Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.GC_diffuse (cid:13)cESO2017 January17,2017 The distribution of stars around the Milky Way’s central black hole: II. Diffuse light from sub-giants and dwarfs R.Schödel1,E.Gallego-Cano1,H.Dong1,F.Nogueras-Lara1,A.T.Gallego-Calvente1,P.Amaro-Seoane2,andH. Baumgardt3 1 InstitutodeAstrofísicadeAndalucía(CSIC),GlorietadelaAstronomías/n,18008Granada,Spaine-mail:[email protected] 2 InstitutdeCiènciesdel’Espai(CSIC-IEEC)atCampusUAB,CarrerdeCanMagranss/n08193Barcelona,Spain InstituteofAppliedMathematics,AcademyofMathematicsandSystemsScience,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing100190, China KavliInstituteforAstronomyandAstrophysics,Beijing100871,China 7 ZentrumfürAstronomieundAstrophysik,TUBerlin,Hardenbergstraße36,10623Berlin,Germany 1 3 SchoolofMathematicsandPhysics,UniversityofQueenslandSt.Lucia,QLD4068,Australia 0 2 Received;accepted n a ABSTRACT J 3 Context. This is the second of three papers that search for the predicted stellar cusp around the Milky Way’s central black hole, 1 SagittariusA*,withnewdataandmethods. Aims.WeaimtoinferthedistributionofthefainteststellarpopulationcurrentlyaccessiblethroughobservationsaroundSagittariusA*. ] Methods. We use adaptive optics assisted high angular resolution images obtained with the NACO instrument at the ESO VLT. A ThroughoptimisedPSFfittingweremovethelightfromalldetectedstarsaboveagivenmagnitudelimit.Subsequentlyweanalyse G theremaining,diffuselightdensity.Systematicuncertaintiesareconstrainedbytheuseofdatafromdifferentobservingepochsand obtainedwithdifferentfilters.Weshowthatitisnecessarytocorrectforthelineemissionfromionisedgas,whichwouldotherwise . h lead to a systematically biased light density profile. We use a Paschen α map obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope for this p purpose. - Results.TheazimuthallyaveragedsurfacelightdensityprofilewithinaprojecteddistanceofR(cid:46)0.5pcfromSagittariusA*canbe o describedconsistentlybyasinglepowerlawwithanexponentofΓ = 0.28±0.03,similartowhathasbeenfoundforthesurface r t numberdensityoffaintstarsinPaperI. as Conclusions.Theanalyseddiffuselightarisesfromsub-giantandmain-sequencestarswithKS ≈19−20withmassesof1−2M(cid:12). Thesestarscanbeoldenoughtobedynamicallyrelaxed.Theobservedpower-lawprofileanditsslopeareconsistentwiththeexistence [ ofarelaxedstellarcusparoundtheMilkyWay’scentralblackhole.WefindthataNukerlawprovidesanadequatedescriptionof 1 thenuclearcluster’sintrinsicshape(assumingsphericalsymmetry).The3Dpower-lawslopenearSgrA*isγ = 1.23±0.05.The v stellardensitydecreasesmoresteeplybeyondabreakradiusofabout3pc,whichcorrespondsroughlytotheradiusofinfluenceof 7 themassiveblackhole.Atadistanceof0.01pcfromtheblackhole,weestimateastellarmassdensityof2.3±0.3×107M(cid:12)pc−3and 1 atotalenclosedstellarmassof180±20 M(cid:12).Theseestimatesassumeaconstantmass-to-lightratioanddonottakestellarremnants 8 intoaccount.Thefactthatnocuspisobservedforbright(Ks(cid:46)16)giantstarsatprojecteddistancesofroughly0.1-0.3pcimpliesthat 3 somemechanismhasalteredtheirappearanceordistribution. 0 Keywords. Galaxy:center–Galaxy:kinematicsanddynamics–Galaxy:nucleus . 1 0 7 1. Introduction star cluster around the massive black hole at the centre of the 1 MilkyWay(e.g.,Genzeletal.2010;Schödeletal.2014b).Un- : vTheexistenceofpower-lawstellardensitycuspsindynamically fortunately,theobservationshavebeenlimitedtotheredclump irelaxed clusters around massive black holes (BHs) is a funda- (RC)starsandbrightergiantssofar.Thedensityprofileofthese X mental prediction of theoretical stellar dynamics. The problem starsappearstosuggesttheabsenceofastellarcusp(Buchholz rof a stationary stellar density profile around a massive, star- etal.2009;Doetal.2009;Bartkoetal.2010).However,these a accretingBHwasfirstanalysedbyPeebles(1972),followedby stars only represent a small fraction of the old stars in the nu- Frank & Rees (1976), Lightman & Shapiro (1977), and Bah- clearcluster.Ithasbeenproposedthatstellarcollisionsremoved call&Wolf(1976).EightyearsbeforePeebles(1972),Gurevich their envelopes in the innermost, densest regions of the cusp, (1964)hadobtainedananalogoussolutionforthedistributionof which would render them invisible (see, e.g., Alexander 1999; electronsinthevicinityofapositivelychargedCoulombcentre. Daleetal.2009),butthiscannotfullyexplaintheobservations. Since then, many authors have worked on this problem with a Another possibility, that has been recently put forward, is that broadvarietyofmethodsandhavecometosimilarconclusions theyinteractedinthepastwith(a)fragmentinggaseousdisc(s), (see, e.g., Amaro-Seoane et al. 2004; Alexander 2005; Merritt which is an efficient way to get rid of their envelopes (Amaro- 2006,andreferencestherein). Seoane&Chen2014).TheanalyticalsolutionofAmaro-Seoane The best-suited (and currently probably also only) environ- &Chen(2014)wasconfirmedbyKieffer&Bogdanovic´ (2016) mentwherewecantestthepresenceofsuchacuspisthenuclear withelaboratenumericalsimulations. Articlenumber,page1of13 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.GC_diffuse Thefactthatwearedealingwithafundamentalproblemof 2.2. Sourcesubtraction stellar dynamics, the ambiguity of the observational data and Subtraction of detected stars is a critical step when estimating their interpretation, as well as the implications of stellar cusps the diffuse light. A particular challenge in AO observations is forthefrequencyofExtreme-MassRatioInspirals(EMRIs,see the presence of the large seeing halo (FWHM on the order 1”) Amaro-Seoane et al. 2007 and the review Amaro-Seoane 2012 around the near-diffraction limited core of the PSFs. The dy- andreferencestherein),andthusonthedetectionrateofsources namic range of the detected stars comprises >10 magnitudes, of gravitational radiation (Hopman & Alexander 2005), have from the brightest star, GCIRS7 with K ≈ 7 to the faintest urgedustorevisitthistopic.Inparticular,theL3missionofthe S detectablestarswithKs ≈ 19(seePaperI).Manyofthebright- EuropeanSpaceAgencyhasbeenapprovedtobedevotedtolow est stars (K = 9−11) are young, massive stars concentrated frequency gravitational wave astronomy, with EMRIs being an S intheIRS16,IRS1,IRS33,orIRS13complexesinthecentral importantclassofpotentialsources.Themissionimplementing 0.5pc (e.g., Genzel et al. 2003; Lu et al. 2005, 2009; Paumard thissciencewillfollowtheLaserInterferometerSpaceAntenna etal.2006).Theymustbecarefullysubtractedtoavoidabiasin (LISA)missionconcept(Amaro-Seoaneetal.2012,2013)ora thesurfacelightdensity.Inaddition,thePSFchangesacrossthe similarone,liketheChineseTaijiconcept(Gongetal.2015).. field due to anisoplanatic effects, and the variable source den- This is the second one of a series of papers addressing the sityandextinctionmeanthatthefaintwingsofthePSFscannot distribution of stars around SagittariusA* (SgrA*). They are beestimatedwithsimilarsignal-to-noiseinallpartsofthefield closely related and use the same data, but focus on different because there is not a homogeneous density of bright, isolated methodsandstellarpopulations.Inthisworkweusethediffuse stars. light density, while in our first paper (Gallego et al., from now As explained in Paper I, we extracted the PSFs on overlap- on referred to as Paper I), we analyse the star counts from the ping sub-fields, smaller than the isoplanatic angle. In each of brighter,resolvedstellarpopulation.Wealsorefertheinterested these sub-fields we used about 10 isolated stars – the brightest readertothemoredetailedintroductionofPaperIformorede- onespossible–toestimatethePSFcore.WethenfittedthePSF tailsaboutthehistoryandthestate-of-the-artoftheinvestigation halo determined from the brightest star in the field, GCIRS7, ofthestellarcuspatthecentreoftheMilkyWay. to the cores. Schödel et al. (2010) have shown for NACO AO Our primary goal is to find the predicted stellar cusp of the GC data that the variation of the PSF halo is rather negligible, nuclear stellar cluster (NSC) around SgrA*. To reach this aim, whichmeansthatwiththechosenapproachwecanreachapho- we push the boundaries of observational evidence by reaching tometricaccuracyofafewpercentacrosstheentirefield.Subse- toward fainter magnitudes and thus accessing a more represen- quently,pointsourcesaredetectedandsubtracted.Sincethede- tativesampleofstarsinthenucelarcluster.InPaperI,weshow tectionofoccasionalspurioussourcesisnosourceofconcernfor howweusestackingandimprovedanalysismethodstoprovide thiswork,wechoseamoreaggressiveapproachthaninPaperI, acceptably complete star counts for stars about one magitude setting the StarFinder parameters min_correlation = 0.70 and fainter than what has been done up to now. These stars, of ob- deblend =1forallimages(exceptifstatedexplicitlyotherwise). servedmagnitudesK ≈ 18atthedistanceandextinctionofthe s Wenotethatevenwiththesesettingsthedetectioncompleteness GalacticCentre(GC),areprobablymostlysub-giantstars,with fallsbelow50%forsourcesfainterthanaboutK = 18.0inthe S massesof1−2M .Theycanthereforebeoldenoughtobedy- (cid:12) centralmostarcseconds. namicallyrelaxed.Indeed,theirdistributioninsideofaprojected Inordertohaveanextinctionmapthatcoverseventhelarge distance of R (cid:46) 0.5pc can be approximated well by a single area of the wide field observations from May 2011, we created power-law with a slope of Γ ≈ 0.36. This finding is consistent anextinctionmapfromHAWK-IHandK speckleholography- withtheexistenceofastellarcuspofoldstarsaroundSgrA*,as S reducedFASTPHOTobservationsofthecentralsquarearcmin- wediscussinPaperI.Here,wefocusonthediffusestellarlight utes(Nogueras-Laraetal.,inprep.).Weusedtheextinctionlaw density around SgrA*, which provides us with information on ofSchödeletal.(2010)(A ∝λ−2.2),assumedaconstantintrin- evenfainterstars. siccolourof(H−K ) =0λ.1forallthestars,andusedthemean S 0 ofthe20neareststarsforeachpixel.Thisresultsinanextinction mapwithavariableangularresolutionofroughly2”.Theresults presentedinthispaperarenotsensitiveinanysignificantwayon 2. Datareductionandanalysis the variation in these assumptions within their uncertainties. In particular, changing the exponent of the extinction law to other 2.1. Basicreduction plausiblevalues(e.g.,2.0,seeNishiyamaetal.2009)willhave We use the same H and K -band data obtained with the S27 an impact on any of the parameters of interest that is a factor S camera of NACO/VLT that are used in PaperI and, addition- ofafewsmallerthanothersourcesofuncertaintiesthatwillbe ally, K -band NACO/VLT S13 camera data from 4 May/12 discussedhere. S June/13August2011,4May/9August/12September2012,and We demonstrate the result of this strategy in Fig.1. There, 29 March/14 May 2013. We follow the same data reduction weshowthemosaicofthedeepKS image(seePaper I),andthe steps.TheS13imageswerestackedtoprovideadeepimage,as samefieldaftersubtractionwithasingle,constantPSF,andafter donewiththeS27imagesinpaperI.Inaddition,weusethecal- subtractionwithavariablePSF,composedofalocalcoreplusa ibratedHST/NICMOS3imageoftheemissionfromionisedgas global halo. As can be seen, using a single, constant PSF leads at1.87µm,thatwaspresentedbyDongetal.(2011).Finally,we to variable artefacts associated with the stellar sources across alsomakeuseofNACO/VLTS27Brackett-γ(Brγ)narrowband the field (see also Schödel 2010). Also, when the wings of the (NB) observations, obtained on 5 August 2009, with a detector PSF are not determined with high signal-to-noise, then the dif- integrationtime(DIT)of15s,3averagedreadoutsperexposure fuseemissionisdominatedbyfluxfromtheseeinghalosaround (NDIT = 3), and 45 dither positions (N = 45). Data reduction brightstars. was standard, as described in PaperI, including rebinning to a With the variable core plus halo PSF (determined from the finerpixelscalebyafactorof2. brighteststarIRS7,rightpanel),theresidualsaroundbrightstars Articlenumber,page2of13 Schödeletal.:DistributionofstarsaroundSgrA* Northern IRS 7 Arm mini−cavity Bar Fig. 1. Source subtraction. Left: Deep K -band mosaic (see PaperI). Middle: Deep K -band mosaic with all detected stars subtracted, using S S asingle,constantPSF,fortheentirefield.Right:Deep K -bandmosaicwithalldetectedstarssubtracted,usingalocallyextractedPSFkernel S mergedwithaconstanthalo,thatisestimatedfromIRS7.Typicalfeaturesofthemini-spiralofionisedgasareindicated.Logarithmiccolourscale inallimages,withthesamescaleusedinthemiddleandrightpanels.Northisupandeastistotheleft. IRS 10W IRS 7 IRS 5 IRS 13E IRS 1W IRS 21 Fig.2. Left:HSTNIC3point-source-subtractedPa-αimageoftheGC.Middle:VLTNACOpoint-source-subtractedBr-γ image.Right:VLT NACOpoint-source-subtractedK continuumimage.Someprominentnon-line-emissionsources(seetext)arelabeled. S arestronglysuppressedandanyremainingresidualsarelargely withinabout0.5pc(∼12”foraGCdistanceof8kpc)ofSgrA*, constant across the field, as can be seen in the right panel of even in broad band images. We therefore have to correct for it Fig.1. These remaining residuals are typical for PSF subtrac- before we will be able to estimate the diffuse emission arising tion with an empirical PSF when the PSF is not fully constant fromunresolvedstellarsources.Atthewavelengthsconsidered, across the field: Since several stars have to be used to derive a theemissionarisesmostlyfromhydrogenandheliumlines(e.g., medianPSF,theirslightlydifferentPSFswillresultinaslightly HI at 2.17, 1.64 or 1.74µm, HeI at 1.70, 2.06, or 2.11µm). In too broad median PSF. This leads to the typical and inevitable Fig.2weshowthemini-spiralasseeninthePaschenαlinewith artefactsintheformofcore-excesseswithsurroundingnegativ- NIC3/HSTandintheBrackettγlineaswellasinK continuum S ities that can be seen around bright stars. Nevertheless, as can withNACO/VLT,respectively.ThePaαimageisfromthesur- beseen,theresidualsaroundthebrightstarshavebeenstrongly veybyWangetal.(2010)andDongetal.(2011). suppressed with our method. The only exception is GCIRS7, SincewewillusetheHSTimageasareferenceforgasemis- which is extremely bright (a few magnitudes brighter than any sion,wealignedallourimagesviaafirstorderpolynomialtrans- othersourceinthefield).Thefilamentarystructureoftheionised formwiththeHSTimage.Thepositionsofdetectedstarswere gasintheso-calledmini-spiral(seeGenzeletal.2010,andrefer- usedtocalculatethetransformationparameterswithIDLPOLY- encestherein)becomesapparent,withfeaturessuchasthenorth- WARPandtheimageswerethenalignedusingIDLPOLY_2D. ernarm,thebar,orthemini-cavityclearlyvisible. The pixel scale of the resulting images is set to the one of the HSTimage(0.101”perpixel). 2.3. Subtractionofionisedgasemission As can be seen in Fig2, the Paα image traces the gas emission very clearly (with the exception of a few Paα excess AswecanseeintherightpanelsofFigs.1and2,diffuseemis- sources, see Dong et al. 2012) and the K and Brγ images S sionfromionisedgasintheso-calledmini-spiral(see.,e.g.,Gen- of the diffuse emission trace the same structures of the mini- zel et al. 2010) contributes significantly to the diffuse emission spiral. Some differences are given by residuals around bright Articlenumber,page3of13 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.GC_diffuse stars, by some residual emission associated with the brightest foundthattheyhad anegligibleinfluenceonthebest-fit factor. star, GCIRS7, by hot dust emission around the probable bow- Wethensubtractedtheextinction-correctedPaαimagefromthe shocksourcesIRS21,IRS10W,IRS5,andIRS1W,andbyen- extinction-correcteddiffuseemission. hanced emission in and around the IRS13E complex, probably We measured the mean diffuse emission in annuli around fromahighergastemperature.Wemarksomeofthesesources SgrA*, using the IDL ASTROLIB routine ROBUST_MEAN and areas in Fig.2 and will mask them when deriving scaling and rejecting > 3σ outliers. The corresponding uncertainties factors for gas subtraction and when computing the brightness weretakenastheuncertaintiesofthemeans.TheresultingSFB ofdiffusestellarlightinthefollowingsections. profiles,bothrawandaftersubtractionofthescaledPa-αemis- Figure3showsthepointsource-subtractedBrγandK con- sion, are shown in Fig.5. The error bars are probably under- S tinuum images after subtraction of the scaled Paα image. The estimatedbecausetherearesystematiceffectspresentinourcor- scale factor was assumed constant and estimated by eye. All rected images that are very difficult to assess or correct quan- images were corrected for differential extinction. We also de- titatively, e.g.: The assumption of a constant emission ratio of termined the scaling factor in a numerical way by producing Paschen-αtolineemissioninK ,uncertaintiesoftheextinction S an unweighted best χ2 fit of the scaled Paα image plus an az- map and assumed extinction law, or systematics related to the imuthallysymmetricsimplepower-lawdiffuselightdensitycen- subtractionofverybrightstars. tredonSgrA*totheK image.Thefittingregionwaslimitedto Wefittedasimplebrokenpower-lawtothedata: S R < 0.5pcwithinSgrA*toavoidcomplicationsfromachange Σ(R)=n ∗(R/R )−Γin,out, (1) 0 0 of slope in the power-law at larger distances (see below). The where Σ(R) is the surface flux density at a projected distance resulting best-fit factor was identical - within the uncertainties R, n is the normalisation of the SFB, R is the break radius, - to our by-eye estimate. As can be seen in Fig.3, most of the 0 0 emission from the ionised gas in the mini-spiral can be effec- and Γin,out are the power-law indices inside and outside of R0. Sincewedonotknowthecorrectstatisticsoftheerrorbars,we tivelyremovedbythissimpleprocedure.Fromourby-eyefitwe interpretethereducedχ2 valuesasorientative,toinferwhether estimated an uncertainty of 10% for the best scale factor. This red uncertainty has a negligible effect on the parameters we are in- afitisbetterorworse,andthenrescaletheerrorsofthebest-fit parameters to a reduced χ2 = 1. Ìn the following, we explore terestedin,inparticulartheslopeofthepower-lawsurfaceden- the influence of some of the possible systematic effects on the sity. For all images and wavelengths used in the following we results. applied the numerical procedure to estimate the scaling factor forthesubtractionofthediffusegasemission. First, we note that a simple power-law provides a clearly worsefit(χ2 ≈ 26)tothecorrecteddatathanabrokenpower- An alternative way of subtracting the ionised gas emission red maybebyusingtheintrinsiclineratioof Brγ/Paα.However, lawfit(χ2red ≈7).Also,wenotethatthebrokenpower-lawfitto this is not practical in our case because most of our data are theuncorrecteddata,withaχ2 ≈17,isworsethantheonefor red broad-bandobservationsand includeadditionallines,e.g. from thecorrecteddata,withaχ2 ≈ 7.Thebestfitswerecomputed red the 2.058µm HeI line in the K -band. Also, in the case of the withtheIDLMPFITpackage(Markwardt2009).Wefoundthat S Brγimage,noaccuratecalibrationwaspossiblebecausenozero theformaluncertaintiesofthefits,asprovidedbyMPFIT,were pointobservationsweretakenatthetimeoftheobservationand significantly smaller than the uncertainties due to systematics theskyconditionswerenotphotometric. (seebelow),evenafterrescalingtoχ2 =1.Wefoundnosignif- red icantdifferencesbetweenweightedandunweightedfits(inthis caseandallothersinthiswork). 3. ThesurfacedensityoffaintstarsintheGC Ourexperimentswiththedatasuggestthatthestrongestsys- tematic effect can arise from an unknown additive offset of the In this section we explore the surface brightness (SFB) profile diffuseemission.Althoughtheimagesweresky-subtracted–the of the diffuse stellar light in observations taken with different skybackgroundinthecorrespondingfilterswasmeasuredona cameras and filters, as well as at different epochs. We will also darkcloudatafewarcminutesoffset–thereissomeuncertainty performvariouschecksonpotentialsourcesofsystematicbias. relatedtothisprocedure:Therewasonlyoneskymeasurement Inthefollowingwewillrefertoapoint-sourcesubtractedimage donefortheapproximatelyonehour-longobservations.Hence, thathasbeencorrectedforextinctionandforionisedgasemis- the sky background may have varied. Also, we are interested sionasacorrectedimage. in the SFB profile of the nuclear star cluster, but there may be diffuse flux contributions from other structures, such as the nu- clear stellar disk (see Launhardt et al. 2002). Fortunately, there 3.1. WidefieldK continuum S are several dark clouds contained in the field-of-view (FOV). First, we examine a wide-field mosaic that was obtained with Those clouds belong most probably to dense gas and dust in NACO/VLT S27 in May 2011. In total, 4 × 4 pointings were the so-called circumnuclear ring (CNR) in front of the nucelar observed in K , centred approximately on SgrA*. The images star cluster (see, e.g., Ekers et al. 1983; Lo & Claussen 1983; S are relatively shallow, with a total on-target exposure time of Christopher et al. 2005) and can thus serve to estimate the flux only72sperpointing(4exposureswithDIT =2s,NDIT =9), offset. We measured the median flux density on four positions butofexcellentandhomogeneousquality. within these dark clouds (see Fig.3) and thus obtained an esti- Figure4showsthepoint-sourcesubtractedwide-fieldimage mate for the mean and standard deviation of the constant dif- before and after correction for extinction and gas emission. As fuse flux offset. The surface flux density measurements were mentioned above, by assuming that the diffuse light from the thenrepeatedaftersubtractingthemeanoffsetandthetwoval- stars follows a power law inside of R = 0.5pc and that a con- ues resulting from adding or subtracting its standard deviation. stantscalingfactorisadequatetoremovetheemissionfromthe Theextinctioncorrectionwasperformedafterthesubtractionof ionised gas, we can numerically fit both the power-law index this potential background bias. We thus could estimate the un- and the scaling factor. We varied the fitting region and the po- certaintyofthefitparameters.Weobtained:n =20.8±1.2mJy, 0 tential additive offset of the diffuse emission (see below) and R =0.56±0.01pc,Γ =0.29±0.01,andΓ =0.66±0.08. 0 in out Articlenumber,page4of13 Schödeletal.:DistributionofstarsaroundSgrA* Fig. 3. Left: Point-source-subtracted Br-γ image minus scaled Pa-α image. Right:Point-source-subtracted K continuum image minus scaled S Pa−αimage. Fig.4. Left:Point-source-subtractedK widefieldcontinuumimage.Right:Imagecorrectedforextinctionandionisedgasemission.Contam- S inatedregions(residuafrombrightstars,hotdust,andIRS13)anddarkclouds,thatareexcludedfrommeasuringthesurfacelightdensity,are indicatedbygreenpolygons.Thebluecirclesindicateregionsthatwereusedtoestimatetheoffsetofthediffusefluxdensity. It is also important to assess the influence of the extinction are somewhat different, but the power-law indices agree within correction on our results. We therefore repeated the procedure their1σuncertainties:n =26.7±2.1mJy,R =0.44±0.03pc, 0 0 withoutcorrectionfordifferentialextinction,i.e.assumingaspa- Γ =0.29±0.03,andΓ =0.76±0.08. in out tiallyconstantextinctionofA =3.0,equivalenttothemedian When studying stellar number densities, as in Paper I, as- KS over the field. The corresponding SFB profile is shown in the sessingandcorrectingincompletenessduetosensitivityand,in middle panel of Fig.5. It is similar to the one with differential particular,crowdingcanhavesignificanteffectsontheresults.In extinctioncorrection,buttherearesomesmalldifferences,such ourstudyofthediffuselightdensity,biasrelatedtocompleteness as a flattening at the largest distances. The best-fit parameters could occur as well. The contribution of the occasional bright Articlenumber,page5of13 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.GC_diffuse All subtracted No differential Subtracted to Ks = 18 extinction correction Subtracted to Ks = 16 Fig.5. Left:MeandiffuseSFBprofilesintheK wide-fieldimagebefore(blue)andafter(red)subtractionofthescaledPaαemission(green). S Thestraightdashedlinesarebrokenpower-lawfitstothedata.Thetwoorangedashedlinesshowthebestbrokenpower-lawfitsaftersubtracting oraddingastandarddeviationofthepotentialoffsetoftheadditivediffusefluxdensity.Middle:Asleftpanel,butassumingaconstantextinction fortheentirefield.Right:Correctedsurfacebrightnessfordifferentbrightnesslimitsonsubtractedstars.Subtractionofalldetectedstarsinblack, subtractionofK <16inblue,andsubtractionofK <18inred. S S star on the mean surface brightness at a given R will be neg- ligible due to our use of the ROBUST_MEAN procedure, that rejectsoutliersandproducesvaluesverysimilartothemedian. However,insmall,crowdedareas,suchasthecentralarcseconds near SgrA*, subtraction of faint stars may be significantly less completesothat,onaveragebrighterstarsremainintheimage thaninlesscrowdedareas,whichmaycreateasystematiceffect. To examine this effect, in the right panel of Fig.5 we plot the corrected K SFB profile for three cases. In each case, all S the stars were subtracted to a different brightness limit: All de- tected stars, all stars K < 18, or all stars K < 16. The 3σ S S detection limit for stars in the K wide field image is about S K ≈ 19 (albeit at low completeness). As one can see, apart S from an overall ∼10−20% shift between the measured SFBs, theprofileslookverysimilar.Thebestfitparameters-apartfrom the SFB normalisation, n , - show only a small range of varia- 0 tion and agree within 1 − 2σ of their formal fit uncertainties: R =0.54−0.56pc,Γ =0.25−0.29,andΓ =0.62−0.66. 0 in out 3.2. Brγ ThesurfacebrightnessintheBrγnarrowbandfilterimageisan interestingtestcasebecauseheretheemissionfromtheionised gaswillprovidearelativelylargefractionoftheoveralldiffuse Fig. 6. Mean Brackett-γ diffuse SFB inannuli around SgrA* before emission.Again,wescaledthePaαemissionandsubtractedit, (blue)andafter(red)subtractionofthescaledPa-αemission. afterapplyingtheextinctioncorrectionatthetwobands.Wefit- ted a simpe power-law to the SFB at R ≤ 0.5pc. The resulting raw and corrected SFB profiles are shown in Fig.6. The bump negativedeviationsofthecorrectedSFBfromapowerlawatR≈ from the ionised gas at 1” (cid:46) R (cid:46) 8” in the SFB profile disap- 0.1pc is due to imperfect subtraction of the high concentration pearscleanlyaftersubtractionofthescaledPaαimage.Asimple ofverybrightstarsinthisregion.Mostoftheplotsshowninthis power-lawprovidesaverygoodfit,withthebest-fitpower-law workshowsystematiceffectsinthisregion. exponentofΓ =0.25.Wedonotfitanybrokenpower-lawbe- in causeoftherestrictedFOVwhichwillprovideapoorconstraint 3.4. H-bandimage onthepower-lawatlargeR. Analysing the diffuse flux in an H band image represents, amongothers,atestinaregime,wheredifferentialextinctionis 3.3. DeepK -bandimage S stronger, where the sky background behaves in a different way, Here, we analyse the deep K broad band image that we use andwheretheratiooflineemissionrelativetoPa-αisdifferent. S for measuring the stellar number surface density in Paper I. A Hence, the H-band can be very helpful in constraining system- simplepower-lawfittothecorrectedSFBatR (cid:46) 0.5pcresults aticeffects.Asimplepower-lawfittothecorrectedSFBprofile inapower-lawindexofΓ = 0.27,seeFig.7.Thepositiveand at R (cid:46) 0.5pc results in a power-law index of Γ = 0.32, see in in Articlenumber,page6of13 Schödeletal.:DistributionofstarsaroundSgrA* Fig.7. Plotof K diffuseSFBindeepimage(PaperI)before(blue) Fig. 8. Plot of H surface brightness in deep image (Paper I) before S andafter(red)subtractionofthescaledPa-αemission. (blue)andafter(red)subtractionofthescaledPa-αemission. Fig.8.ThereappearstobeanexcessatprojectedradiiR<0.5”. This is the most crowded region, immediately around SgrA*. Probably,thelowerStrehlratioatHmayhaveledtoalesscom- pletesourcesubtractionthanatK .Sincethisexcessisnotcon- s sistentlyobservedinallthefiltersexaminedhere,wethinkthatit isaspurious,systematicerror.Itdoesnotalterourconclusions. Alternatively, instead of an excess at R < 0.5 we may be deal- ingwithanover-subtractionofstellarfluxduetoourimperfect PSFsintheregionR ≈ 1”,whichisdominatedbythepresence ofbrightstars(IRS16NE,IRS16C,IRS16SW). Fig.9. Left:PlotofK surfacebrightnessindeepimagewithS13cam- S erabefore(blue)andafter(red)subtractionofthescaledPa-αemission. Right:CorrectedK surfacebrightness(equivalenttoredpointsinleft S panel)whenlimitingthesubtractionofstarstoK ≤16(blue),K ≤18 3.5. DeepK imagewithS13camera S S S (red),andK ≤20(black). S As a final test, we examine the diffuse light density in a deep, Table1.Best-fitpowerlawindicesforthediffusestellarlightinsideof R<0.5pc. multi-epoch K -band image obtained with data from the S13 S camera of NACO/VLT (see Paper I). Star subtraction through Data Γ PSFfittingisparticularlycleaninthiscaseandwedidnothave in tomasktheareasaroundbrightstarsIRS/,16C,IRS16NW,and KS,widefield 0.29 IRS16SW near SgrA*. As Fig.9 shows, a simple power law Brγ 0.25 withanindexofΓin = 0.25providesasatisfactoryfittothera- KS deepfield 0.27 dialdependencyofthediffuselightdensity. H 0.32 K S13 0.25 S Wetestedagainthesystematicsofsubtractingthestarsdown todifferentlimitingmagnitudes(K =16,18,20).Thepower- s,lim 4. Discussion lawindexchangesbetween0.25and0.29andtheplotlookssim- ilarinallcasesascanbeseenintherightpanelofFig.9.Wesee 4.1. Meanprojectedpower-lawindex asimilarexcessofdiffusefluxatR (cid:46) 0.5”asinthetheH-band profile.ComparedtotheNACOS27K datathereappearstobe As the preceding sections have shown, measuring the diffuse, s anoffsetoftheSFBtowardbrightervalues.Wecouldnotiden- stellarlightaroundSgrA*isanon-trivialundertakingandsub- tify the source of this offset, but note that it does not affect our jecttopotentiallysignificantsystematiceffects.Inparticular,we mainconclusions,inparticulartheexistenceofapower-lawcusp have demonstrated that ionised gas contributes significantly to anditsindex. themeasureddiffusefluxatprojecteddistancesR<0.5pcfrom Articlenumber,page7of13 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.GC_diffuse Fig.11. Left:K luminosityfunction(KLF)measuredonthedeepK S13NACOimage.Middle:SimplemodelKLFforthecaseofcontinuous S S starformation,matchedtothedistanceandmeanextinctionoftheGC.Right:Fluxdensitycontributedbydifferenttypesofstars,i.e.theKLF multipliedbythefluxdensityofstarsinagivenbin. and narrow band observations, shorter and longer wavelength filters.ItissatisfyingtoseethattheresultingSFBprofileiscon- sistentamongallthedatasets. All our different measurements of the projected stellar sur- face brightness can be fit well by the simple model of a single power-lawatR (cid:46) 0.5pc.Thecorrespondingpower-lawindices are consistent with each other and also with the power-law in- dex inferred for the stellar number density of faint stars in this region,asdeterminedinPaperI.Table1liststheresultingbest- fit power-law indices for the projected diffuse light in the in- ner ∼ 0.5pc. From these independent measurements we obtain a best estimate of Γ = 0.28±0.03. This value agrees, within in its uncertainties, with what we observe for the number density of the stars in the range 16.5 (cid:46) K (cid:46) 18.5 that we present in S PaperI. It also agrees with the value of Γ = 0.34±0.04 mea- sured by Yusef-Zadeh et al. (2012) on NICMOS/HST images within R ≤ 5”/0.2pc. We conclude that the projected surface densitydistributionofstarsaroundSgrA*canbedescribedwell byasinglepowerlawwiththesameexponentfordifferentstellar populations. The faint stars do not show a flat, core-like distri- bution as has been observed for the bright (K (cid:46) 15.5) giants S in the GC (Buchholz et al. 2009; Do et al. 2009; Bartko et al. 2010). The faint stellar population around SgrA* clearly dis- playsapower-lawcusp.Givenourmeasurements,assumptions, Fig.10. MeanSFBprofilesinthecorrectedandcombinedKS S13plus andanalysis,wecanexcludeaflatprojectedcorearoundSgrA* S27wide-fieldimage.Thestraightdashedlinesarebrokenpower-law withhighconfidence. fits to the data. The two orange dashed lines show the best broken power-law fits after subtracting or adding a standard deviation of the potentialoffsetoftheadditivediffusefluxdensity. 4.2. OptimisedoverallSFBprofile Mainlyforillustrativepurposes,weproduceda”best”corrected SgrA*, even when broad-band filters are used. This will result image by combining the corrected S13 and S27 wide-field im- inanapparentsteepincreaseofthediffusefluxatR(cid:46)0.4pcand ages. The images were matched via a least-squares minimisa- thenanalmostflatSFBprofileintheinnermost∼0.2pc.Theex- tionofanadditiveoffsetandamultiplicativescalingfactor.We actsystematicerrorduetotheionisedgaswilldepend,ofcourse, then measured the SFB profile again as in section3.1, that is onthefilterused.ItisverystronginBrγ(Fig.6)andweakerin we also estimated the uncertainty from inaccuracies in the sky KS (Fig.7)andH(Fig.8). backgroundsubtraction.Asimplebrokenpower-lawprovidesa The subtraction of the flux of both the bright stars and the good fit to the data (see Fig.10). The best-fit parameters are: ionised gas is prone to systematic errors. Fortunately, these er- n = 16.8±1.3mJy, R = 0.56±0.005pc, Γ = 0.28±0.01, 0 0 in rorswillchangewiththeobservingconditions,e.g.,seeingand andΓ = 0.60±0.07.Wenotethatthebrokenpower-lawisa out adaptive optics correction, camera used, or observing wave- purelyadhocchoice,butdoesnotnecessarilyrepresentthein- length. For this reason, we have used several completely inde- trinsicstructureofthecluster,whichcanbedescribedwellbya pendentdatasetsthatwereobtainedatdifferenttimesandwith simple3Dpower-lawwithina3Ddistancer<3pcfromSgrA*, significantly different setups: Deep and shallow images, broad aswediscussinsection4.4 Articlenumber,page8of13 Schödeletal.:DistributionofstarsaroundSgrA* 4.3. WhatkindofstarscontributetothediffuseSFB? (suchassphericalsymmetry)toprovideanapproximate,general picture. The stars that contribute dominantly to the diffuse light in our point-source subtracted images are fainter than K = 18. Fig- S ure11 shows the K luminosity function (KLF) for the deep S NACOS13image.TheturnoveratK (cid:38)19iscausedbyincom- S pletenessduetocrowdingandsensitivity.ThepeakaroundK ≈ S 15.5arisesfromRedClump(RC)stars.Themiddlepanelshows asimpletoymodelKLF,basedoncontinuous,constantstarfor- mation from log(t/yr) = 6.6 to log(t/yr) = 10.13 in steps of ∆(log(t))=0.05,withSolarmetallicity,andassumingaChabrier lognormal initial mass function (see, bin/cmd_2.8and Chabrier2001;Bressanetal.2012;Chenetal. 2014,2015;Tangetal.2014)Wepointoutthatwehavenotmade anyspecificefforttomatchthemodelKLFtothemeasuredone, except for applying a scaling factor. Studies of star formation historyormetallicityarebeyondthescopeofthispaper. The right panel shows the fraction of the total flux con- tributed by the stars in the different bins of the model KLF. As canbeseen,starsintheregimeK =19−20donotdiffersignif- S icantlyintheiroverallweight.Starsat K ≈ 21,approximately S solar mass MS stars, have a weight that is about 3 to 4 times lower. We thus expect stars with an apparent K ≈ 19−20 at S the GC to dominate our measurements of the diffuse light den- sity. We expect these stars to be early G or late F type main sequencestarsorsub-giantstarsofsimilarmass.Theywillhave masses(cid:46) 1.5M andwillliveforseveralGyrs(seealsoFig.16 (cid:12) in Schödel et al. 2007). They can thus be old enough to be dy- Fig.12. SFBprofileasshowninFig.refFig:KsS13withabest-fit3D namicallyrelaxedandserveastracersfortheexistenceofastel- simplepower-lawoverplottedasasolidredline.Thebluelinerepre- larcusp. sentsaforcedfitwithapower-lawindexofγ=1.5,takingintoaccount onlydataatR>0.4pc. InPaperIwediscussandtakeintoaccountthepossiblecon- tamination of the surface number density of K ≈ 18 stars by s Asafirst,illustrativeapproximationtotheproblem,wecan pre-mainsequence(MS)starsfromthemostrecent,afewMyr assumeasimplepower-lawfortheintrinsic3Dstructureofthe oldstarformationeventinthecentralR<0.5pc(see,e.g.,Gen- innermost parsecs of the cluster. It provides a surprisingly rea- zel et al. 2010; Lu et al. 2013). Such contamination could, in principle, also be present in the diffuse light. While we cannot sonablefittothedata,asshownbytheredlineintheleftpanel of Fig.12. Since we need to project a three-dimensional struc- ruleoutthispossibilitywithcertainty,wepointoutthatboththe stellarnumberdensityprofileandtheprofileofthediffusestel- ture onto two dimensions, the result of the fit depends on the lar light probe different stellar masses and evolutionary stages. boundaries, where we cut off the integration along the line of Also, the power-law index of the diffuse light density profile is sight.Thebest-fitpower-lawindexisγin =1.28foranouterin- tegration boundary of 10pc and γ = 1.35 for 20pc. We note consistent with the one derived for the surface number density in that, in projection, an intrinsic 3D power-law will not appear counts of stars in the magnitude bins 16.5 ≤ K ≤ 17.5 and S as a straight line on a double-logarithmic plot, but always flat- 17.5 ≤ K ≤ 18.5(thelatteraftercorrectionforpre-MSstars). S ten toward small radii. For this reason, broken power-laws can Hence, while we cannot accurately constrain quantitatively the work well on the projected data (see Fig.10). From theoretical contamination of our tracer populations by stars that are too workonthestructureofarelaxedstellarcuspwewouldexpect youngtobedynamicallyrelaxed,thiscontaminationmusteither be small or very similar across the different stellar magnitude apower-lawindexofγin (cid:38)1.5foralow-masstracerpopulation. Wehaveforcedsuchapower-lawfittothedataatR>0.3pc,as ranges.Thesimilarityofthepower-lawindicesthatwefindfor differenttracerssuggeststhattheyareindeedrepresentativefor shownbythebluelineintheplot.Whileitfitsthedatareason- ably well at R = 0.4−0.5pc, it is clearly too steep inside this the actual underlying structure of the old stars, which are ex- range. We note that the distance R = 0.4−0.5pc agrees with pected to dominate the mass of the NSC (see, e.g., Pfuhl et al. theprojectedsizeofthepreviouslyreportedcoreorbreakradius 2011). ofthecluster(see,e.g., Eckartetal.1993;Schödeletal.2007; Buchholzetal.2009;Bartkoetal.2010). 4.4. The3Dstructureofthecluster Assuming an intrinsic simple power-law structure is, of course, an oversimplification because a large body of previous Ourobservationsprovideuswiththesurfacebrightness,butwe studies of the stellar density in the GC indicates that the nu- would like to know the intrinsic structure of the NSC. This is clearclusterfollowsadensityofapproximatelyn(r) ∝ r−2 out- not a trivial problem and requires a fairly complete and accu- sideofthecentralparsec,withasteepeningslopeatlargerdis- rateknowledgeofthestellardistributiononlargescalesbothin tances (see, e.g., references and discussions in Launhardt et al. andaroundtheNSC.Whilewedonotyetpossessverydetailed 2002; Schödel et al. 2007, 2014a; Fritz et al. 2016). A steep- knowledgeonthestellarpopulationanditsdistribution,wecan ening density profile is also required to avoid that the cluster use the results of previous work on the large scale structure of mass diverges. A caveat is that previous work was focussed on theNSCcombinedwithsomebasicorsimplifyingassumptions significantly brighter stars than what we are examining in the Articlenumber,page9of13 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.GC_diffuse present work. A study of the density of different stellar popu- Table2.Best-fitmodelparametersfortheNukerfitstotheSFBprofiles. lationsthroughoutthenuclearclusterouttodistancesbeyonda few parsecs is beyond the scope of this work and will be ad- ID rb γ β ρ(rb) dressed in a later paper. For simplicity – and because we as- (pc) (mJypc−3) sume that it is a good approximation on large scales – we will 1a 3.21±0.15 1.15±0.01 3.38±0.17 0.67±0.05 assume that the cluster shape is described well by the data in 2b 3.03±0.20 1.17±0.01 2.74±0.12 0.72±0.08 previouspublications.Nowwewillexploretheconsequencesof 3c 2.97±0.21 1.18±0.01 2.58±0.10 0.73±0.08 steeper density slope at larger distances on the inferred three- 4d 3.31±0.15 1.14±0.01 3.68±0.22 0.65±0.05 dimensionalpower-lawnearSgrA*. 5e 3.09±0.15 1.15±0.01 3.13±0.14 0.72±0.05 To constrain the stellar distribution on scales of approxi- 6f 3.22±0.15 1.15±0.01 3.41±0.18 0.67±0.05 mately 1 to 10pc, we use the data on the flux density of the 7g 3.24±0.20 1.16±0.01 3.17±0.15 0.65±0.07 NSCfromSchödeletal.(2014a)andFritzetal.(2016).Thefor- 8h 3.10±0.19 1.16±0.01 2.97±0.12 0.70±0.07 merusedextinction-correctedSpitzer4.5µmsurfacebrightness 9i 3.39±0.22 1.16±0.01 3.38±0.18 0.61±0.06 maps. The latter used extinction corrected near-infrared data 10j 3.37±0.16 1.18±0.01 3.46±0.19 0.66±0.05 fromNACO/VLT,WFC/HST,andVISTA.Bothdatasetsarenot 11k 3.58±0.24 1.21±0.01 3.29±0.17 0.57±0.07 adequatetosamplethelightdensityprofileinsideR≈1pc.The Spitzer data of Schödel et al. (2014a) are of low-angular reso- Notes. (a) Data from Schödel et al. (2014a), azimuthally averaged; lutionandlongwavelengthandcompletelydominatedbyafew 1mJyarcsec−2constantemissionsubtracted. bright stars and by emission from the mini-spiral in the inner (b) Data from Schödel et al. (2014a) perpendicular to Galactic Plane; parsec.ThedatafromFritzetal.(2016)are,inprinciple,more 1mJyarcsec−2constantemissionsubtracted. suitable, but are dominatedby RC stars and brightergiants. As (c)DatafromSchödeletal.(2014a)alongGalacticPlane;1mJyarcsec−2 is well known and as we confirm in PaperI, these stars show a constantemissionsubtracted. core-likestructurewithinR≤0.3pcfromSgr,A*. (d)Like(a),but1.1mJyarcsec−2constantemissionsubtracted. (e)Like(a),but0.9mJyarcsec−2constantemissionsubtracted. Toisolatethenuclearclusterfromtheemissionofthenuclear (f)Like(a),butusingonlydataatR≥0.05pc. disk and Galactic Bulge, we subtracted a constant flux offset, (g) Data from Fritz et al. (2016); 6.4mJyarcsec−2 constant emission which was taken as the mean of the flux in the range 15pc ≤ subtracted. R ≤ 20pc(1±0.1and6.4±0.35mJyarcsec−2 forthedatasets (h)Like(g),but6.05mJyarcsec−2constantemissionsubtracted. of Schoedel et al. and Fritz et al., respectively). We scaled the (i)Like(g),but6.75mJyarcsec−2constantemissionsubtracted. data from Schödel et al. (2014a) and Fritz et al. (2016) to our (j)Like(a),withlowerintegrationboundaryatr=R+0.01pc. data in the range 1.5pc ≤ R ≤ 2.0pc. At R < 1.5pc, we only (k)Like(g),withlowerintegrationboundaryatr=R+0.01pc. use the data from our optimised SFB profile (see section4.2). We then used a 3D Nuker model and projected it onto the sky tofitthemeasuredsurfacebrightness.WeusetheNukermodel – Constant flux offset: Fits with the mean of the flux in the (Laueretal.1995)intheformof‘Equ.1”ofFritzetal.(2016): range 15pc ≤ R ≤ 20pc subtracted as well as with the 1sigmadeviationofthisfluxaddedorsubtracted. (cid:32) r (cid:33)−γ(cid:34) (cid:32) r (cid:33)α(cid:35)(γ−β)/α – Fits with different settings for the minimum integration ρ(r)=ρ(rb)2(β−γ)/α r 1+ r (2) boundary(r=0.001,0005,and0.01pc). b b – Fitsfordifferentvaluesofα=10,20,40. Here,risthe3DdistancefromSgrA*,r isthebreakradius, – Fits to the entire data and fits limited to R > 0.05pc to ex- b ρ is the 3D density, γ is the exponent of the inner and β the aminetheinfluenceoftheinnermostregionaroundSgrA*. one of the outer power-law, and α defines the sharpness of the Table2 summaries the best-fit parameters that we obtained for transition.Thedensitywasthenprojectedalongthelineofsight themodel-fitstodifferentdataandundersomedifferentassump- viaanintegral: tions (We did not list all the tests that we ran on the data; the (cid:90) ∞ rρ(r)dr resultingparameterswillrangewithinthevalueslistedintheta- Σ(R)=2 √ (3) ble).Theχ2 valuesandtheuncertaintiesofthedifferentmodels r r2−R2 andparametersareverysimilartoeachother.Wecanobtainan approximate, mean model for the nuclear cluster by taking the For numerical reasons, to avoid a singularity, we could not in- tegrate down to r = R and therefore set the minimum r = mean of each best-fit parameter and its standard deviation (not R+0.001pc.Thebest-fitwasfoundwiththeIDLMPFITpack- errorofthemean).Weobtainrb =3.2±0.2pc,γ=1.16±0.02, β=3.2±0.3,andρ(r )=0.67±0.05mJypc−3. age(Markwardt2009).Uncertaintieswerere-scaledtoareduced b χ2 = 1. We fixed the parameter α = 10 and used only data at Thebreakradiusshowssomedegeneracywiththevalueofα, R ≤ 20pc.Thebestfits,usingtheazimuthallyaverageddataof that we keep fixed in our fits. For very soft transitions between the outer and inner power laws, i.e. α < 10, the break radius Schödel et al. (2014a) and Fritz et al. (2016), subtracted for a constantoffset,areshowninFig.13. becomes larger, moving to values around 4pc. Theory predicts that the cusp follows a power-law well inside the break radius Thereareanumberofeasilysystematicuncertaintiesrelated andthatthelatterisontheorderoftheradiusofinfluenceofthe to this procedure. Our primary test of robustness is, of course, black hole, which has been found to be ∼3pc (e.g., Alexander theuseofthecompletelyindependentdatasetsofSchödeletal. 2005; Feldmeier et al. 2014; Fritz et al. 2016), consistent with (2014a)andFritzetal.(2016).Wethenexploredtheparameter spacebyrepeatingthefittingprocedurefordifferentcases: TheNukerlawbreakradiusdeterminedhereandinPaperI. Here,wearemostinterestedinthequestionoftheexistence – Fit with the azimuthally averaged data of Schödel et al. of a stellar cusp. As we can see, γ can be determined very ro- (2014a)aswellastheirprofilesalongtheGalacticPlaneand bustly and is > 0. We can exclude a flat core with high confi- perpendiculartoit,toexaminetheinfluenceoftheflattening dence.Anextensiveanalysisofthestellarnumberandfluxsur- ofthenuclearcluster. facedensityintheGCwaspresentedinFritzetal.(2016).They Articlenumber,page10of13