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The Democratisation of EU International Relations Through EU Law PDF

277 Pages·2018·3.617 MB·English
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The Democratisation of EU International Relations Through EU Law SincetheentryintoforceoftheTreatyofLisbon,keyimprovementshaveoccurredin thedemocratisationofEUinternationalrelationsthroughtheincreasedpowersofthe European Parliament. Nevertheless, a comprehensive legal analysis of the new developmentsindemocraticcontrolofEUexternalactionhasnotyetbeenperformed. This book aims to improve the understanding of the set of mechanisms through which democratic control is exerted over EU external action, in times of profound transformationsofthelegalandpoliticalarchitectureoftheEuropeanintegrationpro- cess. It analyses the role of the Court of Justice in the democratisation of interna- tional relations through EU law, and further provides a legal overview of the role of the European Parliament in the conduct of the EU's international relations. In thoseareaswherethe powersoftheParliamenthavegreatlyincreasedthebookaimsto raisequestionsastowhetherthisenhancedpositionhascontributedtoamoreconsistent externalaction.Atthesametime,thebookaimstocontributetothedebateonjudicial activism in connection with the democratisation of EU external action. It offers the reader a detailed and topical analysis of the recent developments in democratic con- trol of external action which are of relevance in the daily practice of EU external relations lawyers, including the topic of mixed agreements. This text will be of key interest to scholars and students working on EU external relations law, EU institutional law, European Union studies/politics, international relations, and more broadly to policy-makers and practitioners, particularly to those withaninterestintheEuropeanParliamentandtheCourtofJusticeoftheEuropean Union. Juan Santos Vara is Jean Monnet Chair in EU External Action, Professor of Public InternationalLawandEuropeanLaw,DirectoroftheMasterinEuropeanStudiesand Coordinator of the European Joint Master’s in Strategic Border Management at the UniversityofSalamanca, Spain. Soledad R. Sánchez-Tabernero is Doctoral researcher at the Department of Public International Law and EU Law of the University of Salamanca and Analyst at the InstitutionalTeamof the European Political Strategy Centre of the European Com- mission. The views expressed in this contribution are exclusively those of the author, writing in her personal capacity, and do not represent the Institution that she works for. Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies TheprimaryobjectiveofthenewContemporaryEuropean Studies seriesisto providearesearchoutletforscholarsofEuropeanStudiesfromalldisciplines. The series publishes important scholarly works and aims to forge for itself an international reputation. EditedbyChadDamro,UniversityofEdinburgh,UK,ElaineFahey, City University London, UK, and David Howarth, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, on behalfof the University Association for Contemporary European Studies Editorial Board: Grainne De Búrca, European University Institute and ColumbiaUniversity;AndreasFøllesdal,NorwegianCentreforHumanRights, University of Oslo;PeterHolmes,UniversityofSussex;LiesbetHooghe,Uni- versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; David Phinnemore, Queen’s University Belfast; Ben Rosamond, Universityof Warwick; Vivien Ann Schmidt, University of Boston; Jo Shaw, University of Edinburgh; Mike Smith, Universityof Loughborough and Loukas Tsoukalis, ELIAMEP,UniversityofAthensand European University Institute. The Contested Diplomacy of the European External Action Service Inception, Establishment and Consolidation Jost-Henrik Morgenstern-Pomorski Power Politics, Banking Union and EMU Adjusting Europe to Germany Shawn Donnelly EU Human Rights and Democratization Policies Achievements and Challenges Edited by Felipe Gómez Isa, Cristina Churruca and Jan Wouters The Democratisation of EU International Relations Through EU Law Edited by Juan Santos Vara and Soledad R. Sánchez-Tabernero Commercial Realism and EU Trade Policy Competing for Economic Power in Asia and the Americas Katharina L. Meissner For more information about this series, please visit: https://www.routledge. com/Routledge-UACES-Contemporary-European-Studies/book-series/UACES. The Democratisation of EU International Relations Through EU Law Edited by Juan Santos Vara and Soledad R. Sánchez-Tabernero Firstpublished2019 byRoutledge 2ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,OxonOX144RN andbyRoutledge 711ThirdAvenue,NewYork,NY10017 RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©2019selectionandeditorialmatter,JuanSantosVaraandSoledadR. Sánchez-Tabernero;individualchapters,thecontributors TherightofJuanSantosVaraandSoledadR.Sánchez-Tabernerotobe identifiedastheauthorsoftheeditorialmaterial,andoftheauthorsfor theirindividualchapters,hasbeenassertedinaccordancewithsections77 and78oftheCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedor utilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,now knownorhereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orin anyinformationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwriting fromthepublishers. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksor registeredtrademarks,andareusedonlyforidentificationandexplanation withoutintenttoinfringe. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Acatalogrecordhasbeenrequestedforthisbook ISBN:978-1-138-96276-7(hbk) ISBN:978-1-315-17872-1(ebk) TypesetinTimesNewRoman byTaylor&FrancisBooks Contents List of illustrations vii List of principal abbreviations viii List of contributors xi Acknowledgement xiii Foreword xiv The democratic legitimacy of EU international relations: an introduction 1 JUANSANTOSVARAANDSOLEDADR.SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO PARTI The role of the Court of Justice in the interplay between democracy and institutional balance 19 1 Lost in principles? Institutional balance and democracy in the ECJ case lawon EU external action 21 LUISN.GONZÁLEZALONSO 2 The CJEU and the external powers of the Parliament: self-restraint or activism? 39 FABIENTERPAN PARTII The role of the European Parliament in the conclusion of international agreements in the Post-Lisbon period 61 3 The European Parliament in the conclusion of international agreements post-Lisbon: entrenched betweenvalues and prerogatives 63 JUANSANTOSVARA vi Contents 4 A tale of two principles: exploring the democracy-consistency nexus in light of the pirate-transfer saga 82 SOLEDADR.SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO 5 The democratic puzzle of ‘living’ megaregional agreements: TTIP and TPP 97 DAVORJANCˇIC´ 6 The role of the European Parliament in the adoption of non- legally binding agreementswith third countries 115 PAULAGARCÍAANDRADE PARTIII Democratic oversight by the European Parliament: beyond the conclusion of international agreements 133 7 Legal aspects of parliamentary oversight in EU foreign and security policy 135 RAMSESA.WESSEL 8 Oversight trumped by secrets? How access to information and leaks affect European parliamentary oversight in foreign policy 155 VIGJILENCAABAZI 9 The financial dimension of democratic legitimacy in EU external policies: Linking audit and political accountability 169 MARÍALUISASÁNCHEZ-BARRUECO PARTIV The role of national democracies in a multilevel system: a needed extra layer of legitimacy? 193 10 Rebels with a cause? Parliaments and EU trade policy after the Treatyof Lisbon 195 JANWOUTERSANDKOLJARAUBE 11 National parliaments and mixed agreements: exploring the legal bumps in a rocky relationship 210 GUILLAUMEVANDERLOO Index 239 Illustrations Figures 9.1 Share of Special Reports on external policies, and specifically the CFSP (1990–March 2017). 179 9.2 Regularity:shareofirregularitiesintheoverallerrorrate,bytype. 179 Table 2.1 Legal interpretation and strategic position of the CJEU in cases related to the external powers of the Parliament 51 List of principal abbreviations AA Association Agreement ACP Group African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States ACTA Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement AFET European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs AFSJ Area of Freedom, Security and Justice AG Advocate General AJCL American Journal of Comparative Law APSR American Political Science Review BJALS British Journal of American Legal Studies CCP Common Commercial Policy CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies CETA Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement CFSP Common Foreign and Security Policy CIS Center for Comparative and International Studies CJEU Court of Justice of the European Union CJICL Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law CLEER Centre for the Lawof EU External Relations CML Rev Common Market Law Review COBU European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets CONT European Parliament’s Committee on Budgetary Control CSDP Common Security and Defence Policy CUP Cambridge University Press DEVE European Parliament’s Committee on Development DG DEVCO Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development DG NEAR Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations EBLR European Business Law Review ECA European Court of Auditors ECHO European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid ECHR The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ECJ European Court of Justice List of principal abbreviations ix ECtHR European Court of Human Rights EDF European Development Fund EEA European Economic Area EEAS European External Action Service EFA Rev European Foreign Affairs Review EIB European Investment Bank EILR Emory International Law Review EIPAScope Journal of European Institute of Public Administration EJDR The European Journal of Development Research EJIL European Journal of International Law EJPR European Journal of Political Research EJRR European Journal of Risk Regulation EL Rev European Law Review ELJ European Law Journal EO European Ombudsman EP European Parliament ESDP European Security and Defence Policy EU European Union EUCI European Union Classified Information EUI European University Institute EUIA European Union in International Affairs Conference FPI Service for Foreign Policy Instruments FTA Free Trade Agreement GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services GC General Court GMO Genetically Modified Organism GWLR George Washington Law Review Hanse LR Hanse Law Review HR/VP Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy I.CON International Journal of Constitutional Law ICLQ International and Comparative Law Quarterly ICS Investment Court System IIA Interinstitutional Agreement IJLIT International Journal of Law and Information Technology ILO International Labour Organization INTA European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade Intl International The Intl Spectator The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs IPC Interparliamentary Conference ISDS Investor-State Dispute Settlement ISPI Italian Institute for International Political Studies ITLOS International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

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