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Preview The Distances to Open Clusters from Main-Sequence Fitting. III. Improved Accuracy with Empirically Calibrated Isochrones

ASTROPHYS.J.655(2007)233-260 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.04/21/05 THEDISTANCESTOOPENCLUSTERSFROMMAIN-SEQUENCEFITTING.III. IMPROVEDACCURACYWITHEMPIRICALLYCALIBRATEDISOCHRONES DEOKKEUNAN1,DONALDM.TERNDRUP1,MARCH.PINSONNEAULT1,DIANEB.PAULSON2, ROBERTB.HANSON3,ANDJOHNR.STAUFFER4 Astrophys.J.655(2007)233-260 ABSTRACT Wecontinueourseriesofpapersonopenclusterdistanceswithacriticalassessmentoftheaccuracyofmain- sequencefittingusingisochronesthatemployempiricalcorrectionstothecolor-temperaturerelations. Weuse fournearbyopenclusterswithmulticolorphotometryandaccuratemetallicitiesandpresentanewmetallicity 7 forPraesepe([Fe/H]=+0.11 0.03)fromhigh-resolutionspectra.Theinternalprecisionofdistanceestimates 0 ± is abouta factor of 5 better than the case withoutthe color calibrations. After taking into accountall major 0 2 systematic errors, we obtain distances accurate to about 2% – 3% when there exists a good metallicity esti- mate. Metallicitiesaccuratetobetterthan0.1dexmaybeobtainedfromBVICKs photometryalone. We also n deriveaheliumabundanceforthePleiadesofY =0.279 0.015,whichisequalwithintheerrorstotheSun’s a initialheliumabundanceandthatoftheHyades. Ourbe±stestimatesofdistancesare(m- M) =6.33 0.04, J 0 ± 8.03 0.04, and 9.61 0.03 to Praesepe, NGC 2516, and M67, respectively. Our Pleiades distance at the 3 spect±roscopicmetallici±ty,(m- M) =5.66 0.01(internal) 0.05(systematic),isinexcellentagreementwith 1 several geometric distance measu0rements±. We have made±calibrated isochrones for - 0.3 [Fe/H] +0.2 availableonline. ≤ ≤ 2 Subject headings: Hertzsprung-Russell diagram — open clusters and associations: individual (M67, v 9 NGC 2516, Pleiades, Praesepe) — stars: distances — stars: abundances— stars: evolu- 4 tion—stars: activity 5 7 0 1. INTRODUCTION a clusterfainter thanexpectedfromits metallicity, andsolu- 6 Thedeterminationofaccuratedistancesisthekeytounder- tionsofthistypehavebeendiscussedintheliteratureforthe 0 standinghowstarsandtheGalaxyhaveformedandevolved. Pleiades (Belikov et al. 1998). However, this is difficult to / understandsincetheredonotseemtobenearbyfieldstarsof h From protostarsin star-formingregionsto ancienttracers of similar characteristics in the Hipparcos catalog (Soderblom p the halo, improved distances have refined stellar evolution- et al. 1998), and the helium enhancement would have to be - ary theory and Galactic structure models (e.g., Reid 1999). o enormous(Y 0.34). Inaddition,ithasbeensuggestedthat TheHipparcosmission(Perrymanetal.1997)wasespecially ≈ tr valuable, providing trigonometric parallaxes for 105 stars the metal abundance from spectroscopy may have been sig- s to precision of 1–2 mas (Perryman et al. 1997).∼These par- nificantlyoverestimated(Percivalet al. 2003). An argument a was also made that distance estimates from theoretical stel- allaxes, however, are only useful for individual stars within : v 100pc. Mostopenclustersaremuchmoredistantthanthis larmodelshavebeenoverestimatedforyoungclustersdueto Xi ∼“horizon,”butahalf-dozenofthenearestclustershave10–50 unknown,age-relatedphysics(vanLeeuwen1999). However,themostlikelyexplanationisrelatedtotheHip- or more Hipparcosstars, yielding cluster parallaxesostensi- r parcos parallaxes themselves. Pinsonneault et al. (1998) a blyaccurateto5%orbetter(Mermilliodetal.1997;Perryman showedthatthe12brightstarsnearthecenterofthePleiades etal.1998;Robichonetal.1999;vanLeeuwen1999). allhadvirtuallythesameparallax, 9mas,morethan1mas Main-sequence(MS) fitting, also known as the photomet- ∼ largerthanthemeanparallaxforotherclusterstars. Theyat- ric parallax method (e.g., Johnson 1957;Siegel et al. 2002), tributedthistoalocalzero-pointerroroftheindividualstellar has long been used to estimate distances to individual stars parallaxes that are correlated over the Hipparcos’ 0.◦9 field andstar clustersbeyondthelimitsofparallaxstudies,andis of view (vanLeeuwen & Evans1998). These quasi-random considered to be a robust and well-understoodtechnique. It errorswerecausedbytheHipparcosgreat-circledatareduc- wasthereforeabigsurprisewhentheHipparcosdistancesto tions, as Makarov (2002, 2003) proved by re-reducing the the Pleiades and Coma Ber open clusters were in disagree- PleiadesandComarBerclusterparallaxesinadifferentway ment with distances from the MS-fitting at more than a 3 σ thatcorrectlyobtainstheabsolutezeropointofparallax. Ad- level (Pinsonneault et al. 1998). It is difficult to reconcile a ditional effects may result from the way the Hipparcos data shortPleiadesdistancewithstellarinteriorandspectroscopic were obtainedandanalyzed, and a moreelaboratereduction abundance studies. A high helium abundance would make of the Hipparcos parallaxes promises to produce improved 1Department of Astronomy, Ohio State University, 140 West18th Av- distances and better understood errors (van Leeuwen 2005; enue, Columbus, OH43210; deokkeun,terndrup,[email protected] vanLeeuwen&Fantino2005). state.edu. The discrepant Hipparcos result for the Pleiades subse- 2PlanetarySystemsBranch,Code693,NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCen- quentlyledtomanyeffortstodeterminethecluster’sdistance ter,Greenbelt,MD20771;[email protected]. from binaries and independent parallax measurements (e.g., 3University of California Observatories/Lick Observatory, Santa Cruz, CA95064;[email protected]. Munari et al. 2004; Pan et al. 2004; Johns-Krull & Ander- 4InfraredProcessingandAnalysisCenter,CaliforniaInstituteofTechnol- son 2005;Soderblometal. 2005). These results supportthe ogy,Pasadena,CA91125;[email protected]. longerdistancescalefromMSfitting,verifyingthattheHip- 2 Anetal. parcosresultwasinerror. Withaformalerrorof 1%from tion to the adoptedreddeninglaw in a discussion of the dis- ∼ thesemeasurements,thePleiadesrepresentsasecondsystem tancetoNGC2516. Herewe extendtheerroranalysismore (besidestheHyades)withasufficientlyaccuratedistancefor quantitatively, emphasizing photometric calibration issues aprecisiontestofstellarevolutionarymodels. and the bias in distance estimates induced by the presence Even though the controversyover the Pleiades distance is ofunresolvedclusterbinariesorfieldforeground/background nowsettled,acriticalassessmentoftheMSfittingtechnique stars. isstillrequiredtoreliablyestimateadistance.Infact,MSfit- This paper also explores the effect of metallicity on the tingusingtheoreticalisochronesisacomplexprocessthatin- luminosity of the MS. Metallicity changes isochrone lumi- volvesbothphysicalandempiricalconsiderations(e.g.,Stauf- nositiesmorestronglythanmanyotherinputparameters,and fer 2001). There are, however, many opportunitiesto check the degree of sensitivity depends on the color index used. the construction of the isochrones. Stellar evolution models This permits a purely photometric derivation of the metal- canbetestedagainsttheSunandotherstars,suchaseclipsing licity (e.g., Pinsonneault et al. 1998, 2000; Stello & Nissen binaries, that have accurate masses and radii. Furthermore, 2001;Terndrupetal.2002),whichcanbecomparedtometal- multicolor photometry in nearby clusters and field stars can licities derived from high-resolution spectra. An agreement beusedtotestthebolometriccorrectionsandcolor-effective between the photometric and spectroscopic metallicities, as temperature(T )relationstotransformtheoreticalquantities we find in this paper, provides supporting evidence that the eff (luminosityandT )tomagnitudesandcolors(e.g.,Vanden- effectsofmetallicityonthetheoreticalquantities(L,T )and eff eff Berg&Clem2003). onthecolor-T relationsarecorrectlycomputed. eff In our first two papers of this series (Pinsonneault et al. ThedistancesinthispaperaretiedtotheHyadesdistance 2003,2004,hereafterPaperIandPaperII,respectively),we at(m- M) =3.33 0.01(d=46.34 0.27pc),thecluster’s 0 ± ± began a long-term effort to assess the accuracy of distances center-of-mass inferred from the Hipparcos catalog (Perry- from MS fitting and to reduce or eliminate systematic er- manetal.1998).UnlikethecontroversialHipparcosdistance rorsin the process, particularlythose arising from the trans- to the Pleiades, the large angulardiameter of the Hyadeson formation of theoretical to observational quantities. In Pa- theskymakestheclusterparallaxlessvulnerabletothespatial perI,wedemonstratedthatstellarmodelsfromtheYaleRo- correlation of the Hipparcos parallax (Narayanan & Gould tating Evolutionary Code (YREC; Sills et al. 2000) are in 1999a,b;deBruijneetal.2001). good agreement with masses and luminosities for the well- In § 2 we compile cluster photometry, metallicities, red- studiedHyadeseclipsingbinaryvB22(Torres&Ribas2002). dening estimates, and information on binarity and member- These models also satisfy stringent tests from helioseismol- ship, and present a metallicity for Praesepe from new high- ogy, and predict solar neutrino fluxes in line with observa- resolutionspectra. In§3webrieflydescribetheconstruction tions (Basu et al. 2000; Bahcall et al. 2001; Bahcall & Pin- of the isochrones. In § 4 we compute the distances to the sonneault2004). InPaperII,weshowedthatthemodelspro- sampleclusterswiththereddeningfixedatpreviouslyknown vide a good match to the spectroscopically determined tem- valuesanddemonstratethattheempiricalcorrectionsimprove peratures (Paulson et al. 2003) for individual Hyades mem- theinternalprecisionoftheisochrones. In§5wesimultane- berswithgoodparallaxes(deBruijneetal.2001). However, ouslysolvefortheclustermetallicity,reddening,anddistance wefoundthatanyofthewidely-usedcolor-T relations(e.g., from the χ2 minimization. In § 6 we evaluate the effects of eff Alonso et al. 1995, 1996; Lejeune et al. 1997, 1998) fail to severalsystematicerrorsources,includingthosefromcluster reproducetheobservedshapesoftheMSintheHyades;dif- binariesandfieldstar contamination. In§ 7 we discusssev- ferencesinbroadbandcolorswereaslargeas 0.1mag.The eralimplicationsofourresults. In theAppendixwe address ∼ existenceofthesesystematicerrorsinthecolorsinthepres- issuesonthephotometriczeropointsoftheempiricalHyades enceofagreementbetweenthespectroscopicandtheoretical isochrone. L- T scalesstronglyimpliesthatthereareproblemswiththe eff 2. OPENCLUSTERDATA adoptedcolor-T relationsinsteadoferrorsinthetheoretical eff T scale.Therefore,weproposedempiricalcorrectionstothe 2.1. SelectionofClusters eff color-TeffrelationsfromLejeuneetal.(1997,1998)thatwere WeconsiderfournearbyGalacticopenclusterswithexten- adoptedintheisochronecomputations. sive multicolor photometry: Praesepe (= M44; NGC 2632), In this study, we generate a set of isochronesover a wide the Pleiades (= M45), M67 (= NGC 2682), and NGC 2516. range of age and metallicity, and test the validity of the Thechoiceoftheseclusterswasmotivatedbyseveralfactors. Hyades-based color-T corrections using extensive multi- All have well-determined estimates of metal abundance and eff color photometry of four well-studied nearby open clusters. reddening against which we can compare photometrically- We show that isochrones employing the Hyades empirical derivedvalues. Samplesin Praesepe, the Pleiades, and M67 correctionsprecisely match the observedMS shapes, except are dominatedby knowncluster members, so we can exam- where anomalously blue colors in young open clusters have inewhethertheHyades-basedcolorcalibrationfromPaperII beenpreviouslynoted(Staufferetal.2003).Furthermore,we generates isochrones that precisely match the shapes of the demonstratethattheempiricalcorrectionsimprovetheinter- MSin these clusters. Praesepehasextensiveinformationon nalprecisionoftheisochronesbyexaminingtheconsistency binarity, so systematic errors in distances arising from the of distances derived from several color-magnitude diagrams presence of binaries can be explored. M67 and NGC 2516 (CMDs). eachhavemodernphotometryfromtwoindependentstudies, We also assess varioussources of systematic errors in the fromwhichwegaugethesizesoferrorsthatarisefrompho- MS-fitting technique. Previously, Pinsonneault et al. (1998) tometriccalibrationissues. Inaddition,NGC2516hasarel- consideredthe effectsof age, metalabundance,helium, red- ativelyhighreddeningcomparedtotheotherclusters,which dening,andsystematicerrorsinthephotometry,demonstrat- allowsustoevaluatetheconsequencesofadoptingparticular ing that these could not explain the short distance to the reddeninglaws. Pleiades from Hipparcos. Terndrupet al. (2002)paid atten- The Pleiades is a special case because its distance has re- DistancesfromMainSequenceFitting. III 3 TABLE1 RECENTMEASUREMENTSOFTHEPLEIADESDISTANCE Reference Method (m- M)0 Narayanan&Gould(1999b) Movingcluster 5.58±0.18 Gatewoodetal.(2000) Ground-parallax 5.58±0.12 Makarov(2002) Hipparcosreanalysis 5.55±0.06 Munarietal.(2004) Eclipsingbinary(HD23642) 5.60±0.03 Panetal.(2004) Astrometricbinary(Atlas) 5.65±0.03 Zwahlenetal.(2004) Astrometricbinary(Atlas) 5.60±0.07 Johns-Krull&Anderson(2005) HSTparallax 5.66±0.06 Soderblometal.(2005) HSTparallax 5.65±0.05 Southworthetal.(2005) Eclipsingbinary(HD23642) 5.72±0.05 Weightedmean ··· 5.63±0.02 centlybeenaccuratelymeasuredfromastrometricandeclips- In Praesepe, stars with V <12 have V - I photometry on ing binary studies and from ground- and space-based paral- theJohnsonsystemfromMendoza(1967)andCastelazetal. laxes, allowing a precise test of distances derived from MS (1991),whilefainterstarshavephotometryontheKronsys- fitting. Individualmeasurementsofthesestudiesaresumma- temfromUpgrenetal.(1979),Weis(1981),Stauffer(1982b), rizedinTable1,andtheweightedaveragedistancefromthese and Mermilliod et al. (1990). Intercomparisonsshowed that measurements is (m- M) =5.632 0.017. The Hipparcos theMendoza(1967)andCastelazetal.(1991)colorswereon 0 ± distances to the Pleiades and other clusters are discussed in the same system. The same is true for the Kron data except §7.2. thatthephotometryfromUpgrenetal.(1979)requiredared- We use cluster ages from Meynet et al. (1993) for the wardshiftof+0.03inV- I tomatchtheotherphotometry.In K Pleiades(100Myr),M67(4Gyr),andNGC2516(140Myr). thePleiades,starswithV <10haveV- I photometryonthe Praesepe is generally considered to be the same age as the JohnsonsystemfromJohnsonetal.(1966),Mendoza(1967), Hyades(e.g.,Mermilliod1981b);inPaperII,weassumedan andIriarte(1969),whilefainterstarshavephotometryonthe age of 550 Myr for the Hyades, as derived from isochrones Kronsystem fromStauffer(1982a),Stauffer(1982c),Stauf- withoutovershooting(Perrymanetal.1998). Aswedemon- fer(1984),Stauffer&Hartmann(1987),Staufferetal.(1989), strate,theclusterdistancesareinsensitivetothechoiceofage. Prosseretal.(1991),andStaufferetal. (1994). Directcom- parisonbetweentheMendoza(1967)photometryandthatof Iriarte (1969) showed that they agree well for V - I 0.5, J 2.2. Photometry but the Mendoza (1967) data are systematically redd≤er by 2.2.1. PraesepeandthePleiades 0.02magfor stars withV- IJ 0.5. We optedto adjustthe ≥ redMendoza(1967)photometryto placethemontheIriarte We compiled optical photometry for Praesepe and the (1969)scale. Pleiades mainly from WEBDA (Mermilliod & Paunzen 2003)5 and the Open Cluster Database.6 Data in V and 2.2.2. M67andNGC2516 B- V forPraesepecamefromJohnson(1952),Dickensetal. For M67, we used BVI photometry from Montgomery (1968),andCastelaz et al.(1991). Followingthe suggestion C by Dickens et al. (1968), we added +0.002toV and +0.006 et al. (1993, hereafter MMJ93) and also from Sandquist totheirB- V tomatchtheJohnson(1952)data. Weadopted (2004,hereafterS04);theseareanalyzedseparately.S04pro- vided a comparison between the two, revealing statistically thephotometryfromCastelazetal.(1991)withoutalteration; the average difference in B- V is +0.002 0.012, Johnson significantdifferencesbetweenthetwostudies. InTable2we ± compilethemeandifferencesinthephotometryforM67and (1952) being redder, among 39 stars in common (including for other clusters as is discussed below. The first column of nonmembers). WecomparedthenumeroussourcesofV and B- V in the Pleiades, but did not find statistically signifi- thetablelists theclustername,andthesenseofthecompar- cantdifferencesinanysample. AtB- V &0.8,thescatterin isonis shown in the secondcolumn. Thelast threecolumns displaythemeandifferenceanditsstandarderrorinV,B- V, measurementsfromseveralsourcesoftenexceededthestated andV- I , respectively. In comparison to S04, the MMJ93 photometricerrors;thismayresultfrombrightnessandcolor C data are fainter in V and are redder in V - I . As shown in changesfromstellar spots on rapidlyrotatingstars in young C Figure5ofS04,thedifferencesarelargestforthosestarswith open clusters (Stauffer et al. 2003). For stars in this color range, as everywhere else, we simply averaged the several V- IC.1.0. ForNGC 2516, we have independentphotometryin BVI availablecolorsandmagnitudes. C ThesituationinV- I islessstraightforwardbecausedata from Jeffries et al. (2001, hereafter JTH01) and from Sung C etal.(2002,hereafterS02).Neitherstudycomparestheirpho- forPraesepeandthePleiades,likethosefortheHyades,came from either the Johnson (V - I ) or the Kron (V - I ) sys- tometrywiththeother. InFigure1weplotthedifferencesin J K thephotometryfromthe twostudiesagainstrightascension, tems. The colors on the Johnson system were transformed to the Cousins (V- I ) system using an updatedtransforma- whichrevealsaposition-dependentdifferenceinV (butnotin C the colors). The sense of the differenceis thatthe photome- tionequationasdescribedintheAppendix. TheKroncolors trytowardstheeastisfainterintheS02study. Accordingto weretransformedtotheCousinssystemusingthecubicpoly- S02,photometryinthisportionoftheskywasobtainedona nomialderivedbyBessell&Weis(1987). non-photometricnightwhichwasthenadjustedtomatchthe 5Seehttp://obswww.unige.ch/webda/webda.html. dataintherestoftheirsurveyusingstarsalsoobservedunder 6Seehttp://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/stauffer/opencl/index.html. goodconditions. Astheirpaperlistsonlytheaveragevalues, 4 Anetal. TABLE2 DIFFERENCESINTHEPHOTOMETRY Cluster Comparison h∆Vi h∆(B- V)i h∆(V- I)Ci M67 MMJ93–S04 +0.017±0.002 +0.009±0.002 +0.022±0.001 NGC2516 S02–JTH01 +0.016±0.001 - 0.003±0.001 +0.011±0.001 Hyades Ground–Tycho-1a +0.012±0.002 - 0.009±0.001 ··· Praesepe Ground–Tycho-1a +0.009±0.007 +0.004±0.003 ··· Pleiades Ground–Tycho-1a - 0.017±0.003 +0.000±0.002 ··· r.m.s. ··· 0.015 0.006 0.017 aComputedforstarswithVT ≤9. FIG. 1.—Comparison ofNGC2516photometry as afunction ofright ascension(indegrees).ThedifferencesareinthesenseoftheS02minusthe JTH01photometry. FIG.2.—ComparisonofNGC2516photometry,excludingstarsobserved we chose to use the photometry only from regions obtained undernon-photometricconditionsbyS02.Thedifferencesareinthesenseof entirely under photometric conditions. However, there still theS02minustheJTH01photometry. remainsignificantdifferences,asshowninFigure2,between rmsinmagnitudeandcolorsfortherelativelyfewstarswith theJTH01andtheS02photometryevenwhentheeasterndata multiplemeasurements. Weassignedthismedianvaluetoall inthelatterstudyareremoved. ComparedtotheJTH01val- data points in each bin as random photometric errors. For ues,theS02dataarebrighterinV andredderinV- IC atthe NGC 2516, we followed the same binning procedure, then top of the MS, but are fainter inV and bluer in B- V at the removed a systematic trend in the differences between the faintend.ThemeandifferencesaresummarizedinTable2. JTH01andS02studiesbysubtractingalinearfunctioninV. WethencomputedthermsofthedifferencesinV,B- V,and 2.2.3. AssignmentofRandomErrors V- I in each bin, divided these by √2, and assigned these C Mostofthecollatedphotometrylackserrorsforindividual errorstobothdatasetsassumingthateachstudywouldhave stars, andthose errorsreportedby MMJ93, JTH01, and S02 aboutthe same errors. For M67, we followedthe same pro- aretypicallyfromasmallnumberofrepeatobservations.Our cedure,firstmatchingthestarsbytheircoordinates,andcom- MS-fitting procedure (§ 4.1) first removes stars that are sta- putingthermsofthedifferencesafterremovingasystematic tistically separated from the MS, and this in turn requires a trendinV. S04reportstheerrorforeachstarbasedonalarge suitableerrorforeachstar. number of measurements. We used those errors directly in InPraesepeandthePleiades,wedividedthedataintobins ouranalysisoftheS04data,andassumedthatthescatterbe- in V, each 2 mag wide, and then computed the median of tweenthetwostudieswasdominatedbymeasurementerrors DistancesfromMainSequenceFitting. III 5 TABLE3 TABLE4 DIFFERENCESINTHETYCHOPHOTOMETRY SPECTROSCOPYINPRAESEPE Cluster Comparison h∆BTi h∆VTi Teff logg ξ Hyades Tycho-2–Tycho-1 - 0.009±0.002 - 0.006±0.002 IDa (K) (cms- 2) (kms- 1) logǫ σlogǫ [Fe/H] Praesepe Tycho-2–Tycho-1 - 0.018±0.004 - 0.025±0.004 KW23 5700 4.5 0.5 7.78 0.05 0.10 Pleiades Tycho-2–Tycho-1 - 0.014±0.003 - 0.016±0.003 KW58 5850 4.5 0.5 7.80 0.06 0.12 KW304 5625 4.4 0.4 7.80 0.06 0.12 NOTE.—ComputedforstarswithVT ≤9. KW336 5600 4.5 0.4 7.79 0.06 0.11 aKW=KleinWassink(1927). inMMJ93. We setthe errorsfortheMMJ93studyfromthe rmsofthedifferenceswithrespecttotheS04data. brighterinV andalsobluerinV- K sincetheV andK data s s wereobtainedindependently.Thiscorrectionwasnotapplied 2.2.4. 2MASSKs totheisochronesusedinthispaper. IntheAppendixwedis- WecalculatedV- K colorsfromtheAllSkyDataRelease cussotherissuesinvolvedintheisochronecalibration. s of the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) Point Source Catalog (PSC).7 Here K designates the “short”-K filter in 2.4. MembershipandBinarity s 2MASS (Carpenter 2001). Based on PSC flag parameters, Wealsocollatedinformationonbinarityandmembershipin weexcludedstarsthatweresaturatedorundetected. Wealso PraesepeandthePleiadesfromWEBDAandtheOpenClus- ignoredblendedor contaminatedsources. TheV- Ks errors ter Database. Any star that was listed as a nonmember for weretakenasthequadraturesumofV errorsandthecatalog’s any reason (e.g., from photometry or radial velocities) was “total”photometricuncertaintiesinKs. rejected. In Praesepe, there are extensive data on binarity (e.g.,Mermilliod&Mayor1999;Bouvieretal.2001). Stars 2.3. SystematicErrorsinthePhotometry that were designated as likely or probable binary stars were OuranalysisofsystematicerrorsintheMS-fittingmethod flagged. InthePleiades,aconsiderablenumberofstarshave (§ 6.1) shows that calibration errors in the photometry con- binarity and membership information (Jones 1981; Stauffer tribute significantly to the overall error budget. In addi- et al. 1991; Mermilliod et al. 1992; Schilbach et al. 1995; tion to the direct comparisons between the studies of M67 Bouvieretal.1997;Belikovetal.1998;Morauxetal.2001). and NGC 2516, we can use the Tycho-1 photometry (van Werejectedanystarwithamembershipprobabilitylessthan Leeuwen et al. 1997) to check whether photometry of the 50%butkeptanystar thatdidnothave a membershipprob- Hyades,Praesepe,andthePleiadesisonaconsistentsystem ability. S04 provides a list of single cluster members based (the other clusters are too distant to have many stars in the on proper motion surveys and known binary systems in the Tycho catalog). Here we assume that the Tychophotometry literatureandfurthereliminationofunrecognizedbinariesin is consistently on the same scale in all parts of the sky. In CMDsfromhishigh-precisionphotometry. We usedthisin- Table2,wedisplaythemeandifferencesbetweentheground- formationforbothMMJ93andS04photometryinthispaper, basedphotometryfortheseclustersandtheTychovalues.The unlessotherwisespecified. latterweretransformedtotheJohnsonsystemusingtheequa- tions in Oja & Evans (1998) for V and in Mamajek et al. 2.5. MetallicityandReddening (2002)forB- V. Thevaluesin the tablewere computedfor 2.5.1. NewSpectroscopyinPraesepe starswithV 9. T ≤ Obtainingaccuratedistancesrelativetoourcalibratingclus- The comparison between the Tycho-1 values and the ter, the Hyades, requires accurate relative metallicities be- ground-baseddata is shown in Figure 3. The scatter is usu- causetheluminosityoftheMSissensitivetothemetalabun- allydominatedbyerrorsintheground-basedphotometryfor dance. Aspartofthisstudy,wedeterminedanewmetallicity V 8 and by the Tycho photometry for fainter stars. The ≤ forPraesepeusingthe samemethodusedtofindtheHyades solid line in each panel denotes equality, while the dashed abundance (Paulson et al. 2003). The relative abundance of lineshowsthemeandifferencefromTable2. PraesepewithrespecttotheHyadesshouldthereforebeaccu- InTable3welistthedifferencesbetweentheTycho-1and ratesincesystematicerrorsarisingfromthesolarabundances, Tycho-2data(Høgetal.2000)forbrightstarsintheHyades, employed model atmospheres, oscillator strengths, or effec- Praesepe, and the Pleiades. The differenceswere computed tivetemperaturescaleswouldbeminimized. directly with the Tycho values (again for V 9), without T ≤ WeobtainedspectraoffourPraesepestarswiththeMagel- transformations to the Johnson system. Taken together, the lanInamoriKyoceraEchelle(MIKE)spectrograph(Bernstein datainTables2and3showthatthevariousstudiesprobably etal.2003)ontheMagellan6.5mClaytelescopeatLasCam- couldhavecalibrationerrorsontheorderof0.01–0.02mag panasObservatory. A0.35′′wideslitgavearesolvingpower inV,butsmallerinB- V. ThesituationinV- I islesswell C of 55,000perresolutionelement(4pixels)andwavelength determined, mainly because we have fewer studies to com- ∼ coveragefrom4500to9200Å.Thespectraareofhighqual- pare. ity,withS/N>100. In Paper II we also noted that the Tycho-1 values for V werebrighterthantheground-baseddataby+0.012;weopted ThespectrawerereducedusingstandardIRAF8 packages. Thestellarparameters–T ,surfacegravity(logg),microtur- to add this constantto the Tychodata beforeaveragingwith eff the ground-based photometry. Had we chosen to adopt the 8 IRAF is distributed by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, space-basedscaleinstead,ourcalibratedisochroneswouldbe whichisoperatedbytheAssociationofUniversitiesforResearchinAstron- omy,Inc.,undercooperative agreementwiththeNationalScienceFounda- 7Seehttp://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/. tion. 6 Anetal. FIG. 3.—Differences inV (top)andB- V (bottom)betweentheground-basedandtheTycho-1photometry,aftertransformingthelatterintotheJohnson system(seetext). ThedifferencesareinthesenseofthegroundminustheTycho-1values. Thesolidlineindicatesequality,whilethedashedlineisplottedat theweightedmeandifferenceforstarswithVT ≤9(Table2).ThescatterforV>8mainlyreflectserrorsintheTychophotometry. bulence (ξ), and [Fe/H] – were derivedfollowingthe proce- dure in Paulson et al. (2003), and are listed in Table 4. We TABLE5 employedthespectralsynthesiscodeMOOG(Sneden1973) CLUSTERMETALLICITYFROM HIGH-RESOLUTIONSPECTROSCOPY and used stellar model atmospheres based on the 1995 ver- sionoftheATLAS9code(Castellietal.1997).WithinIRAF, Reference [Fe/H] s.e.m. we used Gaussian fits to 15 FeI lines and nine FeII lines, a Praesepe subsampleofthoselistedinTable1ofPaulsonetal.(2003). Boesgaard&Friela +0.09 0.03 The Teff was derived by requiring that individual line abun- Thispaper(adoptedvalue) +0.11 0.03 dancesbeindependentofexcitationpotentialandthatmicro- Pleiades turbulence (ξ) be independent of line strength. Insisting on Cayreletal.(1988) +0.13 0.07 ionizationequilibriumbetweenFeIandFeIIallowedforthe Boesgaard&Frielb +0.03 0.02 Kingetal.(2000) +0.06 0.05 simultaneousdeterminationofloggwithTeffandmicroturbu- Weightedmean +0.04 0.02 lence(ξ). Errorsin Teff are 50K. We analyzeda reflected ··· (0.03)c ∼ lightspectrumoftheasteroidIrisinordertoobtainaninstru- M67 mentalcorrectiontothesolarlogǫ(Fe).Usingthiscorrection, GarciaLopezetal.(1988) +0.04 0.04 weobtained[Fe/H]=0.11±0.03(s.e.m.9) forthePraesepe HFroieblb&s&BoTehsograbaurrdn((11999921)) -+00..0062 00..0132 cluster. Tautvaišiene˙etal.(2000) - 0.03 0.01 Yongetal.(2005) +0.02 0.02 2.5.2. MetallicityandReddeningEstimatesintheLiterature Randichetal.(2006) +0.03 0.01 Weightedmean +0.00 0.01 Forotherclustersinthisstudy,weadoptedorcalculatedav- ··· (0.03)c eragemetallicitiesfromhigh-resolutionspectroscopyassum- NGC2516 marized in Table 5. For the studies by Boesgaard & Friel Terndrupetal.(2002) +0.01 0.07 in Praesepe and the Pleiades, we have recomputedthe clus- aFrom Boesgaard (1989) and Friel & Boes- teraveragesfromindividual[Fe/H]estimatesafterexcluding gaard (1992) after excluding known nonmem- cluster nonmembers. The only existing measurement of the bers. abundanceofNGC 2516using high-resolutionspectroscopy bFrom Boesgaard (1989) and Boesgaard & Friel (1990) after excluding known nonmem- is from Terndrupet al. (2002)which was derivedfrom only bers. twostars. cStandarddeviationofthemeasurements. Table6listsreddeningestimatesfromavarietyofsources. For the Pleiades, we adopted a uniform reddening inferred from individual E(B- V) corrections for 157 stars (Breger fromthe HI hole measurementbyBreger(1986). Although 1986;Stauffer&Hartmann1987;Soderblometal.1993)with smallpartsoftheclustershowhigherreddening(e.g.,Eggen those from the uniform reddening, but the differences were 1950; Mitchell & Johnson 1957), the stars in these regions negligibleinourMSfittingrange(§4.2).Thereddeningmea- constitute only a small fraction of our Pleiades sample, and surementsforthePleiadesfromotherstudiesinTable6likely mostoftheseweretaggedasoutliersfromourfilteringalgo- representaclusteraverageincludingtheCOcloudregion. rithm (§ 4.1). We compared magnitudes and colors derived 9Standarderrorofthemean. 3. CALIBRATEDISOCHRONES DistancesfromMainSequenceFitting. III 7 TABLE6 CLUSTERREDDENINGINTHELITERATURE Reference Method E(B- V) s.e.m. Praesepe Mermilliod(1981a) UBV 0.00 0.01a Nicolet(1981) Geneva 0.011 0.005 Nissen(1988) uvby–βb 0.007 0.002 Weightedmean ··· 0.007 0.002 ··· ··· (0.003)c Pleiades Mermilliod(1981a) UBV 0.04 0.01a Nicolet(1981) Geneva 0.062 0.005 Breger(1986)d Sp-type,uvby–βb 0.044 0.003 Nissen(1988) uvby–βb 0.039 0.005 Weightedmean ··· 0.046 0.005 ··· ··· (0.009)c Breger(1986)[adoptedvalue]e Sp-type,uvby–βb 0.032 0.003 M67 Taylor(1980) Multipleapproaches 0.046 0.006 Eggen(1981) uvby–βb 0.050 0.013 Janes&Smith(1984) DDO 0.056 0.006 Bursteinetal.(1986) BHmapf 0.035g 0.005 Nissenetal.(1987) uvby–βb 0.032 0.006 Hobbs&Thorburn(1991) Teff–(B- V)0 0.065 0.018 Montgomeryetal.(1993) UBV 0.05 0.01 Schlegeletal.(1998) Dustmap 0.032 0.005h Weightedmean ··· 0.041 0.004 ··· ··· (0.010)c NGC2516 Eggen(1972) UBV 0.125 0.025 Feinsteinetal.(1973) Sp-type,UBV 0.116 0.004 Snowden(1975) uvby–βb 0.120 0.014 Mermilliod(1981a) UBV 0.11 0.01a Nicolet(1981) Geneva 0.114 0.012 Eggen(1983) uvby–βb 0.118 0.004 Verschoor&vanGenderen(1983) VBLUW 0.127 0.005 Nissen(1988) uvby–βb 0.109 0.007 Dachs&Kabus(1989) Sp-type,UBV 0.12 0.004 Sungetal.(2002) UBV 0.112 0.006 Weightedmean ··· 0.117 0.002 ··· ··· (0.005)c aAssignedvalueinthispaper. bE(B- V)=E(b- y)/0.74(Cousins&Caldwell1985). cStandarddeviationofthemeasurements. dAverageovertheclusterfield. eAverageovertheHIhole(seetext). fBurstein&Heiles(1982). gCorrectedforthesystematicdifferencewithSchlegeletal.(1998)of0.02mag. hQuotedprecision(16%). WeusedtheYRECtoconstructstellarevolutionarytracks thatthecorrectiontableisvalidovertheentiremodelgridin at- 0.3 [Fe/H] +0.2in0.1dexincrements.Ateachmetal [Fe/H]andage. ≤ ≤ abundance, we ran a grid of masses from 0.2 to 8 M in Theisochronesconstructedinthiswayareavailableonline. ⊙ 0.05- 1M⊙ increments depending on the stellar mass. The 10 scaled solar abundancemix from Grevesse & Sauval (1998) and the helium enrichment parameter ∆Y/∆Z = 1.2 from non-diffusion models were used; see Sills et al. (2000) and 4. DISTANCESATFIXEDREDDENING PaperIfordetailedinformation.Thetrackswereinterpolated We now proceed to derive the cluster distances, adopting togeneratetheoreticalisochronesatstellaragesfrom20Myr the reddeningvaluesfromTable 6. We dothis in two ways, to4Gyr. eitherholdingthemetallicityfixedatthespectroscopicvalues Stellar luminosities and Teff were initially converted toV, (Table5)ordeterminingaphotometricmetallicitythatbrings B- V,V- IC, andV- Ks fromthe relationsbyLejeuneetal. thedistancesfromdifferentCMDsintoagreement. Ineither (1997,1998). Toobtainfinergridsoftheisochrones,we in- case, we showthatthecalibratedisochronesimprovethe in- creased the MV spacing of the isochrone points using a cu- ternal precision of distance estimates from the three CMDs bicsplinetomatchthe∆MV =0.05spacingofourtabulated withB- V,V- IC,andV- Ksascolorindices,andV asalumi- color-TeffcorrectionsinPaperII.Wethenlinearlyinterpolated nosityindex;hereafter(B- V,V),(V- IC,V),and(V- Ks,V), the isochronesin both [Fe/H] and age at a fixed MV. We fi- respectively. nallyappliedtheempiricalcolorcorrections,asdefinedinPa- perIIandupdatedintheAppendixofthispaper.Weassumed 10Seehttp://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/iso/. 8 Anetal. 4.1. PhotometricFiltering Before fitting isochrones, we identified and removedstars that are far from the MS in comparison to the sizes of their photometric errors. Such stars could be either fore- ground/backgroundobjects or cluster binaries that stand off fromtheMS. ThefilteringprocessiterativelyidentifiestheMSasthelo- cus of points of maximum density on the CMDs, indepen- dently of the isochrones. As an initial step, we identified the MS by hand, and then removed stars more than 1 mag away inV. This was necessaryin particularforthe analysis in NGC 2516, which shows many faint background stars in itsCMDs(seebelow)thatwouldcomplicatefindingtheden- sity maxima. The generousrejectioncriterionof 1 mag was chosenso thatallcluster binarieswouldbe preservedatthis stage. Ateachstepoftheiteration,datapointsoneachCMDwere sorted by V magnitude into non-overlapping groups: each group contained √N points, where N is the number of data pointswithinacolorrangeusedinthefiltering. Themedian colors in each group were computed, and then the resulting runofpoints(V vs. color)wasmadeintoasmoothcurveby averagingeachpointwiththelinearinterpolationofadjacent points. WiththeabovetrialMS,wecomputedχ2 fromeachCMD as N N (∆V)2 χ2= χ2= i , (1) i σ2 +(γσ )2+σ2 i=1 i=1 V,i i c,i 0 X X where∆V istheV differencebetweentheith datapointand i MSatthecolorofthestarandσV,i andσc,i arethephotomet- FIG. 4.—ResultofthefilteringprocessinPraesepe. Allknowncluster ricerrorsinV andcolor,respectively. Theerrorinthecolor binarieswereincludedtotestthefilteringalgorithm. Theplussignsarere- contributesto the error in ∆V by the slope of the curve, γ, jectedpointsfromthefiltering,andopencirclesarethoseremaining. Filled i i circlesareknownbinariesthatremainedafterthefiltering.Starsbrighterthan which was evaluated at the star’s color. Because the above V=7wereexcludedbeforethefilteringalgorithmwasapplied. constructedcurvewouldnotpreciselytracetheobservedMS in thepresenceof outliers, we addedσ inquadratureto the 0 propagated photometric errors in the denominator. We ad- justed the value of σ so thatthe totalχ2 is equalto N. Ini- Figure 4 illustrates the result of the filtering algorithm in 0 tially,werejectedalldatapointsastheMSoutliersiftheχ2 Praesepe. Hereweincludeallknownclusterbinariesbutex- i clude stars with a low membership probability (§ 2.4). We (the individual contribution to χ2) is greater than 9 (corre- used all three CMDs in the filtering, but only the (B- V,V) spondingto a3 σ outlier). We repeatedadjustingσ andre- 0 diagram is shown. The plus signs are rejected points from jectingoutlierswiththereducedsetofdatapointsuntilthere the filtering, and open circles are those remaining. Some of remained no point with χ2 greater than the above threshold i thestars onthe MSwere rejectedbecausetheywere filtered value. WecombinedtheresultsfromallthreeCMDsandre- inotherCMDs. Althoughmanybinariesremainafterthefil- jectedstarsiftheyweretaggedasanoutlierfromanyoneof tering (filled circles), their proximity to the MS would have theCMDs. a minorimpacton the deriveddistance. The bias in the dis- We imposed an additional condition for the conver- tanceduetotheremainingbinariesisdiscussedin§6.2from gence of the algorithm because cluster binaries and fore- artificialclusterCMDtests. ground/background stars are often substantial populations near the MS. We compared the rms of ∆V with its median i ofallabsolutedeviations(MAD).TheMADofaquantityx 4.2. IsochroneFittingandthePhotometricMetallicity i isdefinedby Theclusterdistanceswerefoundbyfittingisochronesover MAD=1.483median(x - median(x)), (2) a range of metallicity with the adopted age of each cluster | i i | (§2.1). TheisochroneswerereddenedtotheE(B- V)values where the correction factor 1.483 makes the estimator con- inTable6.Weadoptedareddeningprescriptionforthebroad- sistent with the standard deviation for a normal distribution bandcolorsbyBesselletal.(1998),whohaveassumedtheex- (Rousseeuw 1990). The MAD is a more robust estimator tinctionlawofMathis(1990).Theirreddeningformulaewere of the dispersionthan the standarddeviationin the presence computed from ATLAS9 synthetic stellar photometry for a of outliers. Therefore,we reducedthe size of the χ2 thresh- widerangeofT ,andincludecolor-dependentreddeningre- i eff oldvalueifthefractionaldifferencebetweenthermsandthe sultingfromshiftsintheeffectivewavelengthsofbroadband MAD of ∆V is larger than 5%, assuming median(∆V)=0. filters. The Bessell et al. formulae give reddening and ex- i i We repeated the above filtering steps by constructing a new tinction values for E(B- V)=0.30, so we linearly rescaled MScurvefromtheremainingdataset. themaccordingto theassumed clusterreddening. Thecolor DistancesfromMainSequenceFitting. III 9 Terndrupetal.2002).Figure5showshowthisprocessworks fortheHyades,ourcalibratingcluster. Theopencirclesdis- play the derived distances as a function of isochrone metal- licity in each of the three CMDs with E(B- V) = 0.000 at an age of 550 Myr. The lines connecting these points are least-squares fits, and the labels to the left of the lines indi- catethecorrespondingcolorindex.Theslopeinthe(B- V,V) is larger than in the other two CMDs, indicating a greater sensitivity of the isochrone luminosity to the metal abun- dance.Wedefine[M/H] astheweightedaverageofthetwo E metallicitiesatwhichthe(B- V,V)distanceagreeswiththat from (V - I ,V) and from (V - K,V), respectively. For the C s HyadesinFigure5,wederivethephotometricmetallicityof [M/H] =+0.13 0.02, which is naturally the same as the E ± originallyassumedvalueintheisochronecalibration. With thisdefinitionof the photometricmetallicity, we can derive two distances at the adopted reddening. The first of FIG.5.—ExampleofdeterminingaphotometricmetallicityintheHyades. these, designated as (m- M)0,S, is the weighted average dis- Opencircles arethedistances derived fromCMDswithB- V,V- IC,and tance modulus from the three CMDs at the spectroscopic V- Ksasafunctionofisochronemetallicity.Thesolidlinesconnectingthese [Fe/H]. The second distance, (m- M) , is the value deter- pointsareleast-squaresfits,andthelabelstotheleftofthelinesindicatethe 0,E correspondingcolorindex. Anageof550MyrandE(B- V)=0.000were minedatthephotometricmetallicity,[M/H]E. assumed.Thephotometricmetallicityisdefinedastheaverage[M/H]where theB- VlinecrossestheV- ICandV- Kslines. 4.3. Results transformation by Carpenter (2001)11 was used to compute Figures 6-9 display the CMDs for each cluster. For Prae- the reddening in V - K . For zero-color stars, we found sepeandthePleiades,knownbinariesandnonmemberswere s R A /E(B- V)=3.26, R E(V- I )/E(B- V)=1.32, excluded before we applied the photometric filtering. Stars V V VI C and≡R E(V- K)/E(B- V)=≡2.91.Forstarsinthemiddle thatremainedafterthefilteringareshownasopenpoints,and VK s ofourM≡S-fittingrange, (B- V) =0.8, we foundR =3.44, the rejected stars are shown as plus signs. With the exten- 0 V sivebinaryandmembershipinformation,theCMDsofPrae- R =1.37,andR =3.04. VI VK sepe (Fig. 6) are dominated by single cluster members, and Foragivenisochrone,wecomputedeachindividualstar’s therearefewstarsrejectedbythephotometricfiltering. The distancemodulus(µ), anddefinedtheclusterdistancemod- i CMDsofthePleiades(Fig.7)showthatthefilteringroutine ulus in each CMD as the “unweighted” median of µ, i.e., i (m- M) median(µ). We computedthefittingerrorinthe identifiedlikelyclusterbinarieseffectively.Thesinglecluster 0 i ≡ membersfromS04areshownintheCMDsofM67(Fig.8), distancemodulusoneachCMDas none of which were rejected by the filtering algorithm. The σ(m- M)=max σphot,MAD(µi) , (3) CMDsofNGC2516(Fig.9)arefromJTH01andhavealarge √N numberofforeground/backgroundstarsasexpectedinanarea (cid:20) (cid:21) survey(forclarity,thepointsizefortherejectedstarswasre- whereNisthetotalnumberofdatapointsusedinthefit. Here ducedontheCMDsascomparedtotheotherplots). N Isochronesatthespectroscopicmetallicitiesareoverlaidas 1 1 = , (4) solidlinesineachfigure,andinmostcasestheyareinexcel- σp2hot i=1 σV2,i+(γiσc,i)2 lentagreementwiththeobservedshapesoftheMS.Inpartic- X ular,thematchtothePraesepeMS(Fig.6),whichhasanage wherethesamenotationisusedasinequation(1)exceptthat and metallicity nearly identical to the Hyades, is good over γ is the isochrone slope at the color of the star. We further i almost7maginV. Weinterpretthisagreementasindicating computed a “weighted” mean and a “weighted” median of that the Hyades-based corrections to the color-T relations thedistancemodulus,anddiscussthedifferencebetweenthe eff defined in Paper II apply to all clusters, or at least to those threedistanceestimatesalongwithothersystematicerrorsin withmetallicitiesnottoodifferentfromthatoftheHyades. §6.1. ThereareafewcasesinwhichthematchtotheMSshapeis For a given set of [M/H], age, and E(B- V), we fit notasgoodasitisinPraesepe. InthePleiades(Fig.7),stars isochrones in (B- V,V), (V - IC,V), and (V - Ks,V) over withB- V &0.9areconsiderablybluerthantheisochronein 0.4≤(B- V)0 ≤1.3. This color range is where the Hyades (B- V,V),althoughnotintheothertwoCMDs. This“blueK calibration is most reliable (Paper II). There were only a dwarf”phenomenonwasdiscussedbyJones(1972),Landolt few Hyades members blueward of the range, and the cool (1979),andvanLeeuwenetal. (1987),andatgreaterlength end was set by the magnitude limit of the Hipparcos mis- by Stauffer et al. (2003), who attributed it to stellar temper- sion. The range correspondsto 0.48 (V- I ) 1.48 and C 0 ature inhomogeneities caused by cool spots and plage areas 0.98 (V- K) 3.16. For non-zer≤oreddening≤,the fitting ≤ s 0≤ inrapidlyrotatingyoungstars. FromtheJTH01photometry, rangesweremadecorrespondinglyredder. it would appear that NGC 2516, which is about 40% older We define the photometric metallicity [M/H] as the one E than the Pleiades, does not share this phenomenon with the thatbringsdistancesfromthreeCMDs intostatistical agree- Pleiades (see Fig. 9). However, we show in § 7.1 that the ment (e.g., Pinsonneault et al. 1998; Stello & Nissen 2001; usage of the S02 data comes to a different conclusion with supporting evidence from stellar rotational velocities. The 11 Updated color transformations 2MASS All-Sky Data Release can be data in (V - I ,V) for all clusters are somewhat bluer than foundat C http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/releases/allsky/doc/sec6_4b.html. the isochrone redward ofV - IC 1.6; this indicates a pos- ≈ 10 Anetal. FIG. 6.—CMDsofPraesepe,afterexcludingknownbinariesandstarswithlowmembershipprobability. Plussignsarephotometricallyrejecteddatapoints fromthefilteringalgorithm,andopencirclesarethoseremaining. Thesolidlinesareempiricallycalibratedisochroneswithspectroscopicmetallicity(Table5), whichwereadjusted forthereddening withtheliterature value (Table6). Fitting ranges areshownas horizontal bars. Thearrow denotes thedirection of reddeningvectors. FIG.7.—SameasFig.6,butforthePleiades.AsdiscussedbyStaufferetal.(2003),thePleiadesKdwarfsarebluerthanthegivenisochronein(B- V,V),but notintheothertwoCMDs(seetext).Thedistancemodulusin(B- V,V)wasderivedat0.4≤(B- V)0≤0.8asshownbytheshorterhorizontalbar.

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