestakenfromthe Administratum register. The slate also has Once the Acolytes’ questions are answered basic short range audio and visual recording and Sand has cajoled, lectured and perhaps and playback functions. The slate features a chidedthemsufficiently,hewilldirectthem fivekeyinputcodewhichSandwillgivethem, to one of the larger storage crates lined if it is accessed without this, its core memory against the wall where he has had prepared willbewiped. 9 T Bio-Sample Kit: Added as something of a further they go the more depressed, ill- Lies, Damn Lies hopeful afterthought, this satchel carries three maintained and decayed things will become; h and Acolytes small bio-storage tubes and a small bio-auspex these are the lower stretches of the mid hive, with a range of about a metre or so. Set for beyond these no transit rails run. Beyond this e The cover identity that human tissue, the indicator on the auspex will outercircleistheunderhivewherenolawholds Sandhasprovidedforthem flash red and whine with increasing volume in sway.Longstretchesofthejourneywillbespent E is that of roving agents for the proximity of anomalous tissue. The kit also in the stale tainted air of the wormhole-like the Coblast Assay. Such comes with a long bladed, razor edge mono tunnel passageways within the Hive’s thick d menandwomenareknown scalpel(thiswillinflict1d5–1plusthewielder’s supportingbonesandinthenamelessblackvoids g in hive “cant” as regula- Strength Bonus (SB) Damage and ignores the ofdesertedspacesbetween,thecar’slightsflicker tors—hired guns, couriers, first2ArmourPoints(AP)of thetarget).If one andfailregularly. e tracers, manhunters, merce- oftheAcolytesmakesmentionofthescalpeland Afteryourplayershavehadsufficienttimeto naries and other specialists. kit and just what they are expected to achieve, converseorlayouttheirplans,readorparaphrase o Coblast’s less than savoury Sand will shrug and smile saying, “Well I’m not thefollowingbeforeallowingthemtoexplore: reputation makes their expectingdeftsurgery,buttrynottohackatitlikean f appearance in Coscarla an underdoneGroxsteakandgetitinthejar,eh?” Aloneinasinglecar,nowdesertedbutfor “easy sell” to the casual your group, the rattling carriage breaks D observer, and their cog- Money Pouch: This pouch contains 120 intoanothervastanddilapidatedhab-vault nomen of course will stand Thronesinloosecoinandusednotes,“Forsun- and begins to slow. You look out upon a a up to any official scrutiny. dries and bribes. I’m sure if you need more you can vistaofvacantanddecayedbuildingsina Indeed,iftheAcolytescon- beresourceful,”Sandputsit. worsestatethananythatyouhaveseenup r tinue to look and act the until now, stretching beyond sight into a k part, award them a +30 It’suptotheAcolyteshowtheydistributethe darkhorizonbeyond. bonus to any Deceive Test gearandgelt,andSandiseagerforthemtoget The rail car shudders to a stop and n tocarrysuchanimpression on their way. Sand will also encourage the thedoorsopenontoawide,raisedplat- off. Acolytes to converse with each other if they form devoid of passengers save for a e This deception is of haven’t already done so, pointing out that their single huddled figure dressed in rags. s course entirely up to them lives may well depend on at least a passing The figure quickly bundles themselves and they can claim to be knowledge of each other’s abilities in the field. onboard, flashing a pass to the door s whoandwhattheylike,but He will also impress on them that he expects mechanism with unseemly haste and the more wild or unbeliev- takesupaseatasfarfromyourgroupas them to co-operate to get their mission accom- able the story, the more possible. A moment later a dull, crack- plishedasbefitstheInquisition’schosen,andto likely the wrong people lingservitorintones: “defertothewisestintheirownfieldwhenneedsbe”. will come to hear of it and “Coscarla Southern Railhead. Passengers Coscarlaisnomorethanafewhoursaway wonder.Claimingtobeser- to Coscarla to disembark. This conveyance by transit rail car. Telling them he expects vants of the Inquisition is willdepartin…”Therestislostinahowl their report in, “A few days, no more,” the of course going to be con- of static. Acolytesarenowontheirown sidered an outrageous and ThisisCoscarlaandyouhavearrived. dangerous lie by most in Part II: Coscarla, to whom the The Acolytes’ Progress Holy Ordos is a near The Twilight mythic entity of distant UptothispointtheAcolytes’coursehasbeen power and terror. In fact, City setforthem,nowit’suptotheirowninitiative theonlyoneslikelytotake and abilities to get the job done. Hopefully such a claim on face value Part I: Among the Missing should have are the Churgeon and the Logicians, if it comes to The End of the Line giventhemanideaofwhattheyareupto,the situation they face and what the Inquisition their ears—the tech- expects from them. Now it’s up to them to hereticsarealwaysindread ThejourneytoCoscarlawilltakeseveralhours deliver the goods and investigate the life and of such discovery. If this by transit rail car, during which time the deathof SaulArbest. happens the consequences Acolytes will have to change rails repeatedly The inhabited southern portion of the are likely to be direct and (into increasing dilapidated and vandalised Coscarla Division is open before the Acolytes unpleasantfortheAcolytes. cars),andtheirpasstokensandcognomenwill andtheyhavearoundfourhoursleftoftheday berepeatedlycheckedbysuspiciousMagistra- cycle to use to their best advantage. Their most tumenforcers,dull-eyedcarriageservitorsand obviousclearleadsarethedeadman’shomeand unctuouslookingofficials. seekingoutthesisterwhoreportedhimmissing, As their journey progresses they will pass both of which will lead them to the same hab- from the relatively open spaces and clean air of stack. Other clues, suspicions and leads will be thegovernmentdistrict,downandacrosswhole thrown up by their own actions, observations hivelevels,passedcollapsedfineryandthefallen andprogressinconductingtheinvestigation,and architectural splendours of the “good of olden thecoursetheymaytakecanhaveawidevariety days”andthroughvaststeelskyvaultsfilledwith of permutations and paths. With this in mind, endless rows of hab-stacks and kilometre after ratherthanprovidealinearlistofevents,muchof 10 kilometre of thunderous manufactora. The Part II is laid out as a series of locations, each