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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANACHAMPAIGN GEOLOGY JUL 71995 NOTICE:ReturnorrenewallLibraryMaterials!TheMinimumFeetor eachLostBookis$50.00. The person charging this material is responsible for itsreturn tothelibrary fromwhich it waswithdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft,mutilation,andunderliningofbooksarereasonsfordiscipli- naryactionandmayresultindismissalfromtheUniversity. TorenewcallTelephoneCenter,333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN H19J6 L161—O-I096 FIELD1ANA Geology NEW SERIES, NO. 24 The Ear Region in Xenarthrans (= Edentata: Mammalia) Part II. Pilosa (Sloths, Anteaters), Palaeanodonts, and a Miscellany tBryan Patterson tWalter Segall William D. Turnbull Timothy J. Gaudin CO en O September 30, 1992 Publication 1438 PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Information for Contributors to Fieldiana General: Fieldiana is primarily a journal for Field Museum staff members and research associates, although manuscripts from nonaffiliated authors maybe considered asspace permits. The Journal carries a page charge of $65.00 perprinted page or fraction thereof. Payment ofat least 50%ofpage chargesqualifiesa paperforexpedited processing,which reduces the publication time. Contributions fromstaff, research associates,andinvitedauthorswillbeconsideredforpublicationregardlessofabilitytopaypagecharges,however,thefull charge ismandatoryfornonaffiliatedauthorsofunsolicitedmanuscripts.Threecompletecopiesofthetext (includingtitle page and abstract) and of the illustrationsshould be submitted (one original copyplus two reviewcopieswhich maybe machine-copies). 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Authors who wish to publish figures that require costly special paper or color reproduction must make prior arrangementswith the Scientific Editor. Page Proofs:Fieldianaemploysa two-stepcorrection system.The correspondingauthorwill normallyreceive acopy ofthe edited manuscript on which deletions,additions, and changescan be made and queries answered. Onlyone set of page proofswill be sent. All desired corrections oftype must be made on the single set ofpage proofs. Changes in page proofs (as opposed tocorrections) areveryexpensive. Author-generated changes in page proofs can onlybe made ifthe authoragrees in advance to payforthem. THIS PUBLICATION IS PRINTED ON ACID-FREE PAPER. GEOLOGY LIBRARY FIELDIANA Geology w . NEW SERIES, NO. 24 II. . FtY .PA1GM, The Ear Region in Xenarthrans (= Edentata: Mammalia) Part II. Pilosa (Sloths, Anteaters), Palaeanodonts, and a Miscellany tBryan Patterson tWalter Segall AgassizProfessor ResearchAssociate MuseumofComparativeZoology DepartmentofZoology Harvard University FieldMuseumofNaturalHistory Cambridge, Massachusetts02138 Chicago, Illinois60605-2496 William D. Turnbull Timothy J. Gaudin CuratorEmeritus, FossilMammals DepartmentofOrganismalBiology DepartmentofGeology andAnatomy FieldMuseumofNaturalHistory UniversityofChicago Chicago, Illinois60605-2496 Chicago, Illinois60637 Accepted March 2, 1992 Published September 30, 1992 Publication 1438 PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY © 1992 Field Museum ofNatural History Library ofCongress Catalog CardNumber: 92-73839 ISSN 0096-2651 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OFAMERICA Table ofContents The Megatherium Group 27 The Nothrotheriines 27 Nolhrotheriops(Nothrotherium) Preface v shastense 27 Abstract 1 Nothrotheriops sp 28 Introduction 1 Eucholoeopsfrontis 28 Descriptive Anatomy 5 Pronothrotherium typicum .... 29 Sloths 5 Hapalops 31 The Mylodont Division 5 The Megatherines 33 The Mylodontines 5 Eremotherium (Megatherium) Mylodon darwinii 5 mirabile 33 Mylodonlidae,gen. et sp. indet. ... 7 Megatherium (Pseudomega- "Mylodon''' garmani 7 therium) lundi 37 Lestodon myloides 8 The Schismotherium Group 38 Paramylodon and Glossotheri- Schismotheriumfractum 38 um 8 Pelecyodon sp 40 Octodontotheriumgrandae 8 Anteaters 42 The Scelidotheriines 11 Myrmecophaga Linnaeus and Catonyx(Lund) (= Scelidodori) Tamandua Frisch; M. tri- chapadmalenseand Sceli- dactyla, T. mexicana, T. dotherium leptocephalum ..11 tetradactyla 42 Scelidotherium leptocephalum ..11 Cyclopes Gray; C. didactylus . . 46 The Mylodont Auditory Region ..12 Protamandua Ameghino; P. The Megalonychoids 13 rothi 49 TheCholoepus-Megalonyx Division ..13 Palaeanodonta 51 The CholoepusGroup 13 Metacheiromyidae 51 Choloepus Illiger; C. didactylus Palaeanodon Matthew 53 C and hoffmani 13 Palaeanodon ignavus 53 The MegalonyxGroup 17 Metacheiromys Wortman 58 Acratocnus Anthony 17 Epoicotheriidae 59 Acratocnus odontrigonus 17 The Auditory Ossicles 59 Megalonyx Harlan; M.jeffer- Armadillos 61 soniiand M. brachycepha- Sloths 63 lus 21 Anteaters 68 Megalocnus Leidy; M. rodens . . 23 Conclusions 68 The Bradypus-Megatherium Division . . 25 Acknowledgments 74 The Bradypus Group 25 Literature Cited 75 Bradypus Linnaeus; B. tridacty- Appendix 79 lusand B. variegatus 25 List of Illustrations 6. Megalonyxjeffersonii, posterior portion ofskull 20 7. Megalocnus rodens, posterior portion of 1. Mylodon darwinii, posterior portion of skull 22 skull 4 8. Bradypus tridactylus, posterior portion 2. Octodontotheriumgrandae, posterior ofskull, sectioned skull; Bradypus varie- portion ofskull 9 gatus, posteriorportion ofjuvenile skull . . 24 3. Choloepus hoffmani, posterior portion 9. Pronothrotherium typicum, posterior ofskull, sectioned skull 14 portion ofskull; Hapalops elongatus, , 4. Choloepus hoffmani, posterior portion posterior portion ofskull 30 ofjuvenile skull 15 10. Eremotherium mirabile, posterior por- 5. Acratocnus odontrigonus, posterior por- tion ofskull 34 tion ofskull 18 11. Eremotherium mirabile, sectioned skull . . 35 in 12. Schismotheriumfractum, posterior por- 18. Palaeanodon sp., stereophotographs of tion ofskull 39 ventral view ofbraincase, stereophoto- 13. Pelecyodon sp., posterior portion of graphs ofenlarged view ofleft auditory skull; Myrmecophaga tridactyla, sec- region, line drawing ofventral view of tioned skull 41 braincase 54 14. Tamandua mexicana, posterior portion 19. Epoicotherium sp., skull and endocast .. 56 ofskull; Cyclopes didactylus, posterior 20. Auditory ossicles, armadillos 60 portion ofskull 43 21. Auditory ossicles, pilosans 62 15. Cyclopes didactylus, sectioned skull, left 22. Auditory ossicles, Glossotherium harlani . . 65 side ofskull in posterior view, posterior 23. Chotoepus hoffmani, juvenile stapes; portion ofjuvenile skull 47 Eucholoeops ingens, stapes 66 16. Protamandua rothi, dorsal and ventral 24. Phylogeny ofthe Xenarthra 69 views ofskull 50 17. Protamandua rothi, dorsal and ventral views ofskull 52 List ofTables 1. Characters supporting the Patterson and Segall phylogeny 70 IV

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