Books by Michael C. Gerald The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Prescription Drugs The Nurse’s Guide to Drug Therapy Nursing Pharmacology and Therapeutics Pharmacology: An Introduction to Drugs The Poisonous Pen of Agatha Christie THE DRUG BOOK FROM ARSENIC TO XANAX 250 MILESTONES IN THE HISTORY OF DRUGS Michael C. Gerald STERLING and the distinctive Sterling logo are registered trademarks of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. © 2013 by Michael C. Gerald All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. ISBN 978-1-4027-9232-8 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Gerald, Michael C. The drug book : from arsenic to Xanax, 250 milestones in the history of drugs / Michael C. Gerald. p. ; cm. From arsenic to Xanax, 250 milestones in the history of drugs ISBN 978-1- 4027-8264-0 I. Title. II. Title: From arsenic to Xanax, 250 milestones in the history of drugs. [DNLM: 1. Pharmaceutical Preparations—history. 2. Drug Therapy—history. 3. Pharmacology—history. QV 11.1] 615.109—dc23 2012050737 For information about custom editions, special sales, and premium and corporate purchases, please contact Sterling Special Sales at 800-805-5489 or [email protected]. 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 The Drug Book traces the significant milestones in the history of drugs. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, advice, or treatment, including the use of drugs, by a qualified healthcare practitioner. Always consult your healthcare provider for proper medical attention and the most current drug product information provided by the manufacturer. Neither the publisher nor the author assumes any liability for injury arising from material in this publication. This book is dedicated to my granddaughters Aila Tovia Jones and Io Esther Gerald, who will be the beneficiaries of future advances in drug development. Contents Introduction 10 Acknowledgments 15 c. 60,000 BCE Herbs 16 c. 10,000 BCE Alcohol 18 c. 5000 BCE Alchemy 20 c. 3000 BCE Cannabis 22 c. 2737 BCE Tea 24 c. 2500 BCE Opium 26 c. 1550 BCE Smith and Ebers Papyri 28 c. 500 BCE Rauwolfia 30 399 BCE Hemlock 32 c. 200 BCE Mandrake 34 c. 65 BCE Theriac of Mithridates 36 c. 60 Materia Medica 38 c. 70 Colchicine 40 c. 800 Coffee 42 1250 Arsenic 44 1456 Witches’ Flying Ointments 46 1532 Coca 48 1542 Belladonna 50 1602 Antimonials 52 1623 Patent Medicines 54 1639 Cinchona Bark 56 1670 Ergot 58 1676 Laudanum 60 1681 Ferrous Sulfate 62 1682 Ipecac 64 1704 Hydrogen Cyanide 66 1753 Clinical Testing of Drugs 68 1762 Aconite 70 1774 Tetrodotoxin 72 1775 Digitalis 74 1793 Calomel 76 1796 Smallpox Vaccine 78 1796 Homeopathic Medicine 80 1797 Absinthe 82 1806 Alkaloids 84 1806 Morphine 86 1818 Strychnine 88 1819 Caffeine 90 1820 Quinine 92 1831 Atropine 94 1832 Codeine 96 1839 Medical Marijuana 98 1844 Nitrous Oxide 100 1846 Ether 102 1847 Chloroform 104 1850 Curare 106 1857 Bromides 108 1867 Phenol 110 1869 Chloral Hydrate 112 1875 Digitoxin 114 1875 Physostigmine 116 1879 Nitroglycerin 118 1881 Scopolamine 120 1882 Paraldehyde 122 1884 Cocaine 124 1888 Theophylline 126 1897 Mescaline 128 1898 Heroin 130 1899 Aspirin 132 1901 Epinephrine/Adrenaline 134 1902 Phenolphthalein 136 1903 Barbital 138 1905 Atoxyl 140 1905 Novocain 142 1905 Drug Receptors 144 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act 146 1906 Food and Drug Administration 148 1909 Oxytocin 150 1910 Salvarsan 152 1912 Phenobarbital 154 1912 Quinidine 156 1914 Thyroxine 158 1916 Heparin 160 1920 Neurotransmitters 162 1920 Merbaphen 164 1921 Carbon Tetrachloride 166 1921 Insulin 168 1924 Hexylresorcinol 170 1925 Ergotamine and Ergonovine 172 1927 Insulin Shock Therapy 174 1927 Thimerosal 176 1928 Penicillin 178 1928 Nembutal and Seconal 180 1929 Estrone and Estrogen 182 1932 Amphetamine 184 1933 Progesterone and Progestin 186 1933 Dinitrophenol 188 1934 Thiopental 190 1935 Tubocurarine 192 1935 Prontosil 194 1935 Testosterone 196 1935 Neostigmine and Pyridostigmine 198 1936 Tabun and Sarin 200 1936 Sulfanilamide 202 1937 Dapsone 204 1938 Diethylstilbestrol 206 1938 Dilantin 208 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 210 1939 DDT 212