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Preview The Divine Lawmaker: Lectures on Induction, Laws of Nature, and the Existence of God

ThDei vine Lawmaker LECTUROENS InducLtaiwoosfNn a,t ure, Antdh Eex isotfGe ondc e JohFno ster CLARENDON PR·OE XSFSO RD This hbabeoseopr nki ndtiegdta tnpradodU uyci eand standard spectjkatfon ionr dteeon rsu irtsce o ntianvuaiingl ability OX1''0RD UNIVERSITPYR ESS GreaCtl arendon SOtrcXl62-D 1P, Oxford OxfoUrndi vPcrrie�assid ste yp arottfhm Ueen nitvo eOfrx sfoirtdy. Iftu rtthhUecn n;i veorbsjieotcefytx 'icsve eilre nls eenascrcech ho,l arship, anedd ucli�ypt uibolnwi osrhliidnnwg i de OxfNoerYwdO'T k AuckCluaTpneod w Dnac rSs oltHlllomaK go nKga rachi KuaLluam pMuard Mreildb oMurneexC iictNoya irobi NeDwe lShhia nTg!lhaiiTp oorio nto Wiotffihc iens ArgenAtuisnBtarr aiCzahi iCll7 e. echF rRaeGnprcueebe lciec GuateHmaulnagI atrJayla ypS aonuK tohrP eoal Paonrdt ugal SingSawpoirtt,ec TrhlaaniTdlu arnUkdke rya Viineet nam Oxfoirasdr egisteredo Oftxf roaUrdndei vmeParrrsseksi ty int hUeKa nidcn e rotatihcneo ru ntries Publiints hhUeeni dt Setda tes by Oxford University Press Inc., New York ©J oFhons 2l0e0r4 Thmeo rrailg ohtfth sae u thhoavre abseesretne d DatarbiagOshxfeto Urndi vePrrse(ismtsay k er) Repri2n00t7 ed Alrilg hrtess eNropv aeordftt.h piusb limcaabeyt rieopnr oduced, stoiraner de trievalo rtrs aynsstmeiimn ta,tn feyod ro,mbr y maenayn s, withotuhpte1 iopre rmiiswnsr iiotoniOf nx gf ord University Press. ora es xpressly lpaeownru.n n idtteetrre amdgs r bweyie ttdhh a ep propriate reprogrriagphhotkrssg aniEznaqtuicioornni.ce esrrni enpgr oduction outtshisedc eoo pfte ha eb osvheo bue�l edtn toth Rei gDhetpsa rtment, OxfUonridv ePrrseaisthttyse a, d draebsosv e Yomuu sntoc ti rctuhlbiaosteo ka noinyt hbeirn doircn ogv er Anydo muu sitm pothisssea mceo ndointia onanyc quirer ISB9N7 8-0-19-925059-2 To HowaRrodb inson Preface The Divine Lawmaker is a slightly revised version of a series of lectures that I recently gave at the Univ<.'rsity of Oxford under the title of 'Induction, Laws of Nature, and the Existence of Cod'-a title that explkitly indicates the topks that form the.ir subject matter. Needless to say; I have not, in the space of ten lectures, tried to cover all aspects of these topics, though I have f tried to deal in some depth with the speciic issues on which 1 focus. Nor, in pursuing these issues, have I tried co provide anything approaching a com­ prehensive review of the extensive relevant literature. Indeed, apart from the detailed discussion of Armstrong's views on the nature of laws in Lecture 6, l have, for the most part, prelerred to focus on the issues in the abstract, rather than in the contrxt of what others have said about them. I have preferred this because I think I .an cover the philosophical ground chat I want to cover more simply and more dearly by proceeding in this way. Even with respect to the issues on which I focus, I have not tried to take accow1t of all the considerations that bear on them. This must be espe­ cially borne in mind in the case of the issue over the existence of God. As I memion at the outset of the lectures, one of my aims is to provide an argument for the existence of God-a God of a broadly Judaeo-Ch1i:;tian type. I think that the particular argument I present is a powerful one, but it is only one argument, not a wide-ranging general defence. lf I were aiming to construct the strongest overall case forJudaeo-Chtistian theism, I would want to deploy other arguments as well. The reason why I have restricted my attention to this one aq:.,T1.1ment is that, in the contc�xt of these lectures, my dialectical concern with the issue of theism is narrowly circumscribed. In efef ct, I am only concerned with the possibility of the.ism as a way of responding to two other issues, namely, how we should account for the f presence of natural regularities, and how, i at all, we can make sense of the notion of a natural law And it is in relation to these issues that the rel­ evant argument emerges. In preparing the final version of the book, I was greatly helped by the detailed comments of two OUP readers-Richard Swinburne and an anonymous reader-who looked at an earlier draft. I am grateful tO viii · Preface f Peter Momtchilof of the Press for organizing this, and to the readers themselves, who took considerable trouble. Lectures 2 and 4 contain passages that are drawn, sometimes with slight changes, from my paper 'Induction, Explanation, and Natural Necessity', in Proceedings of the Aristot-cUan Society, 83 (1982-3), and from my book Ayer, Part fll, sections 1-5 (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985). l am grateful to the editor of the Aristotelian Society Proceedings and to the pub­ lishers of the book for permission to re-use the relevant material here. J. I'. Oxjord,]uly 2003 Contents Lect1u. rTehP er obolfIe nmd uction 1 LenureS2o.mA et temSpotleudt ions 17 Lect3u.rT ehN eo mologicalS-oElxuptliaonna tory 37 Lect4u.rT ew oO bjectNiEoSn s to 57 Lect5u. rTehP er obolfLe amw s 77 Lect6u.rA er mstrTohnego'rsy 94 Lect7u.rT ehS ec enwairtihoLo auwts 111 Lect8u.rT heTe h eiAsctciocu nt 128 Lect9u.rG eo adn Lda ws 149 Lect1u0.rC oem pletthPiein cgt ure 167 Bibliography 185 Index 189 LECTURIE ThPer obolfeI mn duction I I have called thesclectures 'Induction, Laws of Nature, and the Existence of God', and it is already dear from the title that I am intending to cover quire a lot of ground. And, on the face of it, diverse ground. But there is a connection between the difl'erent topics. One of my main aims is to pro­ vide an argument for the existence of Cod a personal Cod of a broadly Judaeo-Chrisrian type. But I want to get there in four stages, and it is in these stages that the topics of induction and laws of nature feature. I want to begin by looking at the familiar problem of induction and tryingtoshowthatcertain ways of au·emptingtosolve it do not work. This will occupy our attention for the first two lectures. After that-at stage two-I want to introduce and defend what I think is, in it.,; core, the right solution to the problem. It is a solution whi.eh the Australian philosopher David t\rmstrong and I independently hit upon at virtually the same time-Armstrong presenting it in his 1983 book \Vhat is a Law of Nature?, I in my 1983 paper to the Aristotelian Society entitled 'Induction, Explamition, and Natural Necessity'. Armstrong and I arc at opposite ends of the metaphysical spectrum. Armstrong is the foremost. modern cham­ pion of total materialism. I am one of the tew modern defenders of a Cartesian conception of the mind; and, more exotically, J combine this with an idealist view of the physical world (though this is something best ignored in the context of these lectures), Both of us found it amusing, and in a sense reassuring, that, with such contrasting metaphysical outlooks, we managed to converge on the same view in this one area. Now this solution to the problem of induction involves accepting the existence of laws of nature, and it involves recognizing these laws not just 2 · The Problem of lndttclion. as regularities in the behaviour of things (consistencies in how the world works in different places and times), but as forms of natural necessity-as laws whose obtaining e,isures that things behave and interact in certain regular ways. It is this that brings the disrussion to its third stage. For I want, in this next stage. to show that accepting the existence of laws of this kind, though facilitating a solution to the problem of induction, cre­ ates its own problem. The problem it creates is simply that, given the kind of necessity they involve, it is hard to see how we can make sense of such laws how the relevant notion of a law can be considered coherent. It is in relation to this new problem that, in the final phase of the discussion, l construct myar gument for the existence of God. For l argue that, given the problem, we can only a��hieve a satisfactory account of the situation if we accept that there is a God of the relevant (broadly Judaeo-Christian) type, and that it is he who is the creator of the natural world and the source of its laws. With the argument for theism in place, Ibr ing the disrnssion to a dose by looking again at the issue of induction, and showing how my earlier proposal needs to be reworked, in a certain key respect, in response w the theistic outcome. With the course of the discussion outlined, let us now turn to the initial topic: the problem of induction. And we need to start by getting dear about wh:H the problem is. Although he does nor use the term 'indunion', the classic statement of the problem was provided by David Hume, in sections IV and V ofhisAnRnquiry Concerning Hum.an Understanding. And if you have not already done so, I would encourage you to read his powerful account. II Here is a coin, which l am holding in my hand. I could release itf rom my grasp, l\·1y firm expectation itsha t, if I did, the coin would fall-fall straight down till it reached some solid surface to give it support. I am quite confident that thi.s would be the outcome-or would be unless there were some spe(ial change in the circumstances presently obtaining, like a sudden strong gust of wind or the force of an e.xplosion. Bue why should I be so confident? The expected downward movement of the coin is only one of infinitely many directions in which the coin could move. And then, in addition, there are such possibilities as the coin staying suspended in mid-air, or its breaking into a hundred fragments which move in different directions, or its disappeadng altogether. If it were a matter of assigning The Problem of lnAuction · 3 equal chances to all the logically possible outcomes, the. likelihood of the downward movement would be infinitesimally small. Well, the basic reason why r expect the coin to fall is because that is the outcome which i� in line with how, in my experience, ol�jects like this are known to have behaved in the past. Coins, and other similar objects, have, when thus re.leased, always fallen- fallen straight down-or at least they have done so unless there was some special reason (like the gust of wind or the eA-plosion) to explain why thc.·y did not. But then the question becomes: why should this kind of past regularity be a good reason for expecting future cases to follow suit? It obviously does not hold as a matter of logic that if things have happened in a certain way in the past, then they will go on hap­ pening in that way in the future. From the premises that all unsupported coins fall, and that thls, if released. will be an unsupported coin, I can indeed validly deduce that this, if released, wi11 fall. But from the premises that all unsupported <:oins have up until MW fallen, and that this. if released, will he an unsupported coin, I obviously cannol validly deduce that this, if released, will fall. But if my inference from the past regularity to the foture instance is not deducLivdy valid, what is its rationale? Can it be justified at all? Imtig ht be thought that what lies behind it, and justifies it. is the princi­ ple that nature is uniform�that the fundamental ways in which things behave in di.ffcrcnt parts and phases of the universe are constant. But such a principle can only help to justify the inference if I know the principle to he correct, or at least have some good reason to believe it. And what could such a reasonb ci' The principle is not one which can be known a p1iori: it is not a sdfcvident truth, or something deducible from self-evident tn1ths. It is conceivable that difforent parts or phast:.s of the untverse work in quite difterem ways; and we cannot then, on purely a priori ground'>, ruJe out the possibility of some radical change in how things like coins will behave in future. So my only reason for accepting the principle of uniformity seems to be that it has held well enough hitherto. Ilut, of course, if this is my only reason for accepting the principle, then I am relying on the same kind of inference to justif)· accepting the principle as I was employing in the first place to justify my expectation regarding the coin-an inference from a knowledge of how things have been in the past to a conclusion that they will go on in the same way in the future. So, in effect, appealing to the principle of uniformity to justify my original inference would just beg the question. If that kind of inference needed justification in the original case, it would equally need it in the case of the principle too. In short, I seem to have made no progress in finding a rationale for my expectation 4 The Problem of Induction about the coin. I remain confident that if released, it will fall. But I cannot seem to find any gronnds or justifkation for this confidence. Now this is an illustration of the problem of induction. Inductive inference, as I shall here understand it, is a form of cxtrapol.ative interence.1 \Ve know that a certain regularity has held among the observed (exam­ ined) cases; and, by induction, we infer that this regularity will extend to some not as yet observed (not as yet examined) case or class of cases. So we know that, in our expe1ience so far, coins, and such like, when released in such and such circumstances. have always fallen, and we condude that this coin, if now released in these drcumstances, will foll. Or again, we know that, in our experience so far, ravens have always been black, and we cond ude that all ravens in a certain ( as yet unexamined) wood are black Or again, we know rhat, in our experience so far, water has always expanded when frozen, and we conclude that water, always and every­ where, expands when frozen. Quite generally, in the most straightforward cases. the form of the inference is from the knowledge that all the exam­ ined F�rhings have been G to the conclusion that a certain mi.examined F-thing is G, or that a certain group of unexamined F-things are G, or that all F-things are G, Notice how the conclusion can vary in extrapolative scope: it may be merely the r.onclusion that a particular unexamined c.ase will turn out a certain way (this coin, if released now, will fall'), or it may be, more strongly, the conclusion that a certain range of unexamined cases will turn our that way ('all the ravens in yonder wood are black'), or it may be, still more strongly, the conclusion that all unexamined cases wilt turn out that way (\'vatcr, always a11d everywhere, expands when frozen'). The form of the inference is subject: to other kinds of variation too. Thus some­ times the knowledge which forms the basis of the inference is not that all the examined cases are of a certain type, but only that most are, or that a certain proportion are. And, correspondingly, the conclusion inductively inferred is sometimes merely that a certain unexamined case will probably be of tht; relevant type, or that the relevanl type will or.cur among the unexamined cases with a certain relative frequency. But, for the time being at least, it will be best to put these further variations on one side and focus on the more straightforward types of inference we first identified-where we move from a knowledge of how things have universally been with respect to the examined cases to a conclusion about how they will 1 Some philosophers use the term 'induction' in a hroad-,r sense, to cover certain <>the.­ non-deductive forms of inference mo. ln my usage, induction is always extrapolative.

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