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The Dutch for the Attacking Player PDF

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AmericaBna tsfoCrhde sLsi brary The Dutcfho rt hAet tcaknig Palyre SteffePne dersen AnI CEB ook InternaCthieosnEsan lt erprSiesaetst,l e InternatCihoeEnsnastl e srepIsrn,i.c 200F5i fAtvehn uSeu,i 4t0e2 SeatWtalseh,i n9g8t1o2n1 0- 285 PO..B ox1 9475 SeatWtalseh,i n9g8t1o0n49 57- 1 Firpsutb li1s9h9e6d Copyr©i 1g9h9tb6 yS teffPeend ersen Alrli grhetsse rvNeopd ar.t tohfbi oso mka yb e reprodbuyca nemyde ,na sw,i thporuitpo err mission oft hpeu blisher. TypesbeytJ ohNnu nn anpdr initnGe rde at Britain by RedwoBooodk ,sT rowdbgr,eWi ilts fotrh peu blishers, B.T. B atsofrLdt d58,3 F ulliRaoma Ldo,n dSoWn6 5 BY BritiLsihb rCaartya logiunbgl-iicDnaa-ttiPao.n A catarleocgof rotdrh bioso iks availfarbotlmhe Be r itLiisbhr ary. Firpsutb liisnth heUedn ited iSn1t 9a9bt6ye s InternatCihoeEnsnastl e srepIsrn,i.c Origipnuabllliyis nGh reeda t Birn1i 9t9ba6yi n B.T. B atsford. LibroafCry o ngrCeastsa ClarodgN umbe9r6:- 078266 ISB1N- 879479(-A4n4 -BI3Co Eo: pk bk.) FirAsmte riecdaint i1o9n9 6 - Prinitnte hdUe n itKeidn gdom Alfilr setd itarei opnrsi notne da rceipeda -pfer A BATSFORDC HESSB OOK EditoPranieaMlla: r Dkv oretJsoSknyp ,e elman GeneArdavli Rsaeyrm:o Kenedn eO BE SpecaiilsAtd viDsreJ ro:hN nu nn CommissEidoinrti:Gonr ga hBaumr sgse Contnets Preface 4 Symbols 5 Bibliography 5 Introduction 6 1 MaiLni n7e. :. e.8.. 12 2 Move-oradnedmr iss cellasnyesotuesm s 46 3 Ane arlby3 67 4 TheK arlsVbaardi ation 84 5 TheB ishAotpt a2c.t kg:5 97 6 TheK nigDhetv elopmlDecn3t : 2 108 7 TheS taunGtaomnb i2te :4 119 8 Unususaelc omnodv es 128 9 TheD utcahg ai1nc s4t 133 10 TheD utcahg ai1nlD sft3 146 11 Howw eldloy ouu nderstthaDenu dt ch? 155 IndoefxV ariations 159 Prfeace Froamv ereya ralgyIel earnetdh atc hosoennoe r t wol intehsaI bt e ­ thwee aksepsotft r otmh vee rsyt arlti ehvaev teh eb rightest future oft hgea miesf2 foWrh itaen fd7 (omitltiinniegnws h icIdh o n ot foBrl acWki.t thh iisnm indi,t belieanviden )c lusduegdg estions seemtsh at ooungeht tor efraaigna iInc s4at n dIiLl n asw ell. fropml ayaim nogv lei k1.e .. f, b5 ut To conctlhubedo eo kI,h ave noo nhea yse dte monstarc aotne­wdr itat cehna pwteirte hx ercises crete wrheyai itssw o rno nFgr.o m thawti ll teusntd eyrosutra nding whenI starptleady iinngt ernoaft­ hLee ningDruatdcI hn.c ase tional toutrhDneua tmcehhna ts sy oaur uen abtlose o lavp ea rticular beeanp arotfm yr epertoiree.x eErvcteihnsea entt, h een odf t hseo ­ thouIgh ha vceo mcel otsoae b an­lutiIho anv,ge i venr etfheetr or ed doniintog n s eveorcacla siIo ntshc,eh apatnedpra gree ferseon ce, keecpo mibnagc tkoi t. thyato cua inm mediafitnedfl uyr ­ Att hoeu tsIes th,o usladty h att hienr formoantt hioant okfpi on­d thDeu tcchab ne a ne xtredmiefl­ys ition. ficuolpte ntionh ga ndbluept,l easeI w oulldi ktoet hatnhko pseeo ­ persevaenrdIew ,i ltlrt yos howp lweh oh avhee lpientd h per epa­ yotuh tahte irnseo thbientgtt hearn r atiooftn h ibso oki,np articular winniwnigtt hhD eu tcThh.fe u nnyT homaJse pswehnop, r ovimdee d thiingst ,h ougIhw ,o ulnde verw itah l ootf m atermiya gli,r l­ dreaomfp layIif n4ag s W hite!f rieMnodn,Aa n derwsheonk ,i ndly Theb ooiksw ritftoetrnh a em ­ proof-trhmeeaa tde riald eb­efore bitipoluasy wehrow, o ulldi kteo livearnydt hes taaftfB atsford plafyo arw inw itBhl acTkh.e rew­ithowuhto my ouw oulnde ver forIeh ,a vfeo cuesxecdl usoinv ehlayvr ee atdh !i s thLee ningvraardi aItitisa or ne.p ­ ertobioroeik .,ae g.a ienvsetsr yys ­StefPfeedne rsen tema tW hite's dIih sapvoesO adle,n sOec,t ober 1996 Symbols + Check 10- Whitwei ns ++ DoubClhee ck 0-1B lawcikn s # Mate 1/2-1/2 Draw ! Goomdo ve Ch Championship !! Excelmloevnet tt Teatmo urnament 1 Badm ove OL Olympiad 11 Blunder Z Zonal !1 Interemsotvien g IZ Interzonal 1! Dubiomuosv e Ct Candidtaotuersn ament �( =FA)d vanttaoWg hei t(eB lacjkr) Junieovre nt ± Biagd vanttoaW ghei te wom Women'esv ent + Biagd vanttoa gBel ackr pd Rapigda me +- Decisaidvvea ntot aWghei tceo rrP.o stal game -+ Decisaidvvea ntaBglea ckt( on ) ntmha tcgha me = Equpaols ition (D)D iagrfaoml lows Bibliography EncycloopfC ehdeiOsaps e niAn,Cg hse sIsn for1ma79n9t M.GurevAi8c6h-:C8 h9e,sI sn for1ma99n4t R.BelWlininnni:gw itthhD eu tch, B1a99t0s ford EhlveThsetL :e ninDgurtacBdha ,t sf1o99r3d ChristiSainlsmeHanon,l: liindVeirstcehied iRagtutnmg1a,9n9 0n (DutDcehf enCshee,sD si gest) IvkoSvk,o kLoe:n inDgurtaIcdC,h h esPsr e1s99s0 SoltLiesn:i nDgurctah7d. "il.e.8 C!h,e ss D1i99g3e st DeV aulThte:L eninDgurtacCdhh e,sD si ge1s99t2 DeV auHlti,c kmPalna:Thy e D utDcefhe nsAeg anis1tc 4a nIdlh j3, ChesDsi ge1s99t3 RibKlail,l Waiin:n wiinttghh E en glBiasths,f 1o99r2d PederIs.de4n :!A x,e Nli elsEeftnesrv fIJ. o hRne ndb1o99e3 InformNaetwio nrC, h esDsi,Se c hachwIoncshiCedh,ee sasn,vd a rious othearsws e lalse lectpruobnliicc sautciahosC n hse ssBMaasgea zine, Newi nC hesQsu icSke rviDacnes,Sk k aDka tSae rvTihceeWe ,e ki n Chess Itnorductoin ThLee ninDgurtaccdha b ne av ery 3)W hittea koenes Sa nBdl ack diffiocpuelntti onh ga ndIlned.e ecda,tn a kbea cwki tthhp ea wonn e S. Ih ave susfofmetere erdr dieb­leA sa r uloeft humibf, Bclaanc k feawtist ihtm ysealnfda lmosptl a.ye. S.a nWdh itdeo enso tta ke, givieutnp B.u bte limeevt,eh eirse t hearrene o p roblems. non eetdod ot haOtn.lb yye xperi­ enccea ann o penibnegl earneadn d thocec asiolnoasilssi nevitIanb le. thiisn troducchtaopIrta yem rg o­ intgoe xplsaoimnoe ft hmeo sfta ­ miliiadre faosbr o tWhh itaen d Black. Hotpheiwfsiu lmllal kye thoep enilnigt etaal seti oeu rn der­ stand beforien taeo dn et­ering taitlheedo redtiisccauls sion. Ast hbioso iksw ritptreinm arily fotrh bel acpkla yleerut,s s tart witsho mied efaosBr l ack: Whithea bse ebnu ilduipann g Blaccka rrioeust e5 ... attaocntk h qeu eenasnitddo ei n­ Thep rincpilpafanolB r l aicnkt he terfweirttehh iBsl,a ccko untered LeninDgruatdc ht oci asro ruytt h ei nt hcee ntre: advan.ec.Se.I. nt hmea ilni tnhei s 12 e5 .•• isp repawriettdhh m eo v7e. 'iei'8. SinBclea tchreka tetnhknsei ght, .. Whenp laytihnmego v.ee. S.w e anWdh itdeo enso wta nttor etreat shouklndo awb otuhtr keien odfs ast hitsa ktehspe r essoufrcfe6 , positions: Whitmeu stta keenp assant: I)W hithea sp laydeSda nd 13d xe6 ti)xe6 captuernpe ass sant. 14ti) b3 ti)g4 2)W hittea koenes S a nBdl ack 15 ..tb2 ti)e5 hatsor ecapwtiutarph ei e(cgee n­Witchh ancfeosbor t hs idTheks­; eraalk lnyi ght). makov-M.GuUrSeSvR1i 8c9h2,. Introdu7c tion B B Int hgea mBee loVvy-hzman­a comeu ndeart taAclks.wo h,e n viMno,s co1w99 2B,al cpkr ofiteWdh ieth apsl aydeS,hd e i asb lteo frotmh uen protbeicsthoeondbp 2 capteunrp ea ssashnotu,Bl lcdak anpdl eady: plya. e.S.T. h iosp etnhsde i agonal 9 eSt? fotrh ge2 -bi.Ts hheorpeBfloarcek ••• 10d xeS lLlg4 hurriteopd l ahyia sd vance: Whitneo wd ecitdheaBdt lc ak 10 eS! ••• shounlobdte a llotwore edc aptuTrheen exmto vewse re: witthhp ea wonn e S. 11d xeS 11.t aJ Iwta bse tttope rre setrvhceee n­ ButB alc'ksc hancweesrn eo trtaeln sainopdnl a1y1e 4. worse: 11 dxeS ••• 11 lLlxeS 12e4 (D) ••• 12lI et lLlc5 13lLl xeS "'xeS 14lLl f3 "fIe7 15e 3 as Thep osiitesiq ouna l. Playinogn t hek ingside Thipso sitoiccounr irnLe adn ge­ wegS-P.ederFsoer1nH9,9 1W.h ite hajsu pslta y1e0cd 4. I fa lleodw, Whitweipl lla dySf ollobwyee 4d antdh eBnal c'kpsa wonn e 7w ill B 8 Introduction Whiett hreattope lyna1 s3 e xfS. b.S.( ansdo miemteesv e.na. s.­ and Bialfc k thoat sa koen e 4,a 4.)I nm osetn dgatmihesss t ruc­ Whiwtoeu bledp ositiboentatletlruy,ri esp referfaoBbrll caeks ince buBtl caks eitzheoedp portutnoi tthyre o ootfW hi'tsep awcnh ain launacnah t toacntk h kei ng:s id(esuualc4li)ysm uceha stioe r at­ 12 f4! tactkh atnhr eo ootfB alc'kpsa wn ••• Whitneo w avo1i3gd xefdd4u e chain. (e7) tot hset anrdearpd1l .3yltJ. h.S! a nd ifWh ite co1n4tf ixneBuSale csk wilplal y .1ltJ.4f4. ! f,o llobwye d .�.g.4 a nmda yb.e:. d.8 A.l tlh e blapcike cweistla lku epe xcellent squaraensWd h itweifi lnldi h tar d too graniasd eef enIcnes.t heea d, continued: 13b 4 Butt hecnma e: 13 fxg3 14h xg3 ltJg4! 15b 5 ltJd4 B 16� a3 :17 17 ltJb3 �e6+ Thsip ositoicocnu rirnte hde AlolfB lcak'psi esca eriene x­gamLea rserjnO-lEYas ,p Zo o1 899 cellpelcnaetfs o trh ceo miantg­ (amonogtsht)e W.rhs ieth ajsu st tack. plyaebd3 a nwda nttosfi nhid se­ velopwiintghr oeuvte ahliiisnn g­ Playionngt he tentjiuotysn est . 11 ltJc7 queenside ••• 12� b2 c5! PauMlo twanit oomlnedct eh haet NoticeB ltcahkpa ltya edt ihs plyaedt hDeu tcbhe csaeui jt uts onlayft ehreh ad pl.ltJa.cy.7e ds o seemteobd e s ofe lxbilWee. havteh at ltJdbS is rcuolne­d out. White seeBnal ckpa lyiinngt hcee ntrtei nued: anodn t hkei ngsbiuidtnae l ootf 13ltJ c2 b5 gamseB alchka ssw cihtehdi ast ­ 14c xb5 tenttioto hnqe u eensPildaey.i ngU sualWlhyi ttea keosnb S. ont hqeu eensidem euasnusWa hlalthy a pepnsi fW hitael lows clostihcneeg n twirte.h c. Sa. n adt ­Balctkoc aptouncr 4ec nab es een tacktihnwegh iptaew n-cwhiatihin n t hnee xdti agram. Introd9u ction 14 lDxb5 (af.tlD.eer.S )i nas ataicstfowrayy . 15lD xb5 .ixb5 Thee xchasnagcer iofinbc 2ei s 16lD a3?! evean p osbsiiliints yo mvea ri- 16b4 !w asab etmtoevre . atiso.n 16 as! 17 lDxb5'if xb5 Whitoep enst hec entre 18a 4 ""4 19'if c2 lDe4! Oneo ft hbee swta syf or Wthoi te 20.i xg7 �xg7 plyaa giantshtLe e nnigrDaudt ch 21%:t fc1 'idi'4 itsoo peunpt hcee nwtirteeh 4A .f - 22.i xe4 fex4 teBral ccka ptWuhriewtsei h lalv e 23"" 2 'ifxb2 ah alf-fiolpoeenw n h itchhhe e avy 24 %:txb2 %:tf5 artilclaenbr epy lcaedt oe xert Blahcakts h bee tetnedrg amep.er sseu ornt hwee asktes poitn Balc'kcsa mp,e 7t-hpe.a wn B W Inr espotno1s .2ec. S.W, h ihtaes jusptly aed1 3lD de2a nBd eilav­ Whi,ti ent hgea mDer eev-Mot­ syk-ManliauUkS,S RC h( Mos­wanBie,r li1n99 1h,a bse ecne n­ cow1)89 3n owc ontinued:t ralispiinegic enohs ri dste oor p en 13 b5 thcee ntre: 14'it' c2 %:tb8 12e4 fxe4 15%:t ac1 bxc4 13lD xe4 'ifg6 16b xc4 lDg4! 14lD xf6+ 'iVxf6 Blahcakts h aed vantHaehg aes. 15%:t e3 .irs now eankesessa,n Wdh i'tpsea wn 161M2 %:t17 onc 4m ayb ed iffictuold te fend 17%:t fel

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