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The Death of Socrates PDF

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THE DEATH OF SOCRATES THE DEATH OF SOCRATES AnI nterpretoaftt hiePo lna tonDiica logues: Euthyphro, ApCorliotagony dP, h aedo by ROMANO GUARDlNI Translaftreodm tGheer man by HASIL WRIGHTON LONDON SHEED & WARD 1948 FIRSPTU BLISH1E9D4 & BYS HEEADN DW ARIJL,T IJ. 110/F1L1EE1ST T REET LONDONE,. C.4 Thish ooki sc opyrigNhot p.o rtioorni t mayb er eproduwcietdh owurti uepne rmission. Inquisrhioeusbl eda ddrestsote hdep ublishers. PRINTIENDG REAUTR ITAIN 8Y PURNEALNLD S ONSL,T D. PAULTO(NS OMERSAENTDL) O NDON INTRODUCTORY NOTE THE FATE ofS ocratiesso neo ft hep rincitphaelm eisn t heh istory oft hew estermni nd.W hatevemri ghtb et hep athosf p hilosophical reflectfiroonm the ye3a9r9n .c.t,h emy ustl eabda cks ooneorr l ater tot hate nigmatfiicg urweh ichs o deepltyo ucheasl lw ho comei n contawcitt hi t.S ocratiesns o ta systemapthiicl osophyeerth, e t ells us morea boutt hem eaninogf p hilosopthhya nm anys ystematic writingHse. i si nimitaybelteh ,eh ash ada deepeirn fluenocnem en's y mindst hanm osto therwsh o havet aughat w a ofl ief.T herie si n hisfa tew,h ichi ss oc omplettehleyr esuolfta givesni tuatainodns o intimatebloyu ndu p withh isp ersonaild iosyncraa styy,p ical significawnhciec hs carcealnyy o thehri storificgaulr ep ossesses. Note verpye rsonalaidtmyi tosf w hati sc allecdo ntaicnts ucha degreeT.h isr equirae csh aractwehric ihs n ots impleyq uivalweintth greatnoefsm si ndo rh umanl ovableneAs msa.n mayh avea dmirable qualitbiuetso ,fs ucha kindt hatth erya isae b arribeert weehni ma nd thosweh ow oulda pproachhi m.A nothehra st heg reateisntfl uence, buto nlyt hroughhi sa chievemenwthsi,l hee himselpfe,r sonally, remainisnt heb ackgrounAdg.a int heraer ec haractwehrisc hc apti­ vatep eopleb,u ta reo f no significabnecyeo ndt hat".C ontact" meanst hem eetinwgi tha n historifciaglu wrhei chi su nmistakably itseblfu t yetr epresensotmse thinugn iversavlallyi dH.i story cannosth owm anys uchfi gurewsh,i chb yt heivre ryu nrepealable singularlietayds t raigthott h ee ssenttihailn gasn;d a mongt hemi t isp erhapSso cratwehso p ossesisnet sh eh ighedsetg reteh ipso wero f touchianngd movipnego ple: The Socratoefst heP latondiica loguiessh imseltfh er esulotf a contact. Thorroeualg,bh ultya sp erceivaenddd rawnb yP lato­ jusats P lathoi mseilsfi nescapatbhlemy a n whol ivefdo rt eny ears undert hei nfluencoefS ocrateIst.i st ruet,h eraer ep artosf h is literwaorryk i nw hicht het wop ersonaliftalifleur st hearp artT.h us theS ocratoefts h ee arlideira loguiesns e aretsott hep eculimaarn w ho heldh imselafl ooffro m allt heorayn d was everr etreatiinntgo inaccessriebglieo nwsh;i lien t heL awst,h ew orko fP latoo'lsda ge, thef iguorefS ocratiessm issinagl togethaenrd,t hes peakeirst he v VI INTRODUCOTRYN OTE absolpuhtiilsotsh oipmhsweeirlt hfhi u sr gteo waars dyss tBeumt. thSeo craotfte hsee a rdliyag luoetso iost h Seo crwatheosmP l ato saw laonvdae nded,v einnt hlea tfelsitgo hfPt lsa to's metaphysical thoutghhsetp iorfhi iltso ndge amda stiessrt a icltli ve. Three ader of dtihael oPiglasual aetwysohs na ivcit nosg t oapn d askhi mswehleft htehrfie g urweh os peauknsd etrh nea moef SocrraetaeilsSsl o yc raOtfteesen.n outghhae n swietsrh iactta nnot be decbiutdthe fadot,r mtohset tphameri tn d and ocfth haer acter figuproei nt tobta ecnkdi eensc whicohr lametuam ssittg, hh ta,v e beefnou ndi nt hoer igSioncarla Ttheastt.ih sma nw,h om ayb e regaredqeudaa lsal g yr esaotp hoiras sot n der ivbeytn h feo rocfe Eroass, fitrhcsert i tical oprh ioalnsoge su oipdbheyned ur m inous intimaitnsie ovnesr,ta hr eelpaeelsr ss iotnoyaft l he hipgotheenscty , provtehsge e nuhiinteso rirceaallt ihtalyeti s b ehihnid-m and idneeadl stoh aer tigsetniiocuf ts h mea nw hoh asd rawhni s poratirt. FoPrl awthoom, a kseusc khe edne manodnas c curoaftc hyo ught ansdh oswusc wha tuclhm fistorfua srtt itsatlieicns t sr,ne oma elrley thienrbk,u atp oeotfa h igh oHrewd reirdt.ee lsi uglshc tefwnheisc h betrtahbyeo rdnr amaatnidis ntv,e tnhutogsh t-lmaydtehns which itnerptrhemete anionflg i fFeo.r mfslu olf l eia fndid nivuiadlity movteho rughhi dsi alo:tg huSeeo sphists pwrientttoheiu stnheesisr anidn waermdpn tei;st shper actmiecnwa hloc atlhle msreelavleiss ts anyde hta vteob et otlhdta hte ayrt er adiinun ngc aeirynt;tt hpeo ets whoc ladiimv iinnsep iraanttdhi peor ni,e sctlsa twiobhm eio in tiated, buwth oa lickaeng ivneor atiaoccnoaulon ftt heuitertr an;c es aboavelt lh,ye o unmge nw itthh etihri froskrtn w oledagnedt heir impetwuiofluolstr h ied eaallal,l e ii knt hefiiarti hnw haits new, bueta cwhi tahr ecognmiaznanboelferh iosw nI.n t hmei dosft thibsu stwloirnhlgde p reseSnotcsr astheosw,ih niigsn flueinnc e aldli recatnido nltgsihh,et t sh aflatl hoins chfaorrmaa cltlee srs. i d Theres oimse tqhuiinptgee ci ualtrot hpeo etgiecn ioufPs l aitno hiasb iltiomt aykc eo nvicgtrioiownn tfsoo er sci,d eianstfl eos ahn d blooTdh.ec haracotfhe irdssi o agluehsa veea cahni tnellectual localidteyfi navinitdee; w b sut theiirs c optnirscutcuftroreemd theriers pescttainvdeap nofdior nmtt heciorn viocrt iuonnc ertainty. INTRODCUTORYN OTE VII Therierl attoti rount h bietcsaoel mlieffivs ge u rAe d.r amaotfi sm thmei nsdw ayPsl atwoo'rska sn,d wahpapte aasra sd ilaecotfi c thouigsh ta t tthiemt ehse eax mper eosfsa inio wnna rpdr ociens s thteh ienrhk miselBfu.t thet opwoawirhndistac nhfd r owmh ich thilvsii ntgh ought-ipsr oiscneme tos tsi aonnd,t hidsr amatism evolivSseo sc,r aPtleastt.oh 'osud gohentso w to rfkor mo uotfi tself int hmea nnoefar moongoulbeu,st p ricnognst infuraotlmhll eviy i ng tensiwohnisca hr ibseet wemeanse tra ndd iscibpeltew,et ehne pionaenedr ohpipso nentisne-deadis,wt, a sa wakeinnhe idm self byt hcaotn tmaacdtae,tt hhee iogfhh tiy so uthrfeucle ptwihviicthy , letdom anyye afresl'l oowfsl hiaifnpeld e arnIitgn agvh.ei mt he origpihniallo seoxppheirci ence, atnhde vitac rorineotcuauscr tss in witShoc rawtheishc ihds i auleodsge scribe. Plahtaobs u iulpt w ao rokft houwghhitcc ahbn e a nyaslefdr om itfsu ndamemnoittvaelas n df oolwledi n dietvse lopWmee nt. shouhlowde,v eorn,lg yr atshpae i omf h ipsh ilosionpp ahriytwf e lookfeoidrm t e reilny theoprreotpiocsaiJltu isaotsun rsg.ef notr himi,fn omto ruer getnhtat,nh see arch for tprhuiitlsho ,s ophic thceo nsidewrhaasttoi rooftan m ano nmeu sbtei fon iets oh ave anyp roescpotf fi nditnrgu tPhl.a htaous n dertnaokoten nla y criuteoi frq easiongn e nebruaotlf r, e asionn ctohnec rteotoHe.e is oofnt eh at sqmuainltulem boefrp hliosopwhheor sh saeveienn philostohcpeoh nyt oefen xti staesn cweet lhlao tfpa rso positions, anwdh oh aveen quiwrheasdto orftam ano nmeu sbtet ob ecoam e philosaonpdh erws,ho arottf a man one whbeeoncn oehm aess decifdoeprdh ilosTohpiphshy i.l osoepxhiisctheaenl c hdeae sfi ned theore-teiscpaelcliiynat lhlSeyi xBtoho okf t hRee pulbicby - laydionwgtn h gei ftwsh itchhpe r ospepchtiilvoesm oupshhtae vre antdh feo rmahtemi uosnrt e cebiuvhtee h; a rse peastheodwhlniy m toiont he avceotrfp y h ilosopAhnidhz ehi anpsgo .tr rayheidim n signisfiictaunatot flifioemn,as s tetrhieinmnga w ayt hiavtsa laindd produkcnweolse d:fg oeirsn atncient, h Sey pmosiduims,c ouorfs ing thhei ghtehsiton ngs fa e stoicvsceai ;oi nn Rtehpeu belincag,g eidn builudpii,nna gs piorfdi ete preessntps oiyb,it lhiawtth owlhei icsh tof ortmh sey nthoefas liilns d ivaicdhuiaelv eamneadnt tt hssea me timteh feo undawthiiocwnhi ll emaackphea rtiaccuhliaerv ement viii INTRODUCTORNYO TE possinbalmeet,lh ySe t a;fit nealilnty h,Eeu thryopA,hp loo,gCy rito andPh ae,cd oornofendtw itdhe aatnhed n abblyeh dic so nvictions tou ndeiritgn to h e wraiygTh.ht ip sh iloshoopwheevtreh erex, i st­ entcioaulen rtpaorftt h peh ilhoiscopaprlo posiisnt oia obns,t ract construbcuttth imeoo nsl,tvi inagc tluyia-tthvaetrS yo crwahtoe s movetsoa nd tfhrroo ugthhoeu tP latoniTch uwdshi aawtla osg ues. saaibdo ovf"e cont"a catcqaun iermwee sa ninugr gaenndc y. Thep resweonrptkr opotsoee xsa mfiounrde i agluoefosrm P lato's wor:kt shEeu tyhprhoA,p loo,gCy riatnodP h ae.dT ohedye scribe Socratthpeehs i,l osiontp hhseei rt,u oaftdi eoantFh i.rh seit ss h own, arleaudny diernc dtimemnete,nt gi aacnq uainttahnsect er eient , outstihdoeeffi coef t hAer chBoans ilwehueisn,n t hceo urosfe conveirotsnha ceto mienvget nhtr oiwtss sbheaofdr;oet wh eantt he tribaelf otrhee p rseumceo udretf,de innhgi se -lwioafrgka inst the variaocucsui soa;nnt sexitnp risaottn h,me o mewnhte tno,w ards theen odf h iism prisoanf mireennutdr, gh eism to flhierg eh­t and asseusr himsehlihfsi gahsde ustt;tloy s a tljyu,s t tbehefeno dar,se hes umusp i,na nimactoendv erwsiatthhiid osin s citphlreee ssu,l t ofh iesn qusia rnikden owledTghee.ts eex wtistl elul shl o wS ocrates seedse ahtohw,h ilsei a fppetaohr isim n t hfea coefd eatahnh,do w hem eehtiss end. Wea rceo nceirnnedeedhd e rwei tthh teh eoreptriocpaols ition, whaitts h mee anoifnd ega htohwf, a trh peo ssiobfdi elairttehya ches itnom an's exwihsettethnhecerier sa,e n ythiinendsgt ruicntt hiiblse existaenndsc oef ,or th-baultsw oi th ctochnrees ttea otfe mind whilcihbe esh itnhdqe u estainosdnt sa te;mw eintthse xtihset ence oft hmea nw hoi sh eraes kianngd affiramniwdnh goi, s jnuostt anyobnueSt,o cr;at theaSsto crawtheois st hoeu tcoomfte h e contbaecttw tehesent onemoafAs loonp aencehd i gsr edaits ciple, comibngii nnhi mseellefm efonrmtt sh nea tuorfbe o tThh.i wso rk, thewni,nl olrt a itshqeeu esatsti oown h ipcahr otfts h feuo rd ialogues arhei storSioccarolarltPy il ca t;ot nhSieoc croaftw ehsi icsthp eaks ist haptr esigdeinniogufP s l atdoi'oasgl uwehso h acso ntinued to inlfuetnhcpeeh ilosolpeio hffti hcWaeel s. t Thtee xmtesn tiaornteea dk aesanu nitIty .i s noats setrhetreedb y INRTODUCTORYN OTE ix thatth ewye rpel anansea du nyi otre vecno mpoaste dst ahmee periIofPd l.a twoo'rsfkla lisn tfoou rp eriods-tyroauntshi,t ion, matuyra intdo ladg e-tPhhea ebdeol otnotg hste i emo fm asyt,e r whitlheoe t htehrrd eileao gaureacsp rodutchtee a oryfle ya rWsi.t h regatrotd h oer derw hiinct hh lea tatpepre aprreodb,a tbhley Aploogwya wsr itfitrestnth ,et nh ei tCaorn,ld a tshtEe u tphhyrOou.r enquiisr yc oncernuendi wtwhyii trcheh s tufohlrmett sh e contents themseTlhvePe hsa.e ddoie ffrfsor mt hoet hdeirla oguients h e thouagshw te lalsi n mtahnen ienrw hichd raiwttsh fi eg uorfe Socrabtuettsh f;eor coeft heev ernotu nd twhheaiyrca ehlg lr ouped is gsroet ahtai pttr aeivolvset rh e edrieffnAcnedw. h aitrs ae ltlhye exprieosonsf P latione'ltlse ctaunadal r tigsrtoiwcst uhc,c eeding evebre titnedr r awionutgth peo tteiniaelosift t hfieg uraep,p ears heraes t hadte velopamnedtn rta onrsmfatwihoinco hc cuirns Socraitnte hshe o ubresf odreea t"hwh,e nm enm osatr weo ntto proph"e.s y Finaalsrl eyg,a trhdmese thooftd h een qu:ii rftloy lwost htee xt asc losaespl oys sicblflayeri,ina gn cdo nenctitnhcgeo nclubsyi ons insersthionrgot rel ro ngreerpc tiaulatIinot nhsiw.sa yc ertain -thoumguhskttes e rpe cur;br uittnh gaitss u fficiecnoptmelnys ated byt head vanttahgateth e thecoornestiicdaealr raitisimeo­n s mediaftreotlmhy te e xt. Thpeu rpoofts hewi osr ikas p hoislophiinctaelr prseeteaktiinogn , toe ntienrtP ol attoh'osu; gn hott oridnte ors taatnedr e trhaicse idehaiss torbiucitan l loytr,oda e prp rouancdhte,hr e giuri dance, nearteor ttrhueit ths. e Slufcah m ethmouds ati mp rimaarti ly brintghitene gix tts ietnlotf h ger eaptoessstpi rbolmei nence. Thibsoo k-som ucaht l eamsatyb es aidt-hifesr i uotf a r eal contwaicttthh fi eg urSe ocorfa Ith easvk.ee prte turtnoi nttgeh xet s int heeff otrotg ratshpte h oubgehhti Snodc rastteast'esam nednt s thmeo doef e xistiemnpclbeiy et dh atth ougPhetr.h tahprese sult doensog ti vare e acdlytu oet he amoofwu onrbtke hiinted,s paelcliy ast hiissn oitdn icabtye dt uhseua aplp araTthuiissm. pi elnso depcrieatoifpo hni lgoiclaaonlhd i storreisceaaflro wcrhh i,c ht hoen conatrIryh avtehh eih gesrte spBeucittit .ns o mty l nie-amnoyr e thanw aisit n earliera s ismtiukldiainreTd sh. er oefa dtehre,n ,

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