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Astron.Nachr./AN999,No.88,789–792(2006)/DOIpleasesetDOI! The diversity of light curve variations of Blazhko stars A´.So´dor1,⋆ KonkolyObservatory,H-1525Budapest,POBox67,Hungary Thedatesofreceiptandacceptanceshouldbeinsertedlater 1 1 Keywords RRLyraestars–stars:horizontal-branch–surveys–techniques:photometric 0 Theground-basedKonkolyBlazhkoSurveyIandIIaimtocollectaccurate,extended,multicolourlightcurvesofgalactic 2 fieldRRabstarsinordertodeterminetheincidencerateofthemodulationinthesample,tostudythemodulationindetails, n tostudylong-termchangesinthemodulationpropertiesandtofindchangesinthemeanglobal physicalparametersof a the stars with Blazhko phase. Here the diversity of light curve variations of Blazhko stars is demonstrated through a J sub-sampleofthemodulatedRRabstarsfoundbythefirstpartofthissurvey. 6 2 (cid:13)c 2006WILEY-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim ] R 1 Introduction brightshort-period(P <0.5d)variableswithabout750 puls S nightsofobservations.Asurprisinglyhighnumberofstars h. ThecyclicvariationsintheshapeofRRLyraelightcurves, (14 out of 30, 47%) has been found to show the Blazhko p the Blazhko effect, recognized by Blazhko (1907) and effect(Jurcsiketal.,2009). - Shapley (1916), is one of the most long-lasting riddle of o InJanuary2009,thesecondpartofthesurvey,KBSII, stellar pulsation theory. Recent extended studies of these r was launched extending the sample toward longer periods t starsrevealedthatthephenomenonmanifestsitselfinmany s (0.55d> P > 0.6d) using the 1m RCC telescope of puls a differentways,whichposesagreatchallengeagainsttheo- Konkoly Observatory at Piszke´s-teto˝ and also the 60cm [ riestryingtoexplaintheeffect(Kova´cs,2009). Heyde-Zeisstelescope.Uptonow21RRabstarshavebeen 1 InthispapertheKonkolyBlazhkoSurveyIandIIisin- observedintheframeoftheongoingKBSIIproject. v troducedinbriefandthediversityofmodulatedRRablight 9 curvesisdemonstratedthroughasub-sampleoftheBlazhko 9 starsfoundbythesurvey. 0 3 The diversity ofthemodulation 5 . 1 2 The Survey 3.1 Thesample 0 1 Theground-basedKonkolyBlazhkoSurvey(KBS)IandII 1 We demonstrate the diversity of light curve variations of aim to collect accurate, extended,multicolour light curves : Blazhkostarsthroughasub-sampleofthemodulatedRRab v ofnorthernfundamentalmodeRRLyraestarsoftheGalac- starsfoundbytheKBSI.Fourweaklymodulated(SSCnc, i X ticfieldSo´dor(2005)inorderto: DM Cyg, RR Gem, BR Tau) and four strongly modulated r – determine the incidence rate of the modulation in the (XY And, AQ Lyr, MW Lyr, UZ Vir) stars have been se- a sample, lected. Our resultson the analysis of the lightcurvevaria- – studythemodulationindetails, tions of several of these stars have already been published – studylong-termchangesinthemodulationproperties, (SSCnc–Jurcsiketal.2006,DMCyg–Jurcsiketal.2009, – findchangesinthemeanglobalphysicalparametersof RR Gem – Jurcsiketal. 2005, MW Lyr – Jurcsiketal. thestarswithBlazhkophase. 2008).Alltheselectedvariableswereextensivelyobserved. The number of data points in V band are between 1400 The PIs of the project are Johanna Jurcsik and Be´la and 5800 for these objects. The data cover all the pulsa- Szeidl, co-workers are A´da´m So´dor, Zsombor Hurta and tion phases in each Blazhko phase for each object. These others. Blazhkostars haveonedominantmodulationperiod,how- The first part of the survey, KBS I, was initiated in ever, some of them have one or more secondary modula- January2004usingJohnson-CousinsBV(RI) filtersand C tionsalso.WehavefoundfurtherBlazhkostarswithmulti- a Wright CCD camera attached to the automatic 60cm periodicor irregularmodulationin our survey(RY Com – Heyde-Zeiss telescope of Konkoly Observatory at Bu- Jurcsiketal.2009,V759Cyg–Jurcsiketal.2009,CZLac dapest,Hungary.Thefirstpartisnowfinished,covering30 – So´dor 2009, AQ Lyr – Jurcsiketal. 2009, UZ UMa – ⋆ Correspondingauthor:e-mail:sodor at konkoly dot hu So´doretal. 2006), which adds even more colour to our presenttopic. We only mentionthe existence of the multi- (cid:13)c 2006WILEY-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim 790 A´.So´dor:ThediversityoflightcurvevariationsofBlazhkostars PP00 == 00..339911 dd BBRR TTaauu PBl1 = 19.3 d 1 --00..55 --00..11 g] ag]ag] 00 ag]ag] V ma 0.1 V [mV [m V [mV [m 00 ude [ ∆∆ 00..55 ∆∆ plit 0.01 m a 00..11 11 0.001 00 00..55 11 00 00..55 11 0 2.56015 5.12031 PPuullssaattiioonn pphhaassee PPuullssaattiioonn pphhaassee frequency [c/d] PP00 == 00..442200 dd DDMM CCyygg PBl = 10.6 d 1 --11 --00..11 g] ma 0.1 V [mag]V [mag]--00..55 V [mag]V [mag] 00 ude [V ∆∆ ∆∆ plit 0.01 00 m a 00..11 0.001 00 00..55 11 00 00..55 11 0 2.38173 4.76346 PPuullssaattiioonn pphhaassee PPuullssaattiioonn pphhaassee frequency [c/d] PP00 == 00..339977 dd RRRR GGeemm PBl = 7.2 d 1 --00..11 00..55 g] ma 0.1 ag]ag] ag]ag] V V [mV [m 11 V [mV [m 00 ude [ ∆∆ ∆∆ plit 0.01 m 11..55 a 00..11 0.001 00 00..55 11 00 00..55 11 0 2.51706 5.03411 PPuullssaattiioonn pphhaassee PPuullssaattiioonn pphhaassee frequency [c/d] PPP000 === 000...333666777 ddd SSSS CCnncc PBl = 5.3 d 1 --00..11 ---000...555 g] ma 0.1 ag]ag]ag] ag]ag] V V [mV [mV [m 000 V [mV [m 00 ude [ ∆∆∆ ∆∆ plit 0.01 m a 000...555 00..11 0.001 000 000...555 111 00 00..55 11 0 2.7223 5.44459 PPPuuulllsssaaatttiiiooonnn ppphhhaaassseee PPuullssaattiioonn pphhaassee frequency [c/d] Fig.1 WeaklymodulatedsampleBlazhkostarsfromKBSI.Theleft-handpanelsdisplaytheV lightcurvesfoldedwith thepulsationperiod.Themiddlepanelsshowthelightcurvesafterthesubtractionofthemeanpulsationcurves.Intheleft- handandmiddlepanelsthehighestandlowestpulsationamplitudeBlazhkophasesarehighlighted.Theloops,whichthe maximumandminimumlightsgoalongduringthemodulation,arealsodrawn.Theright-handpanelsplottheschematic Fourierspectraofthelightcurvesolutionsinthevicinityofthepulsationfrequency(f )anditsfirstharmonic(2f ). 0 0 (cid:13)c 2006WILEY-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim www.an-journal.org Astron.Nachr./AN(2006) 791 PP00 == 00..339988 dd MMWW LLyyrr PBl = 16.5 d 11 1 --00..44 g] a 11..55 --00..22 m 0.1 ag]ag] ag]ag] V ∆∆ V [m V [m 22 ∆∆ V [m V [m 00 ..0022 plitude [ 0.01 m a 00..44 22..55 0.001 00 00..55 11 00 00..55 11 0 2.51462 5.02924 PP00 == 00..339999 dd XXYY AAnndd PBl = 41.4 d 1 --00..55 --00..44 g] a --00..22 m 0.1 ag]ag] 00 ag]ag] V V [mV [m V [mV [m 00 ude [ ∆∆ 00..55 ∆∆ 00..22 plit 0.01 m a 00..44 0.001 00 00..55 11 00 00..55 11 0 2.50799 5.01599 PP00 == 00..335577 dd AAQQ LLyyrr PBl1 = 54.0 d 1 --00..55 --00..44 g] a --00..22 m 0.1 V [mag]V [mag] 00 V [mag]V [mag] 00 ude [V ∆∆ ∆∆ 00..22 plit 0.01 00..55 m a 00..44 0.001 00 00..55 11 00 00..55 11 0 2.80008 5.60015 PP00 == 00..445599 dd UUZZ VViirr PBl = 68.2 d 1 00 --00..44 g] a --00..22 m 0.1 V [mag]V [mag] 00..55 V [mag]V [mag] 00 ude [V ∆∆ ∆∆ 00..22 plit 0.01 11 m a 00..44 0.001 00 00..55 11 00 00..55 11 0 2.17679 4.35358 PPuullssaattiioonn pphhaassee PPuullssaattiioonn pphhaassee frequency [c/d] Fig.2 Strongly modulated sample Blazhko stars from KBS I. The left-hand panels display the V light curves folded with thepulsationperiod.Themiddlepanelsshowthelightcurvesafterthesubtractionofthemeanpulsationcurves.In the left-hand and middle panels the highest and lowest pulsation amplitude Blazhko phases are highlighted. The loops, whichthemaximumandminimumlightsgoalongduringthemodulation,arealsodrawn.Theright-handpanelsplotthe schematicFourierspectraofthelightcurvesolutionsinthevicinityofthepulsationfrequency(f )anditsfirstharmonic 0 (2f ). 0 www.an-journal.org (cid:13)c 2006WILEY-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim 792 A´.So´dor:ThediversityoflightcurvevariationsofBlazhkostars periodicmodulationherewithoutgivingdetailsandweare a similarly complex modulation, however, it is less con- goingtoanalyzetheseobjectslaterinforthcomingpapers. spicuous as the overallstrength of its modulation is much Theweaklyandstronglymodulatedsampleobjectsare weaker. The residual light curve of MW Lyr, after the re- shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. The left-hand pan- moval of the best solution, shows also a kind of stochas- els display the V light curves folded with the pulsation tic behaviour(Jurcsiketal., 2008). There are signs of sec- period. The middle panels show the light curves after the ondarymodulationperiodsalsoatothersamplestars(MW subtraction of the mean pulsation curves. In the left-hand Lyr Jurcsiketal. 2008, RR Gem Jurcsiketal. 2005) indi- and middle panels the highestand lowest pulsation ampli- catingthatmultiperiodicmodulationismuchmoretherule tudeBlazhkophasesarehighlighted.Theloops,whichthe thantheexceptioninBlazhkostars. maximumandminimumlightsgo alongduringthe modu- Acknowledgements. The financial support of the Hungarian lation,arealsodrawn.Theseloopsarecalculatedfromsyn- OTKAgrantT-068626isacknowledged. theticlightcurvestakingintoaccountthedominantmodu- lationperiodonly.Theright-handpanelsplottheschematic References Fourier spectra of the light curve solutions in the vicinity ofthepulsationfrequency(f )anditsfirstharmonic(2f ). 0 0 Blazhko,S.1907,Astron.Nachr.,173,325 Thepeaksinthesepanelsrepresentthefrequenciesandam- Jurcsik,J.,Hurta,Zs.,So´dor,A´.etal.2009,MNRAS,397,350 plitudesofthecomponentsofthelightcurvesolutions. Jurcsik,J.,So´dor,A´.,Hurta,Zs.etal.2008,MNRAS,391,164 Jurcsik,J.,So´dor,A´.,Szeidl,B.etal.2009,MNRAS,400,1006 Jurcsik,J.,So´dor,A´.,Va´radi,M.etal.2005,A&A,430,1049 3.2 Discussion Jurcsik,J.,Szeidl,B.,So´dor,A´.etal.2006,AJ,132,61 Kova´cs,G.2009,AIPC,1170,261 Phasemodulation Shapley,H.1916,ApJ,43,217 Examining the weakly modulated stars we find that only So´dor,A´.2005,AN,328,829 So´dor,A´.2009,CoAst,159,55 slight, if any, phase modulation occurs. BR Tau and So´dor,A´.,Vida,K.,Jurcsik,J.etal.2006,IBVS,5705 RR Gem has fix points on their rising branches, and their Szeidl,B.,Jurcsik,J.2009,CoAst,160,17 maximumbrightnessphasesarealsomarginallymodulated only. The rising branches of DM Cyg and SS Cnc show weakbutdefinitephasemodulation. At the same time, all the strongly modulated Blazhko stars show definite phase modulation. A fix point can be seenonthelowerpartoftherisingbranchofUZVir,while the maximumandminimumlightphasesaremodulatedin allthefourobjects. Loopsofmaximumandminimumlights Itisaninterestingobservationthatthedirectionoftheloop the maximum light goes along during the modulation is counterclockwiseineachbutonecase,fornon-degenerated loops.TheonlyexceptionisUZVir.Inaccordancewiththis observation, the higher frequency modulation peaks (right side, kf + f ) usually have higher amplitudes than the 0 m lowerfrequencyones(leftside,kf −f ).Onthemathe- 0 m matical backgroundsee details at Szeidl&Jurcsik (2009). The minimum light travels an opposite direction than the maximumlightdoesineachcases. Complexmodulation The modulation of AQ Lyr is rather complex. The dom- inant modulation period of this star is 54d but the light variation,whichhavebeenfollowedintwoconsecutiveob- serving seasons, can be described with sufficient accuracy only when four or more modulations are taken into ac- count.Evenso,variationsintheresidualexceedingtheac- curacy of our measurements remain. BR Tau also shows (cid:13)c 2006WILEY-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim www.an-journal.org

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