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The Crystal Bible PDF

401 Pages·2018·9.4 MB·English
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NewA ger/PseoGnraolw th THE CRYSTALB IBLE Beauuytli illftlarutseTdh,eC rysBtiablil saec ompreihvgeeu nistdoce r tyas,l s thesihprae cso,l oarnsad,pp i lcoantTsih.de ri ecytf oorrmtae nbaleyostu ofn ida knwonc rylsi tsnatnatolryt oi dtefinya n kunnowcnr ylsa tdnac orvest hper aclt ica aneds ortipecr opeorfet aiccehrst y asilcn ludsipnigrm iettnulaaa nlpd,s c yhlooagli,c emotionaanlpd h syilce afefctpsls,iu tuss iecn r tyashlel agiI.n ta'ns d iisnpensable reefreefn occryrs atllo veevrresyh weer! Ecnompnagst sritaidoiannacdlo nmtpeorryac rtylasl oet,r hise d garuwisod nJ duy Haslt lhr'ityyea sr' exep etirhnifi eeisnl cd. Lofooktr h eosteh peerr sgornoawlbt ohof krso Wma lkinPgr eStsisc!k US$18.99 10890 (CAN$29 .99) ISBNl -5&2'!7-240-0 PrintCehdi nian ---- -------- -------- THE CRYSTABLI BLE A DEFINITIGVUEI DET O CRYSTALS Judy Hall WALKINSGT ICPKR ESS CincinnOahtiio, Fisrtp ubilsheidn GrBeraitit nai n2 003b yG odsefliPdr esLst d, LauerlH ouseS,t atiAopnpo rachA,lr esrfodH,a mpshirS0e2 49 JHU,K Distribtuott ehedt radmea rketisn NoArmtehr ibcya WalkiSntgi Pcrke sasn,i mprionftF &W PubclaitioInnsc,. 4700E asGta lbraRiotahdC ,i ncinOnHa t45i2,3 6 Tel1:- 8oo-289-0963 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Copyrti©g 2h003G odsefliPdr ess Texcto pyri©g 2h0t03J udHy all Designaendd producfeodrG odsifelPdr esbsyT heB riedwgateBro okC ompany Additipohnoatlo gprhayb yM ikHee mslye atW altGearrd inePhro togprhay Alrli hgtsr eservNeodp .a rotft hipsu bliactiomna yb er eproduced, storeda riente rviasly setm,o rt ranistmtiedna nyf ormo rb ya ny mean,s eelctronmiecch,na icpahlo,t ocyoipnrge,c oirndgo,ro therwise. JudyH alals sertthsem orarli gthotb ei dentiafsti heeda uhtoro ft his work. Prniteadn d bounCdh niian ISB1N-:5 8297-240-0 NOTAEn:a sterisakft*e arwp olraidcn eddi ctahtatethws eo rodr termma yb e louopik nte hdGe l ossseacrty(i sopenae g 3e7s8 -383) foafr u elxlp lanation. CAUTITOhNie:n formgaitviienotn nh b ioso ikns o itn tentdoae cdt asas ubstfiotmrue tdeit craela tnmoecrna tin,bt e u sfeoddr i agnosis. Crysatrapelo sw erfaunlad r oep etnom iusnderstoaran bduisneg. ify oaur iena ndyo uabbto tuhte uisraeq ,u alpifriaecdt isthioounledr bec onsuelstpeedci,int a hlcerl tyyas hlel aifnige ld. CONTENTS CRYSTARLE FERENCE 6 CRYSTADLE LIGHTS 10 CRYSTABLA CKGROUND 12 CRYSTAFLO RMATION 14 CRYSTADLE CORATION 18 CRYSTAHLE ALING 22 CRYSTASLE LECTION 28 CRYSTACLA RE 30 CRYSTAMLE DITATION 32 CRYSTADLI RECTORY 34 CRYSTASLH APES 324 QUICKR EFERENCE 360 GLOSSARY 378 INDEX 384 USEFULI NF ORMATION 400 CRYSTAL REFERENCE CRYSTALR EFERENCE A Cat'Esy e 83 Abundance 333 Carnelian 94 Achroite 300 Cathedral 337 Activator/T3i4m2,e Celestite g6 344 Azeztulite 75 Cerussite g8 Agate 38 Azurite 77 Chalcedony 100 Alexandrite8 3 Azuriwtiet h Channeling 352 Almandine 137 Malachite 78 Charoite 104 Amazonite 49 Chlorite 108 Amber 51 B ChlorPihtaen to2m3 3 Amethyst 53 Ball 330 Chiastolite7 06 Ametrine 57 Barnacle 350 Chrysoberyl8 2 Andalusite 107 Basamite 157 Chrysolite 212 Andradite 137 Beryl 79 Chrysanthemum Angelite 59 Bixbite 81 Stone 709 AngeHla ir 237 Bloodstone 84 Chrysocolla7 11 Anhydrite 61 BluLea cAeg ate 41 Chrysopal 210 ApachTee ar 202 BluPee ctolit1e7 4 Chrysoprase1 13 Apatite 62 BojSit one 86 Cinnabar 115 Aperture 345 BrecciaJtaesdp e1r5 9 Citrine 776 Apophyllite6 4 Bridge 350 Cluster 329 AquaA ura 229 Buddha 551 Aquamarine 67 Aragonite 6g c Atacamite 71 Cairngorm 116 Aventurine 73 Calcite 88 6 CRYSTAL REFERNECE Companion 347 Emerald 126 CrosSst one 706 Enh ydro 327 Cymophane 83 Etched 339 D F Hiddenite 165 Danburite 120 FirAeg ate 45 Howl ite 144 DendriAtgiact e 43 FirOep al 211 Hyalite 211 DeserRto se 267 FishtSaeille nit2e6 0 Fluorite 128 FoolG'osl d 149 IcelaSnpda r 92 Fuchsite 132 ldocrase 146 ImperiTaopla z 294 G lndicolite 299 Galena 134 InfinSittoen e 265 Garnet 135 lolite 147 Diamond 122 Gateway 345 IroPny rite 149 DiamonWdi ndow3 43 Generator 334 Isi.s 353 Dioptase 124 Geode 329 Disthene 166 Goddess 353 DolphSitno ne 174 Grossularit1e3 8 Jade 151 Dravide 299 Jadeite 151 Double H Jasper 154 Terminated3 28 HarleqQuuina rt2z2 6 Jet 760 DragonB'lso od 115 Hawk'Esy e 291 Heliotrope 84 K E Hematite 140 Key 345 Egg 331 Herkimer Kun zite 762 Elbaite 301 Diamond 143 Kyanite 766 Elestial 332 Hessonite 138 7 CRYSTAL REFERENCE • L MossA gate 47 Prehint e 220 Labradorite Muscovite 192 Pyramid 321 I Lap isL az iu Pyrolusite 222 N Lar imar Pyrope 738 Layered NaturRaali nbow Lepidolite 176 Quartz 227 0 - - I Life-pCartyhs ta3 46 NebuI aS tone 195 Quartz 224 - LithiQuuma rtz 227 Nephrite 757 Quartzite 242 - Lodestone 180 0 R LuvIiu t e 279 Obsidian 796 RainboOwb sidi2a0n1 M Occlusion 333 RainboQwu artz2 27 Magnesite 178 Olivine 212 RainboAwu ra 230 Magnetite 180 Okenite 204 RecorKde eper 338 ManganCoa lci9t2e Onyx 206 Rhodochrosi2t4e4 Manifestati3o3n5 Opal 208 Rhodolite 138 Malachite 182 OpaI A ura 231 Rhodonite Malachite with OrbicuJlaasrp er1 58 Rhomboid Chr ysolcao l 185 CaI eite 93 p Mahogany Rhyolite 248 --- Obsidian 201 Phantom 330 RosQeu artz 235 - Melanite 138 PhantoQmu artz2 33 RosAeu ra 231 Merlinite 786 Peridot 272 Royal PJlausmpee r158 Mica 192 Petliat e 214 Rub elilt e 302 MilOku ar tz 242 Phenacite 276 Ruby 250 - Moldavite 787 PictuJraes per 757 RubAyu ra 231 Mookaite 757 Pietersite 212 RutilaQtueadr tz 237 Moonstone 190 Pineapple Morganite 8o Amethyst 56 8 CRYSTAL REFERENCE s Staurolite 275 Sapphire 252 Stiblilt e 277 Sardonyx 256 Sugilite 279 SatiSnp ar 258 Sulphur 281 TreAeg ate 43 Scepter 340 SunshiAnuer a 232 Turquoise 304 Schorl 298 Sunstone 283 TVS tone 308 SeeSrt one 353 Self-healed3 44 T u Selenite 258 Tabular 332 Serafina 262 Tangerine Ulexite 308 Seraphinite2 62 Quartz 227 Unak ite 310 Serpentine 264 Tanzanite 323 Uvavorite 139 SheeQtu artz 347 Tektite 285 Spessartite1 39 TempesStt one 212 v Shattuckite2 66 Thulite 287 Vanadinite 312 SiberiBalnu e TibetQauna rtz 228 Variscite 314 Quartz 232 Tibetan Verdliet e 300 Smithsonite2 68 Turquoise 307 Vogel 357 SmokyH erkime1r4 3 TigeEry'es 289 SmokyQ uartz 239 TigeIrr on 159 w Snowflake Titanium Wands 354 Obsidian 203 Quartz 227 Watermelon SnowQ uartz 242 Topaz 292 Tourmaline3 02 Sodlai te 271 Tourmaline 296 Wulfenite 316 Soulmate-Tw3i4n8 Tourmalinated Spectrolite1 69 Quartz 243 z Spinel 273 Tourmalinated Zeolite 318 SpirQaula rtz 346 Lepidolite3 04 Zincite 320 Square 331 Transmitter3 52 Zoisite 322 9

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