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the CURRENCY DEALER newsletter the Greensheet - a monthly report on the Currency Market published by the Coin Dealer Newsletter (est. 1963) Vol. XXVIII No. 1 JANUARY 2007 Single copy price: $5.00 GODZILLA FUN AUCTION SCHEDULED PRICE LEVELS REMAIN STRONG ACTIVITY Certainly a sale as wide in scope and with the extent of the material available as the Heritage FUN auction will help provide an answer. . . .across the market SMALL SIZE TYPE NOTES Small Size Type Notes are now certainly very much a mainstream currency market specialty. It is also characterized by a higher proportion of by Kevin Foley its participants being traditional collectors, i.e., buyers with a real knowl¬ edge and appreciation of the history of the material being acquired. Such The Florida United Numismatists Convention in January will witness a purchasers typically buy and hold for a longer period than the speculator, major test of the market for rare currency, as Heritage holds a 5,000+ lot a buyer more prominently found in the Large Size Type area. As such, floor sale, supplemented by a 2,000+ lot internet only sale. The past year while third party certification has certainly made inroads here, it has has seen some definite trends established, while some others that have certainly not done so to the extent that is currently underway in the Large applied in the past have weakened somewhat. The trend that has strength¬ Size Type arena. Perhaps the most noticeable recent price trend here is an ened the most over, the past year has been the growing prominence of third incredible widening of price spreads for the very common material bearing party certification. While some view third party certification as little more especially high third party certification labels. Such spreads for common than a repeat of the fable of the Emperor's New Clothes, or as a classic material, even quite common at the highest quality levels, can be attributed speculative bubble that will inevitably burst and collapse, it can not be to promotional marketing outside traditional numismatic buying circles. denied that the growing prominence of such services has had an upward effect on prices by encouraging the entry of new buyers who see such FRACTIONAL CURRENCY opinions as an important factor in their buying decisions. Fractional Currency continues to show growing strength, with rarity In addition, at whatever level the market seems to be functioning, there and centering being the chief factors that cause a Note to be coveted. has been a reallocation of buyer resources to material at the upper end of Fractional Currency remains relatively free from speculative buying, even the quality spectrum, especially where such items are also vouched for by a in the highest third party certified grades, and remains an area more third party "67" or higher grade. It is perhaps quite understandable that a dominated by traditional collectors. A continuation of such buying behav¬ buyer being asked by a seller to pay a 100% premium for a Note that is ior can be expected to display less abrupt price movements than might presented as "Superb Gem" rather than merely "Gem" might quite reason¬ apply in other areas more prone to speculative purchasing. ably want some additional assurance that the item is also held in the same NATIONAL BANK NOTES esteem by someone other than the very entity with a direct personal stake I remarked above that some trends that applied in the past have weak¬ in the outcome of the transaction. ened somewhat over the past year. While rare National Bank Notes remain The price spread at the upper end of the quality spectrum for the very under strong upward buying pressure, there does seem to have taken place nicest appearing Notes has now widened well beyond the premiums that in the past year or so a lessening of interest for the more available Notes. applied for Notes described by sellers as "Superb Gem" rather than "Gem" An exception to this trend has been Uncirculated material, which enjoys prior to the entry of PCGS and NGC into the marketplace. It should be vigorous demand regardless of whether it is scarce to rare or quite com¬ noted that a significant part of this widening spread has been caused by mon. It is undeniable, however, that Nationals in less than the highest dealers competing against each other for better Notes in anticipation of grades that can be acquired at a later date with relative ease are showing having them encapsulated and the consequent promotion of such items less strength than they did a year ago. that has taken place subsequent to encapsulation. As more such items are MISCELLANEOUS offered in the secondary market subsequent to their first purchase, the real The continuing Schingoethe sales by R.M. Smythe & Co. are maintain¬ test will be applied as to whether the mere fact of the third party grade ing the pattern they previously established, i.e., that rare Obsolete is defi¬ actually adds value or simply the temporary illusion of value. nitely selling for more than was the case prior to the continuing dispersal As with all such questions, qualified experts will debate both sides of of this "name" collection. It should be noted that during their lifetimes the the issue, each presenting perfectly logical positions. The ultimate decision Schingoethes were regarded as buyers who often paid illogically high maker will be the collective purchasing judgements of the final authorita¬ prices to acquire material they needed for their holdings. The reoffering of tive arbiter of what marketplace reality actually is - the buyers who back these items has shown that today's buyers, to the contrary, apparently up their opinions by either writing or withholding a check. regard some of the prices they paid as being on the conservative side. LARGE SIZE TYPE NOTES It has been noted here in the past that the Stock and Bond field has for Large Size Type Notes remain especially vigorous, with low population some time remained the weakest and thinnest area of the specialties com¬ rarities, historically a rather volatile marketplace segment, enjoying a re¬ mented on. Third party certification has now entered this area, as well. Just surgence of interest. The price effect of third party certification is strongest as third party certification has had a measurable and quite significant in this collecting area, one where eye appeal and grade have always had a impact on coin and currency prices by attracting buyers who would not strong influence on establishing price levels. Certified "67+" Notes are otherwise have the confidence to participate, it will be interesting to see in definitely enjoying vigorous demand at present. As more and more certi¬ the months ahead if the result is similar in the Stock and Bond lield. fied material becomes available in the secondary market and through auction offerings, the extent to which this represents a real restructuring of Guest commentary provided by Kevin Foley, Director - Currency Auctions of America. He can be reached at P.O. Box 370650, Mihvaukee Wl 53237, (414) 421-3484 _ the market or simply a temporary speculative blip will be answered. The Greensheet reports the national currency market on a monthly basis. comiGHT Mr DU*, the CURRENCY DEALER Depi eft, the CURRENCY DEALER Division of CDN Inc. «.l„ « , , , the Greensheet newsletter Reprint ol any part of any issue without permission Torrance, CA 90504-7939 ar“"‘h“'' newsletter is expressly forbidden by law. Phone:(310)515-7369 www.cdnpublications.com • [email protected] EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR □ Please start sending me the Monthly CURRENCY DEALER NEWSLETTER Pauline Miladin PUBLISHER Shane Downing EDITOR Keith M. Zaner CIRCULATION & Betty Morris □ 1 Year $44.00 □ 2 Years $78.00 Name ADVERTISING 7 ..S'™* £££ Xb 7,hn" bket rion,hly bas,s Undcr ,hTresem » Address pUwl KS AdV*,toU’* ***** *35 00 P" «•'«"«" Advertising ,p»ce is limited; ads will be City, State & Zip__ Box 1 KN4 Torrance, CA 40510. * ~ TMA. TER. Send address changes to the Currency Dealer New sletter, P.O. Company & Phone Small Size National Currency obtainable. Lower Bids are the net result, but some see this as a temporary phenomenon until a balance is achieved. Prices will rise again as demand Market Reflections outstrips supply. 9* Ull i tv BIAItS HUKUt UII*U) lllimi" li*l IfUluHlil o> — THU I \ ITKII STATUS HI AM IIKIIA By James A. Simek THE FIRST As reported in the July 2005 Greensheet, triple-digit percentage gains were NATIONAL BANK OF vvitnessed by Small Size National Currency between May 2000 and May 2005. In the intervening eighteen months, the minor corrections that inevitably follow PRAIRIE CITY such a period of major increase have been seen to manifest themselves. How¬ OREGON ever, as demonstrated in the accompanying chart, the decreases affect all de¬ WILL. PAY TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND TK*\ DOUAHS nominations of both Types in the middle grades (the $50 and $100 values showing the smallest percentage drop). The Choice Crisp Uncirculated category B000001A saw decreases for the $5 and $10 denominations, the $20 denomination of both Types increased slightly, while the $50 and $100 denominations were virtually TEX DOLLARS unchanged. Further, those increases - while not spectacular as was seen one and one-half years ago - are nevertheless acceptable given current conditions. A third element has to do with rarity. Established National Currency collec¬ tors are quite aware of the numbers of specific Notes that are both known and Greensheet Bids for Small Size Nationals available. Even novice collectors are able to look up current census data. By FINE 12 % CHOICE CU 63 % studying recent auction results, it is readily apparent that the more common 5/05 1/07 Change 5/05 1/07 Change National Bank Notes have experienced some softness - there is no doubt about $5 T.l $65 $40 -38% $205 $160 -22% that. On the other hand, Notes from the rarer towns or banks continue to set new $10 T.l $65 $40 -38% $195 $160 -18% price records every time they are offered. There are several people vying to $20 T.l $65 $45 -31% $210 $220 +5% acquire Notes they have searched for, sometimes for decades, and are unwilling $50 T.l $340 $270 -21% $465 $460 -1% to "let this one get away." $100 T.l $490 $360 -27% $625 $625 Unch A friend and I recently had a discussion about the state of the National $5 T.2 $65 $40 -38% $205 $160 -22% Currency market as it currently exists. We talked about the number of new $10 T.2 $65 $40 -38% $195 $160 -18% collectors who have entered the hobby in the past decade and what it was that $20 T.2 $65 $45 -31% $210 $220 +5% they were buying. One of the things he related made a lot of sense to me, and $50 T.2 $340 $270 -21% $550 $550 Unch served to partially explain why things are what they are today. "When a new $100 T.2 $490 $410 -16% $675 $675 Unch collector goes to a show (or a web site or auction, for that matter) and is looking for a Note from his hometown, he may have no luck whatsoever if that town is a This chart would tend to indicate that there are some market dynamics particularly difficult one to locate. That may cause him to lose interest, tempo¬ occurring relative to Small Size National Currency that are having a direct effect rarily, until he discovers some new aspect of Nationals to pursue." on the prices of Notes. "But," he continued, "if he goes to a show looking for Large Size Type Notes, The first, and certainly the most fundamental concept, is the basic economic such as Chiefs, Bisons, Woodchoppers or Portholes, he will be able to find' law of supply and demand - how much of something is available for purchase several from which to choose. That probably explains why Large Size Type is and how many people are willing to buy it. While there are, relatively speaking, hot' and Nationals have 'cooled off,' in some people's opinion." Again, though, lots and lots of Small Size National Notes, the vast majority of them are, by he sees this only as temporary until more new collectors from places like Mil¬ definition, common ones. Once collectors have acquired the "easy" pieces to waukee, New York, Chicago and San Francisco (to mention just a few, where place in their holdings they begin competing with each other for the scarcer those cities' Notes are relatively plentiful) enter the arena. items, of which only small quantities exist. If there are ten people competing for The conclusions to be drawn from these facts, in this author's humble opin¬ four specimens of a certain town or bank, the natural result is a higher price. If ion, are the following: 1) There has been some softness seen recently in the prices four people are competing for ten available specimens, the lower price reflects for the more common Small Size Nationals, and for those from locations that are this fact. It is really quite simple! currently, shall we say, not in particular favor with collectors. 2) Small Size The second factor has to do with promotabiliti/. During the past several years, Nationals that are especially scarce individually, or those from states or regions a number of dealers have sought to "promote" National Currency by offering with several established collectors, continue to set record prices as they come up Notes to their customers for sale. They basically start the process by quietly for auction or are offered at shows and via the Internet. 3) Price corrections are purchasing pieces at prevailing market rates. Thus they build a supply to have normal, natural and healthy for as all of us are aware everything occurs in cycles. on hand ready to fill the orders they anticipate. Should demand for their And, 4) No one has a crystal ball that works, even if they try to convince you product exceed their expectations (as was happening for some time) they would otherwise! 3 then re-enter the market to buy additional Notes. As they did so, they would Amassing Small Size National Currency remains an enjoyable collecting raise their "Bid" prices as necessary to acquire more. Higher Bids will generally pursuit that can literally continue for a lifetime. It can be educational and attract pieces "out of the woodwork" so to speak, as current owners seek to take rewarding. All you need to realize are the old adages that "patience is a virtue" advantage of higher offers and hence reap profits. and, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Have fun in your collecting quest! When customer orders slowed down and the dealers no longer needed to purchase additional merchandise, their "Bids" would drop accordingly. That is }ames A. Simek one of the situations we have observed of late. While the market for Small Size NumisGraphic Enterprises Nationals is by no means saturated, the demand side of the equation has fallen P.O. Box 7157 • Westchester, 11 60154 off relative to the supply of common or "generic" Notes that are considered 630-889-8207 GRADING Sight-Seen wholesale prices are for accurately graded Notes — Certified or Raw. Superb Crisp Uncirculated-67 A nearly flawless Note with perfect centering. Full wide margins all around. Colors are totally bright, crisp and vibrant. Quality is outstanding. Gem Crisp Uncirculated-65 An almost perfect Note. Better than average margins. No aging or fading. Very Choice Crisp Uncirculated-64 A bright Note that's slightly below Gem quality. Margins and color are above average. A Note that may have slight centering problems. Choice Crisp Uncirculated-63 A nice new Note but not quite Gem. Centering may be a little off. May show some aging or light counting smudges or wrinkles. Crisp Uncirculated-60 No trace of circulation. Can have centering problems, pin holes, counting smudges, wrinkles, close margins, or a corner tip fold (not into design). Almost Uncirculated-50 (Almost new) These will be much the same as a "new" Note except for a single fold or several corner folds. Extra Fine-40 Circulated; may have some folds; still has some crispness. Very Fine-20 Some circulation; may show several folds and will have lost some of its crispness and color. Fine-12 Well-circulated with little crispness remaining; edges may be rough. Very Good-8 Will be fairly well-soiled; may be significantly worn; might have roughness around the edges with only minute problems. Use of the Friedberg numbering system is by license granted by the Coin and Currency Institute, Inc. Publishers of Paper Money of the United States, P.O. Box 1057, Clifton, N.J. 07014 JANUARY 2007 the CURRENCY DEALER NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 CONTINENTAL & COLONIAL CURRENCY SERIES FRIEDBERG VG 8 FINE 12 VF 20 XF 40 AU 50 CU 60 CH CU 63 VCH CU 64 GEM CU 65 SUP CU 67 DENOMINATION NUMBERS BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK Continental CC 1-102 50 60 68 - 75 95 105 150 165 180 200 230 250 270 300 335 365 475 525 745 Connecticut W/Hole CT 1-240 40 45 45 50 50 55 60 65 70 80 90 100 105 115 135 150 190 210 320 350 Connecticut No Hole CT 1-240 55 65 70 80 85 95 100 120 135 150 190 210 235 255 285 310 470 520 735 800 Delaware DE 1-92 60 70 70 80 85 95 115 130 145 160 195 210 235 260 275 305 420 460 675 750 Georgia GA 1-131 300 350 425 475 675 750 1,125 1,225 1,475 1.600 1,700 1,850 2,400 2,650 IV IV Al lv M IV Maryland MD 1-138 55 65 65 72 82 90 125 140 160 175 260 285 305 340 340 375 415 455 IV V IV Al IV IV Massachusetts W/Hole MA 1-289 35 40 38 44 45 52 58 65 65 + 72 85 95 100 110 120 130 150 165 Massachusetts No Hole MA 1-289 95 105 110 120 130 145 170 190 210 230 260 285 310 345 400 440 ni M m iv «i iv M IV IV IV IV IV New Hampshire W/Hole NH 1-185 200 220 290 320 425 465 475 525 650 725 975 1,075 1,350 1,500 New Hampshire No Hole NH 1-185 750 850 925 1,050 1,300 1,450 1,500 1,650 1,750 1,950 2,200 2,400 IV IV IV IV »V IV IV M IV IV iv iv New Jersey NJ 1-218 60 70 75 85 90 100 105 115 125 135 170 185 205 225 245 270 335 365 625 700 New York NY 1-237 60 70 90 100 125 140 150 165 170 190 235 255 350 385 375 410 475 525 900 1.000 North Carolina NC 1-215 65 75 115 130 145 160 200 225 235 260 305 335 335 365 350 390 390 430 450 550 Pennsylvania PA 1-272 55 62 60 - 67 66 - 75 90 100 105 115 130 145 160 175 200 220 245 270 340 375 Rhode Island R1 1-301 53 58 55 60 62 70 72 + 80 82 + 90 105 115 140 155 170 185 200 220 310 340 South Carolina SC 1-192 95 105 135 155 185 205 290 320 380 420 400 440 465 500 550 600 625 700 900 1.000 Vermont VT 1-8 6,000 6,700 7,500 8,500 12,500 14,000 16,500 18,500 iv iv iv IV IV iv Virginia VA 1-225 85 95 120 135 155 175 225 250 320 350 390 425 525 575 725 800 1,050 1,150 DEMAND NOTES I 1861 $5 FR 1-5 1,100 1,200 1,950 2,150 3,800 4,200 12,500 14,000 25,000 28,000 35,000 38,500 44,000 50,000 55,000 65,000 75,000 85,000 IV IM >V IV IV IV ■ ■ 1861 $10 FR 6-10 1,600 1,750 3,200 3,500 8,200 9,100 18,000 20,000 28,000 31,000 37,000 41,000 48,000 55,000 60,000 70,000 100K 110K IV IV IV IV IV IV 1 1 1861 $20 FR 11-15 17,500 19,500 34,000 37,500 65,000 75,000 95,000 105K 105K 115K 120K 135K 140K 155K 150K 165K 175K 190K u.s NOTES CLEGAL TENDER) 1 1862 $1 FR 16-17 135 150 260 285 490 540 675 750 1,075 1,175 1,150 1,250 1,625 1,775 2.250 2,500 3.250 3,500 5,500 6.000 1862 $2 FR 41 310 340 500 550 1,000 1,100 1,550 1,700 2,250 2,500 2,650 2,900 3,000 3,300 3.750 4,100 6.250 6,850 8.200 9,200 1862-3 $5 FR 61-63 260 285 425 475 565 615 725 800 1,000 1,100 1,250 1,375 1,700 1,900 2,700 3,000 3,600 3.950 6.200 6.850 1862-3 $10 FR 93-95 550 600 800 875 1,200 1,325 1,900 2,100 2,500 2,750 3,800 4,150 4,500 4,900 5,900 6,400 11,000 12,000 17,500 19,500 1862-3 $20 FR 124-126 1,150 1,250 2,050 2,250 3,100 3,400 4,400 4,800 5,200 5,700 6,000 6,600 8,000 9,000 9.250 10,250 13,800 15,250 21,000 23,000 1862-3 $50 FR 148-150 5,000 5,500 10 000 11,000 18,000 20,000 34,000 37,500 75,000 85,000 110K 120K 225K 250K IV >V <V M IV M 1862-3 $100 FR 165-167 11,000 12,000 20,000 22,000 29,000 32,000 40,000 44,000 60,000 67,000 80,000 90,000 110K 125K 150K 175K 185K 210K IV IV IV iv IV IV 1869 $1 FR 18 215 + 235 385 + 420 615 675 875 975 1,750 1,900 2,000 2,200 2,300 2,500 2,850 3,150 4,750 5,250 7,500 8,250 1869 $2 FR 42 340 375 520 570 1,200 1,300 2,050 2,250 3,500 3,850 3,700 4,100 4,100 4,400 5,650 6,200 8,600 9,500 14,500 16,000 111888666999 $$$512 00 FFFRRR 1692467 228075050 + 239215000 1,357125050 + 1,539740500 2,357000000 2,557557000 31,,481570500 31,,782577055 511,,,558050000 261,,,007000000 271,,,309005000 227,,,517050000 239,,,135500000 1230,,,365500000 1253,,,815000000 1355,,,160000000 2407,,,750500000 2258,,,220500000 21774,,,053000000 31706,,,700000000 1869 $50 FR 151 5,900 6,500 13,500 15,500 29,000 32,000 52,500 57,500 67,500 75,000 79,000 87,000 92,500 103K 115K 125K 150K 165K 1111888867779444 $$$$1251 00 0 FFFFRRRR 1146513829 62,,52105750005 72,,55100770007 140,,053100210055 142,,403100530050 215,,545100290005 235,,592505170055 396,,084800680000 437,,059500600050 6291,,,006000570050 61801,,,070100070005 71117,,,092505700050 718119,,,,030507700550 922711,,,,001600700500 30111,,,00272077K055 45111,,,10590020K500 52011,,,21060007K005 62521,,,40700500K000 72231,,,62050500K000 3421 ,01360500KK00 3521,,22600500KK00 1111888877775555 $$$$1251 0 FFFFRRRR 24690457----26946887 31160508000 31173615050 33190940505 341133600505 425181760005 526133280005 1,263155760050 1,247370205050 1.484757700550 1,955950200050 21,,371755500000 21,.587252755000 411,,,973000500000 + 5111,,,,204107000500 5111 ,,,297500500000 6111,,,,593650250500 12212,,,,709500000000 12234,,,,120000000000 I232V ,,,9A79l055 I0V00 I433V ,,,122IV005 I00V0 11111111888888887777777755588888 $$$$$$$$12255112 00 000 0 FFFFFFFFRRRRRRRR 16498-1-1114722965290837999 404,,07424110087743005050500 455,,03535110028004100555055 658,,077435110534087000555505 759,,074836110509331900000555 71561,,,0045268100028106100505501 81581,,,045136810600168700055550 301111,,,,0026530000924705K0500500 3331111,,,,,1047153100070835K0000550 452111,,,,2014755350252057K0005005 520111,,,,4305857502000502K5000005 5262111,,,,,4308607602055552K5000005 6223111,,,,,6501718702052527K5050055 33211,,,,60528390000527K005005 323111,,,,,83858400085077K000550 3421111,,,,,,86587220500007K000005 4352111,,,,0,,0013840000070K000500 5283211,,,,,0,7807890505000K000000 6223942,,,,,2,3011015550000K000000 1I92326v3 ,,..,,0I86620V00 5500I0V00000 11I40326V4 ,,,,,,I001885V000 500I0V00000 1878 $50 FR 154 2,400 2,700 4,000 4,400 7,500 8,250 12,500 14,000 18,000 20,000 22,500 25,000 38,000 42,000 52,500 60,000 70,000 80,000 11887880 $$11 0l0g . seal; red nos. FFRR 28-13701 4,23008050 4,63039005 7,531093000 8,451304005 12,027003005 13,228253005 171,,020082055 191,,031022005 231,,046040000 251,,547085000 1,587755 2,067255 2,575105 2,870805 31,,600205 31,,910205 41,,650500 51,,075000 29..550000 120,,755000 111888888000 $$$122 sllggm.. .ss eesaaella;;l breldu en noos.s . FFFRRR 355043---535254 477875005 527985705 71109010005 7n11720o050 1,311155930550 1,251110745005 2,423240500005 2,623256820555 2,843355350000 3,153350680505 3,557604070005 3,875757950500 6,068702050500 6,686808725055 110,,800902020505 1111,,,910002020505 27111,,,,546500050000 30111,,,,057705500000 5252,,,806505000 6032,,,019050000 111888888000 $$$555 llsggm.. .ss eesaaella;;l breldu en noos.s . FFFRRR 777039---778282 290860205 2192702005 31188440555 41128660080 225154710005 226176225550 448127085505 524820675555 1,542018620005 1,255186320055 1,674370820555 1,775457250050 1,985622775555 11,,690820225505 211,,,071107520055 211,.,228220520050 3111,,,,465300520005 3111,,,,777455050000 2225,,,,563750050000 2226,,,,885205050000 111888888000 $$$112000 llsggm.. .ss eesaaella;;l bblluuee nnooss.. FFFRRR 111103030---111103399 222107190500 222321300000 343362305055 443306630055 544696650050 655740010055 1,787172105550 1,928700580005 111,,,090320275055 1111,,,,110502220555 1111,,,,335072575505 1111,,,,457172075505 2111,,,,075507205050 2111,,,,296602750550 2211,,,,259850050000 2222,,,,410750550000 3332.,,.615650050000 4323,.,,049805000000 4564,,,,160905000000 4665,,,,256400000000 111888888000 $$$255000 slsgmm. ..s essaeelaa ll; red nos. FFFRRR 111546562---111646174 311,,,764155580005 411,,,128605005000 326,,,265200070005 237,,,851350000005 1433,,,748504000000 1545,,,422080000000 2546,,,790750000000 2865,,,523705570000 4186,,,025800050000 4957,,,001900500000 58751,,,,900000050000 69071,,,,707100050000 7110121,,,,025007000500 7117312,,,,045000000000 7115316,,,,075005700050 8112571,,,,055700020005 2912027 ,,,002500500000 21429l.O,.0540O05CC(h 42063,,,002000000 42583,,,055000000 111989080107 $$$511 00 0 sm. seal FFFRRR 11718943--11-982222 2,94509000 - 3,241540000 4,95102620555 5,45107740520 8,58102570555 + 9,59100870020 171,,05207390550 + 119,,207106200050 222.,583100220000 253,,003105530005 263,,503105760005 293,,034105180000 313,,034205410050 343,,046205830050 394,,022505850000 434,,066305010000 558,,054800270055 659..03940076CC55 161,,904005000 1711,,,560000000 11991237 $$12 FFRR 57-6400 3379000 31670705 71781505 81592005 1,611515005 1,811027000 1 3,121023005 3,421045050 4,531036505 5,031068050 4,724522000 5,422654000 5,542079050 6,053022005 6,736565500 7,457002050 12,059075050 131..206552CC5 171,,550500 119,,750000 COMPOUND INTEREST TREASURY NOTES PHHH 111 111888666333---666444 $$$125000 FFFRRR 111999102 71n211 ,,,n546o000n000 919411. ,,,n057o055n000 236227 ,,,039000500000 242813,,.,550355000000 3614081,.,,900000000000 4612652,,,,004000000000 2482890,,,.070005000000 29514030,.,,000700050000 2198..550000 3231,,000000 3305,,000000 3338,,050000 50,000 55,000 5i5v ,i0v0 n0i 6i0v ,i0v0 i0v 7I0V ,I0V0 IV0 7i7v, 0IV0 I0V » IIiVVv ~IIVV iIIVVv iIIVVv iIIVVv iI«Vvv |11 INTEREST BEARING NOTES [1861-65 $10 1,9001 4,000 1861-65 $20 3,750 11,000 REFUNDING CERTIFICATES 2,100 3,400 3.750 I 4,600 5.0001 5,500 I 1879 $10 11888800 $$2500 FFFRRR 233802795---233912029 361 ,,6877,00060000 451 ,,098700550000 13614,,,.273005700050 13751,,,,535505000000 212247,,..295550000000 212559,,,,504000000000 433399,,.,850000000000 4414830,,,,200500000000 5810055,.,,002500500000 5915057,,,,700550000000 261061,,,20065005K000 263571,,,40030000K000 275701,,,40205050K000 277781,,,65005000K000 299801,,,90500000K000 39221,,10400000KK00 415422,,25055000KK00 510622,,57000500KK00 2I2V3 ,05IV00 KI0V 2I5V3 ,30IV00 KI0V 111888888666 $$$125 FFFRRR 222154590---222264154 223380770005 + 324412110000 246792750550 + 437862555000 11,,373650500000 + 11,,377587505500 221 .,965100250050 + 231,,,822550770055 441,..668650200500 551,,,910700050000 6611,,,,161900500000 2671,,,,172200050000 2671,,,,163450000000 2781,,,.320550050000 3891,,,,105950050000 12380,,,,148555000000 11488,,,505000000 22005,,,005000000 23970,,,050000000 33283,,,200500000 111888998116 $$$122 0 FFFRRR 223241253---223241366 1,242270120505 1,322503555000 2,323308390055 2,534306130505 4,463708220555 + 4,873806500050 911..,242204020005 + 1011,,,423380250050 1611,,,556705500000 1811,,,658800050000 2522,,,053900020005 27221,,,,575005520500 31221,,,,097005500000 34331,,,,020105500000 331,..433000000 331,,,674055000 255,,,230500000 255,,,585000000 388,,,700000000 499,,,100000000 111111888888999999111666 $$$$$$112255 00 0 FFFFFFRRRRRR 232223914362877048------332322024327128550 41 ,40213512075557950005530 -+ 41 ,443362116008097055005053 611,,,239935115650382150000550 ++ 2711,,,,140063210005662200000050 132011,,,,,045644210008537200000550 ++ 132111,,,,,376645310507007300050500 1242136,,,,,,113603515075800500055005 + 1242138,,,,,,356167515007050700050000 32353411,,,,,,,903384215057552005005005 ++ 33653511,,,,,,,280646225502502200500505 52456631,,,,,,,050675430000007200000505 62407731,,,,,,,290283630000520500000505 72595371,,,.,,,612070480050505800000005 812255470,,,,,,,860022755050550300000005 1725721 .,,,05000860500057KU00005 1Z73581.,,,,t175567J0U00005KU00000 111809511.,.,,555501000000K00000 211191611,,,,,652552500000K00000 312127525,,.,.055150000000000 321158927,,,,,050300000000000 111888999999 $$$112 ddaattee brieglhotw FFFRRR 2222643A90---222532869 2299500 211500000 241177000000 + 521n291o005 361138110050 731166220005 1.411115440000 1.421155550055 1,771125775505 1,891105995500 1.228977200050 2,139300000000 21.,413005700050 21,,443141500500 21.,484555000 31.,156500000 25..555008005 26,,706504000 391..,771555000 1410,,,127075500 11990283 $$11 0 FFRR 233072--233094 25209 + 27352 36943003 -++ 47330060 78523057 -+ 98420150 11,,16505000 11,,27555005 21,,05006000 21,,26065006 21,,28507005 22,,05058002 22 ,45009005 22,,671550005 3,210205 3,510305 5,520000 6,020200 350 385 1111111111888888888899999999991111100000 $$$$$$$$$$1122551221 0000 FFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRR 333333335567655693692062--------333333333675655767115828455 11,,324223511025156046000005550 11,,325252611340039568000000050 22,,663724353554200101005500000 8220,,97732335602820445"000500000 4131,,,,576527582080780807005000505 4131,,,,978837694055017355005000500 3255111,,,,,,,108737401005563507000055005 2366111,,,.,,.245364183000000500000000000 43296111,,,,,,,,706547505000065050000050000 153207111,,,,,,,,238545716005010055000050000 153322711,,,,,,,,843016543000050050000000000 163322821,,,,,,,,376235165050005600000000000 13422931,,,,,,,933955870005000500000000 114425301,,,,,,,276028950000800000000000 1145326131,,,,,,,,920141550505055000000000 1155327312.,,.,,,,474658250500555000000000 2128845516,,,,,,,,055023670000550500000000 2198545518 ,,,,,0,48784820000500500000000 311231375874,,,,,,,,050326400000500000000000 311263298696,,.,,,,.065001250000000000000000 www. cdnpublications. com Jr. ergio Sanchez Currency Your U.S. Large Note Specialist Buy-Sell-Expert Appraisals U.S. Small and Large Size Currency LARGE SELECTION OF: U.S. NOTES, TREASURY NOTES, SILVER & GOLD CERTIFICATES, NATIONALS, CONFEDERATES, COLONIALS & OBSOLETES riwm 'ia.t aMiMwiw .1 it -.tnn. n n it O jsjJ!- - <Su m iw r i gr^-jea^. 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Box 44-2809 Miami, FL 33144-2809 E-mail: [email protected] www.SanchezCurrency.com JANUARY 2007 the CURRENCY DEALER NEWSLETTER PAGE 4 NATIONAL BANK NOTES SERIES FRIEDBERG VG 8 FINE 12 VF 20 XF 40 AU 50 CU 60 CH CU 63 VCH CU 64 GEM CU 65 SUP CU 67 DENOMINATION NUMBERS BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK 1st ISSUE Original $1 rays FR 380-382 600 675 775 850 1,000 1,100 1,350 1,475 1,850 2,050 2,550 2,800 2,650 2,900 2,900 3,200 3,900 4,300 1875 $1 scallops FR 383-386 600 675 775 850 1,000 1,100 1,350 1,475 1,850 2,050 2,550 2,800 2,650 2,900 2,900 3,200 3,900 4,300 6,000 6.600 Original $2 rays FR 387-389 2,400 2,650 2,800 3,100 3,750 4,100 4,750 5,250 6,300 6,900 7,200 7,900 8,300 9,100 9,100 10,000 12,000 13,250 1875 $2 scallops FR 390-393 2,400 2,650 2,800 3.100 3,750 4,100 4,750 5,250 6,300 6,900 7.200 7,900 8.300 9,100 9,300 10,300 12,250 13,500 Original $5 rays FR 394-399 900 1,000 1,000 1.100 1,350 1,500 1,850 2,050 2,450 2,700 3,125 3,425 3,600 4,000 4,350 4,700 5,050 5,550 1875 $5 scallops FR 401-408 900 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,350 1,500 1,850 2,050 2,450 2,700 3,125 3.425 3,600 4,000 4,150 4,550 4,750 5,250 Original $10 rays FR 409-414 1,200 1,300 1,300 1,425 1,650 1,800 2,115 2,325 2,925 3,225 4,025 4.425 4.300 4,700 4,750 5,200 5,500 6,000 1875 $10 scallops FR 416-423 1,200 1,300 1,300 1,425 1,650 1,800 2,115 2,325 2,925 3,225 4,025 4,425 4,300 4,700 4,750 5,200 5,500 6,000 Original $20 rays FR 424-429 1,750 1,900 1,850 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,725 3,025 3,725 4,100 5,025 5,525 5,600 6,100 6,200 6,800 8,100 8,900 1875 $20 scallops FR 431-439 1,750 1,900 1,850 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,725 3,025 3,725 4,100 5,025 5,525 5,600 6,100 6,200 6,800 8,100 8,900 Original $50 rays FR 440-443 11,000 12,000 12,000 13,000 13,000 14,000 14,000 15,500 18,050 20,000 20,050 22,000 22,550 25,000 24,500 27,000 28,700 31,000 1875 $50 scallops FR 444-451 11,000 12,000 12,000 13,000 13,000 14,000 14,000 15.500 18,050 20,000 20,050 22,000 22,550 25,000 24.500 27,000 28,700 31,000 Original $100 rays FR 452-455 13,000 14,250 14,250 15,750 15,250 16,750 17,500 19.500 26,100 28,500 28,500 31,500 34,400 38,000 38.500 42,500 48,500 52,500 1875 $100 scallops FR 456-463 13,000 14,250 14,250 15,750 15,250 16,750 17,500 19,500 26,100 28,500 28,050 31,500 34,400 38,000 38,500 42,500 48,500 52,500 SECOND CHARTER-1 st ISSUE (BROWN BACK) 1882 $5 FR 466-478 450 490 495 545 575 625 750 825 1,100 1,200 1,650 1,800 1,800 2,000 2,250 2.450 3,250 3,600 4,700 5,200 1882 $10 FR 479-492 540 600 665 725 765 840 1,025 1,150 1,425 1,575 1,950 2,150 2,250 2,450 2,850 3,150 4,000 4,400 5,200 5.700 1882 $20 FR 493-506 825 925 875 975 1,100 1,200 1,465 1,610 1,900 2,100 2,300 2,550 2,700 3,000 3,150 3.450 4,300 4,700 6,300 6,900 1882 $50 FR 507-513 4,000 4,400 4,100 4,500 4,200 4,600 5,025 5,525 6.500 7,100 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,500 15,000 18,500 20,500 1882 $100 FR 519-531 5,500 6,000 5,700 6,200 5,900 6,400 6,800 7,400 8.500 9,300 10,500 11,500 13,000 14,500 15,000 16,500 19,000 21,000 31,000 34,000 SECOND CHARTER-2nd ISSUE (DATE BACK) 1882 $5 FR 532-538 450 490 495 545 550 600 725 800 1,010 1,110 1,565 1,725 1.700 1,850 1,950 2,150 2,850 3,150 3,400 3,700 1882 $10 FR 539-548 540 600 650 710 750 825 1,000 1,125 1,400 1,550 1,900 2,100 2,200 2,400 2,700 3,000 4,000 4,300 1882 $20 FR 549-557 825 925 875 975 1,100 1,200 1,465 1,610 1,900 2,100 2,300 2,550 2.700 3,000 3,100 3,400 4,800 5,200 1882 $50 FR 558-565 3,900 4,300 4,000 4,400 4,200 4,600 5,025 5,525 6.500 7,100 9,000 10,000 10,000 11,500 12,000 13.500 15,000 16.500 1882 *100 FR 566-572 5,500 6,000 5,700 6,200 6,000 6,500 6,900 7,500 8.500 9,300 10,500 11,500 11,000 12,000 13,000 14.500 16,000 17.500 S18E8C2O $N5D CHARTER-3rd ISSUE (VAFRL UE5 7B3A-5C7K5) 450 490 495 545 550 600 725 800 1,010 1,110 1,565 1,725 1,850 2,050 2,000 2,200 2,350 2,600 3.450 3,800 11888822 $$1200 FFRR 557860--557895 584205 690205 685705 791705 1,715000 1,822050 11,,040605 11,,162150 11,,490000 21,,150500 21,,595000 22,,180000 22,,290500 23,,420500 23,,720000 33,,050000 33,,495500 34,,830000 1882 $50 FR 586 35,000 38,500 40,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 66,000 70,000 77,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 100K 1882 $100 FR 586 A 70,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 T11111H9999900000I22222R D$$$$$ 51251C 0000r 0Herrr deeeArddd esR desssT aeeesElaaae lllaR l- 1 st ISSUE FFFFFRRRRR 566663861897436-----656664861819658 45,,054680072000550 46,,405780020700505 45,,176580500700005 46,,527950025505000 451,,,285720705250500 461,,,636830200705050 561,,,077962205050500 5711,,,,538070205500050 26811,..,,055040010000000 27911,,,,,213150002550000 122801,,,,,175530701005500 123911.,.,,303550070000500 122912,,,,,497650050000000 1123103,,,..627775705505000 1123103,,,,,608750055000000 1122325,,,,,083005500000000 1123337,,,,,208055550000000 1123449,,,..532550550000000 T11111H9999900000I2222R2 D$$$$$ 51251C 0000b 0Hbbbl_uAlllbuuuelR eeeus eTesss aeeeEslaaae Rllla -l 2nd ISSUE (DATFFFFFERRRRR BA66566C1946860279K-----)65666 2947937947 11,,481110022200000 11,,591115533300555 11,,591110544450055 21,,161110566600000 21,,061115088800000 21,,222270050500000 22,,072220665655005 23,,220229009900000 23,,437335505505055 24,,713330099900000 34,,694448800800000 35,,955353353000000 35,,815551200250500 45,,156556570750005 35,,925555050600500 45,,626670511000050 57,,507782500050000 68,,088902050050000 111.,,468000000 211,,,057055000 T11111H9999900000I22222R D$$$$$ 51251C 0000b 0Hbblb uAllbluueulR eeues eTesss aeeeEslaaae Rllla -l 3rd ISSUE FFFFFRRRRR 566669572980548-----666671683023587 11,,481110000000000 11,,59n115511o0000 11,,481115522205550 21,,061110033380088 11,,591110544450055 21,,161115566600000 21,,622296662155555 22,,182229927900550 | 23,,463335125555555 24,,603336929905005 43,,854442888200055 35,,835553370300050 35,,650550511050500 45,,055550506650005 35,,570552450550000 45,,065560575105000 56,,060775000500000 56,,567885000500000 111,,,223075050 111,,,345500000 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES 11111999991111185855 ///111$$88825 0$$$ 521 00 FFFFFFRRRRRR 777880841281702-----878788240833169001 2.23781309680000505 2.52891557591305000 411.,,43011952009350050 411.,,832121515000255000 711.,,203451690000050000 711.,,247165930155000000 391,.,005491700052500005 392,,,643911240053500005 1253,,.808551050208000050 1534.,,229557002075005500 13514,,,.132485032550055000 15316,,,.284950550570505000 13517,,,.528695800550500000 136911,,.,,833700051550050000 2631,,,,123825450050000 2641,,,,328335508000000 13511,,,,057900050000000 12362,,,,132500055000000 3142979,,,.,565950050000000000 421521110,,,,,,080000055000000000 111111111111i q9999.99999997 11111111111iI q44*4444444484 $$$S$$$$$$$$ 55122551115IU 000000000rbn 000eblrbbnrrU udeee1lnllrbb deu uuddLe llsI We eeuduCes e eaeu lap l FFFFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRR 111190000888969217834094542242442-2----1----1-11111898909001011954016723338113313132313 22 ,246648111404605860576550575050005 23,.227611571036527850218000250550000 651.,,224925715881469020553508050000005 6711,,,,3432302521152456000508505365000005 18111,.,,4376543551876655002090552800000050 + 19211,,,,4557366551237601555051585500000500 1122125,,,,.5575146001500057837020000850000500 + 1122136,,,,,6778427551075980073500035500000000 21330113,,,,,,8751056581220990000004505500050000 + 21432115,,,,,,908260618011020550608005050000550500 212155316,,,,,.,445700516911000000290028000058000000 2126511581,,,,,,,,605925017010550003064000000500000000 23226162011,,,,.,.,.085722001221000075600258000005005500 23273461311,,,,,,,,,212185703313070000500577500505500005 241223752111,,,,,.,,,121022003055051300000505000500000000 241223776211.,,,,,,,,352247503577003600300000000000000000 2361335327250,,,,,,,,03905344503000401200005000000500000 ^^624^1332471260,,,,,,,,36473534065000550760000000500050000 593f6800541y1j ,,,,,,,,,95r06022000\/000000 0000r00000000\00j 547r955411\1j, ,,,,,,,400600f7161\j00070000 00fK005000000\i NATIONAL GOLD 1 BANK 1M OTES |/I 11887700--7755 $$1500 FFFRRR111111364602---111111465111 26122050 ,,,,010055000000000 27122701,,,.,235055000000000 24710455.,,.,506050000000000 24865355,,,,,505000000000000 449105901,,,,,700005000000000 451145021,,,,0007000050K0000 551125471.,,.2500500000K0000 651175591,,,,3505550000K0000 227805501,,,,3000000000K0000 229827501,,,,4050050000K0000 22927511...0455000000KK000 2350111,,0150050500KKK00 2350111,,1105000500KKK00 2373111,,2275000000KKK00 2393111,,2270000500KKK00 3346111,,3390000500KKK00 H430411Z,,3300O0000OKK00K H4359211,,24400I55500KKK00 (rrvuV MMi\i MAM/ M<rvV "*<V1V >MIVV 111 GOLD CERTIFICATES 1111111111888999999988800122222226732222 $$$$$$$$$$2521512551000000000,0 0 00 0 FFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRR 1111111112111287086918411786-------1111111111112111122279187820918700746297 43,,374624744151170771081210295055055050500 +++ 35,,472475745221127532455514735000550005005 1178,.,,682332622661155675363535550005050500000 ++ 1198,,,,759252700761102580500290760505050000500 ! 1122111461,,,,,,,.315325023700100721701155005005550000000 + 1122111715,,,,,,,,537327213825550563203425000000550005000 22332317111.,.,,,,,,696940534342705057070360050000505000000 ++ 23424330111,,,,,,,,,383954053503955552150600200000500000500 35445622321,,,.,,,,,864707645506950005779010050000055000000 + 36557252272,,,,,,,,,3930287710056500055555400600000000000001 6767693255131,,,,,,,,,,.070667092057005000520505000000050000000 817664833055111,,,,,,,,,,,,565060380081000000505200020000005050000 8169740341111,,,,.,,.,,.653450436913000000020000000000500000 191784003241111,,,,,,,,,,,,208550772804000000525002000005000005 911828054255111,,, ..,,,,,,201555045328005000007500000000500000 11928426763111.,,,,,,U,,,,09200078053U00550000007KU0000000500 2311115223365112,,.,,,,,,,075550058005050000000000000000 2311117532337623,,,,,,,,,,500805855500050050000000000000 4252117424m2279, ..,,,,,055554i50w00000000 r00000000u 25522171754(219V,,,,,, ,.0050960*0v00005500 r00000000w U.S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY 55F1 0IccR eecSnneTttn tspI tSperraeSfirUogforEhart ta (eet1ded8 dge6 ede2sgd- 6egs3e s) FFFRRR 111222324008---111222342119 111i3543..n.055n000 11116544....25055000 11117687....05000000 21110899....00000000 21111979....00200500 22211318....00050000 22228562....00000000 32220784....00000000 44628004 45623456 75837022 85935505 1166775705 1176995005 22116810055 22139820555 342171145050 442115355055 535773405000 635756970500 22555500 cccceeeennnntttt sppstteerrrraaffiiooggrrhhaatttt eeeeddd gdeeeddsgg geess es_ FFFhRRRK 111l2J32l718z091 ---111322188102 211265...000000 211476...052005 2111 4s96 ...00750050 22211608....00000000 22211607....00050000 22213289....00000000 32238258....00000000 42422417....00000000 63956350 173052655 195985305 2115090585 23120940550 231143050555 411029050 421414000 283023555 293206505 1,355952005 1,475307005 S551 0Ecc CeecnneOttn Ntf iDb eIrS pSaUpEe r( 1863-67) FFFRRR 11223424--111222334548 111472...507005 111853...557005 11116979....50050000 22111188....05050000 22114379....00200050 22216518....00050000 22764205....00000000 72277645....00000000 1142570045 1142696450 2259530303 2375238506 4526555508 + 4660675003 57185085005 68132910555 11,,204115535005 11,,216135055000 I2V, ,r533v010 N050 N2,N733543N050 225550 ccceeennnttt fiber paper FFFRRR 111232818349---111232819880 111356...005000 111467...025050 21110688....00000000 22110279....00050000 22111469....00200050 22213167....00050000 42412449....00020050 24241668....00000000 124098200 1134101700 11148084505 22104018550 33196395055 423101060555 525050000 255755050 1,703207500 1,841010000 1.470000 1,757505 T35223525555111 55H50000000cccc IeeeeccccccccccRnnnneeeeeeeeeeDtttnnnnnnntnnn ttttttttt tlrgd ieIarrgggarSSSfSSdeeeiurrrhpppbpSedd keettbieiiniUo ee nnnnrbbab b.nnE nnn ncbaaaa p neekebacccbca(rrrec kkkaak1p---krcg cgTTT8e- kkrrTr6yyyo o 4y...uu 2-.nnII 6 ;;dIdgr9; e r)adn u. btboaa.c ckk FrFFFFFFFFFFFnRRRRRRRRRRRR i 1111111111t2222233323s9355523392o1615381944 -----------111 11111111ii22222t232333jsu29355549332.7u3726426087) 233133311111730400527333............005050000000000000000000 + 333333111111603533843944............005005000000000000000000 3324414115111115563061907766 .. .. .......0050550050200500000005000000 + 3323444111151148017488959577..............0000005000200000000005000000 3323215511561137003701099087.... .........0000000000000000000000000000 ++ 4232322555611112615159865568... ..........0000005005500000000000000000 4232232234888858727832705222..............0000500000000000000000000000 + 4542324234999900024500445000..............0000000000000000000000000000 111114463425521110150014705905050 111115463436532221204575250205050 1111i 5854947945432|505523057 0550 • ++ 11111116965480506643500000065250500 11122112117622169338529800555500550050 ++ 11131212227733279247510470255205505500 211211411212105018702644055505055500 ++ 221121412112310731861686050050550555 321313254136370800860755000000005 422132632440609303124100000000005 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Since 1953 the book on every dealers and collectors desk. 1890/1 $1, $2, $5, $10, $20 Treasury need in all Grades List $42.50 Our Price $35.00 postpaid 94 United States Obsolete Bank Notes -1782 to 1866 by James Haxby - 4 Volume Set. Published in 1988 1915/18 $5, $10, $20, $50 FRBN Need in all Grades and still The Bible to Obsolete Bank Notes Collectors - over 2800 pages and 20,000 pictures. We sell high grades used sets at $750 plus postage. Call for availability. #5 100 Greatest American Currency Notes - by Q David Bowers and David Sundman, pricing editor Tom 1918 $500, $1000 FRN Needed Denly This is a fantastic work with a ton of information for the collector or dealer. The photos of your currency treasures in color! Must Must Have! List $29.95 Our Price $24.95 postpaid All First Charter $1’s - 1 am the buyer! 9€ Collecting Confederate Paper Money by Pierre Fricke. Brand New to the market with great pictures and tons of information. It has been too long since we have had an up to date full listing of Confederate Need Better Confederate - 1 want the better notes with pricing! Our Price $49.50 plus $5.00 postage Our currency needs are varied and numerous! Contact us #7 National Bank Notes - 4th Edition by Don Kelly. The newest edition and about to go out of print! No new edition expected until 2007! Our last copies will go fast. with anything you have for sale colonial, obsolete, nation¬ - List $125 Our Price $110 postpaid als we need to buy! Prices for shipment are for U.S. addresses by U.P.S. or Post Office Book Rate. - - —- WWW.DENLYS.COM Denly's is making a market In We update our website 3 or 4 times a week and presently have 7202 Collectable Currency notes, each annotated, graded and priced. We picture many of our notes and also list our holders, albums, books, currency shields, and a fishing picture or two. 1 -800-HI-DENLY To show you how busy our web site is we have added new this month thru the 24th! 1 m -Wf* 3$gp;■ JT zr • dr.'ll 237 Obsoletes 82 Fractionals 100 Small Type 15 Colonials & Continentals Denly's of Boston 26 Nationals 69 Foreign Notes PO Box 51010 101 Large Type 2 New Books 64 MPC Boston Mass, 02205 Please enter our website and see how we are ready to work with you. Tom Denly . MYLAR-D® CURRENCY HOLDERS LINDNER CURRENCY ALBUMS Collecting currency is fun but the fun comes from working PRICED AS FOLLOWS with it, taking the time to study the design, to study the BANK NOTE AND CHECK HOLDERS reasons the notes were issued, and to share your collection SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000 with your friends - both collectors and neophytes. Hand a Fractional 43/4 X 23/4 $22.50 $40.50 $180.00 $320.00 person a stack of notes in just a holder is OK tor a dealer to Colonial 5V2 X 3V16 $23.00 $42.00 $195.00 $350.00 show a knowledgeable collector, but otherwise does not Small Currency 65/8 X 27/8 $23.50 $45.00 $200.00 $375.00 work. 1 have a very considerable collection of Boston Obso¬ Postcard 65/,6X4 $25.50 $48.50 $215.00 $400.00 lete Banknotes and the organization that the Lindner Album Large Currency 77/8X3V2 $26.50 $49.50 $220.00 $410.00 offers me plus the pride 1 get when 1 show my notes is worth Auction 9 X 33/< $29.00 $53.00 $250.00 $450.00 more than the cost of the album. Tom Denly Foreign Currency 8X5 $33.00 $60.00 $275.00 $485.00 Checks 95/8 X 4'U $33.00 $60.00 $275.00 $485.00 List Price $78.00 • Your Price $66 SHEET HOLDERS PAGES FOR LINDNER BINDERS SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250 Each Binder comes with 20 pages of your choice. Obsolete Sheet - End Open 83/4X14V2 $20.00 $88.00 $154.00 $358.00 1 pocket to a page 9V2” X 11V4” National Sheet - Side Open 8V2X17V2 $21.00 $93.00 $165.00 $380.00 2 pockets to a page** openings each 9V2” X 5V2” Stock Certificate - End Open 9V2X12'/2 $19.00 $83.00 $150.00 $345.00 3 pockets to a page** openings each 9V2” X 36/n” Map and Bond Size - End Open 18X24 $77.00 $345.00 $625.00 $1,425.00 4 pockets to a page** openings each 9V2” X 23/s” YOU MAY ASSORT NOTEHOLDERS FOR BET PRICE (MIN 50 PCS ONE SIZE) (We recommend the 3 pockets a to a page for large and YOU MAY ASSORT SHEETHOLDERS FOR BEST PRICE (MIN 10 PCS ONE SIZE) small U.S. Currency. Price per ten pages = $18.00) SHIPPING IN THE U.S. (PARCEL POST) FREE OF CHARGE Lindner also has a matching slip case for their Mylar D*® is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation, This also binders which we recommend $25.00. applies to uncoated archival quality Mylar*® Type D by the Dupont Corp. or the equivalent material by ICI Industries Corp. Melinex Type 516 Post on all Lindner orders $4.50. | ANUARY 2007 the CURRENCY DEALER NEWSLETTER PAGE 5 U.S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY continued SERIES FRIEDBERG VG 8 FINE 12 VF 20 XF 40 AU 50 CU 60 CH CU 63 VCH CU 64 GEM CU 65 SUP CU 67 DENOMINATION NUMBERS BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK 50 cent Justice—red back FR 1343-1350 37.00 40.00 52.00 57.00 65.00 72.00 95.00 105.00 175 190 220 240 330 365 435 475 615 675 950 1,050 50 cent Justice—red back;fiber FR 1357 75.00 85.00 140.00 155.00 300.00 330.00 490.00 540.00 750 850 950 1,050 1,200 1,325 1,700 1,850 2,500 2.750 4,000 4,500 50 cent Justice—auto. FR 1355-1356 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 55.00 60.00 90.00 100.00 160 175 210 230 365 400 520 570 775 850 950 1,050 50 cent Justice—green back FR 1358-1369 36.00 40.00 43.00 48.00 52.00 57.00 85.00 95.00 135 145 175 190 265 290 380 425 730 800 1,300 1.450 50 cent Justice—grn.back;fiber FR 1370-1373 41.00 45.00 52.00 57.00 75.00 82.00 170.00 185.00 255 280 385 425 750 825 950 1,050 1,500 1,650 2,350 2,600 FOURTH ISSUE (1869-75) 10 cent FR 1257-1261 12.50 13.25 17.00 19.00 19.00 21.00 21.00 23.00 23 25 27 30 35 + 38 52 57 115 125 265 290 15 cent FR 1267-1271 36.00 40.00 48.00 53.00 55.00 60.00 68.00 75.00 75 80 100 110 120 130 170 190 275 305 500 550 25 cent FR 1301-1307 13.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 16.25 17.50 19.50 21.50 24 26 33 36 55 60 75 85 120 135 300 330 50 cent Lincoln FR 1374-1375 38.00 42.00 65.00 70.00 73.00 80.00 105.00 115.00 185 200 240 265 395 435 485 535 750 825 1,200 1,350 50 cent Stanton FR 1376 16.50 18.00 18.00 20.00 26.00 + 28.00 39.00 + 43.00 62 68 85 95 165 180 220 240 315 345 625 690 50 cent Dexter FR 1379 16.50 18.00 18.00 20.00 23.00 + 25.00 28.00 + 31.00 38 42 55 60 105 115 135 150 220 240 450 500 FIFTH ISSUE (1874-76) 10 cent green seal FR 1264 14.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 20.00 22.00 23.00 25.00 30 33 42 46 65 70 80 90 110 120 200 225 10 cent red seal FR 1265-1266 12.50 13.25 16.00 17.00 18.00 20.00 20.50 22.50 21 23 25 27 35 38 46 50 60 65 100 110 25 cent FR 1308-1309 13.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 16.25 17.50 19.00 21.00 26 28 35 38 43 47 50 55 75 82 155 170 50 cent FR 1380-1381 16.50 18.00 18.00 20.00 20.00 22.00 23.00 25.00 33 36 50 + 55 60 + 66 75 + 82 97 + 107 235 260 U.S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY PROOF AND SPECIMEN NOTES NARROW MARGIN WIDE MARGIN SERIES FRIEDBERG CU 60 CH CU 63 VCH CU 64 GEM CU 65 SUP CU 67 CU 60 CH CU 63 VCH CU 64 GEM CU 65 SUP CU 67 DENOMINATION NUMBERS BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK FIRST ISSUE 5 cent face FR 1231 29 32 53 58 65 72 105 115 200 225 85 95 115 125 180 200 275 310 450 500 5 cent back FR 1231 26 28 40 45 45 50 65 72 105 115 75 85 90 100 145 160 275 310 450 500 10 cent face FR 1243 29 32 48 53 53 58 68 75 250 275 105 115 135 150 190 210 285 320 475 525 10 cent back FR 1243 26 28 36 40 40 44 55 60 190 210 65 70 105 115 135 150 240 265 435 475 25 cent face FR 1282 29 32 55 60 75 82 115 125 180 200 115 125 125 135 170 185 290 320 550 600 25 cent back FR 1282 26 28 40 44 47 52 60 66 95 105 100 110 165 180 185 205 265 290 500 550 50 cent face FR 1313 60 65 77 85 85 95 135 150 275 300 165 180 180 200 215 235 300 330 560 610 50 cent back FR 1313 39 42 70 77 75 85 95 105 280 310 105 115 135 150 160 175 290 320 550 600 SECOND ISSUE 5 cent face FR 1232 38 42 65 70 78 + 85 115 + 125 170 185 90 100 160 175 185 200 240 260 350 385 5 cent back FR 1232 30 33 50 55 63 + 70 80 + 88 120 130 80 90 130 145 175 190 230 250 330 370 10 cent face FR 1244 39 43 60 65 73 + 80 100 + 110 180 200 100 110 145 160 160 175 205 225 350 385 10 cent back FR 1244 26 28 44 48 52 + 57 65 + 72 110 120 90 100 135 150 150 165 195 215 305 335 25 cent face FR 1283 42 47 60 65 75 82 120 135 180 200 145 160 160 175 185 200 250 275 475 525 25 cent back FR 1283 32 35 55 60 60 66 80 90 120 135 120 130 145 160 150 165 195 215 305 335 50 cent face FR 1314 45 49 60 65 80 88 135 150 285 310 140 155 210 230 265 290 400 440 625 700 50 cent back FR 1314 40 44 55 60 70 77 95 105 180 200 135 145 170 185 195 215 300 330 575 625 THIRD ISSUE 3 cent face light FR 1226 60 65 90 100 105 115 140 155 2,750 3,050 5,000 5,500 6,250 7,000 7,250 8,000 3 cent face dark FR 1227 29 32 45 50 58 63 80 90 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 160 175 210 230 260 285 350 380 475 525 24 26 37 40 42 46 55 60 100 110 155 170 180 195 275 300 370 400 5 cent face FR 1236-1238 40 44 58 63 68 75 100 110 200 225 115 130 165 180 190 210 255 280 350 385 5 cent back red FR 1236 25 27 40 44 47 52 60 65 105 115 100 110 135 145 145 160 200 220 275 300 5 cent back green FR 1238 25 27 40 44 58 63 80 90 145 160 50 55 120 130 130 145 175 190 250 275 10 cent face—printed Colby & Spinner FR 1251 47 52 60 65 75 85 110 120 110 120 135 150 150 165 235 260 375 415 10 cent face—auto. Colby & Spinner FR 1253 63 68 82 90 90 100 120 13P 225 250 130 140 155 170 180 195 245 270 400 440 1100 cceenntt fbaaccek— raeudt o. Jeffries & Spinner FFRR 1253-11225544 14730 14885 21705 23805 22855 25905 217100 219250 165 180 2,80900 3,110000 4,715400 5,215505 6,010500 6,615605 7,020105 7,720305 M M36V0 rv <490 m0 10 cent back green FR 1255 28 30 60 65 80 88 115 125 230 255 95 105 110 120 130 140 175 195 345 380 222555 ccceeennnttt fbbaaacccekk rgerdee n FFFRRR 1291-111222999144 ; 643550 753003 865505 966550 976500 1860065 1871550 1972557 111431005 111254555 1971530 11802050 111420055 111351555 111652000 111763550 221607055 221829550 332979050 443312000 S55550000P IccccNeeeeNnnnnttttE ffffRaaaa cccceeee— —JAeaplflufrirsitniooet.ns e C d&& oC lSSboppylibi nn&ynn ee&Srrp Sinpninenr er FFFFRRRR 1111333322324809 1,8170800005 2,0107910750 2,61109230005 2,811153400050 3,011100340005 3,311101460005 4,411102680505 4,821150480005 275 300 91,,018107080000 120,,020100090000 141,,002200470000 142,,523006000500 142,,723057000000 153,,223350030000 163,.034030005000 164,,463245750000 rr\vj if45\vj50 Mr00\j fivv i55Mv05 iI00Vv 555000 ccceeennnttt bbbaaaccckkk ggrerrdeeee nn Ty. 2 FFFRRR 1324-111333333109 1,7660000 1,8665550 2,0077055 2,2088055 2,4588055 2,7099055 3,511011055 3,811522055 200 220 2,711533055 3,011544055 3,311565050 3,611586005 4,311096055 4,721018050 5.622072050 6,123040005 9,032027050 10,033050050 J555U000 ScccTeeennnICttt Efffaaa ccceee— —Jeapfufrritnioet.s eC d& oC lSbopylbi n&yn e&Srp Sinpninenr er FFFRRR 1311533745A35 11816000 11828800 211440555 211716050 211815555 311172505 311737500 411149550 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1,291351000 2,121552050 4,021069050 4,522019000 4,723522005 5,223456000 6,043032505 6,643575055 475000 570705 5500 cceenntt bbaacckk grerdee n FFRR 1343-11335578 4443 4487 7635 8700 8700 8787 19000 111000 114105 115255 112050 113150 118305 210500 211755 213955 321900 334200 337655 440105 G11115555R ccccAeeeeNnnnnTtttt ffffAaaaaccccNeeeeD———— aaaSpuuuHrtittonooE...tR eJCAdMe olfCAlflibrsoNioyel bn s&y && &S SSp Sppinpiinnninnnenree rre r FFFFRRRR 1111222277772345 1,221112585000 1,222203470555 1,226258090005 1,233775125000 2,144407010500 2,344504520500 2,864405780055 3,175500230055 1,189022055 11,,920022055 2,244300190000 2,444423455000 4,066605570005 4,577702250550 4,788950220055 51,,298050820005 6111,,,,334507500500 7111,,,,056600050000 222,,,045055000 222,,,278000000 1155 cceenntt bbaacckk grerede n FFRR 1273-11227762 111155 112255 117700 118855 220000 222200 225500 227755 440000 444400 117755 119900 222255 225500 226655 229900 336705 440105 575205 680000 SMALL SIZE LEGAL TENDER NOTES SERIES FRIEDBERG VG 8 FINE 12 VF 20 XF 40 AU 50 CU 60 CH CU 63 VCH CU 64 GEM CU 65 SUP CU 67 DENOMINATION NUMBERS BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK 1111111iQ9999999O2222222Q8888888 CADE$Bf$12 t $$*$$o22222 FFFFFFFFRRRRRRRR 11111111555555550000000013025467 5204787777........0012000000050000 5256779777........0087277700055555 73158888818........0100000005000000 48159288882........0107707705055055 190158880887........0750207205000555 - 1101199999590........7075020050050005 13111109590012.......0000120000000050 1312111131501202.......0003000200005005 51111123526221......0850703700050505 51111194638331......0715570705500505 413253533205386908 414737333701635002 2612457734305050353 2714259735300057707 22719277474105557060 23815285585200502000 1,5244250502990000000 1,625251102054000000000 2,2937331125507566_0005000, 21,538430110355077w0000055 1111l1111111i1i1111iii1 QyQqQyQq999999999999999DOCbcfc5255662722252556iQORqo3oo83333f883888336i GDACDAACF$$BECrBj$ta$a\oc 22 5 1 $t$ $$$$ $$ t$$ $l«0o25c5525i25552c0n n ’ FFF*FFFFFFFFFrFFFFFFFFF rRRRRRRRRRRR•RRRRRRRRRRv' 111111k11111111w11111115555555s55555555555555oJ100111213352222333335l182o903511436890726540i 1111111755555599990000940011...................022222200000500000012055555500000000000055 111111111111755555511111601000011...................777777700005000000025555555050000000000050 2111111850555559999912111111...................033333300000220222024000000000000550055550 +++++ 211111111111855555252322220000011...................788888800000002222236500000000000005555550 31111118555555935229999922..11................323333330000033033048555555550000005505500 ++++++ 41111111111195555455463333000002..1.................288888080500000333335555555005000000555505 251111195558555096999944442....1...............055555500502055500535000000000005000000000 - 135111111111166666601575555000002...1................000000005025225555556000000000500550000050 21211111666666121111113..1............000000500222630000408000000011250040000000 +++++++++++ 221111116666663332222223..............555555523200270000007000000053370020000005 33111118888772255555241.............000027744001133191130080005507008600050000 ++++++++++++ 3311111999988556666612.............0000377440054141131010000554220000500500 4411111999988206655522.5...........0.00035557430040577758002000025400000005505 114411111119900006477666236.............355000054584005077054500000078554000055000 | 111411141111141171004776962137.............405550006405700570612500000050050500050005 + 111541112111152221128188773417.............455550700500051057082900000000500000005005 ■1116621123118448301102.7<3j1..........5.5525500086540/005U■005J00055850000U00 + H2711721123110650522225,8«3D2.......5....5075950067*007057b500505043005j000U05 ■1 619111433335742146435■088775554545250 ■2,O1711114444475V2443744511400005588556u0 SMALL SIZE SILVER CERTIFICATES 11i111•11111Aa9999999999oo2222322333oa8888488555 CADDEd#$$AB$111 1 $ $ j #$$$$1i1l1111 rFFFFFFFFPF*RRRRRRRRRR' 1111111111io6666666666u01000000001o176035847 126181113060666111..........00000059990000000555 --+++ 262011116507222778..........00055511100000005055 322258320000002222..........00000003330000000000 322293282220223452..........00005000550000500055 4129225221110532220..........00000006570000000550 5122622433330502023..........00000009800000000000 26120227202022542533..........00000006000000000500 27122222514404603235..........00000039030000000000 333281...73357123343033300555 ++++ 343391...02333526356660505506 1668,301...52555556551301050500 +++ 19,77311...55855550588565050060 119,85434...55515055053705400080 1119,70535...66052456052008503500 21111,11456...00756700751009500500 21113,22647...62765058055775020000 ’2O11, J67251111... 5I2005500X00500000/ 2t11IU.895n5111...U0161001o0U050000 333,24222582..1110070155500550 333.57222982..3335500355500005 www.cdnpublications.com JANUARY 2007 the CURRENCY DEALER NEWSLETTER PAGE 6 SMALL SIZE SILVER CERTIFICATES continued SERIES FRIEDBERG VG 8 FINE 12 VF 20 CU 60 CH CU 63 VCH CU 64 GEM CU 65 SUP CU 67 I DENOMINATION NUMBERS BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK FR 1612 2.15 2 20 2.40 2.40 ' 65 2.50 — 2.75 3.00 — 5 60 6.10 6.50 + 7.50 8.50 9.50 13.00 14.00 26.00 28 (X) 1935 D VV SI FR 1613 1.95 2.15 2.20 2.40 2.40 2.65 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.30 5.60 + 6.10 7.50 ■f 8.50 10.00 11.00 16.00 17.50 30.00 34.00 1935 DNII FR 1613 1.95 2.15 2.20 2.40 2.40 2.65 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.30 5.50 •f 6.00 6.50 + 7.50 8.50 9.50 13.00 14.00 24.00 26.00 1935 E SI FR 1614 1.95 2.15 2.20 2.40 2.40 2.65 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.30 5.50 + 6.00 6.50 + 7.50 8.50 9.50 13.00 14.00 24.00 26 00 1935 F $1 FR 1615 1.95 2.15 2.20 2.40 2.40 2.65 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.30 5.60 + 6.10 6.50 + 7.50 8.50 9.50 13.00 14.00 24.00 26.00 1935 G »1 FR 1616 1.95 2.15 3.50 3.75 3.75 4.00 3.80 4.05 3.85 4.10 6.50 + 7.25 7.75 + 8.75 9.00 10.00 14.00 15.00 26.00 28.00 1935 G with MOTTO $1 FR 1617 2.40 2.75 3.75 4.00 3.80 4.10 3.85 4.15 3.90 4.25 22.00 24.00 35.00 38.00 38.00 42.00 42.00 46.00 70.00 77.00 1935 H «1 FR 1618 2.00 2.20 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.85 2.90 3.25 3.25 3.65 6.00 + 6.75 7.50 + 8.50 10.00 11.00 18.00 20.00 32.00 35.00 1957 SI FR 1619 1.90 2.10 2.20 2.40 2.40 2.65 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.30 5.50 + 6.00 6.25 + 7.00 7.00 7.75 9.50 10.50 15.00 16.50 1957 A SI FR 1620 1.90 2.10 2.20 2.40 2.40 2.65 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.30 5.50 + 6.00 6.25 + 7.00 7.00 7.75 9.00 10.00 14.00 15.00 1957 8 SI FR 1621 1.90 2.10 2.20 2.40 2.40 2.65 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.30 5.50 + 6.00 6.25 + 7.00 7.00 7.75 9.00 10.00 14.00 15.00 1934 S5 FR 1650 9.25 10.25 9.60 10.60 9.65 10.65 9.70 10.70 13.00 14.00 17.00 18.50 22.00 24.00 30.00 33.00 55.00 60.00 95.00 105.00 1934 A S5 FR 1651 9.25 10.25 9.60 10.60 9.65 10.65 9.70 10.70 12.00 + 13.00 14.50 15.50 17.00 18.50 24.00 26.00 48.00 53.00 85.00 95.00 1934 B S5 FR 1652 9.25 10.25 9.60 10.60 10.00 11.00 11.00 12.00 14.50 15.50 18.50 20.00 23.00 25.00 36.00 40.00 80.00 90.00 200.00 220.00 1934 C S5 FR 1653 9.25 10.25 9.60 10.60 9.65 10.65 9.70 10.70 12.50 + 13.50 15.25 16.25 15.50 16.75 19.00 21.00 40.00 - 45.00 85.00 95.00 1934 D 55 FR 1654 9.25 10.25 9.60 10.60 9.65 10.65 9.70 10.70 12.00 + 13.00 15.00 16.00 15.25 16.50 18.00 20.00 45.00 50.00 85.00 95.00 1953 S5 FR 1655 9.00 9.85 9.50 10.50 9.55 10.55 9.60 10.60 12.00 + 13.00 14.00 15.00 14.50 16.00 16.25 17.75 23.00 25.00 34.00 37.00 1953 A S5 FR 1656 9.00 9.85 9.50 10.50 9.55 10.55 9.60 10.60 12.00 + 13.00 14.00 15.00 14.50 16.00 16.25 17.75 22.00 24.00 34.00 37.00 1953 B $5 FR 1657 9.00 9.85 9.50 10.50 9.55 10.55 9.60 10.60 12.00 + 13.00 14.00 15.00 14.50 16.00 16.25 17.75 22.00 24.00 34.00 37.00 1933 S10 FR 1700 1.800 2,050 2,650 2,900 4,800 5,300 5,600 6,050 6,500 7,100 7,750 8,500 10,000 11,000 13,000 14,500 17,000 19,000 23,500 26,000 1934 S10 FR 1701 26.00 28.00 27.00 29.00 29 + 32 32 + 35 45 + 50 70 77 95 105 125 + 140 175 195 290 320 1934 A S10 FR 1702 26.00 28.00 27.00 29.00 30 + 33 37 + 40 47 + 52 75 85 100 110 160 + 175 250 275 385 425 1934 B S10 FR 1703 34.00 37.00 70.00 80.00 140 155 275 300 425 465 900 1000 1,450 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,750 3,000 5,000 5,500 1934 C S10 FR 1704 26.00 28.00 27.00 29.00 29 + 32 32 + 35 47 + 52 75 85 105 115 130 + 145 185 205 310 340 1934 D S10 FR 1705 26.00 28.00 27.00 29.00 30 + 33 34 + 37 47 + 52 80 90 105 115 125 + 140 190 210 310 340 1953 S10 FR 1706 30.00 + 33.00 36.00 + 39.00 37 + 40 38 + 41 47 + 52 90 100 120 135 150 + 165 220 240 370 410 1953 A S10 FR 1707 30.00 + 33.00 36.00 + 39.00 42 48 52 + 57 80 90 105 115 210 225 270 + 300 350 385 530 580 1953 B S10 FR 1708 30.00 + 33.00 36.00 + 39.00 37 + 40 38 + 41 47 + 52 78 85 90 100 125 + 140 180 200 305 335 L R & S EXPERIMENTAL SILVER CERTIFICATES I 1935 A -R- SI FR 1609 39 43 50 54 52 57 60 65 85 95 105 115 175 195 255 280 425 470 680 750 1 FR 1610 38 42 49 53 51 56 60 65 85 95 90 100 165 185 245 265 400 450 660 730 | SMALL SIZE NATIONAL BANK NOTES 1929 Ty 1 $5 FR 1800-1 35 40 40 45 55 65 90 100 95 105 140 155 160 175 190 210 220 240 AAA 1929 Ty. 2 S5 FR 1800-2 35 40 40 45 55 65 90 100 95 105 140 155 160 175 190 210 215 235 325 370 1929 Ty. 1 S10 FR 1801-1 35 40 40 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 130 145 160 175 185 205 200 220 325 350 1929 Ty. 2 S10 FR 1801-2 35 40 40 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 130 145 160 175 185 205 200 220 325 350 1929 Ty. 1 S20 FR 1802-1 40 45 45 50 60 70 95 105 100 110 205 225 220 240 230 250 250 275 (V (V AAA 1929 Ty. 2 $20 FR 1802-2 40 45 45 50 60 70 95 105 100 110 205 225 220 240 230 250 250 275 AAA M M M 1929 Ty. 1 S50 FR 1803-1 255 285 270 300 290 320 370 410 390 430 440 490 460 510 475 525 500 550 N N A M M A 1929 Ty. 2 S50 FR 1803-2 255 285 270 300 290 320 390 420 415 455 500 550 550 600 600 650 750 850 1,500 1,650 1929 Ty. 1 $100 FR 1804-1 355 390 360 400 365 405 375 415 430 470 500 550 625 700 700 775 725 800 AAA l\l IV 1929 Ty. 2 $100 FR 1804-2 400 440 410 450 420 460 440 480 525 575 600 650 675 735 750 825 1,000 1,100 ~~~ — SMALL < SIZE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES 1929 $5 FR 1850 28.00 31.00 31.00 34.00 33.00 36.00 37.00 42.00 40 44 70 77 105 115 120 130 140 155 290 335 1929 S10 FR 1860 18.00 + 20.00 23.00 + 25.00 26.00 + 28.00 28.00 + 31.00 40 44 70 77 87 97 115 125 155 170 310 345 1929 $20 FR 1870 29.00 + 32.00 33.00 36.00 36.00 + 39.00 41.00 + 45.00 45 50 80 88 100 110 125 135 180 200 375 415 1929 S50 FR 1880 60.00 65.00 65.00 72.00 67.00 74.00 70.00 80.00 90 100 145 165 190 210 215 235 365 395 600 660 1929 $100 FR 1890 115 125 130 140 140 155 150 165 170 185 205 225 290 320 340 375 440 485 650 710 SMALL SIZE FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES 1928 $5 FR 1950 9.00 11.00 24.00 26.00 32.00 35.00 37.00 42.00 42.00 46.00 52 60 65 75 80 90 90 100 130 145 1928 S10 FR 2000 13.50 + 15.00 22.00 24.00 24.00 26.00 27.00 29.00 31.00 34.00 42 46 50 55 60 65 82 90 155 170 1928 $20 FR 2050 21.50 23.00 24.00 26.00 25.00 27.00 27.00 30.00 31.00 34.00 55 60 70 77 95 105 145 160 225 250 1928 $50 FR 2100 60.00 65.00 70.00 77.00 78.00 84.00 95.00 105.00 125 140 170 185 220 240 280 310 350 385 525 575 1928 $100 FR 2150 110 120 125 135 130 140 145 155 155 170 180 200 235 255 310 340 435 475 800 900 1928 $500 FR 2200 700 800 775 + 850 900 - 1,000 1,050 - 1,200 1,300 _ 1,500 1,900 2,100 2,200 2,450 2,450 2,650 3,250 3,500 7,000 8,000 1928 $1,000 FR 2210 1,450 1,600 1,700 1,850 2,000 2,150 2,200 - 2,500 2,600 2,800 3,100 3,450 3,700 4,000 3,900 4,300 | 4,500 4,900 7,500 8,500 1928 $5,000 FR 2220 20,000 22,000 28,000 37,500 35,500 45,500 40,500 50,500 45,500 55,500 52,000 62,000 57,500 65,000 67,500 75,000 87,500 97,500 110K 120K 1928 $10,000 FR 2230 32,500 35,000 37,500 42,500 42,500 47,500 50,000 55,000 60,000 66,000 75,000 82,000 115K 125K 135K 150K 200K 225K i\i rv rv AAA 1934 $5 FR 1955 8.00 + 9.00 8.10 + 9.10 8.20 + 9.20 8.30 + 9.30 10.00 11.00 15 17 23 25 27 30 35 38 65 75 1934 $10 FR 2004 13.00 + 14.00 13.10 + 14.10 13.20 + 14.20 13.30 + 14.30 13.50 + 14.75 19 22 28 31 32 35 40 45 75 85 1934 $20 FR 2054 21.50 22.50 21.75 22.75 21.85 23.00 22.00 24.00 22.25 25.00 25 28 30 33 36 39 50 55 100 110 1934 $50 FR 2102 55 60 56 61 58 64 60 66 64 70 70 77 100 110 120 130 150 165 190 210 1934 $100 FR 2152 105 112 106 113 108 116 112 120 117 125 125 140 170 185 205 225 270 300 390 430 1934 $500 FR 2201 700 800 750 850 825 900 900 1,000 1,100 + 1,250 1,250 1,400 1,450 - 1,600 1,550 - 1,700 1,750 - 1,950 2,300 2,550 1934 $1,000 FR 2211 1,350 1,500 1,550 1,675 1,800 + 1,950 1,900 2,050 2,250 + 2,500 2,500 2,750 3,000 3,300 3,300 3,625 3,700 4,000 4,500 5,000 1934 $5,000 FR 2221 20,000 22,000 27,500 37,500 35,000 45,000 40,000 50,000 45,000 55,000 48,000 58,000 52,000 62,000 56,000 66,000 65,000 75,000 85,000 95,000 1934 $10,000 FR 2231 32,500 35,000 37,500 42,000 42,500 47,000 47,500 52,500 50,000 55,000 55,000 65,000 62,000 70,000 64,000 70,000 70,000 77,000 92,000 102K 1950 $5 FR 1961 N N N /V (V (M -V (M ~ ~ ~ (M M M M M M IV r\j f\i IVMN 5.75 7.00 13 15 14 16 16 18 19 22 40 45 1950 $10 FR 2010 ~ ~ ~ NMIU f\J /V A/ M M M (V ~ A, (V ~ (V m M M M M M 11.00 13.00 18 20 25 29 30 34 37 42 70 80 1950 $20 FR 2059 ~ ~ /V t\J f\J fsj rv/fVAt ~ (V IVAIAI N (U N M M M A» 22.00 24.00 26 28 28 31 31 34 35 38 65 75 1950 $50 FR 2107 Al Al (VI AIM (VI M M M (M A, (V fu «M ru (VMM (VAN 53.00 57.00 58 63 63 68 70 77 110 120 155 170 1950 $100 FR 2157 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ™ ~ ~ 110 120 125 135 145 160 165 180 210 230 350 385 WORLD WAR II EMERGENCY ISSUES HAWAII 1935 A $1 FR 2300 23 25 32 + 35 34 + 37 40 44 45 50 90 100 100 110 125 + 135 215 235 450 500 1934 $5 FR 2301 50 55 60 66 66 72 120 130 205 225 330 360 350 385 400 440 900 1,000 1,400 1,550 1934 A $5 FR 2302 50 55 60 66 66 72 115 125 200 220 330 360 350 385 400 440 900 1,000 1,400 1,550 1934 A $10 FR 2303 45 50 58 64 65 75 120 135 200 215 375 + 415 465 505 650 725 1,500 1,650 2,600 2,850 1934 $20 FR 2304 48 52 59 64 80 88 135 150 350 385 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,250 1,375 2,000 2,200 4,700 5,250 1934 A $20 FR 2305 47 51 52 57 62 + 68 100 + 110 165 180 435 475 535 585 800 875 1,800 2,000 4,100 4,500 1 NORTH AFRICA (YELLOW SEAL) 1 1935 A $1 FR 2306 27 + 30 38 - 42 40 - 44 45 50 58 + 63 90 100 105 115 130 140 215 235 500 550 I 1934 A $5 FR 2307 32 - 35 40 45 47 + 52 62 68 90 100 145 160 170 185 195 215 335 370 600 650 I 1934 A $10 FR 2309 34 + 37 42 46 48 53 75 + 84 100 + 110 165 + 180 190 210 215 235 340 375 700 775 | 1934 $10 FR 2308 900 1,000 1,800 2,000 3,400 3,700 6,500 7,200 7,900 8,700 10,000 11,000 13,500 15,000 15,500 17,000 19,000 21,000 25,000 27,500 SMALL SIZE GOLC) CERTIFICATES 1928 $10 FR 2400 73 + 80 85 + 95 120 + 135 165 180 250 275 290 320 385 425 475 525 950 + 1,050 2,250 2,500 1928 $20 FR 2402 75 - 82 95 + 105 135 + 150 190 210 300 330 345 375 475 525 610 670 1,000 1,100 2,750 3,000 1928 $50 FR 2404 175 190 265 290 425 465 640 700 975 1,075 1,300 1,450 1,700 1,850 2,500 2,750 4,000 4,400 7,500 8,250 1928 $100 FR 2405 260 285 450 + 500 700 775 1,200 1,350 1,650 1,800 1,900 2,100 2,350 2,600 3,100 3,400 5,000 5,500 8,500 9,500 1928 $500 FR 2407 1,050 1,150 2,100 2,300 4,000 4,400 6,700 7,500 11,750 12,750 14,750 16,000 18,000 20,000 27,000 29,500 42,500 46,500 62,500 70,000 1928 $1,000 FR 1,600 ■ 1,775 2,200 ■ 2,500 5,500 ■ 6,000 9,000 10,000 13,500 ■ 14,750 19,500 21,500 28,500 31,500 35,000 38,500 60,000 66,000 150K 1 1 1 K UNCUT SHEETS OF SMALL SIZE CURRENCY SERIES FRIEDBERG Number of CU 60 CH CU 63 VCH CU 64 GEM CU 65 SUP CU 67 DENOMINATION NUMBERS Notes in sheet BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK U.S. NOTES (LEGAL TENDER) 1928 $1 FR 1500 12 8,000 10,000 15,000 18,000 17,000 20,000 20,000 23,500 1928 $2 FR 1501-1508 12 725 800 1.050 1.150 1.400 1,550 2,050 2.250 2.650 2.900 1928 $5 FR 1525-1531 12 900 1,100 1,100 1,300 | 1,400 1,550 2,250 2,450 3,500 3,800 1953 $2 FR 1509 18 675 750 850 950 1,200 1,300 1,650 1,800 2,200 2,400 1953 $5 FR 1532 18 1.000 1.150 1.300 1.450 1.600 1,750 2,400 2.650 3.500 3.850 SILVER CERTIFICATES 1928 $1 FR 1600-1605 12 1,500 1,700 2,100 2,350 2,350 2,550 2,650 3,000 rw 1934 $1 FR 1606 12 2,100 2,300 3,000 3,300 3,400 3,750 4,300 4,750 nj nj AMM 1934 $5 FR 1650-1654 12 785 860 1,250 1,375 1,500 1,650 1,950 2,150 3,000 3,300 1934 $10 FR 1701 12 2,600 2,900 3,800 4,200 4,500 4,950 6,000 6,600 10,000 11,000 1935 $1 FR 1607-1613 12 625 700 850 950 1,050 1,150 1,400 1,550 1,950 2,150 1935 $1 FR 1613-1614 18 700 775 950 1,050 1,200 1,300 1,650 1,800 2,200 2,400 1953 $5 FR 1655 18 900 1,000 1,350 1,500 1,550 1,750 2,300 2,550 -v ~ 1953 $10 FR 1706 18 2,800 3,150 3,700 4,100 4,200 4,600 5,400 5,900 fSJ (V WW II EMERGENCY ISSUES 1935 HAWAII tl FR 2300 12 3,000 3,300 4,750 5,250 5,500 6,000 8,500 9,500 ~ 1935 N AFRICA »1 FR 2306 12 4,400 4,900 6,500 7,500 7,750 8,750 12,500 13,750 M (V M AAA NATIONAL CURRENCY 1929 $5 FR 1800 6 500 560 575 625 600 650 650 700 1929 $10 FR 1801 6 550 610 625 675 650 700 675 725 A M M 1929 120 FR 1802 6 625 675 675 725 700 775 750 825 AAA AAA 1929 $50 FR 1803 6 3,000 3,300 3,300 3,700 3,500 4,000 4,000 4,500 A/ »V A, M, A, —mJJL 6 4,400 ^^joo^ 4,600 5,100 4,800 5,200 5,200 5,800 www. cdnpublica tions. com JANUARY 2007 the CURRENCY DEALER NEWSLETTER PAGE 7 MILITARY F JAYMENT CERTIFICATES REPLACEMENT MILITARY PAYMENT CERTIFICATES SERIES VG 8 FINE 12 VF 20 XF 40 AU 50 CU 60 CH CU 63 3EMCU 65 VG 8 FINE 12 V F 20 XF 40 AU 50 CU 60 :HCU63 c EM CU 651 DENOMINATION BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK BID ASK 3ID ASK BID ASK JID ASK BID ASK Ei lD ASK EI lD ASKl Series 461 Issued 5f 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.45 5.50 6.00 11.00 12.00 20 22 40 45 50 60 65 75 110 125 140 155 210 230 375 450 675 800 800 1,000 9/16/46 IOC 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.45 4.25 5.00 8.00 10.00 23 25 45 50 50 60 65 75 90 100 125 140 260 290 400 475 700 825 900 1,100 through 25c 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 20.00 22.00 32 35 90 100 100 115 125 135 800 950 ,300 1,500 1,900 2,100 2,200 2,400 .900 3.200 3/10/47 50c 8.25 9.25 10.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 23.00 25.00 46 50 100 130 140 155 180 195 425 500 550 650 700 850 V IV Al IV Al Al $1.00 3.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 7.00 12.00 13.00 38 42 80 90 95 105 165 185 160 180 300 340 425 475 725 875 ,400 1,600 V IV IV IV Al IV $5.00 17.50 20.00 19.00 21.00 22.00 24.00 45.00 50.00 70 80 185 205 215 235 300 345 750 850 ,000 1,100 V Al Al Al Al Al $10.00 17.50 20.00 19.00 21.00 22.00 24.00 35.00 42.00 70 77 155 175 200 230 300 340 525 625 600 725 725 900 1,500 1,650 V IV IV Al Al Al Series 471 Issued 5c 2.75 3.25 3.15 3.50 6.50 7.50 16 18 26 28 55 60 65 70 80 90 450 500 525 575 650 725 Al Al Al Al Al Al 3/10/47 10C 2.50 3.00 4.25 4.75 5.25 6.00 10 12 24 26 50 55 60 65 85 93 575 625 650 725 1,000 1,100 1,600 1,800 .200 3,500 through 25c 7.00 9.00 9.00 11.00 16.00 18.00 60 70 70 80 150 165 165 185 225 250 1,500 1,650 1,800 2,000 2,300 2,500 2,900 3,200 >,900 6,400 Al Al Al Al V 1 3/22/48 50c 9.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 18.50 20.50 90 100 100 110 170 185 190 210 295 330 1 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al $1.00 9.50 11.00 11.00 13.00 20.00 23.00 75 85 110 120 170 185 205 225 310 340 600 725 700 850 1,050 1,150 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al IV Al Al IV 1 $5.00 445 500 500 550 725 800 1,750 1,950 2,800 3,100 5,000 5,500 5,750 6,250 9,000 10,000 Al Al Al Al Al $10.00 110 130 130 150 200 225 325 360 850 950 1,100 1,200 1,350 1,500 2,050 2,250 5,000 5,750 5,000 7,000 8,500 9,500 V Al Al Al IV Al 1 Series 472 Issued 5c 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.85 1.10 1.35 1.50 2.00 2.25 5.00 6.00 7.50 8.50 13.50 15.00 95 105 160 175 210 240 350 425 400 500 700 850 Al Al IV Al A# IV V Al Al Al IV Al I 3/22/48 10c 1.25 1.50 1.65 1.85 3.00 3.40 8.00 9.00 12 14 34 38 45 50 65 75 100 120 165 185 235 270 395 475 450 550 800 950 1,000 1,100 2,050 2,250 1 through 25C 1.75 2.25 2.25 2.75 7.50 8.50 15.00 16.50 39 43 100 110 115 125 210 230 6/20/51 50c 3.25 3.75 4.00 5.00 11.00 13.00 28.00 32.00 43 48 115 130 140 155 230 255 2,200 2,450 3,500 3,850 4,800 5,300 Al Al Al Al IV Al V Al Al IV Al Al I $1.00 4.00 4.50 6.50 7.50 13.00 15.00 33.00 37.00 60 70 155 170 185 210 325 360 320 360 375 430 535 650 750 900 $5.00 75 85 95 105 155 180 275 300 800 900 1,900 2,100 2,000 2,200 2,350 2,550 Al Al Al Al Al Al $10.00 20 22 30 33 57 65 110 125 325 360 1,150 1,250 1,250 1,375 2,100 2,300 Series 481 Issued 5c 0.70 0.90 0.90 1.15 1.25 1.50 2.50 3.25 5.75 7.50 13.00 15.00 14.50 16.00 17.50 20.00 90 100 110 135 220 260 350 425 600 725 750 900 6/20/51 10c 0.70 0.90 0.90 1.15 1.35 1.75 2.75 4.00 7.50 8.50 14.50 16.50 15.00 17.00 18.50 21.00 80 90 100 110 175 205 300 360 550 675 700 850 Al Al »V Al Al V 1 through 25c 1.50 2.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 6.00 9.00 11.00 15 17 32 35 35 39 45 50 95 105 115 125 260 285 440 485 725 865 900 1,100 5/25/54 50c 3.25 3.75 5.00 6.00 11.00 13.00 25.00 30.00 38 45 100 110 125 135 215 235 ~~~ ~~~ $1.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 13.50 15.50 36.00 41.00 75 85 175 195 205 225 325 375 550 675 650 775 750 875 900 1,100 $5.00 45 50 75 85 100 110 250 275 450 550 1,000 1,200 1,100 1,300 1,900 2,100 $10.00 20 23 29 32 40 45 130 150 385 450 900 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,550 1,700 Al Al Al Al IV Al Al Al Al Al Al IV ■ Series 521 Issued 5c 1.25 1.50 1.40 1.65 1.90 2.15 4.00 5.00 9.00 11.00 18 20 20 23 26 29 130 145 165 185 305 335 475 525 5/25/54 10c 1.25 1.50 1.35 1.60 1.65 1.85 4.00 5.00 10.00 11.00 19 21 21 23 31 34 115 130 155 175 300 330 650 725 1,300 1,450 through 25c 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 5.25 5.75 12.50 13.50 18 20 40 45 50 58 85 95 190 210 280 310 385 425 600 660 1,400 1,550 3,000 3,300 III 5/27/58 50c 3.50 5.00 4.50 5.00 10.00 11.00 22.50 25.00 40 45 125 140 160 180 350 400 310 340 375 415 425 475 675 750 1,400 1,550 ~~.v $1.00 5.50 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 16.00 18.00 42 47 85 95 110 120 210 230 350 400 425 475 575 650 i § $5.00 180 200 210 230 335 380 500 550 1,050 1,150 2,800 3,100 3,350 3,650 4,600 5,000 ii $10.00 45 55 60 70 95 105 235 255 440 500 1,000 1,100 1,600 1,750 2,100 2,300 Series 541 I5s/s2u7e/d5 8 150cc 00..3705 01..4000 01..4050 01..5155 31..0000 31..5250 26..0000 72..0500 27..4000 28..8000 5.0107 5.5109 5.5108 6.0200 9.0208 10.0310 6555 7655 10800 19100 112000 111355 210900 221200 225500 227755 320900 335400 Al 4Al0 A0l Al 4A5l 0Al Al A6l5 A0l IV 7A2l 5Al I1 through 25c 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 6.00 7.00 15.00 16.50 17 19 30 33 31 34 40 44 130 145 165 185 220 240 300 340 375 425 500 600 5/26/61 50c 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.50 20.00 22.00 33.00 36.00 37 42 125 135 150 170 265 285 75 90 110 130 140 160 230 255 265 290 300 350 400 450 675 775 I $1.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.50 19.00 22.00 60.00 66.00 75 85 275 300 295 325 400 440 335 365 410 450 500 550 700 850 1,250 1,400 $5.00 600 700 950 1,050 1,450 1,600 2,200 2.450 2,800 3,200 5,000 5,500 6,000 7,000 12,000 14,000 8,000 9,000 $10.00 125 145 135 155 150 170 390 430 1,050 1,150 1,800 2,000 3,500 4,000 5,000 6,000 1,800 2,000 3,900 4,300 5,500 6,000 Series 591 Issued 5c 0.70 0.85 1.25 1.50 4.00 5.00 8.00 10.00 18 22 40 45 43 48 60 70 75 90 115 130 145 165 210 230 290 330 375 425 5/26/61 10c 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.00 8.00 10.00 21 24 44 50 50 55 70 ’80 through 25c 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 13.00 15.00 30.00 33.00 50 60 120 130 125 140 300 330 ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ 1/6/64 50c 13.00 15.00 15.00 17.00 21.00 24.00 45.00 52.00 75 85 135 150 160 180 305 335 $1.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 19.00 22.00 45.00 52.00 80 90 150 180 185 200 430 480 375 425 450 500 550 600 900 1,100 i i $5.00 335 375 375 450 470 525 1,000 1,100 1,250 1,750 3,000 3,300 3,100 3,500 4,500 5,250 $10.00 70 80 100 115 185 210 320 375 750 900 1,800 2,000 2,200 2.400 3,450 3,750 StI1hse/sr0ruoi6eeu/sdg6 6h41 1 21550ccc 001...570500 011...755500 011...627055 021...827555 1330...000000 1331...550000 2077...000000 2288...000000 89..002006 190..002009 711568 281058 811079 291109 1242500 1243850 4533055 5445550 6055000 7266500 7566055 8777555 9077055 1,1088055 9900 110000 A, A11, 22A00l 113355 117755 119955 Ar A22l22 A55l Al 22A55l 00A l 11I 4/28/69 $1$$0155...0000c000 33..00460056 43..05750060 43..25875000 45..00980000 14711..70115055 15911..50220055 217022..00500000 310132..00200000 3327530550 4420323507 6540580500 6670948550 77142208505 88122515505 11,,32152960505 11,,351157005050 42057005 43808020 631070050 741251500 961054000 1,171055005 1,292050000 11,,241255000 11,,272505500 21,,025580000 21,,539060050 32,,034200500 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al M 1 Series 641 8tI1hs/0sr3/uo12eu/1dg6/ h56 8$ 1$$015251...5500000cccc000 0000871.......11250000550000 10001181.......12300055000000 10000821.......12395505000000 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