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Preview The Detectability of Relic (Squeezed) Gravitational Waves by Laser Interferometers

The Detectability of Relic (Squeezed) Gravitational Waves by Laser Interferometers L. P. Grishchuk∗ Department of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF2 3YB, United Kingdom and Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Moscow 119899, Russia (February 7, 2008) 9 9 9 Abstract 1 n a Itisshownthattheexpectedamplitudesandspecificcorrelationpropertiesof J 5 the relic (squeezed) gravitational wave background may allow the registration 1 oftherelicgravitational wavesbythefirstgenerationofsensitivegravity-wave detectors. 2 v PACS numbers: 98.80.Cq, 98.70.Vc, 04.30.Nk 5 5 0 0 1 8 9 / c q - r g : v i X r a Typeset using REVTEX ∗e-mail: [email protected] 1 Relic gravitational waves are inevitably generated by strong variable gravitational field of the very early Universe which parametrically (superadiabatically) amplifies the zero-point quantumoscillationsofthegravitationalwaves[1]. Theinitialvacuumquantumstateofeach pairofwaves withoppositely directed momenta evolves intoahighly correlatedmultiparticle state known as the two-mode squeezed vacuum quantum state [2]. (For a recent review of squeezed states see [3]). In cosmological context, the squeezing manifests itself in a specific standing-wave patternandperiodiccorrelationfunctions ofthegenerated field[4]. The main point of this paper is to show that this signature may significantly facilitate the detection of the relic (squeezed) gravitational wave background. It is possible that the appropriate data processing may allow the detection of relic gravitational waves by the forthcoming sensitive instruments, such as the initial laser interferometers in LIGO [5], VIRGO [6], GEO600 [7]. Beforeanalyzing thetheoreticalpredictions inlight ofthecurrent experimental situation, it is necessary to explain the origin of these predictions. We consider the cosmological gravitational wave field h defined by the expression ij ds2 = a2(η)[dη2 (δ +h )dxidxj] . (1) ij ij − The Heisenberg operator for the quantized real field h can be written as ij hij(η,x) = (2πC)3/2 Z−∞∞d3nsX=21 psij(n)√12n (cid:20)hsn(η)einx csn +hs∗n(η)e−inx cs†n(cid:21), (2) where C = √16π l and the Planck length is l = (Gh¯/c3)1/2, thecreation and annihilation Pl Pl s s′ s† operators satisfy cn 0 = 0, [cn, cm] = δss′δ3(n m), and the wave number n is related to | i − s the wave vector n by n = (δ ninj)1/2. The two polarisation tensors p (n) (s = 1,2) obey ij ij the conditions s s s′ s s s pijnj = 0, pijδij = 0, pijp ij = 2δss′, pij( n) = pij(n). − s For every wave number n and each polarisation component s, the functions h (η) have the n form s 1 s s∗ h (η) = [u (η)+v (η)], (3) n a(η) n n s s where u (η) and v (η) are expressed in terms of the three real functions: r - squeeze n n n parameter, φ - squeeze angle, θ - rotation angle, n n u = eiθncosh r , v = e−i(θn−2φn)sinh r . (4) n n n n The functions r (η), φ (η), θ (η) are governed by the dynamical equations [4]: n n n a′ a′ a′ r′ = cos2φ , φ′ = n sin2φ coth 2r , θ′ = n sin2φ tanh r , (5) n a n n − − a n n n − − a n n where ′ = d/dη, and the evolution begins from r = 0, which characterizes the initial vac- n uum state. The dynamical equations and their solutions are identical for both polarisation components s. 2 The present day values of r and φ are essentially all we need to calculate. The mean n n number of particles in a two-mode squeezed state is 2sinh2r (for each s). This number n determines the mean square amplitude of the gravitational wave field. The time behaviour of the squeeze angle φ determines the time dependence of the correlation functions of the n field. The amplification (that is, the growth of r ) governed by (5) is different for different n wave numbers n. Therefore, the present day results depend on the present day frequency ν (ν = cn/2πa) measured in Hz. In the short-wavelength (high-frequency) regime, that is, during intervals of time when the wavelength λ(η) = 2πa/n is shorter than the Hubble radius l(η) = a2/a′, the term n in (5) is dominant, and the functions φ (η), θ (η) are φ = n(η +const), θ = φ . The n n n n n − factor cos2φ is a quickly oscillating function of time, so the squeeze parameter r stays n n practically constant. In the opposite, long-wavelength regime, the term n can be neglected. The function φ n is tanφ (η) const/a2(η), and the squeeze angle quickly approaches one of the two values n ≈ φ = 0 or φ = π (an analog of the “phase bifurcation” [8]). The squeeze parameter r (η) n n n grows with time according to a(η) r (η) ln , (6) n ≈ a ∗ where a is the value of a(η) when the long-wavelength regime, for a given n, begins. The ∗ final amount of r is n a ∗∗ r ln , (7) n ≈ a ∗ where a is the value of a(η) when the long-wavelength regime and amplification come to ∗∗ the end. After the end of amplification, the accumulated (and typically large) squeeze parameter s s∗ r stays approximately constant. The complex functions u (η)+v (η) become practically n n n s s∗ real, and one has h (η) h (η) 1erncosφ (η). Every mode n of the field (2) takes the n ≈ n ≈ a n form of a product of a function of time and a (random, operator-valued) function of spatial coordinates, that is, the mode acquires a standing-wave pattern. The periodic dependence cosφ (η) is a subject of our further inquiry. n The numerical results depend on the concrete behaviour of the pump field represented by the cosmological scale factor a(η). We know that the present matter-dominated stage a(η) η2 was preceeded by the radiation-dominated stage a(η) η. The function a(η) ∝ ∝ describing the initial stage of expansion of the very early Universe (before the era of pri- mordial nucleosynthesis) is not known. It is convenient to parameterize a(η) by power-law functions in terms of η, since they produce gravitational waves with power-law spectra in terms of ν [1]. Concretely, we take a (η) at the initial stage of expansion as a (η) = l η 1+β i i o | | where η grows from , and β < 1. From η = η , η < 0, the initial stage is followed by 1 1 −∞ − the radiation-dominated stage a (η) = l a (η η ) and then, from η = η , by the matter- e o e e 2 − dominated stage a (η) = l a (η η )2. The constants a , a , η , η are expressed in terms m o m m e m e m − of the fundamental parameters l , β through the continuous joining of a(η) and a′(η) at η , o 1 η . The present era is defined by the observationally known value of the Hubble radius 2 l = c/H 2 1028 cm. We denote this time by η and choose η η = 1, so that H R R m ≈ × − 3 a(η ) = 2l . The ratio a(η )/a(η ) = z is believed to be around z = 104. Some information R H R 2 about l and β is provided by the data on the microwave background anisotropies [9, 10], o and we will use it below. The known function a(η) and equations (5) allow us to find the present day values of r as a function of n. Let the wave numbers n (n = 4π), n (n = √zn ), n denote n H H m m H c the waves which are leaving the long-wavelength regime at, correspondingly, η , η , η . R 2 1 The n is the value of n for which a = a . The shorter waves, with n > n , have never c ∗∗ ∗ c been in the amplifying long-wavelength regime. (The present day frequency ν is around c 1010 Hz, as we will see below). Thus, r = 0 for n n, r = ln[(n/n )β] for n n n , n c n c m c ≤ ≤ ≤ r = ln[(n/n )β−1(n /n )] for n n n , and r = ln[(n/n )β+1(n /n )(n /n )] for n c m c H m n c m H c H ≤ ≤ n n . The ern is much larger than 1 for all frequencies n n (ν ν ). H c c ≤ ≪ ≪ The mean value of the field h is zero, 0 h (η,x) 0 = 0. The variance ij ij h | | i 0 h (η,x)hij(η,x) 0 h2 ij h | | i ≡ h i isnot zero, andit determines themean square amplitude ofthe generatedfield -the quantity of interest for the experiment. Taking the product of two expressions (2), one can show that C2 ∞ 2 s 2 C2 ∞ h2 = n h (η) dn = ndn(cosh2r +cos2φ sinh2r ). (8) h i 2π2 Z0 sX=1(cid:12)(cid:12) n (cid:12)(cid:12) π2a2 Z0 n n n (cid:12) (cid:12) Eq. (8) can also be written as ∞ dn h2 = h2(n,η) , h i Z n 0 where, for the present era, C 1 h(n,η) nerncosφ (η) . (9) n ≈ π a(η ) R The further reduction of this formula gives n β+2 h(n) A , n n , (10) H ≈ (cid:18)n (cid:19) ≤ H n β h(n,η) Acosφ (η) , n n n , (11) n H m ≈ (cid:18)n (cid:19) ≤ ≤ H n β+1 n H h(n,η) Acosφ (η) , n n n , (12) n m c ≈ (cid:18)n (cid:19) (cid:18)n (cid:19) ≤ ≤ H m where l 8√π2β+2 Pl A = . l 1+β β+1 o | | The available information on the microwave background anisotropies [9, 10] allows us to determine the parameters A and β. The quadrupole anisotropy produced by the spectrum 4 (10) - (12) is mainly accounted for by the wave numbers near n . Thus, the numerical value H of the quadrupole anisotropy produced by relic gravitational waves is approximately equal to A. Since (according to [11]) the quadrupole contribution of relic gravitational waves is not smaller than that produced by primordial density perturbations, this gives us A 10−5. ≈ We do not know experimentally whether a significant part of the quadrupole signal is indeed provided by relic gravitational waves, but we can at least assume this. The evaluation of the spectral index n of the primordial perturbations resulted in n = 1.2 0.3 [10] or even ± in a significantly higher value n = 1.84 0.29 [12] (see also [19], where one of the best ± fits corresponds to n = 1.4). We interpret [13] these evaluations as an indication that the true value of n lies somewhere in the interval n = 1.2 1.4 (hopefully, the planned new ∼ observationalmissionswilldeterminethisindexmoreaccurately). Sincen 2β+5,thisgives ≡ us the parameter β in the interval β = 1.9 1.8. In fact, the value n = 1.4 (β = 1.8) is − ∼ − − thelargest onefor which theentire theoretical approchiswell posed, since thisvalue requires the pumping field to be too strong: the Hubble radius at the end of the initial stage would have been only a little larger than l . With the adopted A and β, the frequency ν falls Pl c in the region ν = 1010Hz or higher. An allowed intermidiate stage of expansion governed c by a “stiff” matter [14] can affect the spectral slope at frequencies somewhat lower than ν , c but still outside the interval accessible to the existing detection techniques. The details of a short transition from the initial stage to the radiation-dominated stage are irrelevant for our discussion, since they can alter the signal only at frequencies around ν . It is worth c recalling [13] that a confirmation of any n > 1 (β > 2) would mean that the very early − Universe was not driven by a scalar field - the cornerstone of inflationary considerations - because the n > 1 (β > 2) requires the effective equation of state at the initial stage to − be ǫ+p < 0, but this cannot be accomodated by any scalar field with whichever scalar field potential. Obiously, the available data do not prove yet that n > 1 but this possibility is not ruled out either. It is important to emphasize that the existing disagreement (see [11]) with regard to the validity of the inflationary prediction of infinitely large amplitudes of density perturbations for the part of the spectrum with the spectral index n = 1 (β = 2) does not − affect the assumptions and conclusions of this paper which analyses the cases β > 2. − We switch now from cosmology to experimental predictions in terms of laboratory fre- quencies ν and intervals of time t (cdt = a(η )dη). Formula (12) translates into R ν β+1 h(ν,t) 10−7cos[2πν(t t )] , (13) ν ≈ − (cid:18)ν (cid:19) H where ν = 10−18Hz, and t is a deterministic (not random) function of frequency which H ν doesnotvarysignificantlyontheintervals∆ν ν. Wetakeν = 102Hz astherepresentative ≈ frequency for the ground-based laser interferometers. The expected sensitivity of the initial instruments at ν = 102Hz is h = 10−21 or better. The theoretical prediction at this ex frequency, following from (13), is h = 10−23 for β = 1.8, and h = 10−25 for β = 1.9. th th − − Therefore, the gap between the signal and noise levels is from 2 to 4 orders of magnitude. Thisgapshouldbecovered byasufficiently longobservationtimeτ. Thedurationτ depends on whether the signal has any temporal signature known in advance, or not. It appears that the periodic structure (13) should survive in the instrumental window of sensitivity from ν (minimal frequency) to ν (maximal frequency). The mean square value 1 2 of the field in this window is 5 ν2 dν 1 ν2 h2(ν,t) = 10−14 cos2[2πν(t t )]ν2β+1dν . (14) Z ν ν 2β+2 Z − ν ν1 H ν1 Because of the strong dependence of the integrand on frequency, ν−2.6 or ν−2.8, the integral (14) is determined by its lower limit. This gives ν2 dν ν 2β+2 h2(ν,t) 10−14 1 cos2[2πν (t t )] . (15) 1 1 Z ν ≈ (cid:18)ν (cid:19) − ν1 H The explicit time dependence of the variance of the field, or, in other words, the explicit time dependence of the (zero-lag) temporal correlation function of the field, demonstrates that we are dealing with a non-stationary process (a consequence of squeezing and severe reduction of the phase uncertainty). Apparently, the search through the data should be based on the periodic structure at ν = ν . 1 The response of an instrument to the incoming radiation is s(t) = F hij where F ij ij depends onthepositionandorientationoftheinstrument. Thecrosscorrelationofresponses from two instruments 0 s (t)s (t) 0 will involve the overlap reduction function [15 - 18], 1 2 h | | i which we assume to be not much smaller than 1 [17]. The essential part of the cross correlation will be determined by an expression of the same form as (15). The signal to noise ratio S/N in the measurement of the amplitude of a signal with no specific known features increases as (τν )1/4. If the signal has known features exploited 1 by the matched filtering technique, the S/N increases as (τν )1/2. The guaranteed law 1 (τν )1/4 requires a reasonably short time τ = 106 sec to improve the S/N by two orders of 1 magnitude and to reach the level of the predicted signal with the extreme spectral index β = 1.8. If the law (τν )1/2 can be implemented, the same observation time τ = 106 sec 1 − will allow the registration of the signal with the conservative spectral index β = 1.9. Even − an intermediate law between (τν )1/4 and (τν )1/2 may turn out to be sufficient. For the 1 1 network of ground-based interferometers the expected ν is around 30Hz, but we have used 1 ν = 102Hz for a conservative estimate of τ. If the matched filtering technique can indeed 1 be used, it can prove sufficient to have data from a single interferometer. For the frequency intervals covered by space intereferometers, solid-state detectors, and electromagnetic detectors, the expected results follow from the same formula (13) and have been briefly discussed elsewhere [13]. In conclusion, the detection of relic (squeezed) gravitational waves may be awaiting only the first generation of sensitive instruments and an appropriate data processing strategy. I appreciate useful discussions with S. Dhurandhar and B. Sathyaprakash. ———————– [1 ] L. P. Grishchuk, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 67, 825 (1974) [JETP 40, 409 (1975)]; Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 302, 439 (1977). [2 ] L. P. Grishchuk and Yu. V. 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