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by  AndaryJ.
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THE DEVELOPMENT TEST FLIGHT of the FLIGHT TELEROBOTIC SERVICER J. Andary and P. Spidaliere Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 R. Sosnay Martin Marietta Astronautics Group Denver, CO 80201 ABSTRACT ics. The payload bpy element primary sup- port structure is a Multi-Purpose Experi- The Development Test Flight (DTF-1) is the ment Support Structure (MPESS) which me- first of two shuttle flights to test oper- chanically attaches the DTF-1 hardware to ations of the Flight Telerobotic Service?- the shuttle. (FTS) in space and to demonstrate its ca- pabilities in performing tasks for Space Station Freedom. The DTF-1 system, which Martin Marietta Astronautics Group is de- signing and building for the Goddard Space Flight Center, will be flown in December, 1991, as an attached payload on the shut- tle. This article discusses the design of the DTF-1 system, the tests to be per- formed, and the data to be gathered. INTRODUCTION The FTS project was formed in 1986 as part of the space station work package 3 at Goddard Space Flight Center to develop a telerobotic device for performing assem- bly, maintenance, servicing and inspection tasks on the space station [1,2]. Before the final version is launched on one of Figure 1. Configuration of the early space station assembly flights, Payload Bay Element for the there will be two early shuttle test Development Test Flight flights: the Development Test Flight (DTF-1), now scheduled for launch in late The aft flight deck element consists of 1991, and the Demonstration Test Flight the control panels, the hand controller, (DTF-2), scheduled for launch in late and the crew restraint system, which are 1993. The preliminary design review for removable and stowable in the mid deck DTF-1 was held July, 1989, and the criti- locker. In addition there are permanently cal design review is scheduled for Septem- mounted electronic boxes in the L-10 and ber, 1990. L-11 panels. From the initial beginnings of the FTS MISSION OVERVIEW project, it was recognized that an early development flight would be necessary in MISSION OBJECTIVES order to validate the FTS hardware design and to gather critical engineering test The DTF-1 flight hardware, flight soft- data for ground evaluation and calibration ware, task elements and mission timeline Of the ground testing facilities. The have been designed to meet the following DTF-1 was designed under the ground rule mission objectives: that the standard shuttle allocations for a quarter-bay payload be used where possi- 1. Evaluate the telerobot manipulator ble in order to contain costs and to main- design approach tain schedule. 2. Evaluate the shuttle workstation design approach The DTF-1 configuration consists of a pay- 3. Correlate system performance in load bay element and an aft flight deck space with ground element. The payload bay element [figure simulation and analyses 11 contains the telerobot with a single 4. Evaluate human-machine interface manipulator and all associated equipment, and operator fatigue such as end-of-arm tooling, cameras and 5. Demonstrate telerobot potential lights, task elements, and support avion- capabilities 151 A sequence of tasks will be performed dur- torque of 118 ft.lbs. The elbow pitch ac- ing the 16-hour mission timeline to sup- tuator is capable of 61 ft.lbs. peak port these objectives. After an initial torque. The wrist yaw, pitch and roll system familiarization demonstration, the actuators are of similar design and each remainder of the mission activities are produce a peak torque of 24 ft.lbs. grouped into two main categories: perfor- mance verification tasks and capabilities Figure 3 shows the Martin Marietta engi- demonstration tasks. neering development wrist pitch/yaw joints. The joint actuators consist of a The performance verification tasks include primary brushless dc motor: harmonic drive a fine positioning test, operational enve- transmission: redundant output joint lope evaluation, manipulator dynamics torque sensors: redundant, resolver-based model verification, manipulator non-linear output position sensors: fail-safe brakes: model verification, and a thermal tran- and housings and bearings that carry sient response test. The capabilities structural loads. The actuators also in- demonstration tasks include the peg-in- corporate a secondary brushless motor, hole demonstration, contour board track- which permits independent control and ing, connector demate and mate, truss safing of the manipulator through a hard- strut element removal and replacement, and wire control system, which bypasses all removable mass manipulator loading test. the computers and allows the operator to These tasks will be described in the.oper- drive a single joint at a time from the ations section of this paper. workstation. PAYLOAD BAY EQUIPMENT The telerobot configuration used for DTF-1 consists of a single manipulator and a modified telerobot body which is large enough to support the manipulator and mount the applicable subsystems. The telerobot sits on the MPESS pallet in the cargo bay facing the task panel. The ma- nipulator is secured for launch and land- ing by four caging mechanisms, two on the lower arm link and two on the wrist. A similar caging mechanism secures the re- movable mass on the task panel. The caging mechanism system is one-fault tolerant against the inadvertent release of the manipulator or removable mass under all loading conditions. The caging mecha- nism system is also one-fault tolerant to safe the telerobot for landing. Figure 3. Martin Marietta Engineering De- Manipulator velopment Model of the Wrist Pitch/Yaw Manipulator Joints The DTF-1 manipulator [figure 21 is a 7- The actuator brakes can be manually or degree-of-freedom (DOF) manipulator, ap- robotically engaged and disengaged to al- proximately 5.5 feet long from the low backdriving of joints. This back- shoulder to the toolplate. The manipulator can produce 20 pounds of force and 20 driving permits an astronaut on extra- foot-pounds of torque at the tool plate vehicular activity (EVA) or, for future missions, another robot, to stow the ma- anywhere in the work envelope. The shoul- nipulator in the event that the normal der roll, yaw and pitch actuators are of stowing procedure is disabled by a fail- similar design and each produce a peak ure. All the manipulator electronics are contained within the manipulator. i 'i The manipulator, under active control, will be accurate to only +/- 1 inch trans- lation and +/- 3 degrees orientation. The repeatability of the DTF-1 manipulator in a thermally constant environment will be less than +/- 0.005 inches translation and +/- 0.05 degrees orientation. The incre- mental motion or resolution of the manipu- lators is less than 0.001 inches transla- tion and less than 0.01 degrees orienta- tion. All measurements are referenced at Figure 2. FTS Manipulator the center of the tool plate. 152 The manipulator includes the camera assem- SYMETRICS CONNECTOR bly mounted on the wrist roll assembly to allow the operator to closely view the end effector and tool and the objects to be manipulated. The camera will be discussed further in the vision subsystem section. TRUSS SEGMENT A redundant force/torque transducer (FTT) is mounted on the end of the manipulator. The FTT contains two independent strain gauge elements and associated electronics for measuring the forces and torques pro- duced at the tool plate. The output of the FTT consists of two sets of six dif- RIFA_OVABU£ MASS ferential, analog signals which roughly L_J correspond to the six independent compo- nents of the force and torque vectors. The analog outputs are provided to two independent controller electronics which Figure 4. Task Panel digitize and calibrate the signals to gen- erate a digital representation of the is a prototype of the Space Station Free- force and torque vectors at the FTT. dom data processor. It contains two 20 MHz CPUs with 4 MBytes memory. The tele- The manipulator tool plate allows power, robot control computer is the primary con- data and video to be passed through to the trol processor. In the forward loop, it end effector. The DTF-I will fly a single takes commands from the hand controller, end effector with a simulated end effector computes the inverse kinematics, and pro- changeout mechanism (EECM). The EECM will duces the required motion at the manipula- be used in future missions to permit re- tor. In the return loop, the control com- placement of end effectors and tools. The puter receives inputs from the FTT, com- DIF-I end effector will be a single paral- putes force feedback commands for the hand lel jaw gripper which will perform all the controller, and performs boundary manage- mission tasks. The end effector consists ment/touch control and housekeeping safety of a brushless dc motor; pancake harmonic checks. drive transmission; redundant finger posi- tion and output torque sensors; redundant, The eight controllers include the display fail-safe brakes and associated gear re- assembly controller and hand controller duction; sensor amplifiers; wiring; and drive electronics located in the worksta- connectors. The fingers are integral to tion, three controllers located in the the end effector and interface to the manipulator, the telerobot redundant con- tasks using a dedicated interface. The troller located on the MPESS, the power end effector provides a peak gripping module controller, and the payload bay force of 50 ibs. over a 4-inch gripping controller. The display assembly control- range. ler and the hand controller drive elec- tronics provide the operator interface Task Panel through the control and display panel and hand controller respectively. The manipu- The DTF-I task panel [figure 4] is mounted lator controllers perform the position, on the MPESS in front of the manipulator. rate, and torque servo loop calculations The task panel holds the task elements and drive the joint actuators and gripper. which are designed to test the FTS's capa- The telerobot redundant controller col- bility to meet the mission requirements. lects accelerometer data and performs They consist of a peg-in- hole pattern, a backup boundary management/touch control contour board, a space station truss node, checks and housekeeping checks. The power a space station fluid connector, and a module controller monitors power subsystem removable mass. voltages and currents and controls power switching. The payload bay controller Data Management and Processing Subsystem provides uplink and downlink through the (DMPS) shuttle and controls the head cameras and caging mechanisms. A typical controller The DMPS is a distributed system of com- conslsts of a CPU board with an 80386, 20 puters, controllers, data and video re- MHz processor and 256 MBytes memory, a 22 corders, and hardwire control system that channel analog acquisition board, an in- supports the DTF-I software and system put/output board, and a power supply architectures. These electronics are con- board. nected through MIL-STD-1553b buses for data transfer. The data recorders are used to initialize the software and store on-orbit engineer- The DTF-I configuration consists of one ing data. Initialization takes place telerobot control computer and eight con- through the MIL-STD-1553b buses. Software trollers. The telerobot control computer load files are pre-recorded before launch. 153 Software files may be uploaded or down- The vision subsystem will be used in con- loaded while on orbit through the shuttle junction with the shuttle's closed circuit multiplexer/demultiplexer and payload data TV system. The camera video output will interleaver respectively. interface to the shuttle's video switch and be displayed on the existing shuttle The software architectural design defines monitors. The output will also be record- an organization of software components ed on the workstation video recorders. corresponding to the NASA/National Bureau The wrist camera gives the operator a view of Standards (NBS) Standard Reference Mod- of the end effectors, permitting intricate el for Telerobot Control System architec- tasks to be performed and allowing close- ture (NASREM), which is the FTS system up inspections of completed work. The functional architecture [3]. It also de- head cameras each provide fixed views of fines software components to support com- the worksite. munications between NASREM modules, task scheduling, and initial program load. This design consists of a set of top-level AFT FLIGHT DECK ELEMENT computer software components that corre- spond to processor and read-only memory device load modules and one set of lower The operator controls the telerobot and conducts the DTF-I operations from the aft level computer software components, most flight deck of the shuttle. The work- of which correspond to NASREM modules. station is situated in the port-side cor- ner of the aft flight deck close to the The detailed software design is expressed shuttle remote manipulator system (RMS) in the Ada Program Design Language (PDL), controls and uses the shuttle-provided TV which is the adopted machine-compatible, monitors that are located in that corner. higher order language for space station. The PDL permits the design to be expressed in such a way that a compiler can be used The system is designed to be controlled by to check the consistency of interfaces. a single operator, although an observer All Ada specification sections are provid- may be used during the operation. Direct ed in the detailed design, and components viewing of the telerobot will not be re- (e.g. functions, procedures) in the body quired; however the operator will be able sections are filled in to the extent that to see it through the aft flight deck win- the compiler can perform its function. dows. The remainder of the body may be filled in with Ada expressions or descriptions of Workstation Subsystem the processing logic of the components. The workstation [figure 5] provides the Power Subsystem man-machine interface in the shuttle aft flight deck for DTF-I operations. It uses The power subsystem interfaces electrical- common hardware with the Space Station ly with the shuttle's power system, condi- Freedom workstation and shuttle services tions this power to meet the needs of the hardware. The DTF-I camera views will be telerobot and distributes the power to the displayed on the existing Shuttle dis- DTF-1 subsystem loads. The power subsystem plays. The shuttle-provided payload and also performs the power switching required by subsystem loads; performs line filter- ing and EMI power quality filtering; pro- vides power health status reports to the computers; and permits a safe power-up and power-down sequence. The power subsystem generates three vol- tages from the 28 VDC the shuttle pro- vides. These are 120 VDC for the motors and brakes, unregulated 28 VDC for the DMPS and thermal control subsystems, and regulated 28 VDC for the cameras and lights. Future missions will use a regu- lated and unregulated 120 VDC system. Vision Subsystem The vision subsystem includes one manip- ulator wrist-mounted camera, two head- mounted cameras, and camera lights. The cameras are color and use charge coupled device (CCD) technology. They and the Figure 5. General Layout of the Aft lights are controlled from the worksta- Flight Deck for the tion. Development Test Flight 154 general support computer(PGSCw) ill be has been used in nuclear and undersea ap- usedto display systemstatus andfunc- plications since 1980. tion. Theworkstation operator usesthe functions keys andthe numericandcursor The hand controller supports rate and po- keypadfunctions of the PGSCkeyboardfor sition control with and without force re- menuanddata entry operation. A separate flection. It can provide 5 pounds of control anddisplay panel (C&DPh)as a force and 9.5 inch-pounds of torque into section of switches, indicators, andan- the operator's hand. The hand controller nunciators for manualcontrol, emergency shutdown,andmodecontrol. ThePGSCand electronics consist of a computer, analog to digital converter, input/output device, C&DPare mountedto a commopnlate, which and pulse-width modulated power drivers. is mountedto the A8panel. Theworkstat- ion configuration also incorporates a pow- Each hand controller joint consists of an er control anddistribution unit (PCDU), induction motor and gearing, motor heat display assemblycontroller, a crewre- sink, potentiometer-based position sensor, straint system,a 6-DOFhandcontroller, and housings and bearings. The shoulder andhandcontroller electronics. and elbow joints contain additional speed reduction. High gear ratios (200:1 in Communication among the DTF-I subsystem the wrist joints) are used in conjunction electronics elements is over a with low inertia motors and gears. MIL-STD-1553b bus. This bus carries data from the workstation to the telerobot sub- The detachable hand grip is similar to systems. Such data includes joint posi- bottom-mounted, flight joysticks. It has tions from the hand controllers and mode an activation switch, which activates the commands from the control and display pan- hand controller and permits reindexing of el. In the opposite direction, after be- the hand controller-to-manipulator trans- ing transformed by the telerobot control formation; an end effector enable switch, computer, manipulator force/ torque data which enables the end effector to open or is transmitted over the bus for feedback close; and the end effector rocker switch, to the operator through the hand control- which commands the end effector fingers to ler. Health and status and alert informa- open or close. tion is also transmitted over the bus for data storage, analysis, and display to the Crew Restraint System operator on the PGSC. The crew restraint system consists of Within the workstation subsystem, the PCDU pairs of adjustable padded bars which act controls and monitors power distribution to restrain the operator from the hips to the workstation electrical hardware. down. It provides restraint in all axes, Video from the DTF-I head and wrist camer- permitting safe force reflecting opera- as will be routed through the shuttle's tions in zero gravity. video switch to the two shuttle monitors. These same signals will be recorded on the The restraint system is designed to accom- two shuttle video recorders located in the modate operators sized from a 95 percen- LI0 panel. The operator will use the PGSC tile American male to a 5 percentile Japa- keyboard through the display assembly or nese female. The system also has a thigh the control and display panel controller crossbar vertical section that can rotate to control the cameras. to place the pads against the front or rear of the thighs. The entire system can Hand Controller be rotated and tilted on the adapter so the operator can be placed at the center- The DTF-I hand controller is the Martin line of the monitors and 28 inches away Marietta/Kraft 6-DOF, force-reflecting, from the monitors. In this location, hand controller [figure 6]. The hand con- he/she can easily reach the C&DP and the troller is based on a mature design that PGSC and maneuver the hand controller throughout its operating envelope. Hardwire Control The C&DP has switches for bypassing the computers and directly controlling the telerobot, cameras and lights, individual manipulator joints, manipulator and mass caging mechanisms, and the end effector. This hardwire control system permits stow- age of the payload in the event of certain failures of the DTF-I. A safety emergency shutdown (ESD) switch on the C&DP allows the operator to safely Figure 6. Hand Controller shut down the telerobot. In the shuttle, 155 this switch will be hardwired to the robot Operational Envelope Evaluation power distribution hardware. Activation of this switch will cut all power to the ma- This automated sequence will evaluate the nipulator motors and brakes. The other performance of the manipulator at work- subsystems will not be affected. space extremes, test enroute velocity and workspace limits, and demonstrate recovery OPERATIONS when limits are exceeded. DTF-I mission objectives will be met Manipulator Dynamics Model Verification through a sequence of 12 tasks to be per- formed during the 16-hour mission time- This task has two purposes: Test a joint line. The first is an initial system closed loop actuator and structural dynam- familiarization demonstration. The re- ics model and verify on-orbit stability mainder of the mission activities are margins and the performance of the grouped into six performance verification position-based impedance control. tasks and five capabilities demonstration tasks. For the joint closed loop actuator and structural dynamics model test, automated SYSTEM FAMILIARIZATION DEMONSTRATION sequence inputs will be given to the segen joints, one at a time. The test will be This task will demonstrate that the DTF-I performed for three different arm configu- system and the operator are ready for per- rations, with the arm unloaded and then forming the on-orbit DTF-I tasks. First, loaded with the gripper holding the the manipulator and end effector will be 25-pound mass. The mass will be grasped positioned well away from any surfaces or to verify the performance with different objects that could be inadvertently con- inertias. tacted. Then the following tests will be conducted: For the automated impedance test, the ma- nipulator will be rigidly connected to the i) Test the boundary management/touch center handle of the caged mass and then a control system. The purpose will be to step force or position command will be verify that motion outside the workspace given in all 6-DOF. will not occur. The operator will delib- erately attempt to move the manipulator For the teleoperated tests, the operator outside of the artificially established will use the handcontroller and different boundaries defined in the software speci- force reflection gains to command gross fically for this test. motions of the loaded manipulator. Dif- ferent spring return forces will be used 2) Test the control available for single to test the resolved rate mode and deter- joints. This test will confirm if the mine its operation. operator can control the performance of single joints from the control panel. Manipulator Non-linear Model Verification Other tests will be to control and adjust This task provides the data to character- the camera; operate the manipulator first ize and verify the non-linear model of the with the handcontroller and then with the joints. Automated signal input sequences hardwire system; control the manipulator will be input, one at a time, to shoulder using various combinations of control pitch, elbow pitch, and wrist pitch. mode, reference frames, and scale factors; Joint brakes except for the joint being control the gripper with the C&DP and simulated will be ON. This task will be hardwire system; and reindex the hand con- performed for three thermal conditions and troller. in conjunction with the thermal transient response tests. PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION TASKS Thermal Transient Response Fine Positioning Test This task will test the thermal capaci- This test is an automated sequence that tance of the thermal control subsystem will test the performance of the manipu- while evaluating manipulator performance lator to ensure that accuracy, incremental under different thermal environments. control, and repeatability performance re- quirements are met. The accuracy test CAPABILITIES DEMONSTRATION TASKS will be performed using the wrist camera and an inverse prospective technfque. The Peg-in-Hole Demonstration repeatability and incremental motion tests will be performed using joint position An operator will use teleoperator control sensors and forward transformation to the to insert a peg mounted on one of the fin- tool plate. The ISO definitions, equa- gers into four different-sized holes. A tions, and approaches will be used to de- video of the insertion and a transcript of termine the results. the operator's comments will provide data, 156 including preciseness of peg insertion, uation of the manipulator performance in depth of insertion, difficulties complet- both a loaded and unloaded configuration. ing the task, and human-machine interface Two separate handles are provided on the data, such as control preferences and hand mass for gripper attachment. The handle controller feel, predicted stability, op- designs will incorporate mating interfaces erator fatigue, and teleoperational mode matching the dedicated handle grasping performance margins. interface of the end effector. One handle is located on the center of gravity of the Contour Board Tracking mass and the other is located off the cen- ter of gravity in order to evaluate dif- This task will evaluate impedance control ferent inertial loadings of the manipula- and force reflection during end-point tor. The removable mass is the only tracking tasks and provide engineering removable part of the task elements. A data for evaluating the human-machine in- caging mechanism, similar in design to the terface. An operator will use teleoper- lower arm caging mechanism, is provided ation to control a peg in tracking curved, for the restraint of the mass. straight-line and V-shaped machined trac- ing paths, 3-D trajectories over rough SAFETY surfaces, sloping plane surfaces and con- vex, or concave contour surfaces. The The design of the DTF-I system is driven task will be performed with and without heavily by safety considerations. Mission force reflection but with active impedance procedures focus on maintaining the integ- control. Data collected will include the rity of the shuttle and protecting the operator's comments during the task and a crew. The DTF-I design ensures surviv- video of the peg tracing the surface. ability after being subjected to normal or emergency landing loads and post-landing Connector Demate/Mate delays. The gripper will demate and mate a Symmet- The telerobot may be shut down in three rics connector, which will require multi- modes: Normal shut down, manual emergency ple revolutions of its collar for locking shut down, and automatic emergency shut and unlocking. This task is representa- down. In normal shut down, the operator tive of an FTS task to be performed on can command the telerobot to shut down Space Station Freedom. The engineering after it has completed work or when a data generated will be used to determine failure occurs that is not hazardous to the operational performance of the imped- the crew. The shutdown command may include ance controller, bilateral force reflec- stowage of task element hardware. tion, and manipulator safety limits and to evaluate the human-machine interface. The In manual emergency shut down, the oper- gripper will unlock and separate the con- ator may command shut down of the telero- nector halves. Then the gripper will mate bot from the DTF-I workstation at which the connector halves, lock them, and apply DTF-I operations are being monitored and a small lateral force to verify the integ- controlled. This mode will be used to rity of the connection. Throughout the respond to DTF-I failures that might be repetitions of this task, the force re- hazardous to the crew, the shuttle struc- flection gain will be varied as a function ture, or the telerobot. of different gains. Task completion times and contact force levels will be used to Automatic emergency shut down will allow measure operator fatigue. the telerobot to shut itself down in the event of a self-diagnosed failure or other Truss Strut Element Removal/Replacement unsafe condition. Such conditions include the failure of the shuttle or support sys- This task is another FTS-like task in tem to supply required power and/or data which a Space Station Freedom truss strut links and the possibility of the telerobot element will be removed and replaced. The colliding with itself or other structures. gripper will grasp the collar on the truss The telerobot will shut itself down auto- strut element mounted on the task panel matically when these failures occur or and unlock and relock it. The strut will when an out-of-limits condition exists. then be partially demated from the strut After corrective actions or workarounds attachment fitting mounted on the node. have been implemented, the operator can go Engineering performance data on the imped- through the normal startup and checkout ance controller, force reflection, and procedures to continue working. If the manipulator safety limits will be generat- arm becomes partially inoperable, degraded ed. Human-machine interface and operator mission operations could continue. The fatigue will be evaluated from operator safety of the crew and the shuttle will be comments and a video of the task. comsidered to be paramount. Those tasks that require full operability and that Removable Mass Manipulator Loading Test were not completed when the arm failed will be removed from remaining mission A 25-pound removable mass that is caged to profile timeline. The hardwire control the task panel is provided to enable eval- scheme will be implemented to restore the 157 manipulator in the event a failure pre- deck of the shuttle. This data will be cludes computer control of the arm. analyzed post flight, and the results will be used in the development of the final In the unlikely event that a failure or flight system which will be used in the series of failures prevents the manipula- assembly and maintenance of Space Station tor or removable mass from being restowed Freedom. by the normal method or by hardwire con- trol, there is equipment that will allow REFERENCES the DTF-I payload to be jettisoned using the shuttle RMS. 1. Andary, J.; S. Hinkal; and J.Watzin; A third hazard control will be to use EVA "Design Concept for the Flight Tele- to restow the payload for safe shuttle robotic Servicer (FTS)," presented at reentry and landing. The manipulator and the 2nd Space Operations Automation gripper are designed so that an astronaut and Robotics Workshop (SOAR88), Day- on EVA can manually release the brakes on ton, OH, July 20-23, 1988; NASA Con- them if they fail and backdrive the system ference Publication CP-3019, pp. into the correct position for caging. If 391-396. a manipulator joint seizes, thereby pre- venting restow, the astronauts can remove 2. Andary, J.; K. Halterman; K. Hewitt; the manipulator at the shoulder and stow and P. Sabelhaus; "The Flight Telero- it on the failed manipulator arm storage botic Servicer (FTS) : NASA's First system (FMASS) which is attached to the Operational Robotic System," presented MPESS. at the 3rd Operations Automation and Robotics Workshop (SOAR89), Houston, CONCLUSION TX, July 25-27, 1989; NASA Conference Publication CP-3059, pp. 311-318. During the 16 hours of mission operation, the Development Test Flight will return 3. Albus, J.; H. McCain; and R. Lumia; valuable engineering data on the perfor- NASA/National Bureau of Standards mance of the FTS manipulator in zero grav- (NBS) Standard Reference Model for ity and on the human-machine interfaces Telerobot Control System Architecture necessary for the efficient operation of a (NASREM), SS-GSFC-0027, December 4, teleoperated system from the aft flight 1986. 158

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