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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000(0000) Printed11December 2013 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) The Cosmic Mach Number: Comparison from Observations, Numerical Simulations and Nonlinear Predictions Shankar Agarwal(cid:63)& Hume A. Feldman† Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA. emails: (cid:63)[email protected]; †[email protected] 3 1 0 2 n ABSTRACT a J We calculate the cosmic Mach number M – the ratio of the bulk flow of the 6 velocity field on scale R to the velocity dispersion within regions of scale R. M is effectivelyameasureoftheratiooflarge-scaletosmall-scalepowerandcanbeauseful ] tool to constrain the cosmological parameter space. Using a compilation of existing O peculiarvelocitysurveys,wecalculateM andcompareittothatestimatedfrommock C cataloguesextractedfromtheLasDamas(aΛCDMcosmology)numericalsimulations. . We find agreement with expectations for the LasDamas cosmology at ∼ 1.5σ CL. h We also show that our Mach estimates for the mocks are not biased by selection p function effects. To achieve this, we extract dense and nearly-isotropic distributions - o using Gaussian selection functions with the same width as the characteristic depth r of the real surveys, and show that the Mach numbers estimated from the mocks are t s very similar to the values based on Gaussian profiles of the corresponding widths. We a discuss the importance of the survey window functions in estimating their effective [ depths. We investigate the nonlinear matter power spectrum interpolator PkANN as 1 an alternative to numerical simulations, in the study of Mach number. v Key words: galaxies: kinematics and dynamics – galaxies: can be readily calculated and compared with its measured 9 statistics – cosmology: observations – cosmology: theory – value from the peculiar velocity field catalogues. However, 3 0 largescalestructureofUniverse–methods:N-bodysimula- comparing theoretical predictions with observations is not 1 tions straightforward: (i) one has to correct for the small-scale . nonlinearitiesinobservationsaswellastakeintoaccountthe 1 factthatobservationsrepresentonlyadiscreetsampleofthe 0 3 1 INTRODUCTION continuous velocity field. This can be remedied by smooth- 1 ing the velocity field on a suitable scale rs (∼ 5h−1Mpc, : Ostriker & Suto (1990) introduced a dimensionless statistic since on larger scales the matter density field is expected v ofthecosmologicalstructure-thecosmicMachnumber,as to be linear), before estimating the quantities u(x ;R) and Xi a way to measure the warmth/coldness of the velocity field σ(x0;R).However,anyresidualnonlinearityinthe0observed on some scale R. Specifically, the Mach number is defined field can still bias the M estimates; (ii) Non-uniform, noisy r a as a ratio and sparse sampling of the peculiar velocity field can lead (cid:18)|u(x ;R)|2(cid:19)1/2 to aliasing of small-scale power onto larger scales. When M(x0;R)≡ σ2(x0 ;R) (1) making comparisons with theory, one has to carefully take 0 intoaccounttheselectionfunctionandthenoiseofthereal whereu(x0;R)isthebulkflow(BF)ofaregionofsizeRcen- dataset.(iii)Peculiarvelocitysurveyshaveonlyline-of-sight teredatx0,andσ(x0;R)isthevelocitydispersionoftheob- velocity information. jectswithinthisregion.Theensembleaverageoverx gives 0 the statistic M(R). Since both |u(x ;R)|2 and σ2(x ;R) Over two decades ago, the statistic M has been inves- 0 0 scale equally by the amplitude of the matter density per- tigated in a series of papers: Ostriker & Suto (1990) used turbation, the statistic M is independent (at least in linear linear theory and Gaussian selection function to show that approximation) of the normalization of the matter power standard Cold Dark Matter (sCDM) model is inconsistent spectrum. (predicts M almost twice the observed value) with obser- In linear theory, given the cosmological parameters, M vations at ∼ 95% CL; Suto, Cen, & Ostriker (1992), using (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 Agarwal & Feldman TophatandGaussianselectionfunctions,studiedthedistri- be defined as butionofM usingN-bodysimulationstoruleoutthesCDM (cid:90) scenario at 99% CL; Strauss, Cen, & Ostriker (1993) took u(x0;R) = dx v(x)F(|x−x0|,R), (2) into account the selection function of real surveys and ex- where F(|x−x |,R) is the filter used to average the veloc- tracted mocks from numerical simulations over a range of 0 ity field v(x) on a characteristic scale R. Although Tophat cosmologies including sCDM and tilted CDM (scalar spec- andGaussianfiltersarethepreferredchoices,F(|x−x |,R) tralindex,n (cid:54)=1)amongothers,torejectthesCDMmodel 0 s can be designed to mimic the selection function of the real at 94% CL. More recently Ma, Ostriker, & Zhao (2012) ex- datasets. This is useful when dealing with datasets whose ploredthepotentialofusingM indistinguishingcosmologi- selection function depends strongly on the position in the calmodels,includingmodifiedgravityandmassiveneutrino sky. In Fourier space, Eq. 2 can be written as cosmologies. Inthispaper,(i)weestimatethecosmicMachnumber (cid:90) u(x ;R) = dk v(k)W(k,R)e−ik·x0, (3) forvariousgalaxypeculiarvelocitydatasets;(ii)weinvesti- 0 gatehowlikelyitistogettheseMachvaluesinaΛCDMuni- where v(k) and W(k,R) are the Fourier transforms of the verse.Toachievethis,westudythestatisticaldistributionof peculiarvelocityfieldv(x)andthefilterF(|x−x |,R),re- the expected Mach number by extracting mocks of the real 0 spectively. cataloguesfromnumericalsimulationsofaΛCDMuniverse. Inlineartheoryofstructureformation,atlowredshifts, WeshowthataΛCDMuniversewith7-yrWMAP typecos- the velocities are related to the matter overdensities via mology is consistent with the Mach observations at ∼1.5σ k CL;(iii)wefurthershowthatourM estimatesforthemocks v(k) = ifH δ(k) , (4) arenotbiasedbytheirselectionfunctions.Towardsthis,we 0 k2 extractdenseandnearlyisotropicdistributionswithaGaus- where H is the present-day Hubble parameter in units of 0 sianprofilef(r)∝e−r2/2R2 withR=10−100h−1Mpc.We km s−1 Mpc−1; δ(k) is the Fourier transform of the over- showthattheMachnumbersestimatedfromthemocksare density field δ(x); the linear growth rate factor f can be verysimilartothevaluesbasedonGaussianprofiles(ofsim- approximated as f = Ω0m.55 (Linder 2005). Thus, the ve- ilar depth R as the mocks); (iv) we use the nonlinear mat- locity power spectrum Pv(k) is proportional to the matter terpowerspectruminterpolationschemePkANN(Agarwal power spectrum P(k) at low redshifts, et al. 2012a) to check if we can avoid N-body simulations P(k) completely and predict M(R) by only using PkANN’s pre- Pv(k) = (H0f)2 k2 . (5) diction for the nonlinear power spectrum. This is crucial Using Eq. 3 and Eq. 5, the mean-squared bulk value of because high-resolution hydrodynamic N-body simulations u(x ;R) can be shown to be arecomputationallyexpensiveandextremelytimeconsum- 0 ing. Exploring parameter space with numerical simulations H2Ω1.1 (cid:90) σ2(R)≡<u2(x ;R)>= 0 m dk P(k)W2(kR), (6) withreasonablecomputingresourcesandtimemightnotbe v 0 2π2 possible.AfulluseofastatisticlikeM canonlyberealized where the average is taken over all spatial positions x . withaprescriptionforthenonlinearmatterpowerspectrum. 0 The squared velocity dispersion within a region of size In Sec. 2 we discuss the cosmic Mach number statis- R centered at x can be similarly defined as tic. In Sec. 3 we describe the numerical simulations we use 0 (cid:90) to extract mock surveys. In Sec. 4 we describe the galaxy σ2(x ;R)= dx |v(x)|2F(|x−x |,R)−|u(x ;R)|2. (7) peculiarvelocitysurveys(Sec.4.1)andtheprocedurewefol- 0 0 0 low to extract the mock catalogues (Sec. 4.2). In Sec. 5 we In Fourier space, the ensamble average of Eq. 7 over x 0 review the maximum likelihood estimate (hereafter MLE) becomes weighting scheme that is commonly used to analyze pecu- liar velocity surveys. In Sec. 6, we show our results for the σ2(R)≡<σ2(x ;R)>= H02Ω1m.1 (cid:90) dk P(k)(cid:0)1−W2(kR)(cid:1). (8) statisticaldistributionoftheMachnumberestimatedusing 0 2π2 variousmockcatalogues.InSec.7,wetesttheperformance Using Eq. 6 and Eq. 8, the cosmic Mach number can now of PkANN - a nonlinear matter power spectrum interpola- be defined as tor, in predicting M(R) for the LasDamas cosmology. The (cid:18)σ2(R)(cid:19)1/2 Machnumberestimatesfromrealsurveysissummarizedin M(R)≡<M2(x ;R)>1/2 = v . (9) 0 σ2(R) Sec. 8. We discuss our results and conclude in Sec. 9. As discussed in literature (Ostriker & Suto 1990; Suto, Cen, & Ostriker 1992; Strauss, Cen, & Ostriker 1993), the cosmicMachnumberisessentiallyameasureoftheshapeof 2 THE COSMIC MACH NUMBER the matter power spectrum: The rms bulk flow σ (R) gets v Given a peculiar velocity field v(x), one can calculate the most of its contribution from scales larger than R, while bulk flow (see Feldman & Watkins 1994, for details), which the velocity dispersion σ(R) is a measure of the magnitude represent the net streaming motion of a region in some di- of velocities on scales smaller than R and gets most con- rection relative to the background Hubble expansion. The tribution from small scales (for more detailed analyses of bulk flow u(x ;R) of a region of size R centered at x can velocity dispersion see also Watkins (1997); Bahcall & Oh 0 0 (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The Cosmic Mach Number 3 (1996); Bahcall et al. (1994)). Furthermore, the statistic M Table 1.Thecosmologicalparametersandthedesignspecifica- isexpectedtobeindependentofthematterpowerspectrum tionsoftheLD-Carmen simulations. normalization–atleastonlargescales,wheretheperturba- tionsarestillwelldescribedbylineartheoryandaffectboth Cosmologicalparameters LD-Carmen σ2(R) and σ2(R) equally. M can be a powerful tool to test v Matterdensity,Ωm 0.25 not only the ΛCDM scenario, but also a wide range of cos- Cosmologicalconstantdensity,ΩΛ 0.75 mologies including models with massive neutrinos. Massive Baryondensity,Ω 0.04 b neutrinossuppressthematterpowerspectruminascalede- Hubbleparameter,h(100kms−1 Mpc−1) 0.7 pendent way, thereby altering the velocity dispersion much Amplitudeofmatterdensityfluctuations,σ8 0.8 moreprominentlythanthebulkflow.MachnumberM pro- Primordialscalarspectralindex,ns 1.0 vides an easy to interpret technique to distinguish between Simulationdesignparameters various cosmological models. Simulationboxsizeonaside(h−1Mpc) 1000 In previous work (Watkins, Feldman, & Hudson 2009; NumberofCDMparticles 11203 Feldman, Watkins, & Hudson 2010; Agarwal, Feldman, & Initialredshift,z 49 Watkins 2012b) we have dealt with peculiar velocity sur- Particlemass,mp (1010 h−1M(cid:12)) 4.938 veys differently. We developed the ‘minimum variance’ for- Gravitationalforcesofteninglength,f(cid:15) (h−1kpc) 53 malism (hereafter MV) to make a clean estimate of the the bulk, shear and the octupole moments of the velocity field as a function of scale using the available peculiar velocity to mimic the radial distribution of the real catalogues (de- data. Higher moments get contribution from progressively scribed in Sec. 4.1), as closely as possible. smaller scales. In this paper, instead of isolating the higher moments (shear, octupole etc.), we simply estimate the ve- locitydispersionσ(R)thatgetscontributionfromallscales 4 PECULIAR VELOCITY CATALOGUES smallerthanR.Ingeneral,theMLEschemeweemployhere attempts to minimize the error given a particular survey. 4.1 Real Catalogues The downside of the MLE formalism is the difficulty to di- rectlycompareresultsfromdifferentsurveys.Sinceeachsur- Weuseacompilationoffivegalaxypeculiarvelocitysurveys vey samples the volume differently and although the large tostudytheMachstatistic.Thiscompilation,whichwelabel scalesignalissimilaracrosssurveys,thesmallscalenoiseis ‘DEEP’, includes 103 Type-Ia Supernovae (SNIa) (Tonry unique.Thatleadstocomplicatedbiasesoraliasingthatare et al. 2003), 70 Spiral Galaxy Culsters (SC) Tully-Fisher survey dependent (see Watkins & Feldman (1995); Hudson (TF) clusters (Giovanelli et al. 1998; Dale et al. 1999a), 56 et al. (2000)). The MV formalism corrects for small scale Streaming Motions of Abell Clusters (SMAC) fundamental aliasingbyusingaminimizationschemethattreatsthevol- plane(FP)clusters(Hudsonetal.1999,2004),50Early-type umeofthesurveysratherthantheparticularwaythesurvey Far galaxies (EFAR) FP clusters (Colless et al. 2001) and samples the volume, thus eliminating aliasing and allowing 15 TF clusters (Willick 1999). In all, the DEEP catalogue for direct comparison between surveys. consists of 294 data points. In Fig. 1, top row, we show the DEEPcatalogue(left-handpanel)anditsradialdistribution (right-hand panel). The bottom row shows a typical mock extractedfromtheLDsimulations.Theproceduretoextract 3 N-BODY SIMULATIONS mocks is described in Sec. 4.2. In order to study the statistical distribution of the cosmic Mach number we extract mock surveys from the 41 numer- 4.2 Mock Catalogues ical realizations of a ΛCDM universe. The N-body simu- lation we use in our analysis is Large Suite of Dark Mat- Inside the N-body simulation box, we first select a point at ter Simulations (LasDamas, hereafter LD) (McBride et al. random.Next,weextractamockrealizationoftherealcata- 2009;McBrideetal.2011inprep1).TheLDsimulationisa loguebyimposingtheconstraintthatthemockshouldhave suite of 41 independent realizations of dark matter N-body asimilarradialdistributiontotherealcatalogue.Wedonot simulations named Carmen and have information at red- constrain the mocks to have the same angular distribution shift z=0.13. Using the Ntropy framework (Gardner et al. as the real catalogue for two reasons: (i) the LD simulation 2007), where bound groups of dark matter particles (halos) boxes are not dense enough to give us mocks that are ex- are identified with a parallel friends-of-friends (FOF) code act replicas of the real catalogue, (ii) the objects in a real (Davisetal.1985).Thecosmologicalparametersandthede- surveyaretypicallyweighteddependingonlyontheirveloc- sign specifications of the LD-Carmen are listed in Table 1. ityerrors.Consequently,eventhoughtherealcatalogueand We extract 100 mock catalogues from each of the 41 itsmockshavesimilarradialprofiles,theirangulardistribu- LD-Carmen boxes, for a total of 4100 mocks. The mocks tion differ considerably, with the mocks having a relatively arerandomlycenteredinsidetheboxes.Theyareextracted featureless angular distribution. To make the mocks more realistic, we impose a 10o latitude zone-of-avoidance cut. Using the angular position {rˆ ,rˆ ,rˆ }, the true radial x y z 1 http://lss.phy.vanderbilt.edu/lasdamas distance ds from the mock center and the peculiar velocity (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 Agarwal & Feldman vector v, we calculate the true line-of-sight peculiar veloc- ity v and the redshift cz = d +v for each mock galaxy s s s DEEP-survey (in km/s). We then perturb the true radial distance d of s the mock galaxy with a velocity error drawn from a Gaus- sian distribution of width equal to the corresponding real galaxy’s velocity error, e. Thus, d = d +δ , where d is p s d p the perturbed radial distance of the mock galaxy (in km/s) andδ isthevelocityerrordrawnfromaGaussianofwidth d e. The mock galaxy’s measured line-of-sight peculiar veloc- ity v is then assigned to be v = cz−d , where cz is the p p p redshift we found above. This procedure ensures that the DEEP-mock weights we assign to the mock galaxies are similar to the weights of the real galaxies. In Fig. 1 we show the angular (leftpanels)andradial(rightpanels)distributionofgalaxies in the DEEP catalogue (top) and its mock (bottom). 5 THE MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATE METHOD Oneofthemostcommonweightingschemeusedintheanal- ysis of the bulk flow is the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) method, obtained from a maximum likelihood anal- ysis introduced by Kaiser (1988). The motion of galaxies is Figure 1. Top row: DEEP catalogue (left) and its radial distri- bution(right).Bottomrow:DEEPmockcatalogue(left)andits modeled as being due to a streaming flow with Gaussian radialdistribution(right). distributedmeasurementuncertainties.Givenapeculiarve- locitysurvey, theMLEestimateof itsbulk flowis obtained from the likelihood function iteratively.SeeStrauss,Cen,&Ostriker(1993)foradiscus- L[ui|{Sn,σn,σ∗}]=(cid:89)n (cid:112)σn21+σ∗2 exp(cid:32)−21(Sσnn2−+rˆσn∗2,iui)2(cid:33), bsiyonaTownheeihgeohffwteecdttoisvueemstdiem(cid:80)patwthenortfhnae/s(cid:80)buervswte-nyfitcoafuntihbaeenrrdaoduσiga∗h.lldyisetsatnimceastredn (10) ofthesurveyobjects,wherew =1/(σ2+σ2).Thisweight- n n ∗ where ˆr is the unit position vector of the nth galaxy; σ n n ingschemehasbeenusedbyMa,Ostriker,&Zhao(2012)in is the measurement uncertainty of the nth galaxy; and σ ∗ their analyses of peculiar velocity datasets. A drawback of is the 1-D velocity dispersion accounting for smaller-scale using weights w =1/(σ2 +σ2) in estimating the depth of n n ∗ motions. The three components of the bulk flow u can be i a survey is that while the weights w take into account the n written as weighted sum of the measured radial peculiar measurement errors σ , they do not make any corrections n velocities of a survey for the survey geometry. A better estimate of the effective (cid:88) depth can be made by looking at the survey window func- u = w S , (11) i i,n n tions W2. Window function gives an idea of the scales that n ij contribute to the bulk flow estimates. Ideally, the window whereS istheradialpeculiarvelocityofthenthgalaxyofa n function should fall quickly to zero for scales smaller than survey;andw istheweightassignedtothisvelocityinthe i,n thatbeingstudied.Thisensuresthatthebulkflowestimates calculationofu .Throughoutthispaper,subscriptsi,j and i are minimally biased from small-scale nonlinearities. k run over the three spacial components of the bulk flow, Armed with the MLE weights w from Eq. 12, the i,n whilesubscriptsmandnrunoverthegalaxies.Maximizing angle-averaged tensor window function W2(k) (equivalent the likelihood given by Eq. 10, gives the three components to W2(kR) of Eq. 6) can be constructedij(for details, see of the bulk flow u with the MLE weights i Feldman, Watkins, & Hudson 2010) as wi,n =(cid:88)j=31A−ij1σn2rˆn+,jσ∗2, (12) Wi2j(k) = m(cid:88),nwi,mwj,n(cid:90) d42πkˆ(cid:16)ˆrm·kˆ(cid:17)(cid:16)ˆrn·kˆ(cid:17) (14) where ×exp(cid:16)ik kˆ·(r −r )(cid:17). m n A =(cid:88) rˆn,irˆn,j . (13) ij n σn2 +σ∗2 thebTuhlkefldoiawgocnoamlpeolenmenetnstsuW.Ti2ihaerewtihnedowwinfduonwctifounncgtiivoenssaonf √ i The 1-D velocity dispersion σ is 1/ 3 of the 3-D ve- ideaofthescalesthatcontributetothebulkflowestimates. ∗ locity dispersion (see Eq. 8) which we aim to ultimately Ideally, the window function should fall quickly to zero for measure. Since the weights w (and u ) are themselves a scales smaller than that being studied. This ensures that i,n i function of σ , we converge on to the MLE estimate for σ the bulk flow estimates are minimally biased from small- ∗ ∗ (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The Cosmic Mach Number 5 nents calculated using MLE weights (see Eq. 12) for the DEEP catalogue. The x,y,z components are dot-dashed, short-dashedandlong-dashedlines,respectively.Alsoshown are the ideal window functions IW2 (see Eq. 17) for scales ij R=10−40h−1Mpc (in 5h−1Mpc increments), the window functions being narrower for larger scales. Comparing the DEEPandtheidealwindowfunctionsgivestheDEEPcat- alogue an effective depth of ∼ R = 35h−1Mpc. We note (cid:80) (cid:80) thattheweightedsum w r / w givestheDEEPcat- n n n alogue a depth of 59 h−1Mpc, an over-estimation by nearly 70%. Estimating the survey depth correctly is crucial when Figure 2. Left Panel: The window functions W2 of the bulk it comes to comparing the survey bulk flow with theoreti- ii flow components calculated using MLE weights for the DEEP cal predictions. One might have a high-quality survey but catalogue. The x,y,z components are dot-dashed, short-dashed a poorly estimated depth which can introduce substantial and long-dashed lines, respectively. The solid lines are the ideal errorswhencomparingwiththeory.Throughoutthispaper, window functions IWi2j for scales R = 10 − 40h−1Mpc (in we define the characteristic depth R of a survey as the one 5h−1Mpc increments), the window functions being narrower for estimated from its window functions. The right-hand panel largerscales.RightPanel:Thewindowfunctionsforasubsetof ofFig.2showsthewindowfunctionsforasubsetofthe4100 the 4100 DEEP mocks (solid lines). The characteristic depth of DEEP mocks (solid lines) extracted from the LD-Carmen theDEEPcatalogueanditsmocksis∼R=35h−1Mpc(dashed simulations. The fact that the mock window functions are line). nearly centered on the ∼ R = 35h−1Mpc ideal window, shows that our procedure for mock extraction works well. scale nonlinearities. See the MLE (Sarkar et al. 2007) and MV(Watkinsetal.2009)windowfunctionsofthebulkflow components for a range of surveys. 6 COSMIC MACH NUMBER STATISTICS Having constructed the survey window functions W2, ii the effective depth of the survey can be defined to be the 6.1 Mach statistics for DEEP mocks oneforwhichW2 isaclosematchtothewindowfunctionfor ii Using the MLE weighting scheme (Sec. 5), we estimated an idealized survey. In order to construct the ideal window the bulk flow moments {u ,u ,u }, the velocity dispersion functions, we first imagine an idealized survey containing x y z σ and the cosmic Mach number M for each of the 4100 radial velocities that well sample the velocity field in a re- DEEPmockrealizations.InFig.3,weshowtheprobability gion. This survey consists of a large number of objects, all distribution for the 4100 DEEP mocks: bulk flow u (left- withzeromeasurementuncertainty.Theradialdistribution hand panel), dispersion σ (middle panel) and the cosmic of this idealized survey is taken to have a Gaussian profile of the form f(r) ∝ e−r2/2R2, where R gives a measure of MachnumberM (right-handpanel).Wefoundtherms bulk flowtobeσ =222±86kms−1withavelocitydispersionof the depth of the survey. This idealized survey has easily in- v σ=511±98kms−1.TogetherthisimpliesM =0.43±0.17 terpretable bulk flow components that are not affected by at1σCL.SincetheDEEPmockshaveacharacteristicdepth small-scale aliasing and which reflect the motion of a well- of R = 35h−1Mpc, we can say that for the LD cosmology, defined volume. the expected Mach number on scales of R = 35h−1Mpc is The MLE weights of an ideal, isotropic survey consist- ing of N(cid:48) exact radial velocities vn(cid:48) measured at randomly M =0.43±0.17. selected positions r(cid:48) are n(cid:48) w(cid:48) =(cid:88)3 A−1rˆn(cid:48)(cid:48),j, (15) 6.2 Mach statistics for Gaussian Realizations i,n(cid:48) ij N(cid:48) InordertofindtheexpectedMachnumberasafunctionof j=1 scale R for the LD cosmology, we went to the same cen- where tral points for each of the 4100 DEEP mocks and com- A = (cid:88)N(cid:48) rˆn(cid:48)(cid:48),irˆn(cid:48)(cid:48),j. (16) putedtheweightedaverageofthevelocitiesofallthegalax- ij N(cid:48) ies in the simulation box, the weighting function being n(cid:48)=1 e−r2/2R2. We repeated this for a range of scales between Similar to Eq. 14, the window functions IWi2j for an R = 10−100h−1Mpc in increments of 5h−1Mpc. We sum- idealized survey of scale R can be constructed as marizetheexpectedvaluesforthebulk,dispersionandMach IWi2j(k;R) = (cid:88)wi(cid:48),m(cid:48)wj(cid:48),n(cid:48)(cid:90) d42πkˆ(cid:16)ˆr(cid:48)m·kˆ(cid:17)(cid:16)ˆr(cid:48)n·kˆ(cid:17)(17) nFuigm.b4e,rwfeorshsocawletsheRex=pe1c0te−d v1a0l0uhe−s1fMorpcthienbTualkb,ledi2sp.eIrn- m,n sionandMachnumber(dashedline)togetherwiththeir1σ ×exp(cid:16)ik kˆ·(r(cid:48) −r(cid:48) )(cid:17). CL intervals. The corresponding values for the 4100 DEEP m n mocksareshownbyasolidcircleatthecharacteristicscale In Fig. 2, left-hand panel, we show the diagonal win- R=35h−1Mpc. dow functions W2 (see Eq. 14) of the bulk flow compo- The expected bulk (σ =234±94 km s−1), dispersion ii v (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 6 Agarwal & Feldman 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 200 400 600 800 1000 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Figure3.Histogramsshowingthenormalizedprobabilitydistributionforthe4100DEEPmocks:bulkflowu(left-handpanel),dispersion σ (middle panel) and the cosmic Mach number M (right-hand panel). We also superimpose the best-fitting Maxwellian (for bulk and Mach) and Gaussian (for dispersion) distributions with the same widths as the corresponding histograms. The rms values and the 1σ CLintervalsarementionedwithineachpanel.TheseresultscorrespondtotheLDcosmology(seeTable1). 600 1 400 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 10 100 Figure4.Therms valuesofthebulkflow(left-handpanel),dispersion(middlepanel)andthecosmicMachnumber(right-handpanel) areplottedasafunctionofscaleR.Ineachpanel,thedashedlinecorrespondstomeasurementsfromtheGaussianrealizations,whereas the shaded region is the 1σ CL interval. The solid circle at R = 35h−1Mpc is the result for the DEEP mocks. The error bar is the statistical variance of the mean calculated from the 4100 DEEP mocks. Linear theory predictions are shown by the solid line. These results correspond to the LD cosmology. The nonlinear contributions to the dispersion are clearly seen in both the center and right panels. (σ = 517±56 km s−1) and Mach number (σ = 0.44±17) Fig.5forarangeofGaussianwidthsR.Forclarity,weonly for Gaussian window with R = 35h−1Mpc are in excel- show scales R=15, 35, 55, 75 and 95h−1Mpc. lentagreementwiththecorrespondingvaluesfortheDEEP mocks. This shows that the DEEP catalogue probes scales As expected, the rms bulk flow (dispersion) is a de- up to ∼ R = 35h−1Mpc, and not R = 59h−1Mpc as one clining (increasing) function of scale R (see Figs. 4 and 5). (cid:80) (cid:80) would have inferred from wnrn/ wn using the weights Thiscanbereadilyunderstoodfromtheidealwindowfunc- wn =1/(σn2 +σ∗2). tions in Fig. 2. Larger scales have narrower window func- tions in Fourier space. Only small scale modes (k ∝ 1/R) Linear theory predictions for the LD cosmology are contribute to the rms bulk flow integral in Eq. 6, resulting shown by the solid lines in Fig. 4. The onset of nonlinear in smaller bulk flow on larger scales. The dispersion inte- growth in structure formation at low redshifts boosts the gral (see Eq. 8) gets most of its contribution from higher velocitydispersion,causinglineartheorytoover-predictthe k−values (k >1/R) and gradually increases with narrower Mach values. windows.SimilarhistogramtrendswerefoundbySuto,Cen, The probability distributions for u, σ and M from the &Ostriker(1992)fromnumericalsimulationsofaCDMuni- Gaussian realizations in the LD simulations are plotted in verse. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The Cosmic Mach Number 7 30 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 200 400 600 800 1000 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Figure 5.ThesameasFig.3,butforGaussianwindowwithR=15h−1Mpc(dotted),R=35h−1Mpc(solid),R=55h−1Mpc(short- dashed), R = 75h−1Mpc (long-dashed) and R = 95h−1Mpc (dot-dashed). For clarity, instead of the histograms, only the best-fitting Maxellian/Gaussian distributions with the same widths as the corresponding histograms are shown. The rms values and the 1σ CL intervalsforR=35h−1Mpcarelistedwithineachpanel,andareingoodagreementwiththecorrespondingvaluesfortheDEEPmocks (showninFig.3).Table2summarizestheresultsforGaussianwidthsR=10−100h−1Mpc. 6.3 Mach statistics for other mocks EAR (Early-type Nearby Galaxies) (da Costa et al. 2000; Bernardi et al. 2002; Wegner et al. 2003), SFI++, SNIa In the following we extend our analysis to include various and SC peculiar velocity surveys. Note that the SC and different peculiar velocity surveys, specifically to show that SNIa surveys are also part of our DEEP compilation. The our results are not dependent on any radial or angular dis- SFI++(SpiralFieldI-band)catalogue(Mastersetal.2006; tributions, nor any distinct morphological types. We com- Springobetal.2007,2009)isthedensestandmostcomplete paredtheGaussianrealizationswithmocks(4100each)cre- peculiarvelocitysurveyoffieldspiralstodate.Weusedata ated to emulate the radial selection function of the SBF from Springob et al. 2009. The sample consists of 2720 TF (Surface Brightness Fluctuations) (Tonry et al. 2001), EN- field galaxies (SFI++f) and 736 groups (SFI++g). Table2.Therms valuesofthebulkflow(2ndcolumn),velocity dispersion (3rd column) and cosmic Mach number (4th column) together with their 1σ CL intervals for Gaussian windows with width R (1st column). These values are calculated for the LD cosmology(fortheLDparameters,seeTable1). √ √ √ R <u2> <σ2> <M2> (h−1Mpc) (kms−1) (kms−1) 10 341±133 379±108 0.85±0.33 15 308±120 433±89 0.68±0.27 20 286±111 464±76 0.59±0.23 25 267±104 487±68 0.53±0.21 30 248±96 504±62 0.48±0.19 35 234±91 517±56 0.44±0.17 40 218±85 526±50 0.41±0.16 45 204±79 535±47 0.38±0.15 50 194±75 541±43 0.35±0.14 55 182±71 547±40 0.33±0.13 60 173±67 551±37 0.31±0.12 65 163±63 556±35 0.29±0.11 70 154±60 560±33 0.27±0.11 75 145±57 562±31 0.26±0.10 80 137±53 565±29 0.24±0.09 85 130±51 567±27 0.23±0.09 90 125±48 569±26 0.22±0.08 95 118±46 571±25 0.21±0.08 100 113±44 572±23 0.20±0.07 (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 8 Agarwal & Feldman Figure6.SimilartoFig.2,fortheSBF,ENEAR,SFI++g,SNIa,SFI++f,DEEPandSCcatalogues(toptobottomrow,respectively). In Fig. 6, left-hand panels, we show the window func- SBFmocksaredeeperthantherealSBFsurveybecausethe tionsW2 ofthebulkflowcomponentsfortheSBF,ENEAR, LDsimulationsarenotdenseenoughtoextractmockswith ii SFI++g, SNIa, SFI++f, DEEP and SC catalogues (top to depths less than ∼ R = 12h−1Mpc. This explains why the bottom row, respectively). The right-hand panels show the SBF window functions for the mocks (see Fig. 6, first row, window functions for a subset of the corresponding mocks. right-hand panel) are narrower than the one for the SBF’s Comparingthewindowfunctionsoftherealcatalogueswith depth of R = 10h−1Mpc. Narrower window functions de- those of the ideal ones (solid lines in the left-hand panels), crease(increase)ourbulkflow(dispersion)estimatesforthe we estimate the characteristic depths of the SBF, ENEAR, SBF mocks. For the SC mocks, the bulk flow (dispersion) SFI++g, SNIa, SFI++f, DEEP and SC catalogues to be getsexcess(suppressed)contributionfromsmallerscalesdue R=10, 19, 20, 23, 30, 35and40h−1Mpc,respectively.The to the extended tails of the window functions (see Fig. 6, window functions for these depths are shown in the right- row seven). The SC catalogue, with only 70 clusters, does hand panels (dashed lines, top to bottom row). nothaveagoodskycoverage.TheDEEPcompilation,how- ever, has a much better sky coverage, and the results (see In Table 3 we summarize the results for the various Fig.7,solidcircle)matchthosefromR=35h−1MpcGaus- surveys (column 1), where the surveys are listed in order of sianmocks.WehaveincludedtheresultsfortheSBFandSC increasing characteristic depth R (column 2) (based on the cataloguestospecificallyshowthatiftheselectionfunction windowfunctionsinFig.6,asdescribedinSec.5).Theerror- weighted depths (cid:80)w r /(cid:80)w , where w = 1/(σ2 +σ2) of the real survey is not properly modeled, the predictions n n n n n ∗ (in our case, based on Gaussian selection function) can be are listed in column 3, and are typically ∼75% larger than misleading. R. For the mock surveys, the expected values for the bulk, dispersion and Mach number and their 1σ CL intervals are summarizedincolumns4−6.Columns7−9arecomputed Forreasonablydenseandwellsampledvelocitysurveys, using the real surveys. The quoted errors are calculated us- likeDEEP,SFI++f,andSFI++g,aclosematchbetweenthe ing the measurement uncertainties σn of the nth galaxy of mockandtheGaussianresultsshowsthattheMachanalysis a survey. Comparing columns 6 and 9, the Mach estimates for such catalogues is not overly sensitive to the selection forallcataloguesagreeat∼1.5σ CLfortheLDcosmology. functionsoftheindividualmocks.Assuch,onecanskipthe SimilartoFig.4,weshowresultsfortheSBF,ENEAR, stepofextractingmockrealizationsoftheobservationsfrom SFI++g,SNIa,SFI++fandSCmocksinFig.7.Exceptfor N-bodysimulations,andsimplyuseMachpredictionsbased the SBF and SC catalogues, the results for the other cata- on Gaussian selection function e−r2/2R2 with R set to the loguesareaclosematchtotheirGaussiancounterparts.Our characteristic depth of the survey being studied. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The Cosmic Mach Number 9 Table3.Peculiarvelocitystatisticsforvarioussurveys(1stcolumn).Foreachsurvey,4100mockswereextractedfromtheLDcosmology (for the LD parameters, see Table 1). The characteristic depth R (2nd column) of the mock catalogues is estimated from the effective width of their window functions shown in Fig. 6. For reference, the error-weighted depth (cid:80)wnrn/(cid:80)wn where wn =1/(σn2 +σ∗2), is listedinthe3rdcolumn.Therms valuesofthebulkflow(4thcolumn),velocitydispersion(5thcolumn)andcosmicMachnumber(6th column)togetherwiththeir1σ CLintervals.Columns7−9correspondtotherealsurveyswiththequotederrorscalculatedusingthe radialdistanceuncertainties. Mocks Real Survey R (cid:80)(cid:80)wwnnrn √<u2> √<σ2> √<M2> u σ M (h−1Mpc) (h−1Mpc) (kms−1) (kms−1) (kms−1) (kms−1) SBF 10 19 322±125 415±100 0.74±0.29 354±66 428±32 0.83±0.15 ENEAR 19 34 262±102 490±104 0.53±0.21 292±46 528±24 0.55±0.09 SFI++g 20 35 280±101 473±66 0.59±0.18 221±57 436±27 0.29±0.08 SNIa 23 42 275±107 465±73 0.58±0.21 430±87 478±47 0.90±0.18 SFI++f 30 52 240±86 510±81 0.47±0.15 320±44 503±22 0.42±0.06 DEEP 35 59 222±86 511±65 0.43±0.17 312±61 446±27 0.70±0.14 SC 40 75 227±88 485±43 0.47±0.15 116±123 520±74 0.22±0.23 600 1 400 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 10 100 Figure 7.SimilartoFig.4,includingresultsfortheSBF(opentriangle),ENEAR(solidtriangle),SFI++g(opensquare),SNIa(solid square),SFI++f(opencircle),DEEP(solidcircle)andSC(cross)mocks.TheDEEPcompilationincludestheSC,SNIa,SMAC,EFAR andWillicksurveys. 7 MOVING BEYOND N-BODY theory.However,forlineartheoryresultstobeapplicable,as SIMULATIONS: MACH PREDICTIONS mentionedinSec.1,oneneedstocorrectforthenonlineari- USING PKANN tiesintheobservedvelocityfield.Anyresidualnonlinearity can still bias the Mach predictions. InSec.6,weshowedthatforvelocitysurveyswithlowcon- tamination from small scales, reasonably accurate predic- In this section, we attempt to predict M(R) using tionsfortheMachnumbercanbemadebyextractingmocks PkANN(Agarwaletal.2012a)–aneuralnetworkinterpola- havingaGaussianradialprofilee−r2/2R2,Rbeingthechar- tionschemetopredictthenonlinearmatterpowerspectrum acteristic depth of the survey being studied. uptok<∼0.9hMpc−1betweenredshiftsz=0−2.Although A further simplification in the Mach analysis one can PkANNaccuracyworsens(startsunder-predictingthenon- hope to achieve is to be able to predict M(R) as a function linear spectrum for k>∼0.9hMpc−1), we do not attempt to ofscaleRwithoutresortingtoN-bodysimulations.Running correctthisbysmoothingthevelocityfieldovertherelevant high-resolution N-body simulations, even in the restricted spatial scale. In Fig. 8, we replace linear theory predictions parameterspacearound7-yrWMAP (Komatsuetal.2011) shown in Fig. 7, with the ones calculated using PkANN central parameters, is beyond present day computing capa- for the LD cosmology. PkANN (solid lines) gives an excel- bilities. It would be much easier and faster to explore the lent match with the N-body results (dashed lines) on all parameter space using a prescription for the matter power scales, showing PkANN can substitute numerical simula- spectrum, and using Eq. 6 and Eq. 8 to predict the cosmic tionsforthepurposeofcalculatingthe Machnumber given Machnumber.Sofar,thishasbeenpossiblebyusinglinear a set of cosmological parameters. Although, we have shown (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 10 Agarwal & Feldman 660000 1 440000 220000 00 2200 4400 6600 8800 110000 20 40 60 80 100 10 100 Figure 8.SimilartoFig.7,butinsteadofshowinglineartheorypredictions,weplotpredictionsbasedonthenonlinearmatterpower spectrumfortheLDcosmologyestimatedusingPkANN. PkANN’s performance for only the LD cosmology, it is ex- full3Dvelocitymeasurements.Theline-of-sightcomponent pected to perform satisfactorily for cosmologies around 7- extends the tails of the survey window functions in k-space yr WMAP central parameters for which PkANN has been (see Grinstein et al. 1987; Kaiser 1988). This is the reason specificallytrained.SeeAgarwaletal.(2012a)fordetailson why in our analysis, we do not use W2(kR) = e−K2R2; in- the parameter space of PkANN’s validity. stead,wecomputetheidealwindowfunctionsusingonlythe line-of-sight information (see Eq. 17). The extended tails of theidealwindowfunctionscanbeseeninFig.6andshould 8 MACH NUMBER ESTIMATES FROM REAL be contrasted against W2(kR)=e−K2R2. CATALOGUES Ma, Ostriker, & Zhao (2012) estimated the character- (cid:80) (cid:80) istic depth of these surveys using w r / w where Ma, Ostriker, & Zhao (2012) measured Mach number for n n n w = 1/(σ2 + σ2). Specifically, they found depths of four peculiar velocity surveys (SBF, ENEAR, SNIa and n n ∗ 16.7, 30.5, 30.7and50.5h−1MpcfortheSBF,ENEAR,SNIa SFI++f ) and found that the ΛCDM model with 7-yr andSFI++f,respectively.However,fromFig.6andTable3 WMAP parametersismildlyconsistentwiththeMachnum- (rows one, two, four and five), we show that these surveys ber estimates for these four surveys at 3σ CL. However, probe scales of ∼ R = 10, 19, 23 and 30h−1Mpc, respec- as the authors mention in their work, their estimates are tively. Using linear theory with Tophat filters, and neglect- based on using linear approximation for the power spec- ing the survey window functions while estimating the effec- trum. Given the fact that at low redshifts structure forma- tivedepths,makesthebulkflow(andanyderived)statistic tion has gone nonlinear on small scales, it is necessary to highly complicated to interpret. considernonlinearitieswhenmakingtheoreticalpredictions. InSec.6.3,weusednumericalsimulationstostudythe Comparing Figs. 7 and 8 (middle panels), one can see that Mach statistic for SBF, ENEAR, SFI++g, SNIa, SFI++f, dispersionissignificantlyboostedbynonlinearities,lowering DEEP and SC mocks. In this section, we calculated the the Mach predictions (third panels) by 1σ level. Mach number using the real catalogues themselves. The Further, they work with Tophat window functions in results are shown in Fig. 9 and summarized in Table 3, theiranalysis.ATophatfilterassumesavolume-limitedsur- columns 7−9. We find the Mach observations lie within vey with a sharp edge in real space. However, the number ∼1.5σ interval for a ΛCDM universe with LD parameters. density of objects sampled in a real survey typically fall at The high uncertainty in the Mach number for the SC cata- large distances. Real surveys thus have a narrower depth logue we attribute to its poor sky coverage. than what a Tophat would suggest. The sharp edge of a Tophat creates both ringing and extended tails in k-space. Sinceitisthesmallscalemodesthataremostcontaminated by nonlinearities at low redshifts, a Tophat filter leads to 9 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS aliasing of small-scale power onto larger scales. As such, a Tophat filter is a poor choice if one wants to isolate the The estimates of bulk flow and dispersion on scale R are contribution from small scales. subjecttoobservationalerrorsstemmingfromtheaccuracy ItisworthmentioningherethatusingaGaussianwin- levels of distance indicators used, and the survey geometry. dow function W2(kR) = e−K2R2 over-damps the high-k Typically, the velocity power spectrum is smoothed using tails associated with a Tophat. The reason being that we Tophat or Gaussian filters, with results depending on the onlyobservetheline-of-sightcomponentofthevelocityfield, exact smoothing procedure used. Often, bulk flow results whereas the equations presented in Sec. 2 are based on the are quoted and inferences drawn about our cosmological (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000

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