rl rlf If If lf LiLf l 't'it ^ ,= : lhe Daju Language croup {+/|t.,tn Sgstenaeic Phoaetics. Zeljcbstrtrsaics anal Ictical xecotstluctjotl RobLD E. w. rtrelirall a.A. (Eons) Flenclr (o.on) t Dlp. Pbonatlcs (Edl'nbulgh) school of EuDanltles of the New Univelalty of Ulsle! li .)1'.- ,-\ A ! r'" I Acknovf,edgenents I a.E indebted to the willlng assistance of lly:!any Daju infoEants ove! the yearg., tn palticular: Sheikh yaqoub and Ah0ad Adan for sila, Abdet Ra.hnan Shatta for Nyala, Jal!:Ial rbcarrir llqd Dawa for l,agasa, Tito T1a fo! Shatt, and Asenosl T\rtu for L19uri. A.bdalla trah& Abdaua Kunodo flfF,t intloduced De to Daju infolDants in Kaduql.i. aDd r'ork€d as ny iJterpreter beheen 1956 anat I97o. Rolaiai stevenson l,lap provided el:oulageD€rl!, invaluable dj.scussion 4nd several itens floD I. the Daju Language croup: Nanes anat places I h-ls .ioanusci,i?t natelial. cha-rles Rogels of t}le tiatheEatlcs Deparbent, IL SysteDattcPhonetics I the- Nerl Unj.versily 9f Ulster carrted out aI1 the conputation cohecteil III. Morphology of the Noun {1th tne.cluste! aiaJ:yses ln Chapter IV. Al--uaaj Eaanial of tne sistoly rV. lexicostatlsticaL Sub-grouping 90 +)artJ[ent' tie university of KtraltouD kind]y provi,&d a conpLete transl-atlon of the arabic ce*t in Chapter Vl aild irvaluabfe discussioD V. Coloparative ReconstructLon I09 VI. Daju Blstory L6Z tf t5e deneral. hilitorlcal backgrouiid. xy cai{qigue. -}tchael La.ob, frovrded esJq+ti-ar drqcuF?ioD and a.rg1J*nt in tne ftnal stases of tie tlesis. Bi .iostaphg I75 Appenaltx : NgalguTgule told-.llst r77 I "e li+py to acknowledge f,tnandial suppolt froo the I€velhut-re Foundatigijend Resealch coqEltt€es of the university of Khartoun Endt '!h€ !lel' UnLverslty otulst€r vh.tch dade the fiel.dirolk possible. FFr!:tnd.,.,Ir .,r.rj.._)i ir::lt D !nl,.r.rrl'1:!1r .,r "r I tE.lt llr!r d|.1 ho .rt rt'rlr*!rr.rr&.Dl /15-0; .?6 Surlr|a 9 rllls tlesLs presents originat dara on the DaJu ranguage gloup, spoken ln tl.e Suda.n anit Chad Repubucs. Chapter I locates the targuages and glves an accorut of gtEvlous wolk on tieE. Chaptet II proviaies a systenatLc pbonetlc account of flve Languages !o justify phonologtcal trbcla!atlon n I, Rcbln Eubule $ell"tngton ltrelirall ' hereby 'leclare t'hat except unlts. Chapter III plovLales a &tatled account of noun nor!,hotogy as a bac:cgrouatl to th€ exaDinatlon of lexicat steDs antt afflxes. Chapter iEd'Uahyalne ltotelovf e e],slnsot llawlt titn eesa btllaLolt(ebtjoldletfr l 6 el4t6Ulrl leolsB rektet .otttf' lh 'e esblDesI I a cthIeoEelplsrlrDel eabtdttyd cl eoPntio'ltotefsat cett'lr €aanh reo€ Ll.lebl lrnatnttthlho aalln stth t€ lhtrei tlsltorPhlifbs a lltastt t}eyIf ef'e ltclrUto onuflt Y €lftslholteuyt efNeterb€nrecteo bdsIVyae ssllvete€dtplD leaostdelc bn yttab etcDllruo. slnetexealrtc niocds tapatlnalosanltotlaycstsaeyilsE s. L s, sCubtbj-l.}geaisl pottsueE,p jo.l n4gV)sb c ooclgoonogabbttSca€ alseles a Jt uaaothtnnqe a€o lteyhtnsenttssss€ l g, htsaa anna.dlttr adfcllooet hEunena tksothgeraE3 to rne on the ur'le6tan'llng tnat such autttollty agPlies to Elngle lexlcostatLgtlcal analysls a$d pltesents proposed lecon6tluctions of, a an'l 1s $rbJsct t' lotoal conill'tlon6 boaly of Ploto-Daju Lexicon. Chapte! VI p!e6e.!rts anat outllne of DaJu -nr.t t"* fot stu'ly Pu4)oses lrlstory by atteDpting to stmtlEslze linglrlstlc snat non-lhgulstlc .'' of acknoitledgeD€nt me thesls alx)lles both $ell tested retltodology anat ner, lethoalology to tlre lexlc€rl reconstruction of a Iaagnrage gror+, that tras not been exaDlnedl or pu)rllsheal in this atetatl- bef,ore, rI 11 I. Ihe Daju Langtl€ge ctoup: Na'€s anal Pfaces ..1 s,i lt i,l Itre DaJu language group conslsts of eight geograPhlcally distlnct l'.rl sectl.ons Iocatedl ln the sualan anal Chaal Relubllca. Fo! t}le pu4)ose z of this disseltation the dames of the sectlons are: tlongo' SiIa, o lryah, Bego, Nyalgulgule. l,agar'a, Shatt ard Li$r.rl. Itle e-xisterce z of, all these gloups anal thelr g€oqraphlcal location t'a8 flrst o ) : pubu.shed ln Tucker & Bryan (1955, 59-61). various naDs have be6n a r uaeat at alifferent tLbes and by ttlffelent authols and lt {l1I clarlfy Eat'tels if all tlle relevant infolDation ls listed by gloup. r'he geographtcal locatlons are also glve$ on the Eap (p. vl). Ihe sectlons are olalereal f!@ $ast to east. o I longo. I'tr1s nare $as recorabd fr@ sila lnf,orDrDts IJ| For o 8o!anga, South Da!filt in 1969 anal aleo by Paul Doonbos tn Geretna ln 1979 (p.c.). thelr ot"rn na$e for theEseLves rs [sjariqed]. lh"v E q .3.--.- app€ar to be the s.De section as that LabetLed by Tucker ! Bryan (f956) as tne DaJu of Dat Dadjo ln llaalal, rhe uongo are found on the {€stern edge of wadal in anal aloundl [ongo' east of Atl 1n central ch,aal. r,lElted vocrbuLary tnf,onnation has beeD publlsheal by Jung:raitl|lay! (I9?8) and PauI Doombos has lecently collecteal a 2oo- lteD vocabulary Itst (198t p.c.). rhe nuDhe! of speaxels ttas estl-Dated by rucker e Blyan (1956) as 27,ooo presuEably on infotEation plovlaleal by van Bulck dur1ng the North Bantu Borilerland Survey. si.la. This nabe idas recorded fron slla lnfotmants ln For !'aterlal published 1s that of nacutchael (t92o). Ihe nuDlEr of Bolanga, soutn Darfur ln 1969. Thei! ol'n nale for thenselves ls taxpayers was qiven by Tucker ! Bryan (1956) as 2t3, lbck.rik€ (pI.); boksrnice (sq.)]. rhey ale foural in Dar. sifa, I Goz B€lda andt an DaD dlstrtcts of Waatai in Chad and also tn the aree Ngafqufgule. rbis naDe ls given by xacrtchael lg22, A2, as t€tween For aotalga anil ceneina in Nolth D.rrfur ln tlrc Sudan. A Nyolgolgole, anat by santandrea lLg4A, 22) as Njalqutg1|le. r have group of nLglants are also settl.ed ln cezila Aba on the ghtte Nl-le Eodlfleat the spelling to conforh to Afrtcanlst usage anil the spelLng near t<osti ln Thite NlIe Province. These blqrarts are the resutt of of Nyala. Thei! otn narDef o! rhenserves is [Jl3rse (pl.),Ictnice populatlon EoveBents assoclateal $1th the Mahalist r0ovebent sone as (sS.)]. their Dain cenrre is at croz S1n9a near tne sopo_Boro late as the r92os. the nuDb€r of speakels l,as estilateal by tucke! confluence in Nottlren Bahr ef chazat but they ale also founat in Rala & aryaa (1956) as 32,9@. and Wau. aucket & Bryan (1956) pur tne nurlb€! of td.pay€rs at 219. the 1955 census (Thehrall, 1978) purs thelr nuEbers at 2,354. sanL_ lvgala. thLs nane ls a ].evised l.bel of Dy ol,n to replace the andlea (1948) flrst pobrtshed apploxi'ately fifty lteDs of vocalrura4f telo Dalu of Dalfur (Tuiker ! Bryan 1956). the teln Darfu! ls no$ and a txo hunatred ttee ltst collect€d by ,ron Arenson tn 1975 1s too lr4)reclse wlth the presenc€ of cooEu tles of Sil.a h nestern published tn thls t[sseltatton for tn€ lirst tl-oe. Dalfur. Thei! onn naDe for thesselves i.s [fini{ga (pI.); f;nice (sS.)1. rn t}te past t}|ey rere centred on ttle hlLls 25 Dltes nolth- !agara. This naDe ts a revlsed lalrel of Ey ovtrr to lel)lace DaJu east of, Nyala, but witi the gl.owth of Nyala as a tratll.ng centre, Dole of tesr Koldofan (Tucker & Blyan, 1956) ard DaJu of the DaJu sttls of th6r non resiale i$ Nyala than outslale. In atldltion, according to (P.A. & D.N. tttacDlarntat, l93l). Thetr ol'n name fo! tlenselves is folt ettmoLory, the na&e Nyala con€s froo tbe Nyala DaJu rotd fo! to lbek€ (pI.)J. rhey wele plevious]y centreat on a group of hitls convelse [Ialane]. the nunber of taxpayers is given by Ncker & tventy Etles south of Laga*a but $ith the g!oi'th of ragalra as an Bryan (1955) as 2,801. lhe L956 census glve8 20,696 (Theliralr 1978) ailDinlstlaliver tradllng anat cottorr p_ocess1ng centre nost of thee nov though lt ls not stateil wh€tner thls ftgnEe colbines DaJu Sil.a and Ilve thele. Tucker & Bryan 0.956) pur tJte nunbe! of taxpayers at DaJu Nyala. E€go. I'hts nane vas iecoraleal by Blo*ne (1799). rh€1r olrn naee ' shatr. This nane was recorateat by the tllacDlaln1ds (tgtl) and '.rE: {feo r cth€n€DtrE€do lveso .! 1thse lbhe1ollgse ] eaasctc olocfl lnKsu bt€ o lnM .cEla,t6ict haDeal rf,l(]l1..9 22r.h e8 oo).n ly r.hey ts tl'€ naDe giweD by the arabs to ttrc peopte and tie group of hills tt|ey lnhabtt flfreen biles south_eesr of Kaatugli in soutlern Kordofan. ttre oaoe Shatt neans ,atlsperseat or scnttoro.t, ir ^r.r,i, 1 Thuli Nj.Lolic sPeaking grouP ln Ba})r el Ghaza], none of vhoo are pn-ases in Nyalgulgule and conpaleit these wit}l MacMichaet aDat the linguistlcally relatedl to the Daju shatt. Thei! owr naDe fo! l1acDiarEtds, data. Trcker & alya (1966, 23I_242) pubtished a theEselves is likiiani! (PI.)]. aucker & Blvan (1956) put the suma4/ of phonetlc, phonologlcal anat gla@aticat tnfornation based numbe! of taxpayers at 2,178. The shatt alo not call tnenselves DaJu' on Eanuscript naterial of R.C- sEevenson,s. Thts includes a preponderance of exahpl€s froD Snarr. LrungyalthDay, (1978) ,jgurj. Itris na.ne wqs qiven bv rucker & Bryan (1955) as published vocabulary ln Mongo, sila a.natN yala. Thetwatl (I97g) proposeal by R.C. Stevenson (P.c.). There are in fact tnree hill publtshed a hunatreal ite& cobparaErwe wocabu.ta -ry in slla, Nyala, lagawa, shatt anal Ligurt. baseat conEunltles unaler tnis heaaing naned as !Lgurj', saburi anil Tallau (Stevenson, 1956, lll; anal petsonal inwestigatlons) an'l each rhe publications of lracltchaer, tre MacDiar'iars' arar sanrantt_rea connlsily has its own naDe fo! itself Ialgal5sorik, algejabburi; ltere expllcitl.y aiEed at supporting tne genetic lelationship of a$gatliuou (PIs.)1. ructe! & Bryan (f955) put t}le nuDt€r of tax- secltons of the group, ard Tucker & Blyan's (1956) .Llstitlg of all payers at 5I3. The Liguri cluste! do not call theDselwes Daju' the sections un.te! rsorateat Lareuase gl99g lgig had the inplicit assu4)tion of geDetic ltnkage. tucxer & Blyan also state (1956, 59): ,'The . According !o !.lacMtchael (L922 ' 74) and stevenson (Tucke! & t.n e consicdleoruap. blyis fdrtovoid ede achin root -lrtcero: swec".tit.o_n,,s a--t"lfiif-etrr_,. Bofl yaEnI, ob1e9i5d6 , a6JIr)d te tahset reo f aTree qaa li fe$in scKaoclatetoEfeadnl. coNrmou ntnitfloelsE atloonf DahJaus east ,tTrtryldoeu r-'aDN-ytajlaliotnl"gn u:d llgff[uerlLiroeeenns;c ste€soE r,na ss DitreaaarreJn. :u nNi ]I. y"' apLr,ilrg"ao,u,"n r Bei;t €rscos., . a"" ".is.s.".r"", ""ii ,ti.i" :it i*""*-,,']-i'', been publtshed on tnefr speecit. Drruat su onalay i osnrne gputurala,l ;; su;if#fj.;gr*l;H:. "r"*iE",a stern Ddj u civen the tlDotogicat orientatton of Tucl(e! & Blyan's betnodolow Past studg ot xhe Dair Tatguage grouP 1t is not too su4rrtsing tiat no aEEeill)r eas nade to refjne t}le The serlous stuaty of t}le Dalu languages can be sai'I to comence rntena.I subgloup.ing of Daju or. ro focate the Daju gloup as a whole rith t}|e 'rork of Gustaw Nachtigal vho travelled ln watlai and Darfur sitn lelatlon to neighbouring ]anguages except in terhs of certatn bebreen l87o antl 1874. He col tectecl Daterlal on Daiu slla l'hlch rs typologtcal features (Tucker a Bryan t9GE, 22-24, Brlan, 1959, t9). now in the Possession Pnof,essor ll- JungraltJ|Inay! of Uarburg unive!- J.B. creenberg 0963) ffrst pubtisheat t}|e proposat fo! a sity anal shich ls being PlePated for Pribljcation' tn drlonological Nito-saharar ]angudge fdEi]y and locared l},. Oulu group witt|in 1t: order, gulcllcation of Daju languages starts eit-h Macltichael (I92O) rho publisheal sholt vocabulartes 1n slla, Nvala and Bego' The tacDlalnitls (L931) published short vocaltutalles ln l-agaxa. Shatt and dguri (sabu!i). santartkea (1948) publtshed a sholt vocabularv and I)liopose a subg.ouping baseal on lexlcostatistlcs anal to ploPose !.lllo-Snalraran tentatlve reconstructlons of Ploto Dalu vocabulary. ./\ ?hut Cha!i-NiIe In Thehall (I97a) a subgxouptng on the basls of lexicostatistl- n uns /\ ca1 araLyses of five Daju languages ras proposeat. In tne present / Eastern Sualanlc n study' a fuller backgrourd b tnts subgrouptng 1s presented, an _/\ ' oalt't aaldilional Iansuase is included (Nyalgutsule). a lnore crltical analysi of lexlcostatlsti.cs is provialed and t}|e coDparatlve leconstrucglon Be oade no att€Ept to plopoae lnternal subqrouplng rithtn DaJu. of a body of lexlcon is atteEpted. Pinally soEe atterFt ls Eade to lelate these linquj.stic slateE€nts !o tie geo-po}ltical history of Propor ?he Prese'lt Sttrilg tlre DaJu. based lallau |!he ptes6nt author co@nced vork on DaJu by accidene in 1966. Ihe fi.rst tl o vocabulaly llsts cduected In t(ldwU Darket In . atrg.di: Decetlb€! 1966 ln orater to begl-n i,nvestl.gadon5 lnto tie phonettc Paye'rs featutes.of sudane3e Lrngnragee hapFned to be tn Ltgurt and shatt. r!@ thLs begltdng a progleas1v61y Dore systeDatlc alt€Bpt t'o vork on ot-ber DaJu laDguagg8. beg&. ltelduolk uas undeltaken dulLng Alyan, : vacatlona frot! the Unlvols1ty of XhartouD rnal lat6! alurlng vacattons of El OI anal srbbatlcal leave fr@ tlle Nee Unlvelslty of Ulste!. lhese leen pub. cfve:.eal DeceEb€! - ,tanuaqr 196768 on Shatt; Aplil 1968 on Lagava, January - t{ay 1969 on StIa, iruLy - August I9?2 cm Nyalar and octobe: I l9?4 on shltt and Llgurl, A DaJo! probleb l'n extractlng as coherent a study aE possibLe Ihe ou! of, t}e nate!1al collect€dl vas the lack of a forDal backgroual |91th the , ln g€neErl llngui8tlcs 6nal the glaalual evolutlon of a coDparatlve b€breeD ll voclbular!' Ilst rHrL--''F{.!at the late! l'ork (partlcularly slnce 1972) sas nrch Eor6 soljl.r+-+6d thlll th€ ealller. Eorrever thls Erty and r tblala E ,.es no preteltl'ona to be a dbscrlpttve lhgutsttc study rn olaler, pub Jj -. teus of pheor,ey r: €E€D..E. -,Iat-her lt 1s an attehpt to provlile who publlsl --".T-€- rro.rlrulary study rbEd 6 Euf6..ient voc..bulary to 9 anal ehlch provldes an aalequate alalytlcal base for tne evaluation of cognation in ]exicostatistlcs &d for the initlal attempt at conparatiwe r€constructlon - The use of the !e!E systeDat-lc Phonetics here Ls not intended to inplY a PleliElnary aDalysis to a genelatlve phonology. Rather it t5 useal to highlight the fact that any reasonable alegree of acqualntance ltlth a Ianguage by a tlalned rr. Systdlatic P}|orletlcs phonetlctan produces a transcrLptlor rhtch ls proglesslvely filtered Antt yet tll'ls stLll provldes the nea.rest plesentatlon shott of, taPe At the beglinLng of the coll.ectlon of data on tn6 DaJu L$guages, lecordl.rrgs. I baal no conslstetrt phonologtcal theory to apply to the alata, E€lely rlle descriptive s€ctions ale Lald out tn such a Danne! as to tb6 essentl.al tool of a well tle1ned ear. rhe gladual proc€ss of facllltate the aval-uatlon of, the phoneioic oPPosltions cnd tne alata c\ollectlor. lnclualtng other Suarnese tsnguages ..s $€II as DaJu, preseatatloD 13 ts lor level anal alata orlent-eal as :s consLstetrt Ietl to a progressLv€Iy nore phorenlc analysts, though Iack of nlt}r t}|e genela llzatlons Eaale. sol,tdstication l-n glarDattca1 aralysis and asgoclat€al prcbleDs ahre to tlle use of Sualanese CoUoqulaL Atrblc a6 tll€ Eeiu.rn of [email protected]|L- Phoretjc va.lues of the sgnihoLs used. (vallatlons lrlll be catlor l,ttjl DaJu Lnfolr0Ents leDaLneal a I'l.ob1eD b hte4)!€ting 60@ speclfled eher€ lecessa4' unater sPecific languages. ) of tie forDs eLlclteat. p volcel.ess bllablal ploslve TIIe dlta base for S.r.ta, Nyala, lagorsa anat ghatt aloes rot b \,olceal btlablal pLosive €xceed 8OO tteEs of vocabulary. and backgrounat gra@atlcal alata is b \rolced bl}ablar lnplosive atrongest fo! Nyala. For t19!rL t]Ie dlata bas€ Ls llDl,ted to t volceless alveola! proslrre (dental tn shatt and r,i$El ) apptoxlr.tely 3Oo lteos. AII thls alata rar cal,l.€eleal by ryseu. d volc€d alveola! ploalve (dental ln Shatt and Llgurl) aor [yal-gulgule tbe tlata conslsts of th€ Swatlerrh 2OO ft€D ].lst d volced alveola! tuploslve coLlecteal by Jon ArensoD of tJle su@€r IDEtltute of llngnrlstLcs. volcel.esa palaeal plosive o! affllcate . ltrus the pteaeotatloD of tlata 1n tbis chqpt6! ts tntended to I volceal palataL ploslve or aff,licate provltte as systeEaL|!:a'ret of dloretlc opposLttons tn the j1 votc€d palatal lr.plosive varlous DaJu la.ngnrages G lrglble. It cainot clal-D tjre pretgnsions k volceless vel.a! ploslve of a lellabLe pbonological account, lrlespectLv€ of th€oletlcal volced rrela! pLoslve colsl&ratl'oD3. but it atoes clal[ to provida hlglr gl::aa!6 t'llorettc glottal plo€lve ,d! data l.bLah Ls ..lteaiL' systeEatLs€al tn terDs of 1t.3 prssentatlon I woiceal btlabiat nasat long vosels whlch are not ln a phoneEtc lengtn oPPosition accor'Llng volced alveolar nasat to tne alata have been oalkeal and it is probabte tbat tlese are the Jt voiced palatat Dasa] indications of stressed svllables. ! volceal velar nasal E voiceless labiodental frtcaUve voiceless alveolar fricative voiceal alveotar frlcative J voiceless palato-alveotar fricative voiceless velar frtcative h voleless gtottal fiicatiwe wotceal alveolar t!1t] or flap voiced alveotar tateral votced labial-velai approxiEant volceal palatal. approxinant Slnce the phonetic lange of vowel stmbol values depends upon the nuhbe! of I)honentc opposttions in a giver speaLer, s systeD anat at_so upo; tie effects of such featules as speeCh t€Dpo anit stress patterns, tbe c€nters of locatior of the vove] syEbols are giwen in terns of Danlel Jones Caraltual Vordel Chart but the stmbollsatton is essentlally oplDsitional. Ttre DaJu languages €.re not tone Languages and stle5s iE notlceabte l"u certaiJ! casee. Stress has not beeb nalked. h6uFtF, li rl I I t_ ! l-.- I L l L I t Daju 6ila -vccv- -vc t61 Najor Sgstenqtic phonetic Seqrcnts kibitis - fat 6aga - to bring labarte - stuPid p- f t k i Dd j g 5d j? tp'fl are in conpleDentarv 'U'strlbution and on tbe basls of t-hac' Jr sl,E6etry ajlal conParative aflalysis arc trealed as alloinFnes of one J $oneDe /p/. rhlee oPPositions are established '/P : b : b/ in sPite of tlle restricteal attestatior of [S]. cv_ -vccv- trl titet - four korotke - bo$f tijet - four lp-rl tebeala - al$,ays ligiiltise - shado$s taktice _ tltish felfera - easy lebelepega - soft toldige - buttocks jotgote - frog lugtj.ce - snoKe padawe - sta! butuure - beIIY loloste - shoultle! Pugnrse - ralbtt fusfusna - brown agoltige - {eIIs(n. ) tbl tdl btdlce - Lrrlns ii-be - ratl toDbole - navet Iidlige - breasts ligialtige - shadovs beLbelece - siate tebeda - alvays jededna - green Posoradnice - Poor balaide - dr@ tabah - f,ie1d kajllblke - guts dlarre - courtry wadalce - foreigne! nende - ant bogoale - glandEotler korobe! - cLub to{dige - hlPs Dutuu.re - beLly {gurda - ba.boon dokolde - e lbov