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TheB loomsbury Companiotno Existeinstmi al Editebdy FelicJiotsye ph, JacRke ynolds and AshleWyo odward BloomsbCuormyp anions B L O O M S B U R Y LONDO • EW DELI-II• NI::\VY ORK • SYD! EY BloomsburAyc ademic An imprinotfB loomsbuPruyb lishiPnige 50B edforSdq uare 1385B roadway London New York WClB 3DP NY 10018 UK USA www.bloomsbury.com Bloomsburiysa regisrteedt radmea rko fB loomsburPyu blishiPnige Firsptu blishiend2 011b yC ontinuum ©FelicJiotsye pJha,c Rke ynoldAss,h leWyo odwarda ndC ontribut2o0r1s1,2, 0 14 FelicJiotsye pJha,c Rke ynoldAss,h leWyo odwarda ndC ontributhoarvse asserttehde irri ghutn dert heC opyrighDte,s ignasn dP atents Act1,9 88t,o b ei dentifaiseA du thoorf t hiwso rk. Allr ighrtess erveNdo. p arotf t hipsu blicatmiaoyn b er eproducoerdt ransmitted ina nyf ormo rb ya nym eanse,l ectroonrim ce chanical, inpchloutdoicnogp ying, recordionrga ,n yi nformatsitoonr aogrer etriesvyaslt emw,i thouptr ior permissiionwn r itifnrgo mt hep ublishers. No responsibfiolrli otsycs a usetdo a nyi ndividourao lr ganizataicotni nogn or refrainfirnogma ctioansa resuolftt he mateirnit ahli psu blication canb ea cceptbeyd B loomsbuArcya demiocr t hea uthor. BritiLsihb rarCya taloguing-in-PublDiactaat ion A catalogrueec orfdo rt hibso oki sa vailafbrloem t heB ritiLsihb rary. elSBN9:7 8-1-4725-6785-7 LibraorfyC ongresCsa taloging-in-PublDiactaat ion A catalroegc orfdo rt hibso oki sa vailafbrleo mt heL ibraorfyC ongress. Typesebty NewgeKnn owledgWeo rks( P)L tdC.h,e nnaiI,n dia Contents Contributors vii 1 Introduction 1 FelicJiotsye pJha,cR ke ynoladnsdA shleWyo odward 2 ExistentiaPlhiesnmo,m enoloagnyd P hilosophMiectahlo d 15 FelicJiotsye apnhd J acRke ynolds ParIt C-urrenRte searcahn dI ssues 37 3 Existentialism, MeatnadpO hnytsoilcosg y 39 ChristOinaonf 4 ExistentiaalnidsP mo litics 62 DaviSdh erman 5 ExistentiaPlsiyscmh,o analyasnidPs s ychotherapy 83 DouglaKsi rsner 6 ExistentiaalnidEs tmh ics 98 DebrnB ergoffen 7 ExistentiaalnidsR me ligion 117 GeorgPea ttison 8 ExistentiaalnidsL mi terature 138 ColiDna vis 9 ExistentiaFleimsimn,i samn dS exuality 155 MarguerLiatC ea ze 10 Existentiaalnidst mh eE motions 175 SuzannLe.C ataldi 11 ExistentiaAluitshme,n ticaintdyt heS elf 198 ChristoMpahcearn n 12 ExistentiaalnidsL ma tiAnm erica 215 RoberDtoom ingToo ledo v Contents PartII - New Directions 239 13 ExistentiaalnidCs omg nitiSvcei ence 241 MichaWehle elaenrd E zequiDeiPl a olo 14 ExistentiaalnidPs oms tstructuralism: SomeU nfashionaObblsee rvations 260 JacRke ynoladnsdA shleWyo odward 15 RecenDte velopmenitnSs c holarsohni Kpe yE xistentialists 282 I.K ierkegaard 282 WilliMacmD onald II.N ietzsche 290 KeitAhn sell-Pearson lllH.e idegger 300 Andrew]M.i tchell IV.S artre 305 PeteGrr atton V. De Beauvoir 310 LaurHae ngehold PartI I-I Resources 323 16 A-Z Glossary 325 17 A ChronoloogfyK eyE ventTse,x tasn dT hinkers 373 18 ResearcRhe sourciensE xistentialism 380 19 AnnotateGdu idet oF urtheRre ading 384 Index 401 vi Contributors Keith Ansell-Pearson is Professor of Philosophy at Warwick University. He is the author of several books, including Nietzsche contra Rousseau (1990), Viroid Life: Perspectives on Nietzsche and the Transhuman Condition (1997), Germinal Life: The Difference and Repetition of Deleuze (1999), Philosophy and the Adventure of the Virtual: Bergson and the Time of Life (2002) and How to Read Nietzsche (2005). He has also edited various books on Nietzsche, Bergson and Deleuze. Debra Bergoffen is Emerita Professor of Philosophy, George Mason University and Bishop Hamilton Lecturer of Philosophy, American University. She is the author of The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Gendered Phenomenologies, Erotic Generosities (1997). Suzanne L. Cataldi is Professor of Philosophy at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. She is author of Emotion, Depth and Flesh, A Study of Sensitive Space – Refl ections on Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy of Embodiment (1993) and co-editor of Merleau-Ponty and Environmental Philosophy: Dwelling on the Landscapes of Thought (2007), along with various articles. Colin Davis is Professor of French at Royal Holloway College, University of London. His most recent books are Scenes of Love and Murder: Renoir, Film and Philosophy (2009) and Critical Excess: Overreading in Derrida, Deleuze, Levinas, Žižek and Cavell (2010). Ezequiel Di Paolo is Ikerbasque Research Professor in Philosophy at the Uni- versity of the Basque Country, Spain, and has recently been a Reader at the Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics, University of Sussex. He is interested in various scientifi c and philosophical aspects of embodied cogni- tive science, including new approaches to artifi cial intelligence, evolutionary robotics and artifi cial life, adaptive behaviour, social cognition and phenom- enology. He is the editor-in-chief of the journal Adaptive Behavior. Peter Gratton is Assistant Professor in Philosophy at University of San Diego, author of The State of Sovereignty: Lessons from the Political Fictions of Modernity (2011) and co-editor of Traversing the Imaginary: Richard Kearney and the Postmod- ern Challenge (2007) and Jean-Luc Nancy and Plural Thinking: Expositions of World, Politics, Art, and Sense (forthcoming). He is working on a manuscript taking up recent philosophical approaches to the world and realism. vii Contributors Laura Hengehold is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland Ohio, USA. She is the author of The Body Problematic: Foucault and Kant on Political Imagination (2007), and many articles on de Beau- voir, Foucault, and feminist and psychoanalytic themes in political philosophy. Felicity Joseph completed her Ph.D. at the University of Melbourne in 2006. Her doctoral research was on the phenomenology of the lived body and explored the philosophies of Husserl, Merleau-Ponty and Marcel, among others. She has tutored and lectured in courses on existentialism and phenomenology at the University of Melbourne and her research interests include embodiment, fem- inist philosophy and the phenomenology of women’s experience. Douglas Kirsner is Professor of Philosophy and Psychoanalytic Studies at Deakin University, and author of The Schizoid World of Jean-Paul Sartre and R. D. Laing (2003) and Unfree Associations: Inside Psychoanalytic Institutes (2009, updated edition). Marguerite La Caze is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Queensland. She has research interests and numerous publications in Euro- pean and feminist philosophy. Her publications include The Analytic Imagi- nary (2002) and Integrity and the Fragile Self, with Damian Cox and Michael Levine (2003) and various articles on Sartre, Derrida, de Beauvoir, Le Doeuff, and others. Christopher Macann is the author of numerous works, including Kant and the Foundations of Metaphysics (1981), Four Phenomenological Philosophers: Husserl, Heide- gger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty (1993), Being and Becoming (2007), Presence and Coinci- dence (1990) and editor of Martin Heidegger: Critical Assessments (4 vols, 1992). William McDonald is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of New England, translator of Kierkegaard’s Prefaces, co-editor of Kierkegaard’s Concepts with Jon Stewart and Steven Emmanuel (forthcoming), and author of various summative pieces on Kierkegaard, including for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Andrew J. Mitchell is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Emory University. He is author of Heidegger among the Sculptors: Body, Space, and the Art of Dwelling (2010) and numerous articles on Heidegger, Nietzsche, Derrida, Joyce and Fass- binder. He is co-translator of Heidegger’s Four Seminars (2003). Christian Onof is Honorary Research Fellow in Philosophy at Birkbeck Col- lege, University of London. He has published on Kant’s ethics and metaphysics (Kant Studien, Kant Yearbook), on Heidegger and Sartre as well as on the nature of consciousness (Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Journal of Mind and Behavior). He is co-founder of the journal Episteme, and on the Editorial Board of viii Contributors Kant Studies Online. He is Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Impe- rial College London. George Pattison is Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity at the University of Oxford and a Canon of Christ Church Cathedral. He is author of Routledge Phi- losophy Guidebook to the Later Heidegger (2000), God and Being: An Enquiry (2011) and several books on Kierkegaard, including The Philosophy of Kierkegaard (2005). He has also translated a selection of Kierkegaard’s upbuilding discourses under the title Kierkegaard’s Spiritual Writings (2010). Jack Reynolds is Senior Lecturer in the Philosophy Department at La Trobe University. He has written four books: Chronopathologies: The Politics of Time in Deleuze, Derrida, Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology (2011), Analytic versus Continental: Arguments on the Methods and Value of Philosophy (2010, with James Chase), Merleau-Ponty and Derrida: Intertwining Embodiment and Alterity (2004) and, most relevant to this companion, Understanding Existentialism (2006). David Sherman is Professor in Philosophy at the University of Montana, and is author of Camus (2009), Sartre and Adorno: The Dialectic of Subjectivity (2007), and co-editor of Reading Negri (forthcoming), The Blackwell Guide to Continental Phi- losophy (2003) and Hegel’s Phenomenology of Self-Consciousness (1999). Roberto Domingo Toledo is currently fi nishing his dissertation in the Depart- ment of Philosophy at Stony Brook University. His fi eld-based project is titled ‘Treating the “Behavior Disorders” of French Ghetto Youth: Technoscientifi c Racism in French Delinquency Prevention Programs’. Specializing in technosci- ence, race studies and Latin American philosophy, he has also published in translation studies, religious studies and disability studies. In 2007, he received the American Philosophical Association’s prize in Latin American thought for his essay, ‘The Authenticity of Indigenous Rebellion in Mexico: Luis Villoro’s Critique of Leopoldo Zea’s Nationalism’. Michael Wheeler is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Stirling. His primary research interests are in philosophy of science (especially cognitive sci- ence, psychology, biology, artifi cial intelligence and artifi cial life) and philoso- phy of mind. He also works on Heidegger, and is particularly interested in developing philosophical ideas at the interface between the analytic and the continental traditions. His book, Reconstructing the Cognitive World: the Next Step, was published in 2005. Ashley Woodward is a member of the Melbourne School of Continental Philoso- phy and an editor of Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy. He is author of Nihil- ism in Postmodernity (2009) and Understanding Nietzscheanism (2011), editor of Interpreting Nietzsche (2011) and co-editor of Sensorium: Aesthetics, Art, Life (2007). ix

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