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The Dispute Over Control Theory By William T. Powers and The editorial board of the Control Systems Group. Paper presented at the CSG conference in Durango, July 1993. Feedback control has been seen as a central concept cally designed to facilitate the application of control in the behavioral sciences for five decades. But its theory to living systems. The result is that behavioral actual nature has been widely misunderstood, and scientists and engineers alike find objections to PCT, for this reason its potential and significance have but of totally different kinds. Objections from behav- been seriously underestimated, especially since the ioral scientists focus on departures from traditional mid-to-late 1970s. ways of interpreting behavior, while those from en- This article is intended to set the record straight gineers focus on the unfamiliar ways of representing on the content and claims of control theory in control systems that are necessary to match the model general, and PCT or perceptual control theory in to an organism. We will try here to thread our way particular, in the context of the behavioral sciences. between the shoals on the one side and the rocks on While the particular adaptation of control theory the other, and show why at least some students of to be described here has attracted many supporters behavior consider PCT to be as valid an approach over its 40-year history, it still represents a minority as any others that have been offered. position. A great many readers of refereed journals know it primarily through the way it is represented THE ORGANIZATION OF by critics—or in some cases by would-be sup- A CONTROL SYSTEM porters—who have grasped its basic approach to The first thing we must do is to correct several understanding behavior less than completely. wrong impressions created long ago by the too- Perceptual control theory stands in a peculiar literal adoption by psychologists of an engineering relationship both to traditional disciplines in the diagram of a typical control system. Fig. 1 is taken behavioral sciences and to branches of engineering from (__________1), but has appeared in many which have explored applications of engineering other publications going all the way back to the cy- control theory to the behavior of organisms. Control bernetician Norbert Wiener (1948, p. 132, Fig. 5) theory itself, under any label, offers a way of analyzing and the engineering psychologist (__________2). behavior that has been unknown in the behavioral sciences during most of their history. Perceptual control theory involves some rearrangements and 1 See Discussion on page 12 reinterpretations of the engineering models, specifi- 2 Ditto error Input ----> comparator ----> forward function -----> Output + - | | | | ----<--- feedback function <--- FIGUFRigEu 1re 1 This paper evolved in the spring of 1993 as a collaborative effort by CSG netters to identify misunderstand- Forward function -->qo ----->[fe] ------>qc ings and “myths” by “devils advocates” among people in academe who have misinterpreted the fundamen- (effector) | tals of Con t ro l T h e o ry a n d r ej e c te d m a n u sc r ip ts s u bm it te d f o r p u b lic a t io n i|n scientific and psychological journals. W h a t fo ll o w s i s v e rs io n 4 in th is e ff or t, c r a ft e d b y B i ll P o w e rs . | At the e n d o f t he <p-a-pe-r[, fBiill] s<t-at-e-d-: -“H-e-r-e- e-n-d-s- th-e- -p-ap-e-r- a-s- o-f- J-u-ly- 2-4-,- 1-9 93. The remaining section will be constru c te d f ro m e x(asmepnlesso rin) t he literature contributed by CSG members and participants in CSGnet.” For such misleading quotations in the literature, see DevilsBibliography.pdf at pctresources.com. FIGURE 2 |sr ref signal © 1993 Bill Powers File Dispute_PCT.pdf at livingcontrolsystems.com and pctweb.org June 2014 - +| perceptual sig sp ----->[Comp] --->-- se error sig | | | sensor effector | system :::::::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::: | | environment | | controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector quantity | output | [fd] | d disturbing quantity FIGURE 3 |sr ref signal - +| perceptual sig sp ####->[Comp] ##->## se error sig # # # sensor effector # system :::::::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::::: # # environment # # controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector quantity # # output # # [fd] v # d disturbing quantity FIGURE 4a # # sr ref signal - +v perceptual sig sp ----->[Comp] ##->## se error sig | # | sensor effector # system :::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::::: | # environment | # controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector quantity | # output | # [fd] v | d disturbing quantity FIGURE 4b 2 The Dispute Over Control Theory When a behavioral scientist sees the terms input Therefore what the engineer calls the output of and output, the natural translation is into sensory a control system is only in special cases the same input and behavioral output. The diagram thus as the physical output of the system’s effector. The seems to suggest that a control system is basically a engineer simply moves the definition of the out- stimulus-organism-response device, with a feedback put to the position of the controlled variable, and loop added. Overall, it converts inputs into outputs measures it in units appropriate to the controlled in the normal cause-effect way. variable. This, however, is not at all apparent from However, in the engineering diagram the input Fig. 1. is not a sensory input. It is a reference input, the Any non-engineer looking at Fig. 1 would means by which the user of a control system can assume that the output represents the physical, set the desired value of the output. Feedback action visible behavior of the system—in an organism, brings the output, or a sensory representation of it, the patterns of motor output that have effects in to a match with the setting of the reference input. the environment. The assumption would be that The actual sensors are not even shown in this dia- these physical outputs are under control. Working gram; they are the means by which the output of under that assumption, and the previous one that the system is sensed and converted into an internal the “input” on the left is a sensory input, a behav- signal, the one entering the feedback function. ioral scientist might well wonder why so much is This diagram is also misleading as to the mean- made of the feedback connection. At most, such a ing of “output.” In an artificial control system, the connection can only modify the stimulus-response output is the variable that the customer wants to law governing the effects of stimulus inputs on be controlled. But the state of this so-called output behavioral outputs. is not, in general, an immediate consequence of Looking at just the output part of Fig. 1, let us the effector action of the system. In a household add some details, shown in Fig. 2. temperature control system, the controlled vari- The forward function is, or contains, the effec- able is not the heat energy being output by the tor of the control system. The immediate output furnace into the ducts, but the temperature of a of the effector is the state of some physical quantity room somewhere far from the furnace. In the ex- such as a force or a torque. This is labeled qo, for posure control system of a camera, the controlled output quantity. variable is not the opening of the iris diaphragm The output quantity is linked to the controlled or the shaft speed of the actuating motor, but the variable qc through some environmental path in amount of light falling on the photocell and the which various physical laws come into play. This film. The physical output of a control system’s effec- path is indicated as an environmental function fe. tor is seldom identical to the quantity that is under Finally, the controlled quantity qc affects a sen- control. Instead, the effector output is linked to the sor, or more generally an input function fi (which controlled v a ri ab l e t h ro u g h s o m e p h yseircarlo prr ocess can include a sensor and signal-processing com- which mIayn pbue tq u-it-e- i-n>d irceoctm apnadr aintvoorlv e- -ch-a-n>g efs orwaprudta tfiounnsc).t Tihoins is- t-h-e- f-ee>d bOauctk pfuuntc tion of Fig. 1. + - | | from one kind of physical variable (iris area, energy The signal emitted by the input function connects | | output) to another (light intensity, temperature). to one input of the comparator of Fig. 1. ----<--- feedback function <--- FIGURE 1 Forward function -->qo ----->[fe] ------>qc (effector) | | | <---[fi]<------------------------------- (sensor) FIGURE 2 Figure 2 |sr ref signal - +| perceptual sig sp ----->[Comp] --->-- se error sig | | © 1 99 3 B i ll P o w er s F i le D| is psuteen_PsCoTr. p df at l iveinfgfcoencttroolsry st|em s. co m ansdy spcttewmeb .org June 2014 :::::::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::: | | environment | | controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector quantity | output | [fd] | d disturbing quantity FIGURE 3 |sr ref signal - +| perceptual sig sp ####->[Comp] ##->## se error sig # # # sensor effector # system :::::::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::::: # # environment # # controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector quantity # # output # # [fd] v # d disturbing quantity FIGURE 4a # # sr ref signal - +v perceptual sig sp ----->[Comp] ##->## se error sig | # | sensor effector # system :::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::::: | # environment | # controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector quantity | # output | # [fd] v | d disturbing quantity FIGURE 4b The Dispute Over Control Theory 3 Fig. 2 is identical with the output part of Fig. effectors lie in the boundary. Notice that in Fig. 1 except for some details that remove ambiguities. 3, there is no chance of mistaking the reference Instead of showing the feedback path as starting input for a sensory input. The reference signal vaguely in the vicinity of the “output” line, a specific comes from higher inside the behaving system. physical variable is named as the controlled quan- The sensory inputs are strictly associated with the tity and the feedback path represents its effects on feedback path through the environment. In living a sensor. The “output” line is broken down into an control systems, unlike artificial ones, the reference effector output, qo, and a place to put representa- signals are not accessible from outside the behaving tions of physical laws, fe, that connect that output system. The “user” of this system who specifies the to the controlled quantity. desired level of the controlled variable by adjusting Functionally, Fig. 2 indicates the same control the reference signal is not an external person, but a system that Fig. 1 indicates. An engineer looking higher system internal to the organism. at the two diagrams would see the second as simply If a behavioral scientist were looking for a place making explicit some details he or she normally in these diagrams to introduce a stimulus, where takes for granted. But to many behavioral scien- would it be placed? Working from Fig. 1, the ap- tists, Fig. 2 will bring in some new considerations. propriate place would seem to be at the location We can make those new considerations even more labeled “input.” But as seen in Fig. 3, that location explicit by completing and rearranging Fig. 2, as can’t be affected from outside the system, at least shown in Fig. 3. not directly. The stimulus input obviously must This figure is organized exactly like Fig. 2. It enter where the sensors are in Fig. 3. However, in is simply rearranged. It is actually just like Fig 1. Fig. 3 the sensors are already detecting the state of error with details added. The plane of separation between the controlled quantity, which in turn is already be- Input ----> comparator ----> forward function -----> Output system an d e n v ir o n m e+n t , h o-w e|ve r , is n o t t h e o n e i n g i n fl ue n c e d b y t h e |o utput quantity generated by suggested b y t h e fi r s t d ia g ra m . |T o l oc a t e it i n th e t h e e ff e ct o r . T h e m o s|t the stimulus can do is add a first diagr a m , o n e w o u ld h av e to- -d-ra-w< -a- -ve rftieceald baccko nfturinbcuttiioonn t o <th-e- s-t ate of the sensor, which, from line through the forward and feedback functions, a point of view inside the system, is the same as FIGURE 1 with the environment on the right and the active influencing the controlled quantity. So the stimu- control system on the left. lus input becomes a disturbance of the controlled This d i st in c tFioonr wmaeradn sf luitntlcet iino nen g-i-n>eqeroin g-,- ---q>u[afnet]it y.- T-h-e- e-x-t>erqnca l cause of the stimulus may or (effector) | but in PCT it is essential for getting the correspon- may not actually be sensed. As drawn in Fig. 3, it | dences between the engineering diagram and the is not sensed: only the net result of the disturbance | physical o r ga n i sm r<i-gh-t-. [Ifni F]i<g.- 3-,- t-h-e- h-o-r-iz-o-n-t-al- ---a-n-d- e-f-fe-c-ts- o-f- t-h-e- sy-s tem’s effector output is sensed. line separ at e s th e n er v(osues nsyssotrem) of the organism This is the most common case. from all that is not nervous system. Sensors and FIGURE 2 |sr ref signal - +| perceptual sig sp ----->[Comp] --->-- se error sig | | | sensor effector | system :::::::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::: | | environment | | controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector quantity | output | [fd] | d disturbing quantity FIGURE 3 Figure 3 |sr ref signal - +| perceptual sig sp ####->[Comp] ##->## se error sig © 1993 Bill Powers File Dispute_PCT.pdf at livingcontrolsystems.com and pctweb.org June 2014 # # # sensor effector # system :::::::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::::: # # environment # # controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector quantity # # output # # [fd] v # d disturbing quantity FIGURE 4a # # sr ref signal - +v perceptual sig sp ----->[Comp] ##->## se error sig | # | sensor effector # system :::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::::: | # environment | # controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector quantity | # output | # [fd] v | d disturbing quantity FIGURE 4b 4 The Dispute Over Control Theory The controlled quantity corresponds to a proxi- Perceptual control theory, PCT, is the version of mal stimulus, a physical variable in the immediate engineering control theory based specifically on the vicinity of the sensor. The disturbance is like a organization of Fig. 3. In that figure, it can be seen distal stimulus, a change in the environment that that a control system controls its own input, not its affects the system only through its influence on output. And in doing this, it makes a perceptual proximal stimuli. But these remote causes are not representation of that input—a perception, for the only influences on the proximal stimulus: the short—match an internally-given reference signal physical action of the system itself also affects the that specifies the desired state of that perception. proximal stimulus, the controlled quantity. This is This interpretation of behavior is not like any the situation that holds for any control system. The conventional one. Once understood, it seems to controlled quantity, directly sensed by the system, is match the phenomena of behavior in an effortless affected equally by remote events and by the actions way. Before the match can be seen, however, cer- of the control system itself. And the actions of the tain phenomena must be recognized. As is true for control system clearly depend, at least in part, on all theories, phenomena are shaped by theories as the state of the controlled quantity. much as theories are shaped by phenomena. This is the famous “closed loop.” In the rela- tionship between the active system and its environ- THE PHENOMENON OF CONTROL ment, there is a little vortex of causality without a Traditional scientific approaches to understanding beginning or an end. External influences from the behavior have recognized two kinds of behavior environment do not affect just the sensory input which we will call stimulus-driven and command- to the system; they affect the causal loop. The driven. Stimulus-driven behavior we can define as reference signal coming from above does not just changes in behavior that follow from changes in produce output; it enters the same causal loop in the surrounding environment. Command-driven a different place, its effects adding to those from behavior is a more mentalistic concept, in which the input function. at least certain kinds of complex behavior are com- It should be clear by now that a control system, manded by internal processes not strictly or im- properly diagrammed, is a new kind of organization mediately dependent on the environment. Control as far as the behavioral sciences are concerned. The theory, as we shall see, offers a third choice. unit of organization is not simply a link connecting According to the concepts of stimulus-driven higher systems to behavioral outputs, as assumed behavior, the actions of organisms are to be ex- in the cognitive sciences; it is not simply a link plained in terms of visible occurrences in their en- connecting sensory inputs to behavioral outputs, vironments. Under a reflexological theory, stimuli as assumed in behavioristic or other empirical are literally stimulations of sensory organs, with input-output approaches. It is not any normal kind the resulting neural impulses being routed to the of causal process in which one can pick a starting muscles to make them contract; complex behavior point and follow a chain of events through to an results from complex sets of stimuli that excite ending point. The closed loop of causation gets in many reflexive responses at the same time. This the way of any conventional kind of attempt to was the initial concept that psychology inherited trace cause and effect. from biology and neurology. Control theory is the body of mathematical Early behaviorism took a somewhat more global methods that permits us to analyze and understand view, in which the basic reflexive picture was as- the behavior of closed-loop organizations like those sumed, but the approach was more abstract. It was in Fig. 3. It is not the theory that “organisms are not practical to trace every effective stimulus to servomechanisms.” Any time that the relationships the specific stimulations of nerve-endings that it in Fig. 3 are found, anywhere, control theory is produced, so stimuli came to be defined as stimulus necessary to understand what is happening and to objects or events observed at some distance from predict the behavior of the system-environment the organism. Given the underlying reflexology, it relationship. could be assumed that if responses were observed © 1993 Bill Powers File Dispute_PCT.pdf at livingcontrolsystems.com and pctweb.org June 2014 The Dispute Over Control Theory 5 when distal stimulus objects were manipulated, causation but on the person as a conscious, inter- the appropriate proximal stimulus effects must preting, knowing, active agent. The phenomenon have occurred too. At the response end, it was also addressed in this approach is the fact that many impractical to get immersed in details. Rather than behaviors seem uncaused; even if one calls them describing behavior in terms of individual muscle “responses,” there is no obviously corresponding tensions, the practical approach required looking “stimulus” to account for them. The appearance is at larger consequences of those muscle tensions, that there is organized activity in the brain that can the typical patterns they produced. If some such command behaviors independently of immediately pattern were observed, it could be assumed to have antecedent inputs from the environment. followed from muscle tensions in some regular way. The computer revolution rescued this branch This more global concept of stimulus and response of theory from being orphaned from science by of- has had a long life. fering a link between phenomena of cognition and Even this more global approach was too restric- consciousness and the workings of computer mod- tive for many behavioral scientists. Human beings els of brain functions. A way was found to handle did not just react to simple objects and events by “mental” phenomena in physical terms. Many producing simple responses; they could react to psychologists have chosen not to take advantage quite abstract aspects of the environment such as of this potential link, regarding the psychological complex situations, social influences, and events far world as permanently separated from the physical in the past. Such environmental situations could one, but cognitive science as a whole now has at create not only conditioned responses to current least the potential of working in the same universe events, but longer-term ways of responding which as the rest of science. could show up as habits, attitudes, preferences, Whatever the views of a particular cognitive complexes, conflicts, traits, tendencies, preferences, scientist, there is one assumption held in com- and biases. Such effects were seen not in specific mon if the brain is thought to be involved at all: acts but as overall patterns of action. This kind of that complex brain activities are translated into concept has also had a long life. action through commands originating high in All these versions of stimulus-driven behavior the brain and being elaborated, step by step, until account for the bulk of what has been and still they become (primarily) commands for the tensing is being published about human nature. While of muscles. Hence the classification “command- proponents of the various versions may contest driven.” Those patterned outputs produce, through vigorously and sometimes bitterly with one another, ordinary physical laws, the global patterns we they are all in agreement that the scientific way to recognize as behaviors. On the output side, at study behavior is to trace out the ways in which the least, the concept of command-driven behavior is environment shapes and directs it. They disagree in agreement with the concept of stimulus- driven mainly about what aspects of the environment and behavior. Where they disagree most directly is in of behavior are meaningful. accounting for the immediate causes of behavior. The phenomenon addressed by all these versions This somewhat superficial summary of two of stimulus-driven behavior is the observation that main branches of behavioral theory is not intended behavior is often closely and conditionally related to give deep insights into either of them, but to set to events in the environment, as effects are related the stage upon which control theory appeared in the to causes in the worlds of physics and chemistry. 1930s. The phenomenon of behavior that the new The command-driven approach has less scien- control engineers of the 1930s chose to investigate tifically-reputable roots. In this area, the interest and model does not fit comfortably into either of has always been in cognitive processes, for instance: these branches, although both branches have often consciousness, language, emotion, intelligence, laid claim to it. It is the phenomenon we see when logic, insight, and goal-seeking or purposiveness. a person controls something. While many proponents of this view have paid What the new control engineers saw people lip-service to the more “scientific” ideas across the doing can be seen through an example. A person aisle, the emphasis has not been on environmental operates some piece of equipment, or just that per- © 1993 Bill Powers File Dispute_PCT.pdf at livingcontrolsystems.com and pctweb.org June 2014 6 The Dispute Over Control Theory son’s own arms and legs, in a way that affects some to be told that the person was actually doing the variable aspect of the environment. This aspect is task. They didn’t want to know about antecedent also affected by other influences, so the outcome is causes or motivations or social influences. They just affected more or less equally by the person and by wanted to understand how anyone could do what independent forces in the environment. The reason that person was observed to be doing, whatever for the person’s action is that the person wants to, the reason for doing it and whatever the person’s or has been ordered to, maintain that aspect of or society’s attitude toward doing it. As it turned the environment in some particular condition. “I out, nobody had ever before figured out how a per- want you to keep an eye on that gauge,” the boiler son could actually do such a task, although some, attendant is told, “and adjust the burner to keep like William James and John Dewey, had guessed that steam pressure nailed at 300 pounds per square roughly what the right answer would be. inch.” Before control theory, there was no theory of There were three puzzles to be solved (as we can behavior that could correctly explain how carrying now see the problem). out such a task is possible. This, of course, did not First, the causes of disturbances of the variable prevent explanations from being offered. to be controlled were invisible. The steam pressure shown on the gauge would fall if somewhere in EXPLAINING THE PHENOMENON another room or building someone turned on a machine that used steam pressure, or if the energy From the standpoint of command-driven behav- content of the fuel dropped, or if the line voltage ioral theory, the attendant’s behavior is explained dropped and slowed the furnace’s blower, or for any easily: the person adopts the goal of maintaining number of other mysterious and unknown reasons. the gauge at 300 pounds per square inch, constructs The invisibility of the causes of disturbances made a plan for varying the output action on the burner no difference in the attendant’s ability to keep the control, and carries it out. There seems to be little steam pressure at the requested level. to explain except why the person is motivated to Second, the steam pressure was indicated on the act in this way. How the task is actually carried out gauge, but because different steam pressures might be is a matter for physiologists to explain. required at different times, there was no indication of The answer is almost as easy from the stimulus- the right steam pressure. All the gauge did was report driven point of view. The person is conditioned to the actual pressure; its needle did not also indicate the react to fluctuations of the gauge by moving the pressure to be maintained. The only input correspond- hand on the lever or knob that changes the burner ing to the right pressure was in the initial instructions, heat output. Or: The person is reinforced by receiv- which occurred only once. From then on, no input ing a paycheck for responding to the discrimina- corresponded to the right steam pressure. And there tive stimulus indicated by the supervisor’s verbal was no input to specify what actions would have that order in a way that keeps the gauge at a steady result in this end. reading, that steady reading eventually becoming a Third, the steam pressure, although it was secondary reinforcer. Or: The person is influenced certainly sensed by the attendant, was also in part by social pressure to do a good job and please his caused by the attendant’s actions. A chain of causa- superiors. Or perhaps: the person is a member of tion could be traced from the gauge reading, into an oppressed class forced by the capitalistic system the attendant’s eyes, through some hypothetical to bow to the orders of others and engage in this connections in the attendant’s brain (which the demeaning task. There are many ways to explain engineers had to simulate), through the attendant’s behavior by pointing to something going on in the muscles, to the burner control, and back to the environment. pressure reading on the gauge. The chain formed None of these answers would have helped the a closed loop. early control engineers, because they were trying to This third part of the puzzle was the critical build a device that could do what the person was part. How could such a closed loop of causation be observed to be doing. The engineers didn’t need analyzed? The gauge reading, in order to be called © 1993 Bill Powers File Dispute_PCT.pdf at livingcontrolsystems.com and pctweb.org June 2014 The Dispute Over Control Theory 7 a stimulus, had to be independent of behavior. To simultaneous set. Sequential cause and effect never be called a response, it had to be dependent on entered the picture. Neither plans nor commands the motor outputs of the attendant. It could not, were involved. The rule was simply that each vari- according to traditional thought, be both at the able could have only one value at a time. No matter same time. how one variable depended on others, whether de- The stimulus-driven approach necessarily would lays or integrative lags were involved, whether there error have to find a way to separate stimulus from re- was amplification in one part of the loop and losses Input ----> comparator ----> forward function -----> Output sponse. In s i m i la r si t u+at io n s , -th i|s w a s u su a l ly d o n e in a n o t h er , w h e th e r s|ta tic or dynamic relationships by separa ti n g t h em i n t im e . It w| o u ld b e a ss u m e d w e re i n v o lv e d , al l t h|e variables in the system had that first a fl u c t u at i on o f th e g a u g-e- r-ea-d<i-n-g -o cfcueres,d backto fsautniscfyt ialol nth e< -eq-u-a tions that pertained to them which leads to a series of events that results in a at a single instant—and at every instant. FIGURE 1 movement of the attendant’s hand and a change That approach, in a nutshell, is control theory. in the heat output of the burner. That change alters the st e a m pFroersswuarre din fau wnacyt tihoant, o-n-e> hqoop e-s,- --->[fe] ------>qc (effector) C O M P A R IN G | T HE THREE MODELS is opposed to the original fluctuation. Then the | cycle can b e g in ag a i n . T h is at l e as t s o u n d s li k e a C o n tr o l th e o r y w a s| e xpressed by engineers in dia- plausible an a l ys i s. <---[fi]<------------------gr-a-m-s- l-ik-e- F-ig-.- 1-, -w-h ich, topologically transformed, The co m m a nd - d ri v(ens eexnpsloanra)ti on would have an becomes Fig. 3 in PCT. In Fig. 3 two pathways can even harder time with this closed loop of causation. be identified, as indicated in Figs. 4a and 4b. FIGURE 2 In order to formulate a command that would op- In Fig. 4a, we see a shaded path (#######) start- pose the fluctuation in the gauge reading, a cognitive ing with the disturbing quantity, going through the system wo u ld h a v e to k n ow a b ou t a ll p o t en t ia l ca u|ssesr recofn tsroilglenda qlu antity at the input, running through - +| of disturbances. But none of the multiple causes of the perceptual function into the comparator, coming perceptual sig sp ----->[Comp] --->-- se error sig pressure fl u c tu a ti o n s ca n be se n s|ed . T h e re is n o o n e ou t o f t h e |co mparator and going through the output command th a t c an b e s en t t o t h|e m ussecnlesso trh at w il l efffuenccttioorn , a|n d en d i nsg yins ttheem o utput quantity. This is result in o:p:p:o:s:in:g: a:n: :u:n:p:re:d:ic:t:ab:l:e [flfuic]tu:a:t:io:n: :of: ::::th:e: p:a:t:h:w:a:y :e[qfuoiv]a:le:n:t :to: :t:ho:s:e: e:n:v:isioned under | | environment the gauge reading. A top-down command- driven the various versions of stimulus-driven behavior. | | system can ’ t h ancdolne tthrios lsilteuadt io nq cat a<l-l.---[fe] <----T-h-e -d-is tqurob a necef fpelacyts othre role of a distal stimulus, The c o n tr oql ueanngtinieteyr s u s e|d n e i th e r t y p e o f th e c o n tr o ll ed oquutanptuitty the role of a proximal stimu- analysis. I n s te a d , u si n g t ec h n i q|ue s well-known in lus, and the output quantity the role of the motor [fd] their underlying disciplines, they first characterized behavior (simple or complex) that results. The part | each subp r o c es s w it h a d es c r ipdt iv e idnipsutt-uorubtpiuntg quaofn tthiet ypa thway inside the system (above the line) equation, and then they solved all the equations as a corresponds to well-known neural pathways. FIGURE 3 |sr ref signal - +| perceptual sig sp ####->[Comp] ##->## se error sig # # # sensor effector # system :::::::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::::: # # environment # # controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector quantity # # output # # [fd] v # d disturbing quantity FIGURE 4a Figure 4a # # sr ref signal - +v perceptual sig sp ----->[Comp] ##->## se error sig | # © 1993 Bill Powers File Dispute_PCT.pdf at livingcontrolsystems.com and pctweb.org June 2014 | sensor effector # system :::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::::: | # environment | # controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector quantity | # output | # [fd] v | d disturbing quantity FIGURE 4b error Input ----> comparator ----> forward function -----> Output + - | | | | ----<--- feedback function <--- 8 T h e D i sp u t e O v e r C o n tr o l T h eo r yFIGURE 1 Forward function -->qo ----->[fe] ------>qc (effector) | One lin k in t h e e n vi r on m e n t is n o t o n t hi s p a th - B o th s ti m u l u s -d|r iven and command-driven way, the o n e fr o m th e o u t p u t q u an t i ty , th r o u g h fe , t h e o ri es tr e at th e cl|o sed loop of Fig. 3 either by <---[fi]<------------------------------- to the controlled quantity. Recognition of this path- ignoring it or by trying to split it into separately (sensor) way is an afterthought in stimulus-driven theories if operating parts. Control theory encompasses both it appears a t al l. I t a p p ea r e d in t he m iFdIdGleU yReEa rs2 a s paths, and makes the external feedback connection the concept of response chaining, or as reinforcing a concurrent part of the closed loop. consequences of actions. The function fe would Under the control-theoretic analysis, this dia- |sr ref signal correspon d t o a “ co n t in g e n c y o f re i n fo r-c em e n+t”| i n gram is seen as one single entity, the closed loop, Skinnerianp ethrecoerpy.t Iut awla s sniogt, h oswpe v-e-r,- c-o-n>si[dCeroemdp ] -w--it>h- o-n es ien de p eenrdreonrt inspiugt in the form of a refer- an integral p a r t o f b e h a vi o r: t h e sh|a d e d p a th w as t h e e n c e s ig n a|l coming from above and another in the | sensor effector | system primary path and all other effects were secondary form of environmental disturbances impinging on :::::::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::: or consequ e n t ia l . | t h e lo o p fr|o m o uetsnidvei. rTohnem seignnta l from above does Fig. 4b s h o w s a s h a d e d p a th |(# # # # # # # # ) s ta r t- n o t a c t o n| t he outputs of the behaving system, but ing with th e rcefoenretnrcoel lsiegdn a l qdce sc<e-n-d-in-g[ ffero]m < ---o-n- -th-e- clqoose d elofofpe cast oa rw hole. The disturbances, quantity | output above, then passing through the comparator and likewise, act on the whole closed loop, not on inputs | the outpu t fu n c ti o n t o t h e o u tp[uftd q]u antity. This is to the system. the path e n v is io n e d i n c o m m a n|d -driven theories. Each of the two traditional concepts recognizes Somewhe re ab o v e th i s d ia g r am d li e tdhie sctougrnbitiivneg quoannet oift tyh e two independent variables and ignores systems that formulate and generate commands the other. Cognitive theories recognize that com- FIGURE 3 that follow the shaded path. A second path is added mand signals are generated independently by higher originating somewhere in the environment and systems, but fail to recognize that the output is rising tow a rd th e c o g n it iv e s y st e m s ; th i s p a th re|ps-r rseufb jescit gtnoa dlisturbance from outside the system. - +| resents informational inputs that form the basis for Hence cognitive theories assume that the com- perceptual sig sp ####->[Comp] ##->## se error sig cognitions. That second path would not influence mand signal produces a corresponding outcome in # # the downg o i n g p a th , s o i t is n ot# sh oswenn sfoolrlo w i n g efaf edcisttuorrb a#n ce - fr e e esnyvsirtoenmment. Stimulus-driven any existin:g: :p:a:th: :in: :F:ig:.: 4:b:.: I:f: w:e: [afctiu]a:ll:y :d:r:ew:: :::t:h:e:o:ri:e:s :re:c:o:g[nfizoe] :in:d:e:p:e:n:d:en:t: :v:ar:i:ab:les in the # # environment a box at the top and labeled it “cognition,” the environment that act on the system, but fail to # # result would look suspiciously like Fig. 4a. In this recognize that the resulting behavioral outputs may controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector diagram, to o , tqhue afenetdibtayck p a th# th r o u g h f e i s a n a ls o b e a f fe#c te do buyt psiugntals generated independently afterthoug h t , i n d ic a ti n g e ff e ct s o#f o n e co m m a n d e d i n si d e t h e #behaving system. Thus stimulus-driven [fd] v action on the input situation leading to the next models assume that the output is determined solely # command. by the stimulus input. Also, they do not consider d disturbing quantity FIGURE 4a # # sr ref signal - +v perceptual sig sp ----->[Comp] ##->## se error sig | # | sensor effector # system :::::::::::::::[fi]::::::::::::::::::::[fo]::::::::::::::: | # environment | # controlled qc <----[fe] <-------- qo effector quantity | # output | # [fd] v | d disturbing quantity FIGURE 4b Figure 4b © 1993 Bill Powers File Dispute_PCT.pdf at livingcontrolsystems.com and pctweb.org June 2014 The Dispute Over Control Theory 9 the possibility of independent disturbances acting joints, and this alters the muscle lengths, produc- directly on the behavioral outcome; disturbances ing physical effects that alter the stimulation of the are identified as inputs to the sensory interface, and muscle length receptors. the outputs are the sole determinants of observable Muscle receptors are also stimulated by effects behavior. of minute muscles in the length-detecting spindle Neither approach reveals the external feedback cells. Thus the length signals are really error signals: path as creating effects concurrent with both inde- they represent the difference between actual muscle pendent variables, effects that greatly modify their length and the length of the spindle muscles, set by assumed effects. gamma efferent signals from higher systems. The We can now see that the PCT model acts as a muscle spindle is actually a combined mechanical synthesis of the concepts of command-driven and input function and neuromechanical comparator. stimulus-driven behavior, showing how each one We can thus discern a two-level control system, corresponds to one aspect of a control system. The shown in Fig. 5 3 [next page]. synthesis, as often happens, shows both what is The lowest level, shown as Loop 1, controls right and what is wrong with the older ideas, and sensed force, which is equivalent to torque about a brings out new considerations never covered by joint. The sensed force is compared with the refer- either one. The situation is similar to that of the ence force by the spinal neuron, and the difference blind men and the elephant (Marken, 1992). operates the muscle. This makes the actual force relatively independent of changes in the response of HPCT the muscle to driving signals, and also independent of other sources of force variation such as inertial The diagram of Fig. 3 represents a unit of behav- effects from limb motions. To some extent this con- ioral organization; it is not the whole behaving trol system makes the generated force independent system. This unit can be duplicated and organized of joint angle and limb motion. into levels of control, a hierarchical control model The second level, Loop 2, detects a mechanical referred to as hierarchical perceptual control theory, effect on muscle length of the forces controlled at or HPCT. the first level. This effect is produced by any limb Some idea of the construction of a hierarchical motions that the forces create. The mechanical model can be seen by looking (in a simplified way) comparator compares that effect with a reference at the organization of motor behavior. The lowest effect specified by a reference signal, and the result- level of control in a human being consists of spinal ing error signal enters the spinal motor neuron as reflexes involved in muscle force generation. The a reference signal for the force-control system. Distur- input functions correspond to sensors embedded in bances can enter this second level as mechanical muscles and tendons, which monitor both muscle disturbances of the limb and as loads carried by length and the forces applied across joints. The the limb. The control action renders the sensed signals from these sensors travel to the spinal cord muscle length, and hence joint angle, relatively where they synapse with motor cells, the length independent of such disturbances. signals with a positive sign and the force signals Because of the way we have drawn the bound- with a negative sign. The motor cells also receive ary between the behaving neural system and its signals from higher in the nervous system; these correspond to reference signals, and the spinal mo- 3 The actual arrangement is somewhat different tor cells play the role of comparators. The output of from the one shown in Fig. 5, but is functionally the spinal cells is the error signal, which enters an equivalent to it. In the real system, there are inde- output function made of the contractile elements pendent alpha reference signals entering the force of the muscles. The environmental feedback path control system; these become effective mainly when is composed of the series spring components of the limb is physically prevented from moving and the the muscle and the mechanical laws that convert controlled variable becomes applied force. With the contractions into forces on the tendons. Those limb free to move, the alpha and gamma reference forces tend to swing the limb segments about the signals have equivalent functions. © 1993 Bill Powers File Dispute_PCT.pdf at livingcontrolsystems.com and pctweb.org June 2014 10 The Dispute Over Control Theory environment, both control loops pass through zero (setting them to a nonzero magnitude would the environment. The force-control system is the indicate that some non-zero target-finger distance shortest and simplest loop, the controlled quantity is to be brought about and maintained). After the being the physical force generated in a tendon. required comparison stage, the signals representing The muscle-length control system is a larger loop the three errors are routed to all the relevant sets of in which an effect of the controlled force operates two-level control systems as shown in Fig. 5, with through laws of mechanics and physical dynamics appropriate signs, altering the reference signals for to alter the controlled quantity of the higher sys- muscle length and thus, through the action of the tem, the sensed muscle length (which corresponds force-control systems, altering the configuration of roughly to joint angle). This sensed muscle length the limb segments and the position of the finger is compared with a reference muscle length; the relative to the target. The output of the third-level resulting error signal enters the second-level output system thus acts through a complex output func- function, which consists of the entire first-level control tion consisting of two levels of kinesthetic control system. The second-level loop is also closed through (with many systems operating in parallel) to bring the environment, now through a slightly less direct the visual perception closer to the reference state path that brings in more global properties of the in the three specified dimensions. physical world. A single second-level control sys- So the visual control systems, too, involve a tem may alter reference signals in several first-level closed loop passing through the environment. We control systems, particularly in those employing can easily extend this layering. For perceived finger opposing muscles. All those first-level systems position we could substitute the perceived position comprise the second-level output function. of the tip of a pencil held in a hand. Varying the Now, skipping a few levels, consider how the position reference signals could result in moving muscle-length control system is used in visual- the tip of the pencil to make loops and lines; the motor coordination, a task like reaching out a varying reference signals could be the outputs of finger to touch a target. The controlled quantity higher control systems concerned with forming is a spatial relationship between finger and target, letters. The reference signals specifying letters to sensed visually. The perceptual signal indicates the be perceived could be the outputs of systems con- finger-target relative distances in three dimensions. trolling word-perceptions, sentence-perceptions, If the goal is to touch the target, the reference perceptions of grammar and syntax, and so on as signals for these three perceptions will all be set to far as one can find reasonable need for more lay- Alpha efferent Gamma efferent (voluntary reference (length reference signal) signal) | | | (Spinal | (stretch | Motor V error sig) + | Neuron) Mechanical + V / Comparator --- Kg ---------->Comparator------------ ^ ^ ----> - | | | | (force signal) | (contraction | | | | sensitivity) | (sensitivity)->--Kt-- (spring Ko | | constant) | | |force Ks V MUSCLE | anchor |||--O------- //////////////////--LOAD | receptor --|||||||| | | stretch | (mechanical effects) | receptor ---------------<-------------------- Fig. 5 Figure 5 © 1993 Bill Powers File Dispute_PCT.pdf at livingcontrolsystems.com and pctweb.org June 2014

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