ACCLAIM FOR THE COSMIC VIEW OF ALBERT EINSTEIN Periodically throughout human history individuals have appeared whose insight and imagination change our understanding in a way that can only be called revolutionary. Einstein revolutionized our scientific understanding of space and time with his use of “thought experiments”, which particularly intrigue me. These impressive images of the cosmos in which we participate are indeed a fitting accompaniment to this collection of quotations from his work. —His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso 1989 Nobel Peace Laureate The Cosmic View of Albert Einstein is one of the most inspiring books that I have ever seen. The photographs of the stellar constellations, the galaxies and the individual stars literally give me goose pimples. I myself cannot understand the concept of infinity, a notion that has plagued me all my life, and if contemplated too deeply would literally drive me out of human comprehension. The quotes of Albert Einstein interdigitated with the absolute wonders of the universe make the tome a precious and absolutely unique commodity. What a curious and wonderful man was he, full of the compassion of human kindness and sagacity. He is in a way a modern day prophet of the likes of Buddha, Jesus and Gandhi. He knew much but at the same time he recognized that he really knew and understood little about the cosmic puzzle as he stood in wonder before it. —Helen Caldicott M.D. author, co-founder Physicians for Social Responsibility, named by the Smithsonian Institute as one of the most influential women of the 20th century The thoughts and experiences of Albert Einstein on religion, existence and morality, as revealed in this magnificent volume, are those of a deeply insightful, moral and intelligent man of the cosmos. It is a vital read for all who wrestle with the greatest questions and dilemmas of our troubled civilization. —Edgar Mitchell, D.Sc. Apollo 14 astronaut, 6th man on the Moon, founder Noetic Institute, author THE COSMIC VIEW OF ALBERT EINSTEIN edited by WALT MARTIN and MAGDA OTT STERLING ETHOS and the distinctive Sterling logo are registered trademarks of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Compilation © 2013 by Walter Martin and Magda Ott Credits for text in "Notes" and photos in "Image Credits." All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission from the publisher. ISBN 978-1-4549-0777-0 Design and production: Susan Welt for gonzalez defino, ny / For information about custom editions, special sales, and premium and corporate purchases, please contact Sterling Special Sales at 800–805–5489 or [email protected]. 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 In memory of Dr. James Van Allen, who never lost a holy curiosity Contents Foreword Albert Einstein's Legacy PART I Cosmic Religion Beginnings The Meaning of Life Self-Portrait The World As I See It PART II Religion and Science Morality and Values Moral Decay Christianity and Judaism God Prayer Mysticism PART III The Individual Morals and Emotions Of Wealth PART IV The Menace of Mass Destruction World Peace Science and Religion Science and Society Art and Creativity Imagination Curiosity Nature Eternal Mystery The Goal of Human Existence My Credo The Religious Spirit of Science Afterword: We Have Survived Fifty Years Peace Resources Acknowledgments Notes Bibliography Image Credits THE TRIFID NEBULA Resembling a whimsical character out of Alice in Wonderland, this Hubble Space Telescope image actually reveals a stellar nursery being torn apart by radiation from a nearby, massive star. Located about 9,000 light-years from Earth, the Trifid resides in the constellation Sagittarius. T his is a beautiful book. But it is far more than that. It presents a wealth of splendid images of the wonders of nature, in their infinite complexity and enormous dimensions. These images challenge the reader to share in the fruits of modern astronomy and to grapple with their humanistic significance. The editors’ perceptive quotations from the writings of Albert Einstein respond to that challenge. Einstein’s thoughts guide the reader to a profound appreciation of our universe and to belief in a Divine and Omniscient Power. James A. Van Allen discoverer of the radiation belt around the Earth (called the Van Allen belt) that creates the polar auroras