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The Diploma Disease PDF

117 Pages·1976·273.164 MB·English
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Schools used to be for educating people, for developing minds and characters. Todby, as jobs depend more and rnore on certificates, degrees and diplomas, atms and motives are changing. Schooling has become more and more a ritualrsed process of qualification-earning Professor Dore traces the u nderlving causes of this change through the educataonal histones of Britain, Japan, Sri Lanka and Kenya. He shows how the 'late development effect' makes what is a worrying problem for the rich countries a disaster for the cieveloping countries of the Third World The competitive scramble for scarce modern sector jobs produces backwash effects on the quality of education never envisaged in all the confident literature of the sixties about'investment in human resources' as the key to cievelopment He surveys the solutions, too, as thev have been worked out in the schools of Ta nzania. Cuba, Sri Lanka and Chrna-and rn the fantasies of lvan lliich, Sorrrehow,the schcols have to be brougnt back to therr task of educatrng, not nrerely quaiifylng. and the'wa-y society ciecides who gets what lobs ts the piace vrrhere reform should start China. which rnventecj the exan'ltnati,3i-r method of occupaticnal selectron two thousand years agc anc has beeri tne frrst tc abandon it, seerns to be pointing the wav Tne author began his acacierntc career ihrrtv yea!'s ago urrth a study of Japanese Confucian eciircation Tne rdeas for this book took root dunfig r,,isits to Sri Lanka's schools ai the ttrne of the'youth rnsurrection' cf igTi Thrs unusljai Dackgroi;ncj has prociuced a bock of Linusual sccpe and onqrnaittv wnici, w,rli be of tnterest to students of Thirci WorlC developrnent ano shci;ic qurckly estabirsh itseif on reading iists for the socrologv-and the philosopny-of educatton. lts iast chaDter ts an important contribution to cur!'ent debates on the meaning and the lrmits of equality' covei phoro couriesv (eysr one press Agency ffitH+i:*-$.. \ 1 _ - Fr!;E€r!?f(tl-{ A'53tJ5cSa-.-l-l :F,^L)2E.9rI] a\u-lra rrl C c0.) 5l{-Ft-q.)HFrJ e'6rr. 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