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Preview The Economic Journal: The Journal of the Royal Economic Society 2006: Vol 116 Index & Table of Contents

INDEX TO THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL VOLUME 116 ARTICLES Anderlini, L. and Felli, L., Transaction Costs and the Robustness of the Coase Theorem _ . Andrés, J. Lopez-Salido, J. D. and Vallés, J., Money in an Estimated Business Cycle Model of the Euro Area mat Askenazy, P., Thesmar, ‘D. and Thoe nig, M., On ‘the Re lation Between Organisational Practices and New Technologies: the Role of (Time Based) Competition : Bandiera, O. and Rasul, I., Social Networks and Technology Adoption in Northern Mozambique Bardhan, P. and Mookherjee, D., Decentralisation and Accountability in Infrastructure Delivery in Developing Countries Barro, R. J. and Tenreyro, S., C losed and Openn Economy Models of Busine: SS Cc les with Marked Up and Sticky Prices é Basu, K., Gender and Say: a Model of House hold Behaviour ‘with Endoge nously De termined Balance of Power Bouckaert, J. and Degryse, H., Entry and Strategic Information Display in Credit Markets Calmfors, L. and _—" A., Nominal Wage Flexibility, Wage Indexation and Monetary Union Carlaw, K.I. and Lipsey, RG., GptD riven, Endogenous Growth : Cecchetti, S. G., Flores-Lagunes, A. and Krause, S., Has Monetary Policy become more Efficiern t?a Cross-Country Analysis Charles, K. K. and Kline, P., Relational Ceos ts sand the Production of Social C ‘apital: Evide nce from Carpooling : Devereux, M. B., Lane, p. R. and Xu, J. Exchange Rates and Monetary Policy in Emerging Market Economies Duclos, J.-Y., Sahn, D.E . and Younger, S.D ., Robust Multidime nsional Poverty Comparisons Ermisch, J., Francesconi, M. and Siedler, T., Intergenerational Mobility and Marital Sorting Farmer, R.E.A. and Lahiri, A., Economic Growth in an Interdependent World Economy Fershtman, C., Heifetz, A. and Read My Lips, Watch for Leaps: Preference Equilibrium and Political Instability igs Fag oa >a 0h Zou ee eas, ee een Flambard, V. and Perrigne, I., Asymmetry in Procurement Auctions: Evidence from Snow Removal Contracts Flodén, M., Labour Supply and Saving U nder Urn certainty —— P. and van der Klaauw, B., Job Search with Nonparticipation ; Geerdsen, L. P., Is there a Threat Effect of Labour Market Programmes? A Study of AL MP iin | the Danish UI System Guender, A. V., Stabilising ‘Properties ‘of Discretionary Mone tary Policii es in a ‘Small Open Economy Gath, W. and Napel, S., Inequality Aversion in :a Variety of Games -- an Indirect Evolutionary Analysis... Le Se in en ae ee eee te re eh eS Harms, P. and Lutz, M., Aid, Governance and Private Foreign Investment: Some Puzzling Findings for the 1990s ee ee a ee ROOT yg tee SS Henry, S. G. B., Satchi, M. and Vines, D., The Effect of — — Policy Choices in Inflation Targe ting Regimes Honda, Y. and Kuroki, Y., Fin: anc ial and Capital “Marke ts’ Re sponses to Ccw hea nges in» the Central Bank’s Target Interest Rate: The Case of Japan Innes, R., A Theory of Consumer Boycotts under Symmetric Information ‘and Imperfect Competition , Kessler, A.S. and L ailfess:m ann, .C. , The Theory of Human Capital Revisited: On the Interaction of General and Specific Inve stmen ts . . Madsen, J. B. and Davis, E. P., Equity Prices, Productivity ‘Growth and ‘T he Ne Ww Economy’ Manning, A., A Generalise a Model of Monopsony Marceau, N. and Myers, G., On the Early Holocene: Foraging tto Early Agricu lure McGough, B., Shoc * Escapes Mehlum, H. Moene, K. and Torvik, R., Institutions and the “Re source C urse Miles, D. and Cerny, A., Risk, Return and Portfolio Allocation under Alternative Pension Systems with —, te and — rfect Financial Markets — Mody, A. and Saravia, D., Catalysing Private Capital Flows: ‘Do IMF Progr ‘ammes Work as —— Devices? . INDEX Munch, J.R., Rosholm, M. and Svarer, M., Are Homeowners Really More Unemployed? . Park, A., Risk and Household Grain Management in Developing Countries Petrongolo, B. and Pissarides, C., Scale Effects in Markets with Search . Polborn, M. K., Hoy, M. and — A., Advantageous Effects of Regulatory Adve! rse Se ection in the Life Insurance Market Raaum, O., Salvanes, K. G. and Sorensen,1 E. o., The Neighbourhood iis Not What it: Use d to be Rangel, M. A., Alimony Rights and Intrahousehold Allocation of Resources: Evidence from Brazil Ravallion, M. and van de Walle, D., Land Reallocation In An Agrarian Transition . Richardson, M., Commercial Broadcasting and Local Content: Cultural — Adve — and Public Stations Saint-Paul, G., Distribution and Growth. in an Economy with Limited Ne eds: ‘Variable Markups and ‘the End of Work’ : Selod, H. and Zenou, Y., City Structure, Job Search and Labour Discrimination: Theory ‘and Policy Implications RUMsteek Wenksc, RmaTe Sete: noe we macy ote fe Simonsohn, U. and Loewenstein,1 ,G. , Mistake #37: The Effect of Previously Encountered Prices on Current Housing Demand Stephens Jr., M., Paycheque Receipt and the Timing of CY onsumption CONFERENCE PAPERS Ashenfelter, O., Measuring the Value of a Statistical Life: Problems and Prospects Gibbons, S. and Machin, S., head for Primary Schools: Admission Constraints, School Popularity or Congestion? . . é C77 Hanushek, E.A. and WoBmann, L., Does ‘Educational Tracking Affect Performance ‘and Inequality? Differences- in-Differences Evidence Across Countries . . . . . . . . . €63 Helliwell, ].F., Well-Being, Social Capital and Public Policy: What’s New? . 2. . . 2 1 2.) C34 Hussain, I., Consumer Demand and the Role of Labour Supply and Durables . . . . . C110 Khan, T., Company Dividends and Ownership Structure: Evidence from UK Panel Data i “GE Layard, R., Happiness and Public Policy: a Challenge to the Profession . . . . . . . . C24 Rubinsteii n, A., A Sceptic’s Comment on the Study of Economics. Cl Smith,S ., The Retirement-Consumption Puzzle and Involuntary Early Retire ment: : Evide nce from the British Household Panel Survey . . . = xe Ce Tanaka, M., Bank Loans Versus Bond Finance: Implications for Sove reign De btors — C149 Trivedi, K. and Young, G., Corporate Cross-Holdings of Equity, Leverage and Pensions: Simulation and Empirical Evidence from the UK... Bes AE) ce ansby ar ce MS, nde Oe Walker, Z. and Zhu, Y., Child Support and Partnership Dissolution Ps C93 West, M.R. and Peterson, P.E., The Efficacy of Choice Threats Within Sch ool Accountability Systems: Results from Legislatively Induced Experiments . FEATURES Abowd, John M., Kramarz, Francis and Roux, Sébastien, Wages, Mobility and Firm Performance: Advantages and Insights from Using Matched Worker-Firm Data . Allsopp, Christopher, Kara, Amit and Nelson, Edward, United Kingdom Inflation Targe ting ‘and the Exchange Rate : Aubert, P., Caroli, E. and Roger. M., ‘New Technologies, Organisation and ‘Age: Firm-evel Evidence Bandyopadhyay, S. and d shatterjee, K, Coalition Theory and its Applications: A Survey Blake, David and Mayhew, Les, On The Sustainability of the UK State Pension System in the L ight of Population Ageing and Declining Fertility : Blume, L.E., The Dynamics of Statistical Discrimination . F Boettke, Peter J., Coyne, Christopher J. Davis, John, Guala, Francesco, Marciano, Alain, Runde, Jochen and Sc habas, Margaret, Where Economics and Philosophy Meet: Review of the Elgar Companion to Economics and Philosophy with Responses from the Authors... F306 Borghans, L. and Ter Weel, B., The Division of Labour, Worker Organisation, and Technologic al Change . . F45 Brock, W.A.. Profiling Problems with Partially ‘Identified Structure fo >» « Te Cobham, D., Introduction to Feature: Monetary Policy and the Sterling Exc hange Rate fe iy pO Cobham, David, The Overvaluation of — Since 1996: How the Policy makers Responded and Why .. . ed ae ee ee me Diamond, P., Reforming Public Pensions ii n the US and the ‘UK ae F94 Dominitz, J. and Knowles, K., Crime Minimization and Racial Bias: What Can |w e Learn from Police Search Data . . be LS he ar tae ae en oe ey Durlauf, S.N., Assessing Racial Profiling Oe Cag SEE Mg INDEX Epple, D.N., Romano, R., Sarpca, S. and Sieg, H., Profiling in ———* over College Tuitions .. cory eee Garratt, A. and Vahey, S. P., U K Re al:T ime Macro Data C shaanr acteristics =. F119 Kirsanova, Tatiana, Leith, Campbell and Wren-Lewis, Simon, Should Centr: al Banks T arget Consumer Prices or the Exchange Rate? .. oi. er «oe Manski, C.F., Introduction to Feature: Profiling: Ge neral Issues and Case Studies w eos ea) ee Manski, C.F., Search Profiling with Partial Knowledge of Deterrence. . ata, oe Moffitt, R.A., Welfare Work Requirements with Paternalstic Government Preferences ; F441 Persico, N. and Todd, P., Generalizintgh e Hit Rates Test for Racial Bias in Law Enforcement with an Application to Vehicle Searches in Wichita’. . F351 be Weel, B., Introduction to Feature: IT Diffusion and Industry and Labour: Market Dynamics Fl Van Den Berg, G. J., Revolutionary Effects of New Information Technologies . . F10 Van Reenen, J., The Growth of Ne twork C lomputing: Quality-Adjusted Price Changes for Ne twork ONE te ay ie, 50 Ay cal ee ee, ca aedS ee ae gh ee egg ac ee a REVIEWS Arora, Ashish and Gambardella, Alfonso (Eds.), From Underdogs to Tigers: The Rise and Growth of the Software Industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland, and Israel. . - . FIS6 Austen-smith, David and Banks, Jeffery S., Positive Political Theory Il: Strategy and Structure - - waco Blair, Roger D. and Cotter, Thomas F., Intellectual Property: Economic and Legal Dimensions of Rights and Remedies. . eee. oo, we Cameron, A. Colin and Trive di, Pravin K, Microeconometrics; ‘Methods and Applications ee er Cao, Tian Yu, The Chinese Model of Modern Development . . . = Clements, Michael P., Evaluating Econometric Forecasts of Economic and Financial Variables . . . Fi04 De Haan, Jakob, Eijffinger, C. W. Sylvester and Waller, Sandra, The European Central Bank — Credibility, Transparency and Centralization . . - « « Bae Fontaine, Philippe and and Leonard, Robert, The Experiment in the History ofE conomics « = a: oe Griffin, James M. and Puller, Steven L. (Eds.), Electricity Deregulation: Choices and Challenges . . F333 Levitt, Stephen D., Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist a the Hidden Side of Everything . . . F335 Maloney, John, The Economy of Robert Lowe... F165 McKinnon, Ronald, Exchange Rates Under The East. Asian Dollar Standard: Living With Conflicted Virtue. ee tien Va . ». » BGs Fam Moul, Charles C. A ‘Conciae Handbook of Movie Industry Economics. i s 2 < eo Rebick, Marcus, The Japanese Employment System: Adapting to a New Economic Environment vs 4 Shephard, Neil, Stochastic Volatility: Selected Readings as oa Bra’ pea OR ve Se ae ky dt a) eo Tirole, Jean, The 7 i CERIO. ae Ss) ss 2 hoe AS Oe Sw Fo le Vos, Rob, Taylor, Lance and Paes De Barros, Ricardo, Economic Liberalisation. Distribution and — Latin America in the 19900 perth le Se a te ae ee White, C. Harrison, Markets from Networks: Sociieo economic Models ofI P roduction ‘he io —— — LIST OF REVIEWERS Azar, Ofer H., F335 Backhouse, Roger E., F165, F331 Bandyopadhyay, Siddhartha, F158 Barassi, Marco R., F161, F164 Cavaliere, Giuseppe, F326 Freytag, Andreas, F327 Gall, Gregor, F170 Kapur, Sandeep, F15 Libanio, Gilberto, F172 Liu Xiaoyu, F163 Lombardi, Domenico, F328 Newbery, David, F333 Poddar, Sougata, F169 Rowat, Colin, F332 Savin, Andrej, F159 Volz, Ulrich, F167 Webb, David, F499

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