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T HE D I V I N I Z A T I ON OF C A E S AR A ND A U G U S T US Precedents, Consequences, Implications M I C H A EL K O O R T B O J I AN P.nnvrinhted material \^/ \J yj y i i ^ i ll w \mM i ii w w 1 1 *-* • THE DI V I N I Z A T I ON OF CA E S AR A ND AU G U S T US Precedents, Consequences, Implications Michael Koortbojian Princeton University CAMBRIDGE U N I V E R S I TY PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. It furthers the University's mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence. www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521192156 © Michael Koortbojian 2013 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2013 Printed in the United States of America A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data Koortbojian, Michael. The divinization of Caesar and Augustus: precedents, consequences, implications / Michael Koortbojian, Princeton University pages cm Includes bibliographical reference and index. ISBN 978-0-521-19215-6 (hardback) 1. Emperor worship — Rome. 2. Caesar, Julius — Cult. 3. Caesar, Julius —Art. 4. Caesar, Julius — Monuments. 5. Augustus, Emperor of Rome 63 B.C.-14 A.D. - Cult. 6. Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D. - Art. 7. Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.—14 A.D. — Monuments. I. Title. DG124.K66 2013 937\07-dc23 2013015611 ISBN 978-0-521-19215-6 Hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Web sites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such Web sites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. C O N T E N TS List of Illustrations page xi Preface xvii Abbreviations xxi I MAKING MEN GODS l Divine Honors for Caesar? 4 Deus and Divus 7 Three Claims 9 Four Assumptions 111 Prospectus 13 II THE QUESTION OF CAESAR'S DIVINITY A ND T HE PROBLEM OF HIS CULT STATUE 15 The Problem of Cult Statues 17 Making Divus Julius 21 Mors Honoresque Caesaris 24 Sidus Iulium 27 Cicero's Evidence 29 Cicero's Challenge to Antony 31 The Simulacrum of Philippics II 36 The Aedes Divi lulii and Its Statue 39 Two Visions of the Divus 45 vii CONTENTS III AUGURAL IMAGES: OLD TRADITIONS, NEW INSTITUTIONS 50 The Augurs and Their Competences 50 The Memory of Attus Navius and the Power of His Priesthood 53 Augurs in the Public Eye 5fe Imagines Augurales 60 The Lituus and Its Symbolism 63 An Image of the Auspices? 73 IV ROMULUS, QUIRINUS, GENIUS, DIVUS 78 Romulus, Quirinus, and the Statue of Caesar 84 Invictus Ouirinus? 8& A Change of Costume 91 V CAESAR'S PORTRAIT 94 The Statues and Their Imagery 95 The Portraits 100 Other "Caesars" 106 Typologies and Inconsistencies 110 Some Other Multiply Attested Portraits 112 Historical Circumstances and the Transformation of Types 114 Caesar's Crown I IS From Republic to Empire 126 VI AUSPICIOUS, PROPITIOUS, VICTORIOUS 123 Worshipping the New Divus 130 Prateros Kaisar 131 The Bringer of Victory 138 Propitius Divus 144 Under the Emperor's Auspices 146 VII REPRESENTATION IN A N BRA O F DIVINIZATION 155 Numen Violatum 156 Public versus Private Cult 158 The Differing Character of Private Honors in the Public Sphere 160 Cult Honors and the Dedication of Sacra Privata 165 Augustan Numen and Numen Augusti 170 The Status and Form of the Shrines 129 The Longevity of Honors 180 vin C O N T E N TS The Status of Statues 182 The Monument of the Aenatores 186 VTTT AD URBFM FT FX TIFBF: T HF TMAOFRY OF T HF DTVIJS AND TTS FATF 191 Piihlir and Private Honors ad Tlrhem 192 Super Ceteros Mortales 192 Nude Statues, in Public and in Private 198 Nudity at Rome, Nudity Outside of Rome 203 The Image of Divus Augustus 211 To Look Like a Divus 212 TX CODA: RFVFRRFKATTONS TN T H F F.AST 222 Notes 237 Works Cited 283 Index of Ancient Authors 313 Index of Inscriptions 321 Index of Coins 325 Index of Works of Art 327 General Index 331 ix ILLUSTRATIONS LI. Divus Julius: cult statue (augur). RRC 540/2, rev., 36 B.C., page 10 I. 2. Divus Julius: cult statue (hipmantled). RRC 540/2, rev., 36 B.C., 11 ILL Libertas. RRC 433/1, obv., ca. 54 B.C., 16 II. 2. Capitoline Triad. RRC 296/1, rev., ca. 112-11 B.C, 18 11.3. Enthroned Jupiter statue in Capitoline Temple. RIC EE, 70, no. 452, rev., A.D. 71, 18 11.4. Terracotta Hercules and Minerva acroterion from the Forum Boarium. Rome, Antiquarium Comunale. Mid sixth century B.C, 22 11.5. Victory crowns triumphator. RRC 367, rev., ca. 82, 23 11.6. Ferculum with statues in triumphal procession (from Amiternum). Limestone relief. Chieti, Museo Archeologico Nazionale dell'Abruzzo. Claudian, 33 11.7. Caesar's sella and corona. RRC 497/2d, rev., 42 B.C, 35 11.8. Apotheosis scene from the Belvedere Altar. Marble. Vatican Museums. 12—2 B.C, 41 11.9. View of Aedes Divi Iulii in Forum, 43 11.10. Cult statue of Jupiter and Libertas. RRC 391/2, rev., 75 B.C, 45 11.11. Algiers cult statue relief. Marble. Algiers, Musee Nationale d'Antiquities. Julio-Claudian, 46 11.12. The Julio-Claudian Dynasty. Marble. Ravenna, San Vitale. Claudian, 46 11.13. Divus Julius crowned by Augustus. RIC I, 77, no. 173 = RIC21, 74, no. 415 = Giard 1976, nos. 555-9, 12 B.C, 47 11.14. Torso of Augustus (?) statue. Marble. Cherchel, Musee Archeologique. Augustan, 47 11.15. Reconstruction of the Aedes Divi Iulii and its cult statue, 48 111.1. Aeneas sacrificing. Rome, from the Ara Pacis, west side. Marble. 13-9 B.C, 55 111.2. Augustus with lituus. RIC21, 61, no. 275a = BMCRE, I, 106, no. 650, obv., ca. 31-28 B.C, 58 111.3. Tiberius with lituus. RPC 83, A.D. 14-37, 58 xi ILLUSTRATIONS 111.4. Apotheosis of Caesar Claudius Germanicus. Sardonyx. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, Cabinet des Medailles. After A.D. 54, 59 111.5. Minucius Monument. RRC 242/1, rev., 135 B.C., 62 111.6. Numa sacrificing. RRC 334/1, rev., ca. 97 B.C., 62 111.7. Cornificius augur, crowned. RRC 509/2, rev., 42 B.C., 63 111.8. Equestrian Octavian with lituus. RRC 497/1, rev., 42 B.C., 63 111.9. Sulla coin with lituus. RRC 359/1, rev., ca. 84/83 B.C., 65 III. 10. Augural implements and trophy. RRC 460/3, rev., 47-6 B.C., 66 III. 11. Augural implements. RRC 374/2, rev., 81 B.C., 66 111.12. Geniuspopuli Romani. RRC 428/3, obv, 55 B.C, 68 111.13. Jupiter's eagle with thunderbolt, lituus, and jug. RRC 428/3, rev., 55 B.C, 68 III. 14. Helmeted head of Roma. AR denarius. RRC 285/2, obv, 116/115 B.C, 69 III. 15. Jupiter with thunderbolt in Triumph; lituus above. RRC 285/2, rev, 116/115 B.C., 69 III. 16. Sulla coin with lituus. RRC 359/1, rev, ca. 84/83 B.C, 70 111.17. Venus. RRC 359/1, obv, ca. 84/83 B.C, 70 III. 18. Victory crowns triumphator. RRC 367, rev, ca. 82 B.C, 71 III. 19. Roma. RRC 367, obv, ca. 82 B.C., 71 111.20. Antonius as augur. RRC 533/2, obv, 38 B.C, 73 111.21. Vicus Sandaliarius altar. Marble. Uffizi, Florence, 74 111.22. Augural chickens in cage (detail). Marble. Rome, Palazzo Albani del Drago. After A.D. 100, 75 IV. 1. Temple Quirinus pediment relief. Marble. Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano delle Terme. A.D. 81-96, 79 IV.2. Temple Mars Ultor pediment relief. Marble. Rome, Villa Medici. A.D. 41-54, 80 IV.3. Sorrento Base (Romulus?). Marble. Sorrento, Museo Correale. Late Augustan, 81 IV.4. "Origins of Rome" painting (Pompeii V,4,13: Naples, Museo Archeologico). Augustan (?), 83 IV. 5. Temple of Mars (?) pediment relief with Rhea Silvia and twins. Marble. Rome, Museo Nazionale delle Terme. Trajanic, 83 IV.6. Romulus trophaiophoros from Pompeii (IX,13,5). Fresco (watercolor copy), 90 IV.7. Genius populi Romani, standing. RRC 329/1, rev, 100 B.C, 92 IV.8. Genius populi Romani, seated. RRC 397, rev., 74 B.C, 92 IV. 9. Genius populi Romani. Boscoreale silver cup (detail). Paris, Musee du Louvre. 9 B.C, 93 V. 1. Apotheosis of Lucius Verus. Marble. Ephesus Monument. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, A.D. 140/160, 96 V.2. Via Cassia terracotta relief. Rome, Museo Nazionale delle Terme / Palazzo Massimo. Trumviral (?), 97 V.3. Villa Casali relief. Engraving from Piranesi, Vasi, II, taf. 75, 97 V.4. Octavian coin with globe underfoot. RIC21, 59, no. 256 = BMCRE I, 100, no. 615, rev, 31-29 B.C., 98 V.5. Temple of Clementia Caesaris. RRC 480/21, obv, 44 B.C, 99 V.6. Tusculum Caesar, frontal. Marble. Turin. Augustan (?), 102 V.7. Caesar. RRC 480/6, obv, 44 B.C., 102 V.8. Caesar, frontal. Marble. Woburn Abbey. Augustan, 102 ILLUSTRATIONS V.9. Caesar, frontal. Marble. Florence, priv. coll. Augustan, 102 V.10. Caesar, frontal. Marble. Pantelleria. Claudian, 103 V.ll. Caesar, profile. Marble. Pantelleria. Claudian, 103 V.12. Tusculum Caesar, profile. Marble. Turin. Augustan, 103 V.13. Caesar, frontal. Marble. Pisa, Camposanto. Augustan, 104 V.14. Caesar, profile. Marble. Pisa, Camposanto. Augustan, 104 V.15. Chiaramonti Caesar, frontal. Marble. Vatican Museums. Augustan, 105 V. 16. Chiaramonti Caesar, profile. Marble. Vatican Museums. Augustan, 105 V.17. Caesar, frontal. Marble. Rome, Staderini collection. Augustan, 106 V.18. Caesar, profile. Marble. Rome, Staderini collection. Augustan, 106 V.19. McClendon Caesar, frontal. Marble. J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu. Augustan, 107 V.20. McClendon Caesar, profile. Marble. J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu. Augustan, 107 V.21. Aries Caesar. Marble. Aries, Museum. Augustan (?), 108 V.22. "Caesar," frontal. Leiden. Marble. Augustan, 109 V.23. Diagram of Pisa/Chiaramonti variants, 110 V.24. Caesar, profile. Florence, priv. coll. Marble. Augustan, 111 V.25. Caesar, profile. Woburn Abbey. Marble. Augustan, 111 V.26. Crassus. Marble. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen. Julio-Claudian, 113 V.27. Crassus. Marble. Paris, Louvre. Julio-Claudian, 113 V.28. Tivoli "General" (detail), frontal. Marble. Rome, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Museo Nazionale Romano, 114 V.29. Tivoli "General" portrait head, frontal. Marble. Vatican Museums, 114 V.30. Palazzo Barberini "General," portrait head, frontal. Marble. Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano delle Terme, 115 V.31. Apollonia (Tirana) replica of the Palazzo Barberini "General": head, frontal. Marble. Tirana, Archeological Museum, 115 V.32. Lex Rufrena. Inscribed statue base. Stone. Vatican Museums. Augustan, 116 V.33. Caesar divifilius. RRC 535/1, obv., ca. 38 B.C, 116 V.34. Divos Iulius. RRC 535/1, rev., ca. 38 B.C., 116 V.35. Augustus portrait. Marble. Pontevedra (Spain). Augustan, 117 V.36. "Caesar" with corona civica, frontal. Marble. Thasos, Museum. Julio-Claudian, 121 V.37. The comet of Divus Julius. RIC I, 84, no. 253 = RIC21, 44, no. 37b, rev., ca. 20 B.C. (?), 122 V.38. Divus Julius with star atop crown. RIC I, 73, no. 141 = RIC21, 66, no. 340, rev., ca. 17 B.C, 122 V.39. Tusculum Caesar, back view. Turin, Museum. Augustan, 124 V.40. Juba II, profile. Marble. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, 124 V.41. Diademed Greek ruler. Bronze. Princeton Art Museum, ca. 275-250 B.c, 124 V. 42. Divus Julius and Caesar divifilius. RPC 517, obv., ca. 36 B.C. (?), 125 VI. 1. Divus Julius with star. RRC 480/5b, obv., ca. 44 B.C., 132 VI.2. Breastplate of the Augustus from Prima Porta. Marble. Vatican Museums. Augustan, 137 ILLUSTRATIONS VI.3. Augustus crowned by Divus Julius. RPC 1650. (Augustan) Claudian reissue, 138 VI.4. Silver Victoriatus. RRC 53/1, rev, ca. 211 B.C, 140 VI.5. Venus proffering the victoriola. RRC 480/3, rev., 44 B.C., 140 VI.6. Victory atop the globe. RIC I, 62, no. 27 = RIC2 no. 254b., ca. 31-29 B.C., 141 VI.7. Octavian proferring the victoriola. RIC21, 60, no. 270, rev., ca. 31-29 B.C, 141 VI.8. Octavian portrait with Jupiter's thunderbolt. RIC21, 60, no.270, obv, ca. 31-29 B.C., 141 VI.9. Octavian atop rostral column. RIC21, 60, no. 271, rev., ca. 35 B.c, 142 VI. 10. Augustus restores rights and laws. Aureus, ca. 29 B.C, 143 VI.ll. Augustus as world ruler. Silver cup from Boscoreale. Paris, Musee du Louvre. 9 B.C. (?), 143 VI. 12. Germanicus delivers victory to Tiberius. Tiberius sheath, detail. Bronze. British Museum. After A.D. 16 (?), 147 VI. 13. Cult statue of DEO AUGUSTO. RPC nos. 221-3, obv. A.D. 22, 150 VI. 14. Gemma Augustea. Sardonyx. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum. Augustan, 152 VI. 15. Grand Camee de France. Sardonyx. Paris, Bibliotheque National. Tiberian, 152 VI. 16. Germanicus on parade before enthroned Augustus. Sardonyx. Florence, Museo Archeologico. Augustan, 153 VII. 1. Seated Augustus statue. Marble. Tivoli, Museo Archeologico. After 13 B.C (?), 164 VII.2. Tivoli site (plan). After NSc 1925. Drawing, 165 VII.3. Ara Pacis, 13-9 B.C (view), 166 VII.4. Augustus with the flamines. Rome, Ara Pacis, south frieze (detail). Marble. 13-9 B.C, 166 VII.5. Sacro-idyllic painting with shrine from Boscotrecase. Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale. Augustan, 178 VII.6. Shrine of the Vestals. Rome, Forum Romanum, 179 VII.7. Augustus at an outdoor shrine. Belvedere Altar. Vatican Museums. 12-2 B.C., 181 VII.8. Claudius. Marble. Aquilea. Claudian, 184 VII.9. Divus Augustus. Marble. Aquilea. Claudian, 184 VII. 10. Divus Augustus portrait (from a cuirassed statue). Marble. Jesi, Pinacoteca Civica, 185 VII. 11. Aenatores' monument: four-stage reconstruction drawing, 187 VIII. 1. "Terme Ruler." Bronze. Rome, Museo Nazionale delle Terme. Second century B.C. (?), 196 VIII.2. Hipmantled man. Bronze. Brindisi. Museo Archeologico Provinciale "Francesco Ribezzo," 196 VIII.3. Cavenzano "Navarca" statue. Marble. Aquilea, Museo Nazionale, 197 VIII.4. Capua "Narvarca" statue. Marble. Capua, Museo Provinciale Campano di Capua, 197 VIII.5. Delos fragment. Marble. Delos, Archaeological Museum, 197 VIII.6. Tivoli "General" statue. Marble. Rome, Palazzo Massimo / Museo Nazionale Romano delle Terme. Ca. 80 B.C, 197 xiv

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