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The Easter Moment PDF

225 Pages·2010·5.898 MB·English
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TheE astMeorm ent The EastMeorm ent JohnS helbSyp ong := HarperCollins e-books To EllEelni zaSbpeotnhg MarKya thaSrpionneg JaqueKletiennrS pong Augsutus CEhpaprJslr,e. s JohBna ldwCiant lJe.rt t, .d.a.u ghatnedr ss onsw-hioen x-plaanwmdy el dei f anidn twoh oshea nds cIo nattmeo n tp tlhaec e destoifbn oyt h cthhuera cnhtd h weo rld INM EMORIAM JameGrsa ysCoanm pbell DoctoofMr e dicine Friend BorNno vebme2r6 1,9 29D ieJdu ne1 976 r, Ic amteh tahtme ayy hlaiavfneed haabvuean ndittl y. Jn. ro:ro RSV CONTENTS Cover TitPlaeg e Dedication Foreword Prefatctoeh S ee cEodnidt ion ParIt AP ersonWailt ness ChapItA enrA utogbrpaihoiWcoarld Chap2tA e Lro ok gthDh eraotuh Chap3tj eers Tuess otfBe arr riers ParItIT heE ffecotfts h eE astMeorm ent Chap4tI enr troduction Chap5tP eert eCrh anMgaend A Chap6tT ehrD ei sciCpolweasir ndHtseo r oes Chap7tJ earm eFsr oCmr itSiicbatllAoi rn dge Wnostrh iper Chap8tA e Nre wH olDya y ChaptTehrO en enoefGs osEd xp ands 9 ChapItOejr u d,Se cari,pa tnudr ePaul ParItI EIx plortihnegE astMeorm ent ChapItIeI rn troduction ChapIt2ePr r obtihneg ' sBL iibtLleeervaell ChapteAr C oIn3t raWdiitcnteosrsy ChapIt4eD re lvbienngeS actrhi pture ChapItSePr r imoafPc eyt TeherT hird Day ChapIt6eTr h Aepo cpatlMiyicn d ChapIt7eA r P ossRiebcloen stIr uction Chap1t8eA r P ossRiebcloen struction II ParItV E nteritnhgeE astMeorm ent Chap1t9eT rh Eeu charist Chap2t0eLr ife a fetrDe ath Chap2t1eA r C oncglW uodrid n Bibglrihapyo Index Copyright AboutthP eu lbisher Notes FOREWORD TheB oookfA ctosp ewnist ahna ccooufnc tar itdieccailsm iaodbney t he newc ommunoiftt yhp ee opwlheoa ccepJteesdau sLs o rTdh.ed ecision hadt od ow itthh nee cesqsuaarilyaci tfioonfts h pee rssoenl etcotr eed­ plaJcued aPsl.a itnhleyps eeo phlaedn ot ruwcikt thh vea ripoeurss on­ aliitnynv teoroifte hsa tti mTeh.e ries dneof eretona cneys tandfaorr d " IQ..n,o"r equicrreedrd iatt iTnhge.oi nrl syt ipulwaats"i,Oo nnoe ft he menw hoh avaec compaunsdi uerdi anlgtl h tei mteh at thJee sLuosr d wenitna ndou atm onugs b,e ginfnorimnt gh bea ptoifsJm o hunn ttihle dawyh ehne wtaask uepnf ormu s onoef t hemseen m usbte cowmiet h usa w itnteosh sir se surre(cAtci1to:s-n2 2"12 R,S V.A) st hree coirndd i­ cattehsae,p osstelleesMc attetdh biyta hspe o weorf theS piHroIilntsy. o dointgh,ep yl acaen"d i ndedliimbelnes iinotanol"f l ut urCeh riswtiita­n nesSso.s igfcniaindti dt hee arlCihersits trieagnatsrh di" si ndelible dimenstihoaPnta" u flor,m w homt heea rlNieewTs ets tamaecncto oufn t three surreecmtainosant,c eo udledc l"afrIC eh,r isntohbtae se rna ised, theonu rp reacihsiin nvg a iann dy oufrai tihs viani (nr"C o rinthians 1:51·4I )t aibsotu htre e alaintdty h peo wert hoi"fsi ndedliimbelnes ion" thaBti shJoophJ nS. p onwgr itseops e rsvuealasyni ds oh onesitnTl hye EasMtoemre nt. BishSoppo nigs oofnt eh orsaerp ee optlheat th Eep iscCohpuarlc h­ complaenxdb affliansig ts ometiimses sp awinnst h rea nksi toosr f­ dained rmyei,vn einsttuballolsys obmriinlgl ainadan btlliyyni tHso use ofB ishso.Rpo beMratc koife Scoitnal t arnidb tuott hele a Wt.eA .V is­ serH'oto ftthW,eo rlCdo unocfiC lh urcfhouensd'i Gnegn eSreaclr ye,t ar wrot"eH,we a sC har iswtiitaahl n i vmeilnywd h ow asp repatroe tddh oe harwdo rnke cesfsorat rhryee alizoafst oimooenfh idsr eamTsh.Ee"a ster Momeanstd ,oo thoefrB ishSoppo nbgo'osk lse,c tuarnedss e,r mons, plaiinnldyti ectsah atth ees sceeon fs ucaht ribiusat pep litcoah bilme also. DesrciptoifBv ie shSopopn gc'osm peteanncde resuolunreacslessf o coubledD rV.e sseHro'ottf'o sb servaabtoiuKotan r Bla rtahf,tb eeri ng persuabdya ef dir entdor eatdh see coenddi toifEo pni sttlheRe o tmoa ns (912:3" )Ifou ndi tat errifbilcyub lodtoi bkfu,It d iudn dersetnaonudg h tob ecodmeee plye sism.eph.dre. r wea sam anw hol ivetdh meio nd ern worl.d,.a . mawnh os trugwgitlhet dhp er obloefm sh isctroirtiiccails m ando fm oderpnh ilosobpuwhth y oh adr ediscotvheaeru ethdo orfi ty thweo rdo fG odT.h iwsa sa mawnh op roclatihmee dd oefaa lttlhh lei t­ tlceo mofrtagboldaesn ds poakgea oiftn h lei vGiongdo ft hBei bl(ehT"e ChrisCteinatJunur l1yy9, 8p 5.6, 6 9 ) . InT hEea sMtoemre Bnits,h Soppo ndge awlitsht hree surreevcetnito n pastorsahlalrwyiit,nh gr eadtehresp oruonfdmloyv ianng di lluminating experioefmn icnei stteoar nibdne gi ng minibsyat f eirreenaddy ,ot uon g anda blpeh ysiwchioaw na sd yinogfa r arien,c urdaibsleeBa isseh.o p Sponggr appwlitehts h ree surreecvtebinytoe nx amintihntege stimony oft heea rltireasdti tthiaeotnm sb raictte,r eating tohbej teiscvoeulryc es int hmeo doef m odebrinb lcircciaitlsi Hme.c aruelflays sehsysopetsh e­ seass socwiiatthte hde etmopmtabyn dth aeb seonfc eda e abdo dHye. reufsetsob ei ntimibdyat thdeeid fif cuqlute osntsiA.sa uthSopro nogb ­ seersv",T hmeo menotfE astaeprp etaorb se sutbijvaeetsc ompeo ints, objteicvaet eortbshu,et s nsteiailitl say la wybse yond cbaottehg o(rpi.e s" 139")vE.e rdye scriipsit nieovni atd aibsltoyon rb,tu tith adti stodroteiso n not mtehaatnth e ebveeindnteg s crwiabsneo drt e aEla.s twearsar ing­ incgo nifrmattihoabnte yotnhdle i moifot u re yeosrt, h teo ucohfo ur handtsh,ew raeas n e tertniaemll,er sesa l(ipt1.y6 ".8 ) Theb urdoefpn r ocoofn certnhirene gs urraencditt icsoo nn sequences isc arrfiriesbdty t hceo nclutshiaiottin s otnotl hy"e e yoeffs ai tht"h at such reemabloidtiiyen Td h eE asMtoemre bnetc omceosn vinacnidn g thereeffocfraiec ifooruh su malnei f."T hraits Cehnr iwsatrs e aIcl a.n not satyh atto eom phatiHceaw lalsny o.rt e suscihtewa atsre eds,u rrected. Hew asc hangIetwd a.sn otth lei miptheyds iecyaeolsfo urh umanity thasta wh imb,u ety eosff aitnhe wloyp enbeyd tphowee orf h ilsi f(ep". r 96 )A.n ds ecotnhde, buorfdp erno iofsc arrbiye dt mhier aculous chantgheat th ree aloiftt hyre e surrwecrotuigohintnt hlei tbtalneod f despaifreairunflgd,,i silluhsoipoenlpeeodss,st -FGroioddfao lylw oerosf Jesfuorsi ,tt ransfotrhmmeie ndta of or midacbolmem unoiftb ye lievers int hrei sCehnr iwshto steo tcaolm mitm"ewnotu sltda arm to vement thawto ultdr aonrsmtf hweo rld("p1 .9 7). JohEnl briHdignee s HiglhanNdosr,Ct ahor lina PresiBdiisnhgo p The EpiCshcuorpcahl 1 946-1974 PREFACTEO THE SECOND EDITION Perhtahpgesr eajtoeaysn at u thcoarkn n ocwo mefsorm t hnee csestiyo f writitnhgpe r efacnee wte od itaoi fo pnar eviopuusbllyib sohoeTkdh. e EasMtoemre wnatso r igipnuabllliyis nhA epdro ifl1 890S.i ntchead ta te thibso olki,ak elb lo okhsa,ds e velopeodfi taos wn l.Ii tf ebh eaesun s ed inc ongregasttiuodgnyra olu apnsd sautm mecro nefrenciens su ch placaesKs a nugianw esteNronr tCha rolCihnaau,t auIqntusiat uitne wetserNne wY orkC,a mpG alialtLe aek Teah oeN,e vadanad,t hEep is­ copCaoln ferCeenncteie nCr o vOer,e goItnh .aas l sboe euns ebdyj udi­ catograytr hienogfsc lerfgorcy o ntineudiuntcgia oInh .a vceo nducted lectsuerrebi aessoe ndt hibso ofkor c lerogfty h Mee thodEipsits,c opal, andM ar Thtormaad iitnis ouncpshl acaesNs e wJ er,sT eeyxsaV,i rginia, klahoamnafd,ar a wayI ndia. 0 Sintchefe i rpsutb licoaftt hiiboson o Ikh avceo ntitnour eedai dnt he feilodfb iblsicchaoll aerssephciipaa,lsi l tpy e rtaitnhsee x tpoe rioefn ce EasteIrh .a vbee epna rticmuolvaerbdly ty h weo rko f wEadrSdc hille­ bekxe cihni bso ojke saunsbd y t hweri tionfPg h emPee rkiinhn esr book ReseucrtrNieownT es:t amaennCdto ntempRfloeercartTyih oonusgt.hh ese twoa uthhoarvsee x panmdye kdn olwedgtehe,y nhoactv aeu smeedt o shimfytc oncluisni soain gsn ifwiayc.Ma yno tr igwionraokln T hEea ster Momeanltsl oa uncmheeb de yotnhdne a rrfoocwu osf t habto oikn tao stuodfyt hweh olqeu estoiflo inf e aftTehri sstd uehdaaytes hn .g aged mys cholaatrtleyns tiino1cn9e 8 a0n ds houflnidde xpsrseiionan n other booiknt hneo t-toof-udti.us rteIa ntht orpaetc hepte owo eorf t hied eoaf liaffet er tdheraotuhgh hiosrutytto, os eetkou nderstthaen dh uamnaxn­ iettyow hicthh aitd esap eaaknsdt, o d iscohvoewr tahnaxti iesmt eyt whelnei a ffrtd eeaftadhe s thiceno nsciooufts hnpeee sospa lsIet hiintk hafsad eidn o ucre ntuIar lysh.oo ped itsoc onveeww ro rdasn dco ncepts thamti ghlte audst ol ooaktt hipso sbsiiliinta fy er swha y.I th as been

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