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**VolumeTitle** ASPConferenceSeries,Vol.**VolumeNumber** **Author** (cid:13)c**CopyrightYear**AstronomicalSocietyofthePacific The DistributionofDisk-HaloHIClouds inthe Inner MilkyWay 1 1 H.AlysonFord1,2,3,FelixJ.Lockman4,andN.M.McClure-Griffiths2 0 2 1CentreforAstrophysics andSupercomputing, Swinburne University of n Technology, Hawthorn,Victoria3122,Australia; a J 2AustraliaTelescopeNationalFacility, CSIROAstronomy&SpaceScience, 0 Epping,NSW1710,Australia; 2 3DepartmentofAstronomy,University ofMichigan, AnnArbor,MI48109, ] USA;[email protected] A G 4NationalRadioAstronomyObservatory, GreenBank,WV24944,USA. . h Abstract. Using data from the Galactic All-Sky Survey, we have compared the p propertiesanddistributionofHIcloudsinthedisk-halotransitionatthetangentpoints - o in mirror-symmetric regions of the first quadrant (QI) and fourth quadrant (QIV) of r the Milky Way. Individual clouds are found to have identical properties in the two t s quadrants. However, there are 3 times as many clouds in QI as in QIV, their scale a heightistwiceaslarge,andtheirradialdistributionismoreuniform.Weattributethese [ majorasymmetriestotheformationofthecloudsinthespiralarmsoftheGalaxy,and 1 suggest that the clouds are related to star formation in the form of gas that has been v liftedfromthediskbysuperbubblesandstellarfeedback,andfragmentsofshellsthat 3 arefallingbacktotheplane. 1 8 3 . 1 1. Introduction 0 1 1 Early observations of the disk-halo interface hinted at the presence of a handful of HI : clouds connected to the Galactic disk (Prata 1964; Simonson 1971; Lockman 1984). v i With higher resolution data it became evident that there is a population of discrete HI X clouds within this transition zone of the inner Galaxy, having sizes ∼ 30 pc, masses ∼ r 50M ,andwhosekinematicsaredominatedbyGalacticrotation(Lockman2002). The a ⊙ presence oftheseclouds isawidespread phenomenon; theyhavealsobeendetected in thedisk(Stiletal.2006)andouterGalaxy(Stanimirovic´ etal.2006;Dedes&Kalberla 2010). These clouds may constitute the HI layer, and may be detected in external galaxies once resolution requirements can be met. Possible origin scenarios include galactic fountains (Shapiro&Field 1976; Bregman 1980; Houck&Bregman 1990; Spitoni,Recchi,&Matteucci 2008), superbubbles (McClure-Griffiths etal. 2006), and interstellar turbulence (Audit&Hennebelle2005). An analysis of the HI disk-halo cloud population in the fourth Galactic quadrant oflongitude(QIV)wasperformedbyFordetal.(2008). Tostudythevariationofcloud propertiesanddistributionswithlocationintheGalaxy,Ford,Lockman,&McClure-Griffiths (2010; hereafter FLMG) analyzed a region in the first quadrant (QI) that is mirror- symmetricaboutlongitude zerototheQIVregion,andperformedanin-depthcompar- 1 2 Ford,Lockman,andMcClure-Griffiths ison ofthe uniformly selected QIand QIVsamples. In this proceeding wesummarize some of the main results from that QI–QIV analysis. For an extended and complete discussion oftheseresultswereferthereadertoFLMG. 2. Observations Disk-halo clouds were detected using data from the Galactic All-Sky Survey (GASS; McClure-Griffiths etal. 2009), which were taken with the 21 cm Multibeam receiver at the Parkes Radio Telescope. GASS is a Nyquist-sampled survey of Milky Way HI emission (−400 ≤ V ≤ +500 kms−1), covering the entire skysouth ofδ ≤ 1◦. The LSR spatial resolution of GASSis 16′, spectral resolution is 0.82 km s−1, and sensitivity is 57 mK. The data analyzed here are from an early release of the survey which has not beencorrectedforstrayradiation. TheQIandQIVregionsaremirror-symmetricabout theSun–Galacticcentreline,wheretheQIregionspans16.9◦ ≤ ℓ ≤ 35.3◦ andtheQIV regionspans324.7◦ ≤ ℓ ≤ 343.1◦. Botharerestricted to|b| . 20◦. 3. TheTangentPointSample TangentpointswithintheinnerGalaxyoccurwherealineofsightpassesclosesttothe Galactic centre. This is where the maximum permitted velocity occurs assuming pure Galactic rotation, and this velocity is the terminal velocity, V. Random motions may t push a cloud’s V beyond V, and the difference between the cloud’s V and V is LSR t LSR t definedasthedeviationvelocity,V ≡ V −V. Wedefinethetangentpointsample dev LSR t of clouds as those with V & 0 km s−1 in QI and V . 0 km s−1 in QIV, which dev dev results in a sample of clouds whose distances and hence physical properties can be determined. Wedefine V based onobservational determinations byMcClure-Griffiths t & Dickey (in preparation), Clemens (1985), McClure-Griffiths &Dickey (2007), and Lunaetal.(2006). 4. PropertiesofIndividualDisk-HaloClouds Wedetect255disk-haloHIcloudsattangentpointswithinQI,butonly81withinQIV. Asummaryofthe properties oftheclouds within both regions ispresented inTable1, where T is peak brightness temperature, ∆v is FWHM of the velocity profile, N pk HI is HI column density, r is radius, M is HI mass, and |z| is vertical distance from the HI midplane. WhiletherearemorethanthreetimesasmanycloudsdetectedinQIthanin QIV,thepropertiesofbothsamplesarequitesimilar,suggesting thatthecloudsinboth quadrants belongtothesamepopulation ofclouds. Table1. MedianPropertiesofTangentPointDisk-HaloClouds T ∆v N r M |z| pk HI HI [K] [kms−1] [cm−2] [pc] [M ] [pc] ⊙ QI 0.5 10.6 1.0×1019 28 700 660 QIV 0.5 10.6 1.0×1019 32 630 560 DistributionofMilkyWayDisk-HaloHIClouds 3 Figure1. DistributionofobservedV forQIclouds(solidline),observed−V dev dev for QIV clouds (dashed line), and simulated V for a population of clouds with dev σ = 16 km s−1 (dash-dotted line). The QI and QIV distributions are consistent cc withtheσ =16kms−1distribution. cc 5. PropertiesoftheDisk-HaloCloudPopulation 5.1. Cloud–CloudVelocityDispersion Random motions, characterized by a cloud–cloud velocity dispersion (σ ), can in- cc crease theV ofacloud that islocated nearatangent point tovalues beyond V. We LSR t can determine the magnitude ofthese random motions based onthe deviation velocity distribution of the tangent point cloud samples. The observed V distributions are dev presented in Figure 1. The steep decline towards larger V shows that the clouds’ dev motions are governed by Galactic rotation. The distributions have a K-S probability of 76% of being drawn from the same population, suggesting the QI and QIV clouds have identical σ . Both populations have distributions consistent with those of simu- cc latedpopulationsthathavearandomvelocitycomponentderivedfromaGaussianwith dispersion σ = 16kms−1. cc 5.2. VerticalDistribution MorecloudsaredetectedatmostheightswithinQIthanQIV,ascanbeseenfromtheir observed verticaldistributions (Figure2). Thedecrease inthenumberofcloudsatlow |z|isduetoconfusion,asitisincreasinglydifficulttodetectcloudsatlower|z|andlower |V |. The vertical distribution of clouds in QI is best represented by an exponential dev with h = 800 pc, while in QIV the scale height is only h = 400 pc. These values are notinagreement, andasσ issimilarinbothquadrants, thescaleheightoftheclouds cc 4 Ford,Lockman,andMcClure-Griffiths Figure2. Distributionofobserved|z|fortheQI(solidline)andQIV(dashedline) clouds. Therearesignificantlymorecloudsatmost|z|inQIthanQIVandthescale heightistwiceaslarge. is not linked to the cloud–cloud velocity dispersion; even ifσ = σ , this would only cc z propelcloudstoh< 100pcwithinthemassmodelofKalberlaetal.(2007). 5.3. LongitudeDistribution The observed longitude distributions of clouds in the QI and QIV regions are shown in Figure 3. Not only are there more clouds at all |ℓ| in the QI region, but they are more uniformly distributed compared to the peaked QIV distribution at ℓ ∼ 25◦. The radial distribution is directly related to the longitude distribution; R ≡ R sinℓ at the 0 tangent point, where R is the radius of the solar circle. The radial distribution of the 0 QIsampleisalsomoreuniformcomparedtoQIV,whereinsteadthedistribution peaks anddeclines rapidlyatR > 4.2kpc. 6. ImplicationsfortheDisk-HaloClouds Whilethecloud–cloudvelocitydispersionsinbothquadrantsareconsistent,thenumber of clouds detected, along with the vertical and radial distributions, differ dramatically. Wehavesearchedforpossiblesystematiceffectsthatmightaccountfortheasymmetry but have found none ofany significance. These asymmetries imply that the clouds are linked to Galactic structure and events occurring in the disk. We have overlaid the QI and QIV regions on what we believe to be the most appropriate representation of the large-scale Galactic structure to date, which includes recent results from the Galactic DistributionofMilkyWayDisk-HaloHIClouds 5 Figure3. ObservedlongitudedistributionsoftheQI(solidline)andQIV(dashed line) regions. More clouds are seen in QI at all ℓ than in QIV. The distribution is moreuniforminQIwhileitispeakedaroundℓ∼25◦inQIV. Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE; Benjaminetal. 2003) on the location of the bar and spiral arms (Benjaminetal. 2005; see Figure 4). The solid lines enclose the QI and QIV regions, with a line of sight extent equivalent to ∼ 1σ volume around thetangent point. Astriking asymmetry withintheGalaxy that cc isimmediately apparent isthattheQIVregioncontains onlyaminorarmwhiletheQI regioncontainsthemergingofthenear-endofthebarandamajorspiralarm. Thedistribution ofdisk-halo cloudsmirrorsthespiralstructure oftheMilkyWay, suggesting a correlation with star formation. The spatial relation between extraplanar gas to star formation activity in some external galaxies further supports this hypothe- sis (Barbierietal. 2005). More clouds occur in a region of the Galaxy including the near-end ofthebarandamajorspiral arm,whiletherearefewerclouds inaregion in- cluding onlyaminorarm. Thenumberofcloudslikelycorrelates withthelevelofstar formation activity, and the different scale heights may represent different evolutionary stages or varying levels of star formation. The clouds are likely formed by gas that is lifted by superbubbles and stellar feedback, and some may result from fragmenting supershells. Supershells havemuchlarger timescales thanstar-forming regions (∼ 20– 30 Myr versus ∼ 0.1 Myr; deAvillez&Breitschwerdt 2004; McClure-Griffithsetal. 2006; Prescottetal. 2007), and so clouds may not be near regions of current star for- mation. If clouds are lifted by events within the disk, large cloud–cloud velocity dis- persions arenotrequired toproduce thederivedscaleheightsofthedisk-halo clouds. Disk-halo clouds are abundant within the Milky Way, and it is likely that many cloudswouldbedetectedatotherlongitudes corresponding withspiralfeatures. 6 Ford,Lockman,andMcClure-Griffiths Figure 4. Figure from FLMG showing an artist’s conceptionof the Milky Way. ThesolidlinesenclosetheQI andQIVregions,whereQIcoversthe regionwhere the near-end of the Galactic bar merges with a major spiral arm and QIV covers onlyaminorarm.Theartist’sconceptionimageisfromNASA/JPL-Caltech/R.Hurt (SSC-Caltech). DistributionofMilkyWayDisk-HaloHIClouds 7 Acknowledgments. We thank B. Saxton for his help creating Figure 4. HAF thanks theNational RadioAstronomyObservatory forsupport underitsGraduateStu- dent Internship Program. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is operated by AssociatedUniversities, Inc.,underacooperativeagreementwiththeNationalScience Foundation. The Parkes Radio Telescope is part of the Australia Telescope which is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a National Facility man- agedbyCSIRO. References Audit,E.,&Hennebelle,P.2005,A&A,433,1 Barbieri, C. V., Fraternali, F., Oosterloo, T., Bertin, G., Boomsma, R., & Sancisi, R. 2005, A&A,439,947 Benjamin, R. A., Churchwell, E., Babler, B. L., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. 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