Flood, Fire, and Famine in the History of Civilization Richard Firestone, Allen West, and Simon Warwick-Smith Bear & Company Rochester, Vermont Bear & Company One Park Street Rochester, Vermont 0 5 7 67 www.BearandCompanyBooks.com Bear 6c Company is a division of Inner Traditions International Copyright © 2 0 06 by Richard Firestone, Allen West, and Simon Warwick-Smith All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Firestone, Richard B. The cycle of cosmic catastrophes : flood, fire, and famine in the history of civilization / Richard Firestone, Allen West, and Simon Warwick-Smith, p. cm. Includes index. Summary: "Newly discovered scientific proof validating the legends and myths of ancient floods, fires, and weather extremes"—Provided by publisher. ISBN-13: 9 7 8 - 1 - 5 9 1 4 3 - 0 6 1 -2 ISBN-10: 1 - 5 9 1 4 3 - 0 6 1 -5 1. Natural disasters—History. 2. Catastrophes (Geology) I. West, Allen. II. Warwick-Smith, Simon. III. Title. G B 5 0 1 4 . F 57 2 0 06 9 0 4 ' . 5 — d c 22 2 0 0 6 0 0 7 2 48 Printed and bound in the United States by Lake Book Manufacturing 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 21 Text design and layout by Priscilla Baker This book was typeset in Sabon, with Avenir and Century Gothic used as display typefaces C O N T E N TS Acknowledgments Introduction PART ONE: THE SEARCH 1. T he Search for Clues 2. "Bullets" in the Dirt 3. M a m m o th under the Black M at 4. Hunting M a m m o t hs 5. Bright Yellow Bones 6. To Clovis from Czechoslovakia 7. T he Horse and the Clovis Spear 8. The Mystery of the Drumlins 9. Out on a Limb in Carolina 10. T he Mystery of the Carolina Bays PART TWO: THE M A IN EVENT 11. W h at Really Happened? PART THREE: THE EVIDENCE 12. Scientists and Storytellers 13o The Ominous "Guest Stars" 14. Explosions in the Sky 15. Giant Bubbles in Space 16. Radiation from the Heavens 17. The Carolina Bay Craters 18. T he M a r t i an Connection 1 9. The Main Craters 20. Bays on the High Plains 21. Streaks across the Plains 22. Earth, the Radiation Detector . Supernova 4 1, 0 00 BP 24. Solar System Impact 25. Chemistry of the Comet 26. Crater below Lake Michigan 27 M o m e nt of Impact a 28. Possible Canadian Impact Craters 29. Impacts on Other Continents 30. Fires across the Land 31. Fast-Moving Ice and Water 32. T he Waters Cover the Land 33. Endless Waves 34. Diamonds from the Sky 35. W r a p p i ng It Up Appendix A. Find Your O wn Stardust Appendix B. Chemistry of the Comet Appendix C. Lakes with Firestorm Charcoal Appendix D. Key Clovis-era M a r k e rs Bibliography Index A C K N O W L E D G M E N TS First, the authors want to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. William Topping, who uncovered the first crucial pieces of scientific evidence and realized that a cosmic event of outstanding significance had occurred. Bill's work was partially funded by a grant from the National Science Founda tion ( # 9 9 8 6 9 9 9 ), which made possible the initial scientific discoveries. Some of the people who made significant contributions to Bill's discov eries and to the authors' work are listed below in roughly chronological order, as of the publication date, and other contributors are mentioned throughout the book. All provided crucial information, research, samples, or access to key sites. Their listing here, however, does not imply that they endorse any of the authors' theories or conclusions. They are as follows: Denise Henry and Terrence Rettig of the National Science Foundation; Dr. Henry T. Wright and Dr. William Farrand, Uni versity of Michigan; Donald B. Simons, principal investigator, Gainey Paleo-Indian site; Dr. Reginald M. Ronningen and Paul Rossi, National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory; Philip Simpson and Henry Griffin, University of Michigan, Phoenix Memorial Laboratory; Dr. Dennis Stanford, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian; Dr. Zsolt Revay, Dr. Tamas Belgya, and Dr. Gabor M o l n ar (deceased), Budapest Neutron Centre; Dr. Alan R. Smith, physicist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Dr. C. Vance Haynes Jr., University of Arizona; Dr. Everett Lindsey, University of Arizona; J a ne Pike-Childress, B L M, Arizona; Dr. J o hn Montgomery and Joanne Dickenson, Eastern New M e x i co University, Blackwater Draw Site; Maria and Anton Chobot; J o hn Issa, Canada Fossils, Ltd.; Dr. M a t t h ew Boyd, Lakehead University; Dr. Brian K o o y m a n, University of Calgary; William Baldwin and Cheves Leland; Dr. Ted Bunch, formerly of NASA, and Dr. J im Wittke, both of Northern Arizona University; Dr. Luann Becker, University of California, Santa Barbara; Dr. R o b e rt Poreda, University of vn viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Rochester; Dr. J a m es Kennett, University of California, Santa Barbara; Dr. H an Kloosterman, the Netherlands. Karen Misuraca, of Warwick Associates, offered invaluable manuscript suggestions and proofing. Last, we thank the team members at Bear & Com pany who put the story of these discoveries in your hands: R ob Meadows, J on Graham, Jeanie Levitan, Anne Dillon, Peri Champine, and others. NOTES A B O UT THE TEXT Measurements: M o st scientists use the metric system, but most Americans do not. In most cases, we provide measurements both ways. Dating: For the ancient times covered in this b o o k, most scientists use two dating systems, calendar dates and radiocarbon dates, which are based on the decay of c a r b o n - 1 4. They are not identical, so for consistency, we have converted most dates to calendar dates, unless noted. Style: Each of the three authors wrote overlapping parts of this story. For simplicity, we decided to refer to the writers as " I" throughout the book, except in rare cases. I N T R O D U C T I ON Plato wrote about the catastrophic destruction of Atlantis, which occurred in a day and a night about 1 1 , 6 00 years ago. T he Bible vividly describes torrential rains and an immense flood in which most of humanity perished. Native Americans have many rich stories about an enormous cataclysm involving worldwide fires and flooding. Altogether, the myth and folk lore of as many as fifty different cultures around the planet tell of similar global devastations, during which humanity went through a trial by fire and flood. Are the cultural legends based on facts, or are they fables? Did a major calamity actually happen? Lacking hard evidence, scientists have dismissed the old tales of epic natural disasters, and even though popular writers have speculated about such catastrophes, convincing p r o of has been elu sive. Until now, no one has discovered and documented decisive evidence of a specific event that caused mass extinction. You are about to embark on an expedition to find the truth. Along the way, across the United States, you will meet archaeologists, paleontolo gists, geologists, and other scientists at their excavation sites and in their laboratories. You will witness their electrifying discoveries, from solving the mystery of thousands of Paleo-Indian hunters who suddenly vanished to explaining the radioactive bones of " E l o i s e ," one of the last mammoths to walk the planet. In this book, we intend to prove that a cosmic chain of events began 4 1 , 0 00 years ago and culminated in a major global catastrophe 2 8 , 0 00 years later. We refer to that culmination period of 1 3 , 0 00 years ago as simply the "Event." During our search, we three authors, who are trained researchers who have worked as government scientists, are joined in our quest for truth by a wide variety of other experts, including a retired N A SA section chief and others who are researchers at well-known universities. 1 2 INTRODUCTION Through a series of unusual and unpredictable on-site investigations, we turn up clues to a violent calamity that doomed millions of animals to extinction, caused widespread major mutations, decimated the human race, and set the stage for the rise of modern civilization. Now, for the first time, this work presents tangible explanations for the following: • Mass extinctions. W h at caused the sudden annihilation of Ice Age mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed tigers, and 40 million other animals, along with much of the human race? • Fire and flood stories. Is there any hard evidence to corroborate the megafloods and cataclysms recorded in the Bible, Plato's story of Atlantis, Native American lore, and the myths and literature of other cultures? • Ice Age warming. W h at caused the sudden end of the last Ice Age, when Greenland's temperatures suddenly shot up an amazing seven teen degrees within a few hundred years and the great continental ice sheets began to melt away? • The Carolina Bays. W h at was responsible for the formation of hun dreds of thousands of puzzling miles-long depressions on the Atlantic Coast that look just like Martian impact craters? • The "black mat." W h at is the mysterious layer of black sediment found spanning North America that rests directly over the bones of the last mammoths to walk the Earth? • Black glass. H ow does this unique and unusual material provide a crucial clue to the nature of the Event? THE SIXTH EXTINCTION T he Earth has been shaken by five major extinctions in the last 5 00 mil lion years. In the most destructive of these events, about 90 percent of life on Earth disappeared, and even in the mildest of the extinctions, hundreds of millions of living things vanished. L o ok around you and imagine that 90 percent of every species you see suddenly disappeared, including trees, fleas, flowers, dogs, frogs, fish, cats, bats, and, of course, your family and friends. We are now living in the period of what is called the "sixth extinction," which some scientists believe will be equally devastating. In our time, the extinction of modern species and the gradual worsening of our climate and environment appear to be due primarily to the actions of human beings. INTRODUCTION 3 This is what we are facing today: • Overpopulation. Every day, more than one in six of the world's 6 bil lion people do not have enough to eat. • Unpredictable climate. Weather is more unstable and extreme; tor nadoes and hurricanes are more destructive; and global temperatures are rising. • Natural disasters. M o st of history's costliest earthquakes and tsuna mis have occurred in the last 1 00 years. • Environment. Humans are destroying forests, wetlands, and grass lands, which are crucial to environmental balance worldwide. • The nuclear threat. Terrorism and nuclear proliferation are on the rise. • Warfare. Recent and current wars reflect frequent struggles over increasingly scarce land, oil, water, and other natural resources. This litany of dangers confronting our planet may be familiar to you, yet there is a hidden side to the story that we reveal in this b o o k. Our current species extinction, overpopulation, and environmental degradation were in fact kicked off 41,000 years ago by the Event, and they continue today—they have a cosmic cause, not just a man-made one. T he Event nearly wiped out the entire human race at that time, and after our extensive research, important answers emerged that affect us today. THE STORY OF THE EVENT Our evidence indicates that a colossal cosmic catastrophe culminated 1 3 , 0 00 Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes years ago, and is about how we uncovered that evidence. Part 1 ( " T he S e a r c h ") describes the hunt. We started with just a few compelling clues and used them to unravel the mystery of an awesome cos mic event. In Part 2 ( " T he M a in E v e n t " ), we set a dramatic scene for you, with a descriptive chronological overview of what happened. In Part 3 ( " T he Evidence"), we lay out the evidence and explain how it all fits into the bigger picture. Along the way, we hear from some ancient storytellers through their cultural legends, which we maintain are the accounts of those who survived the disaster. While we do not purport their stories to be accurate in all details, we believe them to be valid recordings of subjective impressions of actual ancient events. Are you ready to begin the search for answers?