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The Economics ofAltruism, Paternalism and Self-control • i~(T;) STOCKHOLM SCHOOL u~(1);:U OF ECONOMICS '\~.~~"'ltI~;''! HANDELSHOCSKOLANISTOCKHOLM EFl,TheEconomicResearchInstitute EFlMission EFl,theEconomicResearchInstituteattheStockholmSchoolofEconomics,isascientificinstitutionthat works independently ofeconomic, political and sectional interests. It conducts theoretical and empirical research in the management and economic sciences, including selectedrelated disciplines. The Institute encouragesandassistsinthepublicationanddistributionofitsresearchfindingsandisalsoinvolvedinthe doctoral education at the Stockholm School ofEconomics. At EFl, the researchers select their projects basedontheneedfortheoreticalorpracticaldevelopmentofaresearchdomain, ontheirmethodological interests,andonthegeneralityofaproblem. ResearchOrganization TheresearchactivitiesattheInstituteareorganizedinto22ResearchCentres. CentreDirectorsareprofessorsattheStockholmSchoolofEconomics. EFlResearchCentre: CentreDirector: ManagementandOrganisation(A) Sven-ErikSjostrand CentreforEntrepreneurshipandBusinessCreation(E) CarinHolmquist PublicManagement(F) NilsBrunsson InformationManagement(l) MatsLundeberg CentreforPeopleandOrganization(PMO) AndreasWerr(acting) CentreforInnovationandOperationsManagement(T) ChristerKarlsson CentreforRiskResearch(CFR) LennartSjoberg EconomicPsychology(P) GujeSevon CentreforConsumerMarketing(CCM) MagnusSoderlund CentreforInformationandCommunicationResearch(CIC) PerAndersson(acting) Marketing,DistributionandIndustrialDynamics(D) BjornAxelsson CentreforStrategyandCompetitiveness(CSC) OrjanSolvell CentreforBusinessandEconomicHistory(BEH) HakanLindgren AccountingandManagerialFinance(B) JohnnyLind CentreforFinancialAnalysisandManagerialEconomicsin KenthSkogsvik Accounting(BFAC) Finance(FI) ClasBergstrom CentreforHealthEconomics(CHE) BengtJonsson InternationalEconomicsandGeography(lEG) MatsLundahl Economics(S) LarsBergman EconomicStatistics(ES) AndersWestlund Law(RV) ErikNerep CentreforTaxLaw(SR) BertilWiman ChairoftheBoard:ProfessorCarinHolmquist Director:AssociateProfessorFilipWijkstrom Address EFl,Box6501,SE-113 83Stockholm,Sweden •Website:www.hhs.se/efi/ Telephone:+46(0)8-7369000•Fax:+46(0)8-31 6270•[email protected] THE ECONOMICS OF ALTRUISM, PATERNALISM AND SELF-CONTROL Anna Brernan ':15) STOCKHOLM SCHOOL \:1;; OF ECONOMICS "".,!-~.~ HANDELSHOCSKOLANISTOCKHOLM EF!,TheEconomicResearchInstitute a ..6~~~~1'~""~~. Dissertationfor the Degree ofDoctor ofPhilosophy, Ph.D. ."".-. '-l.""~.(I ~,t Stockholm SchoolofEconomics ~- ~.,; ••~~~!J.•• • KEYWORDS: Altruism, Dictator Game, Empirical test, Endogeneity, Experiment, Field Ex periment, ForeignAid, Healthcare,Inter-temporalChoice, Paternalism, Philanthropy,Publicgoods, Self-control @EFI and the author, 2006 ISBN NR 91-7258-698-2 PRINTED BY: Elanders Gotab, Stockholm 2006 DISTRIBUTED BY: EFl, The Economic Research Institute Stockholm SchoolofEconomics P 0 Box 6501, SE-113 83 Stockholm www.hhs.se/efi To my family Contents Acknowledgements xi Summary ofThesis 1 Introduction 3 Summary ofPapers 5 References 9 Papers 11 Paper 1. Give More Tomorrow 13 1. Introduction 13 2. The model 16 3. Review ofrelated literature 22 4. Experimental Design 24 5. Results 27 6. Conclusions 36 References 39 Paper 2. Crowding Out or Crowding In? 43 1. Introduction 43 2. Previous literature 45 3. The SFI Dataset 48 4. Empirical Specification 52 5. Estimation 55 6. Conclusions 63 References 67 Paper 3. Is Foreign Aid Paternalistic? 69 1. Introduction 69 2. A Review ofRelated Literature 72 3. Theoretical Definitions 73 4. Experimental Design 76 5. Results 81 6. Concluding Remarks 86 Appendix A 88 ix x CONTENTS Appendix B 91 References 95 Paper 4. Altruism without Borders? 99 1. Introduction 99 2. Experimental Design 102 3. Results 106 4. Concluding Remarks 113 Appendix A 116 AppendixB 119 References 123 Acknowledgements First,I wishtoexpressmysinceregratitudetomysupervisor, MagnusJohannesson. Magnus has been very generous with his time and advice. Yet, what I appreciate the most with Magnus is his inspiring approach to research, and his impressive ability to give advice on a wide range oftopics. I have also benefited from rewarding discussions with Karolina Ekholm and Paul Segerstromduringmyinitialyears ofgraduatestudies, and morerecentlyfrom discus sions with Tore Ellingsen, Jorgen Weibull and Niklas Zethraeus. Financial support from Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius' Research Foundation, which enabled me to spend a semester at Harvard University, is gratefully acknowl edged. While there, I particularly appreciated the rewarding discussions with Antonia Atanassova, Sendhil Mullainathan and Jeremy Tobacman. I am also indebtedto CarinBlanksvard, PirjoFurtenbach, RitvaKiviharju, Anneli Sandbladh, and Lilian Oberg for their friendliness and excellent support. I want to thank my co-author Ola Granstrom for good collaboration. Among my colleagues, therearesomanypeoplewhosecompanyI haveappreciatedandI canonly mentionafewhere; Myfirst yearcompanionsFredrikWilander, MaxEIgerandHarald Edquist; Therese Lindahl and Nina Waldenstrom, who introduced me to the "sauna tradition" and Erika Farnstrand who later joined; and of course the 8th floor lunch group with Erik Gronqvist, Erik Hoglin, Henrik Lundvall, Andreas Madestam, Conny Olovsson, Per Sonnerby, BjornTyrefors, DanielWaldenstrom, and Robert Ostling. I want to express a special thanks to Chloe Le Coq and Elena Paltseva. Their friendship and support have made a big difference. Finally, I wish to thank my family - my mother Carina, my brother Emil, and my boyfriend lain- for encouragement, love and support. Stockholm, April 2006 Anna Breman xi

EFl, the Economic Research Institute at the Stockholm School of Economics, is a scientific institution that works independently . I want to express a special thanks to Chloe Le Coq and Elena Paltseva. Their Table 3 also reports the Pearson's chi2 test, which is used to test the equality of frequen
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