Description:BLACK JOHN SMITH, the uncrowned ruler of the outlaws of Halfaday Creek, and the executive, legislative and judicial branches of such government as exists in the Yukon, deals out a few drastic sentences to desperate characters who break the unwritten law of the North. His chief service to the cause of law and order is saving an innocent man from a wrathful wife by the simple device of hanging him; in addition, he increases his treasury funds by a few hundred thousand dollars by capturing an assortment of undesirables who infest the creek. His partner-in-crime Lyme Cushing is present as usual and narrowly escapes matrimony, a state which he does not regard highly; and Corporal Downey appears to keep an eagle eye on the machinations of the honest outlaws.
This new chronicle of Halfaday Creek is a further revelation of the wit and ingenuity which have made Black John a universally beloved character