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The Cyclostomata An Annotated Bibliography by G. Tandler, M. A. Jones and F. W. H. Beamish Department of Zoology, College of Biological Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada Supplement 1973-1978 DR. W JUNK. BV - PUBLISHERS - THE HAGUE - BOSTON - LONDON 1979 ISBN-13: 978-94-009-9633-5 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-9631-1 DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-9631-1 © Dr. W. Junk b.v. - Publishers - The Hague 1979 Cover design Max Velthuijs Copyright © 1979 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1979 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by photostat, microfilm or stored in a storage system of retrieval system or by any other means without written permission from the authors. Table of Contents Introduction (How to Use the Bibliography) V-XI Acknowledgements XII Master Index 1-101 Author Index 103-114 Subject Index 116-274 Source Index 276-296 Introduction (How to Use the Bibliography) How to use the Bibliography The bibliography consists of 5616 references given in a MASTER file according to call number (0001-5616). Reference to these articles can be made through AUTHOR, SUBJECT, and SOURCE indices. MASTER FILE All data for each reference is given in the MASTER file. For example, REMBISZEWSKI, J.M. 1967 0002F MATERIALY DO POZNANIA MINOGOW (PETROMYZONIDAE) RODZAJO LAMPETRA GRAY W. POLSCE.!. LAMPETRA (EUDONTOMYZON) MARIAE BERG. [CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE LAMPREYS (PETROMYZONIDAE) OF THE GENUS LAMPETRA GRAY IN POLAND. I. LAMPETRA (EUDONTOMYZON) MARIAE BERG. 1 FRAGM. FAUN., 13 (14): 249-259. (POL. ) *EUDONTOMYZON VLADYKOVI POLAND MORPHOMETRY ECOLOGY SPAWNING ADULTS AMMOCOETES The above reference illustrates the type of information that might be included in this file. Each reference is identified by a call number to the right of the citation. The "F" signifies the paper has been reviewed and verified. The date of publication is to the immediate right of the author(s). The title and source follow on the next lines. Titles or sources in square brackets i.e. [ ] have been translated, or were available only in translation. Titles in round brackets i.e. ( ) appear in the literature, but could not be verified. If a paper is written in a language other than English, the language is indicated in brackets i.e. ( ) at the end of each citation. The next line(s) contain(s) a list of keywords, an explanation of which is given below under the heading SUBJECT INDEX. Citations of journals are standardized according to the National Clearinghouse for Periodical Title Word Abbreviations compiled by the Standards Committee Z39 of the American National Standards Institute (1971 edition). The format of each citation is listed according to Library of Congress cataloguing rules. The existence of each journal was verified in one of the following: List of Scientific Serials in Canadian Libraries, (1967), 2nd Edition, 2 Vol., National Science Library, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa; Library of Congress Catalogue of Printed Cards, (1958), Pageant Books, Inc., New York; Library Congress and National Union Catalogue Author Lists, (1942-1973); A Master Cumulation, compiled by the Gale Research Co., Detroit, Michigan; The National Union Catalogue Pre-1956 Imprints, (1972) compiled and edited by the Library of Congress and the National Union Catalogue Subcommittee of the Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association, Mansell Information Publishing Ltd., London, England. When a journal's existence could not be verified it was nevertheless listed according to Library of Congress rules. If a volume number was not available, the date of publication was used in its place. With few exceptions the existence of each reference was verified, but where it was not possible the source where the reference was cited in the literature is indicated in round brackets. The contents of some references are restricted. These, indicated by the word RESTRICTED following the citation, were not indexed by keywords. Permission to review these references must be obtained from the government agency concerned. Books consisting of a number of relevant contributed chapters are listed as a main entry VII according to the editor (see example 1 below) and each chapter is listed as a citation in the book under the author(s) of that chapter (see example 2 below). Example 1 HARDISTY, M.W. (ED.) 1972 4139F POTTER, I.C. (ED.) THE BIOLOGY OF THE LAMPREY. VOL. 2 LONDON: ACADEMI C PRE S S • (MAIN ENTRY, SEEALSONO. 1190F, 1330F, 1331F, 1352F, 1353F, 1354F, 1644F) Example 2 RIGGS, A. 1972 119 OF THEHAEMOGLOBINS. PP. 261-286 IN HARDISTY, M. W. AND I. C. POTTER, EDS. , THE BIOLOGY OF THE LAMPREYS. VOL. 2. LONDON: ACADEMIC PRESS. All other books are listed only by author or editor as for example, SIMEK,Z. 1959 2342 RYBY NASICH VOD. PRAHA: ORBIS. 142 pp. (CZECH. ) For some rare or old books the Library of Congress (L.C.) or Union Catalogue (U.C.) number is included in the MASTER FILE. Symposia are listed according to the editor, contributors or sponsor. AUTHOR INDEX Authors of articles in the bibliography are listed alphabetically and catalogued according to the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (American Library Association, 1967). The following example illustrates the indexing according to author, Author Date Call Number FAHRENHOLZ, C. 1936 3954* FAIDHERBE, J. 1950 3827 FAIR, E. 1933 0490F To the immediate right of the author's name is the date of publication. To the far right is the call number. An asterisk beside the call number indicates the first author is FAHRENHOLZ, C. Lack of an asterisk, as in FAIDHERBE, J. above, indicates a co-author. The call number refers to the MASTER file. An "F" in the call number, as in FAIR, J. above, indicates the article has been reviewed and the citation verified. SUBJECT INDEX The subject index is intended to facilitate the search for reference material dealing with a particular biological area. Each significant word in the title of a reference is included in the subject index along with the following 60 keywords that may also be applicable. Some words are self explanatory while others require some comment. Ammocoete articles concerning the larval stage of lampreys. VIII Adult papers dealing with the post macropthalmia stage of lampreys (for transforming stages see METAMORPHOSIS). Anatomy articles about gross morphology and the skeletal system. Animal papers referring to animals in addition to members of the Cyclostomata. Biology publications dealing in a general way with the Cyclostomata. Behaviour articles on the reaction of the lampreys and hagfishes to the external and internal stimuli. Biochemistry Blood papers referring to the composition, chemical and physical properties, and physiology of blood. Chemistry used primarily as cross reference with management to identify chemical control (i.e. the larvicide TFM). Circadian publications on daily fluctuations in movement and physiology. Circulatory System articles on the morphology and function of the circulatory system. Culture papers dealing with the rearing of lampreys and hagfish. Cytology Digestion Distribution articles about the geographical distribution of lampreys and their spatial distri- bution in a body of water. Ecology Egg papers referring to the unfertilized egg of the Cyclostomata. Embryology Endocrinology Excretion publications dealing with the morphology and function of kidneys and other excretory tissue as well as defaecation. Evolution articles involving phylogenetic and ontogenetic considerations in the evolution of the Cyclostomata. Fecundity papers concerning oocyte numbers. Feeding papers in which the morphology and function of the branchial filtration system of larval lampreys is discussed, including also feeding preferences, and diet of the Cyclostomata. Genetics Growth papers dealing with changes in body length, weight, and chemical composition. Gonadogenesis Hearing articles referring to the morphology and function of the auditory system. Histochemistry Histology History research in the Great Lakes on problems and management associated with the invasion of Petromyzon marinus. Immunology papers dealing with the immunologic processes in the Cyclostomata. IX Integument articles dealing with morphology and physiology, including sense receptors, pigmentation, and respiration of the integument. Ionic Regulation Life Cycle general articles on the life cycle of the Cyclostomata. Locomotion papers on the mechanics of movement and swimming performance. Management publications dealing with methods of lamprey control (stream barriers, chemicals and biological control). Metabolism Metamorphosis articles dealing with the process of transformation from larva to adult. Migration articles on the downstream movement of young adults and the upstream migration of mature adults. Mortality of papers on death of lampreys either from disease or from management programmes. Mortality by articles on the effects of lamprey parasitism on fishes. Morphometry Muscle papers dealing with the morphology and function. Mouth publications concerning the form and function (teeth, tongue, buccal glands, etc.). Nervous System Olfaction Osmoregulation Parasitism by articles dealing with the feeding of lampreys on fish. Parasitism of papers on the parasites of lampreys. Pathology publications dealing with the diseases of the Cyclostomata. Physiology Pigmentation Pisces comparative papers in which members of the class PISCES were also studied. Reproduction articles on the morphology and physiology of the reproductive system. Respiration papers on the morphology and physiology of the respiratory system. Sense Receptors articles dealing with chemoreceptors, taste receptors, and the pineal body. Spawning papers on the act of spawning and on the selection and construction of nests. Systematics publications dealing with identification and classification of the Cyclostomata. Techniques papers describing specific chemical, biochemical, or physiological techniques in the study of the Cyclostomata. Vision papers dealing with the morphology and physiology of the pineal body and eyes, including visual acuity and threshold. In addition to the keywords, the species (identified by an asterisk), the morphological stage (lampreys). and the geographic location are treated as keywords, providing this information was mentioned in the paper. Moreover, significant words in the title of each citation are included in the subject index. For example in the following article, x LARSEN, L.O. 1965 0075F EFFECTS OF HYPOPHYSECTOMY IN THE CYCLOSTOME, LAMPETRA FLUVIATILUS (L. ) GRAY. GEN. COMP. ENDOCRINOL. , 5: 16-30 the significant words in the title are underlined. The paper could also be located in the subject index by each of the assigned keywords. ENDOCRINOLOGY, ADULT, GONADOGENESIS, EGG, LIFE CYCLE, DENMARK (geographic location) If the title includes a keyword or some form of one, the keyword is omitted. For example in the paper COONFIELD, B. R. 1940 0301F THE PIGMENT IN THE SKIN OF MYXINE GLUTINOSA LINN. AM. MICROSC. SOC., TRANS., 59 (3): 398-403. PIGMENT is listed in the subject index, at the expense of the keyword PIGMENTATION. When references were not read, title words only are listed in the subject index. Special effort was made to separate Petromyzon marinus into anadramous (ANAD) or landlocked (L-L) forms. The source of landlocked Petromyzon marinus is indicated by U.S. (Great Lakes), U.S. (Finger Lakes), or Canada (Great Lakes). Titles of papers written in a language other than English were subject indexed in the vernacular and English. Many non-English papers were reviewed and assigned keywords. In searching a topic one or more keywords should be selected from the list. In addition a list should be made of related words. For example the topic - microscopical examination of the retina - might be examined under the keyword VISION or any of the following words which might appear in the subject index as title words: RETINA, EYE, AUGE (German), L'OEIL (French), MICROSCOPIC, ULTRA-STRUCTURE, etc. SOURCE INDEX This index is of particular value to individuals commencing work on the Cyclostomata as it includes those journals which provide fairly regular publications on the Cyclostomata, as well as to those preparing references for publication. Journals and books are arranged alphabetically in the index. XI Acknowledgements Financial aid for compilation and publication of the Bibliography was made available by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, and Dr. W. Junk BY, Publishers. The preparation of the Bibliography was possible only with the cooperation of many in dividuals. Thanks are extended to E. Thomas, D. Rogers, A. Tandler, S. Farringer, T. Watson, N. Weinstein, J. Selley, A. K. Kumaraguru, and F. Zapalac. We would like to also thank A. Galina, B. Campbell, and S. McNeill for administrative assistance. The Institute of Computer Science, University of Guelph, provided invaluable assistance, and for this we thank J. Demain, S. Yu, and W. Davidson. The efforts of S. Shield, F. Payer and B. Evans of Alphatext Limited, are greatly appreciated. Special thanks are extended to all of the contributing authors, for without their cooperation in sending relevant reprints, the Cyclostomata would not have its high measure of validity. XII

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