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Preview The cosmic X-ray and gamma-ray background from dark matter annihilation

The cosmicX-ray and gamma-raybackground from dark matter annihilation Jesu´sZavala,1,2,∗ MarkVogelsberger,3 TracyR. Slatyer,4 AbrahamLoeb,3 andVolker Springel5,6 1Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rAstrophysik,Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße1,85740GarchingbeiMu¨nchen, Germany 2Department ofPhysicsandAstronomy, UniversityofWaterloo, Waterloo, Ontario,N2L3G1, Canada† 3Harvard-Smithsonian CenterforAstrophysics, 60Garden Street, Cambridge, MA02138, USA 4School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA 5HeidelbergInstituteforTheoreticalStudies, Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35, 69118Heidelberg, Germany 6Zentrumfu¨rAstronomiederUniversita¨tHeidelberg,AstronomischesRecheninstitut,Mo¨nchhofstr. 12-14,69120Heidelberg,Germany The extragalactic background light (EBL) observed at multiple wavelengths is a promising tool to probe thenatureofdarkmatter. Thisradiationmightcontainasignificantcontributionfromgamma-raysproduced 1 promptlybydarkmatterparticleannihilationinthemanyhalosandsubhaloswithinourpast-lightcone. Addi- 1 tionally,theelectronsandpositronsproducedintheannihilationgiveenergytothecosmicmicrowavephotonsto 0 populatetheEBLwithX-raysandgamma-rays.Tostudythesesignals,wecreatefull-skymapsoftheexpected 2 radiationfrombothofthesecontributionsusingthehigh-resolutionMillennium-IIsimulationofcosmicstruc- n tureformation.OurmethodalsoaccountsforapossibleenhancementoftheannihilationratebyaSommerfeld u mechanismduetoaYukawainteractionbetweenthedarkmatterparticlespriortoannihilation. Weuseupper J limitsonthecontributionsofunknownsourcestotheEBLtoconstraintheintrinsicpropertiesofdarkmatter usingamodel-independentapproachthatcanbeemployedasatemplatetotestdifferentparticlephysicsmod- 2 els.Theseupperlimitsarebasedonobservationalmeasurementsspanningeightordersofmagnitudeinenergy (fromsoftX-raysmeasuredbytheCHANDRAsatellitetogamma-raysmeasuredbytheFermisatellite),and ] O onexpectationsforthecontributionsfromnon-blazaractivegalacticnuclei,blazarsandstarforminggalaxies. Toexemplifythisapproach,weanalyzeasetofbenchmarkSommerfeld-enhancedmodelsthatgivethecorrect C abundance ofdark matter, satisfyconstraintsfromthecosmicmicrowave background, andfitthecosmicray . h spectrameasuredbyPAMELAandFermiwithoutanycontributionfromlocalsubstructure. Wefindthatthese p modelsareinconflictwiththeEBLconstraintsunlessthecontributionofunresolvedsubstructureissmalland - thedarkmatterannihilationsignaldominatestheEBL.Weconcludethatprovidedthecollisionlesscolddark o matterparadigmisaccurate, evenforconservativeestimatesofthecontributionfromunresolvedsubstructure r t andastrophysicalbackgrounds,theEBLisatleastassensitiveaprobeofthesetypesofscenariosasthecosmic s microwavebackground. Moregenerally,ourresultsdisfavoranexplanationofthepositronexcessmeasuredby a thePAMELAsatellitebasedonlyondarkmatterannihilationinthesmoothGalacticdarkmatterhalo. [ 2 PACSnumbers:95.35.+d,95.85.Nv,95.85.Pw v 6 7 I. INTRODUCTION Theexcessofpositronsincosmicraysabove10GeVreported 7 bythePAMELAexperiment[3]isoneoftheseobservations, 0 andalthoughotherastrophysicalsources, suchaspulsars[4] . A broad class of particles known as Weakly Interacting 3 andsupernovaremnants[5],couldexplainthesignal,thepos- MassiveParticles(WIMPs),arethebeststudiedandarguably 0 sibilityofdarkmatterannihilationremainsattractiveandhas 1 the most favoredcandidatesto be the primarycomponentof motivated a significant number of papers on the topic. It is 1 cosmicdarkmatter.Themostprominentexampleofsuchpar- howevernecessarytoinvokelargeannihilationratesandspe- : ticles is the neutralino that arises naturally in supersymme- v cificannihilationchannelstoexplaintheanomalieswithdark try(SUSY);forrecentreviewsonneutralinodarkmattersee i matterannihilationalone[6].Theseratesareordersofmagni- X [1, 2]. WIMPs can explain the observed abundance of dark tudelargerthantheonesobtainedassumingthestandardval- r matterinanaturalwayandbecausetheybehaveascolddark a uesfortheannihilationcrosssectionthatgivethecorrectrelic matter(CDM)theyarealsofavoredbytheprevailingΛCDM densityofdarkmatter. Duetotheirhigherdensities,substruc- cosmology, which is the most successful model of structure turesinthelocaldarkmatterdistributioncanboosttheanni- formationtodate. Furthermore,mostWIMPsareparticularly hilationrates,butnottotherequiredlevel[7]. Thenon-linear appealingbecausetheyofferarelativelyhighchanceofdetec- collapseofcollisionlessdarkmatterhalosleadstotheforma- tioninthenearfuture,through:i)directdetectionexperiments tionofcaustics,whichduetotheirhighdensitycouldsignifi- onEarthlookingforthe recoilofordinarymatter byscatter- cantlyincreasetheannihilationrate.However,thisincreaseis ingofWIMPs,andii)indirectsearchesthatlookforstandard actuallymuchlesssignificantthanpreviouslythought[8,9]. modelparticlesproducedintheannihilationofWIMPs. Intheinnerpartsofhalos,itisessentiallynegligibleandcan Anumberofobservationsinrecentyearshavehighlighted notbeinvokedtoexplainthehighannihilationratesrequired anomalies that might be caused by dark matter annihilation. toexplainthePAMELAmeasurements. Alternatively, an elegant solution may lie in an enhance- mentoftheannihilationcrosssectionbyaSommerfeldmech- anism produced by the mutual interaction between WIMPs †Currentaffiliation ∗CITANationalFellow;Electronicaddress:[email protected] prior to their annihilation [10–12]. This enhancementcould 2 easilybelargeenoughtoexplaintheanomalousexcessofcos- Byusingthisapproachwearealsoabletoeasilyincludea micraypositrons. velocity-dependentannihilation cross section via a Sommer- The annihilation rate can however not be arbitrarily large feldmechanism. Typically,theenhancementisinverselypro- eitherasitisconstrainedbydifferentobservables. Forexam- portionaltothelocalvelocitydispersionofdarkmatterparti- ple, darkmatter annihilationcan ionizeandheatthe photon- cles. Sinceourmethodisbasedonaveragevaluesoftheanni- baryonplasmaatrecombination,creatingperturbationsinthe hilationrateinsidehalosandtheirsubhalos,theSommerfeld CosmicMicrowaveBackground(CMB)angularpowerspec- enhancementissimplygivenbythemeanvelocitydispersion trum [13–15]. It can also alter the relic abundance of dark in each halo (subhalo), which is available in the simulation matter significantly [16, 17], and produceimportantµ and andcanbemeasuredaccurately. y typedistortionsoftheCMB[17,18].Alltheseobser−vables The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we out- he−nceconstrainthedegreeto whichthe Sommerfeldmecha- line the formalism to calculate the extragalactic background nismcanenhancethecrosssection. Nevertheless,itispossi- radiation coming from in situ and up-scattered photons. A bletosatisfyalltheseconstraintsandatthesametimeexplain description of the Sommerfeld enhancementmodel we used thepositronexcessmeasuredbyPAMELA[19]. and its implementationis given in Section III. The observa- tionalupperlimitsandmainresultsofourworkonthecosmic Anadditionalsetofobservationswiththepotentialtocon- backgroundradiationarepresentedinSectionIV. Finallywe straintheannihilationcrosssectioncancomefromtheanaly- presentasummaryandconclusionsinSectionV. sisoftheextragalacticbackgroundradiationatmultiplewave- lengths. The annihilation of WIMPs can manifestitself as a cosmicbackgroundradiationwithgamma-rayphotonsbeing II. ANNIHILATIONRADIATIONFORMALISM producedpromptlyinallextragalacticsourceswithhighdark matter density [20–28]. This gamma-ray radiation is com- plemented towards lower energies by a diffuse extragalactic Our goal is to analyze the cosmic dark matter annihila- backgroundinphotonsthatwerenotproduceddirectlyinthe tion background (CDMAB), or more specifically, the radia- annihilationbutgainedenergyviainverseComptonscattering tionproducedbydarkmatterannihilationinallextragalactic offtheenergeticelectronsandpositronsproducedduringthe sourcesintegratedoverallredshiftsalongtheline-of-sightof annihilation[29–31]. a fiducialobserver,locatedat z = 0, foralldirectionson its two-dimensionalfullsky.Tothisend,wefirstdefinethelocal The data collected by several telescopes over the last photonemissivity: decadeshavegivenusameasurementoftheextragalacticra- diationbackgroundfromsoftX-raystohardgamma-rays(e.g. f dN σv [32]). Inthisbroadenergyrange,mostoftheradiationisex- = WIMPEρ (~x)2S(σ (~x)), f = h i0 E 2 χ vel WIMP dE m2 pectedtobeproducedbyastrophysicalmechanismsdifferent χ (1) from dark matter annihilation. This has been partially con- wherem andρ arethemassanddensityofWIMPs, σv firmedbyaccountingfortheradiationofknownsourcesand χ χ h i0 isthethermallyaveragedproductoftheconstants-waveanni- by estimating the contribution of an expected population of hilationcrosssectionandthevelocityintheabsenceofSom- sourcesyettobeobserved.Thiscombinedsetofobservations merfeldenhancement,and dN/dE is the differentialphoton andexpectationsputsstrongconstraintsonthecontributionof yieldperannihilation.Thevelocitydispersiondependentfac- darkmatterannihilation,beingspeciallystringentinthesoft- tor S(σ ) booststhe value of σv througha Sommerfeld X-ray regime where 90% of the emission comes from X- vel h i0 ∼ mechanism(seesectionIII). Wenotethatforconsistency,the raypointsources,mostlyActiveGalacticNuclei(AGN)[33], value of σv should also give the correctdark matter relic andonthegamma-rayregimewhereblazarsandstar-forming h i0 density. galaxies are expectedto contribute significantly to the back- TheCDMABisgivenbythespecificintensity,the energy groundradiation,atthelevelof 70%[34,35]. ∼ ofphotonsreceivedperunitarea,time,solidangleandenergy Thehypotheticalbackgroundradiationcomingfrom(orbe- range: ing up-scattered in) all dark matter halos and their subhalos withinourpastlightconehasbeenstudiedbydifferentauthors 1 dr in the pastusing analyticapproachesto modelcosmicstruc- I = 4π E(E0(1+z),z)(1+z)4e−τ(E0,z), (2) tureformation.Anapproachbaseddirectlyonhigh-resolution Z numericalsimulationsishoweverdesirablesince it moreac- wheretheintegralisoverthewholelineofsight,r istheco- curately capturesthe non-linearphase of the evolution, even movingdistanceandE isthephotonenergymeasuredbythe 0 though the simulation imposes a resolution limit for small- observeratz =0. Notethat isevaluatedattheblue-shifted E est structure. It is then possible to construct simulated sky- energy(1+z)E alongtheline-of-sighttocompensateforthe 0 mapsof the backgroundradiationthatgive a more complete cosmologicalredshifting.Theexponentialtermwithaneffec- description of the signal. Such an approach was developed tive opticaldepth τ(E ,z) takes into accountthe absorption 0 in[36]toanalyzetheextragalacticgamma-rayradiationpro- ofphotonsbythematterandradiationfieldalongtheline-of- ducedinsitubyannihilationusingthestate-of-the-artMillen- sight. The relevantprocessesof photonabsorptionand their niumIIsimulation[37].Inthispaper,weextendthisapproach treatmentaredescribedinAppendixB. to include the contribution from CMB photons scattered by Inthiswork,wefocusontwodifferentcontributionstothe theelectronsandpositronsproducedduringannihilation. differential photon yield per annihilation event dN/dE. In 3 thefollowing,wedescribethesecontributionsthatwereferto Thisis becausespatialdiffusionis onlyrelevantatrelatively asinsituandup-scatteredphotons. smallscales,withinafewkpcofthecenterofdarkmatterha- los[38]. However,weareinterestedinacosmologicalback- groundradiationwhere most of the signal in a given area in A. Insituphotons theskycomesfromunresolvedsourcesfaraway,wherespa- tialdiffusionisclearlyirrelevant.Inthiscase,thesteady-state The in-situ photons are directly created due to the anni- solutiontoEq.(3)canbeapproximatedby: hilation process. They are in the gamma-ray energy range dn 1 mχ andare producedbythreemechanisms: (i)continuumemis- e(E ,z) dE′ Q (E ,~x) dE e ≈ b (E ,z) e e e sionfollowingthedecayofneutralpionsproducedduringthe e e ZEe hadronization of the primary annihilation products; (ii) mo- σv ρ (~x) 2 dn˜ noenergetic lines for WIMP annihilation in two-body final = h i0 χ S(σvel(~x)) e(Ee,z). (4) 2 m dE statescontainingphotons;(iii)internalbremsstrahlungwhen (cid:18) χ (cid:19) the final productsof annihilation are charged, leading to the Theenergylossrate,b (E ,z),forelectronsandpositrons e e emission of an additional photon in the final state. Process receivescontributionsfromdifferentinteractionprocesses:IC (i) is dominant at most gamma-ray energies, but processes scatteringwithambientphotons,synchrotronradiationinthe (ii) and (iii) produce distinctive spectral features intrinsic to ambient magnetic field, Coulomb scattering with free elec- theannihilationphenomenon. Thisinsitucontributiontothe trons,ionizationofatomsandbremsstrahlungradiationinin- CDMAB has been studied in detail before by different au- teractions with the ambient matter field. As we explain in thors. Inthisworkwefollowtheanalysisof[36], extending AppendixA,amongallthesecoolingprocessesweonlycon- theirresultstolowerenergiesasdescribedbelow. siderthefirstonesinceitdominatesthephotonenergyrange weareultimatelyinterestedin.TheenergylossterminEq.(4) ishencegivenbyEq.(A1). B. Up-scatteredphotons We further assume that the electrons and positrons pro- ducedintheannihilationprocessloseenergyandreachequi- Theup-scatteredphotonsoriginateindifferentlyproduced libriuminstantaneously(inacosmologicaltimeframe),scat- backgroundphotonsthatgainenergyduetotheirinteractions teringtheCMBphotonsatthesameredshiftatwhichthean- withparticlesproducedintheannihilationofdarkmatter. We nihilationtakesplace(e.g. [39]). Theseup-scatteredphotons concentrateexclusivelyonInverseCompton(IC)scatteringas haveadifferentialphotonspectrumgivenby: themechanismcontributingtotheup-scatteringofthesepho- dN dn˜ tons,andontheCMBasthemainphotonbackground.There IC(E,z)= dE e(E ,z)P˜ (E,E ,z), (5) e e IC e dE dE areadditionalbackgrounds,likestellarandinfraredlight,that Z aredominantclosetogalacticdiscsinthecenterofrelatively wheretheICpowerperscatteredphotonenergyis: massive halos. However, most of the CDMAB comes from theintegratedeffectoflowmasshalosandsubhalos(seeAp- P˜ (E,E ,z)=c dE˜ n (E˜,z)σ (E,E ,E˜). (6) IC e CMB KN e pendix C). In these places, the stellar component is rather Z small and the mean number density of starlight and infrared Here,n (E˜,z)dE˜ isthenumberdensityofCMBphotons photonsismuchlowerthanthatoftheCMB. CMB intheenergyrange(E˜,E˜+dE˜)atredshiftz: Electronsandpositronsaretheannihilationbyproductspar- ticipatinginthescattering.Theseparticlesarequiteenergetic 8π E˜2dE˜ andhavethereforeusuallyalargeγ =1/ 1−(v/c)2factor. nCMB(E˜,z)dE˜ = (hc)3exp[E˜/(k T (1+z))] 1, (7) This implies that they can up-scatter low energy photons to B 0 − p significantly higher energies, because of the γ2-dependence where T = 2.725 K is the CMB temperature today, which 0 of the peak energy of up-scattered photons. In this process, increases with redshift like (1 + z)T . Finally, σ is the 0 KN CMB photons increase their energy into the X-ray and low differentialKlein-Nishinacross-sectionforICscattering gamma-rayregimes[29]. Thedifferentialelectron(andpositron)yieldthatisrelevant 3σ m c2 2 σ (E,E ,E˜)= T e G(q,Γ ), (8) fortheICup-scatteringoftheCMBphotonsisfoundbysolv- KN e 4E˜ (cid:18) Ee (cid:19) e ing a diffusionequationthat takes into accountthe diffusion whereσ istheThomsoncross-section,m theelectronmass, andenergylossesoftheseparticles: T e and ∂ dn dn ∂ dn ∂tdEee =∇(cid:20)De∇dEee(cid:21)+ ∂Ee (cid:20)bedEee(cid:21)+Qe, (3) G(q,Γe)= 2qlnq+(1+2q)(1 q)+ (Γeq)2(1−q) , " − 2(1+Γeq) # where dn /dE is the equilibriumelectron spectrum, D = e e e (9) D (E ,~x) is the diffusion coefficient, b = b (E ,~x) is the e e e e e with energy loss term and Q = Q (E ,~x) = /E [77] is the e e e e e sourcefunction. SpatialdiffusionduetoscaEtteringonthein- 4E˜E E Γ = e , q = . (10) homogeneitiesoftheambientmagneticfieldcanbeneglected. e (m c2)2 Γ (E E) e e e − 4 Note thattheKlein-Nishinacross-sectiondependsonthe in- caseschosenabove,anduseEq.(11)togettheaverageanni- creasedenergyoftheup-scatteredphotonE,theenergyofthe hilation boost S(σ ) for each halo. Since we can estimate vel originalCMBphotonE˜,andontheenergyE oftheelectron the change on the values of S and σ for a differ- e max vel,max that does the IC scatter. The limits for the various integrals ent set of parameters, the results we obtain later using these abovearegivenbythekinematicconstraintoftheICscatter- representative cases serve us to analyze the whole range of ingrequiring1/[4(E /(m c2))2]<q <1. possibilities that are expected for a Sommerfeld mechanism e e producedbyaYukawapotential. The Sommerfeld enhancement alters the relic density of III. SOMMERFELDENHANCEMENT dark matter [16, 17]. During freeze-out, while the Sommer- feld enhancement is generally (1), it is not negligible and O Weincludeinouranalysisascenariowheretheannihilation canconsequentlyhavean (1)effectontherelicdensity(re- O isenhancedbytheSommerfeldmechanism(e.g.[10–12,40]), quiring a reduction of the underlyingannihilation cross sec- restrictingittothecasewheretheinteractionbetweenWIMPs tion to compensate). After kinetic decoupling of the dark prior to annihilation is mediated by a scalar boson of mass matter from the radiation bath, the typical velocities of the m through a Yukawa potential with coupling constant α darkmatterparticlesdecreaserapidly: evenfornon-resonant φ c (e.g. [41]). This case encompassesthe largemajority of the (butunsaturated)enhancement,theenhancedannihilationrate modelsthataretypicallyusedintheliteraturetoaccountfor keepspacewiththeuniverse’sexpansion,andforresonanten- theSommerfeldenhancement,includingthemostcommonof hancementthedarkmatterannihilationscanactuallyrecouple thesewhereS 1/σ (theso-called“1/v”boost). Evenin (dependingontherelativetemperaturesoffreeze-out,kinetic vel modelswithne∝arly-degenerateinteractingstatesand/ormulti- decouplingandsaturationoftheenhancement),greatlyreduc- pleforcecarriers,whilethedetailsoftheenhancementdiffer, ingtherelicdensity. Oncetheenhancementsaturates,thean- the general features remain similar. The enhancement satu- nihilationrate no longerkeepspace with the expansionrate, rates at sufficiently low velocities due to the finite range of andthecomovingdensityofdarkmatterremainsfixed. Inall the Yukawa interaction. For certain combinationsof α and cases there is a significant effect on the relic density, and in c m ,resonancesassociatedwithzero-energyboundstatesap- ordertoproducethecorrectabundancetoday,thevalueofthe φ pear [78]. Close to these resonances, the enhancement gets annihilationcross-sectionbeforetheonsetoftheenhancement significantlylargerforlowvelocitiesandscalesas1/σ2 . In needstobesmallerthanforthecasewithoutSommerfelden- vel thiscase,theenhancementalsosaturateseventuallyduetothe hancement. finite lifetime of the states. Regardless of the values of the This result is relevant because it implies that any particle parameters, the boost to the cross-section disappears for ve- physicsmodelwithoutenhancementchosentosatisfytheob- locities comparableto the speed of light. This argumenthas servationalboundsontheabundanceofdarkmatterneedsto often beeninvokedto infer thatthe darkmatter relic density berevisedoncetheenhancementisincludedtotestwhetheror isunaffectedbytheSommerfeldenhancement,butithasbeen notitstillgivesthecorrectrelicdensity. Thefullyconsistent shownrecentlythatthisassumptionisnotcorrect[17]. way to do so is to incorporatethe Sommerfeldenhancement A detailed description of the Sommerfeld model studied intoaBoltzmanncodeandre-sampletheparameterspaceof here has been presented elsewhere (e.g. [12, 41]). For the that particular model to find allowed regions. Here, we fol- purposesof thiswork, we follow the descriptionof[17] and lowasimplerapproach.Accordingto[17],thevalueof σv 0 h i mentionthattheenhancementS(σ )tothes-wavecontribu- shouldbelowerbyafactorbetween1and10comparedtothe vel tiontotheannihilationrateisgivenby: casewithoutenhancementinordertogetthecorrectrelicden- sity.Theprecisereductionfactor,f ,dependsontheintensity Ω σv = σv S(σ ), oftheenhancement:f 0.1nearresonancesandf 0.5 h i h i0 vel Ω ∼ Ω ∼ S(σ )= 1 1S(β)β2e−β2/4σv2el dβ , (11) ospffo-nredsionngafncef.aTcthoerr,ewfoerer,obuyghmlyulttaipkleyiinngtohσacvcio0ubnyttthheeceoffrerec-t vel 2σ3 √π Ω (cid:18) vel Z0 (cid:19) on the relic density. In this way, a model without enhance- mentthatgivesthe correctrelic density with σv willalso whereβ = vrel/cistherelativevelocitybetweentheannihi- givetherightrelicabundancewithSommerfeldhenih0ancement, latingpair[79]. provideditsannihilationcrosssectionintheearlyUniverseis Fordefiniteness,wechoosetwosetsofparametersthatfall chosentobef σv . within currentlyfavoredregionsof the parameterspace (e.g. Ωh i0 [41]): case i) off-resonance: m /m = 5 10−4, α = φ χ c 3 10−2andcaseii)near-resonance:m /m ×=2.98 10−4, φ χ α×= 3 10−2. Theformerisrepresentativeofthes×tandard IV. EXTRAGALACTICCDMAB c × “1/v”boostwithamaximumenhancementS 2000for max σ 10−5. Thelatterisatypicalresonance∼case with The procedure we follow to construct the simulated sky vel,max S 1/σ∼ atintermediatevelocitiesandS 1/σ2 atlow maps of the contribution of dark matter annihilation to the vel∝ocitiesveulptoasaturationS 106 for∝σ vel 6 X-ray and gamma-ray extragalactic background radiation is max vel,max 10−7. ∼ ∼ × essentially an extension of the one discussed in [36]. For a By solving the Schro¨dinger equation for s-wave annihila- detailed description of the map-making technique we used, tion in the non-relativistic limit, we obtain S(β) for the two wehencereferthereadertosection5.1ofthatpaper. 5 AccordingtoEq.(1),thelocalannihilationratedependson thesquareofthelocaldensityofdarkmatter. Forthecompu- tationofthecosmologicalbackgroundfromanN-bodysimu- lation,itismorereliabletouseanalyticallyintegratedquanti- tiesoverwholedarkmatterhalos(basedonscalinglawstested withextremelyhigh-resolutionsimulationsofMW-likehalos [42]) instead of trying to use individual simulation particles directly, which are subject to stronger resolution effects and numericalnoise[36].Usingthismethod,eachpixelinoursky mapsreceivescontributionsofallinterveningresolvedhalos and subhalos along its correspondingpast light cone. Addi- tionally,weaddtheexpectedcontributionofunresolvedstruc- tures down to the dampingscale limit of WIMPs (10−6M⊙, seesections5.2-5.4of[36]). Sinceweareexploringthecase with Sommerfeld enhancement in this paper, the formulae givenin [36] needto be alteredaccordingly. In AppendixC wedescribehowweaccomplishthis. The signal depends of course on the value of the photon yield dN/dE as well, which contains contributions from in situ and up-scattered photons. These are determined by the intrinsicpropertiesofWIMPs. Asanexample,wetakeaneu- tralinowithamainannihilationchannelintob¯b. Inparticular, FIG.1: Photon yieldfor dark matter annihilation intheX-rayand gamma-ray energy range for a∼ 185 GeV neutralino annihilating we use a benchmark point within the minimal supergravity ¯ intobb. Thecontributionsfromin-situandup-scatteredCMBpho- (mSUGRA) framework (model L in Table I of [36]). This tonsareshownwithsolidredandbluelines, respectively. Forref- benchmarkpointhasmχ 185GeVwithannihilationintob¯b erence,thein-situandequilibriumelectronyieldsfromannihilation witha99%branchingrati∼o,and σv 6.2 10−27cm3s−1. areshownwithdashedredandgreenlinesrespectively(theequilib- Itbelongstotheso-called“bulkrhegioin∼”with×inthemSUGRA riumspectrumasdefinedinEq.(4)wasscaledbyafactorof10−16 5-dimensionalparameterspacethatisconsistentwithcurrent toshowitinthesamefigure). Alsoshowninthefigurewithablack constraints on the relic density of neutralinos (if neutralinos dottedlineisthetotalphotonyieldfrombenchmarkmodel1ofTable makeupforalltheobservationallyinferreddarkmatterden- 1,seesectionIVC. sity). We obtain the photon, electronand positronyields for thismodelusingthenumericalcodeDarkSUSY[43,44]with theinterfaceISAJET[45]. mumandminimumvaluesoftheextrapolationforunresolved InFig.1,weshowthefinalphotonyieldspectrumfordark subhalos, which encompassesthe astrophysicaluncertainties matterannihilationintheX-rayandgamma-rayenergyrange in the contributionby low-mass subhalosthat can not be re- fortheexamplejustdescribed.Thecontributionsfrominsitu solvedbytheMillenniumIIsimulation(seeAppendixC).The andup-scatteredCMBphotonsareshownwithsolidredand medium-grayanddark-grayshadedregionsare forthe cases blue lines, respectively. For reference, the in situ and equi- with Sommerfeld enhancement, off- and near-resonance, re- libriumelectron(positron)yieldsfromannihilationareshown spectively. withdashedredandgreenlines,respectively[80]. Themain AccordingtoFig.2,anymodelwithaphotonyieldsimilar bumpandsecondarypeakthatareclearlyshownfortheinsitu to the one we used as an example (see Fig. 1), and with a photonscorrespondtothetwomainmechanismsmentionedin mass 200GeV and σv 6 10−27cm3s−1, couldbe 0 ∼ h i ∼ × section IIA, neutralpiondecayand internalbremsstrahlung, ruled out, depending on how relevant the contribution from respectively. The figure shows clearly that although in this unresolvedhalosandsubhalosis.AnysignificantSommerfeld case the largest photon yield is in the gamma-ray regime, enhancementisclearlyruledoutbyabsolutemeasurementsof there is a significantamountof X-ray radiation producedby thebackgroundinthiscase. IC scatter of the CMB photons. The contribution from up- ItisimportanttonotethattheSommerfeldmechanismisof scatteredCMBphotonsisthedominantfeatureforotherpar- relevanceforneutralinosonlyformasses&TeVinthecaseof ticlephysicsmodels. AsanexampleofthisweshowinFig.1 aminimalSUSYmodellikemSUGRA(e.g.[12,40]). Inthis the total photon yield for one of a set of benchmarkmodels case, the force carriers responsible for the enhancement are thatweuselaterinsectionIVC.Theshapeandnormalization the W and Z gauge bosons [81]. Therefore, boosts of order forthisbenchmarkmodel1(seeTable1)arerepresentativeof 1000or evenlargerare onlypossible forneutralinoswith allthebenchmarkmodelswewilluse. m∼uchhighermassesthanthemodelwehavechosenasanex- Fig.2showsthecontributionfromdarkmatterannihilation ampleinFigs. 1and2. Theneteffectofahigherneutralino to the X-rayandgamma-rayextragalacticbackgroundradia- mass in the inputphoton and positron (electron)spectra is a tionfortheparticularSUSYmodeldescribedabove.Thecase shiftoftheX-rayandgamma-raypeaksshowninthesefigures withoutSommerfeldenhancementisshownwithin thelight- towardshigherenergies. Nevertheless,thedN/dE spectrum gray shaded region. This region is bracketed by the maxi- shown in Fig. 1 is generic for any model with a WIMP an- 6 matesoftheextragalacticemissionattheseenergieshavenot beenpossible[33,53]. Intherange1keV E 200keV, 0 ≤ ≤ theextragalacticX-raybackgroundhasbeenstudiedindetail by satellites such as CHANDRA, SWIFT and INTEGRAL. We take the absolute measurementsobtainedusingthe latter twosatellitesaccordingtotheanalysisof[46](redsymbolsin Fig.2),[47](orangesymbols)and[32](yellowsymbols). At intermediateenergies, 300 keV E 30 MeV, the mea- 0 ≤ ≤ surements come from the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) [49] and COMPTEL [50]. These measurements are shown with green and light blue points, respectively. Finally, ob- servationsbasedonEGRET [51] andrecentlyonFermi[52] have estimated the cosmic background in gamma-rays from 40 MeV to 100 GeV. These estimates are shown with dark blueandpurplesymbols,respectively. The observational data we have described above give a measurementofthetotalextragalacticX-rayandgamma-ray background radiation. Over the full energy range, most of thesignalisexpectedtocomefromphotonsproducedbydif- ferentastrophysicalsourcesinmechanismsthatareunrelated FIG.2: CDMABspectrumincludingin-situandup-scatteredCMB to dark matter annihilation. The contribution from the latter photons (gamma-rays from annihilation and CMB photons up- is likely to be a subdominantcomponent of the total signal, scattered to X-ray energies by electrons and positrons of the an- whichisespeciallytrueatlowerenergies. Upperlimitstothe nihilation) for the cases of no-enhancement (light-gray), enhance- emissionthathavenotbeenaccountedforbyknownsources ment away from a resonance (medium-gray) and near a resonance forE <8keV,havebeenfoundusingCHANDRAdata(red 0 (dark-gray). The upper and lower limitsof each stripebracket the arrows)[33]. Approximatelylessthan10%oftheintegrated uncertainty in the extrapolation of unresolved subhalos in thesim- specificintensityisunresolvedbetween1keV<E <8keV. ulation. All cases are for a model with annihilation mainly into 0 b¯b, mχ ∼ 185 GeV and hσvi0 ∼ 6.2 × 10−27cm3s−1. They sFioornhiasrdexXp-ercatyesd(t1o0ckoemVe≤froEm0C≤o2m0p0tokne-Vth),inmAoscttiovfethGeaelamctiisc- allgiveapproximately thecorrect relicdensity. Observations from Nuclei (AGN). We use the model presented in [48] to put a soft X-rays to gamma-rays are marked with red to violet, follow- ing approximately a rainbow color pattern: red symbols [46], red conservativeupperlimitontheunresolvedcomponentofthe arrows (Chandra, [33]), orange symbols (INTEGRAL, [47]), yel- emissionattheseenergies(yellowarrows)[82]. Themodeling low symbols (SWIFT BAT, [32]), yellow arrows [48], green area intheMeVrangeismoreuncertain.Accordingtosomeanal- (SMM,[49]),lightblue(COMPTEL,[50]),blue(EGRET,[51]),vi- yses,blazarsarethoughttocontributesignificantlytotheradi- olet(Fermi-LAT,[52]),violetarrows[34,35]. Thepointswitherror ation[54],butothersarguefornon-blazarAGNsasthemain bars are absolute measurements with2σ or 1σ errors. The arrows contributorsto the MeV radiation [55]. We will not attempt pointingdownwardsarebestestimateupperlimitsoftheunresolved tomodelthecontributionofthesesourcesduetothiscontro- componentofthesignal,thatis,thesignalthatcannotbeaccounted versy, butwe note thatthe constraintson the contributionof forbyalreadyknownorexpectedsources. darkmatterannihilationtotheMeVbackgroundareexpected to besignificantlylower thanthoseseen in Fig. 2. Recently, the Fermi-LATcollaborationhas estimated the blazar contri- nihilatingmainlyintob¯b. Ifsuchagenericmodelallowsthe bution to the gamma-ray backgroundin the 0.1 100 GeV inclusion of a new scalar boson responsible of the Sommer- − energyrange. Its totalspecific intensity in this energyrange feldenhancement,thentheformalismdescribedinSectionIII (i.e. its integrated flux between these energies) down to the isapplicableandFig.2showstheexpectedlevelofenhance- minimumdetectedsourcefluxis 16%ofthederivedvalue mentoftheCDMABduetothismechanism. ∼ for the cosmic gamma-raybackground[34]. We use the en- The symbols shown in Fig. 2 represent inferences for ergy spectrum given by these authors (see their Table 6 and theextragalacticX-rayandgamma-raybackgroundradiation Fig.20)toaccountfortheblazarcontributionnotingthatthis basedonobservationaldataasdescribedinthefollowing. is a conservativeestimate since undetected sources certainly contribute to the signal, see below. Star forming galaxies are also expected to be a significant source of gamma-rays A. Observations in this energy range. We use the model by [35] to include thiscontribution(seetheirFig.1),whichaccountsfor 53% ∼ We are interested in measurements of the cosmic back- of the total specific intensity. We note that the energy spec- ground radiation in an energy range going from soft X-rays trum of the contribution of star forming galaxies to the cos- to gamma-rays: 0.1 keV E . 100 GeV. Because for mic gamma-ray background (as plotted in Fig. 2, i.e. E I) 0 0 ≤ E < 1 keV the signal is completely dominated by galactic peaks at E 0.3 GeV, dominating over the blazar spec- 0 0 ∼ and local emission that varies with time and position, esti- trum, and drops more steeply towards higher energies than 7 thetotalbackground.AtE &10GeVblazarsdominateover Eq.(2)canbewrittenas: 0 starforminggalaxieswithaspectrumshallowerthantheob- c I(E )= E f (E (1+z∗)) served background. In this way, both populationscombined 0 0 WIMP 0 8π taecncsoiutyntatfoEr ∼ 860%.3 G(∼eV46(E%) of 7th0eGmeeVa)s.uOrevdersptheceifiwchoinle- ρ2χ(~x,z)S(σvel(~x,z))e−τ(E0,z)dz, (12) 0 ∼ 0 ∼ (1+z)3 H(z) 0.1 100GeVenergyrange,theyaccountfor 69%ofthe Z − ∼ totalintegratedflux. Based on this, the correspondingupper whereH(z)istheHubbleparameter[83]. Ingeneral,wedo limits on the contributionfromadditionalsourcesare shown not know the value of z∗, it is model dependent. Neverthe- withvioletarrowsinFig.2. less,wecansafelyapproximatetheupperlimitoftheintegral inEq.(12)byz = 4inthecaseofthelowestX-rayenergies We shouldcommentonthe uncertaintiesassociated to the andbyz = 1forthehighergamma-rayenergies(andvalues contributionofblazarsandstarforminggalaxies. Forthelat- inbetweenforintermediateenergies).Thisisbecause 90% ter,theseareconnectedtothegamma-rayluminosityfunction ∼ ofthesignalisproducedforz <4(z <1)intheformer(lat- ofgalaxieswhichisultimatelyrelatedto thetime-dependent ter) case. The relevantredshiftrangeis significantly smaller global star formation rate density. The possible behaviors at higher energies where photon absorption plays an impor- of the gamma-rayluminosity functionand the most relevant tantrole. Thisapproximationis goodenoughforany model sources of uncertainty in the model (more importantly the with a photon yield spectrum dN/dE similar to the one de- cosmic star formation rate and the normalization given by pictedinFig.1. Moregenerally,foranymodelwithaphoton the inferred gamma-ray luminosity of the Milky-Way) have yield thatis monotonicallydecreasingwith energy,the large been considered by [56] using a similar modeling to that of majorityof the signalat any givenenergywould come from [35]. Theauthorsfindthatstar forminggalaxiesaccountfor relatively low redshifts, since the contribution from higher between 10% to 90% of the EBL measured by FERMI at redshifts would correspondto higher-energy(and hence less E 0.3GeV(seeFig.1of[56])withaspectralshapevery 0 ∼ abundant)initialphotons.Thisistruebecausetheastrophyis- similar to the model we have chosen here. Since the contri- calpartof the specific intensity thatgoesin the integrandof butionfromstarforminggalaxiesisquiteuncertainandsince Eq. (12), excluding the absorption factor, is essentially flat the fiducial model we use lies closer to the upper value of withredshift(see forexampleFig. 1 of[52]). Thus, we can this contribution, we explore below the effects that a lower usetheobservedupperlimitsontheunaccountedcontribution contribution has in our results (see section IVC). If the ob- toI(E ),andthevaluesofthissamequantitypredictedbya servedcountdistributionofblazarsisextrapolatedtozeroflux 0 reference particle physics model to estimate upper limits on then their contribution to the total observed signal between f (E (1+z∗)): 0.1 GeV and 100 GeV is 23( 9)% (including statistical WIMP 0 andsystematicuncertaintie∼s)[34]±. Aswe mentionedbefore, IOBS(E ) f (E (1+z∗)) fREF (E (1+zREF)) 0 , thispercentagedropsto 16( 9)%whenonlysourcesdown WIMP 0 ≤ WIMP 0 IREF(E ) ∼ ± 0 to the minimum flux are considered. At E 0.3 GeV the (13) 0 ∼ minimumcontributionfromblazarsto the measuredspecific where the values associated with the reference model are intensityis 7%(includinguncertainties). Takingthelower given with a superscript REF. The values of z∗ and zREF limits of al∼l these uncertainties into account, star forming are in the interval (0,4) for E 10−5 GeV and in the in- 0 ∼ galaxies and blazars would contribute minimally by 17% terval (0,1) for E 10 GeV. By choosing z = 0, so atE 0.3GeV,afactorof5lowerthantheestimate∼weuse fREF is evaluate0d∼at the measured energy raRthEeFr than the 0 ∼ WIMP here. (higher) effective energy of injection, we obtain a conserva- tive constraint, since this function is monotonically decreas- ing with respect to energy. Taking a higher value for z REF will strengthen the bound. By choosing z∗ = 0, we evalu- ate f at the lowest possible energy for the purpose of WIMP comparing to the limit: this is not conservative for models B. Constraintsonparticlephysicsmodels where f is a monotonically falling function of energy, WIMP in the sense that taking a larger z∗ leads to a weaker limit, butsincethe signalis dominatedby the lowestredshifts, the With the procedure we have previously outlined, we can resulting uncertainty is quite small. We denote the upper compare the prediction of any given particle physics model bound on f (E) obtained by setting z∗ = z = 0 with the observational upper limits shown in Fig. 2. The WIMP REF byfMAX (E). modelgivesa photonand a positron (electron)inputspectra WIMP We take as a reference model the example we have used from the annihilation, and our map-makingcode producesa throughoutthetext,andcomputefMAX forthecaseswithout simulatedmapforaprescribedenergy.Afullspectrumcanbe WIMP enhancement,andwithSommerfeldboost,off-resonanceand thenproducedoncemapsatdifferentenergiesareconstructed. near-resonance. The exclusion regions we obtain are shown It is possible however to present robust limits on the part in Fig. 3 with the light-gray,medium-grayand dark-grayre- of the signal that only dependson the intrinsic propertiesof gions, respectively, for these three cases, assuming a min- WIMPs,namelyf inEq.(1).Thiscanbedonebynoting imum extrapolation for the contribution of unresolved sub- WIMP thatthereexistsaredshiftz∗alongtheline-of-sightforwhich structurestothesimulatedmaps. Thedashedlinesshowhow 8 FIG. 3: Limits on the value of fWIMP for dark matter annihila- FIG.4: Constraintsonthelocalvalueofthethermallyaveragedan- tionaccordingtoobservationsofthecosmicX-rayandgamma-ray nihilation cross section (assuming a MB velocity distribution with background radiation. The light-gray, medium-gray and dark-gray σvel = 150kms−1) as afunction of WIMP massfor annihilation areas markexclusion regions for the casewithno Sommerfeld en- intoµ+µ−finalstates.Theseconstraintscomefromobservationsof hancement, off- and near-resonance enhancement, respectively, in thecosmicX-rayandgamma-raybackground radiation. Theviolet the case where the contribution of unresolved substructures to the contourshowsthe2σ bestfitregionofthismodeltothePAMELA signalisminimal. Thedashedlinesshowhowtheseregionsareex- positrondataaspresentedin[52]. Theother linestylesandcolors tended if thiscontribution ismaximal. The area between the limit areasinFig.3. of each shaded region and its corresponding dashed line encom- passes the uncertainty on the contribution of unresolved subhalos. Thesymbolswitherrorbarsinthebottomshowthetheoreticalun- has a very similar shape to the black dotted line shown in certaintyontheconstructionofthisfigurefromFig.2; seetextfor Fig.1,whichisbythewaysharedbyallthebenchmarkmod- details.ThethickmagentalineisfortheSUSYmodelwehaveused as an example: a ∼ 185 GeV neutralino annihilating into b¯b with elswedescribeinsectionIVC. Forthiscase,andformχ > hσvi0=6×10−27cm3s−1. 100 GeV, the up-scattered photons contribute dominantly to the background radiation. Instead of showing constraints on σv we show in Fig. 4 the constraints on σv = 0 H these exclusionlimits are extendedif a maximumextrapola- S(σhvel =i 150kms−1) σv 0,whichisathermalaverhageiovera h i tionistaken. Theright-anddown-wardserrorbarsinthefig- Maxwell-Boltzmann(MB)velocitydistributionwithaveloc- uremarktheuncertaintyinthevaluesofz∗andzREF,respec- itydispersionof150kms−1(5 10−4 c). Thisroughlycor- × tively. Asmentionedbefore,theamplitudeoftheuncertainty respondsto the estimated local dark matter one-dimensional dependsonthevalueoftheobservedenergy,beinglowerfor velocitydispersion. For both cases of Sommerfeldenhance- higher energies. The thick magenta line shows the value of mentweareconsidering:S(σvel =150kms−1) 230.With ∼ f forourreferencecase. thischoice,wecancomparetheconstraintscomingfromthe WIMP The validity of a givenmodelcan be tested directlyusing extragalactic background radiation with the local values of Fig. 3 without the need of computing the CDMAB for this σv that better fit the PAMELA data for an explanation of h i model. KeepinmindthatforthecaseswithSommerfelden- the positronexcessbased solely on darkmatter annihilation. hancement,thevalueof σv inf isthevalueofthes- The violet contourin Fig. 4 shows the 2σ best fit region ac- 0 WIMP waveannihilationcrossshectiionwithoutSommerfeldenhance- cording to [52]. For this particular model with annihilation ment. intoµ+µ−withabranchingratioof100%,theconstraintswe Onceaspecificmodelischosen,dN/dE iscalculatedand find donotfavor an explanationof the PAMELA data based Fig.3canbeusedtoproduceconstraintson σv 0 asafunc- onlyondarkmatterannihilationformχ >260GeV(asimilar tion of WIMP mass. As an example, we takhe aimodel with conclusionwasfoundin[29,52]).AlargesaturatedSommer- annihilationintoleptons,specificallyµ+µ− withabranching feld enhancement (Smax > 2000) essentially rules out this ratio of 100%. Modelssuch as this are typicallyused in the possibility. literaturetoexplaintheanomalousabundanceofpositronsin WenotethatanymodeltestedusingFig.3alsoneedstobe cosmic rays above 10 GeV reported by the PAMELA satel- checked for consistency with the correct relic density. Con- lite[6].WeuseDarkSUSY[43]tocomputetheinsitupositron trary to Fig. 2 that was used to exemplify a case where a (electron)andphotonspectra.Theresultingtotalphotonyield specific model gives the correctdark matter abundance with 9 andwithoutenhancement(recallthatfortheformerwemul- tipliedthevalueof σv withoutenhancementbyafactorf Ω h i toaccomplishthis, seeendofsectionIII), theupperlimiton f inEq.(13)deliberatelydoesnottakethisintoaccount. WIMP In this way, the upper limits on the cases with and without SommerfeldenhancementinFigs.3-4arenotrelatedtoeach otherthroughtheirvaluesof σv . 0 h i C. Benchmarkmodelsfittingthecosmicrayexcesses In addition to the reference µ+µ− model, we investigate benchmarkmodelsrecentlypresentedin[19],whichproduce the correct thermalrelic density, fit the cosmic ray (CR) ex- cesses measured by PAMELA and Fermi, and are currently allowedbyboundsonS fromthecosmicmicrowaveback- max ground. Whereasourpreviousreferencemodelsdemonstrate theeffectofSommerfeldenhancementontheEBLconstraints in a broad class of scenarios, these benchmarks allow us to test specific proposed models, and compare our bounds to those from the cosmic microwave background. The param- FIG.5:RatiooftheobservedboundonfWIMPtothevaluepredicted eterscharacterizingthese modelsare summarizedinTable I; by the model, for each of the six benchmarks in Table I: 1=red, see[19]forfurtherdetails[84]. 2=green, 3=blue, 4=yellow, 5=violet, 6=cyan. Energies where the The benchmarks feature dark matter masses in the 1-1.7 ratioislessthan1areruledout. Forthepurposesofthisfigure,we TeVrange,withnearly-degenerateexcitedstatesδ 0.1 1 assumeminimalcontributionfromunresolvedsubstructure. ∼ − MeVabovethegroundstate. BothSommerfeldenhancement andannihilationtoStandardModelfinalstatesoccurviavec- tormediatorswithmassesm rangingfrom200 900MeV. factorof 7 10. Fig. 5displaystheratiofOBS /fMOD Thesemodelswere chosentoφfitthe CR datawit−h nocontri- forthese∼mode−ls. WithalargercontributionfroWmIMuPnresWolIvMePd butionfromlocalsubstructure,sotheyarenotperfectlycon- substructure,allthebenchmarkscanberuledoutindependent sistentwiththeassumptionsofthiswork. However,theSom- ofastrophysicalcontributionstotheEBL. merfeld enhancement in these models saturates at relatively Thereareseveraleffectsthatcouldamelioratethisconflict, high velocities in order to evade constraints from the CMB, inadditiontothesmallsubstructurecorrectionmentionedal- andthusweexpectthesubstructureboosttothelocallymea- ready.Theuncertaintyontheestimationoff ,asshown WIMP sured CR signals to be only a factor of 1.5 5, based on in Fig. 3, can alleviate the tension slightly (by less than a ∼ − the results of [57]. We neglect this effect in the following factor of 2); a potentially larger effect is the uncertainty in discussion; if the local substructure boost is substantial then the subtraction of astrophysical contributions to the EBL. If these benchmarkswouldalso significantlyoverpredicte+e− ourbestestimateforthecontributionofastrophysicalsources cosmicrays,andarelessinterestingfordirectcomparisonsto is too high (by a factor of up to 5, as discussed previ- ∼ data. ously), then in the case of minimal contribution from unre- Sincethese benchmarkmodelshavelowervaluesofS solved(sub)halosthetensiondiminishessignificantly. Inthis max thantheoff-resonancecaseweconsideredinFig.3, wesim- casehowever,darkmatterannihilationwouldneedtobedom- ply scale-downthe upperlimits of the latter to the appropri- inantlyresponsiblefortheEBLintheenergyrangeobserved ate value of each benchmark model. We note that although byFermi,unlessothereffectsreducethedarkmattersignal. S(σ )doesnothavethesameshapeforthebenchmarkmod- Star forming galaxies dominate the astrophysicalgamma- vel els than for the Yukawa case, the previous approximationis ray background model we have used for 0.3GeV . E . 0 good enough because most of the signal comes from struc- 10GeV, whereas blazars dominate at higher energies. The tures that are already in the saturated regime. In any case, contributionoftheformertothetotalobservedsignalispar- thisapproximationactuallyunderestimatesthesignalfromthe ticularlyimportanttoconstraintheroleofdarkmatterannihi- benchmarkmodelsbecauseS(σ )islargerintheintermedi- lation.Toillustratethis,wetranslatetheconstraintsonf vel WIMP atevelocitydispersionsthanintheYukawacaseforthesame givenin Fig.3toconstraintsonthevalueoftheannihilation valueofS . cross section at saturation by taking the value of σv = max sat h i We find that these benchmarks are in conflict with Fermi S σv asafreeparameterlimitedbytheFermimeasure- max 0 h i measurementsin the energyrange 0.3 20 GeV, even in mentsand the astrophysicalbackground. Fig. 6 shows these the case of minimal contribution fr∼om un−resolved substruc- constraintsasafunctionoffFermi(E >0.1GeV),thecontri- SF ture,ifthecurrentbestestimatesofcontributionsfromblazars butionofstarforminggalaxiestotheobservedintegratedflux andstar-forminggalaxiestotheEBLaresubtractedfromthe between0.1GeVand100GeV.Weshowtheconstraintsonly data. TheconflictismaximalatE 300MeV,whereitisa for the case of minimalcontributionof unresolvedsubhalos. ∼ 10 Benchmarkno. AnnihilationChannel mφ(MeV) mχ(TeV) αc δ(MeV) 3×1S0m−a2x6hcσmv3i0s−1 1 1:1:2e± :µ± :π± 900 1.68 0.04067 0.15 530 2 1:1:2e± :µ± :π± 900 1.52 0.03725 1.34 360 3 1:1:1e± :µ± :π± 580 1.55 0.03523 1.49 437 4 1:1:1e± :µ± :π± 580 1.20 0.03054 1.00 374 5 1:1e± :µ± 350 1.33 0.02643 1.10 339 6 e±only 200 1.00 0.01622 0.70 171 TABLEI:Particlephysicsparametersandsaturatedannihilationcrosssectionsforbenchmarkpoints. Thesixbenchmarkmodelsappearwiththesamecolorsasin Fig.5. Asareference,thevaluesof σv thatfitthecosmic sat h i rayexcessesforthesemodelsaremarkedwitharrowsnextto the verticalaxison the rightside. The other two modelswe have used throughoutthe paper are also included in the fig- ure: m = 185GeVannihilatingintob¯b(magentaline)and χ m = 1.5TeV annihilatingintoµ+µ− (blackline). Forthe χ benchmark models and for the µ+µ− model, the constraint on σv decreasesrapidlywithfFermi(E > 0.1GeV),be- h isat SF cause these modelsare constrainedat E 0.3 GeV where 0 ∼ the contribution from star forming galaxies peaks. Even as- sumingonlya5%contributionofstarforminggalaxies(recall thatwehaveused53%asafiducialvalue),theconstraintson σv stillexcludethevaluesneededbythesemodelstofit sat htheciosmicrayexcesses.Theb¯bmodelismoreindependentof the star formingcontributionsince this model is constrained atE 10GeV,whereblazarsdominate. 0 ∼ Wewouldliketomentionthatthemodelwehaveusedtoin- cludethecontributionfromstarforminggalaxiesassumesthat theMilky-Waygamma-rayspecificintensityhasapowerlaw energyspectrumwithanexponentof 2.7forE 0.6GeV FIG. 6: Constraints to the annihilation cross section at saturation − ≥ [35], which seems to be too steep at high energies accord- as a function of the contribution from star forming galaxies to the ingtotherecentanalysisoftheFermi-LATcollaborationthat observedintegratedfluxbetween0.1GeVand100GeVasmeasured points to an exponent close to 2.5 for E 10 GeV (see byFermi.Thevaluesabovethelinesareexcluded.Wehavetakenthe − ≥ Table I and Fig. 3 of [58]). Assuming a shallower spectrum modelgivenin[35]togetthespectralshapeofthiscontribution.We fortheMilky-Waygamma-rayspecificintensitywouldresult showthesixbenchmarkmodelsofTable1,settinghσvisatasafree in a contribution of star forminggalaxies to the EBL with a parameter,withthesamecolorsasinFig.5. Thesmallarrowsnext totheverticalaxisontherightsidemarkthecorresponding values shallowerspectrumaswell,makingitmorerelevantathigher energiesthatitisinthemodelwehaveusedinthiswork,and ofhσvisat forthesebenchmarksasgiveninTable1. Wealsoshow theresultsfor amodel withannihilation intoµ+µ− andamassof slightlystrengtheningthederivedconstraintsinFigs.2,3and 1.5TeV(blackline),andthemodelweusedasreferenceinFigs.1- 5athighenergies.Nevertheless,themostrelevantuncertainty 3: a 185 GeV neutralino annihilating into b¯b (magenta line). As istheoverallcontributionofstarforminggalaxiesdiscussedin inFig.5wehaveassumedaminimalcontributionfromunresolved thepreviousparagraphandwhoseeffectsareshowninFig.6. substructures. Blazarsareassumedtocontributebyafixedamount We haveassumedalow-masscutoffof10−6 M⊙: kinetic (16%)intheenergyrangemeasuredbyFermi[34]. decoupling can occur quite late in models of this type [59], leadingtoahighercutoffofupto0.1 1M⊙[60]. However, we estimate that a changeof five ord−ersof magnitudein the ence between those profiles modifies the gamma-ray signal low-masscutoffwillaffectthefinalresultbyafactorofonly by roughly an order of magnitude. The presence of signif- 2 6,andthehighendofthisrangewillonlybeattainedfor icant dark matter self-interactions and nearly-degenerateex- no−n-minimal contributions from unresolved (sub)halos (i.e., cited states in models of this type can lead to disruption of scenarios that are presently in conflict with even the unsub- low-masshalosandthedepletionofcentraldensitycusps(see stracted data, for these benchmark models). If the slope we e.g.[61,62]andreferencestherein);whiletheseeffectscould have assumed for the central density profile of the halos is potentiallyreducethetensionwiththeEBLdata,theirinclu- steeperthanreality,thiscouldalsoaffectourlimitsbyafac- sionisbeyondthescopeofourcurrentanalysis. torofafew:theNFWprofilewehavechosenliesbetweenthe WethereforeseethatinaCDMscenario,inthecontextof MooreandBurkertprofilesconsideredby[29],andthediffer- currentstructureformationmodels,theEBLcanrobustlyact

spectra measured by PAMELA and Fermi without any contribution from the PAMELA satellite based only on dark matter annihilation in the smooth
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