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The Crowd in Rome in the Late Republic PDF

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JEROMLEE CTURE2S2, ThCer owidnR on1e int he LatRee public FerMgiulsl ar AnnA rbor THE liNivER.srrr OFMI CHIGAN PREss Firpsatp erebdaict2ki0 o0n2 Copyr©i bgyth htUe n iveorfMs iicthyi1 g9a9n8 Alrii grhetsse rved Publiisnth hUeend i Sttedao tfAe mse rbiyc a ThUen iveorfMs iicthyi gan Press Manufacitntu hUrene idSt teadot fAe mse rica @) Prinotnae cdi d-free paper 20052 0042 0032 002 5 4 3 Nop aorftt hpiusb limcaaytb iero enp roduced, stoirnaer de trsiyesvtoaerltm r,a nsimni tted anfyo romrb ya nmye anesl,e ctronic, mechanoiroc tahle,rw wiitsheto,huw etr itten permiosfts hipeou nb lisher. A CIcPa tarleocgfo ortrdh bioso ikas v ai{rloambt lhBeer itLiisbhr ary. LibroafCr oyn grCeastsa loging-Diant-aP ublication MillFaerr,g us. Thcer oiwnRd o mient hlea Rteep ubFleircMg/iu lsl ar. p. cm-.( Jerloemcet 2u2r)es; Sligehxtplaynv deerdso ifto hnfie v Jee rolmeec tguirvaeettsn h e UniveorfMs iicthyi gAannnA rabtio n1r 9 9a3n adtt hAem erican AcadeimnRy o mien1 994. Inclbuidbelsi ogrreafpehraiencnidacn led se x. ISB0N- 472-1(0a8lp9ka2.p- e1r ) rR.ome-Poalnigdto ivcesr nmentB-.2C26..5C -r3o0w ds-Rome- Histo3r.Cy o.l lebcethiavvei Io.Tri.t lIelS..e rJieerso:m e lect;2u 2rnesdse r. DG254.2.1M95958 937'.05-dc21 97-50351 CIP ISB0N- 472-0(8p8b:7ak 8l -pk5a. p er) The CirnRo owmdie tn h Lea Rteep ublic SAEP(pTlAa nned) r----, 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 ;PORTICVS :P OMPEIANAE VENERIVSI CTRICIS AESCULETUM FLVMEN 0 200 400 600M ETERS __ _,_ _ __. __ ..__ ..... _--i1,,._-� TheC enotfeR ro mien5 3B .ACd.a pftreodLm . RT.a ylRoorm,aV no ting AssembFlriotemhHs ea: n niWbaatrlot i hcDe i ctatoofCr asehsiapr (AnAnr boUrn:i veorfMs iicthyiP grae1ns9 s6,R6 e)p.r ibnypt eerdm is­ sioofnt hpeu bliDsrhaewbrnyJ. e nGnryaa hm. FoPre tBerru nt Preface Thibso orke preass elnitgeshx tplaynv deerdso ifto hfinev Jee roLmeec ­ turtehsaI ht a tdh heo naonrpd l eaosfug rieva itnt ghU en iveorfs ity MichiagtAa nnnA rbionrt haeu tuomf1n 9 9a3n adt t hAem erican AcadeimnRy o mient hsep roifn1 g9 9A4n.y ownheoi a sc quawiintthe d eitihnesrt iwtiualtplip ornew chiaaatp t rei viiwtla efsgo emr y w ifaen d mysteols fp eanp de riineo ad cOhu.sr t ianAy n nAr broerp retsheen ted culminoafawt oirotlnod tu hrta oto iknM oscoSwtP,.e terBsebiujrign,g , TianajniCdna ,l ifaonridnwt ia ams,a dpea rticruelwaarrbldytyi h neg responsoiftv heaenu edsisfe ontrch ele e cttuhrweea sr,hm o spiotfa lity thmee mboefrt shD ee partomfCe lnats Sstiucdaailne tdsh h,ee lpfulness oft hRea ckhGarma duSactheoO oulrs. t aiynR omient hfeo llowing sprfionlgl doiwreedoc ntt hlreye opeonfti hnAegc adeamfyta pe err iod ofr efurbiWselh omoebkna tcw.ki tphl eaosnut rhmeea gnifiacpeanrtt ­ mentth waeto ccupointe hsdep, l esnedtiotdfti hnVegi lAluar ewlhiear,e thlee ctwuerrgeeis v aennod,n t hwee lcwoemr ee cefirvoMemad l colm Bealnlfd r otmhd ei reocftt hoAerc adeCmayr,o Blriunzee llwtia uass . partipcluelatashruta rhtele a osftt h fiev lee ctcuorubelesad t tebnyda e d larnguem boefIr t acloilalne aamgounteghs e,Em m iGlaibob aac,k nowl­ edgbeyad i alst hdeo yoefRn e pubsltiucdtaioned say . Inc oncephtoiwoenvt,ehr e , gbooeosk tboaa ncokts hteiarnyR om,e wheIsn p eamn ottn ha t th Ber iStcihsaohsao B la ldFseolnil tnoh wse p ring of1 98T3h.aI ht a,vt eoc onfweastssh fi,er tsittm heIa c ta mteoa ppreciate thteo pogroafRp ohmye taoun ndd erssotmaentdoh fti hnsegi gnificance ofi tpsu bslpiaccA he iss.t ooftr hiReao nm aEnm pibryoe r iagnitdnr ain­ inagn,ad l walyosc aitnetde llmeocritentu h aGelr leye k-stpheaiannk ing thLea tin-sppaeorafitk t Ihi, an ndgo attt h taitwm rei tteno antn hyet hing RepubTlhiiecm .m einmspeao cftt hp eh ysriecaaollfti htceyi atnyc,i ent anmdo desrtni,m ualn autmebodepf rr elismtiunodapfiro eyps u plaarrt ici­ patainoadnl rseos uilnatm eudce ha rlainsedhr o,r dtreaorfft,t h J ee rome Lectaunrodeft s h,bi oso iktn,h f eo romft hteh rleeec tguirvieen1sn 9 8i7n ... v11P1r eface thceo urosfae ne xtreemnejloyys atbaaltyte h Uen iveorfVs iicttyo ria, BriCtoilsuhm absaiL aa,n sdvoiwsniet or. Thoutghhse t imgualiuensle sde whhabeser eeen s seInw toiualllid,k e top uotn r ecaogradti hnaai ttl h weo rdki retcotweatdrh dbi oso akn,d ailt hwoerf i toifin thg,a b se ecna rroiueatdsa, l waiynts hA,es hmolean LibrianOr xyf owridtt,hh h ee lopfB riMacnG reagnohdri sst aAfsf . alwaaylsst oht,ea osfkt r ansmlyau tniinqigul elleyg iblei nhtaon dwriting afi nistheehxdat fs a ltloPe rni sLcainlgIlae am.g ratteohf euarlri, td o JenGnrya hfaompr r epatrhtiewn pogl aannstd h ien dexes. Iw ounlodht a vvee ntiunrRteeodp ubhliisctiaIofnh r aynd o fte tlhta t Ih asdo metthoci onngt roirbt,uop t uietat, n otwhaeytr,h t ahte wraeas n extraorgdaibpne atrwtyeh ewena yt hpeo liltiiofcfeta hlRe e public seemoefdtt eobn e p ortraanyaden da lyiznte hmdeo dewronr alndd whaatp peatrope rde sietnsitent l hfse o urces. INh oanvbeeet ehne less, througphroeupta roaftt hibioosno akn,rd e manionw , pacionnf­ully scitohuIasd t on opto sstehwsees i gohflt e arinnti hncego mpilnesxt itu­ tiohniss,ta onrhdyi ,s toriooftg hRreea ppuhtbyhl iainstce edfeoadrr eal understoafon uedrvi indgIe Ifnh caevm.ea daen pyr ogirunen sdse rstand­ inigit,as l meonstti drueteolw yh aIlt e ardnuerdei inggdh ete rpelwya rd­ inyge aartUs n iveCrosliltLeyog ned,fo rnoJ,mo hNno ratnhld ta e frr om TimC ornTeh!fe!o .r mcelra'assrs tiicac nlcdeh sa potnet rhRsee public antdh lea ttbeoroT'khs Be e ginnoifRn ogmsep ,u bliisn1h 9e59d,w ill illuwshtarItma etaeTn h.ia sc knowlewdhgimicevshne trd,ye efpellyt , shonuolbtdet akaesin m pltyhieanitgt ohfte hrew mo unlodvt i emwu ch int hbioso wki tdhe espk eptTihcseia smimets. r oufMe i chCarealw ford, frowmh oImh avael sloe arcnoendt inaunowduh soltsywe,vo o lumes entiRtolmeaSdnt atpuutbelsii sn1h 9e9rd6e praem saejnlotar n dmianr k Romasnt udies. Nonethtehlfieeg suwsrh,eo m usbteo verwheplrmeisntegotnl htye minocifa nyownheov enttuoor fefsase err oifJe esr ome oLnea cntyu res aspoeftc htRe e pumbulsibtceL iRloysT say loInr e.v meerht e irpn e rsan, thouIvg ihv riedclhayel alra isang gr atdseut au dtehlneet c t"uFroer erun­ neorfts h Ger actchhsaiht"ge a vaett h Teri enCnoinafle orfte hnGecr ee ek anRdo maSno ciien1t 9i6ea1sn t dh epnu bliisnth hjeeod u ronfRa olm an Studiin1e 9s6 B2u.tt om eP arty iPnto hlAeig toeif Cc ase s(a1r9 s4t9i)l l rematihbnees bs oto oknt hpeo liltioiffcte hal ela Rteep ubalnIidh c a,r dly neetdos trtehsfeso ndamiemnptoarltf aomnryc t ea poifTe h eV oting Distorfit chRteos m aRne pub(l1i9ca6 n0d)a, b oavieol fc, o urosfRe o,­ manV otiAnsgs emb(l1i9e6ts6hJ )ee, r oLmeec touf1r 9e6s4 . Prefa1cxe Ih avtea ktehnli ast wtoerrak sa b asainscd o unlodit na ncya sceo rne anywhneerareri vaLliiRlnoygs T say lolre'asr ansri engga Rredpsu blican instittuhtteio opnosg,ro afRp ohmyeo ,rt hhei stoofir tpysu bbluiicl d­ ingasnp du bslpiacc Meosrg.ee nersailntlchyepe, u rpoofts hebi oso iks meretloty rt yof eeidno tuoa rt tetmopu tnsd erstand RRoempaeu blican senosfte h peo sssiibglnei fiocfaas necroeifi e msa goefps o limteiectailn gs thaatrt eob ef ouinnod u lri tesroaurryIch easvn,eo m ta daen ayt tempt tod oj usttiotc hveea lsetg oafcd ye tasiclheodl aornts hhpeie pr iTohde. wordko eisn dereedp reasnie mnptl diicailtoo grau reg,u mweintwthh, a t It akteob et hreu lpirnegs uppoasbioRtuoitmo ansnso ciaentpdyo litics thhaatv ceh arachtiesrtiozwreridic tiaintln h gci esn tBuurityit .as d eliber­ ateclhyo sfeena touftr hele i tecrhaarryao cftt hetere xatsa, s omewhat expanvdeerdso ifaos ne roiffie vsle e cttuhriaedttso ,en soa tr gduier ectly ancdo ntinwuiotauhnso ylft y h mea jionrt erpretthapitesir oitnohsda to f concoefii ivtner atdhiefrf teerreSmnostt . hr ee awdienlrol fit n tdh tee xt engagfionirgn ,s tawnicteCh,h risMteiiaenRr e'ssP ublAimcias sa (196h6iC)sa, es(1a9r8 t2r;a nsblyDa .tM ecdL intion1c 9k9 5o)rE, r ich GrueTnh'eLs asGte neraotfti hoReno maRne pub(l1i9c724 de; d ., 1959) Ia. m w elalw atrhea pta,ry ft oitr h raeta stohvnei, e awnscd o ncep­ tioenxsp rehsesrmeead yw elsle epma rtsiuaple,r aficniidna ald,e quate. Soi ndetehdea yr eth;e ayri en tenadsae o dn e-sciodnetdr itboau nt ion ongodiinagl ogue. Onep articvuallaurcalobynl ter itbotu htdiiisoa nl oagpupee ajruesdt when tmeywx atas i blur te atdoby es eonfttf oM ichiagnatdno l oa ftoer anrye aaclc otuobn ett akoefin t Ir. e fteoFr r ancPiisnPcaoo l Coo'sn tra ArmVae rDbeiRrse :d nveadrre mV olikdn e srp artoemni sRcehpeunb lik (HeidelAbletrhgiesrtB oeriitsurcniihEdgep e i grapShtiusdcvihoe2eln2 ., [StutFtrgaaSnrztt e:i Vneerrl 1a9g9,6 ]). mPaunrcyso umipnagr able themiewfsi ,ta hd iffpeorleinittni tcearlp rieottf aftaeif rousnr ,ta hnedr morsey stetmraetaitcom fae n numtb eorft opicsi-nfsotrao nftc hee, idenatnisdtt yao tftu hso wsheop resented atsoh reamtbsoeerflstov hreees people. Onee ffoeftc htfe a tchtat thb ioso bky,v irotfiu tens a tuarsaes light essdaoyen,so e tn gasgeer ioaundsdil rye wcitttlhhyg e r emaatso sfm od­ erlni teroanit tutsro epi istc h aitnt, e romffs o otnroetfee rieatnl cseos , makelsi totrnl oea llutsoip orne citsheoblsoyeo fkrso wmh icIhh a ve actulaelalrymn oesadtn wdh ihcahv oef fetrheeesd s esnttairaptloi inngt fomry o wnv ieTwhsi.ps r efiatsch ee retfhpoelr aetc ope u otn r ecofrodr, as tatrhfteo, n damdeenbItot aw let ot wboo obkysC lauNdiec ofilrestt:,

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