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The Cynanchinae (Asclepiadaceae) in Madagascar : more new leafy and leafless species and subspecies PDF

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by  S Liede
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Preview The Cynanchinae (Asclepiadaceae) in Madagascar : more new leafy and leafless species and subspecies

mm mm Floral bracts 0.5-0.6 long, 0.4-0.5 wide the base, deltoid, glabrous. Pedicels 3.4- at mm mm 6.2 long, sparsely to densely covered with flexuous trichomes, 0.4-0.45 long. Floral mm mm mm buds 3-5 long, 1.5-3 diam., conical, with imbricate aestivation. Calyx lobes 1.3-2 mm long, 0.8-1.2 wide, ovate to triangular, apically acute, abaxially glandular, and with few mm trichomes. Corolla 2-5 more rotate, long; lobes basally fused fused than of to for 1/4 their mm length, 1-1.5 wide, straight, recurved, oblong, apically obtuse, glabrous, green to yellow mm brown with median. Gynostegial corona white, tubular, 2-3.5 high, exceeding the gyno- stegium and entirely obscuring C(is) consisting of Cs and Ci fused for more than 3/4 of total it; corona length; only Ci differentiated. Cs appressed to the back of the stamens. Ci laminar, keeled along the upper two thirds of corona length; lobes of Ci cucullate, triangular when flattened, mm mm erect to inflexed with laterally involute margins. Gynostegium 0.9-1 high, 1-1.1 diam., Stamens sessile. without filament. Anthers broader than high, trapezoidal, abaxially planar. Anther mm wings 0.35-0.45 long, not extending along the whole length of the anther, which forms a mm "pseudostipe" of 0.5-0.6 height; distal ridge striate; adjacent anther wings parallel to each same other, in the plane as the anther to centrifugal, forming a distinct "mouth" with the basal mm mm margin lateral of the anther. Connective appendages 0.38-0.4 long, 0.18-0.2 wide, ovate, mm narrower than the stamen, strongly inflexed. Pollinarium: corpusculum 0.13-0.15 long, mar- mm gins of the corpuscular cleft parallel, basally widened; caudicles 0.1-12 long, cylindrical, mm mm convexly recurved; pollinia 0.22-0.25 long, 0.1-0.12 wide, cross- section, elliptical in mm mm clavate, apically attached to the caudicles. Stylar head 0.58-0.6 diam., 0.42-0.44 high; mm upper part 0.22-0.24 high, depressed-conical to conical. C. lineare is by far the most frequent species in the complex of small "pseudolobe-formers". The corona form of C. lineare is encountered in several closely related species (C. fimbriatum, C. napiferum and However, C. subtilis). these species are separable by least slight floral differ- at ences, while the two subspecies here recognized vegeta- are florally identical, but very distinctive The tively. typical subspecies is characterized by linear, or at most, narrowly ovate leaves and a shortly pedunculate new sciadioidal inflorescence while the subspecies displays ovate leaves and longly pedunculate inflorescences. Tuberous roots have been confirmed only for the typical subspecies. Cynanchum lineare N.E. Br. subsp. lineare Plants twining, sparsely branched from 25-50 cm the base, high. Subterranean organs a single cm cm tuber per plant; tuber 12-15 long, 2-2.5 diam., napiform, brown, Shoots annual, warty. cm 25-50 long, herbaceous, woody basally with brownish covered with to greyish bark; densely mm mm flexuous trichomes, 0.5-0.55 cm long; internodes Leaves per- 1.5-2.5 long, 1.5-2 diam. mm mm mm sistent; petiole 1-5 long; colleters absent. Leaf blades herbaceous, 40-65 0.7-25 long, wide, linear or rarely narrowly ovate, oblong or obovate, apically basally cuneate, or rarely lobate, mm acute acuminate with acumen to 2.5-4 long, margins thickened, veins and margins sparsely mm covered with flexuous trichomes, 0.4-0.45 long. G Conrad 2863). Drawings by : — — 108 Inflorescences bostrychoid to sciadioidal, 7-20-flowered, 4-7 flowers open time. Peduncles at mm mm mm. 13.5-27 long, sparsely covered with flexuous trichomes, 0.4-0.45 long; rachis 0-16 mm mm Follicles one per flower, pendulous, 55-60 long, 4-6 wide, obclavate, round in cross- section, apex shortly beaked, light brown to medium brown, longitudinally grooved. Seeds 4- mm mm medium 5 long, 3.5-4 wide, ovate, brown, seta and aseta side indistinctly sculptured mm mm Map with longitudinal ridges, wing 0.5 wide, entire; coma 15-20 long.—Fig. 2, 2. Chromosome number unknown. — and Distribution habitat. Madagascar, prov. Antananarivo, Fianarantsoa, Mahajunga, aliara; 1300-2300 m; on quartzite and gneiss, rocky ridges, ericoid scrub, scrubby forest, road- Flowering time.— October to April, June. Choux Literature.— M.P. (1914): 352, with illustn Cynanchum lineare N.E. keraudreniae Br. subsp. Liede, subsp. nov. mm mm Structura floris non differt a subspecie typica, scd foliis nonlineahbus, 50-90 longis, 20-50 mm lads, pedunculibus 45-70 longis discrepans. TYPE.— Keraudren 1594 (holo-, P!). cm Plants twining. Subterranean organs unknown. Shoots glabrous; internodes 10-17 long, mm mm 1.5-2 diam. Leaves 10-20 base of the persistent; petioles long; three colleters the at mm mm Leaf leaves. blades slightly coriaceous, 50-90 long, 20-50 wide, ovate, basally cordate, mm acumen apically acuminate, 7.5-10 long, marginally slightly thickened, glabrous. mm Inflorescences bostrychoid, 12-18-flowered, 5-10 flowers open Peduncles 45-70 a time. at mm long, glabrous; rachis 3.5-16 long. Flower size towards the larger end of total range.—Fig. 2, Map 2. Fruits, seeds and chromosome number unknown. and Distribution habitat.— Comores; Madagascar, prov. Antsiranana; forest. Flowering time.— March. This subspecies is restricted to Nossi-Be, an island off northwestern Madagascar and the Co- known ores. It is still insufficiently both ecologically and in relationship to the typical its However, lbspecies. while the other non-linear leafed specimens show no additional available characters separating them from the linear-leaved ones, subsp. keraudreniae easily separable is by long peduncle. To re-evaluate the C. lineare complex, more material urgently needed. its is The taxon named in honour of Dr. Monique Keraudren-Aymonin, the collector of the is & Cynanchum Meve, phillipsonianum Liede nov. sp. mm mm 30-50 9-15 Plantae erectae, snrcnlis suntdeiitis, ovatis vet lanceolatis, longis, latis. In- foliis mm florescentia cymosa, botrychoidea, 15-30-flora, flores 4-6 simul aperlos evoluta. Corolla 3-3.5 long, purpurata. Corona •iihus intcrsnnni- eonnnns lobos nalibusque per 2-3 different, 4 aliinulinis tonic 1 '<' l credos, ciicnllutos. C,ynosic\>ium stipitatum, captite stylorum elongate conico, bifurcato. Type.— Bardot-Vaucoulon 40 P (nolo-, !). Plants erect, sparsely acrotonically branched. Subterranean organs unknown. Shoots perennial, mm cm Leaves 2-4 3-4.5 diam. Pseudo-stipules absent. per- succulent, glabrous; internodes long, mm blades herbaceous, sistent; petiole 11 -20 long; four colleters at the base of the leaves; leaf mm mm 30-50 long, 9-15 wide, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, basally slightly cordate, apically acute. mm open Peduncles 15-30 Inflorescences bostrychoid, 15 -30- flowered, 4-6 flowers at a time. mm mm mm wide long, glabrous; rachis 15-20 long, straight. Floral bracts 0.7-0.8 long, 0.6-0.7 mm mm glabrous. Floral buds 2.5-3.5 long, at the base, deltoid, glabrous. Pedicels 0.3-0.5 long, mm mm Calyx lobes 1.6-1.8 long, 1.3-1.7 diam., conical ovoid, with imbricate aestivation. to mm mm 0.8-0.9 wide, ovate, apically acute, abaxially glabrous. Corolla cyathiform, 3-3.5 long, mm wide, incurved, ovate, apically lobes fused more than of corolla length, 1.1-1.3 for 1/4 total yellowish green. obtuse, abaxially purple; adaxially slightly papillose, basally purple, apically mm gynostegium height. Gynostegial corona yellowish green, 2.4-2.6 high, equalling the in pale C(is) consisting of Cs and Ci fused for about 2/3 of total corona length, only Ci differentiated. Cs pronounced convex fold along the upper half of corona apically Ci laminar, producing a erect. Gynostegium with and apically involute margins. height; lobes of Ci cucullate, erect, laterally mm mm mm Stamens without filament; 1.4-1.6 high, 1.8-2.2 diam., atop a 0.5-0.6 long stipe. mm Anther wings 0.65-0.7 long, anthers about high broad; trapezoidal, abaxially gibbose. as as adjacent anther wings parallel to each other, extending along whole length of the anther; the mm mm 0.6-0.65 wide, triangular, equalling centrifugal. Connective appendages 0.83-0.87 long, mm corpusculum 0.24-0.25 long, margins of the cor- the stamen width, Pollinarium: in erect. mm convexly 0.12-0.13 long, flattened, re- puscular divergent towards the apex; caudicles cleft mm mm 0.38-0.4 long, 0.19-0.21 curved, trapezoidal; pollinia laterally attached to the caudicles, mm mm upper wide, head 0.9-0.95 diam., 1.15-1.2 high; ovate ovoid. Stylar in cross-section, mm and part 0.74-0.77 elongated-conical bifurcate. high, mm mm 55-60 5-6 wide, obclavate, long, Follicles one or occasionally two per flower, erect, medium brown, smooth, glabrous. Seeds ovate apex beaked, grey to in cross-section, strongly mm mm medium brown, and aseta side with a few, irregularly 6-6.5 seta long, 4-4.5 wide, ovate, mm mm wing •ranged trichomes, 0.35-0.4 long; 0.3-0.45 wide, laterally e mm >ma 25-30 long. — Chromosome Map number unknown. Fig. 3, 1. and Distribution habitat.—Madagascar, prov. Antsiranana; Tsingy. Flowering Time.— November. June, From the remainder of the broad-leaved Malagasy species. C. phillipsomanum differs most The obviously by smooth stems, which are reminiscent of the genus Folotsia. strongly soft, its — — 112 Corona bifurcate, elongated-conical stylar head is also characteristic for this species. structure "pseudolobe-formers". suggests an affinity to the who named Grahamstown, South introduced The PHILLIPSON, Africa, species after Dr. P.B. is me wonders of Malagasy to the the flora. CYNANCHUM LEAFLESS SPECIES Cynanchum ansamalense Liede, sp. Ramis subsu km Only Type.—Rauh 21850, Madagascar, prov. Toliara, 70 from Ansamala, 4.IV.1969 (nolo-, HEID!). unknown. Plants ascending, twining. Subterranean organs Shoots semi-succulent, finely striate, mm mm mm glabrous; internodes 1-1.5 diam. Leaf scales 0.8-1 long, 0.8-1 wide, ovate, sessile, mucronate, apically glandular. Inflorescences subsessile, bostrychoid, 1-4-flowered, 1-2 flowers open a time. Floral bracts at mm mm wide whole glabrous. 0.3-0.4 long, 0.3-0.4 at the base, deltate, glandular over the surface, mm mm mm globose, Pedicels 0.2-0.4 long, glabrous. Floral buds 0.6-0.7 long, 0.5-0.6 diam., mm mm with imbricate aestivation. Calyx lobes 0.3 long, 0.3 wide, triangular, apically acute, mm mm 0.8-1 abaxially non-glandular, glabrous. Corolla rotate, 1.8-2 long; lobes basally fused; purple wide, decurved, oblong, apically acute, basally yellow, apically purple, adaxially with dark mm along the main nerves. Gynostegial corona ivory, cyathiform, 1.1-1.2 high, shorter than the gynostegium. C(is) consisting of Cs and Ci completely fused, annular, Ci as long as Cs, thicker Gyno- than Cs. Cs appressed to the back of the stamens, apically erect. Ci laminar, reflexed. mm mm mm without Stamens stegium 0.9-1 high, 1.4-1.5 diam., atop a stipe of 0.25-0.3 length. mm long, filament; anthers broader than high, deltoid, abaxially planar. Anther wings 0.1-0.2 whole each other, extending along the length of the anther; adjacent anther wings parallel to widened, same plane from each other, basally in the as the anther, but in considerable distance mm mm not forming proper guide Connective appendages 0.3-0.4 long, 0.2-0.3 wide, rec- rails. tangular, almost exclusively consisting of the thickened midrib, narrower than the stamen, erect. mm Pollinarium: corpusculum 0.13-0.14 long, elliptic, margins of the corpuscular cleft parallel, mm inser- basally widened. Caudicles 0.1 long, cylindrical, straight, horizontal, thickened at the mm mm tion of the pollinium; pollinia 0.24-0.25 long, 0.11-0.12 wide, ovate in cross-section, mm 0.75- clavate, laterally attached to the caudicles. Stylar head papillose, 0.75-0.85 diam., mm mm Map upper 0.85 high; part 0.55-0.6 high, shortly ob-infundibuliform.—Fig. 4, 3. and chromosome number seeds Fruits, i and Distribution habitat.— Madagascar, Tolk prov. Flowering time.— April. 4— Fig. Cynanchu pressing again C, corona adaxially, showing the slight thicke i the folds Conra head. (Rauh Drawings by Jim 21850). Among Malagasy Cynanchum species, C. ansamalense is the only one possessing the leafless corona reminiscent of the annular corona. The ridges on the adaxial surface of the is a truly The characteristic schistoglossum. and African species C. equally leafless C. gerrardii the leafy ob-infundibuliform stylar head further distinguishes this species. shortly Cynanchum now appendiculatopsis Liede, sp. gynostegio habitu aphyllo, b i differt Type.—Bosser 16816 (holo-, P!). with 40-50 cm branched from the base, sarmentose, decumbent, high, sparsely Plants erect to Shoots of fibrous roots. Subterranean organs consisting adventitious roots restricted to the nodes. with glabrescent semi-succulent, with flattened nodes, finely striate, obscurely glaucous, sparsely mm mm cm Leaf scales diam. flexuous trichomes, 0.3-0.4 long; internodes 3.5-6 long, 1.5-2 mm mm acuminate. Latex ivory. acute papery, 1-1.2 long, 0.6-0.8 wide, ovate, apically to bracts 2-5-flowered, 2-3 flowers open at a time. Floral Inflorescences subsessile, sciadioidal, mm mm mm 2-4 long, wide glabrous. Pedicels 0.6-0.7 long, 0.7-0.8 at the base, triangular, mm mm 1.3- long, buds 3-3.5 covered with flexuous trichomes, 0.15-0.2 5 long. Floral sparsely mm mm mm wide, 0.5-0.6 Calyx lobes 1-1.2 long, diam., conical, with imbricate aestivation. 1.5 mm basally lobes long; Corolla campanulate, 2.5-3.5 ovate, apically acute, abaxially glabrous. mm with purple along the rose fused, 0.8-1 wide, incurved to patent, oblong, apically acute, mm than the shorter main Gynostegial corona green, cyathiform, 1.0-1.2 high, slightly nerves. Cs corona length, gynostegium. C(is) consisting of Cs and Ci fused for more than 3/4 of total reflexed; erect to and Ci differentiated. Cs not appressed to the back of the stamens, apically Gynos- convex producing fold. lobes of Cs laminar, ovate, with straight margins. Ci laminar, a mm mm mm. Stamens without filament. tegium 0.85-0.9 high, 1.1-1.2 diam., atop a stipe of 0.5 mm ex- long, Anther wings 0.4-0.45 Anthers broader than high, rectangular, abaxially planar. each other, in tending along the whole length of the anther; adjacent anther wings parallel to mm mm wide, 0.35-0.4 same Connective appendages 0.3-0.35 long, the plane as the anther. 0.175- corpusculum Pollinarium: widely ovate, narrower than the stamen, slightly inflexed. mm mm corpusculum, flat- 0.2 long; caudicles 0.12-0.15 long; caudicles medianly inserted at the mm mm ovate in wide, 0.15-0.17 tened, straight, declinate, triangular; pollinia 0.25-0.28 long, mm 0.75- diam., head 0.9-1 cross-section, ovoid, laterally attached to the caudicles. Stylar mm mm 0.85 high; upper part 0.6-0.65 high, bifurcate. mm mm round narrowly oblong, Follicles one per flower, erect, 55 long, 3 wide, obclavate to glabrous.—Fig. 5, cross-section, apex strongly beaked, light brown, longitudinally grooved, in Map 3. Seeds s — and Distribution habitat. Madagascar, prov. Fianarantsoa; granitic i

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