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The disposition of metronidazole in goats and its relevance to the treatment of anaerobic infections PDF

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Preview The disposition of metronidazole in goats and its relevance to the treatment of anaerobic infections

Copyright is owned by the Author of the thesis. Permission is given for a copy to be downloaded by an individual for the purpose of research and private study only. The thesis may not be reproduced elsewhere without the permission of the Author. THE DISPOSITIOOF N MERTONIDAZOLINE GOATS ANDI TS RELEVANCET O THET REATMENTO F ANAEROBICI NFCETIONS A THEISS PRESENTEIDN P ARTIAFLU LFLIMENTO FT HER EQUIRMEENTS FORT HED EGREOEF MASTER OFT EVRENIARYS CIENE C AT MASSEUYN IVRESITY Elizabeth AmandaD illon 1988 ABSTRACT Ther ecnetc ommecrilad evelmoepntisng oafta mrinign N ewZ elaanhda,v lee d toa ni nrcesaei nt hev aluoef i dnivuiadlg oatasn dt oa groiwngi ntesrtie n caprei dnisasees. Thei mporntcaeo fa naerobbaitcce roitah re thna thec lotsridaisap ,o tnetial patohgensi nh umansa nda nmialsh,a sa lso roenelcnyt lbye erne cgoniseedv,e n thouagnhea robbiactc erhiaav bee eined nitifesdi nc1e8 61V.ar isom uembeorfs thibsac teriaglr ouapr ek nwont ob ei nvoeldiv nd ifferencton dintsio ofg oats, partilcaurilnyw onuda ndf ooitn efctinos. Metnridoazo(lelFa g1y)l isa bacteirdiacalg enwth ichha sa spceifaiccot ni againasnate robmiicc -roorgnaismsT.h idsr uigs a rleadwyi edlyu seidn t he tremaentto fs eletcedd iseaisned sos g,c atsa ndh umansb,u tt herweas little infromatiaovnia labolnei s t usei ng oats. Thes tudwyh icfho rsm the baosfit sh itshe sisw,a st oi nvsetigatthee dispioosnio tf tmreonidaiznoe lieg hgto tas.B othI Va ndI M roust oef admniirsatitonw eres tudiientd h ef oromf a cros-soveerx pemreintS.i lniec o tubin"gc agewse"r ei mplnatesdu bcnuetoasul,y sot hatth em etnriodoalze concenitornva ertsutsi em proiflceo ludb ed etmeirnebdo,t hi ns ermu andi n inetrsittila fliud. Thea nlaysoifss eruamn dt sisuceag ef ulidsa mplewsas undertaukseinna g higphre susrel iqucihdr omartaopghuyni tw,hi cphr ovteod rbeel ibaleo vetrh e rangoefc oncentornastt eiestd.T hes ystemn sicsotoefd Waa teMrodse l6 00A0 solvednelti vesrysyt e,m aU 6K ijnecrt,oa -Zmodulrea dli caompression separna stysitoeamn da Waterpsr orgammbalea utoma Mtoodre,7l 10 .T he mobiplhesa eu sewda s 7a5 :2m5i xtuorfae q ueopuost ausmsh iydrogepnh osphate andm etyhla clohotl;ihs w as adjusdt teoa runngi snpeeodf1 5. mlsp erm in. A 450v arbilaew avelendgetthte ocrwa s seta te ihter0 .0o1r0 0.4a bsorbance untisa,n da constnatw avelenogft3 h1 n2m . Givent hseec oncterntaiopnr foileas f,u lplh amraocknietainca lywsasic sa rried outus insgt aanrdds atticsatplir ocerdeusT.h ef ollionwvga luweesr dee etrmined: 1.' FalgylM'a,y&. Bake(rN ZL)t d. ii maximums eruamn dt issuec agef ulidc oncreanttsi o(nCmaxiV,C maixM, CmaixVt c>,t iem tom axmiums eurm andt sisucea gceo ncreantti(oTmn a xiV, Tm axiM,Cm aixMtc'T m aixMtc>,s erumc oncentr(aetxitorlnaa tpoeadtz) e rtoi me (B,B ')h,a l-lfief (q)e,lm iinatriaotnce o sntan(t8 ,Sv'o)l,u moefd irsitbtuion (Vd (ar)e,aa r)euan dre thec oncreantticounr veU C()At, ot abl odcyl eaanrce (Cl)B,a bsortpoinr atceo nst(aaknb)t, cpeenrgteap eentratoifmo enrt oniodlaez inttoi sscuaeeg fulidp,e recnatgeo fd ruagbs orbiendt toh sey steimcc irculation folloiwgn IMa dmisntirat(iFo)na, n dt het otala mounotf d rgu whicwhas absorbiendt toh es ysetmicci crulati(oinmn g /kg). Follwoing IaVdm inistroafta i 0o5.n% w /v solutoifmo enrt ondaizoaltea dose ratoef 2 0m g/kBgW gt, dt haet 0 .9±4 0 .0p8e rh ou(r=n 8) sw raapiadn d conssitenwtih t ah igfhi gufroert hee lmiinatriaotnce o nstaatn0 t7. 9± 0.09 perh ou(r=n 8.) Thet oltb aodcy learaan mcoer,se e ntsiivien dicoatfto hre biotransfoarnmdea xtciroent piroonscs eetsha nd ,w asa lsroa pi(d0 .±3 02. 06 1/khgr/w)h icihsi nk eeipngw itthh ee fficiednrtu mge tbaoslmio ft hgeo at. Thimsa y accuontf ort helo wV whicwha s unepxectfeodar b asidcr ug d(area) oft his niantt uhrere um inant. Crictali paramrestf eord rugc oncreanottnisa ndd uriaotnosf e ffeacrte summarizienTd a blIe. Metriodnazowlase r apliydd etecitneb do tshe raan di netrtsitlfi ulai(dw tihin 0.2h5rs )f oolwlign thei ntramluasrac duminriaistotno fa 40%s uspseinoonf metrioadnzolaeta dosrea te omfg /2kB0gW gt.T heu ptaokfem etroanzilode formt heijn cetisoint deisff eremdar keldyb etewenid nivildg uoaatrse,st uilnign a meanab sorptpieornct eange 4o2f. 4± %8 .8(%n= 8)e,q uvialent8 .tm4og /gk BWgt.M aximusme rulme vewlerse a chvieedw ihtianp porxmiaetloy neh ouorf IM admiisntratbiuottn h,e pewaask m oret hant enf-olldo wetrha n the corresponcdoinnncgte ratfioounni dns erufmol loiwnIgV a dmniistratPieaokn . tsisucea eg drucgo ncternatiwoernsen ota chieuvneitdlf our sh aofutreIrM administration. Them axmiumd rucgo ncentriantt siisounce a ge fwlasug irde atteharnt he!V IIC uppetrhr esohldf oar v arieotfya naerobbaitcce r(i1a52 m.cg/ml,)a ndt hiwsas maintafionre d5 .5T hhelr osew.rl imoiftt heM ICo f3 .m0c g/lmw as exceeded fora correosnpdnigllyo ngpeerr iod. iii TABLEI Seruamn dt isusec agefl uid drcuogn centratandi ons<l.lra tions ofe ffe,cf tollwoingaminis tr atioonfm etronidaszoolleu tions Periodth atn ominatseerdum cone. wase xceeded (hr) Mertondiazole Cmax Tmax 50 12.5 3.0 (dosrea t:e mcg/ml (hr) mcg/ml mcg/ml mcg/ml 20m g/kBgW gt) serum6 3.9± 12.2 <0.250 .±3 0 .051 4. ± 0.23 .±1 0 .2 (n=5) (n=5) (n=5) (n8=) (n8=) 05.% w/ v soluiton IV t.c.f2 3.±6 74. 461 .4±1 0 5.8 0 15. ± 0.67 .±9 1 .0 (n8=) (n8=) (n6=) (n8=) serum 5.5± 0.8 1.0±6 0 .6 0 0 4.±1 0 7. (=n8) (n8=) (=n8) 40%w /v susp en- -------------------------------------------------------------------- si on IM t.c.f1 3.2± 3.9 4.±1 07. 0 5.0± 15. 8.±6 16. (=n8) (n8=) (n=5) (=n7) t.c.f Tisscuaeg fel iud Furtheprha rmacoktiinacen laysoifst heex preimnetadla tmaa dei tp ossitbol e calcluatsep ceiifcm ediicoasntc hdeulefso trh geo atT.h esweer ee stasbhleoidn theb asitsh aste rmu metronidaczonocelnet riaotnssh oubledm aintaiantea d levle whichw as bacteirdlia cftohr em ajoriotfya naerobbiaccte riwah,i ch includBeadc toeirdespsp .,F usbiacterspipu.m, a ndC lorsitdispap. The recommendatgiiovne wnas tha0t5. % w/ vm ertonidazsoolleu tsihoonu bled admintireseda ta dosrea toef 2 0m g/kBgW gta ndr epeateevde r4-y6 hrs. Usintgh e4 0%w / vm etronidaszuoselpnes iotnh,ed oset er aslhdob eu4 5m g/kg BWgta ndt heme daitcni sohoubledr epeaetveedr 1y-01 2h rsI.n e accha steh e lodaindgo swea s onlfyr aocntailglreya teart2 0.m3g /kBgW gta nd4 85. mg/kg BWgtr epsectliyv.e The drcuongc netrtaino ini ntsetrilt fiulaid( itssucea gef liud)g,a ves ome incdaitni oof tahnetm iircobiaaclt iviinet xyt ravlaastrci uss,s uaef eatwurhiec h cann otb ee xrtapolatfeordm a profiofls ee rucmon cetnrtaoins. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Iw isht ot hankm ys uperovrisfs ort hre einocurgaemenatn da ssistdaunircneg this usd.ty Inp aritcluarI, t hnak Dr Brin aCooperf orh isg uindcaei n pharmancetoiksica ndi nt hep reapratn iooft himsa nsucripatn,dP roefssoNre il Bruefroerh iisn etresatn da dvice. Ig raftuelalcyn kowlgeedt he asissntcaeo ft hef ollowpieonpgl: e MrsL nidaD icskona ndM s HilarByu rdbgief ort hre ihepl duirngt he surcgailp rocedfuorrte i sscuaeg ie mplatnatni,o Miss DebbiLeo evolckf,o rr estraoifnt th ea nmialdsu irngt hes ample colelcitonp eriods, MrsE lziabtehD aviefso,rt esptesr foromnes de rum tainsdsc uaeg fel iud, MrB ryna McKayP,r oefssoRro geMro rrisD,r W illM arsahn d!V IBra rry Bultefro tr heaidrvc ieo nt heu se tohfec omptuer tfhoer lirnegeraerss ion anlaysainsd g rahpicl daisplay, DrD Palmer Parnoedfs soRr DJ ollfoyr t heviarl uaessdi sntcaew itht he HPLCa nalyosfis sa mlpes. DrL yndoBna dcoe fomrir cotshceo epximacin atioofn tchaeg tei ssue, andM ay& Bake(rN Z) Ltd.f,or kindsluyp plytihnegm etorndiazole preparnasta,i nodr elveanlti rtaeture. and grateful acknowledgmetn toM r Tom L avv l· n producing the photographicm aterial. V TABLEO F CONTENTS Page Abstract ii Acknowledgements V List tabolfe s vii Lsito ff igures viii Lits ofp laets ix Chapetr1 Genelri atnroudction 1 Chatper2 Anaerboicba cterainada ssocdi ate inefcotnis: rae veiw otfh el ietrature 3 Chatper3 Mertoindazolae r veeiwo ft hel itaetrure 12 Chapetr4 Methoodfsm eausrintgh ec oncetnratioofn 25 drugosu tsitdheev asuclacro mpartment Chapte5r Determinatoifot nhe d isopsiiotno f 28 mertonidazionlg eo ats Chapetr6 Genelrd aiscusasnidos unm mary 56 Reefrensc e 64 AppendixI Maetrlisaa ndm ethods 75 Appendix1 1 Plotsm eotfr onidcaozcnoeltnert aioinn 88 seruamn dt isscuaeeg fliudo f segvoeant s, periso udpt o2 4h ourasf teIrVa dminrias­t tioonf 0 .5%w / vm etrnoidazsoolleu tion AppendixI ll Plotosfm etronidcaoznoclteer natiionn 89 seruamn dt isscuagee f luoifd seven goats, atp erdisou pt o2 4h ourastf erI Ma dmiins­ trtaioonf 4 0%w / vm etriodnazosluese pnsion LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3 : 1 Dispositvialounie nsl actatg icnattalneds heep 19 folloiwngi ntratpoenreioarli ntraruitnaeed miisntra­ tino of0 .5%w /vm etrodnaiozles olutni (oexpressed asm ena ± stnadardde vian)t io 4 : I Matelrsip,ar oecdusr aenda natomlis ctiase involved 26 int hed etmeirnant oifo" instterilt fiuladi"d rug concentraotnis 5 : IM ena totaplr oteiinsn e raan dt isscuagee f ulid 40 5 : n Mena diffnetrlie caell conutsf ropmo olteids sue 41 cagef luid 5 :m Leasts quarleisn eraerg srseni oanlaysfiosl wlinog 45 intvreanouasd mnisitratoifo0 .n5 %w / vm etrdoanziole soltouin( Dose2 0m g/kBgW gt) 5 : IV Pharmaconketiivca lufeosrt hed isspiotni oof 48 metnriodazionlg eo attsi suceag ef liudf,o lloiwng the intraveandmoiunsti rsant iofo0 .5%w/ vs oltouin (Dose2 0m g/kBgW gt). 5 V Phramaconketiivca lufeosrt hed isspiotni oof 49 metnriodazionlg eo aste raf,oll oiwgn the inatvrenoaudmsi insattrni oof0 .5%w /vs olution (Dose2 0m g/kBgW gt) 5 VI Phramacoktiinvcea lufeosrt hed isptoinso oif 50 mertonidzaolien g oaste rfal iudf ollionwgt he intmruasuclaardm inirsattni oof4 0%w / vm etronoildea z suspens(iDosone 2 0m g/kBgW gt) 5 Vll Pharmakcionteivcal uefso rt hed iospsint oifo 51 mertonidaiznot lsies uceag ef lufiodl lionwgt he intmruasuclaard mnisitratoifo4 n0% w / vm etronziodlae suspens(iDoons e2 0m g/kBgW gt) 5 vm Leasstq uarleisn eraerg srseioanna ylsifsol loiwng 52 intmruasculaadmri nsitrant oifo4 0%w / vm etronziodlae soluiton( Dose2 0m g/kBgW gt) 5 IX: Recmomendaotnisf orm etornidazaodmliens itration 55 scehdulienst heg oat App.I :1T imien rtvealbset weetnh et ankgio fb looodrt sisucea eg 78 fulisda mpleisng oast folwlinogI Vo r IijMn ecnt ioof a 0.5w / vs olutoiro n4a 0 w /svu spseinno repsecteilvy ofm etroniodlaez vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 3 : 1 Chemicsatlr uucrteo fe nteromycin 14 3 : 2 Chemicsatlr uctoufra ez omyc(i-2nn tiroimidazole) 14 3 : 3C hemicsatlr urceto ufm etronidazole 15 (1-hydroxy2e-tmheytlh-yli-t5r-onimidazole) 3 4 Chemicsatlr uctoufrd ei metridazole 15 (12,- dimethyl-5-nitroimidazole) 5 1 Diagraomfst her igh(ta a)n dl ef(tb s)i deosfa 32 goats,h owitnhge a natomisciatlew sh erteh e tissue cagewse rei mplanstuebdc utaneouslnyu.m beTrhse indictahteer andoomr deorf t isscuaeg efsr om whicthh e flsuaimdp lweesr ec ollected 5 2 Sequenocfee ventisn volvientd h ed etermination 38 ofm etronidadzioslpeo siktiinoens tiingc osa ts 5 3 Metronidaczoonlcee ntraitnsi eornu amn dt isscuaeg e 46 fluiodfg oaDto pe(yD o)f,o llowiinntgr avenous administroaft0 i.o5n%w / vm etronidaszoolluet ion (serumme tronidaczoonlcee ntra= t6i1o.n5+ 2 0 .26 time+ e) 5 : 4 Metronidaczoonlcee ntraitnsi eornu amn dt isscuaeg e 53 fluifdo rg oat Ha(pHpay)f ,o llowiinntgr amuscular administroaft4 i0o%wn / vm etronidaszoolluet ion (serumme tronidaczoonlcee ntra= t3i.o8n+9 0 .06 time+ e) App.1 1: Semilogariptlhoomtfi p cl asmdar ucgo necntration 83 verstuism ef ollowaidnmgi nistroafta i soinn gle intravednoosuesG. r aphitceaclh nei fqoure stimating theh alf-loifaf ed ruigs i llustr(aftreoBdma ggot, J. D.[ 1977P]r)i:n ciopflD ersu gD isposiitni on DomestAinci mals. PubbylS iasuhneddeC rosm pany, London. App.1 :2D iagrammarteipcr esentoaftt ihoetn r apezoidal 83 methouds etdo c alcultahteae r euan detrh ep lasma concentrattiimoen- curve ((AFUrCoB)ma. g goJt.,D . [1978J].)v :e tP.h armacTahle.r a1p:.1 11-118. viii LISTO F PLATES Plate Page 5 1 Sixo ft hea nimaulsse id nt hee xperiment 30 5 2 Materiuaslesdi n t hem anufactoufrt ei sscuaeg es 31 5 3 Serioefss tepisn volvientd h es urgiicmapll antation3 3 oft het isscuaeg es 5 4 Serioefss tepisn volvientd h er emvoalo ft he 36 impnltaetdi sscuaeg es 5 5 Straw-colsoaumrpeldoe fst isscuaeg ef luid 39 5 6 Sectiotniesds cuaeg ea fterre movaslh,o witnhge 42 tissmuaes sw ithtihne c age afnidb roautst achments extendtihnrgo utghhep erfornasto ifto het ube 5 7 Necrotciocr wei thainni nfected ctaigses ue 44 6 1 Exposuorfea ni mplanttiesds cuaeg et,o s howt he 59 thick fibrous capsule ix

tubing "cages" were implanted subcutaneously, so that the metronidazole concentration measures all of the drug-related material that contains an intact nitroimidazole (U eramg ana Hall, l !'t 5 ), ana o % m calves (.I:'Iercy
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