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The Don Peu numismatic library and other featured consignors : fifteenth mail bid sale of numismatic literature. [12/05/1992] PDF

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Preview The Don Peu numismatic library and other featured consignors : fifteenth mail bid sale of numismatic literature. [12/05/1992]

THE DON PFAU Numismatic Library and Other Featured Consignors FIFTEENTH MAIL BID SALE OF Numismatic Literature The Money Tree Rocky River, Ohio AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETV DEC 11 1992 . f Auction Catalogs - American MAIL-BID SALE FIFTEEN OF NUMISMATIC LITERATURE 'fc FROM iqq 212.0^ THE MONEY TREE FEATURED CONSIGNORS: THE DON PFAU NUMISMATIC LIBRARY Lots 1 through 100 TOM WILFORD, lots 101-104 RICHARD MITCHELL, lots 105-184 A SWEDISH COLLECTOR, lots 185-240 KEN BARR, lots 241-288 AN ORLANDO COLLECTOR, lots 289-325 A DISTINGUISHED NUMISMATIC LIBRARY, lots 326-354 A CARIBBEAN COLLECTOR, lots 355-382 HANK SPANGENBERGER, lots 383-415 A FAR WESTERN NUMISMATIST, lots 416-437 GERARD ANASZEWICZ, lots 438-471 AN OKLAHOMA COLLECTOR, lots 472-497 PHIL AFTOORA, lots 498-509 AL BOULANGER, lots 510-518 JOE FOSTER, lots 520-532 JOHN WESTON ADAMS, JR., lots 532-534 AL LEIBS, lots 535-539 A WESTERN GENTLEMAN, lots 540-543 PRESIDENTIAL COIN AND ANTIQUES (H. JOSEPH LEVINE), lots 544-548 IMPORTANT FOREIGN AUCTION CATALOGUES FROM A PROMINENT LIBRARY, lots 549-659 CLOSING DATE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1992 AT 5:00 P.M. (E.S.T) TO BE SOLD AT MAIL BID BY THE MONEY TREE 1260 SMITH COURT ROCKY RIVER. OHIO 44116 TELEPHONE (216) 333-3444 FAX (216) 333-4463 TERMS OF SALE 1. This is a mail bid auction sale. All lots will be sold to the highest bidder. Bids will be treated as limits and lots will be purchased below the maximums (really!) where competition permits. Bids must be made in whole dollar amounts. Lots will be sold on the day indicated. 2. Seven (7) % state sales tax will be added to the cost of all lots delivered in Ohio. 3. Mail bid auction sales are not approval sales. No lot may be returned without written permission, and such permission must be requested within three (3) days after receipt of lots. By submitting your bids you agree to the Terms of Sale herewith set forth. 4. Bidders unknown to us must supply acceptable credit references or a 25% deposit to assure entry of their bids. 5. All postage, insurance, and shipping charges, however, will be added to invoices. There will be a $1.00 per lot charge for packing and processing. No bidder will be charged more than $10.00. for packing and processing. 6. Terms of sale are strictly cash in United States funds. FOREIGN PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE IN U S. DOLLARS AND ALL CHECKS MUST BE DRAWN ON UNITED STATES BANKS. Payment must be made immediately upon receipt of invoice or, at our option, upon receipt of material. Because we pay our consignors in no more than 45 days after the close of the sale, a late payment fee of 21 per month will be charged on all accounts remaining unpaid thirty days after the closing date of the sale. 7. Lots to be mailed to addresses not in the United States or its Territories, will be sent only at the risk of the purchaser. When possible, insurance will be obtained; it must be noted, however, that adequate insurance is often not available by surface mail. 8. All books are as described. We acknowledge the possibility of errors and typographical mistakes, and any errors on our part will be cheerfully and promptly corrected. We cannot, however, be responsible for your errors; please check your bid sheet carefully. 9. Title to all lots remains with the cataloguer until paid for in full. We reserve the discretionary right to withhold delivery of lots until full payment has been received. We reserve the right to reject any bid from any bidder which we deem is not made in good faith. We reserve the right to reject any bid which, in our opinion, is ridiculous. 10. A TEN (10) I BUYER S FEE WILL BE ADDED TO ALL LOTS. BOOK SIZES BOOK AND CATALOGUE CONDITIONS FOLIO - over 13" AS NEW - no signs of wear or defect* QUARTO (4to) 12" VERY FINE (VF) - minimal signs of u*e OCTAVO (Sto) - 9" FINE - nice, clean copy, slight signs of use DUODECIMO (12mo) - 7-8" VERY GOOD (VG) - some wear, no serious defects SEXTODECIMO (16mo) 6-7" OOOD - average used and wom copy, complete VIGESIMOQUARTO (24mo) 5-6“ READING (or RESEARCH) COPY poor, but readable TRIOESIMOSECUNDO (32mo) 4-5" EX-LIBRARY - with library identification marks THE MONEY TREE 1260 SMITH COURT ROCKY RIVER, OH 44116 216 333-3444) FAX (216) 333-4463 MAIL BID SALE 15 DECEMBER 5, 1992 2 35.00 76 14.00 161 120.00 256 50.00 340 10.00 429 48.00 521 25.00 3 17.00 (/ 14.00 162 42.00 257 11.00 341 6.00 430 35.00 522 21.00 4 22.00 78 41.00 163 39.00 258 12.00 342 25.00 431 20.00 523 33.00 5 40.00 80 72.00 164 31.00 259 16.00 343 25.00 432 12.00 525 20.00 6 150.00 81 U/D 165 31.00 260 15.00 344 8.00 433 26.00 526 11.00 9 19.00 82 8.00 173 87.00 261 10.00 345 20.00 434 18.00 527 28.00 10 12.00 83 15.00 174 12.00 263 20.00 346 15.00 435 150.00 528 32.00 11 20.00 84 12.00 175 U/D 265 3.00 348 28.00 436 207.00 529 20.00 12 27.00 85 23.00 177 82.00 266 11.00 349 11.00 437 135.00 530 16.00 13 28.00 87 12.00 178 12.00 267 16.00 350 25.00 438 16.00 531 20.00 14 13,00 88 30.00 179 24.00 269 36.00 351 33.00 439 13.00 532 27.00 15 3.00 89 42.00 180 9.00 270 60.00 352 33.00 440 16.00 535 21.00 16 30.00 90 12.00 181 24.00 271 11.00 353 28.00 442 10.00 536 50.00 17 30.00 91 6.00 132 36.00 272 48.00 356 125.00 443 40.00 537 7.00 20 20.00 92 38.00 183 35.00 273 55.00 357 21.00 444 6.00 538 15.00 21 16.00 93 8.00 135 21.00 275 6.00 359 11.00 445 30.00 539 17.00 2 2 23.00 95 56.00 186 18.00 276 15.00 361 30.00 44o 14.00 540 20.00 23 12.00 96 48.00 137 12.00 280 20.00 362 12.00 448 26.00 541 13.00 24 22.00 98 12,00 188 15.00 282 25.00 363 6.00 449 16.00 542 8.00 25 31.00 99 65.00 139 5.00 283 19.00 364 16,00 450 60.00 543 20.00 2c. 10.00 100 20.00 190 33.00 285 30.00 365 42.00 451 20.00 544 33.00 2? 10.00 105 32.00 191 25.00 289 U/D 366 48.00 453 16.00 545 40.00 26 6.00 107 60.00 194 44.00 290 135.00 368 18.00 454 35.00 546 17.00 •\Q 18.00 109 82.00 195 3.00 291 90.00 371 19.00 456 60.00 547 15.00 30 o.OO 110 5.00 196 28.00 292 80.00 372 22.00 458 15.00 549 oO.OO 31 80.00 111 35.00 19? 16.00 293 25.00 373 25.00 459 30.00 561 13.00 32 35.00 112 12.00 198 26.00 294 20.00 374 15.00 4oG 20.00 565 13.00 33 15.00 114 8.00 202 20.00 295 20.00 375 14.00 461 70.00 566 12.00 34 15.00 115 20.00 203 10.00 296 20.00 37o 16.00 4e2 70.00 571 88.00 35 31.00 116 20.00 204 22.00 297 20.00 377 18.00 463 38.00 573 25.00 3o 22.00 118 10.00 207 44.00 298 20.00 378 26.00 464 25.00 5, 6 60.00 37 21.00 120 22.00 208 172.00 299 20.00 379 36.00 4o7 10.00 577 38.00 36 26.00 121 22.00 209 45.00 300 20.00 380 110.00 40V 18.00 578 11.00 39 20.00 122 12.00 210 22.00 301 25.00 382 125.00 473 28.00 579 8.00 40 111.00 123 3.00 212 11.00 302 55.00 383 50.00 474 27.00 580 8.00 41 25.00 124 17.00 213 80.00 304 100.00 384 24.00 475 17.00 581 28.00 42 50.00 12o 66.00 214 18,00 305 46.00 385 13.00 476 16.00 582 16.00 43 31.00 127 15.00 216 22.00 306 40.00 388 15.00 478 4.00 583 16.00 44 12.00 123 44.00 217 9.00 307 10.00 389 64.00 480 12.00 584 11.00 45 12.00 12? 25.00 218 35.00 308 90.00 390 25.00 481 21.00 586 15.00 46 61.00 131 82.00 220 50.00 309 40.00 391 25.00 482 23.00 592 10.00 47 3.00 132 37.00 221 20.00 310 5.00 392 25.00 485 150.00 594 32.00 48 20.00 133 15.00 222 25.00 311 4.00 393 15.00 486 30.00 595 20.00 49 41.00 134 12.00 223 25.00 312 11.00 394 150.00 488 21.00 596 20.00 50 85.00 135 21.00 224 21.00 313 4.00 395 21.00 490 15.00 600 14.00 51 32.00 136 60.00 225 35.00 314 12.00 396 95.00 491 25.00 602 20.00 52 23.00 137 17.00 226 7.00 315 12.00 397 35.00 492 15.00 603 10.00 54 16.00 138 9.00 227 60.00 316 12.00 398 40.00 494 9.00 604 65.00 55 27.00 139 6.00 228 9.00 317 41.00 399 85.00 495 31.00 605 16.00 5/ 16.00 140 12.00 22? 11.00 318 16.00 400 21.00 497 20.00 608 17.00 56 8.00 142 8.00 230 41.00 320 13.00 404 20.00 498 35.00 609 24.00 5? 16.00 143 10.00 232 92,00 321 13.00 405 63.00 499 61.00 610 24.00 60 55.00 144 21.00 233 160.00 322 100.00 40 o 27.00 500 21.00 612 16.00 Gl 11.00 145 9.00 234 162.00 323 62.00 407 31.00 501 8.00 614 21.00 62 33.00 146 24.00 23u 71.00 324 15.00 408 225.00 502 28.00 615 21.00 63 22.00 147 9,00 236 30.00 326 105.00 411 17.00 503 66.00 616 21.00 64 13,00 146 3) .00 239 18.00 327 06.00 412 27.00 504 28.00 617 9.00 o5 12.00 149 31.00 241 35.00 329 37.00 414 13.00 506 25.00 618 8.00 &6 22.00 150 39.00 242 U/D 330 31.00 416 41.00 509 25.00 ol9 8.00 6 7 22.00 i 52 28.0O 244 28.00 331 30.00 417 71.00 510 11.00 620 16.00 Gb 28.00 1 53 18.00 245 45.00 332 2O.O0 419 115,00 514 20.00 621 25.00 69 24.00 i 54 60.00 c4o 20.00 334 31.00 420 116.00 515 50.00 622 11.00 70 7.00 155 16.00 c4? 16.00 335 24.00 421 84.00 51 o 11.00 623 16.00 ?] i»i/ D 156 7.00 c48 33.00 336 22.00 422 16.00 5l7 47.00 624 25.00 7720 25.00 158 90.00 249 6.00 337 21.00 424 48,00 5)8 24.00 625 25.00 T/oC 32.00 15? 95.00 251 7.00 338 114.00 426 65.00 519 23.00 626 23.00 < \J 3c. 00 ) 60 75.00 253 30.00 339 16.00 427 20.00 520 75.00 628 25.00 62? 3.00 o4? 160.00 U/D = UITHDRAU'I TIE BIDS ARE NOT INDICATED £2J i F ORE WORD THE DONALD PFAU LIBRARY AND OTHER IMPORTANT PROPERTIES FROM OTHER IMPORTANT CONSIGNORS We welcome you to our FIFTEENTH MAIL BID SALE OF NUMISMATIC LITERATURE featuring the Numismatic Library of the Late DON PFAU The sale closes SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1992 at 5:00 P.M. (Eastern Standard Time). Now remember, this is the first time that we have had a SATURDAY closing for a sale. Again, the sale closes DECEMBER 5, 1992 which is a SATURDAY SOME HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS SALE INCLUDE (by category, by author or title, and lot number) UNITED STATES NUMISMATIC BOOKS: The scarce card covered format of the 1913 first edition of the Edgar Adams and William Woodin UNITED STATES EXPERIMENTAL, PATTERN AND TRIAL PIECES (lot 105); Leonard Arrington’s 1952 COIN AND CURRENCY IN EARLY UTAH (lot 241); William Griffith’s HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY (lot 208); the deluxe interleaved copy (100 printed) of Guttag Bros.’ 1924 COINS OF THE AMERICAS (lot 124); a really nice HEATH COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR (lot 126); the HISTORY OF THE BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING 1862-1962 with the 2 intaglio plates (lot 213); 2 copies of the 1959 first edition of J. Hewitt Judd’s UNITED STATES PATTERN, EXPERIMENTAL AND TRIAL PIECES (lot 129 and 369) [also other editions]; 2 copies of Knox’s 1884 UNITED STATES NOTES with 3 photolithographic currency plates (lots 46 and 131); a handwritten copy of William Lee’s rare 1875 CURRENCY OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, (lot 50); Sheldon’s 1949 EARLY AMERICAN CENTS (lot 148); the 1976 edition of William Sheldon’s PENNY WHIMSY (lot 75); and two consignments of early REDBOOKS in better condition (lots 157-170, lots 231 to 238) with other early REDBOOKS and a 3rd edition BLUEBOOK in various consignments. UNITED STATES AUCTION CATALOGUES: The seven parts of Barney Bluestone’s ALBERT GRINNELL COLLECTION OF U.S. PAPER MONEY (lot 173), [also the 1971 Anton and Perlmutter reprint of the GRINNELL Collection, (lot 245 and 357)]; a plated copy of Henry Chapman’s NYGREN SALE, (lot 381); the rare 1910 auction catalogue by the Chicago Coin Company, the only auction conducted by Virgil Brand’s coin firm, (lot 382); 2 Christie’s sales of the Archives of the American Bank Note Company, (lots 272 and 273); the ROBINSON S. BROWN JR. Collection of Large Cents with photographic plates (lot 435); the JACK ROBINSON Collection of Large Cents with photographic plates, (lot 436); the ED T ROM PETER Collection of U.S. gold coins with photographic plates (lot 437). ANCIENT NUMISMATIC BOOKS AND AUCTION CATALOGUES: Laurel Breglia’s 1968 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS (lot 389); Agnes Brett’s CATALOGUE OF GREEK COINS, the 1974 reprint (lot 417); Miklos Desewffy’s 1910 BARBAR PENZEI (lot 419); Michael Grant’s 1946 FROM IMPERIUM TO AUCTORITAS, (lot 394); Philip Grierson’s 1982 BYZANTINE NUMISMATICS, (lot 450). S.W. Grose’s CATALOGUE OF THE MC CLEAN COLLECTION OF GREEK COINS in 3 volumes, the 1970 reprint, (lot 420); Barclay Head’s 1897 CATALOGUE OF THE GREEK COINS OF CARIA, COS, RHODES, Etc. (lot 396); Jenkins’ ANCIENT GREEK COINS (lot 399); Edward Sydenham’s 1926 AES GRAVE, (lot 405); John Ward’s 1902 GREEK COINS AND THEIR PARENT CITIES (lots 154 and 407); P.D. Whitting’s 1973 BYZANTINE COINS, (lot 227). Highlights of the auction catalogues include: the legendary 1921 Ars Classica sale of the PROF. S. POZZI Collection, (lot 408); two important parts of Sotheby’s (New York) 1990 The NELSON BUNKER HUNT and WILLIAM HERBERT HUNT Collections, (lots 322 and 323). WORLD NUMISMATICS: William Craig’s 1954 GERM ANIC COIN AGE, (lot 499); an interleaved copy of the 1958 first edition Robert Friedberg’s GOLD COINS OF THE WORLD, (lot 503); Marian Gumowski’s HANDBUCH DER POLNISCHEN NUMISMATIK (lot 503); Aloiss Heiss 3 volume DESCRIPCION GENERAL DE LAS MONEDAS HISPANO-CRISTIANAS DE LA INVASION DE LOS ARABES, the 1962 reprint (lot 536); Adolpho Herrera’s EL DURO, the 1991 reprint, (lot 421); the 1967 Hill and Pollard RENAISSANCE MEDALS FROM THE SAMUEL KRESS COLLECTION, (lot 40); Gerald Hoberman’s THE ART OF COINS AND THEIR PHOTOGRAPHY (lot 308); the Quarterman reprint of THE STEWART LOCKHART COLLECTION OF CHINESE COPPER COINS, (lot 515);’ Karl Morrison’s and Henry Grunthal’s 1967 ANS monograph CAROLINGIAN COINAGE, (lot 504); A. M. Smith’s 1886 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GOLD AND SILVER COINS OF THE WORLD, (lot 150). FOREIGN AUCTION CATALOGUES: Long runs of GIESSENER MUNSHANDLUNG, Munich (lots 551 to 555); GLENDINING & COMPANY (also SOTHEBY) London, (lot 424 to 426, 557,581 to 611), ADOLPH HESS and BANK LEU, Lucerne and Zurich, (lots 566, and 512 to 631). GITTA KASTNER, Munich, (lot 557 to 560, and 573); MUNZEN UND MEDAILLEN/MONNAIES ET MEDAILLES, Basel, (lots 632 to 647). BOWERS AND RUDDY MATERIAL: We are proud to offer the most comprehensive listing ever of Bowers and Ruddy SPECIAL COIN LETTER, including 11 of the first 12 issues (lots 290 to 304); the deluxe limited edition of the [ELIASBERG] UNITED STATES GOLD COIN COLLECTION, (lot 270); and the four hardbound catalogues of the GARRETT Collection, (lot 380). NUMISMATIC PERIODICALS: Rare original early issues of THE COLONIAL NEWSLETTER, (lot 309).Volume LI (1917) of the AJN, with the 50 year index (lot 109); ANS MUSEUM NOTES, volumes 1 through 4 (and also many other volumes) (lots 355 and 356, and 461 to 465); the first 105 issues of ANS NUMISMATIC LITERATURE; the reprint of the first 40 issues of PENNY-WISE, (lot 31); many Wayte Raymond emissions, (lots 257 to 260, and others); a substantial offering of VOICE OF THE TURTLE/NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NUMISMATICS, (lot 540) TREASURE COINAGE, BOOKS AND AUCTION CATALOGUES: A significant offering of books and auction catalogues about treasure coinage and its recovery (lot 196, and lots 332 to 354). While this sale contains fewer lots than our typical sale, nevertheless we believe that you will find this sale bursting with quality, rare, choice, and interesting references in all areas. However, our next sale, Mail Bid Sale 16 in February 1993, will not only have our usual number of lots, in addition to the quality and variety of offerings that you have come to expect from us, but it will also have some truly amazing, and genuinely unique items. For example, just to whet your appetite, how about lot number 1 of sale 16 being Ormsby’s 1852 A DESCRIPTION OF THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF BANK NOTE ENGRAVING, Showing Its Tendency to Facilitate Counterfeiting. Finally, we truly appreciate each of you who has consigned to this sale. We also appreciate each of you who bids in our sales and who will be bidding in this sale. We could not continue do this without you. So, enjoy and good hunting, and thank you. Myron X e no s ,NLG Publisher of The Money Tree Publications, and Gold Leaf Press ANA member since 1961, ANS, EAC, JRCS, NBS, TAMS Daryl Xenos Office Manager of The Money Tree, and Gold Leaf Press ANA, NBS Ken Lowe , NL G Cataloguer of and Editor for The Money Tree Publications, and Gold Leaf Press ANA, ANS, EAC, JRCS, NBS, TAMS THE NUMISMATIC LIBRARY OF THE LATE DON PFAU DON PFAU, a numismatist and numismatic bibliophile from Michigan, had worked for a major firm which auctioned philatelic literature. He also served on the Executive Board of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society in the early 1980s. Don was an avid numismatic bibliophile who assembled an excellent numismatic reference library. Additionally, he also collected with an eye on condition. Thus, virtually all of the books and catalogues offered below are in especially desirable condition. Unfortunately, we never knew Don, but without exception everyone we spoke with who knew him thought him to be a fine, decent, gentle man. We thank his wife, Colleen, and two sons, Wade and Cody for letting us have the privilege to offer his numismatic library. 1. Adams, Edgar H. PRIVATE GOLD COIN AGE OF CALIFORNIA 1849-1855, ITS HISTORY AND ITS ISSUES. 1974 Stackpole reprint of the 1913 expanded reprint of the serial articles which appeared in Volumes 45 & 46 of the A.J.N., (1911-1912). 4to, blue leatherette, xxviii, 128 pp. 7 plates of coins; 4 portrait plates. VF or better. (40.00) C-S 12465. With an introduction by Q. David Bowers. With the 1981 Don Kagln book, the 2 standard references on the topic. 2. Adelson, Howard L. THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY 1858-1958. 1958. 4to, red cloth. 390 pp. 23 pis. VF. (30.00) C-S 16671. Ex-Kolbe 11, lot 792. A history of the ANS, of special value for the substantial coverage of the early days of American numismatic history. 3. Ahlstrom, Bjarne, Bernhard Brekke, Bengt Hemmingson. NORGES MYTNER / THE COIN AGE OF NORWAY. 1976. Tall 4to, red, white, and blue cloth. 165 pp. Ills. Vais. VF. (30.00) C-S 10885. A quality standard reference with extensive text completely translated into English along side the Norwegian text. This is a guidebook for Norwegian coins from c. 1000 A.D. including much material which is not readily available in English. 4. Ahwash, Kamal (with the Collaboration of John W. McCloskey). LIBERTY SEATED DIMES, 1837-1891. 1977, Premiere Edition. 4to, blue cloth, lettered in silver. 411 pp. Profusely illustrated with enlargements. VF to As New. (40.00) C-S 12237. The standard reference. Subtitled, "BY DATE, VARIETIES, DIE VARIETIES, AND METHOD OF ATTRIBUTION INCLUDING RARITY NUMBERS.' 5. Album, Stephen. (2 books) CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIA MERCHANTS TOKENS. VOLUME ONE: Northern California; VOLUME TWO: Southern California and San Francisco. 1972, 1974. 8vo, green cloth; blue cloth, np [approximately 400 pp] & 394 pp. Ills. Rarity Guide. The covers are VF. The contents are As New. (50.00) C-S 13977 & C-S 13979. 'Comprising a dealer listing of the merchants tokens and store cards....', The subtitle of volume I. In addition to the cataloguing of some 12, 000 tokens, much important text and background material is included. 6. American Numismatic Society. NUMISMATIC LITERATURE. 106 consecutive issues from No. 1 (1947) [including issue 1A1 to No. 105 (March 1981). 8vo, wraps (through #76), red CaC (from # 78). Fine (early issues) to As New. (200.00) C-S 785. Since 1947, the ANS has produced an annotated bibliography (abstract) of numismatic literature recently issued throughout the world. It replaced von Bahrfeldt's NUMISMATISCHZS LITERATURE-BLATT issued from 1880-1939 Each issue s abstracts are divided by areas of interest: Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Middle East, Far East, The Americas, Europe tokens, Paper Money, etc. A vastly underappreciated, comprehensive bibliographic reference. Such an extensive run, especially so nice, is most Infrequently available. 7‘Askfew, GUbert. A CATALOGUE OF GREEK COINS. 1951. 8vo, tan CaC. 124 pp. linedrawn ills. Vais. But for some trivial cover soiling VF. (25.00) C-S 1807. 'The original edition and forerunner of the classic Seabv handbook. 2185+ coin types, ... items [from] beaby s coin stock 1948-1950 with grades and prices of specific items.' [This annotation from Empire Coins (Dennis Kroh and Desiree Van Seeters) Sale of 17 August 1992, lot 94] ^Askew.GilberL A CATALOGUE OF ROMAN COINS. 1948. 8vo, tan CaC. 137 pp. linedrawn ills. Vais. The covers are better than Fine. The contents are VF. (25.00) Intended as a guide for the beginner, the first 13 pages are a basic overview of the series with the remainder of the edition, nrr?n+a/rtT1tc1C ^ldebook cataloguing taken from coins formerly and then in the Seaby stock The original edition was printed in 1936, and soon sold out. The war delayed (I cannot imagine why.) this second edition. ’sfpp'Vo^is^^S.oi!0 P°RTRA1TS °F WASHINGTON. 1965 sprint of the 1885 original. 4to, maroon cloth. unknown Sr S® r®Prlnt' overseen by George Fuld, Includes a new addendum, a supplement of specimens and"vastly under ippiacl Ited”^ P * ^ Nations In the margins with updated information. Most useful i?;theiCkttr’ T,homaSJ ™E C°IN MAKERS. The Development of Coinage from Earliest Times 1969. 8vo, tan cloth, lettered in red. 189 pp. Profusely illustrated. Several color plates. VF or better. (20.00) Page 1 Rosichan 91. A substantive, but readable chronological overview of the technical development, aesthetics, and striking of coins from ancient through medieval and to current times. !L b REGISTEROE HALEDOLLARVARB2TIES AND SUB-VARIETIES. 1964 Bebee’s reprint of the 1929 original. 8vo, green cloth, gilt. 261 pp. Frontis. 7 pis. VF to nearly Mint. (20.00) u i224?\A quality reprint of the original without any additions or corrections. This is important as not only was it the bridge between Haseltine and Overton for half dollar attributions, but it also covered varieties of all half dollar issues, including seated, Barber, Walking Liberty, and commemorative halves through 1928. 12. Benice, Ronald J. ALASKA TOKENS. 1979. 8vo salmon cloth, gilt. 208 pp. Ills. Vais. As New. (25.00) * u ? j13.984.u ThiS Pro£uS,ely ill„ustrated work catalogues more than 1400 tokens. Among those acknowledged for havina contributed to this work are Lester Burzinski and Arlie Slabaugh. Currently the best reference for the topic. 13. Bieciuk Hank and H.G. 'Bill' Corbin. TEXAS CONFEDERATE COUNTY NOTES & PRIVATE SCRIP. 1961. 8vo peripherally^^Vf'^^OO)112 PP' I11S‘ Ranty guide‘ But for the sPine being sunned and the covers trivially’ C-S 13428. A profusely illustrated descriptive cataloguing of 505 notes Issued from 91 counties. 14. Betts, Charles Wyllys (William T.R. Marvin and Lyman Haynes Low eds 1 AMERICAN COI ONIAI HISTORY ILLUSTRATED BY CONTEMPORARY MEDALS^ 1964 CanadianNumSmatic PublElfivIgTnsUtutl reprint of the 1894 original. 8vo, blue cloth. 332 pp. Frontis. Ills. Better than Fine. (30.00) C-S 15025. Ex-Wilson 2, lot 93. A quality reprint of the classic work detailing 623 medals, proclamation pieces and Admiral Vernon medals beginning from 1556. 15 Bolender, M.H. THE UNITED STATES EARLY SILVER DOLLARS FROM 1794 TO 1803. 1980, 3rd revised edition of the 1950 original. 4to, blue cloth, gilt. 75 pp. 9 halftone pis. As New. (25.00) C-S 12246. This is the Krause reprint of the standard reference for the bust dollar series. 16. Bowen, Harold L. EARLY MICHIGAN SCRIP, nd. (c.1950). 8vo, brown cloth. 204 pp. Ills. VF to As New. (45.00) Inscribed, "For ray old friend Mart Hutchinson with best wishes, Harold L. Bowen." Also written under Martin Hutchinson s address label on the front pastedown - "April 15, 1970”. This quite scarce work is a comprehensive descriptive cataloguing of the topic. The best one volume reference. 17. Bowen, Harold L. STATE BANK NOTES OF MICHIGAN. 1956. 8vo, cloth. 196 pp. Ills. VF. (45.00) C-S 13408. With the same inscription as the above lot. This scarce, comprehensive standard reference covers from 1837 to the Civil War. 18. Bowers, Q. David and James F. Ruddy. THE EMPIRE GUIDE TO UNITED STATES HALF CENTS 1793-1857. New revised complete descriptive guide to die varieties. Undated Wasosky reprint of the 1962 first edition. 12mo, tan CaC. 47 pp. Ills. Rarity guide. VF. (20.00) C-S 12250. The text is printed on rectos (the right hand page). The versos (the left hand page) are blank "for annotation facing the descriptive material.” "The following listing of [132] half cent die varieties represents all of the pieces known to us at this time." 19. Browning, A.W. EARLY QUARTER DOLLARS OF THE UNITED STATES. 1981 Durst reprint of the 1925 original edition. 8vo, maroon cloth. 36 pp. Ills. VF. (20.00) Useful for the text of the expensive original edition. As for the quality of the plates .... 20. Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira and Vladimir. THE BEAUTY AND LORE OF COINS. CURRENCY, AND MEDALS. 1974. 4to, blue cloth, gilt. 256 pp. Profusely illustrated in color and black-and-white. VF. (25.00) C-S 56. In addition to being a most attractive "coffee-table" book on numismatics, the superb text by the Claln-Stefanellls is most useful for the advanced numismatist: authoritative but "user-friendly". 21. Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira. SELECT NUMISMATIC BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1965. 8vo, green cloth, gilt. 406 pp. VF. (15.00) Still the "volks-bibliography" with nearly 5000 entries as the 1985 Clain-Stefanelli bibliography costs over #100 when infrequently available. Indispensable for anyone with even a peripheral interest in numismatics or numismatic literature. 22. Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira. (2 important books). NUMISMATICS: AN ANCIENT SCIENCE, A SURVEY OF ITS HISTORY and ITALIAN COIN ENGRAVERS SINCE 1800. 1963 and 65 pp. Each is 4to, with CaC. 102 and 67 pp. Each profusely illustrated. Each is nearly VF. (25.00) The former is an absolutely superb, vastly underrated, and unjustly ignored survey with a most impressive 27 page reference bibliography. The latter is the best modestly priced reference on Italy s engravers of its most aesthetic coins and medals of the period. 23. Cohen, Jr., Roger S. AMERICAN HALF CENTS. THE'LITTLE HALF SISTERS*. A Reference Book on the United States Half Cent Coined from 1793 to 1857. 1971, 1st ed., 1st printing. 105 pp. Ills. Nearly Mint. (30.00) C-S 12278. The first edition of a standard reference, each date and variety is illustrated and thoroughly described including useful historical text and rarity information. Page 2

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