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The double shuffle relations for multiple Eisenstein series 6 1 0 Henrik Bachmann, Koji Tasaka 2 ∗ † b e F 5 Abstract 1 ] WestudythemultipleEisensteinseriesintroducedbyGangl,Kaneko T N and Zagier. We give a proof of (restricted) finite double shuffle rela- . tions for multiple Eisenstein series by revealing an explicit connection h t between the Fourier expansion of multiple Eisenstein series and the a m Goncharov coproduct on Hopf algebras of iterated integrals. [ 3 Keywords: Multiple zeta value, Multiple Eisenstein series, The Goncharov v coproduct, Modular forms, Double shuffle relation. 8 0 Subjclass[2010]: 11M32, 11F11, 13J05, 33E20. 4 3 0 . 1 1 Introduction 0 5 1 The purpose of this paper is to study the multiple Eisenstein series, which : v are holomorphic functions on the upper half-plane τ C Im(τ) > 0 i { ∈ | } X and which can be viewed as a multivariate generalization of the classical r a Eisenstein series, defined as an iterated multiple sum 1 G (τ) = (n ,...,n Z ,n Z ), n1,...,nr λn1 λnr 1 r−1 ∈ ≥2 r ∈ ≥3 λ01≺,..λ.,1Xλ≺r···Z≺τλ+rZ 1 ··· r ∈ (1.1) ∗email : [email protected],Universit¨at Hamburg †email : [email protected], Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University 1 where the positivity lτ +m 0 of a lattice point is defined to be either l > 0 ≻ or l = 0, m > 0, and lτ +m l τ+m means (l l )τ+(m m) 0. These ′ ′ ′ ′ ≻ − − ≻ functions were first introduced and studied by Gangl, Kaneko and Zagier [7, Section 7], where they investigated the double shuffle relation satisfied by double zeta values for the double Eisenstein series G (τ). Here the double n1,n2 zeta value is the special case of multiple zeta values defined by 1 ζ(n ,...,n ) = (n ,...,n Z ,n Z ). 1 r mn1 mnr 1 r−1 ∈ ≥1 r ∈ ≥2 0m<m1,.1X.<.,m···r<mZr 1 ··· r ∈ (1.2) Their results were extended to the double Eisenstein series for higher level (congruence subgroup of level N) in [12] (N = 2) and in [16] (N : general), and have interesting applications to the theory of modular forms (see [15]) as well as the study of double zeta values of level N. Our aim of this paper is to give a framework of and a proof of double shuffle relations for multiple Eisenstein series. The double shuffle relation, or rather, the finite double shuffle relation (cf. e.g. [10]) describes a collection of Q-linear relations among multiple zeta values arising from two ways of expressing multiple zeta values as iterated sums (1.2) and as iterated integrals (3.1). Each expression produces an al- gebraic structure on the Q-vector space spanned by all multiple zeta values. The product associated to (1.2) (resp. (3.1)) is called the harmonic product (resp. shuffle product). For example, using the harmonic product, we have ζ(3)ζ(3) = 2ζ(3,3)+ζ(6), and by the shuffle product formulas one obtains ζ(3)ζ(3) = 12ζ(1,5)+6ζ(2,4)+2ζ(3,3). (1.3) Combining these equations gives the relation 12ζ(1,5)+6ζ(2,4) ζ(6) = 0. − For the multiple Eisenstein series (1.1), it is easily seen that the har- 2 monic product formulas hold when the series defining G (τ) converges n1,...,nr absolutely, i.e. n ,...,n Z and n Z , but the shuffle product 1 r 1 2 r 3 − ∈ ≥ ∈ ≥ is not the case – the shuffle product formula (1.3) replacing ζ with G does not make sense because an undefined multiple Eisenstein series G (τ) is in- 1,5 volved. This paper develops the shuffle product of multiple Eisenstein series byrevealing anexplicit connection between themultiple Eisenstein series and the Goncharov coproduct, and as a consequence the validity of a restricted version of the finite double shuffle relations for multiple Eisenstein series is obtained. This paper begins by computing the Fourier expansion of G (τ) for n1,...,nr n ,...,n 2 (the case n = 2 will be treated by a certain limit argument 1 r r ≥ in Definition 2.1) in Section 2. The Fourier expansion is intimately related with the Goncharov coproduct ∆ (see (3.4)) on Hopf algebras of iterated integrals introduced by Goncharov [8, Section 2], which was first observed by Kaneko in several cases and studied by Belcher [6]. His Hopf algebra (S) is reviewed in Section 3.2, and we will observe a relationship between I• the Fourier expansion and the Goncharov coproduct ∆ in the quotient Hopf algebra 1 := /I(0;0;1) ( := ( 0,1 ), which can not be seen in I• I• I• I• I• { } I• itself. The space 1 has a linear basis (Proposition 3.5) I • I(n ,...,n ) r 0,n ,...,n Z , 1 r 1 r >0 { | ≥ ∈ } and we will express the Goncharov coproduct ∆(I(n ,...,n )) as a certain 1 r algebraic combination of the above basis (Propositions 3.8 and 3.12). As an example of this expression (see (3.10)), one has ∆(I(2,3)) = I(2,3) 1+3I(3) I(2)+2I(2) I(3)+1 I(2,3). ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ Therelationshipisthenobtainedbycomparingtheformulafor∆(I(n ,...,n )) 1 r with the Fourier expansion of G (τ), which in the case of r = 2 can be n1,...,nr found by (3.10) and (2.8). More precisely, let us define the Q-linear maps zx : 1 R and g : 1 C[[q]] given by I(n ,...,n ) ζx(n ,...,n ) and 1 r 1 r I → I → 7→ • • x I(n ,...,n ) g (q), where ζ (n ,...,n ) is the regularized multiple 1 r 7→ n1,...,nr 1 r zeta value with respect to the shuffle product (Definition 3.1) and g (q) n1,...,nr is the generating series of the multiple divisor sum appearing in the Fourier 3 expansion of multiple Eisenstein series (see (2.4)). For instance, by (2.8) we have G (τ) = ζ(2,3)+3ζ(3)g (q)+2ζ(2)g (q)+g (q), 2,3 2 3 2,3 and hence zx g ∆(I(2,3)) = G (τ). In general, we have the following 2,3 ⊗ ◦ theorem which is the first main result of this paper (proved in Section 3.5). (cid:0) (cid:1) Theorem 1.1. For integers n ,...,n 2 we have 1 r ≥ zx g ∆(I(n ,...,n )) = G (τ) (q = e2π√ 1τ). ⊗ ◦ 1 r n1,...,nr − (cid:0) (cid:1) The maps ∆ : 1 1 1 and zx : 1 R are algebra homomorphisms I• → I•⊗I• I• → (Propositions 3.4 and 3.7) but the map g : 1 C[[q]] is not an algebra ho- I → • momorphism(seeRemark4.7). Thuswecannotexpect avalidityoftheshuf- fle product formulas for the q-series zx g ∆(I(n ,...,n )) (n ,...,n 1 r 1 r ⊗ ◦ ∈ Z ) which can be naturally regarded as an extension of G (τ) to the 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) n1,...,nr ≥ indices with n = 1. i We shall construct in Section 4.1 an algebra homomorphism gx : 1 I → • C[[q]] (Definition 4.5) using certain q-series, and in Section 4.2 we define a regularized multiple Eisenstein series (Definition 4.8) x x x G (q) := z g ∆(I(n ,...,n )) C[[q]] (n ,...,n Z ). n1,...,nr ⊗ ◦ 1 r ∈ 1 r ∈ ≥1 (cid:0) (cid:1) It follows from the definition that the q-series Gx (q) (n ,...,n Z ) n1,...,nr 1 r ∈ ≥1 x satisfy the shuffle product formulas. We will prove that G (q) coincides n1,...,nr with the Fourier expansion of G (τ) when n ,...,n 2 and q = n1,...,nr 1 r ≥ e2π√ 1τ (Theorem 4.10). Then, combining the shuffle product of Gx’s and − the harmonic product of G’s yields the double shuffle relation for multiple Eisenstein series, which is the second main result of this paper (proved in Section 4.2). x Theorem 1.2. Therestricted finitedouble shuffle relationsholdforG (q) n1,...,nr (n ,...,n Z ). 1 r 1 ∈ ≥ The organization of this paper is as follows. In section 2, the Fourier ex- pansion of the multiple Eisenstein series G (τ) is considered. In section n1,...,nr 3, we first recall the regularized multiple zeta value and Hopf algebras of 4 iterated integrals introduced by Goncharov. Then we define the map zx that assigns regularized multiple zeta value to formal iterated integrals. We also present the formula expressing ∆(I(n ,...,n )) as a certain algebraic com- 1 r bination of I(k ,...,k )’s, and finally proves Theorem 1.1. Section 4 gives 1 i the definition of the algebra homomorphism gx and proves double shuffle relations for multiple Eisenstein series. A future problem with the dimension x of the space of G ’s will be discussed in the end of this section. Acknowledgement This work was started during a visit of the second author at the Unversit¨at Hamburg in June 2014 and supported by the Research Training Group 1670 “Mathematics Inspired by String Theory and Quantum Field Theory” at the Unversit¨at Hamburg. The authors would like to thank Herbert Gangl, Masanobu Kaneko and Ulf Ku¨hn for very useful comments. The second au- thor was partially supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (2013053914). The authors thank the reviewer for their thor- ough helpful and constructive comments, which significantly contributed to improving the manuscript. 2 The Fourier expansion of multiple Eisen- stein series 2.1 Multiple Eisenstein series In this subsection, we define the multiple Eisenstein series and compute its Fourier expansion. Recall the computation of the Fourier expansion of G (τ), which is well- n1 known (see also [7, Section 7]): 1 1 1 G (τ) = = + n1 (lτ +m)n1 mn1 (lτ +m)n1 0 lτ+m m>0 l>0 m Z ≺X X XX∈ 5 ( 2π√ 1)n1 = ζ(n )+ − − σ (n)qn, 1 (n1 1)! n1−1 − n>0 X where σ (n) = dk is the divisor function and q = e2π√ 1τ. Here for the k dn − | last equality we have used the Lipschitz formula P 1 ( 2π√ 1)n1 (τ +m)n1 = −(n1 −1)! cn11−1qc1 (n1 ≥ 2). (2.1) mX∈Z − 0X<c1 When n = 2, the above computation (the second equality) can be justified 1 by using a limit argument which in general is treated in Definition 2.1 below. We remark that the function G (τ) is a modular form of weight n for n1 1 SL (Z) when n is even (> 2) (G (τ) is called the quasimodular form) and a 2 1 2 non-trivial holomorphic function even if n is odd. 1 The following definition enables us to compute the Fourier expansion of G (τ) for integers n ,...,n 2 and coincides with the iterated n1,...,nr 1 r ≥ multiple sum (1.1) when the series defining (1.1) converges absolutely, i.e. n ,...,n 2 and n 3. 1 r 1 r − ≥ ≥ Definition 2.1. For integers n ,...,n 2, we define the holomorphic func- 1 r ≥ tion G (τ) on the upper half-plane called the multiple Eisenstein series n1,...,nr by 1 G (τ) := lim lim n1,...,nr L M λn1 λnr →∞ →∞0λ≺i λZ1XL≺τ··+·≺ZλMr 1 ··· r ∈ 1 = lim lim , L→∞M→∞0≺(l1τ+Lm1lX)1≺,.·.·.·,≺lr(lrLτ+mr) (l1τ +m1)n1···(lrτ +mr)nr M− ≤m1,...,m≤r M − ≤ ≤ where we set Z = M, M+1,..., 1,0,1,...,M 1,M for an integer M {− − − − } M > 0. The Fourier expansion of G (τ) for integers n ,...,n 2 is ob- n1,...,nr 1 r ≥ tained by splitting up the sum into 2r terms, which was first done in [7] for the case r = 2 and in [1] for the general case (they use the opposite con- vention, so that the λ ’s are ordered by λ λ 0). To describe i 1 r ≻ ··· ≻ ≻ 6 eachtermweintroducetheholomorphicfunctionG (w w ;τ)onthe n1,...,nr 1··· r upper half-plane below. For convenience, we express the set P of positive elements in the lattice Zτ +Z as the disjoint union of two sets P := lτ +m Zτ +Z l = 0 m > 0 , x { ∈ | ∧ } P := lτ +m Zτ +Z l > 0 , y { ∈ | } i.e. P arethelattice pointsonthe positive real axis, P arethelattice points x y intheupper half-planeandP = P P . Wenoticethatλ λ isequivalent x y 1 2 ∪ ≺ to λ λ P. Let us denote by x,y the set of all words consisting of 2 1 ∗ − ∈ { } letters x and y. For integers n ,...,n 2 and a word w w x,y 1 r 1 r ∗ ≥ ··· ∈ { } (w x,y ) we define i ∈ { } G (w w ) = G (w w ;τ) n1,...,nr 1··· r n1,...,nr 1··· r 1 := lim lim , L M λn1 λnr →∞ →∞ λ1−Xλ0.∈Pw1 1 ··· r . . λ1λ,.r..−,λλrr−Z1L∈τP+wZrM ∈ where λ := 0. Note that in the above sum, adjoining elements λ λ = 0 i i 1 − − (l l )τ + (m m ),...,λ λ = (l l )τ + (m m ) are i i 1 i i 1 j j 1 j j 1 j j 1 − − − − − − − − − − in P (i.e. w = = w = x with i j) if and only if they satisfy x i j ··· ≤ m < m < < m withl = l = = l (since(l l )τ+(m m) P i 1 i j i 1 i j ′ ′ x − ··· − ··· − − ∈ if and only if l = l and m > m), and hence the function G (w w ) ′ ′ n1,...,nr 1··· r is expressible in terms of the following function: 1 Ψ (τ) = , n1,...,nr (τ +m1)n1 (τ +mr)nr −∞<m1X<···<mr<∞ ··· which was studied thoroughly in [3]. In fact, as is easily seen that the series defining Ψ (τ) converges absolutely when n ,...,n 2, we obtain the n1,...,nr 1 r ≥ following expression: G (w w ) n1,...,nr 1··· r (2.2) = ζ(n ,...,n ) Ψ (l τ) Ψ (l τ), 1 t1−1 nt1,...,nt2−1 1 ··· nth,...,nr h 0<l1X<···<lh 7 where 0 < t < < t < r + 1 describe the positions of y’s in the word 1 h ··· w w , i.e. 1 r ··· w w = x xyx xyx y x x yx x, 1 r ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· t1−1 t2−t1−1 th−th−1−1 r−th | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } and ζ(n ,...,n ) = 1 when t = 1. 1 t1 1 1 − We remark that the above expression of words gives a one-to-one corre- spondence between words of length r in x,y and the ordered subsets of ∗ { } 1,2,...,r . As we will use later, this correspondence is written as the map { } ρ : x,y 2 1,2,...,r { }∗r −→ { } (2.3) w w t ,...,t , 1 r 1 h ··· 7−→ { } where x,y is the set of words of length r and 2 1,2,...,r is the set of all { }∗r { } subsets of 1,2,...,r . For instance, we have ρ(xyxyxr 4) = 2,4 and − { } { } ρ(xr) = . {∅} Proposition 2.2. For integers n ,...,n 2, we have 1 r ≥ G (τ) = G (w w ). n1,...,nr n1,...,nr 1··· r w1,...,Xwr∈{x,y} Proof. For λ ,...,λ Z τ + Z , the condition 0 λ λ is by 1 r L M 1 r ∈ ≺ ≺ ··· ≺ definition equivalent to λ λ P = P P for all 1 i r 1 i i 1 x y − − ∈ ∪ ≤ ≤ − (recall λ = 0). Since λ λ can be either in P or in P we complete the 0 i i 1 x y − − proof. Example 2.3. In the case of r = 2, one has for n 2,n 3 1 2 ≥ ≥ G (τ) = λ n1λ n2 = λ n1λ n2 n1,n2 1− 2− 1− 2− λ10,≺λX2λ1Z≺τλ+2Z λλ21−Xλλ10∈PP ∈ λ1,λ−2 Z∈τ+Z ∈ = + + + λ n1λ n2 1− 2− (cid:18)λλλ121,λ−−X2λλ∈10Z∈∈τPP+xxZ λλλ121,λ−−X2λλ∈10Z∈∈τPP+yxZ λλλ121,λ−−X2λλ∈10Z∈∈τPP+yxZ λλλ121,λ−−X2λλ∈10Z∈∈τPP+yyZ(cid:19) = G (xx)+G (xy)+G (yx)+G (yy). n1,n2 n1,n2 n1,n2 n1,n2 8 2.2 Computing the Fourier expansion In this subsection, we give a Fourier expansion of G (w w ). n1,...,nr 1··· r Let us define the q-series g (q) for integers n ,...,n 1 by n1,...,nr 1 r ≥ ( 2π√ 1)n1+ +nr gn1,...,nr(q) = (n− 1)!− (n ··· 1)! c1n1−1···crnr−1qc1d1+···+crdr, 1 r − ··· − 0<c1d,.1X.<.,c·r··<Ndr d1,...,dr∈N ∈ (2.4) which divided by( 2π√ 1)n1+ +nr wasstudiedin[2]. Weremarkthatsince ··· − − g (q) is the generating series of the divisor function σ (n) up to a scalar n1 n1 1 − factor, the coefficient of qn in the q-series g (q) is called the multiple n1,...,nr divisor sum in [2] with the opposite convention: σ (n) = cn1 1 cnr 1, n1,...,nr 1 − ··· r − c1d01<+d·1X·<·+cr<ddrr=n c1,...,c·r·· N d1,...,dr∈N ∈ which is regarded as a multiple version of the divisor sum (we do not discuss their properties in this paper). We will investigate an algebraic structure related to the q-series g (q) in a subsequent paper. n1,...,nr To give the Fourier expansion of G (w ,...,w ), we need the follow- n1,...,nr 1 r ing lemma. Lemma 2.4. For integers n ,...,n 2, we have 1 r ≥ r r k 1 ( 1)nq+kq+1+ +kr j − ··· − n 1 Xq=1 k1+··k·+ikXrn=i,nkq1=+1···+nr(cid:18) Yjj==1q(cid:18) j − (cid:19) ≥ 6 ζ(k ,k ,...,k )ζ(k ,k ,...,k ) = 0, q 1 q 2 1 q+1 q+2 r × − − (cid:19) where ζ(n ,...,n ) = 1 when r = 0. 1 r Proof. This was shown by using an iterated integral expression of multiple zeta values in [3, Section 5.5] (his notations enr,...,n1(z) and enr,...,n1 cor- T Z respond to our Ψ (z) and ζ(n ,...,n ), respectively). We remark that n1,...,nr 1 r he proved the identities in Lemma 2.4 for n ,...,n 1 with n ,n 2. 1 r 1 r ≥ ≥ 9 Proposition2.5. Forintegersn ,...,n 2and aword w w x,y , 1 r 1 r ∗ ≥ ··· ∈ { } we set N = n + + n for m 1,...,h where t ,...,t = tm tm ··· tm+1−1 ∈ { } { 1 h} ρ(w w ) givenby (2.3) andt = r+1. Thenthe functionG (w w ;τ) 1··· r h+1 n1,...,nr 1··· r has the following Fourier expansion: G (w w ) = ζ(n ,...,n ) n1,...,nr 1··· r 1 t1−1 ( 1)Phm=1(Ntm+nqm+kqm+1+kqm+2+···+kqm+1−1) × − tt12≤≤qqX12..≤≤tt23−−11kktt12++······++Xkk.tt23−−11==NNtt12(cid:26) . . . th≤qh≤r kth+···+kr=Nth kt1,kt1+1,...,kr≥2 r h k 1 j − ζ(k ,...,k )ζ(k ,...,k ) ×(cid:18)j6=jqY1=,.t.1.,qh(cid:18)nj −1(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:18)mY=1 qm−q1m−tm tm qm+t1m+1−qm−tm1+1−1 (cid:19) | {z } | {z } g (q) , × kq1,...,kqh (cid:27) where q = e2π√ 1τ, ζ(n ,...,n ) = g (q) = 1 whenever r = 0 and − 1 r n1,...,nr r kj 1 = 1 whenthe productis empty, i.e. when t ,t +1,...,r = Qq1j6=,.jq1=.,..t.1,.,qqhh(cid:0)n.j−−1(cid:1) { 1 1 } { } Proof. Put N = n + +n . Using the partial fraction decomposition 1 r ··· 1 (τ +m1)n1 (τ +mr)nr ··· = r q−1 nkjj−−11 (−1)N+nq r (−1)kj nkjj−−11 , (mq(cid:0) m(cid:1)j)kj! (τ +mq)kq (mj (cid:0)mq)k(cid:1)j ! Xq=1 k1k+1,·.X·.·.+,kkrr=1N Yj=1 − j=Yq+1 − ≥ we obtain r r k 1 Ψ (τ) = ( 1)N+nq+kq+1+ +kr j − n1,...,nr − ··· n 1 Xq=1 k1k+1,·.X·.·.+,kkrr=1N(cid:18) Yjj==1q(cid:18) j − (cid:19) (2.5) ≥ 6 ζ(k ,k ,...,k )Ψ (τ)ζ(k ,k ,...,k ) , × q−1 q−2 1 kq q+1 q+2 r (cid:19) q 1 r q − − | {z } | {z } 10

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