U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention December 2001 The Criminal Justice System’s Response to A Message From OJJDP The expeditious return of a missing Parental Abduction child who has been abducted is a critical step toward alleviating the trauma suffered by both child and parent.The active involvement of both law enforcement and criminal Kathi L. Grasso, Andrea J. Sedlak, Janet L. Chiancone, court officials is, of course, integral Frances Gragg, Dana Schultz, and Joseph F. Ryan toattaining this desired goal. As research has demonstrated, the Millions of Americans receive advertise- to as “family abduction”) is defined as most prevalent form of child abduc- ments in the mail with pictures of miss- “the taking, retention, or concealment of a tion in the United States is parental ingchildren and their alleged abductors. child or children by a parent, other family kidnapping.This Bulletin draws on Many people quickly glance at the pic- member, or their agent, in derogation of findings of a study conducted for tures, some study them more carefully, the custody rights, including visitation OJJDP by the American Bar Asso- and some do not look at all. In the major- rights, of another parent or family mem- ciation Center on Children and the ity of cases, these children have been ab- ber” (Girdner, 1993:1–11). Abductors may Law and Westat to assess the cri- ducted by relatives, usually a parent. be other family members or their agents minal justice system’s response to (e.g., girlfriend, boyfriend, grandparent, parental abduction. Parental abduction can have a devastat- or even a private investigator), although ing impact on the child who is abducted in most cases the abductor is a child’s Parental abduction is a crime in and also the parent who is left behind. A parent (Girdner, 1993). Some State crimi- all50 States and in the District of quick recovery is critical to reducing the Columbia and, in most cases, con- nal statutes use the term “custodial inter- trauma to both child and parent. Law en- stitutes a felony.The OJJDP study ference” (rather than parental abduction, forcement and criminal court involvement reviewed all stages of the criminal family abduction, or kidnapping) when in these cases can make the difference in justice system’s response to this referring to this crime and may include how effectively the search is conducted crime, including the reporting of the incidents in which children are detained and can influence how quickly the child abduction, the investigation of the or enticed away from the custodial par- isrecovered. case, the finding and recovery of the ent. Custodial interference can also be victim, and the criminal prosecution To better understand the criminal justice defined to include interference with a of the perpetrator or perpetrators. system’s response to parental abduction, court order of visitation or access. Todate, it is one of the most com- the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delin- prehensive studies of this issue. Although many individuals, including quency Prevention (OJJDP) funded a some law enforcement personnel, perceive Children stand to benefit from a re- study—conducted jointly by the Amer- parental abduction as “civil in nature” and view of the study’s findings by law ican Bar Association Center on Children a private family matter best handled out- enforcement and court officials and and the Law and Westat—that examined side the realm of the criminal justice sys- other representatives of the justice this issue. This Bulletin summarizes the tem, it is a crime in all 50 States and the system.The information provided in primary findings of this study.1 District of Columbia and, in most cases, these pages is intended to facilitate constitutes a felony. In some States, pa- such crucial consideration. Definition and Legal rental abduction constitutes a crime only in cases in which a custody order has Framework been violated. In others, no custody order For purposes of this Bulletin (and for is required for parental abduction to be much of the research conducted on this considered a criminal offense. issue), parental abduction (also referred u National estimates of parental abduc- Criminal and Civil Laws Regarding Parental Abduction tion cases which were opened by pros- ecutors and in which criminal charges The Missing Children’s Act of 1982 (28 U.S.C.§ 534(a)).This Act requires the were filed. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to enter descriptive information on missing children into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database, a computer u Law enforcement authorities’ use of database with information on missing persons that can be accessed by law en- management information systems forcement agencies nationwide. (MISs) and written policies and proce- dures in responding to parental abduc- The National Child Search Assistance Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.§ 5780).This tion reports. Act requires that State and local law enforcement agencies immediately enter in- formation on missing children younger than 18 into the NCIC database and pro- u Staffing characteristics and adminis- hibits such agencies from maintaining any waiting period prior to taking a report trative resources. of a missing child. u Staff participation in formal training or The Missing Children’s Assistance Act (42 U.S.C.§§ 5771 et seq.).Enacted in special programs addressing parental 1984 and reauthorized in 1988, 1992, and 1999, this Act resulted in the establish- abduction. ment of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.NCMEC serves as u Parental abduction case flow through a national resource center on missing children, providing support to criminal jus- the criminal justice system. tice system personnel and aggrieved parents as they seek to identify and recover missing children, including those who have been abducted by a parent.It operates u Characteristics of cases in which law a toll-free hotline, provides technical assistance to law enforcement personnel in enforcement intervened by investigat- the field, and educates the public and others on relevant issues. ing and/or filing criminal complaints. The Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act of 1980 (28 U.S.C.§ 1738A).Providing u Model approaches to the handling of for civil remedies, this Federal Act gives jurisdictional priority to the child’s home parental abduction cases. State in parental abduction cases where conflicts arise between two States.It ex- The study consisted of three phases: tends the Federal Fugitive Felon Act to cases in which a child has been taken out of a State where that act would constitute a felony, thus enabling the FBI to investi- u Phase 1:A nationally representative gate.It also authorizes certain persons access to the Federal Parent Locator Ser- survey of law enforcement agencies vice for purposes of identifying the whereabouts of a parentally abducted child. and prosecutors’ offices. The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJA).An important civil rem- u Phase 2:Site visits to six counties edy that exists to combat parental abduction, this jurisdictional statute governs where a larger than average number when a court has jurisdiction over a parental abduction case and attempts to pre- ofparental abduction cases were vent the occurrence of simultaneous proceedings in two different States.It has prosecuted. been enacted with some variation in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and u Phase 3:A review of individual paren- the Virgin Islands. tal abduction case files in the law en- The Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA). forcement agencies and prosecutors’ The Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, adopted unani- offices of three of the six jurisdictions mously by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in visited. 1997 and approved by the American Bar Association in 1998, amends UCCJA to The study examined all facets of the crimi- bring it into conformity with the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act.UCCJEA also nal justice system’s response, including clarifies jurisdictional provisions of UCCJA that courts have interpreted inconsis- the reporting of the incident, investigation tently across the country.As of January 2001, 22 States had enacted UCCJEA.1 of the case, location and recovery of the The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. child, and criminal prosecution of the ab- This Convention, ratified by the United States in 1988, is an international treaty cur- ductor(s). The site visits provided insight rently in effect in 43 countries.2It serves to simplify and expedite the return process into various aspects of unique programs, when children have been abducted internationally.The Convention’s implementing and the national survey and case file re- procedures can be found in the International Child Abduction Remedies Act (42 views attempted to identify those charac- U.S.C.§§ 11601 et seq.).In 1993, the United States also passed the International teristics that resulted in an enhanced sys- Parental Kidnapping Crime Act (18 U.S.C.§ 1204), making the abduction or reten- tem response. Based on these findings, tion of a child from the United States a felony. the researchers developed recommenda- tions for statutory, policy, and program- 1.For more detail about UCCJEA, including a list of States that have adopted the Act, see http://www.nccusl. matic change. The study described in this org/nccusl/uniformact_factsheets/uniformacts-fs-uccjea.asp. Bulletin concluded in 1996 and is based 2.For the most recent list of countries that have ratified the Hague Convention, see http://travel.state.gov/ on parental abduction data from 1992 to hague_list.html. 1996. Nevertheless, the study findings and recommendations continue to be relevant to current incidents of parental abduction. Study Background parental abduction cases by collecting OJJDP has chosen tohighlight the findings data on the following: The primary goal of the study was to pro- of this study because, to date,this is one vide further insight into whether and how u National estimates of parental abduc- of the most comprehensive studies of the criminal justice system intervenes in tion reports to law enforcement author- theNation’s criminal justice system’s re- ities and resulting arrests. sponse to the crime of parental abduction. 22 Phase 1: Findings From National Estimates of familyabductions (to both domestic and the National Survey Reports, Arrests, and international destinations) nationwide. Prosecutor Actions Cases identified in NISMART are catego- rized as either “broad scope” or “policy Methodology Law enforcement agencies and prosecu- focal”: tors reported the following for 1992: All law enforcement agencies and prose- u Broad-scope cases.These are cases in cutors serving a nationally representative u An estimated 30,500 parental abduction which a family member either (1) took sample of 400 counties were surveyed cases were reported to law enforce- a child in violation of a custody agree- about their handling of parental abduction ment agencies. In 82 percent of these ment or decree or (2) failed to return incidents occurring in 1992. In all, 400 cases, a parent was responsible for the or give over a child at the end of a prosecutors’ offices, 405 county law en- abduction; in 12 percent, a family mem- legal or agreed-upon visit (in violation forcement agencies, and 3,625 municipal ber other than a parent was the abduc- of a custody agreement or decree) and law enforcement agencies were surveyed. tor; and in 6 percent, nonfamily mem- the child was away at least overnight. Two questionnaires, one to be filled out by bers were the perpetrators. NISMART researchers estimated that law enforcement agencies and the other u Approximately 4,500 cases of paren- 354,100 children experienced an ab- by prosecutors, were mailed to the offices talabduction—only 15 percent of all duction under this definition. This cate- of sheriffs, police, and prosecutors in the reported cases—resulted in arrest. gory included most cases that would selected jurisdictions. u A higher number of cases were re- be considered abduction under even Because of a series of followup mailings the broadest statutes and also many in ferred to prosecutors than the 4,500 and other reminders to survey participants, which law enforcement agencies and resulting in arrest. Law enforcement the response rate was excellent for a mail prosecutors would not be involved agencies referred about 9,200 parental survey. Overall, 76.6 percent of the law (either because of more stringent legal abduction cases (30 percent of all enforcement agencies completed the sur- definitions or by discretion). reported cases) to prosecutors. vey, 4.7 percent were found to be ineligible u An estimated 15,000 parental abduc- u Policy-focal cases.These are cases because the agencies did not have jurisdic- that fit the broad-scope definition but tion cases were formally opened by tion to conduct criminal investigations of also have at least one of the following prosecutors. This number is substan- parental abductions, and only 0.5 percent characteristics: (1) an attempt was tially higher than the number of refer- directly refused. Three-quarters (75 per- made to conceal the taking or where- rals to prosecutors’ offices by law en- cent) of sampled prosecutors completed abouts of the child and prevent con- forcement agencies (9,200), implying the survey, with 2.5 percent declining to tact with the child, (2) the child was that many parental abduction cases participate and 22.5 percent not respond- transported out of State, or (3) evi- reach these offices by other referral ingat all. dence existed that the abductor in- routes, such as through the courts or tended to keep the child indefinitely or directly from the aggrieved custodial to permanently affect custodial privi- parent. leges.About 46 percent (163,200) of u Criminal charges were filed in only an the broad-scope cases fell within this estimated 3,500 (23 percent) of the narrower definition (Finkelhor, Hotal- 15,000 cases opened by prosecutors. ing, and Sedlak, 1990). Of the cases in which charges were The national estimates of reports of filed, 31 percent were dismissed and parental abduction to law enforcement 49 percent resulted in convictions. agencies in the present study include only u Only 17 of the 400 counties surveyed cases for which law enforcement officially reported that their prosecutors’ of- took a report (30,500) or for which prose- fices filed more than 15 criminal com- cutors’ offices officially opened a case plaints in 1992. Only 8 of these 17 (15,000). These figures are substantially counties were outside of California. lower than the estimated number of fami- ly abduction cases reported in the 1990 Relation to NISMART NISMART study. Figures from both studies Estimates appear equally valid in their own right. The most comprehensive study of the ex- Possible explanations for the discrepancy tent of parental abduction is the National between the two studies include: Incidence Studies on Missing, Abducted, u Classification of the crime within the Runaway, and Thrownaway Children in system not readily identifiable. For America (NISMART)2(Finkelhor, Hotaling, example, a violation of a custody order and Sedlak, 1990). Conducted in 1988, may not be distinguishable in the sys- this nationwide telephone household sur- tem from a violation of any other court vey produced estimates of the number of order. 33 u Failure to report parental abductions information on the number of parental estimated 1 to 5 percent of their work- that occur in concert with other crimes. abduction cases reported to their agen- load. Some perceived parental abduction For example, police may record other cies (69 percent). Only 10 percent of the cases as “low priority” given their agen- crimes,such as assault and battery or law enforcement agencies indicated that cies’ limited staffing and the high volume breaking and entering, and only men- they had specialized programs designed of other cases they were assigned to han- tion the parental abduction in the nar- to address parental abduction in their dle. This did not mean, however, that per- rative of the report. jurisdictions. sonnel in these offices had not developed u Lack of jurisdiction by some law en- The survey of prosecutors produced simi- some expertise in the handling of parental abduction cases. For the most part, these forcement agencies to conduct criminal lar findings. The vast majority stated that experts were detectives assigned to the investigations on parental abductions. they had not been aided by a computer- departmental unit responsible for the u Informal handling of cases by both ized MIS in providing survey information investigation of child abuse, parental and police and civil attorneys to return (85 percent), that they did not have poli- stranger abductions, and runaway youth. thechild to the custodial parent. cies or written guidelines on the handling of parental abduction cases (86 percent), At sites where agency staff had developed Case Characteristics and that staff did not receive formal train- expertise in parental abduction or a spe- Influencing Law Enforcement ing on parental abduction (86 percent). cialty unit had been created, such as in Seventy-nine percent of the prosecutors’ Hudson and San Diego Counties, it was and Prosecutor Processing offices indicated that they did not have clear that the initiative of skilled and con- The following three factors were most specialized parental abduction programs. cerned staff contributed to an enhanced frequently cited by law enforcement criminal justice system response. How- agencies as influencing their decision ever, specialized systems were not always totake a report of an alleged parental Phase 2: Findings institutionalized within an agency and abduction: From Site Visits might not exist if specialized staff were no u The existence of a custody order longer employed by that agency. Of the 12 In 1994, project staff conducted extensive (60.1 percent). sheriff’s offices and police departments interviews with individuals familiar with contacted, only 5 had written policies gov- u The endangerment of a child the criminal justice system’s processing erning the processing of parental abduc- (52.1percent). ofparental abduction cases in six counties tion cases. San Diego County was the of varying sizes and attributes: Escambia u Joint custody (50.3 percent).3 onlysite where a specific criminal jus- County, FL; Hudson County, NJ; Pima ticeagency, the District Attorney’s Office, Two of these factors—endangerment of County, AZ; Salt Lake County, UT; San was mandated by law to intervene in a the child and existence of a custody Diego County, CA; and Snohomish County, case of parental abduction. order—were also among three of the most WA. The primary purposes of the site vis- commonly cited factors determining inves- its were to examine how law enforcement Case Processing and the tigative priority (70.9 and 51.9 percent, agencies respond to parental abduction respectively). The other most frequently reports and to identify unique case- Impact of Court Orders reported factor was the child’s disability handling practices. on Police Action status, cited by 65.7 percent of agencies. With the exception of Utah, the States vis- Sites were selected based on the results ited were governed by laws that could be The most common factors influencing of the national survey. The sites were interpreted to prohibit custodial interfer- whether a prosecutor’s office opened a chosen for their geographic diversity and ence both before and after the issuance case were the existence of a custody met the following criteria: order (70.6 percent), joint custody (62.8 of a custody order.4Statutes in California, percent), and endangerment of a child u The prosecutor’s office in the county Florida, and Washington expressly out- (62.2 percent). Regarding whether a case had filed at least 15 criminal custodial lawed custodial interference prior to the was actually prosecuted (i.e., filing of a interference complaints in 1992. issuance of a custody order. Although Ari- criminal complaint), the three most com- u Agencies in the county used MISs for zona’s statute was less clear as to whether intervention is authorized before a custody mon factors influencing this decision individual case tracking. order is granted, the Pima County prosecu- were the existence of a custody order At the time of site selection, it was de- tor’s office interpreted case law as allow- (77.0 percent), the length of time the termined that the filing of a relatively high ing intervention in such cases. In Hudson child had been gone (68.0 percent), and number of criminal complaints (in this County, NJ, despite the statute’s lack of joint custody (66.9 percent). case, 15 or more) was one indicator of clarity, law enforcement officials reported anenhanced law enforcement response that they would, at a minimum, investigate Agency Characteristics tothe crime of parental abduction. a complaint of parental abduction to en- and Resources sure that the child was safe and at the The majority of law enforcement agencies Parental Abduction as a same time refer the aggrieved parent to reported that they did not have written Case-Handling Priority the family court to obtain a custody policies and procedures governing pa- decree. With the exception of the San Diego rental abduction cases (69 percent), that County District Attorney’s and Hudson Generally, law enforcement personnel they did not receive formal training on County Sheriff’s Offices, all criminal jus- inthese six States responded to some the handling of parental abduction cases tice agencies reported that parental degree to a complaint of parental abduc- (63 percent), and that they were not abduction cases constituted only an tion, even when an aggrieved party did aided by a computerized MIS in providing 4 not have a custody order. In at least three jurisdictions visited, the degree of re- sponse (e.g., patrol officer sent to scene, followup contact with involved parties) varied, depending on whether a court order existed or whether a child was at risk of harm. In the other three counties, a governing custody order had no impact on the degree of response because a patrol officer was automatically dis- patched to the scene or an investigation was conducted to verify the legitimacy of a complaint. At a minimum, in all sites, even if no court order existed, police would travel to the scene of the com- plaint to assess a child’s well-being and, at the same time, refer parties to local civil courts, legal services or pro bono programs, or the private bar for assis- tance in filing a petition for custody. descriptive information on that child into parents or their agents across State lines Visitation Interference the National Crime Information Center or out of the country. In these cases, State (NCIC) database without a waiting period, or local law enforcement authorities would Visitation interference, or denial of access, regardless of whether the abduction con- seek the issuance of a Federal Unlawful encompasses the situation in which a stitutes a criminal violation. The Federal Flight to Avoid Prosecution (UFAP) war- child’s legal custodian prevents a parent Missing Children’s Assistance Act of 1984 rant to enable the FBI to investigate a fugi- or individual with court-ordered visitation (42 U.S.C. § 5772(1)(A) and (B)) provides tive parent’s whereabouts. from exercising those rights. Almost all the that for purposes of NCIC entry, a “miss- law enforcement agencies visited reported The majority of law enforcement person- ing child” is defined as they would respond to complaints of visi- nel reported minimal contact with the FBI. tation interference by sending a patrol offi- any individual less than 18 years of age They related that the FBI was involved in cer to the scene or attempting to investi- whose whereabouts are unknown to only a few or none of their cases, and gate the matter over the phone. Whether such individual’s legal custodian if— their comments reflected a possible un- police enforced visitation orders depended deruse of FBI resources. One respondent (A) the circumstances surrounding on the specificity and clarity of the order. recommended that the FBI become more such individual’s disappearance indi- Also, not all responses to visitation inter- involved with case investigation once a cate that such individual may possibly ference reports were immediate, with UFAP warrant had been issued and noted have been removed by another from some agencies believing that the interfer- a lack of followup on the FBI’s part. An- the control of such individual’s legal ence should be of a “protracted” nature. other perceived the FBI as “jumping” on a custodian without such custodian’s The statutes of five of the six States visited case quickly if a child were taken out of consent; or prohibited interference with a visitation or State. Several viewed their working rela- access order. In three of these five States, (B) the circumstances of the case tionship with the FBI as “good.” violation of a visitation order could consti- strongly indicate that such individual tute a felony. is likely to be abused or sexually Use of State Missing exploited. . . . Children’s Clearinghouses Preparation of Crime Reports Agency personnel reported varying prac- All States, the District of Columbia, and tices as to the entry of information on pa- In all jurisdictions, law enforcement per- Puerto Rico now have State missing chil- rentally abducted children and perpetra- sonnel prepared a crime report upon dren’s clearinghouses. Depending on the tors into the NCIC database. It was the receiving a complaint of parental abduc- jurisdiction, clearinghouses can have a practice in some jurisdictions not to enter tion. Whether an incident of custodial role in educating the public on missing information on a parental abduction case interference would be labeled as such children’s issues, can be instrumental in unless the child’s whereabouts were varied among jurisdictions. In some sites, coordinating agency services aimed at “unknown,” an arrest warrant had been a custodial interference offense could be child recovery, and, in specific cases, can issued, or the abductor had fled out of classified as a “miscellaneous” offense, a provide assistance to law enforcement State. “civil matter,” or a related offense (such agencies in recovering children. as domestic violence or assault). Contact With the Federal With the exception of personnel in three Entry Into the NCIC Database Bureau of Investigation counties, investigators appeared to under- use State missing children’s clearing- The National Child Search Assistance Act Pursuant to the Parental Kidnapping Pre- houses. These investigators seemed un- of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 5780) requires that vention Act of 1980 (28 U.S.C. § 1738A), aware of the existence of clearinghouses State and local law enforcement agencies the FBI is authorized to investigate cases in their States or, if they were aware, did take a report on a missing child and enter in which children have been abducted by not convey to interviewers that they accessed clearinghouse services. 5 Other Support Services Prosecutors in Pima and San Diego Extradition of Offender Counties had become specialists in the Agency personnel have had varying expe- In most sites, offenders were rarely extra- field of parental abduction and were riences with other support services. Most dited. One explanation was the expense viewed as national experts. In the other were not aware of or had never used the involved in extraditing the abductor, espe- four counties, although prosecutors Federal parent locator service. Although cially if he or she were in a distant location. werefamiliar with their State laws ad- the majority were familiar with the publi- Extradition was more likely to occur in dressing criminal custodial interference, cations of the National Center for Missing jurisdictions in which prosecutors’ offices they had relatively limited experience and Exploited Children (NCMEC), it was had a unit employing staff who specialized with applicableState civil laws, primarily less clear whether they were aware of in parental abduction cases. because they did not practice in civil or NCMEC’s training programs and provision family courts and did not specialize in of technical assistance in individual cases. Case Disposition custodial interference. On-the-job train- ing was the norm for prosecutors in The majority of cases filed in all six juris- Access to Prosecutors these cases. dictions resulted in plea bargains or dis- All law enforcement agencies had 24-hour missals. Individuals convicted of custodi- access to prosecutors who could advise Criteria for Filing a Criminal al interference usually received probation them on relevant legal issues. In at least with conditions (e.g., they had to pay res- Complaint three jurisdictions, agency personnel had titution to the victim, attend parenting In all jurisdictions, the number of crimi- direct access to a prosecutor specializing skills classes, or stay away from the vic- nal custodial interference complaints in custodial interference cases. timized child). Jail time was extremely filed was quite low. For example, in San rare. It appeared that defendants were Diego County, where the District Attor- Involvement of Child incarcerated, either prior to or after a ney’s Office received as many as 1,500 Protective Services conviction, only when they refused to calls regarding custodial interference per disclose a child’s whereabouts. At all sites, agencies maintained a policy year, only about 350 cases were formally that a referral would be made to the local opened and, of these, only an estimated 30 According to prosecutors, parental ab- child protective services agency in pa- criminal complaints were filed each year. duction cases were rarely tried by a jury rental abduction cases in which a child Most, if not all, prosecutors reported that or judge. Three jury trials were reported, was endangered or at risk of harm. In prosecution may not be in a child’s orfam- one in each of three sites in which case these cases, law enforcement personnel ily’s interest and that the most important files were tracked. Bench trials (cases in would have the authority to remove a priority was to recover the child safely and which the judge determines guilt or inno- child from a threatening situation. expeditiously. The consensus was that cence) occurred with some frequency prosecutors had to evaluate each case only at one site that actively prosecuted Training and Specialized individually before initiating prosecution. visitation interference cases. Prosecutors Knowledge perceive parental abduction cases as Typically, only custodial interference was extremely difficult to try.Not only must With the exception of the sites that had charged in these cases. In two jurisdictions they prove the elements of an offense, they specialty units (Hudson, Pima, and San visited, prosecutors also filed charges of must refute the defense that the abductor Diego Counties), training on parental child endangerment, burglary, or assault acted to protect the child from the other abduction issues was “on-the-job.” In the related to domestic violence. Only Pima parent’s alleged abusive behavior. jurisdictions that had formal training, the County actively prosecuted misdemeanor topics included Federal and State criminal visitation interference cases through the Victim Advocacy Programs custodial interference laws, the psychoso- county and city attorneys’ offices. and Reunification Services cial aspects of the crime, written policies The criteria for filing a criminal complaint and procedures involving case processing, With the exception of Pima and San Diego varied between jurisdictions. The follow- effective interventions, and the interplay Counties, victim advocates had a minimal ing factors were among those identified between the criminal and civil systems in role in assisting parents and children prior by prosecutors as influencing their deci- resolving custodial interference disputes. to and after a child’s recovery. The victim sions to prosecute: witness advocate of the Pima County At- Most of the personnel interviewed were u The child and/or abductor could not torney’s Office and the investigation spe- knowledgeable about their State’s criminal be located, or the abducting party cialists of the San Diego District Attorney’s custodial interference laws. Sites with a refused to return the child. Office have been instrumental in getting large immigrant population—Hudson, aggrieved parties access to civil court and Pima, and San Diego Counties—also had u The custodial interference was for a legal services and providing assistance personnel familiar with the handling of permanent or protracted period (e.g., during the reunification process. international abduction cases. Personnel 2to 3 months). at these three sites were knowledgeable u The abductor crossed State lines or about the Hague Convention on the Civil Phase 3: Findings From fled the country. Aspects of International Abduction and Case File Reviews knew how to access the services of the u A custody or visitation order had been U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Customs violated. In the study’s third phase, the criminal jus- Office, and the U.S. Immigration and u Evidence existed of repetitive criminal tice system’s response to parental abduc- Naturalization Service for assistance in conduct on the part of the perpetrator. tion was further examined through a re- locating the abductor and recovering the view of individual case files in three of the abducted child. 6 jurisdictions visited during the study’s sec- u History of drug and alcohol abuse. child had been returned, or the child had ond phase—Hudson, Pima, and San Diego Perpetrators with a history of drug and been taken out of the jurisdiction during Counties. Individual case tracking pro- alcohol abuse, regardless of the source the abduction incident. duced important findings on the process- of that information, were more likely to ing of parental abduction cases through be arrested. Implications of the criminal justice system and on case Nine complainant characteristics were characteristics and their influence on case This Study examined for their relationship with case outcomes. It also corroborated many of outcomes. Four complainant characteris- Emerging from this study is a picture of a the findings of the study’s site visits. tics were associated (either positively or criminal justice system paying relatively Conducted in 1995, data collection negatively) with arrests or the issuance of scant attention to the crime of parental involved abstracting information from an arrest warrant: abduction. As reported in NISMART, an existing paper and computer files in the u Relationship to the child.Cases in estimated 155,800 children are victims of sites’ law enforcement agencies and pros- serious parental abductions in the course which child protective services was ecutors’ offices. The final sample included of a year (Finkelhor, Hotaling, and Sedlak, the complainant were more likely to 80 cases in Hudson County (62 from the 1990), yet research from this current result in the perpetrator’s arrest. Sheriff’s Office and 18 from the prosecut- study indicates that only 30,500 police ing attorney’s office), 96 cases in San u Criminal history.Cases in which the reports are officially registered and only Diego County (all from the District At- complainant had a criminal record an estimated 4,500 arrests for parental torney’s Office), and 94 cases in Pima were less likely to result in the perpe- abduction are made. Of parental abduc- County (80 from the Tucson Police De- trator’s arrest. tions coming to the attention of prosecu- partment and 14 from the county attor- u History of domestic violence.Cases in tors, only 9,200 cases are officially opened ney’s office). which the complainant had a history and only 3,500 criminal complaints are of committing domestic violence were actually filed. Even allowing for the fact Figures 1–3 provide an overview of the less likely to result in the perpetrator’s that a single reported case may involve characteristics and processing of these arrest. the abduction of more than one child, cases in the three jurisdictions. Research- these figures imply a very low response ers considered various characteristics to u History of mental illness.Cases in rate overall. determine whether they were associated which there was an indication of the with the response to and outcomes of complainant’s past mental illness were Although parental abduction is a crime in parental abduction cases—specifically, less likely to result in the perpetrator’s all 50 States and the District of Columbia, whether an arrest was made or arrest arrest. this study’s findings reveal that criminal warrant issued and whether charges justice agencies have not implemented One perpetrator characteristic, prior law (felony or misdemeanor) were filed in training and other programs that would enforcement incidents or complaints, was criminal court.5Across all three sites, educate their staff about custodial inter- found to be associated with the filing of 74complaints of parental abduction re- ference and enable them to respond more charges by prosecutors’ offices. The com- sultedin arrests or the issuance of an effectively. As stated earlier, this study’s plainant’s history of committing child arrest warrant. Fifty of these complaints findings indicate that the majority of law abuse was also associated with whether resulted in the filing of felony and mis- enforcement agencies and prosecutors’ charges were filed in criminal court. demeanor charges. offices do not have written policies and None of the characteristics associated procedures governing the processing of Four of the twelve perpetrator character- with the abducted child (e.g., the number parental abduction cases, do not train istics examined were found to be positive- of children involved in the incident or the staff in how to respond to these cases, ly associated with whether a case result- living situation of the child) was found to and do not have special programs de- ed in an arrest. That is, cases with the be significantly related to case outcomes. signed to specifically address the crime. characteristic were more likely to result This may be attributable in part to the in the perpetrator’s arrest than cases However, it should be noted that during fact that the majority (60 to 78 percent) without it. These perpetrator characteris- site visits, several jurisdictions were iden- ofcases in all three sites involved only tics are listed below: tified that have developed promising onechild. approaches to handling parental abduc- u Race/ethnicity. Perpetrators identi- Six incident characteristics were exam- tion cases. The characteristics unique to fiedas African American, Hispanic, or ined for association with case outcomes; the majority of jurisdictions visited that “other” were more likely to be arrested three were found to be significantly relat- contributed to an enhanced criminal jus- than white, non-Hispanic perpetrators. ed to arrests and arrest warrants: tice response were the following: u Criminal record. Perpetrators with at u The use of a weapon or force. u Statutory authority to intervene. least one prior arrest were more likely to be arrested than perpetrators with u The return of the child to the left- u Agency leaders and staff committed to no prior arrests. behind parent. combating parental abduction. u Prior law enforcement incidents or u The removal of the child from the u Personnel who specialize in the han- complaints between the perpetrator jurisdiction. dling of parental abduction cases. and complainant.A prior complaint The perpetrator was more likely to be u Coordinated agency response. involving law enforcement increased arrested or have an arrest warrant issued the likelihood of arrest. u Good agency management practices. if a weapon or force had been used, the 7 Figure 1:Processing of Parental Abduction Cases in Hudson County,NJ Sheriff’s Office received complaint 100% (72) Custody No custody Advised to obtain order order/ .................................................. custody order existed Unknown 25% (18) 68% (49) 32% (23) Open Arrested/Arrest Not arrested Cleared exceptionally 1% (1) 1% (1) warrant issued 71% (51) Closed/No further action 67% (48) 28% (20) Not in record 3% (2) Charges filed from arrests Charges made by municipal Charges filed not filed law enforcement 19% (14) 8% (6) jurisdictions 19%* (8) Misdemeanor Charges filed, Felony charges charges case open 15% (17) 4% (4) 1% (1) Not indicted Remanded to Dismissed by Pretrial Dismissed Not by grand jury municipal court court with Pled guilty intervention by prosecutor apprehended 7% (8) 5% (6) prejudice 1% (1) 1% (1) 1% (1) 2% (2) 2% (2) Note:The number of cases is given in parentheses.Also, percentages through the charges-filed level are based on 72 Sheriff’s Office complaints. After the charges-filed level, counts include charges filed from both municipal law enforcement and the Sheriff’s Office (n=22).Accompanying per- centages are based on estimates of all complaints (n=113) from both municipal law enforcement agencies and the Sheriff’s Office.Percentages have been rounded. * This percentage is based on the estimated number of complaints received in municipal law enforcement agencies (n=41), using the ratio of filed cases to complaints found in the Sheriff’s Office. u Access to supportive services (e.g., Legal Reforms that authorize law enforcement interven- legal, family court, mediation, reunifi- tion and designate the offense a felony. Enact comprehensive criminal parental cation, and visitation supervision serv- abduction statutes, such as the model One model of a comprehensive and uni- ices) for agency staff and left-behind Parental Kidnapping Crime Act.The first form parental abduction statute is the parents. step in implementing an enhanced law Parental Kidnapping Crime Act.6Those The remainder of this section presents enforcement response to parental abduc- interested in enhancing their criminal jus- strategies and recommendations for legal, tion is for a jurisdiction to evaluate its tice system’s response to the crime of programmatic, and policy reforms to current State criminal statutes and case parental abduction should review this enhance the criminal justice system’s law relevant to this crime. If criminal jus- model statute, carefully contrasting it to response to parental abduction. tice agencies are to respond effectively their State’s existing statute. As indicated tothe crime of parental abduction, laws in its introduction, the “Act is intended as a must support their efforts. Parental ab- substitute for existing laws that cover the duction will not become a law enforce- issues addressed in [the] statute.” The Act ment priority unless laws are enacted 8 Figure 2:Processing of Parental Abduction Cases in San Diego County,CA District Attorney’s Office received complaint 100% (195) Custody No custody Advised to obtain order order/ ................................................. custody order existed Unknown 28% (54) 54% (105) 46% (90) Open Arrested/Arrest Not arrested Issuance of summons 1% (2) 2% (4) warrant issued 87% (170) Closed/No further action 83% (161) 11% (21) Not in record 4% (7) Charges not Charges filed filed 4% (8) 7% (13) Felony charges filed with county attorney 4% (8) Dismissed by court Pled guilty without prejudice 4% (7) 1% (1) Note:The number of cases is given in parentheses.Percentages have been rounded. can also serve to enhance the effectiveness Briefly, the Act prohibits parental kidnap- Enact State statutes modeled after of those statutes that are already for the ping that substantially deprives another California’s law and the Uniform Child- most part in conformity with it. The Act’s ofhis or her right of custody or visitation Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement primary goal is to produce statutory uni- whether a child has been removed from a Act that authorize prosecutors to in- formity among States because particular State or a custody order has vestigate and prosecute custodial inter- been issued. Of particular noteto law ference complaints, including filing [a] uniform approach to the nation- enforcement personnel are provisions pleadings in civil or family court pro- wide problem of parental kidnapping ofthe Act that authorize them to take a ceedings necessary for the abducted will send this message to parents: child into protective custody under spec- child’s recovery. In addition to California There is no safe haven for child abduc- ified circumstances, including if the child Family Law Code §§ 3130–3134, Title II of tors. Every State treats child abduction “reasonably appears” to be a missing or An Act To Expedite Enforcement of Child as a punishable offense according to abducted child. These provisions also Custody Determinations7addresses the the same terms. Faced with predict- state that “[a] law enforcement officer role of prosecutors and law enforcement able criminal consequences for pa- and a prosecutor and his or her repre- in taking civil action to enforce custody rental kidnapping, more parents are sentatives shall not be liable for actions orders. For example, the Act provides apt to seek civil solutions to their child taken pursuant to this Act.” among other things that law enforcement custody problems, which is in the best personnel are authorized to seek a court interests of children. (Uthe, 1996:iii) order granting them the right to take 9 Figure 3:Processing of Parental Abduction Cases in Pima County,AZ Tucson Police Department received complaint 100% (178) Custody No custody Advised to obtain order order/ ................................................. custody order existed Unknown 3% (5) 52% (93) 48% (85) Issuance of summons 1% (1) Open Arrested/Arrest Not arrested Cleared exceptionally 6% (10) 2% (4) warrant issued 85% (152) Closed/No further action 40% (71) 12% (22) Not in record 39% (70) Charges filed from Charges arrests made by Pima Charges filed not filed County Sheriff’s 10% (17) 3% (5) Office 10%* (3) Misdemeanor Felony charges charges filed filed with county with city attorney attorney 4% (9) 5% (11) Dismissed by Dismissed by Pled guilty court without court with Unknown 4% (9) prejudice prejudice 1% (1) 3% (6) 2% (4) Note:The number of cases is given in parentheses.Also, percentages through the charges-filed level are based on 178 Tucson Police Department complaints.After the charges-filed level, counts include charges filed from both the Tucson Police Department and the Sheriff’s Office (n=20). Accompanying percentages are based on estimates of all complaints (n=209) from both the Tucson Police Department and the Sheriff’s Office. Percentages have been rounded. * This percentage is based on the estimated number of complaints received in the Sheriff’s Office (n=31), using the ratio of filed cases to com- plaints found in the police department. temporary custody of a child in cases in of a child, or enforce a child custody Modify the Missing Children’s Assistance which they would have to travel out of determination. The prosecutor may take Act of 1984 to ensure that information State to recover an abducted child and/or action if there is an existing custody deter- on all parentally abducted children is pick up an offender during extradition mination, a request from a court, a reason- entered into the NCIC database immedi- proceedings. able belief that a criminal statute has been ately upon law enforcement’s receipt of violated, or a reasonable belief that the a report.Site visits revealed that the The Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction child was wrongfully removed or retained Missing Children’s Assistance Act (42 and Enforcement Act, approved in 1997 by in violation of the Hague Convention. U.S.C. § 5772 (1)(A) and (B)) is generally the National Conference of Commissioners Section 316 authorizes law enforcement interpreted to mean that if a child’s on Uniform State Laws, contains very simi- personnel to assist prosecutors in carry- whereabouts are known to the child’s lar provisions. Section 315 gives prosecu- ing out their responsibilities under the lawful custodian, information regarding tors statutory authority to take any lawful Act. States should consider adopting the the child and the abductor need not be action, including using a proceeding under Act, including these innovative provisions. entered into the NCIC database. However, the Act to locate a child, obtain the return 10