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The decay of turbulence in rotating flows Tomas Teitelbaum1 and Pablo D. Mininni1,2 1 Departamento de F´ısica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, IFIBA and CONICET, Ciudad Universitaria, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1 1 2 NCAR, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000, U.S.A. 0 (Dated: January 25, 2011) 2 Wepresentaparametricspacestudyofthedecayofturbulenceinrotatingflowscombiningdirect n numerical simulations, large eddy simulations, and phenomenological theory. Several cases are a considered: (1)theeffectofvaryingthecharacteristic scaleoftheinitialconditionswhencompared J with the size of the box, to mimic “bounded” and “unbounded” flows; (2) the effect of helicity 4 (correlation between the velocity and vorticity); (3) the effect of Rossby and Reynolds numbers; 2 and(4)theeffectofanisotropyintheinitialconditions. InitialconditionsincludetheTaylor-Green vortex, the Arn’old-Beltrami-Childress flow, and random flows with large-scale energy spectrum ] proportionaltok4. Thedecaylawsobtainedinthesimulationsfortheenergy,helicity,andenstrophy n in each case can be explained with phenomenological arguments that consider separate decays y for two-dimensional and three-dimensional modes, and that take into account the role of helicity d and rotation in slowing down the energy decay. The time evolution of the energy spectrum and - u developmentofanisotropies inthesimulationsarealsodiscussed. Finally,theeffectofrotation and l helicity in theskewness and kurtosis of the flow is considered. f . s c i I. INTRODUCTION dimensional(3D)modes,andevolveundertheir ownau- s tonomous dynamics. Moreover, in that limit the av- y eraged equation for the slow modes splits into a 2D h Naturepresentsseveralexamplesofrotatingflows. Ro- p Navier-Stokes equation for the vertically-averaged hor- tationinfluenceslarge-scalemotionsintheEarth’satmo- [ izontal velocity and a passive scalar equation for the sphereandoceans,aswellasconvectiveregionsofthesun vertically-averaged vertical velocity. Although simula- 2 and stars. Rotation is also important in many industrial tions of forced rotating flows [6] and of ideal truncated v flows, such as turbo machinery, rotor-craft,and rotating 5 channels. In a rotating system, the Coriolis force, lin- rotatingflows[15,16]usingperiodicboundaryconditions 9 show good agreement with these predictions for small ear in the velocity, modifies the flow nonlinear dynamics 5 enough Rossby numbers, for long times the decoupling when strong enough. In its presence, the Navier-Stokes 1 ofslowand fastmodes seems to break down. Also, some equation becomes a multi-scale problem with a “slow” . 9 authors[17]arguethatinunboundeddomainsnodecou- time scale τ ∼ L/U associated with the eddies at a 0 L pling is achievable even for Ro=0. characteristicscaleL(U isacharacteristicvelocity),and 0 1 a “fast” time scale τΩ ∼ 1/Ω ∼ τLRo associated with Ofparticularimportanceformanygeophysicalandas- : inertial waves. The dimensionless Rossby number Ro is trophysical problems is how turbulence decays in time. v the ratio of advection to Coriolis forces, and measures The problem is also important for laboratory experi- i X the influence of rotationupon the nonlinear dynamics of ments,asitprovides,e.g.,onewaytomeasurechangesin the system (decreasing as rotation becomes dominant). the energy dissipation rate associated with the presence r a Resonant wave theory provides a framework to study ofrotation. Evenintheabsenceofrotation,thedecayof the effect of rapid rotation in turbulence [1–5]. The sep- isotropic turbulence proves difficult to tackle because of arationbetweenthefastandslowtime scalesresultsina thedifferentdecaylawsobtaineddependingonboundary selection of the resonant triadic interactions as the ones andinitialconditions. As anexample,for boundedflows responsible for the energy transfer among scales. As a (i.e., flows for which the initial characteristic length is result, energy transfer and dissipation is substantially closetothesizeofthevessel)the energydecaysas∼t−2 decreased in the presence of strong rotation [3]. The (see, e.g., [13, 18, 19]). For unbounded flows (i.e., flows resonant condition is also responsible for the transfer of in an infinite domain, or in practice, flows for which the energy towards two-dimensional (2D) slow modes, driv- initialcharacteristiclength is muchsmallerthanthe size ing the flow to a quasi-2D state [3, 4] (this result is of- of the vessel) a ∼ t−10/7 [20, 21] or ∼ t−6/5 [13, 22, 23] ten referred to in the literature as the “dynamic Taylor- decay law is observed depending on whether the initial Proudman theorem”, see e.g., [6]). The development of energyspectrumatlargescalesbehavesas∼k4 or∼k2, anisotropy and reduction of the energy transfer and dis- respectively. sipation rates has been verified in numerical simulations In the presence of rotation, the decay of turbulence [7–11] and experiments [12, 13]. becomes substantially richer, with decay rates depend- Similar arguments (see, e.g., [14]) indicate that in ing not only on whether turbulence is bounded or un- the limit of fast rotation (small Rossby number) the bounded and on the initial spectrum at large scales, but slow 2D modes decouple from the remaining fast three- also, e.g., on the strength of background rotation (see 2 [24]). A detailed experimental study of this dependence The structure of the paper is as follows. In Sec. II we canbe foundinRefs. [12,13],wherethe authorsstudied introducethe equations,describetheDNSandLES,and the energy decay of grid-generated turbulence in a ro- give details of the initial conditions and different param- tating tank using particle image velocimetry, and found eters used. Section III presents phenomenological argu- different decay laws depending upon the rate of rotation ments to obtain decay laws in turbulent flows with and andthesaturation(ornot)ofthecharacteristicsizeofthe without rotation. The phenomenological predictions are largest eddies. For large Rossby number they reported then compared with the numerical results in Sec. IV, a decay ∼ tα with exponent α ≈ −1.1 for non rotating which presents the energy, helicity, and enstrophy decay turbulence (consistent with the value of −6/5 predicted in all runs. The spectral evolution and development of in [22, 23] for ∼ k2 unbounded turbulence), which later anisotropy in the flows is discussed at the end of that turned to α ≈ −2 after the largest eddies grew to the section. The effect of initial anisotropy in the decay is experiment size. For small Rossby number this energy consideredinSec.V. Astatisticalanalysisincludingevo- decay rate became smaller saturating at ≈ −1. Simi- lution of skewness and kurtosis is presented in Sec. VI. lar results were reported in simulations in [10], were a Finally, Sec. VII gives our conclusions. decrease from ≈ −10/7 to −5/7 was observed as rota- tion wasincreased. These results are consistentwith the reduction of the energy transfer discussed above. They II. EQUATIONS AND MODELS also reported a steeper energy spectrum together with positive vorticity skewness for the rotating flows, and A. Equations anisotropic growth of integral scales (see also [7, 25]). The decay rate of rotating turbulence also seems to The evolution of an incompressible fluid in a rotating depend on the helicity content of the flow. Helicity (the frame is described by the Navier-Stokes equation with alignment between velocity and vorticity) is an ideal in- the Coriolis force, variantof the equations of motion (a quantity conserved in the inviscid limit) with intriguing properties. In the ∂ u+ω×u+2Ω×u=−∇P+ν∇2u, (1) t absence of rotation, the presence of helicity does not modify theenergydecayrate[19,26,27]northedissipa- and the incompressibility condition, tion rate [28]. However, in the presence of rotation [27] reported a further decrease of the energy transfer when ∇·u=0, (2) both rotation and helicity were present, and [19] showed that the decay rate of bounded rotating flows changes where u is the velocity field, ω =∇×u is the vorticity, drastically depending on whether helicity is present or the centrifugal term is included in the total pressure per not. unit of mass P, and ν is the kinematic viscosity (uni- In this paper we conduct a detailed study of param- form density is assumed). The rotation axis is in the z eter space of rotating helical flows, taking into account direction, so Ω=Ωzˆ, where Ω is the rotation frequency. (1) the effect of varying the characteristic scale of the As mentioned in the introduction, these equations are initial conditions when compared with the size of the solved numerically using two different methods: DNS, box, (2) the effect of helicity, (3) the effect of Rossby andLES using a dynamicalsubgrid-scalespectralmodel and Reynolds numbers, and (4) the effect of anisotropy of rotating turbulence that also takes into account the in the initial conditions. The numerical study uses a helicity cascade. All simulations were performed in a two pronged approachcombining direct numerical simu- threedimensionalperiodicboxoflength2π,usingdiffer- lations(DNS) andlargeeddy simulations(LES).Several ent spatial resolutions ranging from 963 grid points for initialconditionsareconsidered,althoughwhenthechar- thelowestresolutionLESrunsupto5123 forthehighest acteristic initial scale of the flow is smaller than the size resolution DNS. ofthe domain, wefocus only onthe casewith largescale initial energy spectrum ∼ k4. The different decay laws obtained(whichinsomecasescoincidewithpreviousex- B. Models perimentalornumericalobservations,whileinothersare new) are explained using phenomenological arguments, In a DNS, all spatial and time scales (up to the dis- and we classify the results depending on the relevant ef- sipation scale) are explicitly resolved. The simulations fects on each case. wereperformedusingaparallelizedpseudo-spectralcode After studying the decay laws, we study the evolution [29, 30] with the two-third rule for dealiasing. As a re- of anisotropy, of skewness and kurtosis, and the forma- sult, the maximum wave number resolved in the DNS is tion of columnar structures in the flow. We consider k =N/3whereN isthelinearresolution;toproperly max how helicity affects the evolution of skewness and kur- resolve the dissipative scales the condition k /k < 1 η max tosis, andassociatepeaks observedin the time evolution must be satisfied during all simulations, where k is the η of these quantities with the dynamics of the columnar dissipation wave number. In practice, this condition is structures. more stringent if reliable data about velocity gradients 3 TABLE I: Parameters used in the simulations: kinematic viscosity ν, rotation rate Ω, Reynolds number Re, Rossby number Ro, micro-Rossby number Roω, initial relative helicity h, relative helicity at the time of maximum dissipation h∗, and time of maximum dissipation t∗. The values of Re, Ro, and Roω are always given at t∗. The last column succinctly describes the initial energy spectrum E(k): the power law followed by the spectrum, the range of scales where this power law is satisfied, and the flow (TG for Taylor-Green, ABC for Arn’old-Beltrami-Childress, and RND for random). Run ν Ω Re Ro Roω h h∗ t∗ Initial E(k) D256-1 1.5×10−3 0 450 ∞ ∞ 0 9×10−10 1.26 k−4 (4-14) TG D256-2 1.5×10−3 4 550 0.12 1.28 0 −1×10−8 1.06 k−4 (4-14) TG D256H-1 1.5×10−3 0 600 ∞ ∞ 0.95 0.34 2.28 k−4 (4-14) ABC D256H-2 1.5×10−3 4 830 0.08 0.80 0.95 0.65 2.25 k−4 (4-14) ABC D512-1 7×10−4 4 1100 0.12 1.82 0 7×10−9 0.88 k−4 (4-14) TG D512-2 8.5×10−4 0 420 ∞ ∞ 8×10−5 8×10−4 0.60 k4 (1-14) RND D512-3 8.5×10−4 10 450 0.10 0.95 4×10−3 4×10−3 0.70 k4 (1-14) RND D512H-1 7×10−4 4 1750 0.08 1.15 0.95 0.44 1.70 k−4 (4-14) ABC D512H-2 8×10−4 0 440 ∞ ∞ 0.90 0.38 0.94 k4 (1-14) RND D512H-3 8×10−4 10 530 0.07 0.70 0.99 0.5 1.50 k4 (1-14) ABC L96-1 8.5×10−4 0 550 ∞ ∞ 0.03 0.02 0.30 k4 (1-14) RND L96-2 8.5×10−4 2 540 0.42 2.90 −0.03 −0.02 0.30 k4 (1-14) RND L96-3 8.5×10−4 4 540 0.21 1.45 −0.03 −0.02 0.30 k4 (1-14) RND L96-4 8.5×10−4 6 550 0.14 0.95 −0.03 −0.02 0.30 k4 (1-14) RND L96-5 8.5×10−4 8 550 0.11 0.73 −0.03 −0.02 0.30 k4 (1-14) RND L96-6 8.5×10−4 10 530 0.08 0.65 0.03 0.02 0.30 k4 (1-14) RND L96H-1 8×10−4 0 500 ∞ ∞ 0.90 0.51 0.70 k4 (1-14) RND L96H-2 8.5×10−4 10 540 0.08 0.63 0.90 0.70 0.70 k4 (1-14) RND L96H-3 8.5×10−4 10 490 0.08 0.60 0.99 0.80 1.15 k4 (1-14) ABC L192-1 2×10−4 0 1200 ∞ ∞ −7×10−3 −6×10−3 0.10 k4 (1-30) RND L192-2 2×10−4 10 1100 0.22 1.65 −7×10−3 −6×10−3 0.13 k4 (1-30) RND L192H-1 2×10−4 0 950 ∞ ∞ 0.90 0.60 0.30 k4 (1-30) RND L192H-2 2×10−4 10 1000 0.20 1.60 0.94 0.71 0.38 k4 (1-30) ABC L192HA-1 2×10−4 10 1200 0.16 1.40 0.90 0.56 0.50 k4 (1-25) RND L192HA-2 2×10−4 10 1300 0.14 1.35 0.90 0.59 0.46 k4 (1-25) RND L192HA-3 2×10−4 10 1300 0.15 1.35 0.90 0.58 0.45 k4 (1-25) RND andhigh-orderstatisticsoftheflowareneeded(see,e.g., scales of scales smaller than a cut-off scale is modeled [31],wheretheyindicatek /k <0.5forsuchstudies). withsimplifiedequations. Tothisendweusethespectral η max modelderivedin[32]forisotropichelicalandnon-helical Thedissipationwavenumberasafunctionoftimewas turbulence, and its extension to the rotating case [33]. computedforallsimulationsintwodifferentways: asthe The model is based on the eddy damped quasi-normal Kolmogorov dissipation wave number for isotropic and homogeneous turbulence k = (ǫ/ν3)1/4 = (hω2i/ν2)1/4 Markovian (EDQNM) closure to compute eddy viscos- η (whereǫistheenergydissipationrateandhω2ithemean ityandeddynoise,andassumesunresolvedscales(scales smallerthanthecut-off)areisotropic. Botheddyviscos- square vorticity), and as the wavenumber where the en- ity and noise are computed considering the contribution strophy spectrum peaks. The Kolmogorov dissipation from the energy and the helicity spectra (see, e.g., [34] wave number was found to be always larger than the for another subgrid model that takes into account the wavenumber where dissipationpeaks, andin the follow- effect of helicity). The model adapts dynamically to the ing we therefore only consider the Kolmogorov scale as inertial indices of the resolved energy and helicity spec- it gives a more stringent condition on the resolution. tra, and as a result it is well suited to study rotating In all DNS discussed below, the ratio k /k was η max turbulence for whichthe scalinglawsare notwellknown ≤ 0.7 at the time of maximum dissipation (t ≈ 1 to andmaydependontheRossbynumber. Foravalidation t ≈ 3 depending on the simulation), 0.2 to 0.5 at t ≈ 10 of the LES againstDNS results, the reader is referredto (when the self-similar decay starts in most runs), and [32, 33]. monotonously decreases to values between 0.05 to 0.2 at t≈100. Thespatialresolutionsusedwere2563 and5123 The subgrid model starts by applying a spectral fil- grid points, and an explicit second-order Runge-Kutta ter to the equations; this operation consists in truncat- method was used to evolve in time, with a Courant- ing all velocity components at wave vectors k such that Friedrichs-Levy (CFL) number smaller than one. |k| = k > k , where k is the cut-off wave number. One c c In the LES approach, only the large scales are explic- then models the transfer between the large (resolved) itly resolved,while the statistical impact onthe resolved scales and the small (subgrid unresolved) scales of the 4 flowbyaddingeddyviscosityandeddynoisetotheequa- wherethebracketsdenotespatialaverage. Wealsodefine tions for the resolved scales. These are obtained solving the relative helicity as the EDQNMequationsfor estimatedenergyandhelicity H spectra in the subgrid range. To this end, an interme- h= , (6) h|u||ω|i diate range is defined, lying between k′ and k (in most c c cases kc′ =kc/3), where the energy spectrum is assumed which is bounded between −1 and 1 and can be inter- to present a power-law behavior possibly followed by an preted as the mean cosine of the angle between the ve- exponential decrease. As an example, for the energy the locity and the vorticity. following expression is used: To control the net amount of relative helicity in the initial conditions we consider three different flows: a su- E(k,t)=E0k−αEe−δEk, kc′ ≤k<kc . (3) perposition of Taylor-Green(TG) vortices [35], The coefficients αE, δE and E0 are computed at each uTG = Usin(k0x)cos(k0y)cos(k0z)xˆ− time step doing a mean square fit of the resolved energy spectrum. The spectrum is extrapolated to the unre- Ucos(k0x)sin(k0y)cos(k0z)yˆ, (7) solved scales using these coefficients, and the EDQNM a superposition of Arn’old-Beltrami-Childress (ABC) equations are solved. Then one solves the Navier-Stokes flows [36], equation (1) with an extra term on the r.h.s. which in spectral space takes the form uABC = [Bcos(k0y)+Asin(k0z)]xˆ+ [Ccos(k0z)+Asin(k0x)]yˆ+ −ν(k|k ,t)k2u(k,t), (4) c [Acos(k0x)+Bsin(k0y)]zˆ, (8) where u(k,t) is the Fourier transform of the velocity (withA=0.9,B =1.1,andC =1),andasuperposition field u(x,t), −k2 is the Laplacian in Fourier space, and ofFouriermodeswithrandomphases(RND)inwhichwe ν(k|k ,t)isaneddyviscosityproportionaltotheratioof c usethealgorithmdescribedin[37]tocontroltherelative the so-calledabsorptionterms in EDQNM to the energy helicity. Ineachcase,theflowsaresuperposedinarange (andhelicity)spectrum. Eddynoiseisaddedinasimilar ofwavenumbersasdescribedinTableI,andwithglobal manner (for more details, see [32, 33]). amplitudesforeachwavenumbertogivethedesiredslope LES runs using this model have a resolution of either in the initial energy spectrum. 963or1923gridpoints. Apseudo-spectralmethodisalso The TG vortex is non-helical (h = 0) and has no en- used, but without dealiasing, resulting in the maximum ergy in the k = 0 modes, whose amplification in the z wave number k = N/2. As in the DNS, an explicit max rotatingcases(see below)canthus be attributedonly to second-order Runge-Kutta method is used to evolve in abidimensionalizationprocess. TheTGvortexwasorig- time. inally motivated as an initial condition which leads to Parameters for all sets of runs are listed in Table I. rapid development of small spatial scales, and also mim- DNS runs are labeled with a D, followed by the linear ics the von K´arm´an flow between two counter-rotating resolution,aletter“H”iftherunhashelicity,aletter“A” disks used in several experiments [38]. The ABC flow is if the initial energy spectrum is anisotropic,and the run an eigenfunction of the curl operator and as a result has number. LES runs start with an L, followed by numbers maximum helicity (h = ±1 depending on the sign of k0, and letters using the same convention as in the DNS. when only one value of k0 is excited), whereas the RND flow allows us to tune the amount of initial relative he- licity between −1 and 1 as well as the initial anisotropy. C. Initial conditions and definitions Whengeneratingthe flows,twodifferentinitialenergy spectrawereconsidered. Tostudyinitialconditionswith As mentioned in the introduction, we are interested characteristic length close to the size of the computa- in the decay laws obtained in the system depending on tional domain, a spectrum E(k) ∼ k−4 for k ∈ [4,14] properties of the initial conditions and the amount of (followed by exponential decay) was imposed. To study rotation. Inparticular,wewillvarytheinitialamountof initial conditions with length smaller than the domain helicity, the initial energy containing scale (with respect size, we imposed a spectrum E(k) ∼ k4 for k ∈ [1,14], to the largest available scale in the box), the shape of [1,25], or [1,30](also followed by exponential decay). In the energyspectrum, andthe strengthofturbulence and thelattercase,thecharacteristiclengthcangrowintime of rotation as controlled by the Reynolds and Rossby as the spectrum peaks around k = 14, 25, or 30. This numbers respectively. allows us to mimic (at least for a finite time before the HelicityisanidealinvariantoftheNavier-Stokesequa- characteristic length reaches the domain size) the decay tion which measures the alignment betweenvelocity and of unbounded flows. The characteristic length will be vorticity. If zero, the initial conditions are mirror- associated in the following with the flow integral scale, symmetric, so it also measures the departure from a which is defined as mirror-symmetric state. We define the net helicity as k−1E(k) L=2π k , (9) H =hu·ωi, (5) E(k) P k P 5 where E(k) is the isotropic energy spectrum. spectrum that depends only on k and k , which relates k ⊥ Simulations in Table I are alsocharacterizedby differ- to the reduced energy spectra as follows: ent Reynolds and Rossby numbers. The Reynolds and Rossby numbers in the Table are defined as E(kk)= e(kk,k⊥), (15) Xk⊥ UL Re= (10) and ν E(k )= e(k ,k ). (16) and ⊥ k ⊥ Xkk U Ro= , (11) 2ΩL respectively. Of importance is also the micro-scale III. TIME EVOLUTION - PHENOMENOLOGY Rossby number (see e.g., [7]) Wepresentnowphenomenologicalargumentsthatwill ω Roω = , (12) become handy to understand the different decay rates 2Ω thatareobservedinoursimulationsaswellasinprevious which can be interpreted as the ratio of the convective studies. Some of the arguments are well known, while to the Coriolis acceleration at the Taylor scale. The others are new, and we quote previous derivations when Rossby number Ro must be small enough for rotation needed. to affect the turbulence, while the micro-Rossbynumber Roω mustbe largerthanonefor scramblingeffects ofin- A. Non-rotating flows ertial wavesnot to completely damp the nonlinear term, which would lead to pure exponential viscous energy de- cay [5]. In all runs in Table I, Ro and Roω are one order 1. Bounded of magnitude apart at the time of maximum enstrophy t∗, and this interval is roughly preservedthroughout the From the energy balance equation simulations. dE Here and in the following, the isotropic energy spec- ∼ǫ (17) dt trumisdefinedbyaveraginginFourierspaceoverspher- ical shells where ǫ is the energy dissipation rate, Kolmogorov phe- nomenology leads to 1 E(k,t)= 2 u∗(k,t)·u(k,t), (13) dE E3/2 k≤|kX|<k+1 dt ∼ L , (18) whereu(k,t)istheFouriertransformofthevelocityfield, where E =E(t) ∼ kE(k) and L is an energy containing and the asterisk denotes complex conjugate. Other two length scale. For bounded flows where L ∼ L0 (L0 is spectra can also be used to characterize anisotropy. thesizeofthebox),Eq.(18)becomesdE/dt∼E3/2/L0, Onthe onehand,the so-called“reduced”energyspec- resulting in the self-similar decay [18, 39, 40] tra E(k ) and E(k ) are defined averaging in Fourier ⊥ k E(t)∼t−2. (19) spaceovercylindersandplanesrespectively. Morespecif- ically, the reduced energy spectra as a function of wave numbers k with k = (k ,k ,0), and k with k = ⊥ ⊥ x y k k 2. Unbounded (0,0,k ), are defined by computing the sum above over z all modes in the cylindrical shells k ≤ |k | < k +1 ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ andoverplanesk ≤|k |<k +1respectively(isotropic In unbounded flows, a similarity solution of Eq. (18) k k k requires some knowledge of the behavior of the energy and reduced spectra for the helicity are defined in the containing scale L, which is in turn related to the evo- sameway). Fromthereducedspectra,perpendicularand lution of E(k) for low wave numbers. In the case of an parallel integral scales can be defined; e.g., for the per- initial large scale spectrum ∼k4, the quasi-invariance of pendicular direction, Loitsyanski’s integral I (see [21, 41]) leads, on dimen- k−1E(k ) sionalgrounds,toI ∼L5E,andreplacinginEq.(18)we L⊥ =2π k⊥ ⊥ ⊥ . (14) get Kolmogorov’sresult [20] E(k ) P k⊥ ⊥ E(t)∼t−10/7. (20) On the other hand, morPe information of the spectral anisotropy can be obtained studying the axisymmetric A different decay law is obtained if an initial ∼k2 spec- energy spectrum e(k ,k ) (see, e.g., [3, 5]). Assuming trum is assumed for low wave numbers [22, 23]. In the k ⊥ theflowisaxisymmetric,thethree-dimensionalspectrum following,we will consider only the bounded or the ∼k4 canbe integratedaroundthe axisofrotationto obtaina unbounded cases. 6 FIG. 2: Energy decay for different values of Ω from 0 to 10 for unbounded, non-helical runs L96-1, L96-2, L96-3, L96-4, L96-5, and L96-6. The decay becomes slower with increasing rotation rate. We also show t−10/7 and t−5/7 laws as refer- ences. B. Rotating flows: isotropic arguments 1. Bounded In the case of solid-body rotationwithout net helicity, a spectra E(k) ∼ ǫ1/2Ω1/2k−2 is often assumed at small scales (i.e., wave numbers larger than the integral wave number) [9, 42–45]. Replacing in the balance equation, this spectrum leads to dE E2 ∼ . (21) dt L2Ω For bounded flows L∼L and we get [13, 44, 46] o E(t)∼t−1. (22) In helical rotating flows the small-scale energy spec- trum takes a different form. The direct transfer is dom- inated by the helicity cascade. In this case we can write the helicity flux as δ ∼h /(Ωτ2) where h is the helicity l l l at the scale l, and τ the eddy turnover time [11]. Con- l stancy of δ leads to small scale spectra E(k)∼ k−n and FIG. 1: (a) Energy decay for non-rotating unbounded runs. H(k)∼kn−4,wheren=5/2obtainsforthecaseofmax- Non-helical runs D512-2 (solid), L96-1 (dashed), L192-1 (dash-dotted),andhelicalrunsD512H-2(solid,thick),L96H- imum helicity [11]. Further use of dimensional analysis 1 (dashed, thick), and L192H-1 (dash-dotted, thick) are leads to E(k) ∼ ǫ1/4Ω5/4k−5/2 for the energy spectrum shown. A −10/7 slope is shown as a reference. The inset in terms of the energy dissipation rate, and replacing in showstheenergydecayfornon-rotatingboundedrunsD256- the balance equation we get 1 (solid), and D256H-1 (solid, thick). (b) Enstrophy decay for the same runs, with a −17/7 slope shown as a reference. dE E4 Theinsetshowstheenstrophydecayintheboundedruns. (c) ∼ . (23) dt L6Ω5 Helicity decay in theunboundedhelical runsof (a);theinset showsthehelicitydecayfortheboundedhelicalrunD256H-1. For L∼L then [19] o E(t)∼t−1/3. (24) 7 2. Unbounded For non-helical unbounded flows with E(k) ∼ k4 at small wave numbers we can again make use of the con- stancy of I in Eq. (21), leading to [25] E(t)∼t−5/7. (25) For helical flows, assuming I remains constant in Eq. (23), we obtain [47] E(t)∼t−5/21. (26) C. Rotating flows: anisotropic arguments ThedecaylawsobtainedforrotatingflowsinEqs.(22), (24), and (25), have been reported in experiments or in simulations [12, 13, 19, 24]. However,the analysis above is based on the isotropic energy spectrum and on the quasi-invarianceoftheisotropicLoitsyanskiintegral. For an anisotropic flow, other quantities are expected to be quasi-invariants during the decay instead [41, 48, 49]. Rotating flows tend to become quasi-2D, and the as- sumptionofanaxisymmetricenergyspectrumseemsnat- ural considering the symmetries of the problem. If there is no dependence on wavenumbers on the paralleldirec- tion, the energy spectrum for small values of k can be ⊥ expanded as (see, e.g., [50]) E(k⊥)≈Lk⊥−1+Kk⊥+I2Dk⊥3 +··· (27) We will be interested in the following coefficients: K = hu·u′irdr, (28) Z and I2D = hu·u′ir3dr, (29) Z where hu·u′i is the two-point correlation function for spatial increments r perpendicular to the rotation axis. If the correlation function decays fast enough for large FIG. 3: (a) Energy decay for rotating unbounded runs (Ω= values of r [48], these quantities can be expected to be 10). Non-helical runs D512-3 (solid), L96-6 (dashed), L192-2 quasi-invariants during the decay, respectively for initial (dash-dotted),andhelicalrunsD512H-3(solid,thick),L96H- large-scale energy spectra ∼ k and ∼ k3, in the same ⊥ ⊥ 3 (dashed, thick), L96H-2 (dash-tripe-dotted, thick), and way I is quasi-conserved during the decay of isotropic L192H-2 (dash-dotted, thick) are shown. At late times, the flowswithaninitiallarge-scale∼k4 energyspectrum. A non-helicalrunsdecayslightlyfasterthant−5/7,whilethehe- detailedproofofthe conservationofK for rotatingflows licalrunsareclosetoa−1/3decay. Theinsetshowsbounded canbefoundin[49];itisadirectconsequenceofthecon- non-helicalrunsD256-2(solid)andD512-1(dashed),andhe- servationoflinearmomentuminthe directionparallelto licalrunsD256H-2(solid,thick)andD512H-1(dashed,thick). (b) Enstrophy decay for the same runs, with a −12/7 slope the rotation axis. It is worth pointing out that these quantities were also shown to be conserved in other sys- shown as a reference. The inset shows the enstrophy decay in the bounded runs. (c) Helicity decay in the unbounded tems: proofs of the conservationof K and I2D for quasi- helical runs; boundedhelical runsare shown in theinset. geostrophicflows can be found in [50]. In practice, these quantitiesareonlyapproximatelyconservedinnumerical 8 FIG. 5: Evolution of I/I(0) (thick lines) and of I2D/I2D(0) (thinlines)forrunsD512-3(solid)andL96-6(dashed). While in both runs I2D mantains an approximately constant value, I growths monotonically and during the self-similar energy decay increases by one order of magnitude. simulations, see e.g., the approximate constancy of I2D and K reported for rotating flows in [47]. AspervirtueofthedecaytheRossbynumberdecreases withtime, wewillfurtherassumeforourphenomenolog- icalanalysisthat2Dand3Dmodesareonlyweaklycou- pled,andwriteequationsfortheenergyinthe2Dmodes, E2D. Inthenon-helicalcase,ifK remainsapproximately constant with K ∼ E2DL2⊥L0k (where L0k is the size of the box in the direction parallelto Ω), then Eq. (21) for the 2D modes becomes dE2D ∼ E23DL0k, (30) dt KΩ which leads to a decay E2D(t)∼t−1/2. (31) Alternatively,constancyofI2D ∼E2DL4⊥L0k inEq.(21) for the 2D modes leads to 5/2 1/2 dE2D E2DL0k ∼ , (32) dt I1/2Ω 2D and E2D(t)∼t−2/3. (33) The same arguments can be extended to the helical FIG. 4: Energy decay for E3D (solid) and E2D (dashed) for rotatingcaseusingEq.(23). IfconstancyofKisassumed runswith rotation: (a)Unboundednon-helicalD512-3(thin) andL96-6 (thick);E3D ∼t−10/7 andE2D ∼t−2/3 decaysare we get idnidtiiocnasteLd9.6H(b-)2;UEn2bDouinsdceldosehetloicat−l1w/2it.h(rca)nUdonmbouinnidtieadl hcoenli-- dE2D ∼ E27DL30k, (34) cal with ABC initial conditions D512H-3 (thin) and L96H-3 dt Ω5K3 (thick);E2D isclosetot−1/3. (d)Boundedhelical withABC and initial conditions D512H-1. E(t)∼t−1/6. (35) 9 Finally, constancy of I2D leads to Asaresult,the“bounded”runsarehereonlybrieflycon- sidered to study the time evolution of global quantities dE2D E21D1/2L30/k2 (energy, enstrophy, and helicity), and to compare with ∼ , (36) thepredictionobtainedinthecorrespondingcasesinthe dt I3/2Ω5 2D phenomenological analysis. and E(t)∼t−2/9. (37) A. Non-rotating flows These decay laws will be important to analyze the evo- Numerical results for non-rotating, bounded and un- lution of the energy in the simulations discussed in the bounded flows are shown in Fig. 1. In the unbounded next section. case (runs with an initial energy spectrum ∼ k4 peak- ing at k = 14 in the DNS and 963 LES, and peaking at k = 30 in the 1923 LES), the runs show a decay for D. Enstrophy decay the energy close to ∼ t−10/7 independently of the pres- enceofhelicityornot(notetherunsalsospanarangeof Reynolds numbers from Re ≈ 420 to 1200). The decay From any of the previous energy decay laws, one can alsocomputelawsfortheenstrophydecayΩ(t)= ω2 /2 is consistentwith the predictiongivenbyEq.(20) foran initial ∼k4 energy spectrum. usingtheisotropicenergybalanceequationandreplacing ǫ=νΩ(t), which results in Ω(t)=ν−1dE/dt. Fro(cid:10)m (cid:11)this The enstrophy decay is also consistent with this law, as expressed by Eq. (38), decaying close to ∼ t−17/7 in equation, for every solution for which the energy decays as E(t)∼tα, the enstrophy decay results all cases. In the absence of rotation, helicity only delays the onset of the self-similar decay by retarding the time Ω(t)∼tα−1. (38) when the maximum of enstrophy takes place, as already reported in [27] and [53]. This is more clearly seen in Althoughrotatingflowsareanisotropic,the enstrophy the DNS; see, e.g., the time of the peak of enstrophy for ispredominantlyasmall-scalemagnitudeandwewillsee runs D512-3 and D512H-3 in Fig. 1(b). Finally, in the that this isotropic argument gives good agreement with helicalruns,helicityseemstodecayastheenstrophy,just thenumericalresultsforrotatingandnon-rotatingflows. slightly slower than the ∼t−17/7 law. Since helicity is related with the energy and the enstro- Similarresultsareobservedforboundedflows,i.e., for phy only througha Schwartzinequality,no simple decay initial conditions with the initial energy containing scale laws can be derived in its case using these phenomeno- close to the size of the box (runs with a ∼k−4 spectrum logical arguments. from k = 4 to 14, peaking at k = 4). In this case, all runs are consistent with a ∼ t−2 decay for the energy (seethe insets ofFig.1)inagreementwithEq.(19),and IV. TIME EVOLUTION - NUMERICAL a decay for the enstrophy close to ∼ t−3 in agreement RESULTS with Eq. (38). In the helical runs, helicity decays again slightlyslowerthantheenstrophy,butclosetothe∼t−3 power law. We present here the results for the energy, enstrophy, and helicity decay obtainedin the numericalsimulations listed in Table I, classifying them as rotating or non- B. Rotating flows rotating, bounded or unbounded (in the sense that the initial integral scale is smaller than the size of the box), and helical or non-helical. 1. Global quantities Concerning the terminology of “bounded” and “un- bounded” used to describe the numerical simulations, it As rotation is increased, the simulations show a shal- is important to note that confinement effects in a ro- lower power law in the energy decay. As an illustration, tating flow go beyond a saturation of the integral scale Fig. 2 shows the energy decay rate in simulations of un- when it grows to the box size. Confinement also selects bounded non-helical flows with increasing rotation rate a discrete set of inertial waves which are normal modes Ω. As reported in previous numerical simulations [24] of the domain, and boundaries can introduce dissipation and experiments [12, 13], as Ω increases the decay slows throughEkmanlayers. Thelattereffectisnotpresentin down until reaching a saturated decay for Ro≈0.1. We our numerical simulations with periodic boundary con- will focus in the following in simulations with Rossby ditions. Finally, it was shown in [51] (see also [52]) that number small enough to observe this saturated decay, thesmallnumberofFouriermodesavailableintheshells althoughnotsosmallthattherotationquenchesallnon- with wave number k ≈ 1 gives rise to poor represen- linear interactions giving only exponential decay. A de- tation of isotropy and of the integral scale in runs for tailed study of the transition between the non-rotating which the integral scale approaches 1/5 of the box size. and rotating cases can be found in [12]. 10 FIG. 7: Axisymmetric energy spectrum e(k ,k )/sinθ for k ⊥ different times for run L96-6 (non-helical, Ω=10, initial en- ergy spectrum ∼k4 peaking at k=14). well as the effect of anisotropy in the initial conditions which is specially relevant for this particular case. The enstrophy and helicity show a decay close to ∼ t−12/7. FIG. 6: (a) Evolution of the isotropic energy spectrum E(k) Note that in the presence of rotation, helicity not only forL96-6(non-helical,Ω=10, initial∼k4 spectrumpeaking slows down the occurrence of the peak of enstrophy as atk=14)fromt=5tot=100withtimeincrements∆t=5. already reported in [27], but it also changes the energy Inset: reduced perpendicular energy spectrum E(k ) for the ⊥ decayafterthispeak. Theenstrophydecayisnotaffected same times. (b) Evolution of the isotropic energy spectrum forL96H-2(helical, Ω=10, initial∼k4 spectrumpeakingat by the presence of helicity. Overall, the case of constrained runs shows a similar k = 14) at the same times, with the reduced perpendicular energy spectrum in theinset. scenario, with a significant slow down of the decay rates inthe presence ofrotation,and withan extraslow down of energy decay in the presence of helicity (see the in- sets in Fig. 3). Rotating non-helical flows are close to Figure 3 shows the energy, enstrophy, and helicity de- E(t) ∼ t−1, Ω(t) ∼ t−2, and H(t) ∼ t−2, while heli- cay in simulations of rotating flows with and without cal flows in this case display a shallower decay in the helicity, in the unbounded andbounded cases (the latter energy consistent with E ∼ t−1/3 as predicted by the in the insets). The energy decay in the unbounded non- phenomenological arguments that take into account the helical runs (thin lines in Fig. 3) is slightly steeper than what Eq. (25) predicts (E ∼t−5/7). A better agreement effectofhelicityintheenergyspectrumofrotatingturbu- isobservedfortheenstrophy,whichisclosertoa∼t−12/7 lence. As inthe unboundedcase,the presenceofhelicity does not affect the decay rate of enstrophy. law. As will be shown next, the agreement between the phenomenologicalargumentsforthe energyandthe sim- ulations is improved if the decay of 2D and 3D modes is considered separately. 2. Anisotropic global quantities Alternatively, the unbounded helical runs (thick lines inFig. 3) showfor the energya ∼t−1/3 decayor steeper Althoughtheimpactofrotationandhelicityintheen- (although shallower than ∼t−5/7). Runs with ABC ini- ergydecayis clear,thepredictionsgivenbytheisotropic tial conditions tend to develop a clearer power law de- phenomenologicalargumentsinSec.IIIBdonotcoincide cay and to be closer to a ∼ t−1/3 decay than runs with in all cases with the results from the simulations. This random helical modes. Again, these differences can be can be ascribed to the fact that these arguments assume explained considering the decay of 2D and 3D modes, as an isotropic energy scaling, while rotation breaks down

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