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The Discrete Ordered Median Problem: Models and Solution Methods PDF

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The Discrete Ordered Median Problem: Models and Solution Methods COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION VOLUME 15 Through monographs and contributed works the objective of the series is to publish state of the art expository research covering aU topics in lire field of combinatorial optimization. In addition, the series will include books, which are suitable for graduate level courses in computer science, engineering, business, applied mathematics, and operations research. Combinatorial (or discrete) optimization problems arise in various applications, including communications network design, VLSI design, machine vision, airline crew scheduling, corporate planning, compu'ter-aided design and manufactoriog, database query design, cellular telephone frequency assignment, constraint directed reasoning, and computational biology. The topics of the books will cover complexity analysis and algorithm design (parallel and serial), computational experiments and application in science and engineering. Series Editors Ding-Zhu Du, Universltyo/Minnesota Panos M. PardaIos, University o/Florida Advisory Editorial Board Alfonso Ferreira, CNRS-llP ENS London JUD Gu, University o/Calgary David S. Johnson, AT&T Research James B. Orlin, M1.T Christos H. Papadirnitriou, University a/California at Berkeley Fred S. Roberts, Rutgers University Paul Spirakis, Computer Tech Institute (CTI) The Discrete Ordered Median Problem: Models and Solution Methods Vom Fachbereich Mathematik der Universitiit Kaiserslautern zur Verleihung des akademischen Grades Doktor der Na turwissenschaften (Doktor rerum naturalium, Dr. rer. nat.) genehmigte Dissertation von Patricia Dominguez-Marin Datum der Disputation: 28. April 2003 Erstgutachter: Prof. Dr. Stefan Nickel Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr. Justo Puerto D 386 tt Electronic Services <http://www.wkap.nl> Library of Coogress C.t.logiog-io-PubUc"tioo Dominguez-Mann, Patricia The Discrete Ordered Median Problem: Models and Solution Methods ISBN 978-1-4613-4634-0 ISBN 978-1-4419-8511-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-8511-8 Copyright O Springer Science+Business Media New York 2003 Originally published by K1uwer Academic Publishers in 2003 AII righls reserved. No pari ofthis publication may be reproduoed, stared in a rebieval 'ystem Of transmitted in any fonn Of by any means. electronic, mechanica1, photo-copying, microfilming, reccrding, ar otherwise, wilhout the prior written permission ofthe publisher, with Ihe exception of any material supplied specifICalIy for the purpose ofbeing enlered and execuled on a computer system. for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Pennission, for books published in the USA: peun; ss; oPS®Wkap corn Pennissions for books published in Europe: pennission,@wkap.nl Printed an acid-free paper. "A traveller who refuses to pass over a bridge until he has personally tested the soundness of every part of it is not likely to go far; something must be risked, even in mathematics)) Horace Lamb Contents Acknowledgements xi Abstract xiii Introduction and Motivation 2 Definition and Formulation of the DOMP 3 2.1 Definition of the Problem 3 2.1.1 Modelling Possibilities 5 2.2 A Quadratic Formulation of the DOMP . 9 2.2.1 Sorting as an Integer Linear Program (ILP) 9 2.2.2 A Formulation of the Location-Allocation Subproblem 11 2.2.3 A Quadratic Integer Programming Formulation of DOMP 13 2.3 Conclusions 15 3 Several Linearisations of the Quadratic Formulation (DOMP) 17 3.1 Three Linearisations of (DOMP) 17 3.1.1 A First Linearisation: (LDOMP,) 17 3.1.2 An Alternative Linearisation: (LDOMP2) . 22 3.1.3 A Simplified Linearisation: (LDOMP3) . 25 3.l.4 Comparison between (LDOMP2) and (LDOMP3) 28 3.2 Strengthening the Formulations 30 3.2.1 Improvements for (LDOMPd 32 3.2.2 Improvements for (LDOMP3) 38 3.2.3 Improvements for (LDOMP2) 45 3.2.4 ComparisQn between (LDOMP;) and (LDOMPj) 50 3.2.5 Comparing Linearisation (LDOMP,) against (LDOMP:), and Lin- earisation (LDOMP3) against (LDOMP;J 52 33 Comparing (LDOMPj) against (LDOMP;) . 55 3.3.1 Factorial Experimental Design. . 55 3.3.2 Analysis of Variance 57 3.3.3 Nonparametric Statistical l"Jethods 61 3.4 Conclusions 70 viii Contents 4 A Specific Branch-and-Bound Method 71 4.1 Mot.ivation. 71 4.2 A Branch-and-Bound Met.hod 74 4.2.1 A Bounding Rule 74 4.2.2 Branching Rules 80 4.3 Computational Results 82 4.3.1 Numerical Comparison of the Branching Rules. 83 4.3.2 Comparing the B&B Method against the Best Linearisat.ion 84 4.3.3 Comparing the Behaviour of the B&B Met.hod for Different Types of Problems 85 4.4 Conclusions 89 5 Heuristic Procedures 91 5.1 An Evolution Program for the DOMP 92 5.l.1 Genetic Algorit.hms 92 5.l.2 Evolution Program 93 5.l.2.1 Codification of the Individuals. 94 Initial Population. 94 5.l.2.3 Evaluation Function 95 5.l.2.4 Genetic Operators 95 5.l.2.5 Selection Criterion 96 Parameter Values. 97 5.2 A Variable Neighbourhood Search for t.he DOMP 99 5.2.1 An Implementation of the Modified Fast Interchange Algorithm 100 Initial Solution 101 Move Evaluation 101 Updating First and Second Closest Facilities 101 Modified Fast Interchange Heuristic. 103 5.2.2 Variable Neighbourhood Search 104 5.3 Computational Results 108 5.3.1 Numerical Experiments with Different Parameter Combinations 108 5.3.2 Additional Tests for Large Problems 112 Large N-Median Problems. 113 Large N-Center Problems 115 Large k1 + k,-Trimmed Mean Problems 117 5.4 Conclusions and Further Research. 119 6 Particular Cases and Related Problems 121 6.1 Discrete Partitioned Median Problem 121 6.11 DPMP with {a,l3} = {O,l} . 122 Problem Formulation. 122 Linearisation 124 Strengthening the Formulations 127 Contents ix 6.1.2 General DPMP 132 Problem Formulation. 132 Linearisation 133 6.2 DOMP with A-Entries in Non-Decreasing Order 135 6.2.1 Problem Formulat.ion 135 6.2.2 Comput.at.ional Results . 136 6.3 Conclusions and Further Research . 137 7 Extension to the Capacitated Case 139 7.1 CDOMP with Total Costs . 140 7.2 CDOMP wit.h Partial Costs 143 7.3 Conclusions and Future Research 148 8 Conclusions and Further Research 149 8.1 General DOMP 149 8.2 DPI'vIP and DOMP / . 151 8.3 COOMP 151 A Classification of Location Problems 153 B Computational Results corresponding to the Linearisations 155 B.1 Results of (LDOMP,) and (LDOMP3) 155 B.2 Results of (LDOMPil and (LDOMP;) . 157 C Computational Results corresponding to the Branch-and-Bound Method165 C.1 Results of the B&B Met.hod using the Index-Order Branching Rule 165 C.2 Results of the B&B Method with the Max-Regret Branching Rule 174 D Computational Results corresponding to the Heuristic Procedures 183 D.l Results of the Evolution Program 183 0.2 Results of the Variable Neighbourhood Search 190 0.3 Behaviour of Both Heuristic Procedures on Test Problems with M = 100 197 E Computational Results of the Formulation for the DOMP / 203 Bibliography 207 List of Main Notations and Abbreviations 213 Index 217 The Author's Scientific Career 221 Acknowledgements This is the place to say a big "Thank you" to all people who supported my research during the last three years. First of all, I would like 1,0 thank my supervisor Prof. Dr. Stefan Nickel who offered me the possibility of doing my Ph.D. at the University of Kaiserslautern. He introduced me to the ordered problems during my Diploma thesis and encouraged me to continue with the investigation of the discrete case for my dissertation. He was willing to discuss my advances with me, whenever I suggested it, and furthermore, he often proposed new interest-ing tasks, which improved my work. Next, I am very grateful to Prof. Dr. Justo Puerto from the University of Seville for the helpful support at every stage of my dissertation. Among other things, he persuaded me to perform a formal statistical analysis to compare several procedures presented in this thesis. An important source of help, information, and motivation was Dr. Ml! Teresa Melo, who always found time for discussion and advice. She was always a good colleague and became a very good friend. Probably, the person who influenced most the direction of this thesis has been Prof. Dr. N atashia Boland from the University of Melbourne. She showed me a new way of searching solution methods for the DOMP. Therefore, I thank her for being the cornerstone of this Ph.D. thesis. While I was working on my thesis, I several times had the opportunity to meet Prof. Dr. Juan Jose Salazar from the University of La Laguna. Those short conversations with him always provided me with good ideas for my research. He always put forward those really important questions. The thesis was prepared and written during my three years at the Praunhofer Institut fUr Techno- lind Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM) in Kaiserslautern. I thank all my colleagues in the department of Optimisation for the enjoyable time there. In particular, I would like to mention Jorg Kalcsics, Dr. Tim Sonneborn, and Dr. Alexander Lavrov, who helped me very much along these years. Last but not least I would like to thank a couple of people for their non-scientific support. In the first place. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Best Par ents in the World, my sister Paula, my brother Luis Alberto, and, obviously, my partner in life Sascha.

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