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248 Pages·1991·17.5 MB·English
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m^ \ \ ' \:^',-. ^; \ \ \ ^ \ • \ / / / s ^r -. / / / / EAGLE / / /' . ^ : 1 ^. Table of Contents AlmaMater Introduction .nisir>iT/T ORlitl..\,'0.iNaCO,.!(". ,\i IK/KtUV :fi^' NCC Dear Old Theslopinghills, theverdantgreen, Thelovelyblossoms'beauteoussheen. Surroundourcollegeproudandgay, Wherewaveourcolors. MaroonandGray. Whatmattersithowfarweroam. Ourthoughtswilloftreturntohome, Andheartswille'erbetruetothee, OurAlmaMater,NCC. We'vegatheredheretofitourlives. Asfromthedarkness lightrevives. Soletushail,bothnightandday. Ourgloriouscolors, MaroonandGray. We'lleverloveandhonorthee. Forthouhasttaughtusloyalty. Thenletourwatchword"Service"be ToAlmaMater, NCC. Yousendusforthwithheartsoflove. Sohkeablessingfromabove. Andfromthepathwe'llneverstray. OurdearAlmaMater, MaroonandGray. We'llworkandfight,we'llwinourway. Whendutycalls,weshallobey. Andmaywee'erreturntothee. OurAlmaMater, NCC. CHORUS ThenRah!Rah!Rah! forourcolorssogay. DearOldNCC'sMaroonandGray. ThySonsandDaughterswillhonorthee. DearOldNCC. ByAnnieDayShepardand HarryT.Burleigh Our Black Youth . . . What's Going On? Often ulieii wc read tlie akirm- the chronic le\el ofpoor health dents were transformed to sol- ing statistits concerning the plight care within the African-American diers. Clobial politics invaded our of African-American youth, v\e communit). Whether it's AIDs, hy- campus; and educational careers forget that as African-American pertension, poor nutrition, or can- were interrupted and studies were college students we fail within this cer, African-American youth are at put on hold. We were reminded demographic categor\'. We at the greater risk than ever before. that our economicswere such that Uni\ersit\' are painful!) reminded On August 19th,just two da\s we were among those who must that we are not immuned to the after registration, the li\es offour chose military services as an op- diseases, sioiencc, and economic African-American \ouths were tion to finance our dreams. conditions that pre\ upon African- mired b\' senseless \iolences. Ken- In 1990 - 91 there were many American )0Utll. nethJett Clark, a transferstudent successes in the African-American On August 3rd, Ms. CarroKn K. from New Rochelle, New York, community, but we must not let Johnson, a rising Senior at NCCU, fell victim to the senseless vio- the successes blind us to those succumbed to cancer. Later during lence which preys upon African- who were lost to the diseases, vio- tlie academic \ear, on April fith American \outh. Kenneth was de- lence, and economic conditions the l'ni\('rsit\ \\oidd host the prived ofhis life and denied his that prey upon African-Americans. ninth annual Dinliam Health and future. The lives and futures of Parents have lost their children, Fitness Fair. The Fair was held in the assailants, two 16 year-olds we have lost our classmates, and the Walker Complex and offered a and one 15 year-old, were placed dreams have gone unfilled. batter\- offree health evaluations injeopardy by their violence. From a national perspective, the and information ranging from On Januarv 15th, the da\' of positive contributions that these hearing exams to pap smears. The Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birth, the African-Americans might have Health and Fitness Fair focused at- fragile nature ofpeace and securi- made to this nation - this society - tention on one ofthe most talked ty was shattered by war. "In the have been lost. about issues in American today. twinkle ofan eye" college stu- What's going on':^ Mother, mother, there's too many ofyou crying. Brother, brother, brother, there's far too many ofyou dying. You know we've got to find away, tobring some love in here today. Father, father, we don't needto escalate. War is not the answer. For only love can conquer hate. You know we've got to find away tobring some lovin" here today. Picket lines and picket signs, don't punish me with brutality. Come talk to me, so you can see What's goin' on, What's goin' on. . . Mother, mother, everybody thinks we're wrong But who are they tojudge us, simply 'cause our hair is long. You know we've got to findaway tobring someunderstanding here today. Picket lines and picket signs, don't punish me with brutality. Come talk to me, so you can see What's goin' on. What's go—in' on . . . MarvinGaye, 1970 CanoUin Kiiiihcrli/Johnson aliclimofilonwstii im) AufS,u.st 3, KennethJett Clark August 19, 1991 .:^J-:^-tfh^yr-it'..^-'Jiim The Pathway to Eagleland Each yearstudents come to North CarohnaCentral Universitywith as- pirations ofbrighterfutures. Each of us started down the path with high expectations and dreams heldby stu- dents ofyesterday, today, and tomorrow. *^lfe<,5 ¥.^|l U

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