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The Economist November 5th, 2011. volume 401 issue 8758 PDF

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Preview The Economist November 5th, 2011. volume 401 issue 8758

The euro zone's Greek bombshell The . Brazil's oil bonanza JEeLOpeLOVOOB ESM Dealing with Japan's nuclear mess India’s maturing tech titans mooee tconomisteon The end of ageing? e e e The missing middle The woeful gap in America's politics eS O7 rs an) “OUR SPIRIT OF TEAMWORK REALLY SETS OUR SERVICE APART.” , Flight Attendant vays People. They make an airline. Visit cathaypacific.com S| CATHAY PACIFIC Cartier ae ‘the cover ‘eric’ s presidential ‘lection bal needs shot ‘fcentrist pragmatism: leader pages The Republanstrumphedin ‘the midstermelections. Next ‘meround, theymay bela fora shock, pages31-34. 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Presgentv supreme leader 58 wand is satirsed issdere Mocking the mullahs 98 Isaeland Palestine 59 Angry Bedouin 59 Muman rights a ibys aarti ie are 60 Transport in South fia Terniving ts Europe 61 Greece andthe euro Papaneois people 62 Wages in Germany Merkel nthe minum 62 AFrench obsession Tens times wer) 62 Spain'selection ay thereorer 63 Russa and word trade 63 Turkish foreign poly Dormant power revival 64 Turkey nthe Balkans The god old ay? 65 Charlemagne Papandeos apedy Greece George Papandreou's tombsaleder pages The politcal ramiestons othe us Greet raed, ages. ‘The impccon the et a. age rong et calfor referendum, tight principe: ‘hrlenagnepagees Brazil Unless the government restainsisel,anolboor Fstsfeeding Bans ves: leader pgei7- Getting the rostoutortheoitoranea wrllnotbe ea pages The poltalinptctions of Lu Scancer diagnos pages Japan Oncethe Fulshina tle plat stabs, he goverment shouldratorlse ‘copra Tepes: ater, page 7. epcofears ott Fadation eating otof he Fokushina plant, tals bad news, pages Contents continues overeat arta Finance ad economics 66 Theresttteleson 95 Financial marets Dosinse rece grog Exeranerstotheword 96 putneweed 67 cornptonin cet wot, too comple Overteppng ie mrk gy WFGlabtsbakeptey 67 The stPauts protests Broteboter Belsondyls 97 Sees banks 62 chiar cons Simin sony recor titeburens 6g ams fnancal e Toutsourigind'smost 69 Bapeot ist Nertvee pepe ett ete = a ‘elnwert ia page 73a erates pe chamstrenss Untoropeanitscreny. mere ataonatany Atha pope... heeuroesamiahtnake Scucetatnest moe ——7— mopewy baa “upmarket, page 74 a 92 Cesnenes teres argues Edward Carr it will 70 Wikipedia's fund-raising Pulling forthe home team jgad tocompromise and fecbstrotery edie 71 Pinas Seencead chology tps 95 tacng rs a 7 Wikiveaks Forever young? 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Greece seasthrowninio poliialturmotlaferthe Fapandreo, looked onthe verge of defeat Havingsaidhe wantedareferendumonthe age heapidy lost he support of hiseabinet and his party Wwithsomucheflor patito Securing the deal Mr Papa ‘dreou'sannouncement ‘tanned European leader, ‘who threatenedta suspend further payments fomthe bailout fund and od Greece thatitmast decide whether or hott wantstoremain inthe LINDT’S CEO The Pats ofces of asatircl ‘French weekly, Charue Heb, were bert ut bya peta bomb afer printed over catoonof the prophet Muhammad, Plieansd ‘ounced the atack The prime munsterFrangols Fillo de ‘aed that reedom of expres ‘Sonisan inalienable value ‘The ling Christian Demo ‘asin Germany looked setto ‘eckamatonal minimum wwageshaving previously ben fatestof thepary'sbeleft0 Dejunkedby Angela Merkel as ‘eas efor thenext election. Russia and Georgia seed ‘ostol thei remaining difer ences ver Ruslan member ‘sation pavingthe way or sia tojinshorty Julian Assange.the public faceof WikLesi oath, appealin iain aqainstene ‘dont Sweden where he faces llegations of apeand sevualassaue ERNST TANNER SALUTES ANOTHER YEAR OF GROWTH. Syra'sforeign minstermeta {tlegationof thea county Arab teapuein Qatar tod ass ways fending eight ‘months of vise the Teague ait would seek range for representatives of St Soppotdona neste ‘nleatasecond meeting ‘The uN General Assembly ‘otedbyso7 votes tog wth ‘abstentions, o admit Fralestine ay full member of Unesco, the uns caltura lagen. The United States, sthich provides 2% of ands and sae which pro vides sal they wouldstop thetreoniibuions. Ubya'sanstional coun ved for Abdurahimal Kelly ‘nysprime minister He will headanintrim government thatisettoroeatleastunt tlectonsto constituent ‘scemblynextsummer Theheadof Liberia'selection commision signed afer ‘complaints of malpractice {fom Winston Tubman who's Diddingtounseaencury Beni. Ellen ohmson Sea ina ‘of forthe presidency on November sth, Inaremarkabletur of evens inthe nepublican race forthe presidental nomination, Flerman Cain who as vault ‘dint the leadin some pol, Flared cacapeign staf wos ‘ngfor Rick Pers the governor offexasands val candidate Daignto discredit him Press Ieporsemergedthis week hat atleast hee women who ‘worked wih Mr ainhad ‘reused himof sexual harass ‘entintheso0s

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