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Preview The Critic - August 2022

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IF YOU DO NOT CANCEL AT THE END OF THAT PERIOD, THE SUBSCRIPTION WILL AUTO RENEW BY DIRECT DEBIT AT £15. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. THIS IS A LIMITED OFFER AND MAY BE WITHDRAWN AT ANY TIME. PLEASE NOTE: BY SUBSCRIBING WE WILL CONTACT YOU ABOUT YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FROM TIME TO TIME. THE CRITIC IS PUBLISHED 10 TIMES A YEAR, WITH 2 DOUBLE ISSUES IN THE YEAR. Incompetents abroad I n response to the Yale historian Timo- committed by Russian forces are abominable. It is to simply thy Snyder declaring, “This war ends when Ukraine ask: having done what most of the world did not by choosing wins”, Critic contributor Sumantra Maitra asked, to intervene, what do we hope to get out of our intervention? “what does ‘win’ mean in this context?” Have we decided to help bleed out Russia in Ukraine, the Henry Kissinger, as elliptical as ever at 99, was fate of Anglo-American folly in Iraq and Afghanistan? It is a still clear enough that the best “win” Ukraine is bold strategy. But assuming Russia is still in miserable, bloody getting out of Russia’s invasion is not losing any possession of territory come the winter, what then? What more. “At no point”, the former US Secretary of should we, or do we, ask Ukraine to do with our support? State explained, “did I say that Ukraine should give up any Fantasy piles upon pipedream. territory. I said the logical dividing line for a ceasefire is the status quo ante.” Look at Ukraine another way, Whatever worldly imprecision Kissinger the way we should have looked at our meant for his successors to contemplate in intervention in Libya (which was as terms of front lines on maps, his advice was disastrous for her people as an endless war directly for them, and only indirectly for fought in Ukraine would surely be there). Ukraine’s leaders. This was dressed up as morality, but it Our hopeless The time when Britain was in America’s should have been seen as revenge. The place today will soon be beyond living foreign policy long memory and longer arm of the memory: the arbiter of the affairs of other British state paying back Gaddafi for elite has no idea nations while precariously seeking to arming the IRA. maintain her own hegemonic position. In what winning in So too could Boris Johnson’s impulsive other words, those who conduct, and those intervention in Ukraine have been Ukraine looks who merely think about our foreign affairs, regarded as due punishment for Russia for have had a long time to adjust their habits of like — or how to her insults offered on British territory, by thought to the task actually in front of them. her crude murders on British soil. Thinking bring it about like this conceives of limited goals and What evidence is there that we limited outcomes: it does not dream about have a foreign policy elite in this country remaking the world. even adequately up to the job of charting a middle power’s But we could have a strategy, too, in Ukraine. Except it place in the world? Lots, and all of it bad. would be directed against our grossest foreign policy failure: We should reflect on why such unremitting elite failure goes the division of our own territory by the EU’s Northern Ireland on happening decade after decade without salutary conse- Protocol. We could see our optional war in Ukraine as bringing quences for the people who keep screwing up. absolutely inescapable costs for one of the Protocol’s great Name a British national strategy: EU membership was a European patrons, Germany. We could — in fact, why don’t 50-year failure; the bubble of Blairite and Tory Moderniser we? — point to their sanction-busting determination to keep Sinophilia is long since burst; and always unexamined is the Kaliningrad in business as proof of how flexible and realistic great question of what exactly we are getting out of Atlanticism the EU can be when it wants. that we wouldn’t anyway get if we behaved just as France does? Yet we are not supplying the Ukrainian war effort to teach If the big picture is dismal, zoom into the micro: take Germany a lesson, nor even to stay in step with the United Ukraine. What are the lethal resources we are sending there? States, although President Biden’s unabated and unabashed Why are we doing it? What do we hope to get out of doing favouritism for the neutral Irish Republic over NATO’s most that? Before February this year, the idea that British interests important pro-American European member tells much about had a frontier on the Dnieper would have been seen as a how little influence British diplomacy has with a Democrat fantastical example of strategic overreach. Yet it is there that administration in Washington DC. our arsenal’s range now extends. Russia and Ukraine both know what winning would This is not to make a point about the war being lost by represent. Our hopeless foreign policy elite has no clue what Ukraine — lost at least in the sense that the conflict will winning would even look like, or how to bring pressure to eventually end with it dispossessed of large parts of its land. secure a tenable end to the conflict. There is no coherent That was evident the day Russia invaded. Nor is it to consider strategy driving our foreign policy, whether in Europe or the moral case: the rationale behind the invasion and atrocities beyond. (cid:79) 3 (cid:429)(cid:417)(cid:414)(cid:3)(cid:412)(cid:427)(cid:418)(cid:429)(cid:418)(cid:412) (cid:410)(cid:430)(cid:416)(cid:3)|(cid:3)(cid:428)(cid:414)(cid:425)(cid:3)(cid:385)(cid:383)(cid:385)(cid:385) Contents COLUMNS Alexander’s lost “Greek” tribe Paul Rafaelle visits Pakistan’s remote Letters 8 Kalash people, who claim descent from Jonathan Meades Alexander the Great’s army 45 Rugger’s buggered 6 Let there be light Law Martin Kemp says Raphael’s masterful depiction of divine light owes much to Joshua Rozenberg: The PM showed the poetry of Dante 52 disregard for the law again and again 9 Woman about Town STUDIO Sarah Ditum: In arcadia ego 10 James Panero: The English Baroque Dilyn the Dog architecture of New York 58 Lavender letters 11 BOOKS David Starkey A pair of presidential PMs 16 (cid:55)(cid:75)(cid:76)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:80)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:75)(cid:333)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:70)(cid:82)(cid:89)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:76)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:76)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:88)(cid:86)(cid:87)(cid:85)(cid:68)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:3) George Owers: Defenders of the Faith: My Woke World (cid:69)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:45)(cid:82)(cid:75)(cid:81)(cid:3)(cid:37)(cid:85)(cid:82)(cid:68)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:72)(cid:92) The British Monarchy, Religion and the Titania McGrath: Real privilege 21 Next Coronation by Catherine How the Church blew it on race Pepinster 62 Sounding Board Marcus Walker: Wining, dining and Charles Wide warns that a secretive Henry Hopwood-Phillips: Obedience is reconciling 24 Church of England commission is intent Freedom by Jacob Phillips 63 on seeing bigotry everywhere 18 Economics Andrew Roberts: Leadership: Six studies Failing to get answers from above in World Strategy by Henry Kissinger 65 Tim Congdon: Beware the Tory Graham Stewart argues the Church is tax-cutters 31 Barney Hoskyns: Pin-Ups 1972: more concerned with management than Third Generation Rock‘n’ Roll by Everyday Lies theology and falling congregations 22 Peter Stanfield 68 Theodore Dalrymple: Heaven & hell 37 Farewell to St Benet’s Hall Julian Stannard: Letters of Basil Arty Types Joseph Shaw regrets the capitulation of Bunting edited by Alex Niven 70 D.J. Taylor on Charley Coutts 50 a Catholic institution to the modern Paul Dean: Look! We Have Come Serious Business gods of diversity and breast-binding 25 Through! Living with D.H. Lawrence Johnny Leavesley: Dealing with Our revels now are ended by Lara Feigel 71 sticky fingers 51 Alistair Haimes warns of tough times Zachary Hardman: Who by Fire: Romeo Coates ahead for the economy 28 Leonard Cohen in the Sinai by Cast asunder 84 Blood and soil Matti Friedman 73 Richard Negus reflects on the historic Michael Ledger-Lomas: Rule, Miriam Elia on ... links between fascism and the Greens 32 Nostalgia: A Backwards History of Britain St Primark 7 Like Wotan riding the storm by Hannah Rose Woods 74 Adam Dant on … Richard Bratby fulfils a boyhood dream Miranda Malins: Henrietta Maria: Ghosts of Hong Kong 56 on the footplate of a steam train 35 Conspirator, Warrior, Phoenix Queen by Leanda de Lisle 76 High times with high minds FEATURES Lincoln Allison recalls Alpine reading Edmund Stewart: The Age of the trips with the Chaletites, Oxford’s Strongman by Gideon Rachman 77 A cynical man without any plan exclusive secret club 38 Ben Felsenburg: Old Truths and New Christopher Montgomery says Boris Parenting, Paxos-style Clichés: Essays by Isaac Bashevis Singer Johnson was an opportunist Prime edited by David Stromberg 79 Claudia Savage-Gore gets triggered on Minister whose gambler’s luck ran out 12 a villa holiday in Greece with the Patrick Galbraith: Illuminated by The silence that shows who Joe touchy-feely in-laws 40 Water by Malachy Tallack 80 Biden’s real allies are A very superior Season John Self: Old novels for new places 81 Henry McDonald says Ireland’s failure Lisa Hilton says the modern Season to help Ukraine presents an opportunity may have changed, but true cognoscenti THE SECRET AUTHOR for unionists opposed to the Protocol 14 still treasure exclusivity 42 The writer’s lot: a cautionary tale 83 4 (cid:429)(cid:417)(cid:414)(cid:3)(cid:412)(cid:427)(cid:418)(cid:429)(cid:418)(cid:412) (cid:410)(cid:430)(cid:416)(cid:3)|(cid:3)(cid:428)(cid:414)(cid:425)(cid:3)(cid:385)(cid:383)(cid:385)(cid:385) August/September 2022 | Issue 30 thecritic.co.uk 11 Tufton Street, Westminster, SW1P 3QB [email protected] The Critic is published by Locomotive 6960 Ltd © LOCOMOTIVE 6960 LIMITED 2020 Editorial Editor: Christopher Montgomery Deputy Editor: Graham Stewart Art Director: Martin Colyer Designer: David Rice Production Editor: Nick Pryer Literary Editor: Paul Lay THE CRITICS Eating In Online Editor: Sebastian Milbank Felipe Fernández-Armesto suggests Digital production: Kittie Helmick MUSIC Norman Lebrecht some summery cold soups 98 Contributing Editors: Daniel Johnson, Roger Kimball, Toby Young, Alexander The last Proms as we know it 86 Country Notes Larman, Ben Sixsmith OPERA Robert Thicknesse Patrick Galbraith meets the new Italian Artists in Residence: Adam Dant, Music to die for 87 boss of London’s leading gunmaker 100 Miriam Elia Drink POP Sarah Ditum Publisher: Olivia Hartley Christopher Pincher avoids that Britney’s impossible dream 88 morning-after feeling 100 Subscriptions ART Michael Prodger Annual Subscription rates: Root and Branch T R The case of the disappearing duchess 89 UK: £46, Europe: £52, Rest of World: £55 A Hephzibah Anderson waters her E Subscription and delivery queries: /H THEATRE Anne McElvoy allotment during the heatwave 102 D The Critic Subscriptions, R O Chekov à la Game of Thrones 90 Turf Account Intermedia Brand Marketing Ltd, F N Unit 6, The Enterprise Centre, Kelvin Lane, O CINEMA Christopher Silvester Stephen Pollard makes a list of his S Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9PE A J The first million-dollar movie 91 personal racing favourites 103 Y Telephone: 01293 312250 B X TELEVISION Adam LeBor Style Email: [email protected] O F Hannah Betts loves Hayley Menzies 104 Web: thecritic.imbmsubscriptions.com C Mining the past 92 TI RI RADIO Michael Henderson Hot House Publishing C ; Claudia Savage-Gore sympathises with a Circulation & Marketing Consultant: N An American’s excellent essays 93 O Yvonne Dwerryhouse S sky-high schoolyard mum 105 T R ARCHITECTURE [email protected] E OB Charles Saumarez Smith SACRED COWS Printing: Acorn Web Offset Limited, R N Harold Pinter: from bad to verse Normanton Industrial Estate, Loscoe Close, Two sides of the Olympic development 94 O Normanton WF6 1TW T by Alexander Larman 106 S Y TABLE TALK Distribution: Intermedia Brand Marketing O R THIS SPORTING LIFE Ltd, Unit 6, The Enterprise Centre, Kelvin Y N B Eating Out Nick Timothy: Cricket’s new mindset 108 Lane, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9PE O TO Lisa Hilton endures a taste of the Blitz in a Boris Starling: Hail, Lady Mary! 109 The Critic is registered as a trade mark (No R UK00003433651), owned by Locomotive 6960 Ltd. A restaurant sans ingredients and staff 97 Patrick Kidd: Sporting PMs 110 C 5 (cid:429)(cid:417)(cid:414)(cid:3)(cid:412)(cid:427)(cid:418)(cid:429)(cid:418)(cid:412) (cid:410)(cid:430)(cid:416)(cid:3)|(cid:3)(cid:428)(cid:414)(cid:425)(cid:3)(cid:385)(cid:383)(cid:385)(cid:385) JONATHAN MEADES Rugger’s buggered The more money has come died last month — was more dismal the spectacle of The game playing, then the five minutes the game has become. Every into rugby, the more dismal the is being of ballet would be stretched coach in the world has been spectacle has become to 15 minutes and trans- destroyed, treated to a cracking bumper formed into a performance package of data, performance D just as prose own the years Twick- that appeared to defy gravity analytics, algorithms, is being enham’s attraction has and the norms of mobility accelerometers, work destroyed by altered. The last time I went and balance. efficiency indices, body weight (and the time before and the He deceived the eye as the pseudo- targets: all of them tools of time before that) the best of surely as the magician surveillance and consequent discipline the day was the car park picnic. Picnics in Channing Pollock did. We regimentation. of Creative drizzly car parks ought to be miserable. look this way. He goes that Players become the brawny However, should the dishes have been way. The more the pedal Writing puppets of coaches and the prepared by a master such as Pierre dexterity perplexes the more coaches’ suited, wired up, Koffmann and the wines imported by it delights. Stasi-trained boffins from the Yapp Brothers, then the occasion becomes The only sportsmen I have seen who sports psychology soviet who don’t watch an ad hoc regale. made comparable magic are Johann the game played on the pitch in front of And then off we trudge, not particularly Cruyff and Zinedine Zidane — “a boy with them, but instead monitor it on multiple willingly, with the Barbour’d hordes to hands where his feet should be”. Their gifts screens. watch a game of set-plays, man mountains, were financially rewarded. Not to the butch choreography, gain lines, “hits” and extent that today’s football players are, but the game is being destroyed rules which no one, especially these days their scran was more than a crust. just as prose is being destroyed by the the referees, seems to understand. Phil Bennett played in an era of laughably named pseudo-discipline of As a spectacle, rugby union has vastly shamateurism, lowly sinecures and “boot Creative Writing. Those who can, write. diminished. Where does a ruck end? money” — bank notes handed over in Those who can’t become Creative Writing When is a maul a brawl? The debt to envelopes, in sums that seemed a fortune Mentors. The excitable, jolly, all-in-this-to- American football is massive and debilitat- to miners and steel workers whose gether communal lexicon of these ing. The late Alan Watkins, a writer not Saturdays were devoted to parish pride, borderline therapists should be a warning. given to hyperbole, observed that rugby home town loyalty and playing for the sake They do not heed Thom Gunn’s maxim union is “no longer a game for normal of playing, for joy, bung or no bung. that “deep feeling doesn’t make for good members of the human race”. It had poetry. A way with language would be a become an attritional mud bath for men the more money that has come bit of a help.” They blithely spray us with who had “bulked up ... not always a pretty in to football the better spectacle the game wretched constructions: “workshopping”, sight”. They turned with the speed of a has become. Pitches are no longer “unforgettable story worlds”, “keep liner. That was almost 20 years ago. ploughed. Players have, mostly, not had readers turning those pages”, “be an individuality bullied out of them by active member of the writing community”, today is worse. It is reminiscent of the sergeant majors whose limited command “broaden your creative skillset”, “harness sort of away-day-bonding-in-the-trenches of English marks them as English. Tactics the power of language”. (There is a lot of exercises the BBC subjects its executives are generally fluid. harnessing going on). and their minions to. The weary plodding José Mourinho is an exception. His The result of this fraudulent preying is, pace my kinsman Stuart Hogg and teams have often played a variation of on the arty gullible is a straitened, Antoine Dupont, seldom worth catenaccio, the ultra-disciplined, puritanical sub-literature that leaves no watching. When either of them ultra-defensive Italian style of the taste: it is like drinking water rather than gets the ball, one is transported 1960s and 70s that works fine if eau de vie. It does not possess the cardinal back to a different and better age you have a libero with the properties of writing: it is not harrowing L of audacity, flair, risk and the anticipatory acumen of Gaetano or exultant, wondrous or offensive, L E D palpable enjoyment of both Scirea but doesn’t if you haven’t. dystopian or paradisiac. It is a chaste peck A S participants and spectators: Even Mourinho has now and again on the cheek rather than a tonic offal rub. S E N essentially 75 minutes of thuggery experimented with crowd-pleasing It is doubtless useful if you want to A V and five minutes of ballet. formations. pursue a career in greetings cards. Céline, Y B If the finest of all rugby Pope and Swift are, of course, turning in AIT players — the marvellous the more money that their graves, impatiently awaiting the TR R Phil Bennett who sadly has come into rugby, the distraction of the start of the new season. (cid:79) O P 6 (cid:429)(cid:417)(cid:414)(cid:3)(cid:412)(cid:427)(cid:418)(cid:429)(cid:418)(cid:412) (cid:410)(cid:430)(cid:416)(cid:3)|(cid:3)(cid:428)(cid:414)(cid:425)(cid:3)(cid:385)(cid:383)(cid:385)(cid:385) Miriam Elia on… TAKEN FROM THE FORTHCOMING BOOK 2B: WE SEE THE SIGHTS, A POST-LOCKDOWN DYSTOPIAN SIGHT-SEEING TOUR OF LONDON, WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY MIRIAM ELIA. PUBLISHED BY DUNG BEETLE BOOKS. AVAILABLE TO PRE-ORDER FROM SEPTEMBER 2022 Letters Write to The Critic by email at [email protected] including your address and telephone number ALIGHTONPROROGATION price out the locals and ruin the sense Patrick Lawrence’s article on the Supreme of community. Holiday lets appear to be Court’s prorogation decision is welcome moving up the popular consciousness. (“ERROR OF JUDGMENT”, JUNE). As he “Student areas” should too. notes, the Supreme Court’s analysis of R Lincoln justiciability plainly conflated the groby, leicestershire existence of the power to prorogue with TOOMANYCHEFS the manner of its exercise. By requiring the government to have “reasonable justifica- The Secret Author hit the nail squarely tion” to exercise the prerogative power, the on the head regarding the Cheltenham decision will surely now render other uses Literature Festival (“THE FAME GAME”, of the prerogative a matter for the courts. JULY). Some years ago, my wife and I The government would likely have had attended a superb talk given by Hannah more success if it had acted more honestly. Rothschild about The Baroness, her The stated advice to the Queen that five biography of her great-aunt, Baroness weeks’ prorogation was required to write Pannonica de Koenigswarter. After the a Queen’s Speech was patently disingenu- event, we made our way to the signing “The doctor said it’s a good thing ous. If, as Lawrence observes, the prime table where half-a-dozen or so attendees that you were wearing a cycle helmet — minister’s advice had made it clear why it could have been a lot worse.” were waiting for the author. At the next high policy required the prorogation, he table a queue snaked out of the marquee would at least have forced the Supreme and, possibly, across half of Cheltenham. Court to confront the fact that it was perpetually noisy, dangerous areas where On enquiring who would be signing at making a decision on a political issue. But no-one knows anyone else outside of their the next table we were informed it was a paradoxically a witness statement to this multiple occupancy let. This ties in nicely “celebrity chef” who had written her latest effect would itself have been a submission with Dan Hitchens’s article (“THE COSA cookery book. As Hannah said of our small to the court’s jurisdiction. NOSTRA IN SUITS”, JULY) which mentions group, “quality not quantity”. I had this Prorogation had hitherto been seen land-banking by large building contractors vision of John Moore (one of the original as potentially a “reserve power” of the as a cause in the housing shortage. This is founders of the Cheltenham Literature monarch, i.e. one which the monarch true, but the shortage of family-sized Festival) slowly turning in his grave. can exercise (or decline to exercise) in housing, and some OAP housing, is Brian Woodcock disregard of advice from her ministers. It exacerbated by large swathes of what were corse lawn, gloucestershire was notable that the proclamation of the nice suburbs being turned into hellholes. COURT DISASTER prorogation allowed a week of parliamen- I was part of the Nottingham Action tary time before it came into effect. The Group that tried to do something about While President Biden and his progressive future release of State papers may disclose the University of Nottingham’s reluctance pals condemn recent decisions of the US whether this was due to intervention by to provide on-site student accommoda- Supreme Court, encourage protestors to the palace, insisting that parliament tion. We faced the delusion that there was picket the homes of justices and remain should have time to enact a Bill preventing a thing called a “student area” where mute in the face of one attempted the prorogation. normal rules did not apply: for example, assassination, Joshua Rozenberg’s article Paul Walker students enjoyed randomly walking into about the need for, and value of, judicial london the road to scare motorists, and then laugh independence in the UK (“INDEPEND- (while filming on a phone) at the suppos- ENCE: A TWO-WAY STREET”, JULY) was a DOWNWITHGOWN edly “up-tight” driver telling them off. reminder that we may be, in Shaw’s words, While I agree with Sam Ashworth-Hayes Come the holidays, the area would two countries separated by a common (“MORE TOWN, LESS GOWN”, JULY) on the empty to become a ghost town. Finally, language and yet yearn for the rule of law. problems caused by a super-abundance of studentification hastened the death of the God forbid the UK Supreme Court S N students and degrees, he missed the social, high street. As students didn’t cook, should ever rule the people and be KI W A environmental and economic deprivations butchers, bakers, greengrocers all closed. allowed to vote on such matters as a right H N of “studentification” — when an area Other types of shop became mobile phone to terminate a pregnancy or whether to E L previously occupied by families becomes outlets or off-licences. The corner shops employ a government agency to destroy an Y B overwhelmingly full of student rentals. did, however, survive. industry without Parliament’s permission. N O O Peaceful, neighbourly areas full of There are similarities here with tourist Michael J. Bond T R children, adults and OAPs become messy, traps becoming full of holiday lets that mercer island, usa A C 8 (cid:429)(cid:417)(cid:414)(cid:3)(cid:412)(cid:427)(cid:418)(cid:429)(cid:418)(cid:412) (cid:410)(cid:430)(cid:416) | (cid:428)(cid:414)(cid:425)(cid:3)(cid:385)(cid:383)(cid:385)(cid:385) JOSHUA ROZENBERG ON LAW Johnson’s disrespect for the law The PM repeatedly showed the Northern Ireland Protocol bill was minister, Johnson indulged his lord introduced. The government claimed, chancellor by allowing him to introduce a a cavalier attitude towards utterly implausibly, that a principle called curiously named Bill of Rights bill which Bconstitutional conventions the doctrine of necessity allowed it to promised more than it could deliver. Raab override its treaty obligations. wanted to remain signed up to the oris Johnson will To begin with, some ministers accepted European human rights convention while go down in history as a prime that the aims — restoring power-sharing in discouraging courts in the UK from minister who played fast and Northern Ireland — justified the means. complying with the way it has been loose with the rule of law. But there were limits. That interpreted. That’s a much broader may have been what Alex Mark Elliott, professor of concept than merely committing a criminal Chalk had in mind when he public law at the University offence — though Johnson acknowledged resigned from the govern- of Cambridge, said Raab’s having done that, too, by accepting a fixed ment in July. bill was based on a false penalty notice in April for breach of his “To be in government is to premise: “that it is possible own government’s lockdown regulations. accept the duty to argue for to legislate domestically in In August 2019, weeks after he arrived in difficult or even unpopular order somehow to manipu- Downing Street, the prime minister positions where that serves late or magic away treaty “This reads advised the Queen to suspend parliament the broader national interest,” obligations that are binding not like a for an unprecedented five weeks. A month he told Johnson. “But it upon the UK as a matter of later, the Supreme Court found this cannot extend to defending piece of international law.” unlawful. Some in government thought the the indefensible.” legislation Lord Pannick QC was court’s judgment was poorly reasoned. But rightly scathing about the but like a Johnson’s attempt to govern without parlia- chalk had been bill’s first clause, which said speech to a mentary scrutiny showed a lack of respect solicitor general, deputy to that “courts must give the for constitutional conventions that was to the attorney general, Suella Conservative greatest possible weight to the be repeated throughout his time in office. Braverman, and, I like to principle that, in a parliamen- conference” think, a restraining influence tary democracy, decisions his preferred Brexit deal on her. Braverman, by about the balance between left Northern Ireland outside the EU but contrast, was the most politically active different policy aims ... are properly made within the EU’s single market for goods. attorney general we have seen in recent by parliament”. Who would doubt that? To avoid the need for border checks times, the first in 750 years to have a spad “This reads not like a piece of legislation between Northern Ireland and the Irish — a special adviser — of her own. but like a speech to a Conservative party O T Republic, Johnson agreed with the EU that Johnson allowed her to remain in his conference,” Pannick said. “It is a disgrace O H P customs formalities would be completed caretaker government after she announced and it should not be in a bill.” K C as goods from Great Britain entered that she was a candidate to succeed him. O T Northern Ireland. But how could she have given disinterested braverman wanted to go further S Y M When the Democratic Unionist Party legal advice to the prime minister she and leave the human rights court — which A L found these arrangements unacceptable, wanted to replace? How could she have would mean quitting the 46-member A / Y Johnson’s government introduced a bill given objective opinions on the lawfulness Council of Europe. Making the UK a C N E that was intended to break this binding of government policies when she was European outcast like Russia and Belarus D SI legal agreement in “a very specific and attacking them in public? was an appalling suggestion. But at least it E PR limited way” — as his Northern Ireland The House of Lords constitution would have allowed a future government to E N secretary put it. The offending committee has been considering how restrict our human rights in whatever way it AI R provisions were later withdrawn far the law officers and the lord chose, something that Raab had promised K U from what became the Northern chancellor are “able to remain but could not deliver. ; L L Ireland Internal Market Act 2020, impartial, given their position in Johnson was notorious for supporting E D A but not before one of the the executive branch of govern- attacks by his ministers on “lefty human S S government’s law officers and the ment”. If the committee concludes rights lawyers”. Through those he appointed E N A head of its legal department had that it is no longer possible to have and the policies they espoused, he V Y resigned in protest. your cake and eat it, Johnson will encouraged voters to think that the judges B AIT A further attempt to be to blame. were trying to thwart the role of parliament. R T break international law Not content with making It was in that sense, above all, that he R O was made this year when Dominic Raab deputy prime undermined the rule of law. (cid:79) P 9 (cid:429)(cid:417)(cid:414)(cid:3)(cid:412)(cid:427)(cid:418)(cid:429)(cid:418)(cid:412) (cid:410)(cid:430)(cid:416)(cid:3)|(cid:3)(cid:428)(cid:414)(cid:425)(cid:3)(cid:385)(cid:383)(cid:385)(cid:385) Woman About Town SARAH In arcadia ego DITUM with recriminations, bitterness and For the last 20 years, every summer glorious self-owns (come in Nadhim has involved a week in Scarborough to Zahawi, your time is never). visit my husband’s family. It’s a habit that has accrued its own Labour knows how to nurse a grievance. I’ve been told that traditions through repetition. A barbecue at a chalet on the the wounds of Miliband vs Miliband still linger in some North Bay. A trip to the chrome-plated ice cream parlour on corridors. Brother turning on brother led to colleagues turning South Bay where my (now adult) nephew will get a “mega” (a on colleagues, causing traumas that reverberate more than a decade on — never mind the damage done by the Corbyn era. Still, no one does messy bitch drama like the Tories. My head says give it to Rishi, but my heart says that a Penny premiership is the quickest route back to glorious public bloodletting. Eery silence A fter Scarborough, to London to foot-long cone containing all the award-winning flavours, house-sit for a friend. With which he’s somehow never been defeated by). the intention of getting Fish and chips, of course. A compulsory dip in the North some writing done, I come Sea, regardless of how cold it is. (This year, pre-heatwave, it alone. But while the space was a punishing 12 degrees in the water, just 14 on shore. I and freedom is welcome, plunged in and then ran back to the safety of my cardigan.) there’s an eeriness to being The British seaside has gained a few shabby chic pretentions, unneeded: since I became a mother at but it’s the old-school mix of “bracing” conditions and neon 20, there’s always been somebody depending on me. pleasure-seeking that I love best. Repeatedly, I’m jolted out of concentration (and sometimes And so there’s also an afternoon in the arcades, pouring sleep) by the feeling I should be doing something — fixing coins into gaudily seductive machines. This year my (almost- dinner, walking the dog, just being at the kitchen table in case adult) daughter was fixated on winning an octopus plush toy someone wants a chat — and then left slightly flat by the from the grabber. She put in a pound. The claw flopped realisation that there’s nothing to be done. infuriatingly over the toy. She put in a pound. The claw This, I suppose, is the next transition of motherhood: first embraced the toy, then turned queasily weak and let it drop. you’re remoulded into parent mode by pregnancy and birth, Repeat, repeat, repeat. and then you have to undo all those habits of care as your Then, she saw a second machine: three pounds, no claw, children grow into self-sufficiency. The former is raw, physical guaranteed octopus. She took two, and with them a very and marked by people sending you ready meals and nipple cuddly lesson in the fact that the house always wins. cream. The latter is quieter, slower, bittersweet. • • • This, after all, is the moment you longed for every time you blearily performed a night feed or dealt with a school run It was while I was at tantrum. This is freedom — but freedom to be what? I feel the beach hut barbecue that slightly at a loss. For the first day, I keep fighting the urge to fall the defenestration of Boris back into bed. finally kicked off, burgers Parents are often given baby books to record their precious neglected as the news app offspring’s important firsts: first smile, first word, first wobbly notifications poured in. It steps. But maybe they should also be given a “self” book to might not have been a very note down all the things they were before the cataclysm of a edifying period in politics, but new life hit them: last frivolously misspent day, last totally at least it ended in the most impulsive journey, last time the only person you had to think entertaining fashion possible: about was you. 10 (cid:429)(cid:417)(cid:414)(cid:3)(cid:412)(cid:427)(cid:418)(cid:429)(cid:418)(cid:412) (cid:410)(cid:430)(cid:416)(cid:3)|(cid:3)(cid:428)(cid:414)(cid:425)(cid:3)(cid:385)(cid:383)(cid:385)(cid:385)

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