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The development of a cosmid map of chromosome 12p13 PDF

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Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/developmentofcosOObelk The Development of a Cosmid Map OF Chromosome 12p13 Stephanie HeatherBelk Senior Honors Thesis May 5, 1998 Acknowledgements I would liketothankthe followingpeople fortheirhelpwithmyworkonthisHonors Thesis. Dr. AnnFabirkiewicz. ProfessorofChemistryat RandolphMacon Woman's College, andDr. JillGranger, ProfessorofChemistryatSweetBriarCollege, fortheirtimeasreaders formydefense. IthankDr. RobinDavies. ProfessorofBiologyat SweetBriarCollege, for supportand suggestionstoguidemyprojectandCassieThomas, Sweet BriarCollegeClassof 1997, forhertime spent incosmidandprimerpreparationandheraid intheexplorationofthe project'stechniques. Mr. andMrs. Belk. Mr. ThomasLoter,andmyfellowundergraduates werealso essential forthe successfulcompletionofthisthesisbecause oftheirunwavering support. Thisprojectwas ftinded by support fromtheJeffressMemorial Trust,grantnumberJ- 353. ^*\k- TableofConteivts Abstract 5 I. Introduction 5 I. A. HumanGenomeProjectHistory 5 LA.1. GENETICVS. PHYSICALMAPS 7 I.A.2. CONTRIBUTIONSTOWARDSTHEGOALS 10 I.A.3. CHROMOSOME12ASASTANDARDFORGENOMEMAPPING 10 LB. RECOMBINANTDNAASANEXPLORATIONVECTOR 11 LB.LRECOMBINANTDNA 11 LB.2. MappingRecombinantDNA toLocationsintheGenome 14 LC. ProductionofaPhysicalMap 15 LC.L PolymeraseChainReaction 16 LC.2. DotBlot 18 LC.3. Hybridization 18 LC.4. AdvantagestousingDigoxigeninHybridization 20 LC.5. AgaroseGelElectrophoresis 21 LC.6. RestrictionEnzymeDigestions 23 IL MaterialsandMethods 26 ILA. CosmidPreparation 26 ILB. PolymeraseChainReaction 27 ILB.L TargetDNAAmplification 27 ILB.2. Agarose GelElectrophoresis 28 II.C. COSMIDHybridizationUsingPsoralenBiotin 28 II.C.L Labelins 28 ILC.2. PreparationofDotBlot 28 ILC.3. Hybridization 29 ILC.4. Detection 29 II.D. COSMIDHybridizationUsingDigoxigenin 30 II.D.L Labeling 30 ILD.2. Hybridization 30 II.D.3. Detection 30 lI.E. SouthernBlot 31 III. Results 32 III.A, PolymeraseChainReaction 32 III.A.l. PreliminaryExperiment 32 III.A.2. DeterminingthePlacementofMarkerD12S1914 33 III.A.3. PCRwith CosmidPools 33 1ILA.4. DigoxigeninLabelingofK562DNA forSTSmarkersofl2pl3region 34

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