The Dynamics of Small Bodies in the Solar System NATO ASISeries AdvancedScienceInstituteSeries A Seriespresentingthe results ofactivities sponsoredby the NATOScience Committee, whichaims atthe disseminationofadvancedscientificandtechnologicalknowledge, witha viewtostrengtheninglinks between scientificcommunities. TheSeriesispublishedbyaninternationalboardofpublishersinconjunctionwiththeNATO ScientificAffairsDivision A LifeSciences PlenumPublishingCorporation B Physics LondonandNewYork C Mathematical andPhysical Sciences KluwerAcademicPublishers D BehaviouralandSocial Sciences Dordrecht,BostonandLondon E AppliedSciences F Computerand Systems Sciences Springer-Verlag G Ecological Sciences Berlin,Heidelberg,NewYork,London, H CellBiology ParisandTokyo I Global EnvironmentChange PARTNERSHIPSUB·SERIES 1.DisarmamentTechnologies KluwerAcademicPublishers 2.Environment Springer-VerlagIKiuwerAcademicPublishers 3.HighTechnology KiuwerAcademicPublishers 4.Science andTechnologyPolicy KluwerAcademicPublishers 5.ComputerNetworking KluwerAcademicPublishers ThePartnership Sub-SeriesincorporatesactivitiesundertakenincollaborationwithNATO's CooperationPartners, thecountries oftheCISandCentralandEasternEurope, inPriorityAreasof concerntothose countries. NATo-PCQ·DATABASE TheelectronicindextotheNATO ASISeriesprovidesfullbibliographicalreferences (withkeywords and/orabstracts)toabout50,000contributionsfrominternationalscientistspublishedinallsectionsof theNATOASISeries.AccesstotheNATO-PCO-DATABASEispossibleviaaCD-ROM"NATOScience andTechnology Disk" withuser-friendly retrieval softwarein English, French, andGerman(©WTV GmbHandDATAWARETechnologies,Inc.1989).TheCD-ROMcontainstheAGARDAerospaceData base. TheCD-ROMcanbeorderedthroughanymemberoftheBoardofPublishersorthrough NATO-PCO, Overijse,Belgium. SeriesC:Mathematical andPhysicalSciences- Vol.522 The Dynamics of Small Bodies in the Solar System A Major Key to Solar System Studies edited by Bonnie A. Steves Department ofMathematics, GlasgowCaledonian University, Glasgow, United Kingdom and Archie E. Roy Department of Physics and Astronomy, Universityof Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom ~. 'I Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V. Publishedincooperation withNATOScientific AffairsDivision ProceedingsoftheNATOAdvanced Study Institute on The DynamicsofSmallBodiesinthe SolarSystem: AMajorKeytoSolarSystem Studies Maratea, Italy 29June- 12July 1997 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-Publication Data The dyna.lcs of s.all bod'es In the solar syste. a .aJor key to solar systeo studies I edIted by BonnIe A. Steves and ArchIe E. Roy. p. c,. -- (NATO ASI sertes SerIes C, Mathe.atlcal and physIcal scIences ; vol. 522) ·Proceedlngs of the NATO Advanced Study Instttute. held In Maratea -Acquafredda. Italy. bet.een June 29 and July 12, 1997, entitled The Oyna.lcs of S.alt BodIes tn the So'ar Systeo, a Major Key to Solar Syste. Studles--Preface. Includes Index. 1. Solar syste.--Congresses. 2. Asterolds--Congresses. 3. Few -body proble~--Congresses. 4. Astrophys1cs--Congresses. I. Steves, BonnIe A. II. Roy. A. E. (ArchIe E.). 1924- III. The Oyna.lcs of S.all BodIes In the Solar Syste., a Major Key to'Solar Syste. Studtes (1997 Acquafredda dl Maratea, Italy) IV. Sertes, NATO ASI serIes. Sertes C, Mathe.atlcal and physical scIences ; no. 522. OB500.5.092 1999 523.5--dc21 98-31687 ISBN 978-90-481-5133-2 ISBN 978-94-015-9221-5 (eBook) D0O01I 10.1007/978-94-015-9221-5 Printedonacid-freepaper AllRightsReserved © 1999 SpringerScience-Business MediaDordrecht OriginallypublishedbyKluwerAcademicPublishersin1999. Softcoverreprintofthehardcover1stedition1999 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo copying, recording orby any information storage and retrieval system, without written permissionfromthecopyright owner. These Proceedings ofthe 1997 NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Maratea, Italy between June 29 and July 12 are dedicated to the memory of Professor Victor Szebehely (1921 - 1997) renowned celestial mechanician, cherished teacher and dearfriend. CONTENTS Preface Xl I. InMemory ofYictory Szebehely Xlii K.Zare SECTION ONE:Asteroids andTrans-Neptunian Objects 2. Introduction E.Belbruno and LP.Williams 3. OnHigh-Eccentricity Small-Amplitude Asteroidal Librations A.Simula, S.Ferraz-Mello andC. Giordano 7 4. A.Symplectic Mapping Approach forthe Study of Stochasticity inThree Dimensional Asteroidal Resonances F. Roigand S.Ferraz-Mcllo 13 5. Chaotic Diffusion inthe 2/1,3/2 and4/3 Jovian Resonances D.Nesvomy and S.Ferraz-Mello 19 6. Onthe Similarities and Differences Between3/2 and 2/1Asteroidal Resonances T.A.Mitchenko and S.Ferraz-Mello 25 7. A Study ofChaos intheAsteroid Belt M.Sidlichovsky and D. Nesvorny 31 8. Hopping inthe Kuiper Beltand Significance ofthe 2:3 Resonance E.Belbruno 37 9. The Solar System Beyond Neptune J.P.Williams 51 10. Dynamical Study ofTrans-Neptunian Objects atthe 2:3 Resonance 1. hadjidcmetriou and K.G. Hadjifotinou 65 II. Superosculating Intermediate OrbitsandtheirApplication inthe Problem of Investigation ofthe Motion ofAsteroids and Comets VA. Shefer 71 12. TestsofGeneral Relativity using Small Bodies ofthe Solar System C.Marchal 77 SECTIONTWO: Near Earth Objects 13. Introduction K.Muinonen andA.Milani 93 14. Dynamics of Planet-Crossing Asteroids A.Milani 95 viii 15. Asteroid and Comet Encounters with the Earth. Impact Hazard and Collission Probability K. Muinonen 127 16. Optimal Low-Thrust Interception and Deflection ofEarth CrossingAsteroids B.A.Conway 159 17. SecularResonances:Transport Mechanism to Earth-Crossing Orbits p. Michel 171 18. Meteoroid Streams and MeteorShowers I.p. Williams 179 19. Planetary Close Encounters:The Engine ofCometary Orbital Evolution G.B.Valsecchi 187 20. Galactic Perturbations inthe Motion ofComets H.Pretka 197 SECTIONTHREE: Natural andArtificial Satellites 21. Introduction CD.Murray 203 22. Orbits ofSaturn's Satellites:Some Aspects ofCommensur- abilities and Periodic Orbits P.l. Message 207 23. How Ideal isthe Mirnas-Tethys Resonance? 1.Probin 227 24. The Dynamics ofPlanetary Rings and Small Satellites CD.Murray 233 25. Long-TermEvolution ofCoorbital Motion 1.Waldvogel 257 26. Stability ofPerturbed Coorbital Satellites M.H.M. Morais and CD. Murray 277 27. Instability and Chaotic Motion for Some Fictitious Satellites of Venusand Mars T.Yokoyama 283 28. ApplicationsofaHigh OrderSecular PerturbationTheory. The Uranian Satellites and Beyond A.A.Christou and CD. Murray 289 29. Non-Integrability ofthe Motion ofa Point Mass around a Planet of Arbitrary Schape M.E.Sansaturio, IVigo-Aguiarand1.M. Ferrandiz 295 ix 30. Dynamicsof SatelliteswithMulti-DayPeriods B.Erdi 303 31. TranslunarHaloOrbitsintheQuasibicircularProblem M.A.AndreuandC. Sima 309 32. ProblemsConnectedwiththeRotationalDynamicsof CelestialBodies A.J.Maciejewski 315 33. ClosedFormExpressionsforSomeGravitationalPotentials. Triangle, Rectangle, PyramidandPolyhedron. R.A.Broucke 321 34. OrbitalElementsofa SatelliteMovinginthe Potentialofa HemisphericalShell B.ZafiropoulosandCh.Stavliotis 341 SECTION FOUR: FewBodySystems 35. Introduction A.E.Royand B.A.Steves 349 36. SomeSpecialSolutionsoftheFour-BodyProblem. B.A.Steves,A.E.RoyandM.Bell 351 37. SomeEqualMassFour-BodyEquilibriumConfigurations: LinearStabilityAnalysis 1.Gomatam,B.A.StevesandA.E.Roy 373 38. The Finite-TimeStabilityMethodAppliedto PlanetsofBinaryStars B.A.Steves,A.D.BarnettandA.E.Roy 379 39. DynamicsandStabilityofThree-BodySystems R.MardlingandS.Aarseth 385 40. NewNumerical MethodforNon-ConservativeSystems T.A. Taidakova and N.N.Gor'Kavyi 393 41. TidalFrictioninTripleSystems:AMeansof ProducingClose StellarandPlanetaryOrbits L.G.KiselevaandP.P.Eggleton 399 42. SpecialVersion oftheThree-BodyProblem K.GozdziewskiandA.J.Maciejewski 407 43. Bifurcationsinthe MassRatioofthePlanarIsosceles Three-Body Problem S.ChesleyandK.Zare 413 x SECTION FIVE: Studies of Dynamical Systems 44. Introduction G.Contopoulos and R.Dvorak 425 45. Dynamical Spectra G.Contopoulos and N.Voglis 429 46. Angular Dynamical Spectra and theirApplications C. Efthymiopoulos, N.Voglisand G.Contopoulos 455 47. WeakChaos and Diffusion in Hamiltonian Systems.From Nekhoroshev to Kirkwood C. Froeschle and E. Lega 463 48. On the Relationship between Local Lyapunov Characteristic Numbers, Largest Eigenvalues and Maximum Stretching Parameters C. Froeschle, E.Lohingerand E. Lega 503 49. "Stickiness" in Dynamical Systems R.Dvorak 509 50. Distribution ofPeriodic Orbits in 2-D Hamiltonian Systems E.Grousouzakouand G.Contopoulos 535 51. The Many Faces ofDynamical Instability I:The definition of "Chaos" and the (In)equivalence ofDifferent Indicators P. Cipriani and M.Di Sari 545 52. The Many Faces ofDynamical Instability II:The Sources "Chaos" in Dynamical Systems M.Di Bari and P.Cipriani 55I 53. Scale Relativity inthe Solar System. A Review and Prospects R.P.Hermann 557 54. Possible Cosmological Origin ofCounterrotating Galaxies M.Harsoula and N.Voglis 565 55. Gylden-like Systems and DEF-Mappings 1.Aparicio and L. Floria 575 56. Uniform Development ofaTR-Transformation to Generalized Universal Variables L. Flor{a 581 EPILOGUE: The,Shape ofThings to Come 57. Future Planetary Missions A.A. Christou 587 Participantsand Speakers 595 Subjectand AuthorIndexes 603 PREFACE The reader willfind in this volume the Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study InstituteheldinMaratea-Acquafredda,Italy,betweenJune29andJuly12, 1997,entitledTHE DYNAMICS OF SMALL BODIES IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM: A MAJOR KEY TO SOLAR SYSTEM STUDIES. This AdvancedStudy Institute wasthe latest inthe 'Cortina' series of NATO ASI's begun in the early 1970's firstly under the directorship of Professor Victor Szebehely and subsequently under ProfessorArchie Roy. All,except the latest, were heldat the Antonelli Institute, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy. Manyof those now active inthe fieldmade their first international contacts at these Institutes. The Institutes bring together many of the brightest of our young people working in dynamical astronomy, celestial mechanics and space science, enabling them to obtain an up-to-date synoptic view of their subjects delivered bylecturers of highinternational reputation. The proceedingsfromtheseinstitutes have been well-receivedinthe internationalcommunityof research workers inthe disciplines studied. The present instituteincluded15seriesof lecturesgivenbyinvitedspeakersand some 45 presentations made by the other participants. The majority of these contributions are includedintheseproceedings. The theme of thelatest ASIintheseries, viz.TheDynamics ofSmall Bodies in the Solar System: Amajor keyto solarsystem studies was chosen because of the widespread recognition that the small natural bodies of the solar system bear an importance in solar system studies faroutweighingtheirsizeandmassrelative totheplanets. The study of the nature and dynamics of asteroids, comets, meteor streams, natural satellites and ring systems currently provides a wealth of information concerning the history and dynamical evolutionof thesolar system as a whole. Such objectsalso provide excellent test-beds for thestudy ofresonance andchaos. It has become clear that the evidence of the bombardment of planet Earth by cometsand asteroids with thesubsequentextinction ofaproportionof livingspecies isnot only a topic of historical interest for the astronomer, biologist, botanist and geologist, but is also an ongoing process that must be addressed by any scientist responsible for the survival of terrestrial civilisation. The spectacularbombardmentofJupiterin 1995 by the fragments ofComet Shoemaker-Levy underlines the necessity of international support for operations such as Spaceguard for finding, listing and assessing all Earth orbit crossing asteroids andcometswithin theSolar System. xi