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by  N.A.
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The Gist Tedbn. bod Gedonal Hagozina. vol a2 TB DIA AND COLG MAGAZINE, HAST AMEMOLR OF WHLOAM COLLINS JACKSON, ¥aHE, Lave ge tis WanHo® siete. vem Uy ae Fate iid, hen aboot Post Leet 4 mutts womiaeted Bia ale, dackwt wes ites sents ab ag: fat thor esthlistssa ct ot ofttte: ceribars for Lavi avail tbo fosoas of March tn tho peur Pe f vupns ont wae Tae eed bg the wrvaa un Poth 8 iy tho. prajectod edition ts ky Cape of Guat Hope, which M, Sutteeia Hueateds whenchy Ae dp ose the gone wesc, and Nie duekean proceeded o> m Wovahay. aPhure he revi ik raviths, whiesly al bes awn expense lence. Me, Fackton did treats Madnus wofll the moni of Uetcher, 1782; wen Ateer Bin lsd slevasvetod the Chenate, and Geetistieu Bases Hen be fern! Tyee the Canopy’ Garences wore eedtiend 50 Lar cri an cere yar tin had py mens wf subsivtence aye aitey RL an enarbilnul rate of fuberet, Ms oy cists Ces the Lites prope ety, wbieh* bad dyvoboad tam yu Kasgand, by tho death ofa near and doar galative. Axion» > ue jpapdout of thn walla sort, bv Bret thy tee fu rWBtivo; aid, by this step alous, he suuurud Ksansel? from “ae ebtedglemuats whick have so often beca dhe baie of the werent of the Compa’: endeod. during: is whet vd of bia rowdeuee xo Dodis, hy neve a 9 tobi mvhuch was sr dinchaegg onde wee Towards the etige of ine year 1748, Lord Masariaey diss Hasina SQ, mony Sinoulon, auch Thaddtestin, af eoinie sioasrs on als ambary Uo negotiate 4 pence witty Tsp Sultan } and, Atk Landsbip! selectoil Mev dastvon ta “sit ah, PO ceeestaep. La thakjeaginsy Harmony pas*wautlg «wae Coke Shae Vol nt Heo bey dkeretere, he Ube z Atemais of tion Catone Sache, oa sroongel those commissioners; bub, on thu delicnte apd tryige ‘geagsion, it was Ihe goed fortune of the secretary 16 reeelve \ wpep hgnorsble testmadiale from Messrs, Siasotan and Hud Atesing Hewtver, urtliee pay riot ollawauices were attechod the btailon of serrelary, and even the amountsof hisactwal Aisburerenty was aot repaid to him woldl pesrly two years after the terrain ion of the mussipa. Ju the seat 1785, Ste Jackson succeeded to the office of, vaulee ecevetary to the Guretament of Wadtor At (his time. fiegind expended the whole of the tegary to which he had Werame euntled by the wall of bis rfauion . and, if 3¢ bad aot foeea for tha heyuest, be mint base borrowed "mouey at a Funvous rate of interest, for fe ordinary Capenses rsmgtucd ae foe had devoted tomolf es rl fo the service oF the Compas r. avaiding all aeecumtate speculabiogs . git became (Ir to, Mat saAiry which bi hed huths stu eeeeiicd amount enty 30 pngodus gag month, or aboae 42 sounds stort paulsa artenr. aud Ry Mulls at a disesii™ Mr, Jackson dlted the stattea of Bader wena we apd seven Yeats will ser much wppashor ro Ubi at Feu aned abroad, thet the Uaart of Breet es 1 brig wom tr aby ‘spposilovet ol ebat atete tore, Whee they ste aan with the fect, tbat ne wns eacieeng: ah duties uf ta! ter, funder the sonsiiatien of the Govcrament ta, bad ate she Court was informed nt clas tact, Ubey wad" fa the yo Be mont of Mr, dnchsun Ce be your sertetary, yn have mnteigated our onfers, which were foinded bpon the repented tomnroraly af has querita and ubshtes Upon Mr, Ingksut's encceasion to the vite of chief seteutary, oth Mabpmed Au, che abot of the Garaatic, andthe rajah ot me sirejously invited Bem 6m resve, ftom each, a rsenthly stpendot SOU pagodas, provideat he would devolo os nervicos fw them; but. mb a map of honor, and a8 Rogeet ftervant of the Company, he tort sobly declined beth there Ber At this poriad, othor leegé sams of céoaey, tay at BH root aes, Hows offered to Mr. Jackies, and ar stan te ‘Maa by Khu to the utmoat of biy ability nad sadicuiaedoy, > fad faibioly divchynged she duties af the wbRe! ~IAtons “wi Bhp had Ailudatthe sevice: and he tad Wed petits sted ia, c thrived cry advantage from, other Roding ae, ‘whitis reac "gallen to him ia the course of tthe anlage abigo wed vmoluments gayened Wo nonin een aot ited sroce his geetvat fi fad the bes ibis Manoir of William Collins Jackron, Eug a five of conduct under the moxt solkd conviction that to sequirs independonce (até particularly im 2 office sarronnded tempation) by oe moans, would be no ies: diahonarible ms himself then jujerions to the publie welfare: (he mice apa time gnd attention had boen excintively devoted to thesffars any ; BE bed not eniored into any oomenoretal ep cautious, bor jato ooy wewrtows dealings with any of the (1i~ dotarres of the Carnatic: acting upon there principles OF walt denial, {a every matter where moncy wae canverned,, the influence *which bie station commanded eauld not fail "to operste io a ay higlly beutfeial to the interests of the ‘Covspapy: lie abihties and sntegrity did henor to his exalted jee -tindoed, such was the opnioh ontertained of his iate- arity and gdneral ments, by Ave sugconree Governments, thet oar after year, the warmest approbation was recorded; ebita ino opportamty was neglected of drawing the ettentign of tie Court of Ditectory to the real policy of beetowing sofae marl of favor (beyond the acre “rgressxe of Lheir bigh approbation 8 very uraubstancst fond) pow aman who had secved them with so muh Seiity, and whose health had been gacriticed by thin offorut assidaily.. On tbe S4tb of Octaber, 1795, m enancit at Madras, the pro~ sideot, Lord Hobart, made p minute, os tallaws :—" The pro- posed artangements wluich hate beon brought iala discnssion, suuee the death of ba highness the oobob Wallaajah, make at necessary for me to advert with miure miuuteness thap has been usa npon the public teconds, te the system on whirh the wamiaistration of hia rorendes bes been éonducted ; heeaane ct ranifcafly shows the aetassity of thes chhaxe, #hich it us wy ‘abject Lo accomplish—both in respect io the aonty stset?, whieh, though usdes thé jeumediata centeok af its highness, it 1 the dety of this Government, ins genorst paint of view, to cherish aud protect ; kid, in respect to the sccarity which b oan pledged to the Company for the sapport of theie military etxblintinents, anit for the dizcbizge of the consplidatad ebis guermitecd by pirfiainoat to the prilyte creditors of bis hig haem the ankobs batall, therefors, in tha soioate, tay. vetord the board the inforustinn 1 have edtledteld, tnd the consequent ch- earvaltons whigh bave sondtred to me upot the asarious loan, which 1 hay Pong bean Cha praction, principatly arnoug the uropeen genomes of Be presidenty to. sikwato the dirbar- for wertgagon nplou tie Aithitaas, previxicos of tic pn xod, here, | spy be stfowed iodirtess my belt, akthough

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