XXV European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Turin, Sept. 4-9 2016 1 The core collapse supernova rate from 24 years of data of the Large Volume Detector G. Bruno, A. Molinario INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, via G. Acitelli 22, 67100 Assergi (AQ), Italy W. Fulgione INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, via G. Acitelli 22, 67100 Assergi (AQ), Ital & Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, Strada Osservatorio 20, 10025, Pino Torinese (TO), Italy 7 1 C. Vigorito∗ on behalf of the LVD Collaboration 0 3 Dipartimento di Fisica Universita` di Torino & Istituto Nazionale 2 di Fisica Nucleare, via P. Giuria 1, 10125 Torino (TO), Italy n a The Large VolumeDetector (LVD) at INFNLaboratori Nazionali delGran Sasso, Italy is a 1 kt J liquid scintillator neutrino observatory mainly designed to study low energy neutrinos from Gravi- 4 tational Stellar Collapses (GSC) with 100% efficiency over the entire Galaxy. Here we summarize 2 theresultsofthesearch forsupernovaneutrinoburstsoverthefull dataset lasting from June1992 to May 2016 for a total live time of 8211 days. In the lack of a positive observation, either in ] standalone modeor in coincidencewith otherexperiments,weestablish theupperlimit totherate E of GSC event in theMilky Way: 0.1 year−1 at 90% c.l. H . h I. INTRODUCTION p TABLE I:The ν interaction channels in LVD. o- Gravitational stellar collapses are astrophysical ν interaction channel Eν threshold % r events of great interest. Because of the complexity of 1 ν¯e+p→e++n (1.8 MeV) (88%) st the problem, the modeling of the physical processes 2 νe+12C→12 N+e− (17.3 MeV) (1.5%) [a is still in evolution, but it is in general accepted that 3 ν¯e+12C→12 B+e+ (14.4 MeV) (1.0%) the role of neutrinos is critical to allow the supernova 4 νi +12C→νi+12C∗+γ (15.1 MeV) (2.0%) 1 to formout ofa collapse[1]. The confirmeddetection 5 νi+e− →νi+e− (-) (3.0%) v 5 of the neutrino signalfrom the SN 1987Amarkedthe 6 νe+56Fe→56 Co∗+e− (10. MeV) (3.0%) 6 beginning of a new era in neutrino astrophysics (e.g. 7 ν¯e+56Fe→56 Mn+e+ (12.5 MeV) (0.5%) 7 in[2–4])and,inspiteofsomeunresolvedcontroversies 8 νi +56Fe→νi+56Fe∗+γ (15. MeV) (2.0%) 6 [5]openedthe wayfora new method ofinvestigation: 0 The Neutrino Astronomy. Cross sections of different interactions are obtained 1. All the experiments aiming at the detection of neu- referring to [8] for interaction 1, [9] for interactions 2-4, 0 trinoburstsfromcorecollapsesupernovaehavetoface [10] for interaction 5 and [11] and [12] for interactions 7 the extremely low frequency of this events, one every 6-8. 1 30-50 years [6], which implies the ability to set up v: detectors which last in stable operation several years erationsince1992,June9th afterashortcommission- i with a very high duty cycle. ing phase, its mass increasing from 300 t to its final X one, 1000 t, at time of building phase completion in r a January 2001. Duty cycle and active mass along the II. THE LVD DETECTOR th experiment life, up to 2016, May 27 are shown in Fig. 1. LVD [7], located at the depth of 3600m w.e. in the Neutrinos can be detected in LVD through charged hallA ofthe INFN GranSassoUndergroundLabora- current (CC) and neutral current (NC) interactions tory, consists of an array of 840 scintillator counters, on proton, carbon nuclei and electrons of the liquid 1.5m3 each,viewedfromthetopbythreephotomulti- scintillator (1000 t). Also interactions on iron nul- pliers (PMTs), arrangedin a modular geometry. The cei of the structure (850 t) may give a signal since modularityofthe detectorresultsinadynamic active the byproducts can reach the scintillator and be de- mass Mact and allows dedicated maintenance during tected (see table I). The trigger logic is optimized for running operations. The experiment has been in op- the detection of both products of the inverse beta de- cay (IBD) ν¯ep → e+n, the main neutrino interaction channel in LVD, and is based on the coincidence of the 3 PMTs of each single counter, providing a mean ∗e-mail:[email protected] energy threshold of ≃4 MeV. eConf TBA 2 XXV European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Turin, Sept. 4-9 2016 ) % 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1200 A ( 100 c e t cl 1000 iv y e C 80 M y 800 a t u s s D 60 600 ( t ) 40 300 t Mass Level 400 20 200 0 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 th FIG. 1: Dutycycle (in black) and active mass (in red) as a function of time, updated to May,27 2016. III. SEARCH FOR NEUTRINO BURSTS Tosearchforsupernovaneutrinobursts, weanalize 1 the time series of the selected events, i.e. triggers in the [10-100] MeV energy range (f¯bk = 0.03 Hz), and look for clusters. While to provide the SNEWS, the 0.8 y wonit-hlinaepnroemtwpotrakleorftwruenunsienginntheuetbruinrostdseeatercchtomrset[h1o3d], bilit a 300 t (on-line mode) a fixed time window (20 s) [14], in b0.6 o this analysis (off-line mode) we consider different Pr burst durations up to 100 s as discussed in detail in on [15]. As discussed in [14, 15], the latter method is cti0.4 1 kt e less model dependent than the former at a cost of a et D more complex procedure,which is notfeasible on-line when the clusters selection has to be quite fast. For 0.2 the off-line method the detection probability as a function of the distance of the collapse is shown in Figure 2 for the imitation frequency of 0.01 year−1, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 representingthethresholdforaLVDstandalonealert. Distance [kpc] In both cases the selection is essentially a two-step FIG. 2: LVD detection probability versus source distance process. In the first step, we analyze the entire time fortheimitation frequencyof1/100 y−1 (seetext)forthe seriestosearchforclustersofevents. Therationaleof GSCevents. Thelightbluebandcorrespondstotheactive the search is that every n-th event could be the first mass range between 300 and 1000 t. of a possible neutrino burst. As we do not know a priori the duration of the burst, we consider all clus- ters formed by the n-th event and its successive ones. The duration of each cluster is given by the time dif- didates. To this aim, we associate to each of them ference ∆t between the first event and the last one of (characterisedby multiplicity mi and duration∆ti) a each sequence. The advantage of the described anal- quantity that we call imitation frequency Fimi. This ysis is that it is unbiased with respect to the dura- representsthe frequency with which backgroundfluc- tion of the possible neutrino burst. The second step tuations can produce, by chance, clusters with mul- of the process consists in determining if one or more tiplicity m ≥ mi and duration ∆ti. As shown in among the detected clusters are neutrino bursts can- [15], this quantity, which depends on (mi,∆ti), on eConf TBA XXV European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Turin, Sept. 4-9 2016 3 tation frequency has a double advantage. From the viewpoint of the search for neutrino bursts, it allows usto define a priorithe statisticalsignificanceofeach cluster in terms of frequency. Also, it allows us to 104 monitor the performance of the search algorithm and the stability of the detector as a function of the imi- tation frequency threshold (see [15]). 103 By analyzing the time series of 15167155 events col- s] lected in 8211 days of data-taking with Mact ≥ 300 t ay weget31169916clusterswithmultiplicitymi ≥2and d 1 [m102 ∆ti ≤100 s. -Fi Figure 3 shows the absolute imitation frequency of allclustersasafunctionoftime. Forconvenienceonly 10 clusterswithFim <1day−1 areshown. Itisapparent thatthe occurrenceofclusterswithdifferentFim over 8211 days is quite uniform. 1 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Year IV. CONCLUSIONS FIG.3: AlldetectedclustersatFim <1day−1. Fordetails Noneoftheobservedclusterspassesthe0.01year−1 see thetext. threshold (the purple line in figure 3): 6 clusters (the red dots in the same figure) have a Fim < 1 year−1 the instantaneous background frequency, fbki and on and they have been individually checked in terms of themaximumclusterdurationchosenfortheanalysis, energyspectraandlowenergysignalsthatmaybethe ∆tmax(100 s), can be written as: signatureoftheIBDinteractions. Theyarefullycom- patible with chance coincidence among background Fimi =fb2ki∆tmax X P(k,fbki∆ti) (1) signals. Weconcludethatnoevidenceofneutrinoburstsignal k≥mi−2 isfoundandtakinginto accountthe totallive-time of where P(k,fbki∆ti) is the Poisson probability to have LVD,8211days,we fix the correspondingupper limit k events in the time window ∆ti and being fbki the to the rate of GSC out to 25 kpc of 0.1 per year at background frequency. The introduction of the imi- 90% c.l. A. 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