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Preview The Economist December 10th, 2011 volume 401 issue 8763

5 9 The world this week Asia 45 China's economy and theWTO Leaders All change 13 Russia's future 46 Chinese politics and Cracks appear theWTO 14 The rise of political Islam No change And the winner is .. . 47 Japan's energy crisis 16 Ten years of China in Nuclea r winter theWTO 47 Market reform in India Shades of grey Off t heir trolleys The Arab spring PoliticaL Islam 16 Another EU summit 48 Banyan is on the march-and the West Beware the Merkozy recipe Hornets' nest in Pakistan must keep its nerve: Leader, 18 Video games page 14. The Middle East votes The serious business of fun On the cover for Islamists, page 49. Israel's Middle East and Africa The cracks appear in Vladimir fears, page 50, and its own Putin's Russia: leader, page 49 Political Islam fundamentalists, page 51. Why Letters 13. Routine election fraud Everywhere on the rise America can never escape the 20 On the London Stock turns into full-scale protest, Middle East: Lexington, page 40 50 Israel and the Isla mists Exchange, roundabouts, page 55. The upheavals in Oh no! But Let's talk bond markets, Thomas Russia show how hard it is, Cook, diasporas 51 Religious Israelis 20 years after the system They're on the ri se too collapsed, for the country to 52 Uncertainty in Iran put away its Soviet past, Briefing Did they really mean this? pages 27-30 27 Russia 54 Congo's election The Long Life of Homo It could get worse Sovieticus The Economist online 54 South Africa's courts President v judges Daily analysis and opinion from United States our 19 blogs, plus audio and video 31 The election content, debates and a daily chart Special report: Video Barack Obama chooses Economist.comfblogs games his ground Barack Obama The president E-mail: newsletters and All the world's a game offers America a new square 32 Stimulus and the mobile edition After page 54 deal for his re-election economy Economist.comfemail campaign, page 31. A new Looking up Print edition: available online by round of stimulus might help 32 Transport in Georgia Europe 7pm London time each Thursday him, page 32 Spare a penny? Economist.comfprint 55 Political crisis in Russia 34 Technology and dvil Voting, Russian-style Audio edition: available online liberties to download each Friday 56 Germany's debt brake Economist.comfaudioedition Don't shoot Tie your hands, please 36 Detroit nears bankruptcy 56 France and Germany Nowhere to run No thanks for the 36 Insider trading and memories Congress 57 Italy's budget Capitol crimes Saving Italy Volume 401 Number 8763 38 Tort reform 58 Romania's economy Closing the Lottery First published in September1843 Buckle up to take part in "a severe contest between 40 Lexington 58 Macedonia intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing The wretched Middle East Call it what you want China The world is richer our progress. " because China was Let into the 59 Charlemagne Editorial offices in London and also: World Trade Organisation. Now Atlanta, Beiji ng, Berlin , Brussels, Cai ro, The Americas Those obstructive Brits the world's biggesttrader Chicago, Hong Ko ng, Johan nesburg, Los Angeles, 41 Canada and the United MexlCo C1ty, Moscow, New Delhi, New York, Paris, needs to grow up: Leader, page Sa n Francisco, Sao Pau lo, Singapore, Tokyo, States 16. The impact on China of Washington DC The border two-step joining the WTO ten yea rs ago, 42 Colombia's floods page 45 .The BRICs are also ten That damned Nina years old: Economics focus , page86 42 Mining in Peru Doing the Conga 44 Publishing in Latin America A Literary deficit ~~ Contents continues overleaf 6 Contents The Economist December lOth 2011 82 Financial accounting Britain Tax cuts that hurt 61 Reforming welfare 82 Private equity Nice work if you can find it One careful owner? 62 Shrinking cigars 84 Helping the poor to save Up in smoke Small wonder 63 Bagehot 86 Economics focus God in austerity Britain The BRICs atten International Science and technology 65 City building Euro crisis The flaws in the 87 30 printing Next week Hong Kong in Honduras Merkozy plan : leader, page 16. The shape of things to We publish our Christmas The sovereign bond markets 67 Free cities come double issue, with articles on Honduras shrugged hope for a solution, page 79 . Durer's business model, 88 Arthritis Italy's budget, page 57. The frog-hunting in India, the Botox as pain relief British problem: Charlemagne, man who made advertising Business 90 Human evolution page 59 . Lessons from the sexy, cafe culture in 69 Macau's gambling The first mattresses Great Depression, pages 76-78 revolutionary Cairo, social industry 90 Another Earth? media in the 16th century, Aw indow on China Home away from home and much more 70 American telecoms A breath of fresh airwaves Books and arts 71 Thomson Reuters Principal commercial offices: 91 Books of the year, 2011 25 St James's Street , Lon do n SW1A1 HG Screen test Page-turners Tel: 020 7830 7000 71 Advertising 96 Books by Economist Bouleva rd des Tra nchees 16 Publicis's durable boss 1206 Geneva, Switzerland writers Tel: 41 22 566 2470 72 Biotech patents Pens and ink Taking it personally 750 3rd Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY1 0017 Tel: 1212 541 0500 73 Carmakers 104 Economic and financial 60/ F Central Plaza Revenge of the 18 Harbour Road , Wanchai , Hong Kong indicators Special report Video games petrolheads Tel: 852 2585 3888 Statistics on 42 will be the fastest-growing 74 Schumpeter Other commercial offices: economies, plus our and most exciting form of University challenge Chicag o, Dubai , Frankfurt, Los Angeles , monthly poll of forecasters Paris, Sa n Francisco and Singa pore mass media over the coming decade: read our special Briefing report after page 54. A bit of Obituary the entertainment business 76 Lessons ofthe 1930s 106 Socrates Subscription service that many other firms can There could be trouble Football's philosopher For our latest subscription offers, visit learn from: leader, page 18 ahead EFocro snuobmscirsitp.ctioomn jsoefrfveircse , please contact by telephone, fax, web or mail at the details provided below: Finance and economics Telephone: 1 800 456 6086 (from outside the US and Canada, 1314 447 8091) 79 Europe's debt crisis Facsimile: 1 866 856 8075 (from outside Scaling the summit the US and Canada, 1314 447 8065) Web: Economistsubs.com 80 The IMF and the euro E-mail: Investments I Trust Services I Credit & Banking Solutions I Asset Management RBC Wealth Management . • I ® RBC Wealth Management is the global wealth business of Royal Bank of Canada and affiliates. *Scorpio Partnership Global Private Banking KPI Benchmark 2011. The value of investments may fall as well as rise. 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See store or visit att.com for complete details and coverage maps. Data: Min $15/mo. 200MB, data plan required. If you exceed your initial 200MB allowance, you will automatically be charged an overage of $15 for each additional 200MB provided. All data allowances and overages must be used in the billing period provided or they will be forfeited- details at att.com/dataplans. Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge up to $1.25/mo. is chrg'd to help comply with gov't obligations and chrgs; it is not a tax or gov't req'd chrg. Early Termination Fee (ETF): After 30 days, ElF up to $325 based on device (details att.com/equipmentETF). Restocking fee up to $35. Taxes and other charges apply. BlackBerry®, RIM®, Research In Motion®, and related trademarks, names, and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world. Used under license from Research In Motion Limited. Screen images simulated. ©2011 AT&T Intellectual Property. Service provided by AT&T Mobility. All rights reserved. AT&T & the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. 9 Fundamentalist concerns of Mazar-i-Sharif as wor- The leaders of 33 countries met Politics The Muslim Brotherhood won shippers gathered, and were a in Caracas to found the an even bigger proportion of rare form of sectarian violence Community of Latin Ameri- the vote than predicted in the in the country. The next day, 19 can and Caribbean States first of three sets of votes for people travelling in a minibus (CELAC). They condemned the Egypt's parliament, getting were killed by a roadside American economic embargo 37% in party lists but raising its bomb in Helmand province. against Cuba and supported seat tally to 46% after a series Argentina's claim to the Falk- of run-offs in single-member India's communications lands (Malvinas). But they did constituencies. The Salafists, a minister asked Google, Face- not support a plan by the host, more extreme group of Islam- book, Yahoo! and Microsoft to Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, to ists, surprised pollsters even screen user-generated content give CELAC a permanent more, getting 24% of the vote for offensive material before it secretariat or budget. on party lists and 21% overall goes online. The move is after the run-offs. The Brothers aimed at protecting the sensi- Canada's prime minister, Ahead of a European Union said if they won they would bilities of Indians from blas- Stephen Harper, and Ameri- summit, Angela Merkel, the not team up with the Salafists phemous material, though the ca's president, Barack Obama, German chancellor, and Nicol- but would form a coalition volume of content posted signed an agreement called as Sarkozy, the French presi- with secularists. The voting is online by India's 1oom in- Beyond the Border under dent, called for changes to the due to end in mid-January. ternet users makes any such which Canada will share European Union treaties to regulation impossible. information about people enforce tighter fiscal rules. The Kuwait's emir dissolved entering and leaving the coun- pair said they wanted all euro- parliament amid a crisis over Japan's Fukushima nuclear try while the United States will zone countries to introduce allegations of corruption. plant, which was seriously ease some security checks on laws limiting government Elections will be held within damaged after March's earth- cross-border trade. deficits, and for spendthrifts to 6odays. quake, was found to have be punished. David Cameron, sprung a leak. Some 45 tonnes Progressive values the British prime minister, The United States opened a of contaminated water spilled Barack Obama went to Kan- came under pressure from "virtual" embassy for Iranians out of the plant into a nearby sas, deep in the Republican Eurosceptic members of his that offers them services such wastewater area. heartland, to give a big speech Conservative Party to hold a as visa information. The real on the economy, in which he referendum on any new treaty. American embassy in Tehran Thailand jailed a Thai-born attacked Republican economic has been closed for more than American citizen for two-and- policy and said America was In Russia's parliamentary 32 years. Meanwhile, Iran a-half-years for criticising the at a "make-or-break moment election the ruling United claimed to have shot down an monarchy. Joe Gordon for the middle class". Mr Russia party of Vladimir Putin American drone over its east- uploaded a blog post about the Obama laid out his case in the won just under half the votes, ern border. king written from Colorado, same town where Teddy Roo- less than it had expected. After but was arrested when he sevelt called for a progressive widespread reports of voting Laurent Gbagbo, the former entered Thailand. "new nationalism" in 1910. irregularities Moscow saw its president of Cote d'Ivoire, biggest political protests in appeared at the International The new battle of Cajamarca years. Several prominent Criminal Court in The Hague. Peru's new president, Ollanta opposition figures were arrest- The first former head of state to Humala, declared a state of ed and jailed. go before the court, he was emergency in the northern charged with crimes against department of Cajamarca and Elections were held in Croatia humanity in the aftermath of a sent troops to quash protests and Slovenia. Both were won disputed presidential election against Minas Conga, a $4.8 by centre-left parties; as pre- a year ago. billion gold and copper mining dicted in Croatia's case, but project. surprisingly in Slovenia's. Day of mourning Brazil's labour minister re- Italy's new prime minister, signed under an ethical cloud, Mario Monti, announced a the sixth minister to depart Herman Cain "suspended" new austerity budget of €30 . . this year over corruption his campaign for the Repub- billion ($40 billion) in tax rises lS.: .. A0 r •• ~• • ' • • . ,. , . ., ,- -• ' claims. lican presidential nomination, and spending cuts. The welfare '. . ' in effect ending his candidacy. minister broke down in tears Brazil's Senate approved a Newt Gingrich is likely to be as she announced a big .. . .• ... ' reform of the country's Forest the main beneficiary of his shake-up of Italy's generous Code, reducing the amount of withdrawal from the race. pension system. .:;.. ' ~ forest cover farmers are ob- ..,. I liged to maintain, but requiring RodBlagojevich was sen- After a world-record 541-days, them over 20 years to replant tenced to 14 years in prison for Belgium finally formed a Two bomb blasts in Afghani- areas illegally deforested. This a range of crimes, including government, under pressure stan killed 59 people on the came as the government an- trying to sell Mr Obama's old from the markets. The new most important day of Muhar- nounced that deforestation in Senate seat. He is the second prime minister is Elio di Rupo, ram, a Shia festival. The bombs the year to July had fallen to consecutive former governor a Socialist from the Walloon exploded near religious sites in the lowest level since satellite of Illinois to be jailed for (French-speaking) community. Kabul and the northern town monitoring began 23 years ago. corruption. ~~ 10 The world this week The Economist December lOth 2011 BP accused Halliburton, one A panel investigating an ac- which reached15 billion app Business of its main contractors in the counting scandal at Olympus downloads in July. stricken Deepwater Horizon produced a damning report on Standard & Poor's put 15 of the project, of destroying test the Japanese company's man- Research In Motion said it was euro zone's 17 members on results from the cement that agement, which it described as writing down its inventory of negative credit watch (Cyprus Halliburton used on the rig "rotten". Headed by a former BlackBerry PlayBooks by is already on the list and before it exploded. A court in judge on Japan's Supreme $485m because of the steep Greece is at risk of a default). New Orleans is to hear claims Court, the panel detailed the price discounts being offered Along with Italy and Spain, for damages related to the scheme that executives alleg- by retailers for the tablet. It is s&P threatened to downgrade resulting oil-spill disaster in edly used to hide investment another blow for the maker of its ratings for AAA countries the Gulf of Mexico. Hallibur- losses by parking them in the BlackBerry, which is such as France and even Ger- ton said that BP had chosen to offshore funds. Olympus, struggling in the market for many, and gave warning that it "mischaracterise" the tests, which commissioned the smart devices. The PlayBook might also cut the credit rating which have "little or no report, is being investigated in hit the stores at $500 but can of the European Financial relevance to the case". Japan, America and Britain. now be bought for $200. RIM's Stability Facility. Its decision The entire board is expected to share price has fallen by 70% caused outrage in Brussels, step down soon. so far this year. with some politicians accusing I Brazil's GOP s&P of retaliating against %ancnhuanl graet eon previous quarter at Two big online gaming firms A closed shop European proposals to curtail set the price range for their India's government back- the influence of ratings agen- 12 respective initial public of- tracked on its recent decision cies. s&P cited the increased ferings later this month. to open up the country's retail systemic risk of a failure of the Nexon, which attracts nm industry to foreign super- eurozone. ~IJILtu players a month, hopes to raise markets in the face of protests $1.2 billion on the Tokyo Stock whipped up by politicians. The unemployed count Exchange in what will be Indian shoppers would have America's unemployment Sourc2e0: 0T9h omson Reu1te0r s 11 Japan's biggest IPO of the year. benefited from lower prices rate fell sharply to 8.6% in Zynga, which boasts 26om and investors had celebrated November, the lowest it has Brazil's economy was all but garners, hopes to raise a similar the proposed reforms. But been since March 2009. Much flat in the third quarter com- amount as it floats 14.3% of the middlemen, who would have of the decline is due to more pared with the previous three company, giving it a market suffered, objected. people simply giving up look- months (but grew by 2.1% value of around $7 billion. ing for work and leaving the compared with the same Both are expected to be heavi- In China competition regu- labour market, but revised quarter in 2010). The global ly oversubscribed. lators approved Nestle's acqui- data also showed that job slowdown has hurt capital sition of Hsu Fu Chi, which growth was stronger through- spending and the industrial App, app and away! makes sweets and biscuits, in out the autumn than had sector in Brazil, but most an- Google marked the download one of the biggest foreign previously been thought. alysts were surprised by the of the 10-billionth app from its takeovers of a Chinese firm. quarter's plunge in consumer Android store; it sold the A study prepared for an Ameri- spending, which accounts for 9-billionthjust a month ago. It Other economic data and news can natural-gas trade body by 6o% of the economy. is catching up fast with Apple, can be found on pages 104-105 IHS Global Insight forecast that shale gas will account for 6o% of all natural-gas production in America by 2035 and support 1.6mjobs. The study projected that capital spending in American shale gas would amount to $1.9 trillion between 2010 and 2035. MidAmerican Energy, a hold- ing company controlled by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, said it was buying the Topaz Solar Farm in southern California, which will be one of the largest pho- tovoltaic power plants in the world when it is completed. MidAmerican's boss, Greg Abel, said Topaz shows that solar energy is commercially viable. But following the Solyndra scandal, which cost taxpayers a fortune, spats over green subsidies show no sign of cooling.

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