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UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE EVANGELICKÁ TEOLOGICKÁ FAKULTA Dizertačni práce The Doctrine of God and Deification in Athanasius of Alexandria: Relations and Qualities Doktrína Boha a zbožštění podle Atanáše Alexandrijského: vztahy a kvality Viacheslav V. Lytvynenko Katedra filosofie vedoucí doc. Ph.D. Prof. Lenka Karfíková studijní program Filozofie studijní obor Filozofie Praha 2014 Prohlášení Prohlášuji, že jsem tuto dizertační práci s názvem ‘The Doctrine of God and Deification in Athanasius of Alexandria: Relations and Qualities’ napsal samostatně a výhradně s použitím citovaných pramenů. Souhlasím s tím, aby práce byla zveřejněna pro účely výzkumu a soukromého studia. V Praze dne 30.04.2014 ………………………….. Viacheslav V. Lytvynenko Acknowledgement I hereby confirm that I have written this doctoral thesis on my own and that I have not used any other sources than the ones referred to in this thesis. Permission is granted to use and distribute this work for purposes of research or private study. Prague, April 30, 2014 ………………………….. Viacheslav V. Lytvynenko 2 Bibliographic Citation LYTVYNENKO, VIACHESLAV. ‘The Doctrine of God and Deification in Athanasius of Alexandria: Relations and Qualities’. Ph.D. diss., Charles University of Prague, Protestant Theological Faculty, 2014. Summary This study seeks to interpret Athanasius’ concept of deification in close connection with his doctrine of God. It asks where Athanasius placed the source of divinity (in the generic essence or the Father?), in which way he used the Nicene homoousios formula, and what he meant by arguing that the Son was equally divine with the Father. It asks further how Athanasius’ understanding of God affected the way he described salvation as deification and related three major soteriological aspects to each other: relational, ontological, and juridical. To answer these questions, this thesis examines the way Athanasius responded to the pagan worldview (in his early treatise Contra Gentes―De Incarnatione) and the Arian thought (mainly in his Orationes Contra Arianos and several other later writings). It observes that Athanasius’ understanding of God was in sharp contrast to Arius’ theology, and that his interpretation of the homoousios formula makes most sense in the context of his anti-Arian arguments. It comes to the conclusion that Athanasius’ understanding of the Father-Son relationship led him to consider incarnation and crucifixion within the relational framework. In this framework the qualities of godlikeness (whether ontological or juridical) are tied to the way God gives us himself and restores us to the original state of relationship with him. Keywords Deification, Arian controversy, homoousios, Trinity, incarnation, relational, ontological, and juridical aspects of salvation, Platonism, Irenaeus, Origen, sonship, adoption, love, delight, Antony the Great. 3 Bibliografická citace LYTVYNENKO, VIACHESLAV. The Doctrine of God and Deification in Athanasius of Alexandria: Relations and Qualities. Praha, 2014. Dizertační práce. Univerzita Karlova, Evangelická teologická fakulta. Vedoucí práce: doc. Ph.D. Lenka Karfíková. Anotace V této práci se snažíme vyložit Atanášův koncept zbožštění v úzkém vztahu s jeho doktrínou Boha. Zabýváme se otázkou, v čem Atanáš viděl zdroj božství (v obecné podstatě nebo v Otci?), jakým způsobem použil nicejskou formulaci soupodstatnosti a co měl na mysli svou argumentací, že Syn byl stejné božské podstaty jako Otec. Dále zkoumáme, jak Atanášovo chápání Boha ovlivnilo jeho popis spasení jako zbožštění a jakým způsobem usouvztažnil tři hlavní soteriologické aspekty: vztahový, ontologický a právní. Odpověď na tyto otázky hledáme v přezkoumání Atanášovy reakce na pohanský světonázor (v jeho raném pojednání Contra Gentes–De Incarnatione) a na ariánské myšlení (především v jeho Orationes Contra Arianos a několika dalších pozdějších pracích). Sledujeme, jak bylo Atanášovo pojetí Boha v ostrém kontrastu s Ariovou teologií a že jeho interpretace soupodstatnosti je nejsrozumitelnější právě v kontextu jeho anti-ariánských argumentů. Docházíme k závěru, že Atanášovo chápání vztahu Otec-Syn ho přivedlo k uvažování o vtělení a ukřižování v rámci příbuznosti. Na tomto pozadí jsou božské vlastnosti (ať už ontologické nebo právní) svázány se způsobem, jakým se nám Bůh dává a navrací nás do původního stavu příbuznosti s ním. Klíčová slova Zbožštění, ariánský spor, soupodstatnost, Trojice, vtělení, vztahové, ontologické a právnické aspekty spasení, platonismus, Irenej, Origen, synovství, přijetí, láska, radost, Antonín Veliký. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables .............................................................................................................................. 8 List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 9 Note on the Use of Sources ....................................................................................................... 16 CHAPTER ONE―Introduction ............................................................................................ 17 1.1 Scholarly Views on Athanasius’ Soteriology ....................................................................... 22 1.1.1 Physical View of Deification ................................................................................ 22 1.1.2 Deification and Atonement ................................................................................... 22 1.1.3 Deification as Personal Relationship with God ..................................................... 30 1.2 Terminological Clarifications: Deification, Qualities and Relations ..................................... 36 CHAPTER TWO―Athanasius in the Broader Context ....................................................... 39 2.1 Ancient Notions of Divinity and Deification ....................................................................... 40 2.1.1 Poetic Literature ................................................................................................... 40 2.1.1 Greek Natural Philosophy: Xenophanes ................................................................ 44 2.1.3 Platonic Tradition ................................................................................................. 46 Plato ....................................................................................................... 48 Philo ...................................................................................................... 54 Plotinus .................................................................................................. 64 2.2 Deification in the Scripture ................................................................................................. 73 2.3 Deification in Irenaeus and Origen: Tension of Emphases ................................................... 77 2.3.1 Irenaeus of Lyon ................................................................................................... 79 From God as ‘What’ to God as ‘Who’ .................................................... 79 The Roles of the Son and Holy Spirit in Deification ............................... 83 2.3.2 Origen of Alexandria ............................................................................................ 88 Relations and Qualities: Posing the Question .......................................... 88 From the Image to Likeness ................................................................... 94 CHAPTER THREE―God, Man, and Deification in the Contra Gentes and De Incarnatione Verbi ........................................................................................................................................ 98 3.1 Deification and the Issue of Inconsistency in the Double Treatise ....................................... 98 3.2 Man and Deification in the Contra Gentes ........................................................................ 101 3.2.1 The Original Relationship with God and the Fall ................................................ 101 3.2.2 Pagan Deification: Texts and Analysis ................................................................ 108 Texts .................................................................................................... 108 Analysis ............................................................................................... 112 3.2.3 Three Primary Ways of Redirecting Man to God ................................................ 116 The Soul............................................................................................... 116 The Creation ........................................................................................ 117 The Scriptures ...................................................................................... 120 3.3 Christ and Deification in the De Incarnatione Verbi .......................................................... 123 3.3.1 From the Process of Redirection to its Accomplishment ..................................... 123 3.3.2 Christ’s Divinity ................................................................................................. 127 3.3.3 Incarnation: The Personal Subject of Christ ........................................................ 134 3.3.4 The Fruits of Salvation ....................................................................................... 143 3.4 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 150 CHAPTER FOUR―God the Father, Christ, and Deification in Arius’ Letters 5 and the Thalia ....................................................................................................................... 152 4.1 Scholarly Opinions about the Arian Dispute: Cosmological and Soteriological Arguments ........................................................................................................................ 153 4.1.1 Cosmological Approach: The Influence of Later Hellenism, Monotheistic Tendencies of Judaism and Biblical Exegesis ..................................................... 153 4.1.2 Soteriological Approach ..................................................................................... 158 4.2 God as the Transcendent Being and the Unique Possessor of Divine Qualities in Arius ............................................................................................................................. 162 4.2.1 Arius’ Letters ..................................................................................................... 162 4.2.2 Fragments of the Thalia ...................................................................................... 167 Contra Arianos 1.5-6 ........................................................................... 168 De Synodis 15 ...................................................................................... 174 4.2.3 Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 181 4.3 The Saviour Who is to be Saved: The Arian Christ, Salvation, and Alexander’s Response ........................................................................................................................... 184 4.3.1 Christ’s Preeminent and Inferior Status, and the Implications for Soteriology ......................................................................................................... 185 4.3.2 Alexander’s Response to Arius’ Teaching about God and Salvation ................... 195 CHAPTER FIVE―God and Deification in Athanasius’ Later Writings ........................... 203 5.1 God as Father .................................................................................................................... 204 5.1.1 Starting Points for the Doctrine of God: Modern Discussions ............................. 204 5.1.2 Person versus Essence in the Contra Arianos 1.14-32 ......................................... 210 Contra Arianos 1.14-29 ........................................................................ 210 Contra Arianos 1.30-4 .......................................................................... 219 5.2 Father and Son .................................................................................................................. 223 5.2.1 metoch, ................................................................................................................. 223 5.2.2 i;dioj .................................................................................................................... 227 5.2.3 cara,( cai,rw( and euvfrone,w .................................................................................. 230 5.3 The Work of the Son ......................................................................................................... 233 5.3.1 Partitive Exegesis: God become Man .................................................................. 233 5.3.2 Deification in the Christian Context: Texts and Analysis .................................... 240 Deification and Christ’s Body .............................................................. 241 Texts ...................................................................................... 241 Analysis ................................................................................. 243 Deification of Men ............................................................................... 246 Texts ...................................................................................... 246 Analysis ................................................................................. 251 Deification, Sin, and Atonement ........................................................... 253 Texts ...................................................................................... 253 Analysis ................................................................................. 254 Summary, Questions, and Suggestions ................................................. 255 5.4 The Identity and Deifying Work of the Holy Spirit in the Epistulae ad Serapionem .......... 271 CHAPTER SIX―Athanasius’ Spirituality in the Vita Antonii ........................................... 279 6.1 The Problem of Non-Athanasian Elements in the Vita Antonii .......................................... 280 6.1.1 Aspiration for Perfection .................................................................................... 280 6.1.2 Ascetic Firmness: Spiritual Progress and Fight with the Devil ............................ 282 6.1.3 Elements of Impersonal Description of Salvation ................................................ 285 6.2 Scholarly Approach to the Problem of Tensions ................................................................ 286 6 6.3 God, Incarnation, and Deification ...................................................................................... 290 6.3.1 Antony as a Theologian: God, Christ, and Incarnation ........................................ 291 Apology of Christ’s Divinity against the Pagans ................................... 291 Apology of Christ’s Divinity against the Arians ................................... 297 Christ’s Divinity in Action: God Does What Man Cannot Do ............... 303 6.3.2 Antony and the Saving Act of God ..................................................................... 310 Redemption .......................................................................................... 311 Christ’s Victory over the Devil ............................................................. 314 Antony as the Exemplar of Deification ................................................. 318 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 329 Tables ..................................................................................................................................... 332 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................... 336 7 LIST OF TABLES 1. Participation in Athanasius’ Writings: metousi,a( me,tocoj( metoch,( mete,cw( me,qexij( meta,lhmyij( metalamba,nw( koinwni,a( koinwne,w. 2. Love in Athanasius Writings: avga,ph( avgaphto,j( avgapa,w( e;rwj( po,qoj( filanqrwpi,a( filanqrwpo,j( filanqrw,pwj( filanqrwpeu,w( fi,loj( filo,cristoj( fi,ltatoj( adamo, benignitas, caritas, diligo, dilectus, deliciae, deliciolae. 3. Delight, Joy, and Gladness in Athanasius’ Writings: cara,( cai,rwn( proscai,rw( euvfrone,w( euvfrosu,nh( avgalli,asin( exsultatio, gaudium, oblectamentum, voluptas. 4. Sonship in Athanasius’ Writings: ui`o,j( ui`oqesi,a. 8 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 1. Authors and Works Albinus (Alcinous), Epit. Albinus, Epitome doctrine platonicae (Didaskalikos) Alexander of Alexandria, Urk. Alexander of Alexandria, Urkunden 4b, 14 Alexander of Aphrodisias, Arist. Met. Alexander of Aphrodisias, In Aristotelis Metaphysica commentaria Apophthegmata Patrum, AP Apophthegmata Patrum Aristotle, Metaph. Aristotle, Metaphysica Categ. Categoriae De Anima De Anima NE Ethica Nicomachea Arius, Urk. Arius, Urkunden 1, 6, 30 Athanasius, CG Athanasius, Contra Gentes Ap. Const. Apologia ad Constantium Ap. de Fuga Apologia de fuga sua Ap. Sec. Apologia secunda CA Orationes contra Arianos De Decr. De decretis nicaenae Synodi De Inc. De Incarnatione verbi De Sen. Dion. De sententia Dionysii De Syn. Epistula de Synodis Ep. Afr. Epistula ad Afros episcopos Ep. Adelph. Epistula ad Adelphium Ep. Aeg. Lib. Epistula ad episcopos Aegypti et Libyae Ep. Enc. Epistula encyclica Ep. Epic. Epistula ad Epictetum Ep. fest. Epistulae festales Ep. Jov. Epistula ad Jovianum Ep. Mar. Epistula ad Marcellinum Ep. Max. Epistula ad Maximum Ep. Ser. Epistulae quattuor ad Serapionem Exp. Fid. Expositio Fidei HA Historia Arianorum Tom. Ant. Tomus ad Antiochenos VA Vita Antonii Augustine, Conf. Augustine, Confessiones Cicero, De Nat. Deor. Cicero, De natura Deorum Epicurus, Ep. Men. Epicurus, Epistula ad Menoeceum Epiphanius, Anc. Epiphanius, Ancoratus Euripides, Andr. Euripides, Andromache HF Heracles Hec. Hecuba Hipp. Hippolytus Med. Medea Or. Orestes Eusebius of Caesarea, Con. Mar. Eusebius of Caesarea, Contra Marcellum 9 Gregory Nazianzen, Or. Gregory Nazianzen, Orationes Gregory of Nyssa, Eun. Gregory of Nyssa, Refutatio confessionis Eunomii Hippolytus, Ref. Hippolytus, Refutatio omnium haeresium Homer, Il. Homer, Ilias Od. Odyssea Hymn. Hom. Hymni Homerici Hymn. Hom. Aph. Hymnus Homericus ad Venerem Hymn. Hom. Dem. Hymnus Homericus ad Demeter Hesiod, Erga Hesiod, Erga Hermias, Hermias, In Platonis Phaedrum Scholia Herodotus, Hist. Herodotus, Historia Ignatius of Antioch, Eph. Ignatius of Antioch, Ad Ephesios Phil. Ad Philadelphenos Tral. Ad Trallianos Irenaeus of Lyon, Adu. Haer. Irenaeus of Lyon, Aduersus haereses Dem. Praed. demonstratio praedicationis apostolicae John of Damascus, Cap. Ph. Dialectica sive capita philosophica Justinian (emperor), Ep. Mem. Epistula ad Memnam Origen, Com. Cant. Origen, Commentarii in Cantica Canticorum Salomonis Com. Mt. Commentarii in Matthaeum Com. Mt. Ser. Commentarii Series in Evangelium Matthaei Com. Ioh. Commentarii in Ioannem Com. Rom. Commentarii in epistulam ad Romanos Cont. Cels. Contra Celsum De Princ. De principiis Exh. Ad Mart. Exhortatio ad martyrium Fragm. in Mt. Fragmenta in Matthaeum Fragm. in Is. Fragmentum in Isaiae Hom. Ez. Homiliae in Ezechielem Hom. Ex. Homiliae in Exodum Hom. Gen. Homiliae in Genesim Hom. Lev. Homiliae in Leviticum Orat. De Oratione Philo, Abr. Philo, De Abrahamo Aet. De aeternitate mundi Cher. De Cherubim Det. Quod deterius potiori insidiari soleat Ebr. De ebrietate Fug. De fuga et inventione Leg. All Legum allegoriae Migr. De migratione Abrahami Mos. De vita Mosis Mut. De mutatione nominum Opif. De opificio mundi Plant. De plantatione Post. De posteritate Caini Praem. De praemiis et poenis Prob. Quod omnis probus liber sit Spec. Leg. De specialibus legibus 10

Deification in Athanasius of Alexandria: Relations and Qualities' napsal This study seeks to interpret Athanasius' concept of deification in close
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