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The distribution of radiolabeled pigment precursors in the wing patterns of nymphalid butterflies PDF

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Preview The distribution of radiolabeled pigment precursors in the wing patterns of nymphalid butterflies

JournalofResearchontheLepidoptera 30(1-2):1-13, 1991 The distribution of radiolabeled pigment precursors in the wing patterns of nymphalid butterflies H.F. Nijhout AbteilungAllgemeineZoologie,UniversitatUlm, D-7900Ulm, Germany Abstract. Theincorporationofradiolabeledtyrosineandtryptophan into the wing patterns ofsix species ofNymphalidae Precis coenia, ( Inachisio,Aglaisurticae,Araschnialevana,Heliconiuscharitonia,and Agraulis vanillae) was studied. Tyrosine is the precursor for the pigment melanin (black to brown), while tryptophan is the precursor for the pigments 3-hydroxykynurenine (yellow) and ommochromes (orange to brown). Tyrosine always and exclusively labeled the dark brownandblack scales. The red, lightbrown, andtan portions ofthe color pattern never labeled with tyrosine suggesting that the browns and earth tones of the nymphalid wing patterns are not melanins. Tryptophan labeled the yellow portions of the wing pattern in H. charitonia andthered, orange,brownandtanportionsofthepattern , intheotherspecies we studied, suggestingthatthepigmentsinthese regions are all members ofthe tryptophan-ommochrome pathway in theNymphalidae. In mostcasesthesetwopigmentpathways appear to exclude each other in single scales, and only one precursor is incorporated in anygiven scale. Butin a few cases, particularlyinA. levana, both pathways maybe active in some scales. Introduction The pigments that make up the color patterns ofbutterflies belong to relativelyfew chemical families. Thevastmajorityofwingpatterns are made up of melanins and ommochromes. Pterins are common in the Pieridae, while papiliochromes, bile pigments and flavonoids occur sporadically in several families (Needham, 1974; Nijhout, 1985). The mostcommonofthepatternpigments,themelanins andommochromes, are also among the most difficult ofall animal pigments to isolate and identify. The melanins are indefinitelylarge polymers, complexedwith proteins, and almostcompletelyinsoluble. Attempts to solubilize mela- nins generally destroytheirmolecular structure (Needham, 1974). The ommochromes arefairlylargeorganicmolecules. Manyofthemarealso complexedwithproteinsin situ andthus renderedpoorly solubleunless harsh methods are used for their extraction (Linzen, 1974). 2 J. Res. Lepid. Melanins range in colorfrom black, throughbrown andred, toyellow. The colors ofommochromes largely overlap those ofmelanins, ranging from brown through red to orange-yellow. As a consequence of the considerable overlap in the color ofthese pigments, and their general resistance to solubilization and characterization, it has proven ex- tremely difficult to determine whether a specific patch of color on a butterflywingis melanin orommochrome. Solubilityproperties cannot distinguishbetweenmelanins andpoorlysolubleommochromes andare thereforeinadequatefortheiridentification. Chemicalcharacterization by chromatography after vigorous extraction is possible (Umebachi, 1980), but this requires sufficiently large amounts ofstarting material that it cannot be used to identify a pigment in a specific small area ofa wing. In the present paper we explore a method for detecting melanins and members of the tryptophan-ommochrome pathway in situ, by taking advantage ofthe fact that they are synthesized from different organic precursor molecules (tyrosine and tryptophan, respectively). When a radiolabeled precursor specific for one or the other pigment families is injectedinto pupae, thatpigmentbecomes radioactivelylabeled, andits locationintheintactwingcanbevisualizedbyautoradiography. While this method does not allow one to distinguish among the various ommochromes or among the various molecular forms ofmelanin, it can identify a given patch of color as containing either melanin, or ommochrome, or both. Autoradiography thus allows us to study the pattern of specific pigments and to determine whether more than one pigment can occur in a given element ofthe color pattern. Materials and Methods The following species were used for these studies, all members ofthe family Nymphalidae: Precis coenia Inachis io, Aglais urticae, Araschnia levana, , Heliconiuscharitonia,andAgraulisvanillae. Tworadiolabeledaminoacidswere used in these studies: L-[methyl-14C]-Tryptophan andL-[14C(U)]-Tyrosine (New EnglandNuclear). Thesecompoundsweredissolvedinaninsectsalineandtheir pHwas adjustedtobetween6.8 and 7.0withphosphatebuffer. Volumesof2pi, containingapproximately0.1pCiofradiolabelwereinjectedintopupae 12to24 hours before the onset ofpigment synthesis. In a few cases (A. urticae andA. levana), 1.0pCioftryptophanwasfedtolarvaeduringtheirfinalinstar. Adults wereallowedtohardentheirwingsforabout12hoursafteremergenceandwings werethenpreparedforautoradiographyasfollows. Theradiolabeledaminoacids wereincorporatedintothegeneral proteins ofthewingcuticle atalowrate and this resulted in a modest but bothersome amount of non-specific background noise in autoradiograms. We were ableto remove nearlyall ofthis background radioactivityby strippingthe scales onto adhesive plastic. Wings were pressed tightly between two pieces ofbook-cover plastic (obtainable from office supply stores) with the sticky sides facing each other. When the two pieces ofplastic werepeeledapartthescalesofdorsal andventralwingsurfacesadheredtightly tothe stickysurfacesoftheplasticwhilethewingitselfwaseasilypeeledaway. 30(1-2):1-13, 1991 3 Theadhesivesurfacewasthencoveredwiththinplasticfoodwrap(Handi-Wrap II,DOWChemical). Thefoodwrapsideofthisplasticsandwichwasthepressed againstX-rayfilm(KodakDiagnosticFilm,X-OmatAR) and storedinafreezer at -70 °C for 1 to 3 weeks. Afterthis exposure period the film was developed in an automatic film processor (Konica QX-60A). Prints were made from these autoradiograms. Hence the bright (white) portions ofthe prints correspond to areas ofradiolabel incorporation. Results Figures 1-6 show the tyrosine and tryptophan incorporation patterns in the six species of butterflies. In all cases tyrosine appears to be incorporated primarily into the black and dark brown portions of the patternwhile tryptophanis incorporatedintothe red, brownish orange, and yellow portions ofthe pattern. In the dorsal fore wing of Precis coenia (Fig. 1A, B), for instance, tyrosine incorporation is strongestin the black eyespot and in the black bands that flank the two red bars in the discal cell. There is a fainter incorporationinthe outerringofthe eyespotandinthe areasthatflank the broadwhite band on the wing, both ofwhich are darkbrown. In the hind wing radiolabel incorporation is primarily in the distal halfofthe central disk ofthe two eyespots (which is the only portion ofthe central disk that is black), in the rings around the eyespots, and in one ofthe narrow submarginal bands. By contrast, tryptophan incorporation in thedorsalforewingis strongestinthetworedbarswithinthediscalcell, and in the white band. Evidently the red is a tryptophan derivative, possibly an ommatin (Butenandt et al., 1960), and the white regions contain asignificantamountofatryptophanderivative aswell. Nijhout (1980) noted that the “white” regions of the fore wing ofP. coenia is actually not pure white but a light buff color and contains a low concentration of what appears to be the same pigment as that which occursintheredbars. Thetryptophanlabelisalsoincorporatedinallthe orange scales in both fore and hind wing, and also in the yellow-brown scales in between the inner and outer ring ofthe eyespots on the hind wing. Finally, the lightbrown ground colorin the basal halfofthe wing labels moderately with tryptophan but not with tyrosine, suggesting that, in contrast to the dark brown regions, these light brown areas contain an ommochrome and not a phaeomelanin, as suggested by Nijhout (1980). RadiolabelincorporationintheventralpatternofP. coenia(Fig. 1C, D) resembles that seen on the dorsal side: Tyrosine is incorporated prima- rilyintheblackportionsofthepatternandtryptophaninthered-orange portions. Theincorporation patterninthebrownportions ofthe pattern is abitmore difficulttointerpret. There is a slightincorporation ofboth thetyrosine andtryptophanlabelthroughoutthebackground, although thepatternelementsofthenymphalidgroundplan(Nijhout, 1985, 1991) label onlywithtryptophan. The actual patternontheventralhindwing 4 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 1. Radiolabel incorporation pattern inthewingsof Preciscoenia. Theseare negativeautoradiograms,sothatwhiteareasindicate regionsofradiolabel incorporation. A and B, dorsal wing surfaces. C and D, ventral wing surfaces. A and C, tyrosine incorporation pattern. B and D, tryptophan incorporation pattern. 30(1-2):1-13, 1991 5 consistsprimarilyoflightbrownpatternelementssuperimposedonatan background. Evidentlythepatternelementsareatryptophanderivative (again, probably an ommochrome), while the background contains a mixture oftyrosine and tryptophan derivatives. The dorsal wing pattern of Inachis io (Fig. 2A, B) likewise shows tyrosine labeling in the black portions ofthe pattern and a very strong tryptophan labeling of the reddish brown portions. The long hairlike scalesinthe dorsalhindwinglabelparticularlyintensivelywithtrypto- phan. Thewhitedotsonthedorsalforewingthatarethehomologsofthe foci of the border ocelli (Nijhout, 1985, 1991) do not label with either aminoacid, aswasthecasewiththewhite scales atthecenterofthefore wingeyespots inP. coenia (Fig. 1). The ventral wingpattern consists of a fine black ripple pattern on a dark brown background. Both pattern andbackground label onlywith tyrosine, the black more intenselythan the dark brown. There is little or no tryptophan labeling ofthe ventral pattern. InthewingsofAglais urticae (Fig. 3)there arealsocleardemarcations between areas of tyrosine and tryptophan label incorporation, corre- sponding to the black and reddish-brown areas, respectively. As in the previous species, theintensityoflabelingcorresponds tothe intensityof pigmentation. For our studies with Araschnia leuana we used the summer form, prorsa (Fig. 4). The dorsal pattern ofthis form is mostly black, with a dislocatedwhitishbandrunningacrossbothforeandhindwing,andwith one or two narrow reddish-brown submarginal bands on the hind wing (Fig. 4). The black portions incorporate tyrosine, while the reddish- brown submarginal bands label intensely with tryptophan. In some specimensthereis aweaktryptophanlabelingofthewhitishband(asin the fore wing ofP. coenia especially when reddish scales are scattered ), within the white band. This effect is strongest in forms intermediate between the normal spring and summerforms (Koch, 1991). Again, the small white spots on the dorsal and ventral surfaces that correspond to the foci of the border ocelli are not labeled with either tyrosine or tryptophan. The ventral color pattern ofA. levana is more complex with areas of reddish brown, dark brown, black, and white pigmentation. The white portions of the pattern incorporate a small amount of the tryptophan label, as in P. coenia and are not labeled by tyrosine, while the black , portions ofthe pattern are labeled by tyrosine and not by tryptophan. Most ofthe reddish-brown and dark brown portions ofthe wing pattern incorporateboththetyrosineandthetryptophanlabel, althoughthetwo labeling patterns do not overlap precisely. Tyrosine labels the reddish- brown areas weakly, and the dark brown areas strongly (and the black areas strongestofall). This is bestvisible in the ventral fore winginthe M region between R and Thus tyrosine labeling intensity corre- : and9. sponds to the degree “darkness” ofthe color. Tryptophan labeling, by . 6 J. Res. Lepid. Figure2. Radiolabel incorporation patterns inthewingsof Inachisio. Arrangement as in Fig. 1 . 30(1-2):1-13, 1991 7 Figure3. Radiolabel incorporation patterns inthewingsofAglaisurticae. Arrange- ment as in Fig. 1 . 8 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 4. Radiolabel incorporation patterns in the wings of Araschnia levana. Arrangement as in Fig. 1 30(1-2):1-13, 1991 9 contrast, is particularly intense in the reddish- brown areas of the pat- tern, best visible in the proximalthirdofthedor- salwingpattern andin a broad band correspond- ingtothe fieldofthebor- derocelli. Thislatterfield is bordered on both sides by bands that label only withtyrosine(thisispar- ticularlyeasilyvisibleon the hind wingautoradio- grams), and correspond tobandsofblackscalesin theseareas. Byeye,these bands are barely distin- guishable from the dark brownfieldinwhichthey occur. Thus autoradiog- raphyis a tool thathelps torevealadifferentiation inthisportionofthecolor pattern. It should be in- teresting to investigate therelationbetweenthis biochemical differentia- tionandtheextremesea- sonalpolyphenismofthis Figure 5. Radiolabel incorporation patterns in the species. dorsal wing surface of Heliconius Thedorsalwingpattern charitonia. A, tyrosine incorporation pat- 0f Heliconius charitonia tern. B, tryptophan incorporation pattern. (Fig 5)isacrispandbold pattern ofblack and yellow bands. The black bands are melanin while theyellowbands owe theircolorto 3-hydroxykynurenine, an intermedi- ate in the ommochrome pathway (Linzen, 1974). Radiolabel incorpora- tion reveals that tyrosine is incorporated exclusively in the black por- tions ofthe pattern while tryptophan incorporation is restricted to the yellowbandsandthereddotsontheventralsideatthebaseofeachwing. There is no overlap oflabeling. Thus the black portions ofthe pattern evidently do not mask a more broadly distributed yellow color. Yellow and black are true alternatives. Agraulisvanillaeshowsintenseincorporationoftryptophanlabelinall the reddish-brown areas ofthe dorsal fore and hind wings, and in the 10 J. Res. Lepid. reddishareasoftheventralforewing(Fig. 6B,C). Tyrosinelabelsallthe blackportions ofthe pattern. Particularlystrikinginthis species is the intense tyrosine labelingoftheblack scales thatoverlie the majorveins on the dorsal fore wing (Fig. 6A). The ventral hind wing labels fairly homogeneously but not very heavily with tyrosine. The silver spots on the ventral hind wing do not show any differential label incorporation. Thesilverspotslabelasintenselyasthelightbrown“background”,which suggests a homogeneous pigmentation ofthis wing surface behind the structural coloration that is responsible for the silver. Discussion Itis evidentfrom the foregoingthatradiolabeled tyrosine and trypto- phanareincorporateddifferentiallyintothewingpatternsofbutterflies. Tyrosine, aprecursorformelanin, is associatedwiththeblack anddark brown portions ofthe color pattern. In the Nymphalidae there are no other known pigments for which tyrosine is a precursor, and since in severalnymphalidspeciesthetyrosinelabelisuniquelyassociatedwith the black portions ofthe pattern, we may adoptthe workinghypothesis that radioactive tyrosine labels only the melanins. Tyrosine is also a precursorfor the papiliochromes (Umebachi, 1985), but these pigments arerestrictedtothePapilionidae. Inthespeciesthatwestudiedtyrosine labels only the black and dark brown portions ofthe pattern (and the reddish-brownportionsinA. levana),butnotthelightbrown,red,ortan portions, which suggests that the browns and earth tones in butterfly color patterns are not all melanins. Tryptophan is a precursor for pigments in the tryptophan- ommochromepathway(Linzen, 1974;Needham, 1974;Umebachi, 1980). Radiolabeled tryptophan becomes incorporated in the red, light brown, tan,andoff-whiteportionsofthepattern,suggestingthattheirpigments aremembersofthatpathway, afactthathasbeenconfirmedbypigment extraction and identification in A. levana (Koch, 1991). The reds and browns could be ommatins, rhodommatin or ommatin D, all of which have been identified in the wings of Nymphalidae, or it could be xanthommatinwhichoccursinbutterflyscalesas adegradationproduct of(unknown)labile ommatins (Butenandtet ah, 1960). InA. levana the reddish-brown portions of the pattern are also known to incorporate radiolabeledsulfur(Liidicke andPlesse, 1970) andglucose(Koch, 1985), which supports the hypothesis that both ommatin D and rhodommatin may be present in these areas. The yellow of Heliconius is 3- hydroxykynurenine, (Tocuyama et al., 1967; Brown, 1981; Koch, 1991), a key metabolite in the tryptophan-ommochrome pathway. In most species we studied the tyrosine and tryptophan labeled non- overlappingportions ofthe colorpattern. This suggeststhe operation of discrete biochemical and developmental switches for each of these regions ofthe wing. To switch a region ofthe color pattern from yellow to black in Heliconius or from red to black in most other species, for ,

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